Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Double Strength Turmeric + Black Pepper Capsules! 2 Month Supply! 1300mg! Non-GMO Turmeric Curcumin w Bioperine. Benefits Anti-inflammatory & Anti-Aging. Feel Less Joint Pain in 2 Weeks!

Double Strength Turmeric + Black Pepper Capsules! 2 Month Supply! 1300mg! Non-GMO Turmeric Curcumin w Bioperine. Benefits Anti-inflammatory & Anti-Aging. Feel Less Joint Pain in 2 Weeks!
Double Strength Turmeric + Black Pepper Capsules! 2 Month Supply! 1300mg! Non-GMO Turmeric Curcumin w Bioperine. Benefits Anti-inflammatory & Anti-Aging. Feel Less Joint Pain in 2 Weeks!

Turmeric and skin health

When I studied spices, I was very interested in turmeric as a cosmetologist.
This amazing spice is very popular in the east - due to its many-sided properties, it is widely used both in cooking and in medicine. In our article Turmeric you can learn a lot of interesting things about this spice. Today, I want to highlight only one facet of many-sided turmeric - its effect on the skin.
Turmeric has many names in Sanskrit, and they all speak for themselves.
Haridra is the name for turmeric you will most often come across. It translates as "improving the color and cleansing the skin."
Kachani means "golden."
Niche - "beautiful as the stars at midnight."
The name Yoshitpriv has a very interesting meaning - “women like it”.
Varavarnini-so in Sanskrit sounds "gives a gorgeous skin color."

Perhaps no spice or plant has so many names that are associated with female beauty and skin. In India, natural skin-based products based on ayurvedic turmeric are extremely popular; these are fragrant massage oils, orange-golden masks for skin whitening, and anti-aging creams. Let's see: why?

1. Turmeric is an excellent wound healing agent.

With the help of this natural and safe antibiotic, wounds and cuts heal quickly - bleeding stops, swelling and pain disappear, inflammation subsides. It is enough to wash the wound and quickly apply turmeric in powder form.

Or you can make just such a medical paste:

Recipe: 1 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp turmeric
Preparation: Mix the ingredients until they have a uniform consistency.
Application: apply paste on a wound or cut. Can be used for burns.

2. Turmeric effectively cleanses the skin, evens out its color, eliminates inflammation.
For these purposes, you can make an ubtan - a traditional Ayurvedic preparation that performs the function of a cleansing agent, a scrub, and also a mask. Ubtan is a paste of finely ground ingredients: flours of various kinds (from chickpeas, peas, rice, oatmeal, etc.), plants, seeds, nuts, vegetable and essential oils. There is a huge amount of recipes - there are simple and versatile, and you can make complex compositions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. This tool can be used for deep cleansing of the skin, as well as comprehensive body care. Using ubtan in the bath will give you a wonderful glowing skin and good mood.

Here is the recipe for the simplest ubtana that suits almost everyone:

Recipe: 3 tbsp. chickpeas flour, 1/2 - 1/4 tsp. turmeric, 1 tbsp. sesame oil.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients by adding the required amount of warm water. It should make a smooth paste that is easy to apply to the skin.
Application: Apply the paste on the face and / or body. You can leave for 5-10 minutes, after which, with gentle circular motions, perform a cleansing. Rinse thoroughly with water and then use the final means to moisturize or nourish the skin.

3. Turmeric is often used in the composition of medical masks.
Since the spice has a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, it is successfully used for the care of oily skin, skin with comedones and inflammatory elements.
Turmeric improves the complexion, helps to remove age spots.
It is irreplaceable for rejuvenating procedures, as well as reducing stretch marks. All this is possible due to the fact that turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Here is an example of a simple mask:

Recipe: 1 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp whole milk or natural yogurt.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients to a smooth consistency. The mask should be easily applied to the skin, but not flow. If the mask is too thin, you can add a little chickpea or oatmeal.
Application: apply a mask on well cleansed face and / or body skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and then use skin care products.
Attention! Remember that turmeric is a wonderful dye. Be very careful when using home remedies with this bright spice. And yet .. do not exceed the recommended dosages of turmeric, otherwise your image will perfectly fit into the words of the well-known children's song: “Orange sky, orange sea, orange greens ...”)))))

4. Turmeric is effective for allergies.
Turmeric has a fairly pronounced antihistamine effect - can be used for allergic manifestations on the skin. Spice eliminates irritation, itching and inflammation. In some cases, it is used as a first aid. For this, turmeric powder is taken orally in fairly high dosages - up to 2-3 teaspoons per reception. Turmeric should be mixed with honey (if there are no contraindications), eat and drink with warm water. For a good therapeutic effect, the quality of the spice must be very high.

5. There is another unusual property in turmeric ...
In India, women have used spice powder for centuries to remove unwanted facial hair and slow their growth.

6. From the rhizomes of turmeric get valuable essential oil.
Its properties are as multifaceted as the effects on the organism of the spice itself. As for skin problems, the essential oil of turmeric is used to treat cuts and wounds, acne and eczema. It helps eliminate pigment spots, and is especially effective if the cause of their appearance is associated with diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Aroma oil also contributes to the resorption of hematomas. Rejuvenates the skin. Oil can be added to any natural products - oils and scrubs, creams and masks.
