Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine 1500mg - 180 Capsules with 95% Curcuminoids Extra Strength Supplement w Black Pepper Extract for Pain Relief, Joint Support, Inflammation - Highest Potency

Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine 1500mg - 180 Capsules with 95% Curcuminoids Extra Strength Supplement w Black Pepper Extract for Pain Relief, Joint Support, Inflammation - Highest Potency
Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine 1500mg - 180 Capsules with 95% Curcuminoids Extra Strength Supplement w Black Pepper Extract for Pain Relief, Joint Support, Inflammation - Highest Potency

Curcuma longa, long turmeric

Turmeric is sometimes called turmeric (as it sounds in English), and in Sanskrit it is called haridra.

Turmeric is a herbaceous perennial about a meter high, a close relative of ginger. The spice is a fine powder of a rich bright orange color, made from dried and then ground tuber-like rhizomes of a plant. About a hundred types of turmeric are known, but only a few are used in medicine and cooking, most often - turmeric is long.

Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medical practice for thousands of years. This miracle medicine, which Nature herself presented to us, should be in every home !!!

Medicinal properties
The taste of the spice can be described as spicy, slightly bitter and astringent. The aroma is thin, a little spicy. It has a warming property. Fits all types of constitution.

✔ Turmeric is a natural antibiotic that is used in both external and internal therapy. Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it is widely used in the treatment of very many diseases - from colds and rhinitis to arthritis, skin diseases, various autoimmune pathologies. It inhibits the growth of tumors, cysts.

✔ Stimulates appetite and digestion, eliminating various manifestations of dyspepsia. It can be used even in such conditions as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (except for acute conditions!).

✔ It has a choleretic and excellent detoxifying effect - it cleanses the liver, blood and skin. Therefore, it is advisable to include it in various detox programs - drink in the form of infusions, teas or add to food.

Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. However, unlike synthetic antibiotics, it helps to maintain a healthy balance of microbiota in the intestine. Use turmeric in food poisoning, for the withdrawal of intestinal parasites.

✔ One of the best means of maintenance therapy for diabetes and metabolic disorders. With regular long-term intake helps to reduce sugar levels, normalize cholesterol, triglycerides. A positive effect on the metabolism of uric acid, which is used in the treatment of gout.

✔ Improves cardiovascular function. It is prescribed for anemia.

It has a pronounced antiallergic effect - in fact, it is a natural antihistamine! Helps to eliminate itching, redness and various skin rashes.

✔ Improves complexion, rejuvenates. It is an unsurpassed wound healing remedy - eliminates bleeding, inflammation.

✔ Turmeric essential oil has all the above-mentioned properties of spices, but it is especially appreciated by aromatherapists and cosmetologists for their ability to heal and rejuvenate the skin, whiten pigment spots.

Turmeric is a fairly safe spice. For therapeutic purposes, doses can be high -1-3 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

During pregnancy, the dosage should be reduced. In the presence of large stones in the gall bladder, therapeutic dosages should be used with caution.

How to take turmeric
Turmeric is one of the best remedies used in ayurveda and naturopathy.

✔ For daily intake, it is enough to add turmeric to food and prepare beverages and teas on its basis. In Ayurveda, there are no recommendations daily to take turmeric in its pure form without special indications. However, you can use 1 tsp. turmeric per day to maintain health. In the case of treatment of a number of diseases, the dose may be increased.

✔ In the cold season, turmeric is best taken by mixing with honey, a pinch of black pepper and washing it down with warm water.

✔ The quality and freshness of turmeric is essential (ideally, BIO).

✔ If you want to take turmeric in capsules, pay attention to the composition! Today’s popular “Curcumin” does not have the same spectrum of action as turmeric as a whole plant, which contains many biologically active components. Choose complex preparations, which include not only curcumin and standardized extract, but also whole turmeric powder.

Warm gargles with turmeric powder relieve a sore throat and make breathing easier by clearing mucus.

Recipe: ½ tsp. turmeric powder, ½ tsp sea ​​salt

Preparation: Dissolve the ingredients in warm water (150-200 ml).

Application: gargle 5-6 times a day.

Inflammation, hemorrhage of gums
Turmeric solutions are good for oral problems - stomatitis, inflammation of the gums.

Recipe: 1ch.l. turmeric powder

Preparation: Dissolve the turmeric in warm water (150 ml).

Application: rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day. In acute conditions, more often.

Turmeric has an antihistamine effect, can eliminate itching, swelling. It can be used in acute situations as a first aid (an objective assessment of the situation is always necessary!).

Recipe: 2-3 tsp. Mix turmeric with honey (for tolerance).

Application: accept, washing down with warm water. If necessary, take 2-3 times a day.

Wounds, burns, ulcers, insect bites
Recipe: 1 tbsp. aloe juice or 1 tsp honey, 1 hl turmeric

Preparation: Mix the ingredients until a smooth paste is obtained.

Application: apply the paste on damaged skin. As an ambulance, you can wash the wound and quickly apply turmeric in powder form.
