Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 60 Capsules

Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 60 Capsules
Turmeric Curcumin Max Potency 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg with Bioperine Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Anti-Inflammatory Joint Relief, Turmeric Pills by Natures Nutrition - 60 Capsules

Useful Properties of Turmeric: 12 Incredible Facts about this Mega Spice

How often do you use spices in your dishes? We just can not without them ...

And what have you heard about turmeric?

If this spice is not completely familiar to you, then perhaps you have used spicy curry or something like that in your dishes. So, this is one family.

Have you heard some information that indicates the healing or beneficial properties of turmeric or curry?

By the way, when I started digging deeper, I was pretty amazed. If you look, you will find even medical evidence of the utility of this super spice. And turning a lot of information, it seems that this is one of the most studied spices ...

So, you must know more about it. In the meantime, let's see what this spice really is and where it came from ...

About turmeric

turmeric root - the therapeutic properties of turmeric

Turmeric is a genus of monocotyledonous herbaceous plants of the ginger family.

The rhizomes and stems of many species of this genus of spices contain essential oils and yellow dyes ( curcumin ) and are cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. The dried root powder is known as spice turmeric.

This is a spice that many of you can see in almost any store on the spice counter. We buy this spice very often.

This spice came to us from India. It was used in ancient India, though more as a food coloring. However, later it began to be used fully as a spice and further as a healer in the body.

So the healing properties of turmeric have been known in Hindustan since antiquity. It was believed that turmeric perfectly cleanses the body .

And nowadays numerous experiments have begun to be made that have shown that turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and healing functions. It can protect the body even from such terrible diseases as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and others.

Well, let's start with this closer ...

Useful properties of turmeric

1. Turmeric relieves inflammation.

chronic inflammation

There are many different body pains associated with inflammations. These can be: arthritis, osteoarthritis , inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, ankylosis, and others. And many studies also show that inflammatory processes create conditions in the body for heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

So, it seems, we got an extra chance to reduce the inflammation and we should take it. It's so easy - make a salad, sprinkle with turmeric, make juice - add a teaspoon of turmeric. If you have a natural way, do it right ...

As doctor naturopath Sokolov V.N. for "I am healthy" :

Many years ago, scientists have studied the effect of curcumin, the main component of turmeric, on the joints that are constantly subjected to inflammatory processes.

In the course of the research, it turned out that it is curcumin that reduces the active action of substances that lead to the occurrence of inflammation and destruction of bone tissue.

Scientists have concluded that turmeric is very useful for people with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of the joints.

However, as they point out, turmeric therapy cannot be replaced with medication. They also say that this spice does not cause negative effects, like chemicals.

A very high-quality comment from an expert does not give us any doubt about the healing qualities of turmeric.

2. Turmeric reduces cholesterol

turmeric root in a plate

We all know that having a healthy cholesterol level is important, but where can we begin to regulate its level naturally?

As we know most of the health problems of a person begins in the intestines, with the digestion and absorption of fats from the food we eat. So it turns out you need to eat less? Not at all, you do not need to kill yourself with hunger and certainly not eat fat, because we know fats that are very useful, right?

However, as the "Planet of Health" indicates : curcumin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and normalizes the composition of the blood. Turmeric not only cleans and improves blood circulation, but also stimulates the formation of red blood cells, and also reduces platelet aggregation.

This plant regulates metabolism, correcting both redundancy and lack of metabolic processes, and contributes to the absorption of protein. Therefore, turmeric extract is a part of modern preparations for body correction.

By the way, we have an excellent recipe for cleansing the body, remember or look in this article ...

3. Turmeric improves pancreatic function

turmeric for pancreas

As is already known, turmeric is a fairly strong antibiotic, but unlike chemicals, its administration does not show a detrimental effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

On the contrary, it favorably affects the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, increases the activity of the intestinal microflora, thereby improving digestion. This spice effectively removes toxins from the liver , thereby affecting the entire state of the body.

And most importantly, it is able to activate the work of the gallbladder and helps fight cholecystitis.

This reduces the desire to eat fatty and sweet dishes. By regulating the metabolism, it corrects not only redundancy, but also insufficiency of metabolic processes, helps in the development of protein.

4. Protection against brain diseases

turmeric vs alzheimer's

It is very hard when people lose their mind. If you are not familiar with this, then we can definitely say that diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease are two of the most difficult situations for a person, especially for his close ones.

Alzheimer's disease - often in conversation it is not quite rightly called senile marasmus. But this is a disease in which certain systems of brain cells (neurons) seem to die, which leads to the development of senile, or senile dementia ( dementia ).

Alzheimer's disease does not come in one minute. It can develop from 40 years in any person.

If you examine in more detail the list of causes of the disease, it can be found that Alzheimer's disease is associated with a chronic inflammatory reaction in the brain.

Remember that we recently talked about the strong effect of turmeric on inflammatory processes in the body? As many sources say, this disease has not yet been fully studied and it progresses very much due to our ecology and nutrition.

5. Turmeric against cancer

turmeric heart

According to Zenslim, curcumin is a universal regulator of longevity. It is especially activated when oxidative stress is applied to the cell and produces many groups of enzymes that relieve oxidative stress, protecting the cell from disturbances caused by stress.

This activation under conditions of oxidative stress leads to an increase in the work of enzyme systems, due to which foreign compounds with high and nonspecific chemical activity are effectively neutralized and removed from the cell, and molecules damaged by their action are replaced by new ones.

So, curcumin works at the cellular level, forcing cells to naturally increase the production of protective antioxidant enzymes.

According to the same "Zenslim" , scientists from the University of Mahidol, found that curcumin is capable of a 58% slow down the growth of a cancerous tumor. The greatest effectiveness was found in the fight against cancer of the mammary gland, prostate gland, pancreas.

Scientists explain that curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, so it has the ability to destroy carcinogens.

Recently, scientists are increasingly wondering why there are far fewer patients with blood cancer in the East. Is it because turmeric is in the daily diet of people?

As a result of the research, it turned out that this spice interferes with the growth of cells infected with leukemia, and also protects against harm caused to the body by cigarette smoke and the consumption of semi-finished products.

6. Turmeric reduces pain

seizures - causes of magnesium deficiency

It goes without saying that if you can reduce inflammation, you can most likely reduce any pain in the body, right?

Yes, and this is natural, now, after reading a few points above, this conclusion can be easily reached.

Neuropathic pain is probably one of the worst kinds of pain, because it is caused by some dysfunction of the nervous system and can be very uncomfortable for us and our well-being. So curcumin can help with severe pain, as a result of the fight against disease.
7. Helps the lungs

turmeric against asthma

Asthma is probably one of the most common and widespread respiratory problems. This is especially true for large cities. So if someone is worried about asthma, especially allergic, and you are looking for a simple and effective remedy, turmeric will help you.

This is proven even by research indicates the site "Wonderful . "

It has been established that turmeric roots (or curcumin) help patients who have asthma, as well as other diseases of this type. Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. Both children and adults are ill.

Many animal studies have testified that curcumin is able to rid itself of inflammation, the determining factor for asthma.

The study involved 77 people. They were divided into two groups.

• Group A received simple medications for the treatment of bronchial asthma.
• Group B received the same drugs, but a dose of curcumin in capsules weighing 500 mg was added to them. They used them twice a day.

Evaluation of the results was carried out by: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, chest heaviness, as well as blood tests.

Patients were examined every tenth day of the month. And during each of the examinations, the clinical parameters described above were evaluated.

The results of the experiment showed that those who took curcumin capsules improved airway obstruction and general health. In addition, a significant improvement in blood count and the absence of any significant side effects were noted. This suggests that curcumin can be safely used.

8. Turmeric helps prevent heart disease.

heart turmeric

As we have already seen, turmeric is a super remedy for many diseases and ailments, but let's figure it out, how about a heart?

According to the medical site :

The chemical that forms in turmeric root naturally helps to improve heart health, just as it does with aerobic exercise. This is evidenced by 3 studies conducted by scientists at the University of Tsukuba in Japan.

Studies have shown that turmeric has a positive effect not only on the heart itself, but also on the entire circulatory system. It improves the general condition of arteries and other vessels.

Scientists argue that regular use of curcumin warns against cardiovascular diseases of women, especially in postmenopausal women. In addition, research has shown that turmeric can be an alternative for those who cannot exercise to maintain cardiac activity. ”

9. Turmeric for the liver.

turmeric with flowers

As you know, the liver helps to absorb all fats, and also processes all toxins. The load on it is very strong, we talked about this in the last article (take a minute to look here ... ).

According to the journal of scientific studies:

This popular spice protects liver cells from damage and reduces inflammation resulting from fatty hepatosis. For the treatment of fatty liver turmeric can be used as a spice for dishes, as well as tinctures and capsules.

Research also shows that turmeric can be useful in treating hepatitis B and hepatitis C. In 2009, scientists found that turmeric extract stopped the development of the hepatitis B virus. And in a 2010 invitro study, it was shown that this popular spice extract suppressed hepatitis c virus

And that is not all …

10. Turmeric Slimming

girl with a centimeter

Diet and exercise are not the only means on the way to the desired weight. You can speed up the process of losing weight by adding various herbs and spices to your diet. These are super foods to increase metabolism.

Turmeric is a natural choleretic stimulator of bile production in the liver and its release through the gallbladder.

Increased outflow of bile contributes to the breakdown of fat. And it increases metabolism and, therefore, helps us fight off unwanted pounds. Add turmeric powder to your diet every day to stabilize and reduce weight.

These can be salads, cocktails or even green juices , which are also excellent cleaners and stimulants.

11. Turmeric against stress and depression

the girl is full of happiness

We've already found that curcumin can help with brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and other disorders, right?

And this is like a blast and suggests that turmeric can have an impact on mental health in general, for example, to get rid of depression.

Health Herald writes that

Curry, used in curry spices, helps erase bad memories, according to scientists at the University of New York.

During the experiment, psychologists stimulated fear in mice, a certain sound. They literally died away in horror, when an unpleasant sound occurred. A few hours later, including this sound, the scientists noticed that those mice that were given curcumin stopped responding.

This suggests that negative memories were forgotten.

Scientists say that people who suffer from stress and mental, as well as mental disorders characterized by terrible memories, can benefit from eating turmeric.

This is possible because curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect. And inflammation is known to occur in many psychological disorders, including depression, Alzheimer's disease and many stresses.

It seems that this spice just has to earn its place in your kitchen.

12. Promotes rapid recovery from stress.

girl doing gymnastics

The last serious discovery that we have made, and which is needed by many who are for a healthy lifestyle, is that turmeric can help with recovery after a workout.

Do you know what a terrible painful feeling it is for tomorrow after a serious workout? And, as a rule, this pain subsides 2 days later ... right?

But turmeric will help you deal with pain much faster and will not give a strong pain effect. About this also writes "Diets and Sport" :

Sports nutritiologist Anita Bin believes that not all records depend solely on training. Some foods can restore you faster, especially after intense workouts. The secret is to consume more foods high in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the body and speed up recovery.

And turmeric is just that spice that has been used in Asia for centuries as a natural pain reliever, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. The pains after training are the breaks that lead to inflammation. And turmeric, as we already understood, fights free radicals and reduces inflammation.

Here is a bonus for you, an excellent solution - add more of this super spice to your dishes and restore your muscles faster!


As we have said, if you look at various scientific studies, you can find thousands of health benefits from using turmeric. You will read a lot of information about the therapeutic properties of turmeric.

So try to add this miracle spice as often as possible to your healthy diet. It is worth it. This is already known to you.

Do you use turmeric in cooking? So that you can add to this list of health benefits from the use of turmeric, write in the comments as much as possible!
