Saturday, June 29, 2019

Nu Skin lqbGyz Ap 24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste, 4 oz, 2 Pack

Nu Skin lqbGyz Ap 24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste, 4 oz, 2 Pack
Nu Skin lqbGyz Ap 24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste, 4 oz, 2 Pack

We treat caries at home: proven methods

For many of us, a visit to the dentist is a very exciting and rather costly process. But serious dental problems can be avoided not only with the help of a dentist. For example, with the help of folk remedies that help keep the oral cavity healthy.

The Internet offers us many ways to prevent tooth decay at home. But are they all equally effective? We chose the most popular recipes and discussed them with a specialist.


1. Tincture of sage. This method is mentioned on the web most often. They say that with its help you can get rid of bacteria that appear in the mouth two hours after brushing your teeth . To prepare the solution you need to insist a small amount of sage in boiled water for five hours.

“Sage really helps. This is an antiseptic solution that can rinse your mouth. It perfectly affects the teeth and mucous membranes. It can be used a couple of times a day, ”says dentist Louise Avtandilyan.

However, it helps such a tool only at those stages when the caries is on the surface, the expert warns.

What is a healthy lifestyle?
Truth and myths

2. Treatment with propolis. On the Internet, they write that it is enough to put a piece of substance on a bad tooth and hold it for half an hour. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

“Propolis contains nutrients and they also have a good effect on enamel. Propolis effectively fights against the putrefactive bacteria that are found in caries. You can just chew it and hold it in your mouth for 30 minutes, ” says Louise Avtandilyan.

However, this method works only for the prevention of practically healthy teeth . If a black dot appears in place of caries, then it’s time to seek help from a doctor.

3. Laundry soap. Some users believe that the freshly prepared soap solution is extremely beneficial for dental health. It is enough just to rinse their mouth twice a day. What is the therapeutic effect of soap ?

“If you don’t want your mouth to constantly froth, then I don’t recommend this method,” warns the specialist. “Of course, there is a large amount of gamma globulin in the laundry soap, but it can also be found in toothpaste.”

4. Onion peel. This is one of the most ancient folk methods. Tincture of onion peel should be applied several times a day. They say she relieves toothache and disinfects the oral cavity.

“Indeed, onion peel can be insisted in boiling water, passed through a sieve and rinsed mouth twice a day. This method also helps to get rid of putrefactive bacteria, which serves as a good prevention of gum disease. At the same time, you should not be afraid of the fact that teeth may stain, ”the dentist notes.

The specialist confirms that all these methods in one way or another help to fight tooth decay. But not when there is already a hole in the tooth. These are good prevention methods that help get rid of bacteria. However, they do not replace brushing your teeth, but are only an addition to this procedure. And even more so all this does not replace regular visits to the dentist , although it will help reduce their number.
