Tuesday, June 25, 2019

FenuTrax? Fenugreek Seed Extract 2 Months Supply | Ultra High-Potency (50%) | Testosterone Support for Men | Muscle Growth, Fat Burning, Energy, and Drive (120 Capsules) | Stronger Than Testofen

FenuTrax? Fenugreek Seed Extract 2 Months Supply | Ultra High-Potency (50%) | Testosterone Support for Men | Muscle Growth, Fat Burning, Energy, and Drive (120 Capsules) | Stronger Than Testofen
FenuTrax? Fenugreek Seed Extract 2 Months Supply | Ultra High-Potency (50%) | Testosterone Support for Men | Muscle Growth, Fat Burning, Energy, and Drive (120 Capsules) | Stronger Than Testofen

Increased testosterone levels in athletes

Every man has heard about the importance of testosterone for his body. But few of them really realize the role of this hormone for the normal life of a man. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the male body.
Testosterone is especially important for people who play sports.

This is due to the fact that testosterone is actively involved in muscle growth, in the activity of an athlete, his strength, as well as in the psychological state of the athlete. But what to do when the body does not produce enough of this hormone? To help him! How? We will tell you what you need to know and how to bring testosterone levels back to normal.
What to consider when increasing testosterone?

Before working on increasing testosterone in the blood, an athlete must consider a number of factors that affect the production of sex hormone:

weight of the athlete. Being overweight is a huge problem for testosterone synthesis. Therefore, if you want to increase testosterone levels, you will have to lose a few extra pounds and go in for sports.
age of the athlete. If an athlete is 35-40 years old or more, testosterone is produced worse by age. Athletes, aged 20-30 years, very rarely have problems with lack of testosterone, as this hormone in young people produces better
class time in the gym. Consider that testosterone levels change throughout the day. In the morning - high, and after dinner - the level of testosterone falls. If you exercise in the evening, it will help increase the percentage of testosterone in the afternoon
level of sports training athlete. People who are not physically prepared for heavy loads will not immediately achieve the result. You will see the first successes only a few weeks later. Athletes in excellent physical condition, to increase the level of testosterone is much easier

10 easy ways to increase testosterone

Training Testosterone and muscle growth are interrelated. There will be no testosterone - there will be no muscle! Remember that the exercises should be focused on heavy loads. In this case, the more approaches you take, the better. Duration of rest - no more than 2 minutes. Training should last more than an hour and occur 4-5 times a week. Testosterone rises immediately after performing heavy physical exercise and the hormone lasts throughout the day.
Cardio load. We agree that cardio exercises are important for the proper functioning of the heart, but with this kind of stress you need to be extremely careful, because they can cause a decrease in the testosterone level in the blood. The optimal number and time of training: 4 times a week for 30-50 minutes.
Foods high in protein. To increase testosterone and muscle growth, eat protein foods: sour-milk products, meat, eggs.
Vegetables and oils. Besides the fact that vegetables have an effect on the growth of muscle tissue, there are products that increase the level of testosterone at times: cabbage (Peking, Brussels, kohlrabi, broccoli and watercress), spinach, greens. Fat types of fish (sea bass, salmon, trout, herring and sardines), as well as rapeseed or olive oil are excellent for raising the level of testosterone.

Testosterone boosters. Today, manufacturers of sports nutrition create a variety of drugs to stimulate the production of testosterone in the blood of an athlete. Such supplements are called testosterone boosters. Conducting a healthy lifestyle, playing sports and eating dietary supplements to raise testosterone, you will bring the level of this hormone back to normal, and this will significantly improve your athletic performance.
Alcohol say “No!” . Alcoholic beverages - not assistants in the development of testosterone! Drinking alcohol dramatically reduces testosterone levels. Especially, beer is the No. 1 enemy for any man! If your body really requires something alcoholic, you can drink a glass of dry red wine. Just do not abuse!
Herbs for the production of testosterone hormone. As you know, in various supplements that increase the potency there are herbs such as ginseng and fenugreek. Not for nothing, because it is decoctions of these herbs that actively contribute to the development of sex hormone in men.
Sleep. This item is very important, because a full and healthy sleep (especially for an athlete) is a guarantee of rest and recovery of muscle tissue, as well as an increase in the amount of testosterone in the athlete’s blood. Night sleep should last at least 8 hours.
We rest. Let's take a break from your workout. Muscles must recover. We would recommend you to relax in the fresh air.
Sex. Sex should be regular, and abstinence, on the contrary, significantly reduces the amount of testosterone in the body of a man.

With the help of our recommendations, you will raise the level of the most important hormone in the body of a man - testosterone.

Especially this should be followed by athletes who are engaged in strength sports, because the muscles directly depend on testosterone, and he - from the muscles of an athlete. Therefore, to gain muscle mass and improve not only your sex life, but also your health, follow our recommendations.
