Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest Toothpaste 3D White Luxe Glamorous White, 3.5oz (Pack of 4)

Crest Toothpaste 3D White Luxe Glamorous White, 3.5oz (Pack of 4)
Crest Toothpaste 3D White Luxe Glamorous White, 3.5oz (Pack of 4)

Prevention of caries: no chance of disease

Are you an adult and you have all your teeth in your mouth and no fillings? Congratulations, you are in 2% of the world's population. You can successfully lecture on the topic: " How to keep your teeth from caries ." But this disease has taken a shocking scale: 90% of children with milk teeth, 80% of high school graduates have carious cavities, 95-98% of adults have already turned to a dentist for treatment. What kind of disease it is, where it comes from and how to care for your teeth so that there is no caries , we will tell further.
Types of caries: classification by the depth of the destructive process

Caries is so "popular" due to its cunning - it begins unnoticed, gradually leading to the destruction of hard tooth tissues and the appearance of a cavity.

How is caries formed ? The causes of occurrence are very different, but the main one is dental plaque, which changes the acid-base medium on the tooth surface. It is proved that within a few minutes after eating a candy or a piece of cake, the pH of the enamel drops from 6 to 4. Cariogenic bacteria (acid-forming streptococci) multiply rapidly, and the pathological process begins.

In medicine, there are various classifications of this disease. We'll tell you about the most common: all practicing dentists use it and it is understandable even to children.
How to determine caries by stages of development:

Carious spot - the initial stage of the disease. A “chalky” formation appears on the surface of the tooth - this is the first sign of enamel destruction, although nothing hurts yet and the tooth remains smooth. It is easiest to cure caries at this stage. The doctor removes the stain, conducts remineralization of the enamel (treats the tooth with special means) and infiltration-soaking. If you know how to prevent caries , the disease will not return, but more on that - further.
Superficial caries. The tooth reacts to hot / cold and sweet. The enamel in the area of ​​the chalk spot becomes rough. Dental treatment consists of grinding the surface of the tooth and subsequent remineralization. How to deal with caries , when the stain appeared at the junction of the teeth: the affected area will have to be dissected and put a seal.
Caries in the middle stage affects enamel and dentin, a cavity is formed in the tooth, into which food remains are constantly clogged, which accelerates the development of the disease. The destructive effect of caries becomes noticeable and tangible: from time to time there is severe pain. Classical treatment: treatment of the tooth with drugs and filling.
Deep caries. Pain increases with the size of the hole in the tooth. Even accidental touch causes severe pain. How to stop brown at this stage: remove softened tissues, use remineralizing drugs and put a seal.

If untreated teeth are not treated, pulp infection occurs (nerves and vessels inside the tooth), pulpitis, periodontitis develops.
Teeth safe: effective preventive measures

how to protect teeth from caries

After all this, you probably wondered how to protect your teeth from tooth decay . The approach should be systemic, including several directions.

The correct "menu". In the diet must be products that strengthen tooth enamel:
cottage cheese and milk contain calcium; cheese contains a lot of fluorine;
onion rich in phytoncides - excellent protection against caries;
nuts - a “storehouse” of microelements;
sesame seeds have a lot of calcium;
fluorinated soda, water;
solid fruits and vegetables - saturate the body with vitamins and clean the teeth from plaque.

It should be borne in mind that sweet foods rich in carbohydrates, provokes the development of caries.

Diet. Brush your teeth after every meal. In the morning and in the evening, a brush and paste are used for this. How to protect your teeth from caries when you are not at home: it is advisable not to use sweets as separate snacks. If you can not refrain from dessert, use after dental floss or lotion to neutralize the action of cariogenic bacteria.
Prevention of caries at home. To protect your teeth from the appearance of the disease is possible using the following hygiene products :

treatment-and-prophylactic pastes that promote enamel remineralization;
medium hard toothbrushes;
rinse lotions with fluorine compounds (fluoride content should not exceed 250 ppm);
course use of tablets with sodium fluoride.

Our professional experience shows that folk remedies for caries are not able to guarantee reliable protection of teeth.

Visit the dentist.

At least once in 6 months it is necessary to visit the dentist for routine inspection and cleaning. The doctor will tell and show you how to brush your teeth from caries well.

In your power to prevent the occurrence of caries. What you need to do, we told - it's time to act!
