Showing posts with label Elderberry-Herbal-Supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elderberry-Herbal-Supplements. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sambucus Elderberry Capsules with Zinc & Vitamin C - Women & Men's Daily Herbal Supplement for Immune Support, Skin Health - Powerful Antioxidant - Natural Elderberries - 60 Day Supply - Veggie Caps

Natural Influenza Vaccine "Black Elderberry"

Sambucus Elderberry Capsules with Zinc & Vitamin C - Women & Men's Daily Herbal Supplement for Immune Support, Skin Health - Powerful Antioxidant - Natural Elderberries - 60 Day Supply - Veggie Caps

Honeysuckle, many species, leaves opposite, flowers in the form of bunches, fragrant and white flowers that open, fruit-like olives, leaves and flowers are used in medicine is a tree or shrub.

The elderberry, which is known by the names of sweating tea, swallow, matirac, cedarwood, telligelin, mintar net, melesir, black elderberry and medicinal elderberry, is a plant with about thirty varieties. Black and blue elderberry are fruit-bearing varieties such as blackberries . Elderberry, which is a frequently used plant in the field of health in the past, still occupies an important place in the field of alternative medicine with its numerous benefits. As a family, the plant belongs to the Capriffoliaceae family and can grow in our country as well as in Germany.

Elderberry is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in the world. Traditionally, Native Americans have been using it to treat infections; however, the ancient Egyptians used it to heal their skin and burns. It has been used for medical treatment among the public in many parts of Europe.

In medieval Europe, it was believed that both the crucifix on which Jesus was crucified was made of elderberry, and that Judas, who betrayed him, hung him on the elderberry. The use of elderberry for cosmetic and healing purposes dates back to at least the first century AD.

The Romans first used the client as a laxative and an emetic. Elderberry's reputation as a medicinal plant has increased throughout the Middle Ages, and it has been regarded as a plant that can cure almost anything for centuries.

Besides its expectorant and diuretic properties, it also supports the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections by softening the chest. The laxative effect of leaves and flowers causes many people to benefit from elderberry flowers as natural laxatives. The essence of its fruit is used in many places to color wine. As a useful plant in many areas ranging from breast milk enhancing to slimming, information about elderberry is what everyone who cares about health should know.

Elderberry is a medicinal plant that is good for many health problems. Berry, black or dark blue, is a delicious fruit commonly used for making desserts, syrups, jams, jellies and various cocktails and beverages. The wine of elderberry, which has a wide usage area, is very popular. Due to the toxicity of most fruits of the genus Sambucus, it is recommended to be careful and cook the elderberry before it is consumed. Elders are very useful fruits despite their risks; alleviates allergy attacks, strengthens the immune system, is very effective in treating diseases such as influenza and influenza, protects against bacteria and infections, lowers blood sugar, helps to lose weight and slows the spread of cancer. It is also good for constipation, digestive and respiratory problems.

Porphyromonos gingivalis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, which cause gingivitis, suppress the main causative factors of microbes. Helicobacter pylori is also effective in causing ulcers. The liquid obtained from the flower revitalizes and purifies the skin.

Damages and Unwanted Effects of Elderberry

Many elderberry species can eat ripe and cooked fruits, but raw fruits, leaves, branches, roots and seeds have a toxic effect.

Since it interacts with diuretics, diabetes, immunosuppressive drugs, chemotherapy, laxatives and theophylline, it is not suitable for concomitant use.

Nutritional Value of Elderberry and The Chemicals It Contains

100 grams elderberry 73 kcal, 18.4 grams carbohydrate 7 grams dietary fiber, 0.5 grams fat, 85 mg omega-3, 162 mg omega-6 ya acid 0.7 grams protein, 79.8 grams water, .1 mg B1, 0.1 mg B2, 0.2 mg Vitamin B6, 0.5 mg of niacin, 0.1 mg of pantothenic acid, 6 micrograms of folate, 600 IU of vitamin A, 36 mg of vitamin C, 38 mg of calcium, 1.6 mg of iron, 5 mg of magnesium, 39 mg of phosphorus, 280 mg of potassium, It contains 6 mg of sodium and 0.1 mg of zinc.

Black elderberry flowers; essential oil, tannin, alkaloid, hard oil, resin and sugar. In terms of vitamin C and P, the volatile oil content of zeengin fruit is lower.

High Nutritional Value

Elderberry is a low-calorie food filled with antioxidants. It contains 100 grams of fresh elderberry, 73 calories, 18.4 grams of carbohydrates and less than 1 gram of fat and protein.

It also has many nutritional benefits. Elderberry are:

High in vitamin C : 6–35 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit, which corresponds to 60% of the recommended daily intake.

High in dietary fiber : Elderberry contains 7 grams of 100 grams fresh elderberry, which is more than a quarter of the recommended daily intake.

A good source of phenolic acid : These compounds are powerful antioxidants that reduce the damage of oxidative stress in the body.

A good source of flavonol: Elderberry contains antioxidant flavonols quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. The flower part contains 10 times more flavonol than fruits.

Rich in anthocyanin : These compounds give the fruit a characteristic dark black-purple color and are a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects.

The exact nutritional composition of elderberry depends on plant diversity, fruit maturity and environmental and climatic conditions. Therefore portions may vary in nutrition.

Elderberry Flower

Honeysuckle family, which is very aromatic flowers and vinegar sauces are used to smell. Elderberry flower, which grows all over Europe, is also used in the production of fermented beverages. It has a delicious feature that allows young sprouts to be cooked like asparagus. It is found in local markets.

Healing in Elderberry

Elderberry flowers and leaves can be collected from May to July. It is not collected in rainy and humid weather if it is dried for winter tea. Elderberry flower and leaves urinate and expectorate, relieves constipation, increases breast milk, lowers fever, softens the chest and helps to relieve colds with the effect of sweating. The shell has a wound healing and skin softening effect when used externally. Vitamin C is good for influenza and colds because it contains. Vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3 are also known to have a positive effect on the liver. Elderberry tea relaxes the nervous system. It contains pectin and cellulose and is used to remove heavy metal and radioactive isotopes.

In folk medicine, podagra, hemorrhoid, prostate, bronchitis, cough, hoarseness is applied to different diseases such as. Elderberry flowers are usually collected in June and the fruits are collected in August. In addition, the roots of elderberry are dried by removing the fall and finely chopped. It has anticarcinogenic effect.


Breast milk enhancer: Elderberry flowers are boiled with parsley and flavored with honey.

Abdominal Pain: Elderberry flower is boiled and flavored with honey continue to drink.

Cough, flu: Elderberry flower, boiled with mint and honey is continued to drink.

Rheumatism: Elderberry flowers and fruits are boiled and flavored with honey, 1 cup of tea continues to drink.

Diuretic: Elderberry shell and leaves are boiled and flavored with honey continue to drink.

Constipation: Elderberry peel or fruit is boiled and flavored with honey to drink hot. (1 cup).

Kidney Inflammation: Boil the bark and flowers and sweeten with honey, continue to drink 1 cup of water.

Wound, beret: Mushrooms made from the bark of mush, lotion, wounds and bruises are hit.

Elderberry How should it be consumed?

Elderberry cannot be eaten raw, such as blueberries or raspberries, because they contain ingredients that can be dangerous. In order to be consumed, it needs to undergo heat treatment (boiling, making tea or preparing syrup). Therefore, you can see the clientele as tea or syrup as herbal tea for colds and flu. It is generally consumed as syrup with turmeric, ginger and honey.

Elderly Benefits to Heart Health

In general, all fruits and vegetables are known to be beneficial for heart health, but high fiber levels in elderberry reduce excess bad cholesterol in the body and make room for HDL (good) cholesterol the body needs. This significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis.

Can Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms

Black elderberry extracts and flower infusions are reported to reduce the severity and length of influenza.

Commercial preparations of elderberry for the treatment of colds are available in a variety of forms including liquid, capsule, lozenge.

In a study of 60 subjects with influenza, it was found that those receiving 15 ml elderberry syrup four times a day showed symptom improvement within two to four days, while the control group took seven to eight days to recover.

In another study of 64 people, it was found that taking 175 mg elderberry lozenge for two days provided a significant improvement in influenza symptoms including fever, headache, muscle pain and nasal congestion after only 24 hours.

In addition, a study of 312 air passengers receiving capsules containing 300 mg of elderberry extract three times a day found that patients suffered a shorter duration of disease and less severe symptoms.

Further studies are needed to confirm these results and to determine that elderberry may also play a role in influenza protection.

Keep in mind that the majority of research is conducted on commercial products only and there is little information about the safety or efficacy of home-made medicines.

High in Antioxidants

Reactive molecules that can accumulate in the body during normal metabolism may be released. This can cause oxidative stress and lead to the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Antioxidants are natural components of foods, including some vitamins, phenolic acids and flavonoids that can remove these reactive molecules. Studies suggest that diets high in antioxidants may help prevent chronic disease.

The flowers, fruits and leaves of elderberry are excellent sources of antioxidants. For example, anthocyanins found in strawberries have 3.5 times the antioxidant power of vitamin E.

In a study comparing 15 different elderberry types and another study comparing wine types, elderberry was found to be one of the most effective antioxidants.

In addition, one study found that antioxidant status improved in humans an hour after drinking 400 ml of elderberry juice. In another study, elderberry extract was found to help reduce inflammation and oxidative tissue damage in rats.

Although elderberry gives promising results in the laboratory, research on humans and animals is still limited.

In addition, processing of elderberry, such as extraction, heating or fruit juice, may reduce antioxidant activities.

Therefore, products such as syrup, juice, teas and jams may have diminishing benefits compared to some results in laboratory studies.

May be good for heart health

Elderberry can have positive effects on some heart and blood vessel health markers.

Studies have shown that elderberry water can reduce the level of fat in the blood and reduce cholesterol. It has also been found that a high diet in flavonoids such as anthocyanins reduces the risk of heart disease.

A study of 34 subjects receiving 400 mg elderberry extract (equivalent to 4 ml of water) three times a day for two weeks found a slight decrease in cholesterol levels, although the results were not statistically significant.

In another study in mice with high cholesterol, a diet containing black elderberry was found to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the liver and aorta, but not in the blood.

Further studies have found that rats fed foods containing polyphenols extracted from elderberry cause a decrease in blood pressure and are less susceptible to organ damage caused by high blood pressure.

In addition, elderberry can reduce uric acid levels in the blood. High uric acid is associated with increased blood pressure and adverse health effects.

Moreover, elderberry can improve insulin secretion and control blood sugar levels. Given that type 2 diabetes is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, blood glucose control is important in preventing this condition.

One study showed that elderberry flowers inhibit the α- glucosidase enzyme, which can help lower blood sugar levels. In addition, studies on diabetic rats given elderberry showed an improvement in blood glucose control.

Despite these promising results, no direct reduction in heart attacks or other heart disease symptoms has been demonstrated and further studies in humans are needed.

Other Health Benefits

Although many of these have limited scientific evidence, elderberry has many other benefits:

Helps fight cancer : Both European and American elderberry test tube studies have been found to have anti-cancer properties.

Fights harmful bacteria : It has been found that bacteria such as Elderberry and Helicobacter pylori inhibit growth and can reduce the symptoms of sinusitis and bronchitis.

It can support the immune system : In rats elderberry polyphenols have been found to promote immune defense by increasing the number of white blood cells.

Can protect against UV radiation: A skin product containing elderberry extract has been found to have a sun protection factor (SPF) of 9.88.

May increase urine : Elderberry flowers have been found to increase the frequency of urination and the amount of salt excretion in rats.

Although these results are interesting, further research is needed in humans to determine whether the effects are truly significant.

Works as a cold and flu treatment

Black elderberry is an excellent general immune system booster. It contains chemical compounds called anthocyanidins which are known to have immune stimulating effects. Elderberry extract has been shown to be a safe, efficient and cost-effective treatment for both cold and flu symptoms.

A 2016 study published in Nutrients showed that elderberry supplementation can reduce the duration and symptoms of colds in the airways. Users of this plant within 10 days stated that the average duration of colds lasted less than two days and they also experienced a significant reduction in cold symptoms.

Many studies have shown that it is highly effective in alleviating influenza-like symptoms. In particular, flavonoids in elderberry extract; H1N1 can affect human influenza virus as well as H5N1 avian influenza virus. In a 2009 study, patients were divided into two groups: one group received four doses of 175 milligrams of registered black elderberry extract daily, and the other group received one placebo daily for two days. The extract-treated group showed significant improvement in most influenza symptoms, whereas the placebo group did not show any improvement or increase in severity of symptoms. The researchers concluded that the extract was effective in controlling influenza symptoms.

Another study published in the International Journal of Medical Research has shown that when the extract is used within the first 48 hours of the onset of influenza symptoms, it reduces the duration of influenza symptoms by an average of four days.

Can Help Treat Sinusitis

Black elderberry can help sinus problems with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Sinusitis is a condition where the gaps around the nasal passages are inflamed, and this antiviral plant is promising to treat sinusitis naturally.

A study conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine of the Institute of Complementary Medicine at the University of Zurich Hospital in Switzerland examined the use of Sinupret, a proprietary product including the flowers of elderberry. Researchers, Sinupret'i; used to treat bacterial sinusitis in combination with an antibiotic or decongestant. People who received the combination gave better results than those who did not receive sinupret.

Reduces Blood Sugar

Both pox and fruit have traditionally been used to treat diabetes. The study confirmed that black elderberry extract stimulates glucose metabolism and insulin secretion and lowers blood sugar levels.

Research published in the Journal of Nutrition evaluated insulin-like and insulin-releasing actions in vitro (tube study). The study was carried out on black elderberry extract without insulin; found that glucose transport significantly increases glucose oxidation and glycogenesis. What is glycogenesis and why is it important? Glycogenesis is the process in which excess blood sugar is cleared from the bloodstream and helps maintain normal blood sugar in your muscles and liver.

Hosts Diuretic Effects and Increases Edema

It has been shown to promote both urination and bowel movement. Studies have shown that black elderberry has natural diuretic effects. Diuretics are substances that promote urine production. Doctors prescribe diuretics when the body holds too much fluid, which is a common problem in older adults.

Natural Laxative and Prevents Constipation

Elderberry can help with constipation. A small, randomized study examined a compound commonly used in Brazil to treat constipation. This compound contains black elderberry. The results of the study show that this compound is an effective natural laxative for the treatment of constipation. Unfortunately, there are currently no studies on constipation solely about elderberry, so further research is needed.

Promotes Skin Health

It took its place in cosmetic products. Bioflavonoids and antioxidants, together with high vitamin A content, have great results for skin health. Researchers suspect that an elderberry compound can provide natural support to the skin.

Reduces Allergy and Symptoms

The flowers of black elderberry are known as an effective herbal allergy medicine. Allergies are the excessive reaction of the immune system and the body to inflammation. Elders' ability to improve the immune system and general inflammation can help provide relief from allergy.

Some plant experts added black elderberry to the list of the most effective herbs used to treat hay fever-like symptoms. Can be used alone or in combination with other plants for allergies. Pox also serves as detoxification aid by improving liver function.

Can Help Prevent Cancer

Edible fruit extracts such as elderberry extract are rich in anthocyanins and have been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic, pharmacological and anticarcinogenic properties. Laboratory studies also show that they have some chemopreventive properties. Chemopreventive prevents, delays or reverses the formation of cancer.

A study published in the Journal of Medical Food compared the anticancer properties of European and American elderberry fruits. The European land berry (Sambucus nigra) is known for its medicinal use and contains anthocyanins, flavonoids and other polyphenolics, all of which contribute to the high antioxidant capacity of the fruit. The American landworm (Sambucuscanadensis) has not been grown or developed as a medicinal plant, such as its European relative.

This study took extracts of both fruits and tested them to find out the anticancer potential. Both extracts showed significant chemopreventive activity. In addition, the American extract showed inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase, an enzyme marker for the promoter stage of cancer formation. These findings suggest that it can act as a natural cancer treatment option.

Health Risks of Elderberry

Although elderberry has promising potential benefits, there are some hazards associated with its consumption.

The rind contains small amounts of substances known as lectins , which can cause stomach problems when eaten too much in immature fruits and seeds .

In addition, elderberry plants contain so-called cyanogenic glycosides, which in some cases can release cyanide. This is a toxin found in apricot seeds and almonds.

It contains 3 mg cyanide per 100 grams of fresh elderberry and 3-17 mg per 100 grams of fresh leaf. Only 3% of the dose that would result in death for a 60 kg person.

However, commercial products and cooked fruits do not contain cyanide, so those who eat them have no death reports. Symptoms of eating uncooked fruits, leaves, bark or elderberry roots include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

There is a report of eight people who fell ill after drinking juice of freshly picked fruits, including the leaves and branches of the S. mexicana elderberry variety. They experienced nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness and numbness.

Toxic substances in the fruit can be safely removed by cooking. However, branches, bark or leaves should not be used for cooking or squeezing.

If you are picking flowers or fruits, make sure the plant is American or European apple, as other elderberry species may be more toxic. Also, remove the bark or leaves before use.

Elderberry is not recommended for children and adolescents under the age of 18 or pregnant or breastfeeding women. Although no side effects have been reported in these groups, there is insufficient data to confirm their safety.
What are the Benefits of Elderberry Flower Tea? What is good for you?

· The tea made from the flower of the plant can help to lose weight even though it has not been proven to be accurate by the digestive accelerator effect.

· Increases urine output.

· When the flu is consumed during diseases such as influenza, it is beneficial with its sweating feature and accelerates the healing process.

· Elderberry flower tea is sweetened with honey to drink rheumatism pains will heal.

· It is effective against kidney inflammations and can also be used to relieve kidney stone pains.

· It is recommended to use this tea for hemorrhoid pains, stress-related headaches, colds and abdominal pain.

· Another benefit of elderberry tea is the eyes. It improves eyesight and is good for burring and inflammation in the eyes.

· It is recommended for smokers because it is expectorant.

Can Pregnant and Lactating Women Consume Elderberry?

Elderberry, which has a strong impact, is not recommended for pregnant women. It is useful for mothers to stay away from elderberry while it is very limited at this time. In case of necessity, elderberry tea or fruit should be consumed with the approval of the physician. Although it is recommended by many experts, it is recommended to be careful about its usage and amount.

Who Can Not Use Elderberry Plant?

Natural way to find health and healing is the common desire of every human being. The fact that only some plants have high efficacy shows that some plants are not suitable for some people. People with stomach disorders and regular medication should take care to use this plant in a moderate manner. In particular, people with diuretic drugs should avoid using this diuretic. There are no recommendations for tension and diabetes use. People with this type of chronic illness are advised to consult their physician first without using elderberry.

Preparation of black elderberry

Mix flowers of black elderberry with leaves. Prepared from the mixture by taking two teaspoons 15 minutes. boil. Consume this mixture 3 times a day. If you want to make black elderberry juice, the fruits of black elderberry 3 min. soak in water throughout. Then squeeze these fruits and strain. You can drink later. For those who want to store, add some honey into this fruit juice after filtration process. need to boil up. When it is consumed, the previously prepared fruit juice should be diluted with hot water and diluted. This fruit juice should be consumed two glasses a day. The fresh consumption of black elderberry is more beneficial to the body.

How to use?

It can be used by boiling leaves and grains separately. However, the actual use, taking the portion of dry flowers, wet or dry leaves as a result of the mixture can be prepared by taking 2 teaspoons. 1 glass of water can be thrown into the boil. Can be rested for 10 minutes and consumed in a glass. This brewed tea, 3 times a day can be consumed. Too much consumption is not suitable. It is often used as a herbal tea to remove toxins. It can also be used as an indispensable tea for the winter months. In the winter, catches colds, flu, colds and microbial types of diseases as an alternative to drugs can be consumed alongside. It should be preferred because it provides increased body immunity and resistance.
Take the flu out of your life with Mürver Syrup…
With regular syrup consumed elderberry syrup, you can remove infectious diseases such as influenza and colds from your life.

Elderberry fruit contains high amounts of vitamins A, B and C. These vitamins help increase the body's resistance. When consumed regularly, it will greatly benefit the immune system.

Homemade Elderberry Syrup Recipe


· 3 coffee cups with black dried elderberry,

· 4 glasses of water,

· 2 spoons of ginger root,

· 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder,

· Half a teaspoon of clove powder,

· 1 tea cup of honey


Start by adding elderberry, water, cloves and cinnamon into a medium-sized pot. After the mixture is boiled for a transport, open the lid of the pot by reducing the bottom of the cooker. In this way, allow the water to evaporate to halfway down. After boiling for 45 minutes, remove from heat and allow to cool. After warming, strain the mixture and mix well by adding honey. Then fill the jars with the mixture and store in a not too hot environment.

Use of:

Syrup 2 or 3 times a week to take a spoon and then a glass of warm water is required to drink. Adults syrup is enough to consume as a tablespoon of adults and children as a teaspoon. But those who have a serious illness, before applying this syrup must consult with his doctor.

Elderberry Syrup

20 large elderberry balls or 30 small elderberry balls,
5 cups of sugar,
6 glasses of drinking water,
4 lemons

Preparation: Pour the elderberry into a large jar and press it lightly with your hand. Slice and add the lemons and fill with drinking water to cover it. Mix all the ingredients. Close the mouth and leave it in the refrigerator for 3 days. At the end of 3 days with a cheesecloth, water the aromas of the elderberry strain into a pot. Add sugar and stir. Take from the stove, clean and clean sterilized glass bottles or jars fill. Sterilize by tightly closing their mouths and boiling for 10 minutes in a pot full of water. Store in a cool, dark place.
How to Make Elderberry Jam


12 elderberry flowers

One and a half liters of cold water

1 piece of lemon

1.5 kg granulated sugar


1. Wash the fresh elderberry flowers well and put them in a large pot.

2. Pour one and a half liters of cold water over the flowers and leave them closed for 2 days.

3. Filter the elderberry flowers that leave the aroma in water while waiting in the water.

4. Take the elderberry flower water you have drained into the jam pot. Add sugar and lemon juice.

5. When elderberry jam is boiling, boil for 5 minutes.

6. Pour the jam you have prepared into the pre-sterilized hot jam jar. Close the cover firmly and turn it over.

We recommend you to keep the elderberry jam you have cooked in your kitchen in your own hand in a cool and dry environment. Enjoy your meal.

Apple Juice Elderberry Jam


· 30 elderberry flower

· 1 liter of apple juice

· 2 cups of water

· Juice of 2 lemons

· 1 kg granulated sugar

How to Make Elderberry Jam

Colorful flavors can be prepared for your breakfast tables. Wash the flowers with plenty of water and drain them into a deep bowl. Pour apple juice on it and close it. Leave for 24 hours.

A day later, drain the water with the help of cheesecloth. Mix the water with lemon juice and put in a saucepan. Add powdered sugar. Add the flowers and boil until the consistency of jam. Transfer to hot jars and close the lid. Serve when cool.

Mürdüm Plum Elderberry with Jam

1 Kg Plum Plum
1 Kg Elderberry
1,5 Kg Sugar
1/2 lemon juice

Wash the plums, separate them from the seeds and chop them small. Separate elderberry fruits from their stems. Sprinkle the sugar over and let stand for one night. Juice the fruit released into a deep saucepan, add lemon juice, 7 - 8 hours (until well darkened) at the slightest temperature slowly stirring occasionally boil. When the jam comes to a dark consistency and the color becomes completely dark, pass it to the jam jars and close their mouths and remove them.

Meet the elderberry, who will be one of the most special trees of your garden with its flowers and flowers that fill your happiness with its appearance and its color and stance. It's time to re-recognize and love this exquisite plant that our elders often use!

Sambucus Elderberry Capsules with Zinc & Vitamin C - Women & Men's Daily Herbal Supplement for Immune Support, Skin Health - Powerful Antioxidant - Natural Elderberries - 60 Day Supply - Veggie Caps

Elderberry Gummies Black Sambucus Immune Support w/Zinc & VIT C – NO Gelatin NO Corn Syrup 60 ct

8 Public Places to Avoid in Cold and Flu Period

Elderberry Gummies Black Sambucus Immune Support w/Zinc & VIT C – NO Gelatin NO Corn Syrup 60 ct

The best way to treat a cold or flu is not to take them first. Prevention means knowing where these nasty germs are hiding and preventing them like the plague. He is director of clinical microbiology and immunology at Langone Medical Center, New York University. According to Philip Tierno, germs are everywhere. He is also the author of a new book, Gizli The Secret Life of Microbes ”.
Erno Every year we encounter about 60,000 types of germs, Ti Tierno says, but only 1 or 2 percent of them can harm a person with a healthy immune system.

Market Shopping Carts : Handles and seat buckets are danger zones. We sneeze, we wipe our noses, then we always grab the arm. Children with dirty hands and diapers are everywhere. Meat packs infiltrate and spread the disease causing microbes, including salmonella and E. coli.
Playgrounds : Dirty diapers birds and young children leave stools all over the playgrounds. Then the other kids touch him, swings, jungle gyms ılır spread everywhere. Children sneezing and coughing still spread more germs. Zoos and other sites with live animals are often sources of E. coli contamination.
Public toilets: No, not toilets. Sink with most germs. People leave the toilet and touch the tap handles to wash their hands. The wet, humid environment in and around the sink is a paradise for germs that cause disease in humans. Almost half of American women use disposable seat covers or toilet paper to line up the seat before sitting, making the toilet the cleanest part of the public toilet.
Office : According to Charles Gerba, an office desk contains about 400 times more germs than a public toilet. A microbiologist at the University of Arizona specializing in microbes in public spaces. He says an office phone holds more than 25,000 bacteria and the keyboards are pretty well packed. The desk drawer where a person hides food is the most disgusting. Women's offices, cosmetics, wallets, knick-knacks and things like that, thanks to the work of male colleagues three times more bacteria sink.
Restaurants : Table tops and chairs are a much bigger threat than contaminated food. Tables and high chairs are usually wiped by the same cloth that cleans the next table and the next table…
Public Libraries : Many dirty busy hands in a library. People thumb in books, use computers, touch the stalls. Gerba says libraries can be as germ as fast food restaurants.
Passenger Ships : Love Boat is not the place for a germophobe. Each is like a small, encapsulated city that works like an incubator for bacteria and viruses. According to CDC, cases of gastrointestinal disease increased by 25.6 percent between 2001 and 2005. Do not touch the handrail or the hardware that opens the bathroom doors.
Shopping Malls : Do not touch the escalator railings. Do not touch the escalator railings in other places, such as airports and office buildings. And cruise ships.

The problem seems to be a matter of touch. The healthy value of clean hands cannot be emphasized enough.

Elderberry Gummies Black Sambucus Immune Support w/Zinc & VIT C – NO Gelatin NO Corn Syrup 60 ct

Nature's Way Sambucus Lozenge, 30 Count

Herbal Treatment of Flu

Nature's Way Sambucus Lozenge, 30 Count

Herbal Treatment of Influenza

Influenza is an infectious disease in which the virus , called influenza, enters the human body through respiration, causing epidemics, particularly in late autumn, winter and early spring.

Influenza infection is a major health problem affecting 1 percent of the population. The fact that it affects more than 10 percent of the population means an epidemic of influenza. Influenza is the worldwide infection responsible for 10 percent of absenteeism.

Influenza, although already known, is actually a disease that has been brought to the agenda in 1918 with a major epidemic. About 20 million people died in 1918 due to the Spanish flu. Later, smaller outbreaks were observed. For example, influenza outbreaks known as the Asian flu in 1957 and the Hong Kong flu in 1968 affected a large number of human populations.

Influenza, like flu, is easily transmitted in sick environments, by sneezing and coughing, and after contact with infected hands.

Infected people spread the virus starting from 2 days before the onset of infection until 7 days after the onset of symptoms . During this period, there is a high risk of infection for susceptible people. An estimated 10 to 20 percent of the world's population is infected with the flu every year.

Young children and people older than 65 years constitute the most important risk group.


• Fire

• Shivering

• Pain in the head, back, arms and legs

• Sore throat and dry cough

• Weakness

• Loss of appetite

• Muscle and joint pain

• Nausea

• Burning in the eyes

• Nasal discharge

Recommendations for herbal treatment:

Onion honey cure recipe: Onion juice is squeezed and mixed with a cup of water and honey. This herbal tea is drunk 2-3 times a day.
Sage cure recipe: Boil up to 1 cup of milk. When the milk boils, add 2-10 grams of crumbled sage and let the infusions of herbal tea for 10 minutes. This flu tea is prepared every day and drink 2-3 cups a day.
Linden tea: 1 cup of boiling water is put into 2 grams of linden and 10 minutes linden tea is expected to infuse. This cure is consumed 3-5 glasses every day.
Cinnamon tea and cure recipe: 1 cup boiling water in a teaspoon of cinnamon is placed and is expected to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea a day.
Ginger tea and cure: 1 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of ginger is added to infuse for 10 minutes and is expected to give the ginger extract into the water. Prepared for the treatment of this flu herbal ginger tea drink 3 cups every day.
After putting 5 grams of rosemary in a glass of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses per day.
Chop into two glasses of water with 1 lemon peel.5 gr. After putting linden boil for 10 minutes. Drink 3-4 glasses per day.
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What should we do against the flu? How can we take measures against flu? How to treat flu after having flu? Yes, after the recent swine flu epidemic, while wondering all the answers to these questions together, the solution proposals. Dr. Ibrahim came from Saracoglu.
It is said that the immune system needs to be strengthened for the flu. How can we strengthen our immune system? Ibrahim Saracoglu, the most important parts of the immune system is the liver and intestines, he said. Ibrahim Saracoglu pointed out that the purification of the intestines and liver from toxins is very important and suggested useful cures for both.
Persimmon to purify the intestinal system
Tomato-like, also referred to as medlar Trabzon Persimmon twice a day for a week, before and after the consumption of the intestines to purify your intestines, he says. Dr. Contact İbrahim directly
To Purify Liver From Toxins
Normal light brown peeled onions are used for this. White or purple onions are not suitable. Peel the thin skin of the onion. Divide it into 4e, 6 or 8. Throw into the water from 2 bars. It should be boiled with its mouth closed. Boil for 5 minutes. Must be drunk every day for 1 week. Onion curing is both a preventive and an auxiliary-supportive cure for those infected.
Bed rest, lemon and honey mixed with linden or elderberry flower tea, as warm as possible to try to throw sweat.
Sage is made by gargling.
Sliced ​​onions, eaten plenty of onions, purifies the body from harmful substances and strengthens the nervous system. To strengthen the defense system, use echinacea preparations from the pharmacy. These preparations also strengthen the defense system against important mental and physical loads. * Strengthen the immune system by doing plenty of sports outdoors.
In case of flu epidemic, plenty of garlic should be eaten.
Lots of oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and lemons should be eaten.
Two teaspoons of raw coffee and an egg yolk is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice is added. You will see that it is good for your flu when they are all mixed and drunk.
15 grams of sage is boiled in a kilo of water, after waiting for a while to drink infusions such as tea.
Banana boiled and drink water. It is also beneficial to eat lots of bananas.
30 grams of primrose root is thrown into a kilo of water. After boiling, thoroughly filtered and drink three glasses a day.7-50 grams of lavender flower, boiled in a kilo of water. Drink like tea.

Nature's Way Sambucus Lozenge, 30 Count

MAV Nutrition Elderberry Gummies Immune System Booster for Kids Vitamins with Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement + Echinacea, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Friendly, 60 Count

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)

MAV Nutrition Elderberry Gummies Immune System Booster for Kids Vitamins with Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement + Echinacea, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Friendly, 60 Count

I grew up in Europe and was frequently given wasp tea for coughing and chest congestion, and I gave it to my six-year-old daughter for the same purpose. Recently, internally learned that the coltsfoot is poisonous to the liver. I'm worried about liver damage that may have already occurred.

Coltsfoot has been used as a herbal remedy for coughs and colds for centuries. The botanical name, Tussilago farfara , is derived in part from Latin tussies , meaning cough. I discussed your concerns about coltsfoot with Tieraona Low Dog, MD, an internationally recognized specialist in integrative medicine, dietary supplements, and women's health.

Low Dog, sheep flukes may be effective for the complaints of sheep respiratory tract, while thinking that leaves and flowers that can damage the liver contains pyrrolidinid alkaloids, he said. Therefore, the use of this herb is less than ideal for safety reasons.

I recommend a range of herbal treatments for cough and congestion that can be safely used by adults and children:

Echinacea : For colds, flu, sore throat and low resistant attacks. The adult dose is one teaspoon of water four times a day or two capsules of freeze-dried extract four times a day. Give the kids half of that amount. Echinacea loses its effectiveness when taken continuously; As two weeks off, it is better to take for 10 days at a time.
Garlic: The best home remedies I've found for colds are eating 1 or 2 cloves of garlic raw garlic at the onset of symptoms. Chop the garlic thoroughly and mix with the meal. Or cut into pieces of a clove and swallow them like pills.
Elderberry ( Sambucus nigra ): The flowers and fruit of these shrubs have a long history of use for the treatment of colds and flu. (An elderberry extract called Sambucol® is indicated for the common cold, not for the flu.)
Slippery Elm ( Ulmus rubra ): This remedy obtained from the inner bark of red elm tree is available as lozenge, powder, capsule and extracts. Use lozenges required for sore throats due to colds.
Thyme: Low Dog gave a recipe for thyme syrup that he used for coughing and congestion. Here are the instructions: Four tablespoons of dried oregano or fresh oregano in two tablespoons and pour a cup near boiling water until steep for 15 minutes. Tension. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a quarter cup of organic honey or maple syrup. Stir well. Take a tablespoon every two to three hours required for coughing and congestion. Store the syrup in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator. Use within three to four days.

If you are worried that the milk tea you and your daughter consume may damage your liver, ask your health care provider to perform some blood tests to ensure that your liver function is unaffected. My guess would be good. If any abnormality occurs, consider milk thistle, a safe and effective plant to improve liver health. Adults should follow the dosage instructions on the package. The correct dosage for children is 5-10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.

MAV Nutrition Elderberry Gummies Immune System Booster for Kids Vitamins with Vitamin C + Zinc Supplement + Echinacea, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Friendly, 60 Count

Organic Elderberry Syrup Liquid Extract by MaryRuth - Drops Supplement - Immune Boost - High Flavonoid Levels - Vegan Easy Absorption - Blueberry/Raspberry Flavor - Non-GMO - 1oz - 150 mg per Serving

12 Tips for Flu Recovery: Hydrate Home, Sleep and Stay More

Organic Elderberry Syrup Liquid Extract by MaryRuth - Drops Supplement - Immune Boost - High Flavonoid Levels - Vegan Easy Absorption - Blueberry/Raspberry Flavor - Non-GMO - 1oz - 150 mg per Serving

influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. Flu symptoms typically last for about a week, but the most severe symptoms occur for just two to three days (although it may feel like an infinity). You may continue to experience fatigue, weakness, and a cough for more than a week after you recover.

coming down the flu can be downright unhappy. Here are 12 tips to help you recover faster.
1. Staying at home

Your body needs time and energy to fight off the flu virus, which means that you need to put your daily routine backburner.

You may be tempted to go shopping or take the lead on your laundry for weeks, but you will have done yourself a disservice. He put errands on hold until he started to stay home and feel better from work or school.

Helping you recover, stay at home also prevents spreading flu to others in your community or workplace. Influenza can be dangerous for older adults and young children, so it is very important to avoid contact with others when making Infectious.
2. Hydrate

One of the symptoms of influenza is high fever, which can lead to sweating. You may also be dealing with bouts of vomiting or diarrhea. Your body needs lost fluids and even more fluids to fight the infection.

Water is best, but you can also drink herbal teas or tea with honey. They can have a soothing effect on your symptoms while keeping you hydrated. Two things you should always avoid, though, are alcohol and caffeine.
3. Sleep as much as possible

Sleep is the best medicine for your body while fighting the flu. Watching television curled up on the couch isn't a bad idea, but you shouldn't make your favorite Netflix show all night enjoy.

go to bed earlier than usual and sleep. You can also take a nap during the day to give more time to save the body.

Rest and sleep also reduces the risk of serious influenza complications such as pneumonia.
4. Ease your breathing

Sleeping with nasal discharge and cough can be difficult. Try these tips for easy breathing and a better night's sleep:

Use an extra pillow to support your head and relieve sinus pressure.
Sleep in the room with a humidifier or vaporizer.
Take a hot bath or shower before going to bed.

Eat healthy 5.

You may be tempted to suppress your grief in a bowl with a bag of ice cream and potato chips, but the body needs better nutrition to recover from the flu.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are found in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system as it fights off the virus.

An appetite may not be much, but it is still important to eat regular food to maintain strength.
6. Add moisture to the air

Dry air can worsen symptoms. A vaporizer or humidifier adds moisture to the air and can help loosen the congestion.

There are many types of humidifier and steam devices available on the market. Examples include cool-mist humidifiers and steam vapor devices. They can be easily found at your local big box store, pharmacy or online at a reasonable price.
7. Take OTC medications

The local drug store is full of cold and flu corridors with probably hundreds of different options. Some medications are used to deal with certain symptoms, such as nasal congestion, while others treat many flu symptoms at once.

Painkillers help reduce a fever, headache and body aches. Examples include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Decongestants , like pseudoephedrine (SUDAFED), help open the nasal passages and relieve pressure in the sinuses.
Antitussives, such as dextromethorphan (Robitussin), can be used to relieve a dry cough.
Expectorants help loosen thick mucus and are useful for a cough that is wet and produces mucus.
Antihistamines tend to have sedative effects that can help sleep.

Be sure to read the label on the product to find out the correct dose for each type of medication and to ensure that you are not accidentally combining the medication. Drugs like DayQuil are both a painkiller and antipyretic, so you should not use any other medication on it.

Children and teenagers never aspirin for influenza because of the risk of a serious condition called Reye's syndrome.
8. Try elderberry

Elderberry has been used for hundreds of years to treat colds and flu.

In a well placebo-controlled study , people with flu consumed elderberry lozenges four times experienced a reduction of fever, headache, muscle aches, nasal congestion and cough after 48 hours per day.

In another study , 60 people with influenza-like symptoms swallowed an improvement of 15 milliliters of syrup four times a day four days earlier symptoms than people who took placebo.

Bigger 312 aircraft travelers found that elderberry extract 300 milligrams capsules taken three times per day and reduced cold and flu symptoms and those who ended up getting sick after their travels compared to the placebo group.

Elderberry lozenges are available in syrups and stores or online. You should not eat raw elderberry, as they can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Remember that elderberry is a complementary treatment, so make sure you also treat flu with OTC or prescription medication.
9. Have a spoon of honey to soothe a cough

Honey is a fairly common natural remedy for soothing a throat or cough. Mixing honey with tea is also a great way to stay hydrated while treating flu symptoms.

In a study , the researchers found that the dose of honey is more effective in controlling nightly cough than in children aged two to 18 years with common respiratory cough remedies with upper respiratory infections.

One thing to note though, is that you should not give honey to children who are younger than a year old.
10. Consult your doctor about antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs can be used only by prescription, so you need to see a doctor first. These medications are usually reserved for people at high risk of developing influenza complications.

These drugs prevent the virus from growing and replicating. They work well if you take them within 48 hours of having symptoms.

You may want to ask a doctor for a prescribed antiviral if:

under five or over 65
If you have a chronic health problem or are taking other drugs that weaken your immune system
Living in a nursing home or long-term care facility

The most widely prescribed antiviral drug is oseltamivir (Tamiflu). In October 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the new antiviral baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza), people 12 years and older.

Within two days of onset of symptoms, taking antiviral drugs can reduce the duration of influenza and the severity of symptoms for about one day.
11. Get the flu shot

The annual flu vaccine is produced based on estimates of scientists who will be influenced by the influenza strain the next flu season. But from time to time, they also get it wrong. Getting the flu vaccine after you've already experienced the flu can protect you from other strains of the virus.

You may think it's too late or not to get the flu again in one season, but it's still a possibility. So, it's a good idea to protect yourself by getting a vaccine.
Positive 12th Stay

We often forget how much our feelings and attitudes affect how we feel physically. If you maintain a positive attitude during your illness, which may help your overall recovery, you may not be able to lower your congested nasal congestion or fever with positive thoughts.

The best thing you can do to save the flu is to allow yourself to rest, drink and sleep with lots of fluids. If you catch early flu symptoms and are at risk of serious complications, you can try an antiviral medication to help reduce the duration of your symptoms.

Most flu symptoms resolve in a week or two. If your flu symptoms get better and then worsens rapidly or begins to subside after two weeks, contact your doctor.

Organic Elderberry Syrup Liquid Extract by MaryRuth - Drops Supplement - Immune Boost - High Flavonoid Levels - Vegan Easy Absorption - Blueberry/Raspberry Flavor - Non-GMO - 1oz - 150 mg per Serving

Honey Gardens Elderberry Syrup with Apitherapy Raw Honey, Propolis & Elderberries | Traditional Immune Formula w/Echinacea | 8 fl. oz.

All About Flu and Colds

Honey Gardens Elderberry Syrup with Apitherapy Raw Honey, Propolis & Elderberries | Traditional Immune Formula w/Echinacea | 8 fl. oz.

Today, in our health blog, we will examine two upper respiratory infections that are caught in many parts of everyone's lives and reduce the quality of life very much. Flu and cold are often seen in the transition from autumn to winter, but sometimes in the summer. Although it is thought that cold weather causes flu and colds among the people, this is not true. Then why are we more exposed to these diseases in the winter? What is the difference between flu and colds? What are the most effective treatment methods? We'il examine them all.
Differences Between Flu and Cold

Flu and colds are two different diseases that are confused by many people. Most of the time, one doesn't know which one he's caught. In fact, the viruses that cause both are different. By looking at the symptoms you can tell which one you have caught:


Viral origin, symptoms begin 1-2 days after contact and the disease is mild course,
Fever is rarely seen,
Symptoms usually begin with throat and pain in the throat,
The cough first begins with a cough with phlegm and slowly returns to dry cough,
Nasal discharge occurs when sore throat has passed and usually lasts for 2 days,
Nasal congestion is common,
Muscle pain and fatigue are not seen,
Does not usually affect the digestive system,
Sneezing is very common and is the clearest symptom of this disease,
Headache is not common,
Tear is common,
Disorder in taste sensation is not common,
There is nothing you can do to prevent this disease, except that your immune system is resistant.


Viral origin, symptoms begin 1-2 days after contact and the disease progresses severely,
Fever is common, with redness on the face,
Runny nose starts suddenly,
Nasal obstruction is not common,
Sore throat is sometimes seen,
Dry cough can be seen,
Muscle aches are severe, the person feels very tired and sluggish,
The digestive system is affected; the person is likely to have diarrhea and vomiting,
Sneezing can sometimes be seen,
Headache is common and severe,
Tear is sometimes seen,
The taste sensation is impaired; one cannot enjoy the food he eats,
The person looks very bad from the outside,
You may get the flu vaccine to avoid this disease, but your immune system is also an important factor.

Does Cold Weather Cause Flu and Common Cold?

Contrary to popular belief, cold weather does not cause these diseases because both diseases are viral. However, in cold weather, the virus spreads much more quickly, since people are often found in confined and unventilated areas. In addition, since vitamin D is less active in the winter, our immune system becomes less resistant and more vulnerable to diseases. That's why we usually come across these diseases in winter.
Should Antibiotics Be Used in Flu and Cold?

It should not be used because it is a viral source and antibiotics only affect bacterial diseases. Unnecessary antibiotic use will reduce the effect of antibiotics on future illnesses.

What should we do to avoid influenza and colds?

Echinacea ( Echinacea purpurea ) containing preparations or teas to consume, to prevent upper respiratory tract infections and treatment is a commonly used and effective method.
Sambuci flos or Sambuci fructus (Elderberry); Commonly used for the prevention of colds and flu and shortening the duration of the disease. Preparations containing them may be preferred.
Vitamin C is recommended to strengthen the immune system, but you need to start vitamin C before becoming ill. Vitamin C is effective in treating these diseases.
The most effective method for influenza is to have the flu vaccine (see our other article for more information), but the vaccine is not protective against the common cold.
Wash hands frequently.
Keep away from confined spaces or ensure good ventilation.
Eating healthy and not skipping meals will strengthen your immune system.
Fruits containing vitamin C should be consumed frequently.

What can be done to reduce flu and cold?

Usually medicinal plants are very effective in changing the course of this disease. These plants are available in pharmacies as food supplements but those who do not want food supplements can also consume their tea. Here are some plants that are effective:

Eucalypti folium (eucalyptus leaves): Used for upper respiratory tract obstructions and as a supportive treatment.
Sambuci fructus (elderberry fruit): Diaphoretic (sweating) and is used for antiviral effects.
Sambuci flos: Used for its diaphoretic and antiviral effects.
Echinacea purpurea (echinacea): Used as a supportive treatment. Strengthens the immune system.
Tiliae flos: Used for its diaphoretic and soothing effects.
Salviae officinalis folium (sage leaves): Can be used for sore throat. Supports treatment.
Pelargonium sidoides: A is used because of its antiviral and immunumodulatory effects.
Zinc is often said in many sources to reduce the duration of the symptoms of colds, but in fact, the effect of placebo, according to many studies!

NOTE: DO NOT USE THE ABOVE SUPPLEMENTARY FOODS WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR PHYSICIAN OR PHARMACIST. The text is for informational purposes only. The contents were created as a result of research; No guarantee is given for accuracy. Homework, thesis, presentation, project, etc. it is your responsibility to investigate the accuracy of the uses and correct any errors; it is always advisable to work with references from approved articles. Please write to us if you think there is a mistake or request a change.

Honey Gardens Elderberry Syrup with Apitherapy Raw Honey, Propolis & Elderberries | Traditional Immune Formula w/Echinacea | 8 fl. oz.

Nature's Answer Alcohol-Free Sambucus Supplement, Original, 16 Fluid Ounce

Understanding Flu: How Do I Know I Have?

Nature's Answer Alcohol-Free Sambucus Supplement, Original, 16 Fluid Ounce

It is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms including flu, fever, headache, muscle pain and respiratory symptoms. Your doctor may perform a nose or throat culture or blood test to exclude the possibility of other diseases, or if public health officials collect statistics about an outbreak of flu, they may take it to identify the specific viral strain.

What are the treatments?
Young healthy people probably don't need flu treatment. It's gonna continue in just a few days. Symptoms sold over the counter can help. Very young and old people with other medical problems may benefit from being treated with new antiviral drugs. Even young people and healthy people can benefit from these medications when they start within the first two days. Persons older than 6 months should receive an annual flu shot.

Traditional Medicine
If you have the flu, doctors usually recommend eating nutritious foods, resting and most importantly, taking plenty of fluids. Fever causes you to lose a lot of fluid, so you need to change more things by drinking more. If you don't eat, it may be a good idea to take your liquid in the form of soup. Although the sugar content is high, electrolyte-containing sports drinks are also an option. For most people, plain water is usually the best or broth soup. You won't want to do too much activity, so it's good to stay in bed and relax. Get up when you feel you can.
Some over-the-counter medications can make you feel better. These include decongestants, antihistamines, and painkillers. Keep in mind that these products can be particularly harmful to people with heart disease, high blood pressure or other breathing problems. Cough and cold medications should not be given to children under 4 years.
Over-the-counter analgesics or analgesics suppress fever, which may prolong the course of the infection. However, if you feel very uncomfortable, take them. Older people and those with heart and lung disease may also need to suppress fever to reduce pressure in the heart and lungs. Do not use aspirin in children under the age of 19 as it is associated with Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal complication.

There are antiviral drugs. To treat and prevent both influenza A and B, there are baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza), oseltamivir (Tamiflu), peramivir (Rapivab) and zanamivir (Relenza). Zanamivir is inhaled like an inhaler. Tamiflu and Xofluza were taken as pills and Rapivab was administered in an intravenous dose.
Secondary infections may also need to be treated. If you see that your symptoms have not improved or worsened, you may have had a secondary infection. Flu makes everyone more susceptible to other infections. Consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Alternative medicine
Although the scientific proof of its benefits is sparse, oscillococcinum, a homeopathic mixture, is very popular in Europe as a flu medicine. Other homeopathic preparations have shown some success in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. Make sure your medical doctor knows everything you're getting - standard medicine and alternatives.
Herbs and Dietary Supplements
Many claims have been made, but there is not enough research showing any benefit of many herbs, including garlic and ginseng. Garlic is known to prevent blood from clotting, so a problem may arise if you are a "blood thinner".

Allicin, the active ingredient of garlic, can be found in a variety of supplements. However, recent research has shown that the actual amount you get may vary greatly and that you often receive very little. Garlic has some natural anti-viral properties, but has no proven efficacy in the prevention or treatment of influenza. If you think garlic is important to your health, you can have the best choice of safe, fresh variety.
There are very few well-designed studies on how these plants and supplements treat and prevent influenza. However, a trial of ginseng suggested that the flu vaccine could increase the effect.

There are some studies suggesting that Echinacea can improve your immune system, but evidence depends on the ability to treat or prevent influenza. Ask your doctor before you start using this medicine, because some people may be allergic to this disease.
Drinking ginger tea several times a day can provide relief for flu patients. Elderberry, elderberry, willow bark, rosehip, honeysuckle flowers and bones, such as plants that are recommended to get rid of many symptoms of influenza.

Increased body temperature, respiration, pulse and blood pressure can be reduced with acupuncture therapy in some cases of colds and flu. The World Health Organization supports the use of acupuncture for respiratory and infectious complications of influenza.
Next Flu Symptoms and Diagnosis
Flu Symptoms

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Elderberry Gummies Sambucus for Kids and Adults | 90 Count Vitamin C Immune System Booster | Allergy Cold Relief Black Supplement Zinc Multivitamin, Vegan Blueberry Flavor

Elderberry plant for cold perception

Elderberry Gummies Sambucus for Kids and Adults | 90 Count Vitamin C Immune System Booster | Allergy Cold Relief Black Supplement Zinc Multivitamin, Vegan Blueberry Flavor

Herbalist Adnan Yıldırım said, bilinen This plant, known as elderberry, elderberry or Elderberry, has been used for centuries as a curative for wounds. It is also taken orally to treat respiratory diseases such as colds and flu. Softens the chest. It has a sweaty effect and has the effect of influenza, cold, colds and colds. Some evidence suggests that chemicals in elderberry or fruits can help reduce swelling of mucous membranes, including the sinuses, and alleviate nasal congestion. It has a laxative effect. Elderberry may have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-influenza and anticancer properties. ”

As one of the most important discoveries of alternative medicine since the past years, elderberry is a source of healing for people in many ways. In common cold diseases, drinking elderberry herbal tea provides healing in a short time. Drinking one cup of elderberry tea per day as a natural and effective diuretic will provide protection against urinary tract diseases 1 glass of elderberry tea for those who have trouble consuming by mixing with honey provides a quick laxative effect provides relief. It is possible to find healing by continuing the elderberry plant which is one-to-one against the ailments that occur in the kidney. Her leaves, flowers, fruit and even tree bark. If it is desired to choose elderberry as a source of healing, it can be obtained from dry or wet water brewing method. Especially the consumption of herbal teas made with elderberry has a very relaxing effect with expectorant and laxative effect.

Herbalist Adnan Yıldırım gave the following information to the newspaper about the benefits of elderberry flower and its fruit, side effects and usage dosages;

Elderberry Picking Time

Elderberry also contains flavonoids that have antioxidant properties and can prevent damage to the body's cells. In fact, elderberry fruits and blossoms are above blueberries, cranberries, goji berries and blackberries in terms of total flavonol content. However, little work has been done in humans, so researchers do not know exactly how effective Elderberry can be. Laboratory studies on many plants were kept very short compared to chemical drugs and all data were obtained before being obtained. I personally describe this as the fear that plants give to the chemical pharmaceutical industry. There are various types of elderberry, but Sambucus nigra or European elderberry (also called black elderberry) are often used for medical purposes. Avoid dwarf elderberry ( Sambucus ebulus ), which can be poisonous . Use a reliable preparation of elderberry because raw or immature fruits, as well as leaves, seeds and shells contain a chemical related to poisonous cyanide.

Plant Description : European elderberry is a large shrub or small tree growing up to 10 m in wet or dry soils in a sunny location. Elderberry lives in some parts of Europe, Africa and Asia, but has become widespread in the United States. Flowers can be white and flat, 5-10 cm wide. Fruits are raw green, but turn red as they ripen, and become black when they ripen.

Parts Used : Fruits and flowers are used medically. The flowers can be used as tea. Its fruit should be consumed by boiling because it has a cyanide-like chemical.

Medical Uses and Indications

Colds and Flu : Elderberry can help treat cold and flu symptoms by reducing nasal congestion and possibly helping the body sweat further. One study showed that using Sambucol, a standardized elderberry extract, could shorten the influenza time by about 3 days. Especially in European travels, I have seen many times that Mürver syrup is used both as food and as a home-made cold syrup. I do not think that the elderberry grown in our country along the Black Sea sees the value it deserves. Possible people think it could be poisonous. However, non-toxic species is the most common species.

Another preliminary investigation found that a lozenge extract with Elderberry extract (ViraBLOC) helps reduce the symptoms of influenza when taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. In a laboratory study, it has been suggested that the syrup of Elderberry can kill the H1N1 virus (“swine flu”) in test tubes, but researchers do not know whether they will be effective against H1N1 in humans. Even this is one of the biggest indicators of why we should pay more attention to this plant in recent years.

Bacterial Sinusitis (Sinus Infection) : In one study, the use of Sinupret, a proprietary product for the treatment of bacterial sinusitis, with antibiotics (doxycycline or vibramycin) and a decongestant was examined. People who received the combination gave better results than those who did not take Sinupret. However, since Sinupret contains Elderberry along with other medicinal plants, there is insufficient evidence that only elderberry fruit will or will not have such an effect. Nevertheless, it is a general belief that elderberry fruit may be useful for sinus infection.

Available Forms : Elderberry is available in liquid, syrup and tincture forms or in capsule and lozenge forms. Dried elderberry flowers are usually standardized to at least 0.8% flavonoid. Sambucol is standardized at 38% elderberry extract for adults and 19% for children. Sinupret contains 18 mg elderberry flowers.

How to Use: In children, elderberry syrup can be used in two scales daily.

Sinupret in adults : 2 tablets taken 3 times a day for bacterial sinusitis

Sambucol: 4 tablespoons. One day for 3 days for colds and flu

Tea : plant 3 to 5 g dry aged pox in 1 cup boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Peel and drink 3 times a day.

Precautions: The use of herbs is a time-based approach to strengthening the body and treating the disease. However, herbs can trigger side effects and interact with other medicinal plants, supplements or medicines. For these reasons, you should take medicinal plants only under the supervision of a health care provider. Do not use grape or uncooked elderberry. They may be toxic.

When Elderberry is used properly for short periods (up to 5 days) No side effects have been observed. Pregnant and lactating women should not use. If you have an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, consult your doctor before using it because it can stimulate your immune system.

Possible Interactions : If you are under treatment with any of the following drugs, consult your healthcare professional before taking elderberry.

Diuretics (water pills). Diuretics help the body to remove excess fluid and increase the amount of urine your body makes. Elderberry can also act as a diuretic, so taking it with a diuretic can make it stronger and increase the risk of dehydration. Diuretics include hydrochlorothiazide, Bumetanide (Burinex), Furosemide (Lasix), Amiloride (Midamor) Metolazone (Zaroxolyn).

Diabetes medications: Elderberry can lower blood sugar levels. If you also take medication for diabetics, taking older herbs can increase your risk of developing hypoglycemia or low blood sugar.

Chemotherapy: Elderberry may interact with some chemotherapy drugs. If you are receiving chemotherapy, ask your oncologist before taking any herbs or supplements.

Laxatives: Elderberry can act as a laxative and should not be taken at the same time as other laxative substances.

Theophylline (TheoDur). Elderberry can reduce theophylline levels, a medication for asthma and other respiratory conditions. This medicine may not work.

Drugs that suppress the immune system. Since old skin can stimulate the immune system, it may interact with drugs taken to suppress the immune system. These drugs include corticosteroids (prednisone) and drugs used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. People with organ transplants should also avoid fresh grapes.

Elderberry Gummies Sambucus for Kids and Adults | 90 Count Vitamin C Immune System Booster | Allergy Cold Relief Black Supplement Zinc Multivitamin, Vegan Blueberry Flavor

Dried Elderberries - Naturally Grown, Whole European Elder Berries, Responsibly Wild Crafted - (1 Pound) - Bulk Resealable Bag (100% Natural)

6 plants that are good for the common cold

Dried Elderberries - Naturally Grown, Whole European Elder Berries, Responsibly Wild Crafted - (1 Pound) - Bulk Resealable Bag (100% Natural)

With the arrival of cold weather, the flu epidemic began. Protect naturally by 6 plants that are good for the common cold.


Echinacea is a wonderful plant that fights stubborn viruses and protects it from the common cold. Anyone caught with the flu or colds will accelerate the healing process with echinacea.

At the same time echinacea reduces the risk of respiratory infection.

Add 1 teaspoon dry echinacea to a boiled glass of water. For the first signs of colds 3 times a day.


The elderberry, a powerful anti-virus fruit, strengthens the immune system and protects it from the common cold.

Treating elderberry at the onset of influenza or flu, reduces the disease process.

Use 2 teaspoons of dry elderberry for a boiled glass of water. For infection or flu 3 times a day.


According to research, garlic has many antimicrobial and antivirus components. Fights cold and flu.

Mix with 1 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon of honey. Consume at least one every day. So you will be protected from the common cold.

Lemon Balm

Balm is very effective against influenza or flu, as it slows down the entry of viruses into cells.

Add 1 teaspoon dry lemon balm to a boiling glass of water. For infection and colds 3 times a day.


Mint is very effective for opening the sinuses.

Use 1 teaspoon mint into a boiling glass of water. For infection and colds 3 times a day.

If your nose sinuses are blocked, you can cool mint tea and use it as a face spray.


Yarrow is popularly known by different names; barsama grass, white flowering thousand leaf leaves, white-headed and oil lamp varies depending on the region.

Good for colds and cough, antipyretic and expectorant effect.

Add 1 teaspoon dry yarrow to a boiling glass of water. For 3 times a day.

Do not pick up yarrow from the roadside, exhaust fumes from cars can make the plant harmful and poisonous.

Dried Elderberries - Naturally Grown, Whole European Elder Berries, Responsibly Wild Crafted - (1 Pound) - Bulk Resealable Bag (100% Natural)

Horbaach Black Elderberry 2000 mg 180 Capsules | Immune Support | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Sambucus Herbal Extract Supplement

Virus repellent plants

Horbaach Black Elderberry 2000 mg 180 Capsules | Immune Support | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Sambucus Herbal Extract Supplement

Deaths due to swine flu increase, treatment options are limited to chemical drugs. It is best to refer to plants. During this period, often drink green tea, salvia, linden. Laden, elderberry and South African geranium are also very effective in fighting viruses.

This week, there were reports of some deaths related to H1N1-type influenza A virus cases called swine flu. In fact, the swine flu virus, in 1918 as the “Spanish flu kimi according to some records of 20 million, some records of 100 million people died of the virus descended from the virus. Finally, in 2009, the epidemic caused by the death of up to 8 thousand 300 people in the world is reported. In other words, we haven't achieved a full success in the fight against this virus in the last century.

The first option that comes to mind in the fight against virus infections is the administration of influenza vaccine, but it can provide limited protection. This is mainly due to the fact that the type of virus was selected among the viruses that were the common epidemics in the previous year, and it was not known to what extent this virus would cause epidemics at the time of administration. There are also negative factors such as the mutations that the virus undergoes in this process and the inability to implement it quickly and comprehensively. However, it is still recommended that high-risk patients (elderly, diabetic, cardiovascular diseases, etc.) be prevented to some extent to reduce the risks.

Losing effect

The choice of chemical drugs against viruses is limited. Amantadine, a very old drug, can prevent the virus from entering the cell. However, it is no longer preferred due to its various harmful effects, as well as the development of viruses that are easily resistant to this drug. A new group of drugs is neuraminidase inhibitors such as oseltamivir. It acts by preventing the spread of influenza virus from infected cells to others. Unfortunately, this drug is now being prescribed by physicians like leblebi. As a matter of fact, it is reported that resistant strains of viruses are emerging against these drugs. In other words, these drugs, like antibiotics, will be ineffective in the near future.

Whatever is there in nature again! Scientific research shows that certain polyphenolic structures (simple phenols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, procyanidins) and aromatic compounds found in plants can be effective either directly by acting on viruses or indirectly by stimulating the immune system. In addition to the effects of polyphenolic compounds on viruses, in addition to their effects on anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative damage and bacterial infections due to their structural properties, it can be widely effective in the fight against upper respiratory tract infections (URIs). Another important advantage of herbal products is the inability of viruses and bacteria to resist plant components.

The first two days are very important

How should we fight swine flu, bird flu or someone else? The most important thing is to prevent the virus from proliferating and entering the cell. If you are located in bulk places, you should take precautions. The first two days are very important. Mouth and nose in the fight against influenza virus where the first battle took place. We have to repel the virus around here. Plants can provide us with a wide range of possibilities.

Laden (Cistus sp)

We have published numerous scientific studies on these plants; treatment of ulcers, relieving inflammation, relieving pain, lowering blood sugar and killing viruses. Nowadays, pink flowering spruce (Cistus incanus) is popular. Polymeric polyphenols in the virus to proliferate, prevents the growth of bacteria.

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)

One of the plants on which we conduct various research. We have scientific research on the ulcer treatment of the leaves of the plant, relieving inflammation, pain relief and wound healing effects. The anthocyanin-type compounds in elderberry fruits have also become popular in recent years with their effect against influenza virus.

South African geranium

South African geranium (Pelargonium sideoides) is another plant that helps in the fight against influenza virus. I think it will be effective to use the product in the form of drops. Do not consciously consume, as we must remember that the herbal products consumed in this way may harm more than good.

Battle against diseases by eating a pumpkin

As the weather cools, illnesses begin to show. In order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to implement a proper nutrition plan. Ece Köprülü, Nutrition and Diet Specialist from Anadolu Health Center Happy Diet Clinic, says that it is possible to protect against many diseases by making the nutrition plan correctly during the winter months.

Koprulu reminded that vitamin C is important in strengthening immunity in the winter months. kumquat, lemon and pomegranate are found in density. These fruits and vegetables contain important minerals such as vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, which help to prevent infection in the body and strengthen immunity. ”

Take care of fish and salad consumption

Ece Koprulu stated that fish consumption is also very important in winter. “Fish become more fat during this season, which means they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, mackerel, acorn and sardines will be eaten once or twice a week. They prevent Omega-3 and prevent inflammation in the body.

For sugar-free or add real honey

We should consume herbal teas more frequently in this period. Green tea, sage tea and linden are our most important helpers. In order to prevent the disease and treatment, these teas are consumed frequently by adding real honey without sugar. In addition, green tea or island tea with intensive concentration (5-10 percent) to prepare tea and gargle with it. Studies have shown that catechins in green tea (epigallo catechin gallate et al.) Prevent the proliferation of the virus. Cineol in salvia prevents the development of opportunistic bacteria. This is important because most of the deaths from cold infections are due to bacterial infections due to the immune system weakened by the virus.

Horbaach Black Elderberry 2000 mg 180 Capsules | Immune Support | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Sambucus Herbal Extract Supplement

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies for Kids - Vitamin C Immune System Booster - Tasty Triple Action Gummy Bears with Echinacea and Propolis - Mom Made, Toddler Approved

Flu and Flu Sexy Solution

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies for Kids - Vitamin C Immune System Booster - Tasty Triple Action Gummy Bears with Echinacea and Propolis - Mom Made, Toddler Approved

Seasons winter, colds (flu) and influenza. How about a fight against flu and flu that puts everyone to bed and dismisses their jobs. How Does? It is possible to overcome the flu and flu very easily in all natural ways… A coffee cup Ottoman sherbet or red wine , black pepper with the end of a teaspoon, 10 cloves, 1 teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, sweat throw and a nice loving flu and flu. sounds very good…

Flu and flu are not the same disease and are always confused. The most common winter and spring seizures, colds , caused by various viruses, some symptoms in the upper respiratory tract, causing a mild course arasında Among the symptoms of flu; sore throat, sneezing and sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion, hoarseness , rarely fever (usually under 38), rarely headache and rarely the whole body can be counted. The time it takes to settle the disease varies between 24 and 72 hours. The first symptom is often in the form of dry itchy sore throat . Decreases in smell and taste, pressure in the ears and changes in sound quality are common. The symptoms last for an average of 7 days.

An acute virus disease with flu, fever, cough, headache, weakness and muscle pain … Influenza has a different position than the other respiratory system diseases because it can cause serious lung diseases as it is a disease which has spreading between countries and continents… Influenza and colds are similar in terms of forms and symptoms, but headache, muscle pains and fever are more prominent in influenza. Flu vaccines are the safest way to protect from influenza. sudden headache, 38–39 C fever, general back and arms, general pain and discomfort in the whole body, fatigue, usually dry cough , sometimes nasal congestion, sneezing and rarely sore throat, chills, chills, sweating can be counted.

Flu and flu are often predicted and a slight offense is felt beforehand. In cases of slight malaise, sweating cures, Turkish bath, sauna, cold-hot showers, hot elderberry syrup, other red fruit juices, freshly squeezed fruit juices with vitamin C, elderberry flower, linden flower or ginger tea, massages with essential oils, reflexology, relaxation Forced walks in the fresh air, avoiding stress and drinking the magic potion we call içil making love by making love çoğu are often the most useful advice. However, when the flu and flu starts and gets worse, a physician needs to be examined, fed and rested regularly.

Black pepper which adds taste to our tables does not only give flavor on soups and meals, kills germs, relieves pain, relieves physical and mental fatigue, increases sexual power with the effect of aphrodisiac, whips the sexual desires, and is very good for colds and coughs. More cloves taken to remove bad breath, relieves mental and physical fatigue, protects against infectious diseases and increases sexual power. Cinnamon , one of the oldest spices known all over the world, is good for infections, relaxes muscles, strengthens the immune system, destroys fatigue, increases body resistance, good for colds and increases sexual desire. Cinnamon honey can be a healthier and more effective medicine than many other medicines. Those who have frequent or severe cold complaints can take one spoon of warm honey and one quarter spoon of cinnamon once for three days. This treatment can cure most chronic coughs and colds, cleanse the sinuses, heal sore throat, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from bacteria and virus attacks. Regular consumption of honey strengthens white blood cells and increases resistance to bacterial and viral diseases and sexual potency. Ottoman sherbet , which provides great protection against diseases, especially winter diseases, is not lacking in Ottoman palace kitchen and public tables, as well as increasing sexual desire, flu and flu is also very good. In the Ottoman Empire there were about 300 varieties of fresh fruit and flowers made from flowers such as roses, tamarind, cranberries, lilies, violets, fulya, jasmine, budgerigar, angustifolia and water lily. Cranberry, quince, black mulberry and mountain strawberries sherbet cough and cold cure for those who seek one-to-one… Ottoman sherbet, one of the most important minerals in the structure of selenium ubarindirir red wine can be preferred . Because the use of beverages obtained by fermenting grapes or other fruit juices with various methods facilitates relaxation and stress relief. According to Philosopher Eflatun 's words: “ Low-drinking wine is like medicine, rejuvenates the elderly and heals the patients! Kırmızı Red wine increases sexual desire when taken regularly and restrained. Flu and flu are living in the same house, usually the partner is infected. For this reason, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, honey, Ottoman sherbet or preferably red wine can heal the soul and body by making love and sweat with the partner. How Does? Here is the formula for the magic elixir : yavaş Gently mix with the tip of a teaspoon of black pepper, 10 cloves, 1 teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a heated coffee mug of Ottoman sherbet or red wine. For this mixture slowly, then wear very thick and again under very thick quilts. After a while you will start sweating. Sweat thoroughly and then make love to your partner. Take a shower after emptying and relaxing and continue your life from where you left off… ”

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies for Kids - Vitamin C Immune System Booster - Tasty Triple Action Gummy Bears with Echinacea and Propolis - Mom Made, Toddler Approved

Nature's Way Organic Sambucus Lozenge, Elderberry and Zinc, 24 count pouch (Packaging May Vary)

Natural syrup against flu

Nature's Way Organic Sambucus Lozenge, Elderberry and Zinc, 24 count pouch (Packaging May Vary)

When it comes to the winter months and the setting of the weather is broken, it is not possible not to catch flu. No matter how much we pay attention, it's a germ.

But it's from us but from children but from the neighbors .. I think it is best to prepare ourselves for the flu because we do not have the opportunity to close ourselves and not meet anyone.

It is the right move to prepare for the flu by paying attention to what we eat and drink in the winter rather than being sick by moaning and laying down bed quilts. I'm talking about seasonal vegetables during the winter months when body resistance and metabolism is slowing down, not drinking freshly squeezed juices of citrus products, which are abundant. If we pay attention to our eating and drinking, we pay attention to the sleep order and rest of the body, even if the microscope is transmitted, you will survive the disease very lightly.

With Tecrube it is fixed that when you are sick there is no reason for you to go to the hospital. If you are infected, instead of helping the virus, a good rest and healthy herbal teas, a warm soup and the “I'm fine” morale will help you survive.

In the past, I remember well when we caught these diseases, my mother would sit next to the burning stove, boil mint lemon and sweat a nice sweat. My grandmother also sat on the divan "put greasy paper on your stomach," he called out.

Let's call it crab remedies or ebem grass in the name of medicine is not popular in the nature of people who have searched for all kinds of troubles in fact they have found. They learned what was good for almost every disease and how much it would do well. When you go to a actress today, tell me a little bit of trouble and tell you what is good for you.

According to people, many herbal products are good for influenza infections. But if you want to sweat a good sweat and toxins in the body, you can still choose a good herbal remedy.
Elderberry is a good diaphoretic and diuretic

If I ask if anyone knows or does not know, which one is right? But those who see their photos, those who live in the village or those who go to places with plenty of vineyards, will recognize them immediately. Turkey's unabashedly growing almost everywhere, even a plant maintenance. In our gardens grow together like a crowded family, leaving 15-20 roots at once. Its shadow is cool. The flowers and fruits of this tree are also perfect for influenza. I don't know how effective elderberry you find in herbalists, but when boiled and drunk in accordance with the recipe, it has diuretic and diaphoretic properties. In the past years, especially in European countries, syrup, jam and drink as a different aroma I have read.

This is my humble advice for those who cannot survive influenza infections. Sweating toxins from the body to get rid of the disease quickly helps to think I think.

Here is the syrup recipe for elderberry;

A measure of fresh or dried elderberry,

3 measures of water,

One measure of vegetable glycerin,

a spoonful of powder or cinnamon sticks, a few cloves if desired ..

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for about 45-50 minutes on low heat. When cooled, remove the pulp by filtering with cheesecloth.You can store the remaining water in a glass container for up to two months. Elderberry syrups can be prepared in many different ways. Since hypocrats elderberry is a plant used for wound healing in influenza and colds.

Nature's Way Organic Sambucus Lozenge, Elderberry and Zinc, 24 count pouch (Packaging May Vary)