Tuesday, June 25, 2019

AlphaViril? by Dr Sam Robbins | Natural Testosterone Booster, Increases Libido, Sex Drive, Strength, Energy, Stamina, Builds Muscle | Made in USA | Tongkat Ali Extract, Horny Goat Weed, Zinc.

AlphaViril? by Dr Sam Robbins | Natural Testosterone Booster, Increases Libido, Sex Drive, Strength, Energy, Stamina, Builds Muscle | Made in USA | Tongkat Ali Extract, Horny Goat Weed, Zinc.
AlphaViril? by Dr Sam Robbins | Natural Testosterone Booster, Increases Libido, Sex Drive, Strength, Energy, Stamina, Builds Muscle | Made in USA | Tongkat Ali Extract, Horny Goat Weed, Zinc.

Stress and hormones in a man's life - how to increase testosterone?

Reflecting on stress, we imagine traffic jams, unpaid bills, home turmoil, stressful situations at work, an avalanche of unfinished business, lack of understanding, crying children, and this list is endless. Undoubtedly, all this is the cause of our daily stress. But the most important thing is the relationship between a man and a woman, a misunderstanding that arises between two loving people in a situation that is happening. Unwillingness to give in to each other.

Stress is a catalyst for our quarrels, but the root cause of most conflicts is the fact that men and women deal with it differently. The response to stress in men and women is very different, and these differences increase as stress increases.

In men and women, there is a variety of not only stress responses, but also the forms of support they need to relieve stress. One of the most important differences is the behavior in stressful situations. Men tend to withdraw into themselves in order to "digest" the problem and the experiences associated with it alone, while women are directly overwhelmed with emotions. At such moments, men and women need completely different things to pull themselves together. It becomes easier for a man when he starts solving a problem, and for a woman when she talks about her. Misunderstanding and rejection of these differences creates unnecessary friction in our relationship.

How is stress measured in our body?

Scientists have shown that the level of stress in our body is measured by hormones, our body produces chemicals - hormones that act as catalysts for chemical changes at the cellular level, affecting growth, development, energy, mood. When we are in love, we feel at the top of the world. We are full of energy. We are in a state of euphoria. We are burning with our new love. In our body, hormones of joy and happiness are produced. When at the beginning of the relationship of these hormones a lot, the pressure and bustle of everyday life is relegated to the background. When the charm of a romantic novelty dissipates, the habitual everyday life begins, worries, problems at work, the level of good mood hormones decreases, and the level of stress hormones begins to grow. And there are problems in the relationship.

Love for about three years gives us the hormones of happiness, for free, and when the honeymoon period ends, we must earn them

The body's response to stress

The reaction of our body to stress is expressed in the level of adrenaline and cortisol , these hormones are produced in our body by the endocrine gland - the adrenal glands. When we are in danger - the adrenal glands emit adrenaline, cortisol and other hormones in the bloodstream, which give a flash of energy and clarity of consciousness, feelings get aggravated, physical strength and endurance increase. Adrenaline and cortisol perform the function of survival in situations when it comes to life and death. These hormones provided our ancestors with a mechanism for survival in situations of danger. Either we will be saved, or we will be eaten.

But if we are in a state of incessant, severe stress, these hormones, while continuing to be produced in the body, gradually destroy the immune system, the energy supply decreases, and the propensity to disease increases. Under the influence of prolonged stress, a person feels anxiety or panic, which reduces our ability to experience happiness.

Mild depression - weakens our passion.

The feeling of lack of time - deprives us of tolerance and spiritual flexibility. Irritability darkens the experience of love, gratitude and tenderness. Men lose interest in relationships, and women feel exhausted by endless troubles, lack of time and support. Understanding the common symptoms of chronic stress, we can understand why so many relationships are breaking down these days. By improving relationship skills, we can turn relationships themselves from a source of additional stress into a way to deal with them.

Male testosterone levels - what affects their production?

At the very beginning of the relationship, the man is excited and completely absorbed in the problem of how to win the love of a woman. This is a challenge that automatically stimulates the production of testosterone , which provides men with a sense of power and well-being. When testosterone levels are normal, he is full of energy, more attentive to his partner and feels attracted to her.

Gradually, everyday life begins, the challenge in the relationship weakens, and with it the man’s testosterone level decreases. When this happens, the honeymoon period can be considered complete, the man begins to look for ways to stimulate testosterone. Working outside the home almost always provides a man with new problem situations that seize his attention and increase testosterone levels. Relationships change, passion weakens and preoccupation with “work” comes to replace.

The king of hormones - testosterone

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, it is called the “king of hormones” and it plays a key role in shaping the sexual characteristics of men, including the tendency to dominance, emotional and physical strength, body appearance, abundance of hair, voice depth, smell and sexual abilities. This hormone also determines the degree of self-confidence and energy, competitiveness, intelligence and the ability to develop and implement new ideas.

Testosterone is normal, increased and decreased

Lifelong testosterone affects overall health. If testosterone is normal , it is easier for him to cope with stress. Testosterone levels increase at the time of acute stressful situations and can result in increased aggressiveness. But if stress is chronic, testosterone levels may decrease . And the man becomes irritable, withdrawn, nervous, all this can turn into depression.

Normal testosterone levels are associated with a sense of success. In order to feel good in a relationship, a man must know that he manages to provide the partner with everything he needs. Her reaction in the form of trust, recognition and gratitude not only nourishes his soul, but also helps to relieve stress, maintaining a normal level of testosterone.

A man in love is constantly busy thinking about how to make his darling happy. Relationships are a challenge for him, creating a boost of positive emotions and increasing testosterone levels. When a man feels that he can get what he wants, testosterone production increases. And when he sees that he cannot achieve what he has planned, and he fails to make his partner happy, his stress increases and the testosterone level drops.

Success and anticipation of success in relationships contribute to the growth of testosterone in the body of a man and support his interest in a woman.

The link of testosterone and man's confidence

The more successful or domineering a man feels in a relationship with a woman, the more stable his high testosterone level is maintained. Self-confidence increases this level, and acts that stimulate the formation of testosterone, increase the feeling of self-confidence. These processes are interdependent. That is why gratitude and recognition are so important to a man’s health.

How to increase testosterone levels?

Accepting and accepting what a man does, as well as forgiveness for outstanding cases, is the most effective way a woman can heal a man.

When a man feels like a loser at work or worries about problems that he is not able to solve, his testosterone level begins to fall, and the man will remain depressed until the concentration of the hormone rises again. In a state of depression in men is always a low testosterone level. Immersion in another, less complex activity allows him to easily restore a sense of confidence and return the level of testosterone to its previous level.

Switching from one problem to another, less complicated, helps a man to restore testosterone levels.

Each man's testosterone levels change throughout the day. There is a biological circadian rhythm of hormone production, which varies during the day and year. The peak of testosterone production falls on the early morning hours, from 4 o'clock testosterone begins to rise and reaches its peak by 7 o'clock and lasts until 11 o'clock, then testosterone begins to decrease and by 24 o'clock it reaches its lowest level, and everything starts again. This condition can be explained morning and night erections in men.

During a work day, a man spends his testosterone, struggling with stress. When the daily load stops, his body needs rest and recuperation. This condition is often associated with the setting of the sun. In a state of recovery, he is free from his biological impulses, and testosterone levels can recover. A man can restore testosterone by taking a nap or doing something simple and slightly stimulating - by watching TV or reading a newspaper.

When the working day is over, the man's brain turns off and he goes into a passive, relaxed state.

If the man does not have time to recover, stress reduces testosterone levels. This will affect not only the weakening of sexual function, but the man will become irritable and passive, the mood changes dramatically, the state of depression.

Women do not always understand the need for men to rest, because their sexual health does not depend on the restoration of testosterone levels. Often women consider their husbands lazy, although in reality rest for a man is a biological necessity. In the body of a man testosterone fights with stress.
