Thursday, May 23, 2019

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 8.6oz

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 8.6oz

Hyaluronic acid and collagen for total regeneration

Hyaluronic acid and collagen have beneficial properties for the body. Thanks to scientific advances today there are innumerable products that offer these two molecules at once. Clinically tested, they have anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and regenerative properties of cartilage and bones. Both substances have a very high presence in the human organism.

It should be noted that collagen is the most numerous protein in the body and hyaluronic acid is present in an infinity of tissues. For these reasons, we describe below the qualities and properties of hyaluronic collagen .

Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 8.6oz
Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 5 Types of Food Sourced Collagen, Providing Types I, II, III, V, and X, 8.6oz

Collagen with hyaluronic acid

The microscopic fibers of collagen with hyaluronic acid create the support to give resistance to the tissues of the organism. The proteins are wound up providing the creation of bone material, cartilage and nails, but also regeneration of the connective tissues. The properties of hyaluronic collagen are beneficial because they create the necessary conditions for cellular tissues to have a continuous moisturizing environment, rich in nutrients and with sufficient quality to grow at a constant rate. This allows a regeneration of the skin, little by little the elastin is replaced and the bones can repair the structure that is destroyed every day.
If you take into account that collagen is the protein with more presence in the human body and that is 25% of the total, you can realize the importance it has for life. And is that the goal of collagen is to create fibers that become the structure of all parts of the body. It is the scaffolding of the skin, of the muscles, of the bones and of all the parts that you can imagine of your body. The description of the benefits and properties of collagen are so extensive that it takes up an entire article.

But that is not all!

collagen hyaluronic acid On the hyaluronic side , it must be mentioned that it is a non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan that originates by natural production in the organism. This is part of the cellular, neuronal tissues, and muscles and connective fibers. In addition, the presence in the deep and superficial layers of the skin promotes the proliferation of cells. The average hyaluronic acid that a person has is 15 grams. It seems little but in reality it is a lot. Also, keep in mind that one third is replaced every day.

The properties and benefits have been dealt with extensively different times. You can see a description , what it is used for and the benefits it brings in these articles. Now, we go into the qualities and properties when you take them together.
Properties of hyaluronic collagen

  •     Prevent wrinkles
  •     Increases the hydration of the skin and cellular tissues.
  •     It improves the elasticity of the skin and softens the marks of expression.
  •     It promotes a better production and synthesis of natural organic proteins.
  •     It helps in the regeneration of joints and bone tissue.
  •     Increases the flexibility of bones and soft tissues.

As you can see in the list of properties of hyaluronic collagen there are many benefits you can get when you take the two substances together. And is that in addition to providing and capture the necessary water collagen is the support of calcium and this is the main material of the bones. So a good complement to food should contemplate providing greater robustness and strength of these tissues.

hyaluronic collagen properties In addition, it provides strength and makes the elastin that provides flexibility grow. The less hyaluronic acid less collagen and the less collagen less elasticity . This is very important for the skin, so that less wrinkles appear and to have a healthy skin. However, a more important aspect that is often not taken into account is the flexibility of the bones.

And is that one of the reasons why older people are more likely to suffer broken bones is none other than the lack of collagen. After 50 years is more than obvious. This situation, unfortunately, is accentuated more with age. The flexibility of the bones allows that in front of an impact they deform slightly, without breaking, without splintering and returning to their original state without a fracture.
Recommended dose

As with other organic substances, collagen + hyaluronic acid needs a daily replacement . An average of 5 gr is consumed every day. of hyaluronic that needs to be replaced. In contrast, the dose of collagen is 3 to 5 gr. newspapers. These amounts are obviously more difficult to replace the more years you have. So taking a collagen supplement with hyaluronic acid works perfectly to keep you younger.

The recommended daily doses and amounts are:

  •     Hyaluronic acid 5 gr. Collagen from 3 to 5 gr.

Obviously, a diet rich in nutrients may favor that less amount of supplement is necessary. If you keep a varied diet with plenty of fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables you may have to minimize consumption in other formats. In any case, you always have the possibility to enjoy powdered supplements or pills.
Does taking hyaluronic acid and collagen work?

Since we are all exposed to the wear and tear of life, we need fuel, but also protection from the sun and UV rays, free radicals, environmental pollution and replenish the amount that the body consumes. This is what the latest studies show. If we take supplements of marine collagen plus hyaluronic we give the skin the hydration and the necessary material to build the fibers that are the fundamental support for the elasticity and strengthening of the skin. To stop the wear and degradation of cells, this is essential. In addition, we must bear in mind that as we age, there is a real loss of the balance of these two substances in the body. From the age of 30, the curve increases, which is why we notice different hair and drier skin.