Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack

Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack
Crest Complete Whitening + Scope Toothpaste, Minty Fresh, 5.4 Ounce Triple Pack

How to prevent caries - supereffective prevention of caries

You probably know that dental caries is a hole in the tooth. But do you know what is the result of dental caries, what happens over time? Do you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a defect in the tooth?
Prevention of caries and gum disease

You probably know that dental caries is a hole in the tooth. But do you know what is the result of dental caries, what happens over time? Do you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a defect in the tooth?

This article explains how the process of tooth decay begins and how it can be stopped or even reversed, as well as effective methods for preventing caries that exist today.

What is going on inside our mouth?

How to prevent caries - supereffective prevention of caries

Our mouth is full of bacteria. Hundreds of different species live on the teeth, gums, tongue and other places in our mouths. Some bacteria are beneficial. But some of them may be harmful, such as those that play a role in the development of caries.

Tooth decay is the result of the vital activity of some microorganisms that feed on sugars from food debris. At the end of this food chain, acids appear. Over time, in an acidic environment and tooth decay appears.

What happens inside our mouths all day?

A fierce battle ensues between the bacteria throughout the day.

On one side of the team is plaque, a sticky, colorless film of bacteria — plus food and beverages containing sugar or starch (for example, milk, bread, cookies, candy, soda, juice, and many others). Whenever we eat or want to drink something that contains sugar or starch, the bacteria use them to make acids. These acids begin to settle on the surface of the tooth, or enamel.

dental plaque prevention

Another team is minerals in our saliva (such as calcium, for example, phosphates) plus fluoride from toothpaste, water, and other sources. This team helps to arrange the "repair" of enamel by replacing the minerals lost during the "acid attack".

Our teeth go through day-to-day this natural process of losing and returning nutrients from the hard tissues of a tooth.
How does caries develop?

When the tooth is exposed to acid frequently - for example, if you eat or drink, especially foods or drinks containing sugar and starches - repeated cycles of acid attacks affect the enamel, which continues to lose minerals. White spot demineralization - the result of this process may appear where useful minerals have been exhausted. This is a sign of early appearance of caries on the teeth.

How caries develops

Caries can be stopped or reversed only at the very beginning of this process! Enamel can regenerate itself with the help of minerals from saliva and fluoride from toothpaste or other sources.
But if the process of washing out microelements from the tooth continues, the enamel is weakened and destroyed, forming a black cavity. Black color says about dead tissue.

caries prevention methods
How can we help the teeth?
Local methods of caries prevention

Brush your teeth regularly!

prevention of caries

Fluoridated toothpaste is important for preventing tooth decay.

Here is what you need to know about cleaning:

Brush your teeth 2 times a day after meals.
Use different toothbrush movements to thoroughly clean all parts of the tooth.
Dental floss

Use dental floss to remove food particles between teeth.

dental floss

Hold the thread correctly

cleaning the upper teeth

Use floss to clean the upper teeth.


Use floss to clean the lower teeth.

Use fluoroprophylaxis

Fluorine is a chemical element that can prevent the development of caries and prevent it from progressing. It can even reverse, or stop the early development of caries.

Fluoride works to protect teeth:

prevents mineral loss in tooth enamel and replaces lost minerals
reduces the ability of bacteria to produce acid

You can get fluoride with:

Drinking fluorinated water from any water source
Cleaning with fluoridated toothpaste
Applying a remineralizing gel or varnish on the surface of the teeth
Fluorine-containing tablets
Fluoride mouthwash
Professional dental treatment at the reception of the dentist

Sealing the tooth with sealant

Sealants are impermeable to microbes structure, covering the chewing surface of the tooth with a thin layer. It is in the fissures, between the chewing tubercles, accumulates the maximum number of pathogens. Such places are the most vulnerable, which serves as a protective sealing fissures. Putting sealant easy and painless. The sealant is a lacquer, which after application quickly hardens and forms a film.
How are sealants applied?

sealant for teeth

Tooth cleaning

tooth cleaning

Carry out the drying of the tooth

home caries prevention

The solution is applied to the tooth, which makes the surface a bit rough.

dental solution

Tooth rinsed and dried.

teeth protection prevention

The sealant is applied in a liquid form - it hardens within a few seconds.

prophylaxis sealant

Sealant in place - performs its function.

The most important reason for applying varnish is to reduce the likelihood of caries formation.

Fluoride in toothpastes and drinking water protects the smooth surfaces of the teeth, but in some cases the teeth need extra protection.
It is very important to monitor your diet and diet.

Your child's diet is important in preventing tooth decay. Every time we eat or drink anything that contains sugar or starches, the bacteria in the mouth use these ingredients for their vital functions and growth, which impairs the level of hygiene in the mouth. Acids begin to erode tooth enamel and the rate of caries formation increases.

Our saliva can help fight this acid attack. But if we often eat during the day - especially food and beverages containing sugar and starches, this leads to regular loss of minerals and develops caries.
About bottled water

Bottled water does not contain enough fluoride to prevent tooth decay. If you only drink bottled water, talk to a dentist or doctor about whether you need extra fluoride in the form of a tablet, varnish or gel.

That is why it is very important to keep track of what and when you eat.
Useful tips on how to prevent tooth decay:

Take breaks between meals. This reduces the number of acid attacks on the teeth and gives the teeth the ability to restore enamel.
Leave candy, cookies, soda and other sweet drinks for special occasions.
Limit fruit juice.
Do not eat or drink food with sugar after brushing your teeth before bedtime. The amount of saliva decreases during sleep. Without sufficient saliva, teeth are less able to restore themselves after an acid attack.

In case braces are present on the teeth, it is recommended to use irrigators to clean the oral cavity. The device, through a special nozzle, delivers ultrafine trickles of water under pressure - as a result, all food debris and soft plaque are washed out.
Risks and prevention of caries

Bacteria are the main cause of caries disease. But some other factors can also contribute to diseases of the teeth and gums. They include other diseases, medications and habits. These factors may increase the risk of the disease or accelerate its development.


In some people, bad teeth and gums are a hereditary feature. But it should be understood that even for very bad teeth need careful care. Even people who are highly prone to periodontal disease can learn to prevent or control the disease with good care of the oral cavity.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease. The longer you smoke and the more you smoke, the higher the risk. If you have periodontal disease, smoking makes it more serious. Smoking is one of the main reasons why periodontal disease is resistant to treatment. Smokers usually have large amounts of tartar and pigmented plaque on their teeth. Often develop deep periodontal pockets, which leads to the impossibility of curing the disease. Unlike many other factors that affect the health of your gums, the decision to smoke or not is under your control. Quitting smoking can play an important role in keeping periodontitis and periodontal disease under control.


Stress can make gum disease worse and more difficult to treat. Stress weakens your body's immune system and makes your gums vulnerable.

Floating hormone levels

Whenever the hormone levels of the body go up and down, changes can occur in the mouth. Puberty and pregnancy may temporarily increase the risk and severity of gum disease. Adverse changes can occur in menopause.


Some types of medicines can cause dry mouth. Examples include some drugs to control depression and high blood pressure.


People with certain diseases have a higher risk of developing periodontal disease and periodontitis. For example, people with diabetes have a higher risk of periodontitis than non-diabetics. Their gum disease can also be more serious. Other diseases that increase the risk of gum disease include inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and HIV infections. Having one of these diseases can make controlling your periodontal disease more difficult. But a good periodontist or dentist who knows these problems can give you advice on how to keep your periodontal health.

Poor nutrition - nutrition is essential for overall good health, including a working immune system and healthy gums and oral cavity. Severe vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) can cause gum bleeding.

8 TIPS FOR PREVENTION Caries & Gum Disease

Brush your teeth twice a day. Pretty simple, isn't it? Do not underestimate the importance. This is a simple step that should never be overlooked. Brushing your teeth in the morning and again in the evening is important to remove plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Thread daily. Your cleaning will not be complete without dental floss. Plaque builds up in these small distances between the teeth and around your gum line, which often leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Cleaning the interdental spaces between the teeth helps to control the health of the oral cavity.
As little as possible sugar. Sweet and starchy foods cause reactions in the mouth, which leads to tooth decay. Sugar reacts with bacteria in saliva to form acid, which destroys your tooth enamel, the outer protective layer of teeth.
Antibacterial fluid. To further improve hygiene, antibacterial mouthwash will be the best helper.
With the help of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel to combat tooth decay.
Brush your tongue. Do not neglect your tongue! Your tongue is fraught with bacteria, so use a toothbrush or tongue scraper to make it clean.
Pay attention to your mouth and gums. When your gums have inflammation or if you see blood while brushing your teeth, this is a sign that you urgently need a dentist. Do not ignore the pain. Contact your partner dentist to make sure that this is not a symptom of something serious.
Visit your dentist every six months. It is vital for the health of your teeth and gums. Do not think that you can miss an appointment, because your teeth look healthy and you have not experienced any pain. The dentist is experienced to see symptoms or signs of trouble that are not yet visible to the human eye. In addition, brushing your teeth removes tartar and plaque that cannot be removed at home.
