Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)
Sensodyne Complete Protection Sensitivity Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, Extra Fresh, 3.4 ounces (Pack of 2)

Treatment of caries

Did you know that the tooth is the only organ that is not restored. Now you understand why jokes with caries are bad? If you notice a black dot on the enamel - forward to the doctor. Even if nothing hurts.
What is dental caries and where does it come from?

Caries is a disease for the development of which external and internal factors must coincide. External - is the most insidious bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which we get through household contacts from mom or another relative.

The activators of this bacterium are our favorite sweets: chocolate, donuts, croissants, butterscotch. As soon as you drink tea with sweets, the bacterium begins to emit acids that destroy enamel.

Internal - this is the state of the enamel itself. The weaker and thinner it is, the more actively tooth decay develops.

Other factors play a role:

food - not enough calcium and fluoride comes with food;
heredity - this is why some people in their old age do not visit dentists, while others already in adolescence crack enamel and their teeth crumble;
chronic diseases;
poor hygiene of the oral cavity and - too lazy to brush your teeth before going to bed (did this happen?);
weak immunity.

Caries in the stage of white spots
Caries in the staining stage: treatment of "invisible" disease

Caries in the speck stage is the first stage in the development of carious disease. It is imperceptible at first, because it looks like a white spot on the enamel, which is simply not paying attention. However, over time, the stain darkens, which means that the disease progresses. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

At the white spot stage, enamel does not change its appearance; it remains smooth and even. Most often, white spots appear on the front teeth, so if you look closely, you can recognize them yourself.
In the second stage, the spots are pigmented and darken. Their shade becomes more expressive - from light brown to almost black. This is due to the aggravation of demineralization - the structure of enamel is changing, it becomes more loose and fragile. Therefore, free access to bacteria. Due to the activity of microorganisms, the spots darken.

Why is it important to go to the dentist every six months? At scheduled inspection, caries diagnostics is carried out. If you see a spot in time, you can cut off the development of caries at the root and prevent it from flowing into a more severe form.

To prevent caries, the doctor performs the following procedures:

Eliminates all deposits with a professional cleaning, polishes the surface of the teeth.
To restore the enamel conducts remineralization. The procedure involves the treatment of damaged tooth tissues with special means to restore their natural structure. Most often for this purpose, preparations based on calcium or fluorine compounds are used. They can be applied with a special brush, added to the tray or applied in the form of applications.

In combination with the right care, these procedures will help prevent the development of more complex and dangerous forms of caries.
Treatment of surface caries

Usually, caries appears in fissures - in the grooves on the chewing surface of the molar. It is to these areas that we pay insufficient attention when brushing your teeth; plaque and food debris accumulate here.

At this stage, you need to urgently run to the dentist to prevent deeper and more complex caries. The treatment is quick and painless - in 30-40 minutes. The doctor will drill out all the black and put a seal.

And in order not to accidentally miss the appearance of this insidious disease, you should make professional teeth cleaning every six months. Your dentist as a superhero in the Marvel comics will instantly detect and destroy the enemy.
Deep caries treatment

If suddenly you were turned into a routine in the rhythmic dance of the megalopolis, and you could not find time for a visit to the dentist, and caries is growing and developing - it does not matter. Our doctors will be able to save a tooth even in the most difficult cases.
Symptoms of deep caries:

short pain during hot / cold meals;
a carious cavity appeared, where food gets stuck and a raid accumulates;
X-ray shows a darkening in the root or between two molars - caries on the teeth reached the gums;
prolonged aching pain, which is aggravated at night.

In these cases, treatment takes place in one or two visits. Without an anesthesia injection can not do here.
Deep caries: treatment at the clinic 32 Dent

The doctor examines the tooth and assesses the depth of caries. If necessary, make an X-ray.
If caries is complex and deep, anesthesia is given.
Drills caries.
If the nerve is inflamed, it removes it.
The dentist cleans the root canal, sterilizes it and puts the medicine. Puts a temporary seal.
After 3-6 days you come to the reception again. The doctor takes out a temporary seal and seals the canal. And then a tooth.

Removal of caries can take place with or without anesthesia - according to your desire.

Treatment of caries in Kiev
Possible complications

Pulpitis If after the treatment of the tooth (during the first three days) periodic pains appear, then the pulp has inflamed. In this case, an urgent need to go to the doctor, so that he removed the infected area and sealed the root canals.
Repeated caries . Most often this complication occurs at the border of the filling and the tooth due to the negligence of the doctor. Apparently, he did not drill all caries. Our 32 dent dentists do everything conscientiously, they worry about patients and value their reputation.
Break off or split the crown. If the walls of the tooth are heavily thinned, cracks appeared on the enamel, then the crowns break off - a matter of time. In this case, you need to put another seal or prosthesis.

Early treatment of caries - the price of health and beauty of the rest of the teeth.
Which seal to choose?

How long the filling lasts depends not so much on the material as on the professionalism of the doctor. Even if the dentist uses superinnovative material for fillings from Germany, but will put it in violation of technology, it may fall out in a week.

Good is the doctor who drills caries to the end and at the same time preserves the enamel as much as possible.

Doctors with colossal experience work in our clinic. They cured hundreds, even thousands of teeth. And all patients were satisfied with the result.

How to prevent caries

If you have caries of the tooth root, the treatment needs to be completed the sooner the better. Otherwise, you can lose a healthy molar. And it will be much more difficult and more expensive to insert it.

A tooth fell out
Is it necessary to treat caries of milk teeth?

Unfortunately, most often parents come to a decision that is not necessary. Adults do not take the problem seriously, because baby teeth will all the same be replaced by permanent ones, and you don’t feel like scaring and injuring your child by going to the dentist.

In fact, this attitude leads to many dental problems in the future. After all, dental caries already means that pathogenic bacteria have settled in them.

If the tooth falls out, the infection will remain and may cause other problems.

In addition, the premature loss of a baby tooth leads to a curvature of the permanent dentition.

It follows from this that the main task of the dentist is to keep the baby tooth as long as possible, but at the same time not to allow the infection to develop and damage other teeth and organs.
How to treat tooth decay caries

At the initial stage

To cure tooth decay in a child at the initial stage, the dentist performs a painless and simple procedure. It lies in the fact that fluorine varnish or silver fluoride is applied to the enamel. This helps protect the tooth from further damage. To use the drill at this stage do not resort.

Medium and deep caries

If the stage of the disease progresses, the dentist performs the classic treatment of caries. In this case, the use of sedatives. More often anesthetic is required when treating medium and deep caries of milk teeth. All manipulations are aimed at reducing the time of procedures, because children get tired quickly, and treatment has to be interrupted. In some cases, the treatment of deep caries in children is carried out in several stages.

As you can see, the sooner you take the baby to the dentist, the easier and faster it will be to fix the problem.
Prevention is also important.

Often, dental caries at a young age occurs due to excessive consumption of sweets. Try as much as possible to limit the sweets in the diet of your baby, replacing them with hard fruits and vegetables, foods rich in calcium. This will strengthen the enamel and gums, help prevent demineralization.
It is very important to teach the child to follow the hygiene of the mouth from an early age. To do this, choose a brush with soft bristles and a pleasant tasting paste. Brush your teeth with your baby, show a positive example.
Bring your child to a scheduled examination to the dentist every six months. And do not forget about it yourself!

Brushing teeth with baby
How to prevent tooth decay, if possible?

Open your mouth and look in the mirror. If you see black spots, it is caries, it should be treated.

If there are no stains, and on distant chewing molars, you can see relief fissures - winding depressions resembling streams in the mountains, then dentists are also not thrilled with this pictorial picture. It is in these crevices that food accumulates and bacteria multiply.

That is why dentists recommend to seal even healthy teeth with fissures with a special material so as not to provoke caries once again.

What to do if caries on the front teeth? The treatment is complicated, but possible. Our dentists will ensure that no one notices the filling. Will pick up material under enamel color.
