Tuesday, June 25, 2019

New Vitality Ageless Male Testosterone Booster Tablets, 60 Count (Pack of 1)

New Vitality Ageless Male Testosterone Booster Tablets, 60 Count (Pack of 1)
New Vitality Ageless Male Testosterone Booster Tablets, 60 Count (Pack of 1)

How to increase low testosterone : Testosterone: everything a modern woman needs to know

This is a continuation of the material, read the first part here.
Testosterone is one of the sex hormone. In the old manner, it is called "male." This is not quite true.
In the female body, it plays a crucial role by providing:


Increases the level of norepinephrine in the brain, thereby being the strongest antidepressant. Increases self-confidence and motivation.
Supports memory and neuroplasticity.
Ensures the normal operation of the musculoskeletal system (prevents the development of osteoporosis increases muscle mass).
It supports healthy libido (more than 80% of women report a decrease in sexual desire with the arrival of menopause).
Affects the follicle-stimulating hormone responsible for reproduction.

The amount of testosterone produced depends on age. By the time you turn 40, your androgen level will decrease by almost half. Often this condition is confused with depression or is considered a normal consequence of aging.
Despite this, testosterone levels can be restored, thereby improving their overall condition.

Symptoms of low testosterone in women are very diverse:

decrease in sexual desire, lack of interest;
problems with maintaining and building muscle mass, especially in the upper body;
apathy or depressed mood;
problems with losing weight or weight gain (against the background of the usual diet);
chronic fatigue;
thinning or hair loss.

Agree, these symptoms are characteristic for disorders of the thyroid gland. Therefore, correct diagnosis is a serious task for the doctor.

The reasons
Why do women decrease testosterone? For a start, a little anatomy. Testosterone is produced in three organs:
Adrenal glands
Peripheral tissue

A decrease in the production of sex hormones in the ovaries during menopause leads to a decrease in testosterone. Therefore, even if you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and avoid stress, the level of testosterone in your body after menopause will still decrease.
Secondly, these are genetic causes. The forerunner of testosterone is the hormone DHEA. There are a number of genetic defects in which the transition of DHEA to testosterone is difficult.

Other causes of low testosterone
Adrenal insufficiency
Surgical removal of the ovaries
Oral contraceptive use
Early menopause

Low testosterone can be mistakenly considered the body's response to stress or menopause, depression. If, however, you assume that you may suffer from reduced testosterone, you need to take the following steps.

Step one: at the doctor's office to ask for a referral to the analysis of sex hormones.

Step two: pass a blood test. Here, too, is not all easy. Sometimes doctors have difficulty determining testosterone levels. After all, women of childbearing age hormone levels are constantly changing, depending on the cycle. Ideally, take a test for blood testosterone 18-20 days after the onset of menstruation.
As in the case of thyroid function, there is a difference between the “normal” and “optimal” levels of testosterone. It is necessary to measure the level of both total and free testosterone.

Before you start taking any hormonal drugs, ideally, try to increase testosterone in a natural way. Let your kind companions on the way to eternal youth become:
Regular exercise.

Healthy sleep (at least 8 hours a day).
Receiving amino acids arginine, leucine and glutamine, as well as zinc.
A general reduction in calories and an increase in protein in your diet.

If all previous methods did not work, feel free to contact a professional for help.

There are many benefits of testosterone therapy for women:

Recovery of muscle mass and improvement of metabolism.
Increased general metabolism.
Memory improvement.
Increased libido and sexual desire.
More resilient skin and reduced cellulite.

Treatment regimens are varied and very individual. These can be creams, gels, patches and pallets (micro granules, which are injected under the skin and release testosterone gradually). Unfortunately, almost all drugs that exist today on the pharmacological market, as a rule, are made for men and do not always contain the physiological doses of testosterone for women. As a result, a special practice and skill is required from the doctor when prescribing them.
Perhaps the most natural way to increase testosterone levels in a woman’s body is by prescribing the hormone DHEA.

Side effects of over-use of testosterone include:

Facial hair
Fluid retention
Male physiological signs, including baldness and coarseness of voice.

In the practice of one of my doctor’s friends, there was a case when a woman independently and uncontrollably tipped testosterone for herself. As a result of such a “therapy”, after 4 months she had a heart attack on the background of increased blood formation. Agree, not the most pleasant situation.
That is why sensitive professional medical control is required during hormone therapy.
Pregnant and lactating women should not take androgens that can be passed to the baby. Before taking any drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
