Tuesday, May 28, 2019

MegaFood - Turmeric Strength for Whole Body, Curcumin Support for a Healthy Inflammation Response with Tart Cherry and Holy Basil Leaf, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, 60 Tablets (FFP)

MegaFood - Turmeric Strength for Whole Body, Curcumin Support for a Healthy Inflammation Response with Tart Cherry and Holy Basil Leaf, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, 60 Tablets (FFP)
MegaFood - Turmeric Strength for Whole Body, Curcumin Support for a Healthy Inflammation Response with Tart Cherry and Holy Basil Leaf, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, 60 Tablets (FFP)

Turmeric: beneficial properties and contraindications

Turmeric is an Indian spice, quite popular in eastern countries, which, in addition to cooking, is also used in industry as a natural dye to dye fabrics with a warm orange color, and in perfumery to create original and vibrant compositions. There are more than 30 species of this plant, but only four are eaten: turmeric cedoaria, fragrant, long and round, in addition, most do not even know about the therapeutic effect of this spice on the human body. In the article we will describe what are the beneficial properties of turmeric, we will tell in what cases it may be harmful and we will acquaint you with the unique composition of this product.

Useful and therapeutic properties of turmeric for the human body

The healing effects of turmeric have been recognized gradually over the centuries, and recent studies have found that this spice is an invaluable tool that can cure various pathologies. The following beneficial properties of turmeric can be distinguished:

It helps the cardiovascular system, prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack, helps reduce cholesterol levels, improves the condition of the vascular walls, is an effective treatment for atherosclerosis;
It has antiseptic and antimicrobial function, helps the rapid healing of minor wounds and cuts;
Improves digestion by activating the gallbladder, helps digest heavy foods;
Turmeric is very effective for treating diabetes mellitus, reducing the level of sugar and blood pressure;
Curcumin present in the composition of the plant has a beneficial effect on the vessels, reducing the activity of substances leading to inflammation and further destruction of the joint;
Regular consumption of turmeric with milk at night has a positive effect on the intestinal walls, blood vessels and heart function (especially useful for the elderly);
The positive effect of the spice on the vessels has been proven; the use of the spice prevents the risk of thrombosis;
Normalizes the kidneys and liver, helps to eliminate toxins and slags;
Tincture of this plant will help relieve acute pain during gastritis;
Thanks to the therapeutic effect of turmeric, it copes with colds, relieves inflammation, kills viruses;
The substances contained in the root of this plant help cleanse and improve the blood composition, promote the activation of the formation of red blood cells (red blood cells) and reduce the adhesion of platelets to each other, which can lead to the formation of blood clots;
Back in ancient times, turmeric was used in Chinese medicine to treat depressive conditions;
The presence of cineol in the plant helps to destroy parasites in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
Powder from turmeric when applied to a wound will help stop the blood and perfectly disinfect the injury site;
From the plant, it is possible to prepare a composition that eyes are instilled with inflammation, which promotes the removal of the inflammatory process and is excellent in disinfecting;
Spice-based paste is used for the fastest possible cure for lichen and eczema;
Turmeric helps to reduce indigestion after eating and to regulate symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia, which are characterized by increased gas formation, constipation, colic and pain in the lower abdomen;
A mixture of seasoning and water is wonderfully used to whiten teeth, while destroying the bacteria in the oral cavity, which is especially effective for such diseases as gingivitis, during which the gums are inflamed.

Turmeric also contributes to weight loss, more precisely after dropping weight, it prevents the development of new fat cell growth, and when used in dietary nutrition, the plant reduces cravings for sweet and fatty.

Studies have been conducted and it has been found that the curcumin substance contained in turmeric has the ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier, which allows the plant to be used for the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases. For example, this spice has a positive effect on the condition of the patient with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. When seasoning is used in the brain, nerve cells are cleared of pathological beta-amyloids (amyloid plaques), and in combination with vitamin D3, this process is accelerated.

An interesting fact: turmeric is often called the “Indian saffron” because of its similar properties - the coloring of dishes, but these are completely different seasonings.

However, in order to evaluate the positive effect of a plant on human organs and systems, it is necessary for a long time to regularly use spice, adding it to a variety of dishes, and the daily dose of turmeric recommended by doctors should be no more than 3g.
What is useful turmeric for women?

In alternative oriental medicine, it is considered a “golden spice” due to the variety of different beneficial properties. As it has been proven by research, orange seasoning can simulate the functioning of the female sex hormone estrogen, due to the substance curcumin, which acts as a plant-derived estrogen. Therefore, the benefits of turmeric for the body of women is a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

The experiments also confirmed that this Indian spice can reduce pain during menstrual bleeding, normalize their intensity and have an antispasmodic effect on uterine contractions. A powder, diluted with water, can be used for washing in the presence of unnatural vaginal discharge caused by hormonal disruption in the body. This procedure has a long-lasting relief effect.

You will also be interested to know the benefits of golden milk from turmeric for the human body .

Useful properties of turmeric for men

For male health, this product is also necessary. The use of turmeric has a positive effect on reproductive function and helps to increase the level of the male hormone testosterone. Spice also helps to improve the quality of seminal fluid, increases the motility of male germ cells, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.

The use of turmeric as a spice for various dishes also has a positive effect on the body in sexual disorders, for example, in the presence of erectile dysfunction.

With intensive workouts in the gym or physical work, the use of turmeric helps relieve tension in the muscles and relax, recharge your body with energy and renew strength. This is why turmeric is useful for men.
The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes and cosmetology

Women in India for a long time used this plant as one of the components in the preparation of masks and decoctions that can preserve youth and beauty. Masks of turmeric have anti-inflammatory effect, relieve pigment spots, lighten freckles, improve complexion. Perfectly affect lotions from this plant on oily skin, due to the presence in the composition of phytosterols and fatty acids, which help reduce excess sebum.

The therapeutic properties of turmeric also consist in its use for the manufacture of masks for hair, which promote their growth, strengthen and promote the disappearance of dandruff. However, do not hold the mask for more than 20 minutes, because turmeric has the function of staining, therefore, it is desirable to carry out the procedure with gloves.

The mixture with turmeric can be used for cellulite wraps, which helps to smooth the skin, helps to remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of puffiness.

During the purchase of seasoning for cosmetic use, you need to carefully look at the packaging, where the turmeric. In the natural spice should not be dyes, monosodium glutamate and food additives, which are very often used to enhance the taste of products.

Did you know that by adding this seasoning to a mask or scrub, you can give your skin a hint of tan, and turmeric paste is used to remove hair.

Harm of turmeric for the body and contraindications to its use

Вред куркумы на здоровье человека

Turmeric greatly affects the functioning of the body, so it is desirable to use it moderately so as not to cause harm to health. During dinner, it is not recommended to add spice to the dishes, which can lead to insomnia. Spice has the ability to significantly enhance the effect of drugs, for example, while taking it with diabetic drugs, dizziness and even fainting can occur, and it is advisable not to use turmeric while using anticoagulants.

In the presence or exacerbation of certain diseases, you should limit the use of seasoning in your diet:

Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
Stones in the gall bladder and biliary ducts;
Hepatitis, jaundice;
Food allergies.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use this seasoning in your diet, as it may increase the tone of the uterus, and children under 5-6 years old are forbidden to use this spice due to a possible allergic reaction. It was considered what is the harm and health benefits of turmeric, and then we find out which substances contribute to the presence of healing properties of seasoning.
Composition of turmeric

Состав куркумы

Useful properties of the plant are beyond doubt, as evidenced by the content of such components:

Dietary fiber (21 g);
Fats (9.88 g);
Proteins (7.83 g);
Vitamins (niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin and others);
Minerals (phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium and others);
Carbohydrates (64.9 g).

Since the nutrients in 100 g of seasoning are present in a very small dose (for example, vitamin Thiamine contains not more than 0.15 g), the value of these substances in the pinch that we add to the food does not matter. Despite this, the presence of such components in turmeric as curcumin, essential oils and other components, even in such a small amount, has a positive effect on the human body.

Of all the substances present in the composition of the seasoning, it is necessary to allocate curcumin, thanks to which the spice gives the dishes a yellowish tint. From it also receive such a food additive as turmeric, which is used for the preparation of mayonnaise, margarine, cheese, butter.

Scientific experiments have proven the beneficial effects of curcumin on cancer cells, preventing the formation and destruction of them, while not affecting healthy cells, which makes effective treatment of turmeric malignant tumors. The combined use of curcumin with some chemotherapy drugs helps to improve the results of treatment of malignant tumors, while the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy are significantly reduced.

It should also be noted that this plant may not always have a healing effect, it depends on its variety and place of origin. Only turmeric purchased in India will be of the best quality.

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