Saturday, June 29, 2019

Colgate Optic White High Impact White Whitening Toothpaste, 3 oz, 3 Pack

Colgate Optic White High Impact White Whitening Toothpaste, 3 oz, 3 Pack
Colgate Optic White High Impact White Whitening Toothpaste, 3 oz, 3 Pack

How to prevent caries

People who have never encountered the problem of caries are an extremely rare and happy exception. The majority of the population of the Earth knows well what troubles this disease can bring. Of course, caries can be cured, but it is much more expedient to try to prevent its occurrence.
Many factors can contribute to the occurrence of caries - improper diet , hereditary predisposition, unhealthy habits, unfavorable environmental conditions, natural factors (for example, poor water quality).

Most often, caries is visited by those who do not brush their teeth or brush their bad (little or wrong). Teeth require mandatory daily brushing (twice a day). It is often recommended to clean them every time you eat something, but this is not always doable. In this case, you can simply use chewing gum. However, just brushing your teeth regularly is not enough. It is important to do this correctly, otherwise food particles and pathogenic bacteria will remain in various “secluded places”. For such hard-to-reach places it is better to use dental floss.

What kind of toothpaste to choose for brushing your teeth (and how to do it correctly) can be suggested by a dentist. The same paste is not for everyone. By the way, the dentist may recommend not only the type of toothpaste, but also various drugs that help prevent caries, if you need it.

The dentist sometimes recommends sealing the fissures (grooves on the surface of the tooth). In such pits and grooves, bacteria are often concentrated. Therefore, doctors recommend to eliminate this additional risk factor with the help of a special substance - sealant.

Microcracks in tooth enamel can also contribute to the development of caries. They are often formed due to the habit of a person for contrasting food (hot and cold together), so food combinations such as hot coffee with ice cream should be excluded.

At risk are also smokers. Their teeth are constantly under attack from hot smoke and various toxic substances . Smoking is the cause of so many problems that it’s easier once to quit cigarettes than to try to get rid of all the complications that you’ve created all your life.

Another chance to increase your protection from caries is to balance your diet (in particular, include calcium-rich foods like cottage cheese in your diet). But sweets and sugar should be limited (if you really can’t refuse at all).
