Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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How to increase testosterone in men? 8 natural ways

What makes a man courageous, gives strength to his hands and determination of his actions, and also makes him turn around after passing by persons of the opposite sex? In the male body, there is a special substance - testosterone, a hormone that causes male sexual activity, affects secondary sexual characteristics and is responsible for the continuation of the species.

In addition, testosterone is actively involved in metabolism, has an impact on the brain and male behavior. It is he who develops such characteristic qualities in a man as determination, ability to take risky actions, initiative.

It is thanks to testosterone that the man has great endurance and is resistant to physical and mental stress. Low blood levels of testosterone adversely affect men's health, both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase testosterone levels in men.

Lack of testosterone

Unfortunately, today a low level of this hormone is a fairly common phenomenon even in young men. The reason for the lack of male sex hormone can be various diseases, but usually it is associated with the lifestyle of the modern man. Lack of testosterone immediately affects the metabolism and has clearly distinguishable symptoms. Lack of testosterone increases the risk of many diseases, leads to a decrease in mental abilities, obesity and depression. Here are the main signs of a lack of testosterone in men:

reduced muscle mass;
aching joints;
breast enlargement;
reduction of facial hair;
memory impairment;
decrease in creative activity;
premature ejaculation;
Erectile dysfunction.

Fortunately, in most cases, it is possible to increase the level of testosterone in the male body using the most natural methods, without the help of doctors and not taking special hormonal preparations.

8 natural ways to increase testosterone

Proper nutrition

In order to increase your testosterone levels in the blood, you should take care of your diet. A complete and balanced diet is the most important answer to the question of how to increase testosterone levels in men.

Zinc enters the testosterone molecule, it is an important part of it, and without zinc, the molecule cannot properly perform its functional duties. Zinc is found in large quantities in fish and seafood, nuts, seeds. Calcium, selenium and magnesium are also needed for sufficient testosterone synthesis.

Vitamins are necessary for effective work of the male genital glands. The most important role in their work is played by vitamins E, C, F and B. In case of their deficiency, the work of the male reproductive glands slows down and the content of the male sex hormone in the blood decreases.

For the normal synthesis of sex hormone, it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet containing carbohydrates, proteins and fats in normal quantities.

Physical activity

Exercise is a quick and effective way to increase testosterone. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and go to work in the office - then you should start to visit the gym. Improve the work of the sex glands jogging and weight training.

Regular exercise will not only increase testosterone, but will also improve your health and provide you with great biceps and beautiful abdominals.

Normal weight

One of the main signs of atrophy of the male genital glands is weight gain. There is an inverse relationship - with an increase in weight decreases the concentration of testosterone in the blood.

If you want to increase your sexual power, then you should declare a merciless war over pounds. This method of increasing the amount of sex hormone is associated with the first two: with a normal diet and a sufficient amount of physical exertion.

Remove “fast” carbohydrates from your diet (pastries, confectionery, chocolate, carbonated drinks) and spend just as many calories as you get with food.

Normal sleep

If you want to increase testosterone levels and improve your sexual function, you should sleep well. Yes exactly. First, healthy sleep improves all metabolic processes of the body, but most importantly - most of the testosterone is synthesized during sleep. Also try to improve the conditions of your night rest. Ensure complete peace, comfort, plenty of fresh air. Normal sleep for a man should be at least seven hours a day.

Rejection of bad habits

Both the use of alcoholic drinks, and smoking extremely negatively affect a man's libido. Drinking large amounts of alcohol (leading to a hangover the next day) reduces the amount of testosterone by 20% for a period of 12-24 hours. In addition, alcohol has a general negative effect on the body, which inhibits the work of the sex glands. Beer, in addition, contains substances that are very similar to female sex hormones.

Avoid stress

Try to maintain a normal psycho-emotional state. Heavy stress has a devastating effect on testosterone production. Firstly, stress generally negatively affects the body, and secondly, in a stressful situation, the hormone cortisone is released - it is an antagonist of the male sex hormone. Rest, positive emotions and positive attitudes increase sexual function.

Regular sex life

If we do not use something, then it will gradually atrophy. This rule is absolutely true for our body. If we do not give work to our muscles, they become flabby and quickly decrease in size; in a person who has a sedentary lifestyle, the volume of the heart decreases. If you want your sex glands to fully function, then you must live a normal sex life. Active sex life increases the level of testosterone in the blood and strengthens the body. Sex gives us positive emotions and serves as a defense against stress. But moderation is also needed in this matter: do not be too zealous.

Be careful with medications.

Many modern medicines contain hormones, some of which inhibit the function of the sex glands. Do not self-medicate. Take these drugs only after consulting a doctor and be interested in side effects that have a particular drug.

Many drugs that athletes take to achieve better results (anabolic steroids) contain sex hormones. Due to this, muscles grow faster, increases endurance and strength. However, the main serious thing is that in this case, the own sex glands begin to produce less testosterone. After the end of taking these drugs, the level of the hormone in the blood drops sharply, in the case of their prolonged use - the development of a serious hormonal imbalance is inevitable.

We described the main factors that affect male sexual function and the amount of testosterone hormone in the blood. Now you know how to increase testosterone in men, what factors you should pay special attention to and how to change your life.

In conclusion, it remains to add the following: in order for your sex glands to work normally, and the level of the male hormone was at its best - watch the general condition of the body. Under this should be understood a combination of factors: the normal state of the cardiovascular system, the absence of excess weight, the normal work of the digestive tract and endocrine glands. Equally important is the psychological state, positive attitudes and an active lifestyle.
