Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Nugenix Total-T - Twin Pack

Nugenix Total-T - Twin Pack
Nugenix Total-T - Twin Pack

How to increase testosterone levels naturally

Hormone testosterone makes men men. Its disadvantage affects the well-being and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to maintain the required level of testosterone in the body, but only in a safe and natural way.

There are many factors that reduce testosterone levels and thereby provoke poor health and depression in men. What are these factors and how to deal with them, read this article.
What is the hormone testosterone in the body of a man?

Testosterone is the main hormone in the male body. It participates in all physiological processes and performs several functions at once:

1. Responsible for the development of the skeleton;
2. Stimulates muscle growth;
3. Forms secondary sexual characteristics - the structure of the body and the physiological features of the male body;
4. Ensures the normal functioning of the genitals;
5. Accelerates cell and tissue renewal;
6. Participates in the metabolism;
7. Stimulates the production of red blood cells - red blood cells;
8. Burns fat and regulates body weight;
9. Maintains a positive attitude.
Why does testosterone fall and what does it lead to?

When a man leads an unhealthy lifestyle - he eats improperly, abuses alcohol, smokes, does not get enough sleep, avoids physical exertion - the level of testosterone drops. And with it, health and quality of life is deteriorating:

• Reduced sexual activity;
• Muscle decreases;
• Reduced strength;
• Fatigue, irritability;
• Depression appears;
• sleep disappears;
• Reduced vitality, there is a rapid fatigue;
• The pulse is increasing;
• Increased sweating;
• Memory and mental activity are deteriorating;
• Loss of ability to concentrate;
• Metabolism slows down and overweight appears.

Lack of male hormone provoke stress, potent drugs - especially those that are addictive. A common cause is chronic diseases: osteoporosis, diabetes, heart and vascular disease.

Overweight in men is a sure sign of a lack of testosterone. In the adipose tissue of the male sex hormone turns into a female - estrogen. The more excess weight, the less testosterone and more female hormones.

From this the conclusion follows: a normal level of testosterone is vital for men. But you need to support it first of all in natural ways, so that the body itself produces the hormone in the right quantity.
When you need to increase testosterone levels

It only makes sense to increase testosterone levels if it is really below normal. Otherwise, no noticeable changes will occur. And if you overdo it, there is a risk, on the contrary, harm the body.

To get the maximum effect, you first need to eliminate the reasons for which decreased testosterone levels, and then compensate for the lack of sex hormone:

1. Get rid of bad habits;
2. Eliminate annoying factors;
3. Try to sleep well.

When the cause is related to the disease and medication, the doctor's advice is necessary.
6 natural ways to increase testosterone levels

If you solve the problem in a complex, it will increase the effect of recovery and prevention of deficiency of the male hormone. Here are 6 recommendations by andrologists how to raise testosterone without artificial stimulants and risk to the body.
1. Start eating right

An effective way to increase testosterone levels is to start eating a healthy and balanced diet. It is necessary to include in the diet products that increase the synthesis of the male hormone:

• Zinc - the main "building material" for testosterone, so you need to eat foods that are rich in zinc: seafood, fish, nuts, seeds.
• Vitamins B, C, E, omega-3, omega-6 - they contain citrus, wild rose, avocado, currant, fish oil.
• Proteins - meat must be included in the men’s menu. Experts have determined experimentally that from 1 to 2 grams of protein is required for 1 kilogram of weight.
• Fats - they make up 20-25% of the calorie intake per day. This is the optimal amount for the correct operation of the endocrine system.
• Complex carbohydrates - their deficiency contributes to the production of the hormone cortisol, which destroys proteins and slows down the synthesis of testosterone. Carbohydrates should be 45% of the daily diet.
• Clean water in large quantities is necessary for the body, especially if you exercise. Drink at least 2 liters per day.
• Fruits and vegetables are a source of fiber, without which the proper functioning of the digestive organs is impossible.
2. Watch for weight

Not all products are beneficial to the male body. Fast carbohydrates in all forms - from sweet pastries to sugary carbonated drinks do not contribute to the synthesis of testosterone, but add extra weight. This category also includes fatty foods - excess fat is stored in reserve and testosterone is replaced with estrogen in it. Proper healthy eating is the first step to getting rid of extra pounds.

Add physical activity to your life - and the process of losing weight will be even more effective. Walk more, climb the stairs instead of the elevator.

And remember: as soon as the excess weight starts to go away, the level of testosterone rises, and with it the well-being and mood.
3. Try to get enough sleep and fully relax

All efforts to raise the level of testosterone will be in vain if the man regularly lack of sleep. After all, the sex hormone is produced during deep sleep. Lack of sleep and insomnia lead to the synthesis of cortisol, a stress hormone that suppresses testosterone synthesis.

To stimulate the synthesis of sex hormones, follow simple rules:

• sleep at least 8 hours;
• Ensure total silence and darkness during sleep;
• Do not drink caffeinated beverages before bedtime;
• To sleep better, take a hot shower overnight.
4. Perform strength exercises three times a week.

The level of male sex hormone increase strength exercises. But here it is important to comply with the measure and correctly choose the load, so as not to get the opposite effect. Training along with a 10-15-minute warm-up should last no more than an hour, because after 45-50 minutes of strength training begins to produce cortisol, a testosterone antagonist. Between workouts, an interval of at least one day is needed - for the muscles to recover.

You need to train large muscles of the back, chest, legs and large groups of muscles. Boom presses, squats, heavy-weight projectiles, body lifts contribute to the active development of sex hormones.

Power load well affects not only hormones, but also mood, weight and endurance.
4. Be sexually active.

Communication with the fair sex and moderate sexual activity increase the synthesis of male sex hormones. But do not abuse sex, otherwise you risk getting the opposite result.

And you can still enhance the effect of communicating with a beautiful girl - go with her to the gym.
6. Avoid stress

Tense rhythm of life provokes stress, and they have a detrimental effect on men's health - the body produces cortisol. Therefore, it is important to avoid stressful situations or learn how to minimize their consequences - master meditation, breathing techniques, and yoga. Any method by which you can calm down, restore energy, and with it the level of testosterone will do.

A good way to relieve emotional tension is to watch a sports program or take a breath of fresh air.

Remember: men's health is easier to maintain than to restore.

As you can see, maintaining a normal testosterone level is not a one-time exercise, but a lifestyle. A man at every step lurks factors that reduce the level of sex hormones - and this affects the health, emotional state and overall quality of life.

To always be in good shape and high spirits, it is necessary that testosterone is produced in the body in a natural way. And for this you need to eat right, watch your weight, have enough time and have enough rest, have regular sex and avoid stress.
