Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Testosterone Booster for Men - Estrogen Blocker - Supplement Natural Energy, Strength & Stamina - Lean Muscle Growth - Promotes Fat Loss - Increase Male Performance (1 Bottle) 90 Capsules/Pills

Testosterone Booster for Men - Estrogen Blocker - Supplement Natural Energy, Strength & Stamina - Lean Muscle Growth - Promotes Fat Loss - Increase Male Performance (1 Bottle) 90 Capsules/Pills
Testosterone Booster for Men - Estrogen Blocker - Supplement Natural Energy, Strength & Stamina - Lean Muscle Growth - Promotes Fat Loss - Increase Male Performance (1 Bottle) 90 Capsules/Pills

How to increase the level of the male hormone testosterone

The male sex hormone testosterone, which is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in men (rough voice, muscle growth, and other qualities), is associated with the majority of people with a bad reputation. It is associated with aggressive temper, anger and violence. However, some men suffer from low testosterone levels, which are expressed in certain symptoms, ranging from emotional problems such as irritability, depression, lack of confidence, and also to physical - insomnia, low energy, obesity, and, perhaps worst of all, loss sexual attraction. All these deficiencies disappear at the normal level of testosterone hormone.

You need to know that its level begins to naturally decrease after the age of 27, especially at a faster pace - after 35. So, if you are over 35, pay attention to how to increase testosterone, which is what this article is about.

The role of testosterone

Male sex hormone plays an important role for both men and women:

- responsible for building muscle;
- increase of physical abilities;
- improvement of brain activity;
- reducing the risk of osteoporosis;
- increase libido;
- insulin control.

On the other hand, low testosterone levels cause many problems with these symptoms:

- mistrust;
- depression;
- fury;
- insomnia;
- prostration
- loss of interest in sex;
- increase in body fat.

To find out your testosterone level, do a blood test. Testosterone in men ranges from 230-1000 ng / dl. If it is less than 350 ng / dl, then it can be considered low.

In this case, it is necessary to increase the concentration of this hormone. And you yourself can help with this. Learn more about how to increase the level of the male hormone testosterone.
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Recommendations to increase testosterone

1. Work on your body and strengthen muscles to rid it of excess fat .

The more fat in the body, the more it is subject to an imbalance of hormones.

A lot of research has already been done on this topic, which confirms a direct connection with a decrease in body fat and an increase in testosterone levels.

2. One of the uppermost parts of the list of priorities, if you are seriously going to correct, is adequate sleep, at least 7-8 hours in the dark. This factor is very important for the secretion of testosterone.

A study at the University of Chicago found that men who slept less than 5 hours had a 10-15 percent decrease in this hormone.

Based on this result, your goal is to have a six-hour full night's sleep, and 7-8 hours is the best option.

3. Eat healthy healthy (unsaturated) fats. To do this, include in your diet such natural vegetable oils (coconut, olive), nuts, avocados, fish oil or fatty fish like salmon, lean red meat. They play an important role in the production of testosterone, regulate the level of beneficial cholesterol in the body, which has a close relationship with the production of this hormone.

Fish oil is the main source of healthy fats. Its recommended dose is about 2-3 grams per day. In addition, it saturates the body with vitamin D, which also reduces the likelihood of an imbalance of the male sex hormone.
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Reduce alcohol intake (especially beer), as it has a negative effect on the level of male hormone. But, if you drink occasionally and about, then it's not scary. The danger is a long-term perspective.

4. Try not to be exposed to adverse environmental conditions or chemicals, including household chemicals. This can lower testosterone levels. The most dangerous thing is that many hygiene products, such as toothpaste, roller deodorants, as well as modern food, cleaning products, plastic products, artificial leather and even ordinary drinking water contain unsafe substances that can accumulate in the body and have a negative impact on health .

5. Enrich your diet with protein and average carbohydrates, such as eggs or meat, along with green vegetables, avocados and nuts.

Eat protein foods for breakfast to be energetic throughout the day and avoid bouts of hunger.

6. Control carbohydrates consumed (sweet, flour, white rice, potatoes and other starchy foods). They reduce testosterone levels, although this decrease is temporary. But, if you eat them 3-4 times a day, this leads to a decrease in testosterone as a whole.

It is best to use them 2-3 hours after exercise, which ensures insulin balance and contributes to the normalization of the hormone level.

7. Eat plenty of vegetables, herbs and berries. Especially useful are red and green flowers - broccoli, cauliflower, white and red cabbage, tomatoes, radishes, parsley, celery, spinach, etc. These are alkaline foods that regulate (lower) the level of the female hormone estrogen to increase the production of male testosterone.
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8. Exercise daily for 30-45 minutes. This practice helps to maintain a low level of the stress hormone cortisol, which significantly increases testosterone in the body.

9. To maintain low cortisol can not starve. It is necessary to have breakfast, not to drink caffeinated beverages immediately after waking up, to reduce their dose in general, not to abuse coffee (only up to two coffee cups a day), tea and empty calories (sweet and refined).

10. Learn to calmly respond to stressful or any other sudden situations. Stress also increases cortisol and leads to a hormonal imbalance in the body.

11. Have sex regularly. Regular sex life leads to an increase in male sex hormones. In addition, sex reduces stress and nervous tension.

12. Reduce calorie intake by 20% of daily need. Low-calorie diet and burning excess fat increase testosterone.

13. Fill the deficiency of important trace elements. If you suffer from a deficiency of magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, then replenishing their deficiency significantly increases the level of the male sex hormone and improves the balance of hormones in the body as a whole.

There are studies showing that, for example, zinc deficiency can lead to a decrease in testosterone by 50%. Microelement deficiencies can be determined with a blood test.

The described methods by a natural method will help increase the production of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body, which will help, in turn, to restore energy, resist stress, nervous tension, improve sex life and physical fitness.
