Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)
Colgate Sensitive Maximum Strength Whitening Toothpaste - 6 ounce (3 Pack)

How to prevent caries in children?

Caring for the welfare of children, parents often forget how important oral hygiene is. Prevention of dental caries in children should begin as early as possible, it gives a guarantee that the child will have healthy teeth.

What is caries and what are the reasons for its appearance?

Some microorganisms, especially streptococci, colonize on the teeth and form a bacterial plaque. The end product of the metabolism of bacteria is an acid that dissolves tooth enamel and dentin. For the development of caries and the growth of pathogenic bacteria are primarily responsible for poor oral hygiene and food harmful to the teeth, for example, sweet drinks and sweets. In addition, bacteria often enter the baby’s mouth from the mother. This can occur during cooking or feeding, when parents use baby appliances to take samples from cooked food.

The development process of children's caries is dynamic, it is associated with a weaker mineralization of the tissues of milk teeth as compared with permanent ones.

Proper hygiene

Some parents believe that oral care should begin only with the appearance of the first teeth. However, dentists are advised to start nursing from the very first weeks after giving birth, in particular, after feeding, it is recommended to clean the baby’s oral cavity with a soft cotton cloth wound on a finger, and better with Brush-Baby DentalWipes xylitol wipes.

In the first year of life, you should learn to use a toothbrush, first without a paste, and then with a small amount of it. In 3 - 4 years the child is already able to spit out the paste and rinse your mouth. Children need to develop the habit of brushing their teeth twice a day: in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, after dinner. It is better that the first toothbrush be silicone, for example, like the Brush-Baby silicone chewing toothbrush . When the teeth become larger, you can purchase a soft-bristled baby brush, such as a Jordan teether , which will not irritate the baby’s gums and scratch the tooth enamel. When the child grows up you can think about buying an electric brush .


In order to prevent caries, you should not allow the child to be fed from dishes that other people used before. It is important that the mother during the feeding does not try to eat with the children's appliances that the baby eats. This is the most common way of transmitting bacteria responsible for the development of caries.

Proper nutrition

This is an important element of dental prevention, which includes: an appropriate level of mineral components, nutrients and vitamins, as well as rational dosing of sugar and an appropriate consistency of food.

The main mistake of the parents is that the child in the evening or at night, to quench their thirst and calm, instead of water, give sugary drinks. During sleep, the secretion of saliva decreases, so the sugar lingers longer on the surface of the teeth and promotes the growth of bacteria.

Long-term breastfeeding also contributes to the development of caries. Breast milk (as well as mixtures) contains natural sugar - lactose, which adversely affects the health of children's teeth.

For brushing your teeth, you should use only children's toothpastes without fluoride or with a small concentration of it.

Toothbrush replacement

Due to hygienic considerations and mechanical deformations, the toothbrush should be changed every 3 months. The bacteria accumulated on its surface can be dangerous not only for the teeth, but also for the whole organism.

As a preventive measure using the procedure of fluoridation, which strengthens and restores tooth enamel.

It is important to regularly, at least once every 6 months, visit the dentist. This will allow early detection of caries, and start treatment immediately. Caries is easier to prevent than to cure.

Adhering to these rules, you can reduce the risk of developing the disease in children.
