Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Optic White Express White Whitening Toothpaste - 3 ounce (3 Pack)

Colgate Optic White Express White Whitening Toothpaste - 3 ounce (3 Pack)
Colgate Optic White Express White Whitening Toothpaste - 3 ounce (3 Pack)

Means and methods for caries prevention

This is the elimination of plaque microorganisms, reduction of sugars in the diet, replenishment of fluoride deficiency in the environment surrounding the teeth.

Conventionally, there are two main types of prevention of the disease: endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous prevention is aimed at strengthening all tissues of the tooth by acting from the inside on the entire body.

The main methods of endogenous prevention:

1 Compliance with the maximum proper diet.

2 Compliance with the basic rules of eating.

3 Targeted use of appropriate drugs for the prevention of caries.

Exogenous prophylaxis includes local methods that affect only the surface of the teeth. More precisely, these are methods:

1 Local (drugs for local prevention of caries, which act directly on the tooth enamel).

2 General methods of caries prevention (drugs that affect the whole body as a whole).

Prevention is divided into the following subspecies:

1 Primary prophylaxis. Aimed at preventing the development of the disease.

2 Secondary prevention of caries. This is the process of treating the disease, as well as its possible complications.

3 Tertiary. Measures to restore the integrity of the dentition, as well as all its functions.

One of the most effective and frequently used methods of local prophylaxis is enamel fluoridation and mineralization.

Careful oral hygiene is especially important for the prevention of dental caries.

Fluoroprophylaxis and remineralization

Fluorine has the most pronounced effect against caries. It is able to inhibit the growth of harmful acid-forming bacteria, and also forms special structures in the tooth enamel, which have a high resistance to the disease. If you think about how to avoid caries, using this method of prevention, pay attention to preparations containing fluorine, namely:

1 tablets for rinsing

2 Fluorinated salt

3 Lucky

4 Special medical toothpaste for caries

In some cases, prevention of caries with remineralizing agents will be very useful.

These tools include special solutions designed to increase the resistance of tooth enamel to pathogenic bacteria. They contain calcium and fluoride. Apply the method of remineralization by using applications directly on the surface of the teeth.

Fissure sealing

We should not forget about the prevention of fissure caries (lesions of the tooth tissues, which are located precisely in the fissures).

Today, the sealing of fissures is considered one of the most popular methods of prevention of the disease under consideration. So, fissures are called natural grooves, which are located on the surface of the chewing teeth between the mounds.

In the process of sealing fissures will be filled with sealants (special substances) that are resistant to the harmful effects of acids. Sealants can be opaque and transparent. The effect of this procedure lasts for about 4-5 years.

Toothpastes for caries prevention

Special toothpastes for the treatment of caries contribute to the strengthening of the mineral tissues of the tooth, as well as prevent the formation of plaque due to the compound of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine introduced into its composition.

The prophylactic and therapeutic effect of special pastes is explained by the fact that fluorides applied topically increase the tooth's resistance to all adverse effects. Fluorine, penetrating directly into the structure of the tooth enamel, suppresses the formation of microflora of the so-called soft plaque, fixes phosphorus-calcium compounds in solid dental tissues and creates the most durable system of fluorapatite. The best toothpaste for caries is a paste that contains calcium and fluoride. Experts recommend consumers to pay attention to pastes such as:

"PRESIDENT Unique" or "PRESIDENT Classic" (Italy);

“SPLAT Biocalcium” (Russia);

SILCA "Herbal Complete" and "Natural Extrakte" (Germany) and others.

Diet and nutrition to protect against caries

Meals should be as balanced as possible. There is no special diet for caries prevention, but you need to follow certain rules. For example, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of products that adversely affect tooth enamel, which include: cakes and chocolate; concentrated juices; soda.

Sour apples should also not be abused. They not only violate the acidity of saliva, but also act in the best way on the stomach.

Eating raw carrots helps protect teeth from caries.

And if we talk about what prevents the formation of caries (or rather what kind of products), then: raw carrots, the consumption of which helps to clean the teeth almost as effectively as with a special paste; green tea prevents the formation of plaque on tooth enamel due to the presence of natural antioxidants and polyphenols; celery has a cleansing effect on the teeth and a massaging effect on the gums; Lime is an excellent source of calcium and fluoride, thereby preventing the occurrence of the disease.

It is necessary to abandon the concentrated fruit juices and sugary carbonated drinks in favor of drinking or mineral water, weak tea.

To increase the use of fermented milk products rich in calcium: cottage cheese, cheese.

At least twice a week, you should eat fish and other seafood containing large amounts of phosphorus and vitamin D.

Sweet dessert is better to replace with fresh solid fruit rich in vitamin C.

With a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, multivitamin and mineral complex preparations should be taken.

Of course, this is not all products that are useful and harmful to the health of teeth. The dentist will help you to create the right diet.

Do not forget about the care of the oral cavity after each meal! Dental floss and toothpaste are trouble-free means, but, alas, not always available.

The role of nutrition to prevent caries should not be underestimated. A diet for the prevention of dental diseases includes not only the rejection of sweets, flour products and chocolate. In order to preserve the health of a smile for a long time, you must follow a few rules:

In the daily diet, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present in a ratio that is optimal according to age and physical activity. Food should contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Great importance is the culture of food itself. You can not eat on the go. Food should be chewed thoroughly. It is also necessary to abandon snacking between main meals, especially if they consist of flour products and sweets.

After eating it is imperative to rinse your mouth. In the absence of such a possibility helps chewing gum. Chewing gum protects against decay due to the fact that it removes food debris, contributes to the abundant production of saliva. And xylitol, which is part of it, neutralizes acid and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

About chewing gum from caries

Many today are promoting special chewing gum from caries. Of course, it cannot be denied that this is a good marketing move that manufacturers use to increase the sales of their products. But actually, does chewing gum protect against caries?

Chewing gum helps to clean the mouth of bacteria and restore the acid-base balance

The answer to this question can not be unambiguous. Yes, indeed, there are such chewing gum, which, together with other methods help to prevent the occurrence of the disease. The use of gum from caries neutralizes organic acids released during the vital activity of bacteria of dental plaque. Naturally, it should not contain sugar. After all, sugar is the primary cause of damage to the tooth enamel and the occurrence of caries.

But to the question of whether chewing gum helps from caries, the answer will be negative. If the disease already takes place, it is impossible to cure it with the help of chewing gum. This will require the assistance of a qualified medical professional.
