Tuesday, June 25, 2019

UMZU: Testro-X - 30 Day Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster - 100% Natural Formula - Promote Proper Hormonal Function - Support Healthy Testosterone Production

UMZU: Testro-X - 30 Day Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster - 100% Natural Formula - Promote Proper Hormonal Function - Support Healthy Testosterone Production
UMZU: Testro-X - 30 Day Supply - All Natural Testosterone Booster - 100% Natural Formula - Promote Proper Hormonal Function - Support Healthy Testosterone Production

8 supplements increase testosterone levels in men

It is difficult to overestimate the role of testosterone in the masculine body, since this male sex hormone is very important for sexual and reproductive development. With age, the level of the hormone decreases, causing a lot of problems, including erection .

In this article we will talk about supplements that stimulate the production of testosterone and other male sex hormones in a natural way.

Testosterone Boost Supplements

1. D - aspartic acid

D - Aspartic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid that increases testosterone levels. Studies show that the main way of its action is to increase the follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. These hormones are needed for normal functioning of the reproductive system. Luteinizing hormone causes Leydig cells to produce more testosterone in the testicles.

Initial studies in humans and animals showed that just 12 days of taking D-aspartic acid increases the luteinizing hormone, as well as the production and movement of testosterone throughout the body. It can also help to improve the quality of sperm and its production. All these studies suggest that taking D-aspartic acid may be useful for people with low testosterone levels or for people with impaired sexual function.

D-aspartic acid stimulates the hormones responsible for testosterone production. A dose of 2-3 grams can be effective for those who are deficient in this hormone.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin and enters the human body with food. Its active form acts as a steroid hormone in the body. Currently, a significant part of the population is very little exposed to sunlight, which leads to low or insufficient levels of vitamin D.

In the course of the research, a close relationship was found between vitamin D deficiency and low testosterone levels. When participants spent more time in the sun and increased vitamin D levels, testosterone levels also increased. To get more vitamin D, increase your sun exposure. You can also take up to 2000 IU of vitamin D3 daily and consume more foods containing vitamin D.

Vitamin D will help increase testosterone levels.

See also: Top 12 best food sources of vitamin D

3. Yakorets creeping (tribulus)

Tribulus is a herb that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. A 90-day study in men with erectile dysfunction showed that taking Tribulus improved the sexual health of men and increased testosterone levels by 16%. Nevertheless, studies also showed a lack of benefit from taking tribulus for young and healthy people.

As is the case with other testosterone enhancers, tribulus benefits people with low hormone production or impaired sexual function, but for people with normal testosterone levels, it is useless.

Tribulus can improve sexual activity and increase testosterone levels.

4. Fenugreek

Fenugreek (Fenugreek) is another excellent testosterone stimulator. Some studies show that it can reduce the amount of enzymes that turn testosterone into estrogen. In one of the studies, 2 groups of 15 men participated. All 30 people practiced strength training four times a week, but only in one group did participants receive 500 mg of fenugreek per day. In the fenugreek group, participants showed an increase in testosterone levels, increased fat loss, and increased strength.

Another study examined the effect of fenugreek on sexual function and quality of life. Every day for 6 weeks, 60 healthy men between the ages of 25 and 52 took 600 mg of fenugreek or an empty placebo pill. Participants taking fenugreek reported an increase in strength after taking supplements. The researchers also found: an increase in libido in 81% of the group, an improvement in sexual activity in 66%, an increase in energy in 81%, and an improvement in well-being in 55% of the group.

Taking 500 mg of fenugreek per day increases testosterone levels and increases sexual activity in healthy men and in men with testosterone deficiency.
How to raise testosterone

5. Ginger

Ginger is a common spice used in cooking that has been used in alternative medicine for centuries. Ginger is not only beneficial to health, as confirmed by numerous studies, but also helps to increase testosterone levels.

In one study, 75 infertile men received a daily supplement from ginger. Three months later, they found an increase in testosterone by 17%, and the level of luteinizing hormone doubled. When studying the viability of sperm, the researchers found an increase in their number by 16%.

Ginger can increase testosterone levels and improve fertility in men.

6. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA is a natural hormone produced mainly in the adrenal cortex, able to turn into sex hormones - testosterone or estrogen, depending on the needs of the body. Due to its biological effects, DHEA has become an extremely popular way to increase testosterone levels. Taking this supplement, like some others, can benefit those who have low levels of DHEA or testosterone.

Of all the testosterone-boosting supplements, DHEA has the most extensive research. In several studies, it has been found that taking 50-100 mg per day of DHEA may increase testosterone levels by 20% compared with taking dummies. However, several other studies have used similar methods of supplementation, but data on the benefits of DHEA have not been confirmed. The addition of DHEA is not approved in all sports leagues, and is currently a prohibited substance.

DHEA is the most popular supplement for raising testosterone levels, but studies provide controversial results.

7. Zinc

Zinc is an important mineral involved in more than 100 processes in the body and is closely related to the level of testosterone, as it is the building material for the molecule of this important hormone. One study showed that a limited intake of zinc-containing foods reduced testosterone levels in healthy men and vice versa, as expected, in men with testosterone deficiency, adding zinc to the diet increased the hormone levels.

Other studies have found other properties of zinc, such as an increase in sperm motility, inhibition of the aromatase enzyme, which turns testosterone into estrogen, immunity, and many others.

Taking zinc can be effective for those with testosterone deficiency, zinc, and high physical activity.

8. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (horse smell) is a widely known herb used in Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is used as an adaptogen, that is, it helps fight stress and anxiety. But she also raises testosterone levels. Research has published results that suggest that 5 grams of ashwaganda per day increase testosterone levels by 40%, while another study shows that ashwagandha increases exercise efficiency, strength, and fat loss.

Ashwagandha grass increases sperm and testosterone levels in men with low rates.

To date, hundreds of testosterone supplements are available to men, but few have gone through serious research. The right choice of nutritional supplements will help to significantly increase the level of testosterone, but will not replace other recommendations for increasing the hormone, such as a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, timely observation by specialists. Be careful not to buy additives from unknown manufacturers, since there are a lot of fakes on the market. Be healthy.
