Saturday, June 29, 2019

Crest Kid's Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste, Strawberry Rush, 3 Count

Crest Kid's Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste, Strawberry Rush, 3 Count
Crest Kid's Cavity Protection Fluoride Toothpaste, Strawberry Rush, 3 Count

How to prevent caries

Caries is a very common disease. It is estimated that, for example, in Russia, 90-95% of the population has caries. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of "victims" (and how else would you call it) who suffered from caries. This is due to a change in food culture: we began to eat more sugar-containing foods and drinks, and even with the decline in the quality of drinking water.

You must admit that many of us remember our teeth only when they get sick or remind ourselves of bad breath, noticeable holes and black spots. And then we run to the dentist, but this could have been avoided.

Prevention of caries

Measures to prevent tooth decay are quite simple and inexpensive. First, to keep your teeth in order, you should brush them after every meal. It is advisable to do this for 5-15 minutes, since the more time has passed since the last meal, the more chance the pathogenic bacteria will stick to their teeth and start their activities there.

Brush your teeth

Therefore, in order to save yourself from having to brush your teeth 10 times a day, it is better to limit yourself to intermediate snacks, especially if it is something sweet or flour.

If you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth, rinse your teeth, chew gum, or use floss (dental floss). Floss will not only help to remove the stuck food pieces, but also to clean the teeth from the soft adhered food debris, which is very useful, because caries often develops between the teeth.

Visit to the dentist

For the prevention of caries and other dental diseases, do not forget to be examined by a dentist at least twice a year. He will be able to see caries in the early stages of development and prevent its further spreading over the tooth surface.

Proper nutrition

To make your teeth strong, you need to constantly saturate your body with calcium, consuming dairy products. If you are a sweet tooth, try to limit yourself to sugar, replacing sweets with fruit. Negatively on the health of teeth affected by sweet soda.

The important point is to use the right and suitable toothpaste. Today, the most recommended by dentists is fluoride toothpaste.

Prevent caries is easy, if you follow these instructions, but the treatment - the procedure is unpleasant, often painful and expensive. Think about it the next time you are too lazy to brush your teeth. Be healthy!
