Showing posts with label Collagen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collagen. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

NeoCell Super Collagen Powder 6,600milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Unflavored 7 Ounces

NeoCell Super Collagen Powder 6,600milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Unflavored 7 Ounces

Collagen, Elastin and Hyaluronic Acid: the 'must have' for your skin

Hello beautiful! As you know, hydration and firmness are the two necessary pillars for a beautiful and young skin. As active as collagen, elastin or hyaluronic acid, are the bases of the formula to achieve this goal. Today we tell you everything about them:

- Collagen: is, so that we understand the "glue" of the body. An essential protein that is present throughout our body (30% of our body is composed of this substance), muscles, tendons, bones and skin. Its cutaneous function is to give the skin strength and structure, as well as being its internal support . It is responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic. The bad news is that, over the years, not only do we generate less collagen, but also, it is of poorer quality: weaker, more disorganized ... And for that reason, the feared flaccidity appears.

- Elastin: elastin also has structural functions although, unlike collagen, it gives more elasticity than resistance. Elastin is part of the connective tissue of the skin forming fibers (similar to an elastic net) and keeps the skin firm and looking good . Although it is not as abundant as collagen, elastin plays a key role in keeping our skin young. However, as with collagen, the passage of time reduces its production and quality.

NeoCell Super Collagen Powder 6,600milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Unflavored 7 Ounces
NeoCell Super Collagen Powder 6,600milligram Collagen Types 1 and 3 Unflavored  7 Ounces

- Hyaluronic acid: hyaluronic acid is a substance found mainly in the skin, but also in joints and cartilage. Over time, they are destroyed and it is estimated that when we reach 50 years, we only have half of hyaluronic acid in our body. For this reason, many cosmetics use it, since the replacement of this component in the skin is necessary to keep it nourished. Its main feature is that it is able to retain water in more than a thousand times its weight, to deposit it in the epidermis (thus, it captures moisture in the environment to give it to the skin and also prevents the deeper layers of the skin dehydrate).

- The Deep Action Collagen and Elastin ampoule: an authentic cocktail of anti-wrinkle and rejuvenating active ingredients that will improve the elasticity of cutaneous fibers and compensate for the loss of both proteins caused by the passage of time.

- The Deep Action Ampoule of Hyaluronic Acid: it contains a very high concentration of this active, to compensate that, with age, it is destroyed.

Germinal is a brand created by Alter Laboratories that, in its almost 40 years of history, continues to maintain its initial vocation to make beauty more vivid and lasting, with high-cosmetic products sold in Pharmacy that, at the time of its creation, They did not exist. Throughout its history, Germinal has been developing products for women seeking specific treatments for their skin and in 2015 launches its preparations in ampules of Deep Action, destined to nourish the skin in depth and recover the firmness of it.

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

What is skin collagen?


Collagen is a fundamental ingredient to provide smoothness and firmness to the skin.

One of the main concerns of women in terms of beauty is to maintain a youthful appearance. With age, wrinkles, lines of expression and spots appear, influencing the skin aging of our face. The dermatological and cosmetic treatments based on collagen are essential to combat the inexorable process of aging and delay its effects on the skin.

The range of collagen anti-aging care is used to achieve immediate and lasting effects to rejuvenate the skin, providing hydration and strengthening the tissues.

Collagen helps minimize the effects that gestures produce on the face. Its exceptional moisturizing action softens and smoothes the skin very effectively with amazing results. Of course, you have to be consistent in its use and try to use a product indicated to your skin type: fat, dry, mixed or sensitive.

Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz
Great Lakes Gelatin - Collagen Hydrolysate Kosher - Unflavored Protein - 16 oz

The collagen will act as a "mattress" on the fibers of the dermis and recover the skin, providing a unique volume and elasticity. Remember that to maintain a skin care and firm is not enough to apply collagen products, but also must be complemented with proper daily care. Do not forget to follow a few basic steps of daily routine that will keep your face always radiant and luminous:

EXFOLIATE. Use an exfoliating gel or mask to remove dead cells and impurities.

CLEAN AND TONIFY. Always remove your face with the help of a cleansing cream and then a facial tonic. Help yourself with a small cotton, so that the product penetrates more easily and you can remove the excess.

HYDRATE. Apply every day a moisturizer with sunscreen (even if winter) indicated for your skin type.

NOURISH. The use of a nutritive or regenerating cream will provide the nutrients that our skin needs. Ideally, apply it every night, before going to sleep.

Take care of your skin and keep a healthy and balanced diet, drink lots of water and do sport whenever you can. Help yourself with collagen to firm your complexion and blur the small wrinkles and lines of expression caused by age. Apply the product correctly, filling in the most visible areas, and repeat the same operation daily. Be persistent!

At present, there are also treatments with collagen that you can apply in specialized beauty centers and that will show results from the first session.

In short, use collagen to feel your skin firmer and smoother. It is a magic protein, the secret to keep skin young for longer.

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Paleo Friendly, Gluten Free, Single Ingredient (10 oz)

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Paleo Friendly, Gluten Free, Single Ingredient (10 oz)

What are foods rich in collagen?

Which foods contain more collagen

oods with more collagen are of animal origin , since it is an element that does not appear in fruits or vegetables. If we want a good contribution of collagen, the best we can do is pay attention to the following products:

  •     Pig handyman
  •     Cow nose.
  •     Callos and varied casquería.
  •     Bone broth, both meat and fish.
  •     Gelatins made from animal products.

One of the great problems of collagen is that so that we can absorb it properly has to be hydrolyzed, that is, it is precisely in those foods that often seem unattractive because of its high content of fat and gelatin. Shellfish and animal gelatin are very high sources of collagen .

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Paleo Friendly, Gluten Free, Single Ingredient (10 oz)
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Paleo Friendly, Gluten Free, Single Ingredient (10 oz)

If these foods seem too heavy, the truth is that pig's trotters and cow's nose, to give two examples, are not easy to digest, we can choose to prepare broths from meat bones or fish bones . Keep in mind that we are talking about very long cooking, in which we manage to undo all possible collagen from these products.

Collagen, in any case, is not something that we should consume daily and is recommended, especially after a certain age, as long as we have some deficiency caused by arthritis, fractures or injuries . A healthy adult produces enough collagen by itself, as long as it maintains a normal diet, rich in vitamins and minerals.

There are a number of foods that help the natural production of collagen :

  •     Fruits and vegetables rich in lycopene, such as apples, strawberries or beets.
  •     Fruits rich in vitamin C.
  •     Celery, cucumbers, garlic, onions and other products rich in sulfur.
  •     Soy milk and cheese, thanks to its genistein content.

Vital Proteins Unflavored Collagen Peptides, 20 oz with Bovine Hide Collage Peptides

Vital Proteins Unflavored Collagen Peptides, 20 oz with Bovine Hide Collage Peptides

What are the benefits of collagen?

7 properties of collagen, that you did not know

Collagen is an important complement to prevent joint wear and tear in athletes , and a key protein for maintaining strong and resistant bones in old age . The benefits of this protein in these specific cases are well known, but collagen has many more properties and in this article we are going to review some.

The main properties of collagen

As we have said on other occasions, collagen is essential to stay young , and it is also important to stay in shape. In fact, there is a lot of talk about collagen because:

  •     It is the "glue" that holds together the structure of the organism: tissues, bones, skin.
  •     It is one of the most abundant proteins in our body and responsible for the elasticity of our skin.
  •     It has an important role in the hydration of tissues.
  •     It is the protein that ensures the resistance of the bones and the flexibility of the joints.

But what does all this mean? How are these properties of collagen translated into our daily life?

Vital Proteins Unflavored Collagen Peptides, 20 oz with Bovine Hide Collage Peptides
Vital Proteins Unflavored Collagen Peptides, 20 oz with Bovine Hide Collage Peptides

The 7 properties of collagen that has to do with your health

  1.     Collagen helps to lose weight . Taking collagen daily with breakfast, for example, reduces the feeling of hunger making us feel good longer. This effect can be helpful for people who follow diets to lose weight. In addition, glycine , one of the amino acids that form collagen, has an accelerating effect on metabolism .
  2.     An ally in the fight to cellulite . In another post we have talked about the causes of cellulite and how to prevent it. To improve the appearance of your skin and reduce the deterioration of the structure of the dermis, again, you can take advantage of the properties of collagen.
  3.     Ideal if you want to do a period of purification and relieve the liver . The amino acids present in collagen help prevent liver damage due to toxins. Taking collagen usually allows improving the purifying functions of the body and relieving the liver.
  4.     It is a powerful ally for beauty . Skin, nails and hair, you know, owe their elasticity and resistance to the presence of collagen between the cells. The lack or reduction of this protein in the body can affect our appearance. Taking supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen improves the appearance of the skin, reducing wrinkles and preventing the formation of stretch marks, and reinforces brittle hair and nails.
  5.     Improves the health of teeth and gums . Teeth and gums are also constituted by a good percentage of collagen. Maintaining good levels of collagen in the body after 25 years is also very important to prevent problems in the teeth and keep them stronger.
  6.     Anxiety control and improves sleep . Glycine is an amino acid present in collagen that helps regulate anxiety states and helps us to rest better.
  7.     Improves circulation This effect of collagen is due to the fact that the protein is found in a large percentage in cell walls . Therefore, maintaining good levels of collagens is important to prevent arterial hardening.

As you have seen, this protein is very important for our physical and mental well-being. Therefore, foods rich in collagen in the diet can not be absent.

Now that you know the properties of collagen at a more practical level, what is for you the easiest way to integrate it into your diet?

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

What does collagen do in the body?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein whose function is to hold together the different structures of the body . It is the most abundant protein molecule in vertebrates and it is estimated that one in four of the body's proteins is collagen (approximately 7 percent of the body mass of a human being).

What is collagen for?

The collagen is in charge of uniting the connective tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, bones, cartilages, hematological and adipose tissue and organs). In this way, it would act as an element of support that allows the whole of the body to be held together. Its function consists of the formation of the fibers from which the structures of the organism are created ; therefore, it is responsible for the degree of firmness and elasticity of these structures and plays an essential role in their hydration .

Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored
Collagen Peptides Powder (16oz) | Grass-Fed, Certified Paleo Friendly, Non-Gmo and Gluten Free - Unflavored

Collagen fiber has the ability to mix with many types of substances and minerals : in the case of bones, the combination of collagen with calcium crystals allows the formation of a rigid and rigid structure; in the skin, it is mixed with elastin and the resulting structure is network-shaped; in the case of cartilage, it is also combined with elastin and other types of substances and forms a gel that absorbs the impacts produced by the movements of the joints. This happens with all the structures and tissues of the body.

As the years go by and the body ages, the production of collagen gradually decreases . It is estimated that at 40 years the body produces half of collagen than in adolescence. This reduction in production levels causes, among other things, the loss of elasticity and flexibility of the skin, joint and muscle pain, osteoporosis , deterioration in vision, circulatory deficiencies, discomfort in teeth and gums, etc .; that is, the deterioration proper to old age.

Among the functions of collagen is to maintain and support the connective tissues of the body, so it influences properties such as firmness of the skin.
Types of collagen

There are more than 19 types of collagen , which depend, among other factors, on the tissue in which it acts and the substances with which it is combined, so it is not considered as a single protein, but rather as a family of molecules closely related but different from each other. The main types are:

  •     Type I : It is found mostly in the bones, cornea, dermis and tendons and is in the form of fiber with striae that are grouped and form chains to give the tissues of the body elasticity and strength.
  •     Type II : Present in the cartilages, in some structures of the embryos and in the vitreous humor of the eye. It gives resistance to these tissues under intermittent pressures.
  •     Type III : It is in the tissues of the muscles, veins and skin. It acts as a support for the organs that have the capacity to expand and contract.
  •     Type IV : It is found mainly in the skin. Its function is to provide support and the ability to filter different substances.
  •     Type V : Present mainly in the organs and tissues located inside the body. Its function is associated with type I, that is, it gives resistance to tissues.

Collagen for the skin

The main function of collagen is to create and maintain the structures of the tissues that make up the body, including the skin, so it has a decisive importance in properties such as firmness and flexibility . The appearance of the skin, nails or hair depends considerably on this protein. Although collagen production is irremediably reduced with age, there are a number of remedies that help, to a certain degree, to restore the levels of this substance in the body, such as hydrolyzed collagen (that is, it has undergone a process of hydrolysis, which is the breakdown of certain molecules so that collagen can be absorbed by the body). This product is usually like collagen powder , although there are also collagen pills .

Sometimes, when taking collagen, distinctions are also made between the protein from animals and the protein that comes from fish, which is known as marine collagen .

Collagen for muscles and joints

One of the most outstanding products is the collagen with magnesium , which contributes to the correct functioning of muscles and ligaments. This is because magnesium is a mineral that intervenes in the process of protein formation, which favors the effect of collagen.

The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid also has positive effects on muscles and joints . Hyaluronic acid is found in bones and skin, acting as a lubricant for cartilage and ligaments, which provides important benefits:

    By acting as a lubricant for cartilage and ligaments, it generates a protective effect against certain mechanical forces.
    Helps recover elasticity, decreasing pain and improving joint mobility .
    Helps prevent sports injuries , such as strains and tendonitis .