Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count

Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count
Tom's of Maine Whole Care Fluoride Toothpaste Spearmint, 4.7 Ounce, 2 Count

How to prevent caries in children

The pain, the reaction to the sweet and cold, ugly black holes ... Why is caries "sharpening" children's teeth? Ahead - a lifetime, and the baby has a seal on the seal. Of course, materials for sealing today there are many, for every taste and wallet. But what other options for saving teeth from dental caries are offered by modern dentistry?

Despite some progress in the prevention and treatment of dental caries, the prevalence and intensity of this disease in children remains very high, even in St. Petersburg. Children's dentists beat the alarm, trying to convey to parents a very simple idea: to treat teeth less often - they need to be protected! Let's see: what, when and how to do to prevent the occurrence of caries was as effective as possible.

Individual hygiene

It is important to carefully and regularly remove dental deposits from the surfaces of the teeth, that is, brush your teeth twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime, and even better - after each meal. Removal of soft plaque contributes to the natural and faster maturation process of tooth enamel. Mineral components from food, saliva, water penetrate the tooth enamel, bypassing bacterial plaque. Biologically active components that are part of the means of hygiene, enrich the tissues of the teeth and periodontal, thereby increasing resistance to harmful effects. Along with cleansing, the gum brush massage is also useful, since blood circulation in periodontal tissues improves due to the activation of metabolic processes.

Professional hygiene

At the reception, the doctor removes the supra- and subgingival dental deposits from the surface of the teeth, the bacterial film, and polishes all the surfaces of the coronal part of the tooth. Today in children's dentistry, a new small-scale abrasive powder is used to remove plaque. It contains glycine, not soda. The powder gently and carefully removes all deposits; it is used even with hypersensitivity of the teeth, periodontal diseases and mucous membranes; at the same time polishes tooth enamel and saturates with minerals.

The methods of caries prevention in children include: individual oral hygiene; professional oral hygiene; fluoridation and sealing of fissures

In the pediatric dental clinics "Veronika", dentists conduct special hygiene lessons at which children are taught proper oral care and take money for home use.

Method of deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

Known fact: the density of tooth enamel depends on the correct ratio of calcium and fluoride. The deep fluoridation method is used to prevent caries of dairy and permanent teeth. Fluorides, interacting with mineral salts of saliva, provide long-term, deep mineralization of teeth. A high concentration of fluoride and calcium ions provides tooth protection - enamel becomes less permeable to cariogenic germs and their metabolic products.

The method of deep fluoridation of tooth enamel saves not only from caries, but also from hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.

Fissure sealing

The optimal time for sealing permanent teeth - immediately after their eruption. The chewing surface of the tooth is uneven, bumpy. Between these mounds, which account for the main burden when chewing food, there are small grooves. They are called fissures.

If in the period of teething in the area of ​​bumps, the enamel is rather thick and can withstand microbes, then in the area of ​​fissures it is thin and non-mineralized. It is not difficult to guess that the fissure, where food remains are easily accumulated, is a "good" place for the formation of microbial plaques that cause caries. To prevent the development of fissure caries, you can use such a procedure as sealing fissures.

The idea of ​​"sealing" the grooves on the surface of the teeth is not new. In modern materials for sealing additives are used known anti-caries-fluoride substances, which enhances the prophylactic effect.

It is very important to teach the baby to take care of their teeth. Let the rule to brush your teeth every day turns into a healthy habit for the child and becomes an indispensable part of self-care. After all, to prevent the disease is much easier than subsequently to treat it!
