Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack

Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack
Colgate Total Whitening Toothpaste, 4.8 ounce - 4 pack

How to prevent caries?

Caries is one of the most common diseases. Currently, about 95% of the population suffers to some extent from this disease. Caries affects both healthy and sick teeth, slowly but surely leading to the destruction of a tooth in the absence of proper treatment. Dentists have developed a number of ways to prevent the development of caries or to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence. Consider their recommendations further.
Regular oral care

This is probably the simplest and most effective advice. Often patients themselves are to a large extent responsible for the fact that they have to treat their teeth. Irregular or improper care for the oral cavity is the foundation for the occurrence of diseases of the teeth and gums. You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day (minimum), rinse your mouth after each meal, use dental floss, massage your gums, perform exercises to strengthen your teeth (for example, tapping your jaws together).
To give up smoking

If you smoke, it is very likely to meet old age with orthopedic prostheses instead of your own teeth. Timely cessation of smoking will reduce the risk of cracks in the enamel and the appearance of caries, as well as inflammatory diseases of the gums or cancer of the oral cavity.
Diet correction

It has been established experimentally that sugar consumption directly affects the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity. Sucrose in the mouth of saliva is split into fructose, glucose and lactic acid, which accelerates the reproduction and growth of streptococci (Streptococcus mutans). These microbes help increase the level of dextrin in the oral cavity, and dextrin is the basis of tartar, which serves as a haven for germs that produce acids and destroy dentine (tooth tissue). Thus, you should eliminate or minimize the consumption of sugar, as well as control the consumption of other carbohydrates.

Dentists recommend using paste containing fluoride. This element inhibits the reproduction of bacteria that produce acids. In addition, fluorine is used in the substitution reaction of the hydroxyl group of the hydroxyapatite enamel. The pronounced anti-caries effect of fluorine is based on this. Fluoridation includes not only the use of fluoride-containing pastes, but can also be a separate procedure, which is carried out by a dentist with the use of appropriate preparations.
Fissure sealing

Fissure is a small dissection of the tooth surface, into which pathogenic bacteria can easily penetrate, contributing to the appearance and development of caries. Fissure sealing is a procedure that minimizes the risk of developing the disease. Note that sealing is a painless procedure, suitable for both adults and children.
