Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces

Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces
Sensodyne Pronamel Intensive Enamel Repair Toothpaste for Enamel Strengthening, Clean Mint, 3.4 Ounces

Prevention of dental caries

It is much easier to prevent the development of caries than to treat this disease. The complex of preventive measures helps to protect the teeth from the negative influence of provoking factors and maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for many years. Our article will tell you how to avoid caries and prevent its recurrence after treatment.

Means and types of caries prevention

Modern science, with the proper use of preventive drugs, guarantees the prevention of caries development in more than 95% of cases. Dentists identify several types of prevention of dental caries:

Primary, the methods of which are aimed at healthy teeth in order to prevent the development of their disease.
Secondary, the purpose of which is the treatment of existing caries and the prevention of its complications.
Tertiary, the main tasks of which are to restore the integrity of the teeth and their functions.

In addition, all methods of prevention are divided into two large groups: general and local.

Профилактика кариеса

Competent prevention of caries will prevent its occurrence in 95% of cases
General methods of caries prevention

These methods are aimed at the whole human body as a whole and include activities:

Proper and rational nutrition.
Strengthening the immune defense by hardening, taking immunostimulants.
Reducing the effects of stress.
Reception of preparations of fluorine, calcium, vitamins.

Local methods of caries prevention

Means for local prevention are applied directly to the teeth and mouth:

Careful and regular oral hygiene.
Reduction in the amount of carbohydrates and acids in the diet.
Use of fluorine-containing preparations and remineralizing agents for rinsing or application.
Sealing fissure.

Diet and nutrition to protect against caries

The role of nutrition to prevent caries should not be underestimated. A diet for the prevention of dental diseases includes not only the rejection of sweets, flour products and chocolate. In order to preserve the health of a smile for a long time, you must follow a few rules:

In the daily diet, proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present in a ratio that is optimal according to age and physical activity. Food should contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.
It is necessary to abandon the concentrated fruit juices and sugary carbonated drinks in favor of drinking or mineral water, weak tea.
To increase the use of fermented milk products rich in calcium: cottage cheese, cheese.
At least twice a week, you should eat fish and other seafood containing large amounts of phosphorus and vitamin D.
Sweet dessert is better to replace with fresh solid fruit rich in vitamin C.
With a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet, multivitamin and mineral complex preparations should be taken.

Great importance is the culture of food itself. You can not eat on the go. Food should be chewed thoroughly. It is also necessary to abandon snacking between main meals, especially if they consist of flour products and sweets.

After eating it is imperative to rinse your mouth. In the absence of such a possibility helps chewing gum. Chewing gum protects against decay due to the fact that it removes food debris, contributes to the abundant production of saliva. And xylitol, which is part of it, neutralizes acid and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
Fluoroprophylaxis and remineralization

One of the most effective means for the prevention of carious teeth damage is the use of fluoride-containing drugs. The mechanism of their action lies in the fact that fluorine ions are incorporated into the structure of the tooth enamel and increase its resistance to the action of acids. In addition, fluoride inhibits pathogens, which prevents the appearance of plaque.

Photoprophylaxis can be carried out both in the dental office and at home.

Professional remineralization with fluorine

For professional remineralization of tooth enamel, fluorine-containing gels and varnishes are used, which are applied by the dentist on the cleaned surface of the teeth and form a protective film that is active for 12 hours. The most commonly used products are:


It is necessary to use such remineralization procedures 2-3 times a year.

Another method of fluoroprophylaxis, which are used in dental offices, is the use of fluorine gels for electrophoresis (Belagel F, STAN-GARD). Such drugs under the action of electric current in the tooth enamel replace hydroxyl groups with fluorine ions. Apply such gels with special mouthguards for 3-5 minutes. Procedures are carried out every six months.
Methods of fluoroprophylaxis at home

In order to prevent the development of caries, it is necessary to supply with food a sufficient amount of fluoride. This can be achieved by taking fluoridated drinking water or tableted preparations based on sodium fluoride.

The daily dose of fluoride should not exceed 2 mg. Reception of fluorinated drugs is contraindicated in regions with a high content of this element in the water.

In addition, at home, you can use a solution of sodium fluoride for rinsing the mouth. Every day, after hygienic cleaning of teeth, the mouth is rinsed with a 0.05% solution of the drug for 2-3 minutes. 0.2% sodium fluoride should be used only once a week.
Fissure sealing

Fissures are the frequent place of localization of caries - depressions between the chewing tubercles of teeth, the enamel of which has a lower degree of mineralization. The procedure for sealing fissures is carried out in a dental office and consists of filling in the recesses and pits with special polymer sealants. This protects the enamel from the action of acids and provides caries prevention in 90% of cases.

Toothpastes for caries prevention

Treatment-and-prophylactic toothpastes have a protective effect due to compaction of tooth enamel with minerals, suppression of bacterial growth and the elimination of soft plaque.
Fluoride toothpastes

The anti-caries effect of pastes that contain active aminofluoride is based on the fact that fluorine retains calcium in the structure of enamel and, embedding in it, increases the resistance to adverse factors. Using them twice a day to brush your teeth reduces the incidence of up to 50%.

The best toothpastes for the treatment and prevention of dental caries are:

SPLAT Arktikum
ELMEKS caries protection
SPLAT Siberry

The use of fluoride-containing pastes is permissible only in regions where the fluorine content in water is less than 1.2 mg per liter.

Fluoride Free Toothpastes

If drinking water contains sufficient amounts of fluoride, you should use medical toothpastes for caries without fluoride. Their action is due to the high content of calcium compounds and antibacterial ingredients. They should be used regularly for hygienic cleaning of teeth twice a day.

To fluorine-free anti-caries toothpastes include:

PresiDENT Antibacterial
SPLAT Blackwood

Oral Hygiene

A special role in the prevention of caries is played by proper oral hygiene. Simple tooth cleaning is not enough to remove food debris and plaque from the surface of the tooth enamel. In such cases, additional hygiene products come to the rescue: rinses, dental floss, and toothpicks.
Dental floss

Dental floss is the only means that allows you to clean the gaps between the teeth - the place of the most frequent localization of caries. It is made from natural or synthetic fibers impregnated with antimicrobial or fluorine-containing solutions. It must be used at least once a day before evening tooth brushing. The best is its use after each meal.

Solutions for the oral cavity with the anti-caries effect are an additional source of fluoride. In addition, they inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and neutralize the acid that destroys enamel. Rinse your mouth with such solutions after each meal and in the evening before bedtime.

Rinses that act against caries include:

Forest Balsam
Splat complete
Colgate Plax Comprehensive Protection


The use of toothpicks is an alternative option when there is no possibility to use dental floss to clean the gaps between teeth after a meal. Your choice should be given to toothpicks made of natural wood or plastic, which have a smooth surface without roughness and a somewhat rounded end. This will prevent gum damage.

It is important to remember that only a dentist with a regular visit can evaluate the effectiveness of preventive anti-caries measures.
