Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Extra Strength Testosterone Booster for Men (60 Caplets) | Natural Endurance, Stamina and Strength Booster | Build Muscle Fast | Performance and Recovery | Promotes Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Extra Strength Testosterone Booster for Men (60 Caplets) | Natural Endurance, Stamina and Strength Booster | Build Muscle Fast | Performance and Recovery | Promotes Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Extra Strength Testosterone Booster for Men (60 Caplets) | Natural Endurance, Stamina and Strength Booster | Build Muscle Fast | Performance and Recovery | Promotes Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Drugs that increase testosterone in men

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testes and in the adrenal cortex. ( in low quantities). He is called " Male" hormone, and also often associated with sexual activity.
The effect of testosterone on the male body

Testosterone is responsible for the proper development of genital and male traits. In addition, this hormone is very important for muscle growth, the formation of red blood cells ( i.e. red blood cells) and bone health. Testosterone is also necessary for a feeling of well-being and erectile function. The level of the hormone can significantly affect the mood of a man.
Why can hormone levels go down?

With age, the level of the hormone in the body gradually decreases. This decline begins after reaching 30 years. Research from Harvard Medical School shows that hormone levels are reduced by about 1 percent per year. Other causes of testosterone deficiency include:

injuries and infectious diseases of the testes;
some genetic diseases;
hemochromatosis ( excess iron in the body);
malfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary;
chronic renal failure;
constant psycho-emotional stress;
alcohol abuse, cirrhosis of the liver;
overweight and obesity ( especially if fat is localized mainly on the stomach).

Symptoms of reducing hormone levels in men

In the case of low levels of the hormone, the man may lose his sexual desire, suffer from erection problems and be in a bad mood. In addition, the sense of well-being is reduced, there may be difficulty concentrating. Also, testosterone deficiency affects the physical form and appearance of a man:

decreases muscle mass, increases the percentage of body fat;
changes in cholesterol levels are observed;
hemoglobin decreases, manifestations of anemia are possible;
bone fragility increases ( as a result, osteoporosis occurs);
decreases the amount of hair on the body.

How can testosterone increase in men?

To begin to talk about natural ways. The basis of the basics is proper nutrition, healthy sleep and regular exercise.

Proper nutrition. As you know, we are what we eat. Nutrition affects all processes in the body, including the synthesis of hormones. Balance the proportions of basic nutrients ( proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the diet. Eliminate the use of trans fats. Studies have shown that trans fats degrade testosterone synthesis. But such products as pumpkin seeds, tuna, oysters, eggs, beef and legumes, on the contrary, will increase testosterone production.
Healthy sleep. Scientists have discovered that poor sleep, insomnia, and mode disorders have a bad effect on testosterone. It is recommended to sleep about 7-8 hours a day.
Physical exercise. To increase testosterone in men will help workout in the gym. Exercise in itself increases the level of the hormone, in addition, they help to combat excess weight, which is one of the possible causes of testosterone deficiency. But do not allow overtraining, this condition adversely affects the body and the synthesis of hormones.

If natural methods do not help, then pills that increase testosterone levels in men are used. ( it can also be gels, stickers, injectables, etc.). But this does not mean that you can forget about the above methods. They are a prerequisite for successful treatment.
Sports nutrition

In the market of sports nutrition, you can find a lot of additives to increase the level of the main male hormone. These products are called testosterone boosters . They can be used by healthy people to improve athletic performance, as well as an aid in testosterone deficiency. ( after consulting a doctor). Boosters are divided into several main types:

herbal remedies ( e.g. Tribulus terrestris );
vitamin and mineral supplements ( e.g. ZMA );
comprehensive testosterone boosting agents for men ( based on herbal ingredients, vitamins, minerals and other substances).

For example, tell about products such as Ecdysterone and ZMA.

Ecdysterone is a product of the domestic manufacturer Akademiya-T. It contains the extract lefzey safrolovidnoy, B vitamins, a mixture of Vinitroks ( extracts of apple and grapes) and other substances. Supplement helps to increase the level of free testosterone.
ZMA ( produced by many manufacturers) is a complex of two minerals ( zinc + magnesium) and vitamin B6. Zinc is an essential trace element for hormone synthesis. Magnesium promotes protein synthesis and proper metabolism, and vitamin B6 has a positive effect on the production of hormones in the body.

Of course, the effect of these supplements is not comparable with what pharmacy drugs give. However, natural products act more gently and have virtually no side effects, in contrast to drugs.
Pharmaceutical drugs that increase testosterone

What drugs can be used to increase hormone levels? In the pharmacy you can find drugs such as testosterone undecanoate, 17-alpha alkylated derivatives of the hormone and others. Medicines can be produced in the form of tablets, capsules, injections, implants, etc. Tablets and capsules are well absorbed, but are rapidly displayed, which necessitates their frequent use. Injections can have both short and prolonged effects. Examples of injectables are Sustanon and Nebido. In addition, the list of pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hormone deficiency includes special gels and patches. They are intended for external use. For example, the gel should be applied to the skin of the shoulders, shoulder girdle or abdomen. ( but not on the genital area).

It should be noted that medicines that increase testosterone levels are available in pharmacies only by prescription. Since testosterone and other drugs that mimic its action ( anabolic steroids) are prescription, and in addition, also included by the government of the Russian Federation in the list of potent substances, their use for sports purposes is prohibited. However, many athletes use them as doping to increase strength and improve muscle growth. Usually they have specialized knowledge in this area and consult with experts. If the novice body builder starts using such medications without a doctor's prescription or, even worse, misusing them, this is fraught with serious problems associated with the violation of their own hormonal levels. After all, the dosage used in sports is much higher than medical doses.
Which doctor to contact?

If you notice symptoms of testosterone deficiency, do not hesitate and do not indulge in the uncontrolled use of drugs. Contact the clinic and make an appointment with a doctor. Treatment of diseases of this kind belongs to the competence of andrologists / urologists. The main way to diagnose a disorder is a blood test, which must be taken in the morning. The doctor will tell you which pills will increase testosterone production, and whether you need to take them, or maybe you should choose another form of drug, such as injection or transdermal ( gels, patches).
