Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Organic Ultra Pure and Extra Strength (1650 mg) Turmeric Curcumin Extract BioPerine (90 Vegetarian Turmeric Capsules) 95% Curcuminoids | Turmeric Curcumin Capsules | Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging

Organic Ultra Pure and Extra Strength (1650 mg) Turmeric Curcumin Extract BioPerine (90 Vegetarian Turmeric Capsules) 95% Curcuminoids | Turmeric Curcumin Capsules | Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging
Organic Ultra Pure and Extra Strength (1650 mg) Turmeric Curcumin Extract BioPerine (90 Vegetarian Turmeric Capsules) 95% Curcuminoids | Turmeric Curcumin Capsules | Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Aging

Benefits for your health Turmeric Golden Milk.

Benefits for your health. Golden Milk.

Golden milk is an amazing turmeric beverage that can bring a lot of health benefits to the whole family.

Milk with turmeric is used as a natural remedy for solving a number of health problems. This healing beverage can help reduce inflammation of the joints, increase immunity, maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, help to lose weight and control blood sugar levels. There is also evidence that turmeric has anti-cancer properties.
The article describes one of the best recipes of gold milk, and variations of its preparation to your taste.
Milk with turmeric. Health Benefits

First of all, let's look at the benefits of milk with turmeric for health. The benefit of gold milk is primarily due to the astounding numerous useful properties for the body turmeric which are supplemented by other ingredients of this healing beverage.
Increases immunity

Milk with turmeric is an excellent means to strengthen immunity against many diseases. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of colds, influenza and other infectious diseases. Turmeric will help in rapid recovery after diseases, with large physical exertion and the decline of forces.
It is a good remedy for digestive problems

Turmeric improves digestion, helps relieve bloating, as well as heartburn as a result of stomach reflux. Curcumin in turmeric increases the flow of bile, which helps in the digestion of fat. Curcumin can prevent and treat gastrointestinal infections and get rid of parasites. In addition, turmeric helps in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and protects the pancreas gland.
Milk with turmeric can treat diarrhea and indigestion. For this purpose it is necessary to use skim milk (high-fat milk can aggravate diarrhea).
Turmeric is a great blood purifier

Turmeric has always been considered an excellent means for detoxification. Toxins in the blood are the main causes of many abnormal skin conditions and other diseases. Turmeric helps to get rid of toxic blood impurities, improving liver function, which is instructed to identify these toxins and find a way to eliminate them. The diuretic effect of the spice helps to bring these toxins through the urine. In addition, milk with turmeric benefits the health of the spleen, useful in anemia and thalemia.

Helps with colds, cough and sore throat

Milk with turmeric is traditionally used for the treatment of cough, colds and other respiratory tract infections. Anti-virus and antibacterial properties of turmeric can help fight infections, while the anti-inflammatory property helps alleviate the symptoms of the disease. A cup of warm milk with turmeric before bedtime will reduce the night cough and provide a restful sleep.
Helps with joint diseases

Turmeric is an effective tool for the treatment of joints and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The use of milk with turmeric in arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis relieves inflammation, protects bone tissue, reduces pain and improves joint mobility better than pharmacy drugs. It also helps in the treatment of bone fractures, pain in the muscles and ligaments.
Useful for the brain and nervous system

Golden milk can relieve headaches. Thinning blood, turmeric, improves blood circulation, which will be especially useful for people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. In addition, turmeric has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system it is recommended for depression, nervous disorders and transportation, it improves memory and helps with insomnia.
It is a strengthening agent for the liver and gallbladder

Laboratory tests and clinical studies have demonstrated the ability of curcumin to prevent and reverse cirrhosis of the liver and fatty liver disease. Curcumin protects the liver from intoxication due to excessive use of alcohol, harmful effects of heavy metals, drugs and other toxic compounds. Use turmeric improves gall bladder and prevents the appearance of gallstones.

Attention! People who have gallstones or clogged bile ducts should avoid the intake of curcumin.

Promotes metabolic health

Studies have shown that curcumin is able to regulate various metabolic processes in the body. The use of turmeric stimulates insulin secretion and lowers blood sugar levels. In addition, this healing drink lowers cholesterol, prevents fat deposits and promotes weight loss.
(Read more: Turmeric in the fight against high cholesterol)
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

The use of this healing beverage reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It prevents thrombosis, helps with atherosclerosis, stabilizes blood pressure and heart rhythm. The vitamins C and P available as a part of turmeric contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels. Curcumin helps in the treatment of arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction.
Milk with turmeric for women's health

Turmeric is very useful for the health of the reproductive system of both women and men.
Golden milk has many advantages in gynecological diseases (uterine fibroma, endometriosis, vaginosis, leukemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome...), during menopause and to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Curcumin is a stimulant of the uterus, which promotes the free flow of the menstrual cycle. For this reason, turmeric in therapeutic doses should be avoided during pregnancy.
Golden Milk for Skin

Kurkum has traditionally been used in the preparation of various cosmetic products. The external use of turmeric makes the skin smooth, removes wrinkles and other signs of premature aging, helps with acne and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Milk with turmeric additionally strengthens these effects and cleanses skin from skin rashes, irritation, peeling and rosacea. Regular reception of gold milk renders huge relief to the sick eczema. Eczema is often seen as a skin problem, but it has deeper roots. The immunomodatory effect of curcumin and its detoxivatory and anti-inflammatory properties facilitate the symptoms and prevent outbreaks.
Golden Milk Cooking Recipes

There are many recipes for making gold milk with turmeric. And what recipe to choose in fact is not so important. In any case you will get a useful healing drink.
The main recipe for the preparation of gold milk

For preparation of gold milk from turmeric it is necessary to prepare a paste which will be added in milk for preparation of a drink first. Cooking milk with pasta is convenient because the cooked pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.

Pasta Preparation

To cook the pasta, take 2 tablespoons of good turmeric powder and add one glass of pure water and stir to the state of the Kashshsy.

Put the mixture on a slow fire and cook continuously, stirring for at least 7 minutes until thick viscous paste is formed. If the mixture becomes too thick, add some water, if the paste turns out not dense enough add a little powder.

Remove the cooked paste from the fire and let it cool after which it needs to be put in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

It is known that turmeric itself is poorly digested in the body, but its bioavailability (active assimilation) strongly increases if you take it with fats or black pepper. Black pepper contains the active substance piperine, which increases the bioavailability of curcumin to 2000%!
Therefore in the prepared paste it is possible to add 1/3 glasses (70 ml) of vegetable oil (coconut oil, linseed oil or olive oil). And one teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper.

Note that the addition of pepper is not obligatory, and the oil can be added as a paste, and then directly in the prepared with pasta drink.

Preparation of gold milk

For preparation of a drink bring to boiling, not giving to boil, one glass of milk and add in it 1 teaspoon of cooked paste.
Note that it is not necessary to take only cow's milk can be used goat, soy, coconut, almond or any other milk.

For better absorption of turmeric in the beverage is recommended to add ½-1 teaspoon of sesame, almond or coconut oil, or ghee (purified melted butter) can also add sweet syrup to taste.

Attention to treat diarrhea and indigestion should use skim milk (high-fat milk can aggravate diarrhea).

Golden Milk with honey

Adding honey will give milk with turmeric even more benefit. But it is necessary to remember that in hot milk (as in other drinks) honey not only loses all its medicinal properties, but also becomes dangerous. In addition, when heated honey to 50-60 degrees in it destroyed all the useful enzymes and vitamins, it forms a dangerous for the body hydroxanthyl-furfurool, which can cause food poisoning, and with regular use and other serious Diseases. Therefore honey can be added only in the cooled drink or putting 1 H. L. Honey in a mouth to drink a glass of gold milk.
Milk recipe with fresh root turmeric

A slice of the root of turmeric from 1.5 to 2.5 cm is heated with 250 ml of milk for 15 minutes, milk should come to a boil, but not boil. Strain the received drink and let it cool.

The drink thus prepared helps with diarrhea (use skim milk), can soothe inflammation, strengthens bones, is effective in struggle with free radicals.
Milk with turmeric and ginger

This simple recipe has been used in India for centuries, to soothe sore throats and cough and fever.
Drunk at night a glass of milk with turmeric and ginger already on the morning symptoms of disease diminish or go away completely.

Add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of ginger grated ginger root to the ¼ Cup of water and stir well. Pour in a glass of milk. Heat the mixture for a few minutes until the milk is almost boiling.

Allow this mixture to stand up for a few minutes.
To this drink it is possible to add honey or sugar to taste. Stir and heat again for a few minutes. Honey should be added only in cooled milk (the temperature of the beverage should not be above 50 degrees) to heat again in this case is not necessary.
Strain the mixture to get rid of the pieces of ginger and turmeric. Drink hot or warm spruce you have prepared a drink with honey.

For better absorption of turmeric in addition to ginger in the milk prepared in this way can add a silent black pepper. Contained in the black pepper piperine, increases the absorption of curcumin to 20 times!

As a supplement to this recipe before you boil in a mixture of milk and water other than turmeric and ginger you can add a few cardamom pods (cracks) and a pinch of saffron
How to drink milk with turmeric

Golden Milk by its therapeutic properties can help with many diseases. If you are going to drink milk with turmeric for medicinal purposes in chronic or other serious diseases (for example, at diseases of joints) It is recommended to do it courses from 30 to 40 days one twice a year (in the spring and in the autumn). When treating and preventing colds, treating diarrhoea and similar cases, milk with turmeric can be drunk as needed.

If you are first going to take turmeric we recommend to start with smaller doses starting, for example, with a ¼ teaspoon of paste on a glass of milk if you do not feel any side effects of the dose can gradually increase, bringing to 1 teaspoon.
As a rule, it is recommended to drink one cup of milk prepared with one teaspoon of pasta once a day.
But note that the ideal dose for each person. Some help small doses others need more. If the use of turmeric you do not have any side effects for the stomach, and you do not notice the improvement in the use of turmeric in such quantity, you can try to increase the dose slightly and divide it into several receptions in equal intervals Time.
Golden milk is recommended to drink in warm form before eating or two hours after eating.
As for the reception time there are different opinions some recommend drinking milk with turmeric in the morning on an empty stomach other at night before bedtime.
Taking the golden milk in the morning, remember that warm milk, especially when combined with honey has a sleeping effect. Drinking a cup of warm gold milk for the night is better digested, calms, promotes a deep and calm sleep.

Before you start drinking milk with turmeric be sure to read the contraindications to the use of turmeric.
Golden Milk Damage and contraindications

The use of turmeric as a seasoning for food is considered absolutely harmless. When taking turmeric for therapeutic purposes including in the form of gold milk, despite the amazing medicinal properties of this beverage still has a number of contraindications.

The main contraindications to the reception of gold milk are:
-individual intolerance of turmeric;
-Kidney disease in which there is a formation of stones;
-The presence of gallstones, bile ducts or kidneys;
-Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
-Diabetes mellitus;
-Intake of drugs that dilute blood (aspirin, antiplatelet drugs, warfarin)
-presence of bleeding;
— Preparation for the operation (the admission of turmeric should be stopped at least two weeks before the planned operation)
-chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
-chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation;
-It is impossible to give kurkumu to children under two years;
The use of spices in large quantities, even in the absence of contraindications can lead to problems with the digestive tract. It should be borne in mind that turmeric reduces blood pressure, which is especially important for Gipotnikov and people with hypertension and receiving drugs for lowering pressure (turmeric can greatly increase their effect)

The main thing to remember: that turmeric profited, not harm it should be taken in moderation.
