Thursday, May 23, 2019

Multi Collagen Pills (Types I, II, III, V & X) - Collagen Peptides + Absorption Enhancer - Grass Fed Collagen Protein Blend for Anti-Aging, Hair, Skin, Nails, Joints & Digestion (90 Collagen Capsules)

Multi Collagen Pills (Types I, II, III, V & X) - Collagen Peptides + Absorption Enhancer - Grass Fed Collagen Protein Blend for Anti-Aging, Hair, Skin, Nails, Joints & Digestion (90 Collagen Capsules)

Collagen, properties of the supplement for young skin

The properties of collagen and the beneficial effects it has on human skin have been investigated for several years. Recent studies have led to the release of numerous products that mix this substance with hyaluronic acid and magnesium, retinol or Vitamin. A, C and, of course, presented as marine collagen with properties that we have already described.

In this article we are going to describe the properties that this substance has, the benefits for the organism , where the collagen is as well as the way to take it. It is a supplement that has great virtues and brings great value to the human body.

Multi Collagen Pills (Types I, II, III, V & X) - Collagen Peptides + Absorption Enhancer - Grass Fed Collagen Protein Blend for Anti-Aging, Hair, Skin, Nails, Joints & Digestion (90 Collagen Capsules)
Multi Collagen Pills (Types I, II, III, V & X) - Collagen Peptides + Absorption Enhancer - Grass Fed Collagen Protein Blend for Anti-Aging, Hair, Skin, Nails, Joints & Digestion (90 Collagen Capsules)

Properties of collagen

Collagen works to delay the aging of the skin and improve its vitality, giving strength, elasticity and smoothness. The products that use this substance visibly reduce wrinkles from within as it can be used as a food supplement. Some of the properties of collagen are:
• Softens expression lines and small gestural wrinkles thanks to improved skin elasticity.
• Provides strength, flexibility, elasticity and vitality to tired skin.
• Contributes to strengthen nails and hair follicles. The hair takes a brighter color.
• Used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid, it establishes the ideal degree of moisture for skin cells to have a vigorous existence.
• It is a fundamental part of the connective tissues and fibrous structure.
• Increase the humidity level.
• Avoid deep wrinkles.
• Reduce expression lines.
• Increases the softness of the skin.
• Taken as a food supplement, it stimulates the production of natural collagen, which in the long run causes you to take less product.
• Skin care from the inside. It improves 100% by not looking at a single area. Its effects are visible throughout the body.
Benefits of collagen against aging

Collagen 25% of the proteins in the human body contain collagen, and with age, as with other substances that the body generates, they decrease. And this is one of the main causes of aging. So the use of supplements and creams with collagen are an effective aid to delay the aging process of the skin . Contributing a small amount every day can visibly delay the years.

Studies indicate that starting at age 20 is the time when you start to lose collagen in the skin. At 30 there is another important reduction and from 60, production is reduced to 65%. It is as a result of passing adolescence, over twenty, when all people begin to notice significant changes in the skin. And that's when we should begin to include products rich in collagen in our diet to maintain elasticity.

Other factors that affect the skin are tobacco, nervous tics and facial expressions that we make every day and the abuse of the sun. Fortunately, performing facial exercises together with the administration of this substance can combat, to a large extent, the signs of premature aging.

People with low collagen production or minimal levels may notice a greater appearance of wrinkles, thinner hair, stiff joints.

This may be due to a poor diet, lack of exercise or the need to add collagen in the diet. Generally, if the three components are provided, a better health of the cutaneous system is ensured.

The good thing about collagen is that you can take it in many ways and in conjunction with other products. Thus we find vitamin A, C, E, B5, Q10 and hyaluronic acid that promotes cell life. Used together, they re-launch the production of natural collagen and retain the water that the skin needs to be smoother and more radiant.

The addition of collagen is a very effective means to delay the aging process. When ingested and after coming into contact with the organism, it stimulates the production of new collagen fibers, increasing density and thickness. This makes the skin look softer and less flaccid. Collagen peptides slow down the aging process.
Where is the collagen and what is it used for

As with hyaluronic acid, collagen is a natural protein found in all the connective tissues of the human body . When we are young, this substance is found in greater quantity, which provides the freedom of not having wrinkles on the skin. Collagen and elastin work together to maintain elastic body tissue. Provides strength, firmness and smooth skin.

By promoting the resistance of the cutaneous cellular system, maintaining a good amount of collagen makes wrinkles take longer to appear. It must be taken into account that collagen constitutes around 30% of human proteins. So if you take this into account, you can get an idea of ​​how important it is and, given its quantity, they exist in multiple forms ranging from Type I to the XXI. From the skin to the gums.

This substance gives structural support to the whole organism. Tissues such as lungs, muscles, bones, cartilage, teeth and tendons contain a large amount of collagen. This is not to mention that being part of the connective tissues helps human cells to coexist in harmony.
How to use and take collagen

take collagen

This is due to the type of product you buy. There are collagen in capsules, tablets, hydrolyzed powder, as masks for hair and endless formats. It depends on the product you have to apply it in different ways or ingest it to benefit the skin, but making a summary, there are brands that distribute it in powder to be able to mix it with your favorite drink, it can be taken with cold or hot liquids, with water or with juices , tea, soups, etc. The good thing is that its properties are not affected in the least, so this makes it an ideal product to be taken as a food supplement. What you should keep in mind is that when ingested with liquids, the absorption is much faster than if you take it in solid state.

For the dose it is impossible to fix a quantity. Here the product influences, but looking at the label is enough. All EU products show the proper dosage. Following it is more than enough to notice the beneficial effects on the skin.

Below is a summary of products that are available for sale with collagen:

* Hyaluronic acid - substance with moisturizing properties that improves the skin. The production decreases with age, therefore it is highly recommended to take it in supplements.

* Vitamin A - reduces wrinkles, improves pigmentation and removes imperfections of the skin.

* Q10 - is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals. These are highly damaging because they destroy organic molecules within the organism.

* Vitamin B5 - against dry skin is great. Regulates and stimulates the production of the skin's protective layer of fat.

* Vitamin C - Helps generate more collagen structures. The effect of vitamin C is antioxidant and protects us from the sun's rays.

* Vitamin E - antioxidant with anti-wrinkle properties. It benefits by providing a softer skin.