Saturday, June 1, 2019

Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count

Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count
Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count

Dishwasher Cleaner: Varieties and Purpose

Detergent for the dishwasher: the types and purpose of this tool is direct. It is designed for washing dishes of different contamination, from different materials and shapes. Since now some models of dishwashing machines require special tools, we will consider the main directions and features in the use of such tablets, powders and gels. We will also define in detail what this range has been created for, and the video in this article helps to make out all the nuances of the issue on the agenda.

Range To date, the market offers several types of dishwashing detergents in a typewriter:

The most common detergent for dishwashers, which saves consumer waste. There are drawbacks - you can put it past the compartment, which will lead to scratches on the inner walls. About 30 g of the product is used for each wash.

Represent a powder in liquid form. Economical and convenient to use. Well softens water, does not oxidize the metal, suitable for cleaning silver. It is quickly dissolved in water and does not affect the shade of porcelain. Scratching can be avoided by applying liquid powders and gel products. Lack of one - rarely removes old hard spots.

X X Great for new car models. The disadvantage is insignificant - with a short wash cycle, the tablet does not have time to completely dissolve, as compared with an inferior sink. The price is higher than that of other products, and 1 wash takes 1 tablet.

Universal remedies
They are triple action formulations where rinsing agents, water softeners and air fresheners are present. Sometimes the instruction indicates the presence of anti-scale protection.

These are the same gels, powders and tablets, which are composed of only natural ingredients. In fact, they are practical and environmentally friendly, do not remain on the dishes, are completely washed out of the machine and drain, do not have fragrances and allergic components.

Water softeners
Components containing salts and silver ions. Completely disinfect water, make it soft and neutral. Ополаскиватели Conditioners Protect dishes from hard water, stains and smudges.

They are needed for the flavor effect of a dishwasher and dishes. The last three components are necessary in the case when washing occurs by conventional means, not related to the type "2 in 1" or "3 in 1". Anyway, a huge variety of such chemistry simply does not allow to dwell on something concrete. Therefore, below we consider the criteria for choosing a product with respect to its properties and formulas. Liquid Nowadays, liquid detergent for dishwasher is in great demand. By virtue of its state of aggregation, obvious advantages can be noted. In this case, the formula for cleaning dishes can be: Universal; Liquid; Direct destination. Next, we consider what these reliable environmental products are, and how they affect the equipment and the item to be completely cleaned. Химитек Himitek Professional tool that is used in a universal manner, as a gel. Suitable for automatic and manual cleaning of dishes, easily applicable in cold and hot water. Thanks to the new formula of the composition, never leaves marks on the plates, stains on the glasses. Suma Star Suma star Also considered a universal type of detergent that is used for all types of dishwashing. Application in public places of cooking is not excluded. Enjoys a good reputation among commercial establishments. Inexpensive, consumed within 8-12 months with a volume of 2 liters. Grass Grass Ideal liquid cleaner for glass and ceramics. It completely removes traces of fat, lipstick, easily erases old dirt. The consumer notes that the substance is not cheap, but there is enough use for several years.

Liquid soap
There are vegetable components in the composition of liquid soap, which is intended for washing all types of dishes. It does not stain, well washed off, does not pollute the pipeline and drain. If the machine is compact, then this volume is enough for 3-4 months. Grass Lori Grass lori Another liquid product that is economical for all types of dishwashers. Great for cleaning glass and crystal, corrugated and smooth forms of glasses. Not used for ceramic coatings and pottery. In addition, as an alternative to liquid detergent came gels. They allow to reduce the consumption of funds in one wash cycle, do not remain on the walls of dishwashers, perfectly remove old stains and fats. Gelatinous The newest gel-based formula for dishwashers contains components that cope with the heaviest contaminants. In this case, gels can be applied even to clay pots. They are able to wash pans and grates, vases and grooved glasses. The knitting properties of such components penetrate the thread on the product, cleaning it in the most inaccessible places.

Fairy Fairy gel capsules
As you can see, the manufacturer claims that this product is capable of washing even stainless steel, any type of glasses, as well as other dishes that are subject to urgent cleaning. The capsule may contain half the gel, where the second part is a powder. In addition, dishes washed with such agents may not get dirty for a long time - the components of the fat repellent properties keep the dishes clean even after daily use.

Calgonit Finish
Gel from a famous brand - will cope with any type of pollution. The average cost exceeds 1000 rubles, but it's worth it. Moreover, the tool is very economical, it may not be enough for six months with daily use. The effect of washing - to squeak and shine. The manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser recommends to pour a minimum of funds at low load. Apply according to the instructions, according to the calculation of the optimal amount for 10 units of dishes.

Classic Power Powder
Another gel means that is declared as the best. So what's special about it? Indeed, imported washing-up liquid for a dishwasher has several advantages - it cleans to a shine, does not require rinsing, and reliably protects equipment from plaque and stone. But, the hostesses noted that some importers offer other similar products of this vendor-manufacturer who are not able to keep the dishwasher. Often there are breakdowns, so buy better quality gel labeled in English.

Top house
The moment when you realize that with the help of an automated wash you can use cold water during a short cycle. The ideal tool is suitable for such cleaning conditions. The dishes, the machine itself, will not be spoiled, and short minutes of washing will turn into a paradise for housewives. The tool is harmless, does not contain phosphates and is completely suitable for cleaning children's dishes.

Another type of gel capsules, concentrated, safe. The difference from other analogues is that it does not require pre-cleaning of food pieces, but for a dishwasher this is not good. Nevertheless, clean the surface of food residue in advance, although the gel will do everything for you. Some components of the food it is able to dissolve. These gel powders are on the market today. Alternative options can also be used, and we'll talk about them further. Powder Powders are considered to be the simplest and most environmentally friendly, since they are made into tablets, and the consumption in the bulk state is much less spent on washing. However, in the store you can note the cost of powders and tablets is several times higher than for gels and universal liquids. But there are pluses and minuses - we will tell about it below, in the appropriate section.

The tool is available in tablets and powder. This type is cheaper than the others, but the manufacturer notes that their properties are different. You may also notice that the composition of each product is identical. Freshbubble

One of the cheapest and strongest powders that do not differ in expensive packages. All its strength is inside, as the manufacturer himself says. If you want an organic composition, minimum cost and long use, purchase this powder with enzymes in the composition.

Dr. Prakti
Imported powder with a pleasant smell ( fragrances ), perfectly cleans the dishes. The composition of only natural ingredients, no phosphates and the usual bleach. Acidity is normal, salt is used as the main substance. Such a composition can be called environmentally friendly and safe.

Washing powders for dishwashers are very different in composition from analogs in another form, but it is this type of product that fully meets the manufacturer’s stated promises, never leaves traces of stains on the glass surface. Suitable for children's dishes, without causing allergies when inhaling means. Immediately, we note that breathing powder detergents are extremely not recommended, as a small fraction still gets into the respiratory tract. Some parents pay attention to the pills, where each is sealed, which means safety for the child. But still, in no case do not leave household chemicals in a place accessible to children. Pills The most common and favorite type of detergent - they are always placed in the machine, no more, no less. It is convenient to store them, never crumble, perfectly washed off in water. We will present you a photo of the list of the most effective packages that you should get in your house.

Dishwashing detergent tablets are in great demand as they are suitable for all types of models of equipment. However, it is necessary to take into account the formation of the composition - some of them contain active surfactant components for white dishes, others are intended only for washing glasses. In this regard, we decided to make a small comparative analysis of the data washing, to find out how effective this or that composition in its form.

Comparative analysis So, we met with the most popular detergents, and now let's summarize.

Detergent Consumption Benefits disadvantages

Powders According to the instructions, powders are consumed from 30 g for 1 wash cycle. With the help of the bowl you can measure approximately the right amount. Fast consumption at a hig

Pills For a long period of washing requires 1 tablet. Convenient storage and use. No need to measure the volume of the consumable. With a short cycle requires half, but the residues do not dissolve in full.

Gels According to the instructions, requires 1 cap or 10-15 ml of the substance. You can select the desired amount for a short cleaning. Not identified.

Liquid universal From 20 to 50 ml, depending on the load. Suitable for a larger type of dishes, it is easy to measure the right amount. Can shed past the compartment.

Powders for everyday washing dishes are not suitable, as part of them can remain in the car. The technique of tablets does not suffer, but the flow does not completely go away, and the remaining piece should be thrown away. Despite the fact that their cost is higher than that of gels and liquid products, it does not work to save. The most ideal means are washing gels for the dishwasher.
