Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count

Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count
Tom's of Maine Toddlers Fluoride-Free Natural Toothpaste in Gel, Mild Fruit, 1.75 Ounce, 3 Count

8 simple ways to get rid of caries and holes in your teeth

Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? It's time to turn into it yourself! Teeth, like any other part of the body, require attention and careful care. And if you are not a fan of going to the dentist, you can prevent the appearance of caries on your own. Doctors advise to combine effective methods of dental hygiene with a few simple changes made to the daily diet. has compiled a list of simple ways by which it is possible to prevent the formation of caries and holes in the teeth in a natural way.
1. Change your eating habits

Partial change in diet and compliance with the rules of healthy eating will improve health by themselves, regardless of what goal you are pursuing. According to research , a change in diet can actually reverse caries formation . We already know that consuming high-sugar foods leads to caries, and phytic acid interferes with calcium absorption. However, by changing eating habits, you are unlikely to encounter such a problem.

Eat more calcium: this is the main component of bones and teeth. Use dairy products every day (milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese).
Drink drinks without sugar, avoid soda and juices. Drink plain water, fruit smoothies and unsweetened tea. Water is generally very good for the body: it nourishes us with moisture and promotes more saliva.

2. Chew gum without sugar

It sounds weird, but sugar-free chewing can actually prevent tooth decay. Most of these chewing gums contain xylitol, a natural sweetener. Unlike food, xylitol does not lead to bacterial growth in the mouth. In addition, when you chew, the flow of saliva naturally washes away the remnants of food .
3. Clean and regularly replace your toothbrush.

Not everyone knows how to choose a toothbrush .

Always choose a small or medium brush so that the bristles can penetrate the grooves of the molars , where food residue can accumulate.
Do not put a cap on the brush , as microorganisms and bacteria can settle in it. Instead, rinse the brush thoroughly with water after each use and let it air dry. And do not store the brush in the same room where there is a toilet: fecal bacteria can settle on it.
Regularly change a toothbrush , because the bristles deteriorate over time, and as a result you will not be able to clean your teeth as well as with a new brush.

4. Follow basic dental care rules.

Sounds like super obvious advice, but it actually works. According to the International Dental Health Association , almost 42% of adults with oral care cost only a toothbrush. Sometimes we do not realize how wrong the care of teeth . If you want to protect your teeth from caries, follow these steps in the morning and evening:

Brush your teeth for 2 minutes at least 2 times a day. Try to walk across the entire surface of the teeth, not forgetting about the far corners.
Use dental floss. Sometimes even brushing your teeth is not as effective as she is.
Do not forget the mouthwash. Any of them has an antibacterial effect. Do not rinse your mouth with water after this: protection against bacteria will last longer.

5. Regularly go for cleaning

Yes, going to the dentist is not the most pleasant procedure, but it is always better to prevent the problem than to solve it. It doesn't matter how well you brush your teeth: there are always hard-to-reach areas .

The dentist will clean the line at the gums from the front and back of the teeth, remove plaque and tartar. Regular cleaning is a very important step in the fight against the formation of holes. Many people like to go on cleaning, especially pleasant to feel the smoothness of the teeth after it. The procedure must be recorded at least 1-2 times a year.
6. Include in your diet supplements and vitamins.

We have already said that the amount of sweet in the diet should be reduced, but there is something else that can help saliva to fight the formation of plaque. Vitamins are an important part of dental health.

Eat more fiber-rich foods : fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The most beneficial apples, bananas, Brussels sprouts and peas.
Eat whole grains. They contain a lot of vitamin B and iron. They also have magnesium, a mineral that promotes calcium absorption and strengthens teeth.
Eat more seafood to get more vitamin D. Salmon, herring, canned tuna and sardines are excellent sources of this vitamin.

7. Rinse your mouth with coconut oil.

Coconut oil naturally protects your teeth from caries. It heals teeth and pulls out bacteria from them. Just rinse your mouth with 1 tsp. coconut oil for 20 minutes, until saliva and butter turn into one solid mass. Do not swallow it. The method is simple, but effective. Coconut oil is powerless against the effects of caries, but it can prevent the formation of holes.
8. Prepare your own mineral pasta

This simple pasta recipe will require only a few natural ingredients that you can buy at any store. Since you will cook the pasta yourself, make sure the quality and safety of the components . You will need the following:

4 tbsp. l calcium powder
1 tbsp. l stevia
1 tbsp. l sea ​​salt
2 tbsp. l baking soda
1/4 cup coconut oil

Mix all ingredients to form a paste. There should be no lumps. Use this mixture instead of regular toothpaste.

Remember: do not use the mixture for more than 30 days in a row, as it has an abrasive structure and does not contain fluorides.

Do you always follow the rules mentioned above, or do you prefer professional treatment? Or maybe you know other ways to prevent caries? Tell us about your experience.
