Showing posts with label Elderberry-Herbal-Supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elderberry-Herbal-Supplements. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Complete Daily Gummy Multivitamin for Kids by Feel Great 365 (45 Servings) | Children Multivitamins to Support The Immune System, Fuel Growth & Overall Health ? Kids Supplement ? Gluten Free, Non-GMO

How to treat flu in adults and children

Complete Daily Gummy Multivitamin for Kids by Feel Great 365 (45 Servings) | Children Multivitamins to Support The Immune System, Fuel Growth & Overall Health ? Kids Supplement ? Gluten Free, Non-GMO

The treatment of flu or cold at home and without medication does not mean that you spend the entire week in front of the television, sipping lemon tea, and expecting the disease to diminish on its own. The virus can be eaten quickly and without medication. But only when you don't sit back.
Rule 1: Diet, Winning Virus

If the home treatment for the flu for you - the most preferred way of combating the disease, the first thing you should do is to include some foods in your diet. These include: chicken broth, raspberry tea with honey, lemon and orange juice and water, a beverage based on the essence of black elderberry, spices. Some help to prevent viruses, others warm the body internally and provide stable sweating, and others support and strengthen the immune system. At the same time, observing a special diet with influenza or cold means removing certain foods from the diet - above all, any sugar.

He will also have to avoid fast-food, alcohol and prepared foods for the entire period of the disease. Food should be simple and light until the flu is reduced, as you know, our gastrointestinal system should not overload the adı living oğun of most of our immune system. It is useful to prevent colds or to eat bananas, apricots, potatoes, celery or spinach already in the last stage of the flu or cold (when you already let you go out). These products are rich in potassium and increase blood circulation, helping to protect the body from hypothermia.
Rule 2: Air Conditioning

The effectiveness of a cold or flu treatment at home depends on how much air you breathe. It is important to be very hot, dry and worn. To do this, you need to fully ventilate your “home conditions gereken at least twice a day (currently the room is of course worth leaving). In addition, a moisturizer will help a lot in the fight against the disease. It removes cough and runny nose and also protects skin from dryness. If there is no moisturizer, you can drop a few drops of eucalyptus oil and then place a container with cold water near the bed.
Rule 3: Temperature

Usually, at the first sign of high temperature, people try to lower it. Do not do so if the thermometer does not exceed 38.5 degrees mark. The rise in temperature is not only a sign of a cold or flu, but also a sign that the body is actively fighting for your health. Another common misconception of influenza home care: as soon as the temperature starts to rise, some run outside - in a store or pharmacy, while others are guided for unclear reasons, they enter a hot bath. You can't do one or the other! Don't leave the house with the smallest signs at the lowest temperature - this only aggravates the disease: you're 37 years old, you'll find all 39 on the thermometer on your return. Put yourself at risk. The jacuzzi is even more dangerous! Staying in it, first, will put a huge load on your heart and blood vessels, and secondly - it will raise the already high temperature. Add a few more degrees to your 38 and you'll know immediately why you should avoid a hot bath.

These three rules may seem trivial or trivial to one. And it is often overlooked by those who decide to treat flu at home. However, home isolation and peace conditions are not a guarantee of flu recovery. However, following these basic tips, taking care of your own health, is a highly effective way to recover quickly without the use of medicines as part of home treatment for influenza.

Flu or SARS are familiar to each of us. We always consult a doctor, not feeling the first signs of a viral disease. Sometimes there is no time or opportunity for this.

To avoid idle, we recommend that you use tips on how to treat flu at home.

Bed rest If you 're not feeling well, the first thing to do is lie down. It is extremely dangerous to "carry" infection of the legs, in which case the risk of complications increases several times. Since your body has to fight the infection, it is your first priority to create the conditions for it. The patient should not waste a body energy with physical activity.

Professional help Only an experienced doctor can correctly understand what type of infection you have. It will also determine which drugs can be taken in this case. As you know, viruses and bacterial infections need to be treated differently.

Drink plenty of fluids. Flu treatment involves drinking plenty of flu. Ideally, light sour compotes, teas, juices, fruit drinks, dogrose juice should be hot. This will help reduce body poisoning to compensate for loss of water during intense sweating, dilute sputum while coughing, and compensate for water loss. Raspberries suitable as a national antipyretic, but in addition, you should drink other fluids. When you cough, you can drink warm milk with cocoa butter or sage, and you can also drink warm milk with non-carbonated mineral water. But we'il talk about the cough medicine.

Temperature. Fever is a sign that your body is fighting infection. Temperature above 38.5 ° C may not drop (only if you have no problems). This heat is an excellent barrier to the reproduction of viruses. If it is too early to break down, complications of the disease are possible. To date, there are many medications that not only lower the temperature but also reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Useful properties miraculous figs used in various diseases will also help to overcome the high temperature. 2 tablespoons should be mixed. tablespoons dried figs (1 cup) with milk or water.

We help the body fight the virus. In the early days of the disease, antiviral drugs are particularly effective: aflubin, arbidol or other analogues. Among folk remedies, I recommended a 1: 1 mixture of honey and onion juice (take 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes). Lemon is a powerful antioxidant that reduces body toxicity and has a detrimental effect on the virus. If you have chickens with stomach problems, you can eat lemon in its "natural state" (without adding tea). Antibiotic use is only possible with doctor's advice, because they are only good for bacterial infections.

Eliminate symptoms. You can successfully fight nasal discharge, sore throat and cough, even at home.

Choose oil-based products when choosing drops for the nose . It not only facilitates breathing, but also does not dry the mucous membranes. Use antihistamines to relieve swelling in the sinus area. The nose can be washed with decoction of Hypericum.

Regular rinsing quickly frees you from sore throat. Use boils of chamomile, narcissus, sage or special ready-to-treat solutions that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Another common option is lollipops or lozenges that have a good effect on sore throat.

If you recognize the type of viral infection on time and choose the right remedies, home treatment for influenza will be successful. Always be healthy!

Undoubtedly, at least once in his life, everyone has suffered from influenza, where he is ill with or observes the development and course of the disease in close people. This is not surprising because flu is considered the most common infectious disease that can cause major outbreaks and even outbreaks every year. To be prepared to fight this disease, you need to know the symptoms and causes of its development, those at risk, and how to treat flu at home. But for beginners it is worth finding out what it is.

Flu is an acute viral disease that can affect not only the upper but also the lower respiratory tract. As a rule, this is accompanied by drunkenness and can lead to serious complications up to fatal consequences. However, this complication is most common in children and elderly patients.

Immediately, influenza and ARVI should be said to be similar diseases and symptomatic signs and forms of infection. But that's not the same thing. Unlike the common cold, the flu is accompanied by much more severe, pronounced poisoning and often leads to serious complications.
Flu Forms

Depending on the severity of the flu is divided into the following forms:

lightning fast

Causes and types of influenza

The disease develops after ingestion of the flu virus of the same name. From what causes the development of the influenza virus, it is traditional to distinguish these types of this disease:

originates from group a viruses. These viruses are prone to mutation, contributing to the development of complications. The course of the disease is extremely difficult;
originates from group b viruses. It also mutates as viruses of group A. The disease is relatively mild. Complications occur in rare cases;
originates from group c viruses. The mutation process is practically absent, the flow is quite easy. Most often, the disease is child.

Characteristics of influenza viruses

These specific viruses are not “afraid soğuk of cold. This is the cause of seasonal influenza outbreaks. However, they die even more when heated and boiled. Flu viruses, when released into the environment, become unsustainable. The risk of infection, however, persists for the day after an infected person's body releases it to the outside.
How does the flu get infected?

Perhaps the most common method of infection - from the air. During the process of speech, coughing or sneezing, microscopic particles of the patient's saliva are released into the environment. They contain millions of influenza viruses. They can reach the mucous surface of a healthy person who is bent in the air. Thus, infection occurs.

For example, if you see a picture on a microscope after a patient sneezes, you may see a “cloud an of bacteria dust, coarse and fine saliva droplets spread around. Large particles are not so scary because they can trigger an infection of a healthy person if they are close to the patient.

Bacterial dust and small particles drift a few meters from the source of infection. Just a slight sniff is enough to get away from hundreds of meters, because settlement speeds are very low. They can fly in space for a few hours. These small particles sinking into furniture pieces, floors and walls can remain alive for long periods of time. Therefore, if you treat flu at home, make sure that the risk of being affected by close people is minimized.

Flu viruses can survive:

in the air - 9-12 hours;
on the surface of the skin - no more than 15 minutes;
on the surface of the paper - about 12 hours;
on glass surfaces - 10 days;
on fabric surfaces - about 10 hours;
plastic and metal surface - 2 days;
influenza virus is already present in bronchial secretions - 10-15 days.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the influenza virus can at least survive on the skin surface. So if you have a cold and sneeze, cover your hand in the absence of a paper or napkin. This will reduce the spreading radius of viruses in the medium.

In addition, it is not only in direct contact with an infected person, but can also be infected by using the same kitchen utensils and hygiene products. In addition, if the flu touches, for example, a computer keyboard, telephone, or a door handle in contact with the patient, it is likely to strike the body of a healthy person.

All this shows that it is desirable to isolate a sick person in a separate room which needs to be well ventilated several times a day.
Mechanism of influenza development

Influenza virus can penetrate the body of a healthy person through pharynx, trachea, nasal or laryngeal mucosa. When a virus enters the body, its active reproduction is recorded. The incubation period may take from several hours to 2 days. There are cases where this period is approximately 5 days.

By proliferating actively, the virus can quickly hit the tissues of all mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It will be useful to know that the virus does not hit the mucous membranes of other internal organs, such as the intestinal mucosa or the stomach.

After 5 days, the virus stops growing in the body. The exact reason for the stop was not yet clear by the doctors. From this moment on, however, the sick person is no longer a danger to others. Competently organized treatment for influenza at home can give positive results - the patient gradually begins to recover.
How's the flu going?

In any form of influenza in a patient, to some degree or to some degree, the symptoms of flu and poisoning are seen. And in rare cases, the presence of a hemorrhagic component can be noted. These pathological conditions have their own characteristics.
inebriation 1. Temperature 38 ⁰ С - 40 ⁰ С

2. Headaches spread to forehead and orbits

4. Nausea

6. weakness

7. Pain in joints (especially lower back, lower extremities) and pain in muscles

8. Loss of appetite
Flu phenomena 1. Pain during swallowing

2. Tearing, burning of mucous eyes

5. Cough (mostly dry)
Hemorrhagic component 1. Bleeding on the surface of the skin

2. Hyperemia of the facial skin (the rest of the skin is pale)

3. Sinus bleeding

4. Bleeding of mucous membranes and mouth surface

5. Enlarged scleral vessels

It is also important to note that poisoning symptoms are observed for 4-5 days. If they persisted for a longer time, bacterial complications developed.
Who is at risk?

Most affected influenza:

people suffering from various immunodeficiencies (acquired or congenital);
Children under 2 years of age (not fully formed immune system);
immunocompromised people;
old humans

Predisposing Factors in Patients with Severe Flu

Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Chronic diseases of blood-forming organs, lungs, heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
Diabetes mellitus.
The tendency to allergic symptoms.

Symptoms of general influenza

Symptoms of influenza, regardless of shape, include:

high temperature remaining for at least three days;
hemorrhagic skin rash;
shortness of breath;
Headaches that do not stop even using strong analgesics.

Possible complications of influenza

All complications can be divided into two main groups - bacterial and viral. If everything is clear with viral complications, since the etiology of influenza is viral, patients can ask questions at the expense of bacterial complications. The truth is, against the background of the enormous costs of all reserves to fight the main viral infection, the body's immune system may not have the strength to suppress pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, bacteria are added to viruses. This is most likely to occur if the patient has chronic bacterial diseases that, as a rule, are exacerbated after the flu. Patients are often interested in how to treat the development of complications of influenza treatment at home. Experts claim that in such cases, self-treatment can lead to even more disastrous consequences and suggest that you contact a medical institution immediately.

Bacterial complications can occur as follows:

septic It is characterized by the penetration of bacteria into the blood and subsequent reproduction. This is extremely serious and often fatal;
encephalitis, meningitis. When there are foci of inflammation in the tissues and / or mucosa of a patient's brain. Most often, this complication occurs in people with immunodeficiency;
glomerulonephritis. Acute inflammatory process in the tissues of renal tubules leading to impaired renal function;
frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis. Such conditions are perhaps the most common complications of influenza. It is characterized by the presence of bacterial infection in the hearing and nasal sinuses;
bacterial pneumonia. It appears as a rule a few days after the relief. Initially, there is a cough with green or yellow sputum, then the body temperature rises. It is very important to start treatment so as not to miss the onset of the course of bronchial pneumonia and to aggravate the treatment on time.

Viral complications can be:

pericarditis and myocarditis (rare);
infectious toxic shock. It is characterized by excessive poisoning of the body, which requires the failure of vital organs. One of the first manifestations is drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, renal dysfunction;
primary viral pneumonia. It is considered a rare but serious complication of influenza. Viruses enter the lungs through bronchial "tree" tissues, the upper respiratory tract. The onset of primary viral pneumonia is similar to influenza, in contrast to its strong progression. Excessive poisoning - cough with small amounts of sputum (sometimes with blood), shortness of breath and subsequent development of respiratory failure. One factor that causes the development of such a flu complication is the presence of heart defects, particularly for mitral stenosis.

Flu diagnosis

Distinguishing the flu from others is similarly important in symptoms and disease. The doctor makes the diagnosis based on:

clinical picture;
epidemic data;
laboratory tests (creep by release of virus strain from oropharynx and nasopharynx).

Influenza: How to treat at home?

This can be done twice a day (mornings and evenings). The duration of each procedure should be between 5 and 10 minutes. Inhalations can be prepared using medicinal herbs and essential oils.

Herbs are suitable for inhalation:

ginger rhizomes;
St. John's Wort;

Essential oils are suitable for inhalation:


If you do not have a special device for inhalation, you can fill a nebulizer, sink or large capacity with boiling water, and when you cover your head with a towel, you can breathe healing vapors.
Sinus Irrigation Solution

It also helps you get rid of the common cold with the flu of soda-saline solution. You will need to mix it with a pinch of salt (sea or cooking) and baking soda. Mix a few drops of boiled water. For the washing procedure, it is best to use a ball syringe (replaceable with a conventional syringe without a needle).

While leaning over the cuvette or sink and holding a nasal passage, pour the ready solution into the free nostril and gently press the plunger of the syringe. After that, gently blow your nose. Then you can break the second nasal passage.

It is recommended that the patient use as much fluid as possible during the treatment process. Excellent warm drink enriched with vitamin C, such as fruit from fruits, compotes, rosehip tea, lemon tea. The patient can accelerate the detoxification process by consuming at least 2 liters of beverage per day. That is, getting rid of the body of toxic agents that originate from the vital processes of viruses.
If possible, take a warm shower by closing the door tightly into the bathroom (not in the acute phase of the disease). After creating a sauna effect, mucus in the nasal sinuses will gain more fluid consistency and clear the airways.
During the acute course of the disease, bed rest is required and it is not recommended to work on a computer, watch TV or read books. After all, these exercises prolong the course of the disease and weaken the body already receiving flu forces. Home treatment should consider the development of possible complications.

Juice from branches of black currant

Wash the branches, chop and pour a glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes, then swim at a thermostat for 5 hours. Drink hot water at night. For a more pleasant taste in the broth, you can add sugar or honey.
Eucalyptus leaves tincture

Finely chopped eucalyptus leaves (30 g) should be placed in a glass jar and filled with 200 ml of vodka replaceable alcohol. The lid should close the jar tightly. Insist in a dark place for 7 days. Then strain the infusion and squeeze the residue through the cheesecloth. Dilute 20 drops three times a day with 50 ml of water.
Herbal decoction

To prepare this water, you must take the following plants in equal parts:

pine (kidney);
tall tissues (rhizomes);
"Holed" St John's wort;
“Bare” licorice (rhizomes);

100 g will require 500 ml of water for collection. Boil for 30 minutes, insist on a thermostat for 6 hours. Take 50 ml three times a day (after meals).
Flu prevention

1. Vaccination. Annual vaccination will help minimize the risk of infection with influenza viruses. It is best performed during the autumn of the year before the start of the first cold weather. To do this, you can consult a doctor or any vaccination center. There are three types of vaccines:

subst. It is the purest and does not cause any side effects. Apply for vaccination of children;
split vaccine. This vaccine contains only a portion of the viruses. It may cause some side effects. Recommended for adults;
whole virus. It is completely influenza virus - inactivated or alive. To date, the use of this type of flu vaccine has almost ceased. The truth is that the whole virion vaccine has a number of side effects and can cause the development of the disease.

It is also important to note that children under 6 months and people allergic to chicken protein are not subject to vaccination.

2. Personal hygiene. This applies in particular to washing hands after visiting large public places with large crowds of people and after contact with infected people.

3. Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of the patient's living quarters.

4. Use of personal hygiene items and dishes.

5. Improve immunity. This may include regular exercise, a properly balanced diet, getting rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). You should also avoid stress and give the body the opportunity to rest well at night.

It is recommended that you follow the preventive measures described above to avoid the development of any complications, not to worry about how to treat the flu at home. If the flu virus still hits the body, you should consult a doctor immediately. And only after consulting him can he be treated for his own illness. God bless you!

In the cold season, nobody gets immune to the common cold, so everyone needs to know how to treat the flu without medical care at home and what to do. Also, if you just follow bed rest and do nothing, the disease will not last longer.
Basics of Therapy

Flu is characterized by a rapid and acute onset accompanied by high fever and chills. There are fracture pain in the anterior region, muscles, joints and lower back. The skin dries and redness is seen on the face. Pressing the eye causes discomfort, bright light, burning and tearing. In the following days, nausea and vomiting may contribute to the above symptoms.

Usually, the fever is reduced in a few days, but the fever, runny nose, and severe cough continue until fully recovered. In this case, a person may become ill while in the same room as a patient or just shaking his hand.

When you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should deal with them immediately at home.

The key to success in influenza treatment depends on compliance with certain rules.

It is much better to prevent the development of the disease. Many doctors recommend immunomodulatory drugs to achieve this goal. An example of such a drug can be found in the article "".
Proper nutrition

This means that your diet should contain foods that will accelerate recovery. Add chicken broth, honey or raspberry tea, plenty of drinking water and spices to your daily menu. This will help to weaken the virus attack, strengthen the immune system and warm the body from the inside. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the use of sweets to give up semi-finished products and alcoholic beverages.

These measures will greatly facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) during influenza, which is directly linked to the strength of immunity. To improve blood circulation, the body needs potassium in bananas, potatoes, celery, apricots and spinach. In addition, these products are ideal for prophylactic purposes. They protect the body from hypothermia.
The right weather

In order for the flu to be treated at home quickly, the air in the room must have fresh and optimal moisture. This can be achieved by daily ventilation where the patient has to leave the room. In this case, an air humidifier will become an indispensable aid in moisturizing your skin, as well as significantly facilitating colds and coughing. Replace the special humidifier can be a container of water and eucalyptus oil.
Temperature conditions
We treat influenza popular recipes

If you have the flu, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. In this case, there are recipes for home remedies and traditional medicine.
An overnight treatment

According to doctors, it is not possible to treat influenza virus infection in one day. However, the supporters of traditional medicine have a different perspective. To do this, perform the following steps: Melt 1 teaspoon coarse salt in 1.5 liters boiling water, squeeze the lemon juice and add 1 gram of ascorbic acid. Mix well and take small sips for 2 hours. By morning, you'il be able to overcome all flu symptoms.
Healing heat

At home there is a cliché where you can cope with the flu with the help of thermal foot baths. Traditional medicine, however, says it is better to warm the legs, not the hands. This will require a basin filled with warm water (about 38 degrees Celsius). We drop our hands from the elbow and slowly add boiling water, so the water reaches 42 degrees. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. Finally, you should wear warm gloves and go to bed without removing them.

English recipe

The British use beer and egg yolks to fight the flu at home. The action should be as follows: 4 grind with sugar until the egg yolk foam appears. Then 500 ml of warm beer, z lemon zest, a little cinnamon and 3 cloves are added to the resulting decay. The mixture is placed on a small fire and boils for about 6 minutes, not boiled. Take 1 cup 3 times a day. This method will help you recover in a few days.
Onion and garlic

The wonderful properties of these products in the fight against influenza have long been known. Not only are they eaten raw, they also prepare onions and garlic-based boils. However, they can kill viruses not only when used internally, but also externally. To do this, chop the onion or garlic and inhale the vapors deeply. A pungent odor penetrates the nasopharynx, catches a cold and kills harmful bacteria.
Rosehip decoction

You're gonna need a dry rose hip to fight the flu. They can be purchased from a pharmacy or grandmother from the market. Add 5 tbsp strawberries to 1 liter of cold water and put the mixture on fire. Boil. After 10 minutes, remove the water and wrap with a warm towel. Leave it overnight. After the time has elapsed, drain the infusion and take 3 glasses a day for a week and gradually reduce the dose. If the liquid appears too acidic, add honey, sugar or jam. To protect your teeth from the harmful effects of acid, you should gargle with your mouth and warm water after each use.
Preventive measures

Treatment of any disease is easier than treatment. It is therefore worth taking preventive measures before the onset of cold weather and the start of a cold epidemic.

During the acute flu period, it is better to be at home. If this is not possible, you should avoid wet, cold places and drafts. Hardening, when done correctly, will help prepare the body in advance.
The cotton gauze bandage not only protects against the influenza virus, but also protects others if you get sick.
Try not to greet anyone and also minimize trips and public appearances in public transport.
The room you spend most of the time needs to be carefully ventilated twice a day. Disinfection with vinegar does not harm: 1 tablespoon 70% vinegar add 500 ml water, put on fire and boil. The solution should be boiled for 20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated twice a week.

During the flu pandemic, their approach to health and their strengthening is done with great care. Allow more rest and relaxation. Walking in the fresh air will also have a beneficial effect on the body. Pay attention to sleep and nutrition. Avoid eating large amounts, it is better to replace plants with teas based on (rosehip, linden, mint). Eat fruit drinks and natural juices, eat more fruit.

If you don't get the flu, you have to fight it right away. It is recommended that you seek advice from your therapist to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications.

Today, influenza is a very serious disease that can even lead to death. In case of weakness of the immune system and any flu symptoms, it is best to go to the doctor immediately and let him / her give medication. Proven folk remedies that can be used to treat flu in several households if the temperature is low or not fully present and only if you have a cold and the immunity is quite stable .

For us influenza, high fever (sometimes up to 40 degrees), the whole body aches, a pretty severe headache, cough, runny nose, wheezing in the chest. Symptoms usually occur after night, close to morning. We offer you several ways to treat flu in one day, but you should treat it as soon as you feel the first symptoms of a cold. If you miss the moment, you will be treated for 4-5 days.

So, in order to treat the flu at home should stock dried dried elderberry color. It is quite easy to buy, you can practically buy it at any pharmacy. But such that, neither herbal experts nor pharmacy in the whole city can not find this tool, you can order online. Why is it so important? It was so great that the elderberry was black in color, had a great power of beneficial properties that had a huge impact on the human body, and if you get flu treatment, you can't do without it. It is possible for him to grow up somewhere on the outskirts of the city, perhaps asking local residents or long-term residents. So you took this tool, boil the water and pour it into a glass. If you have removed the plant in a pharmacy, pour 2 tablespoons or 1 tablespoon of juice without boiling. Cover a cup or glass with a lid or saucer and boil until the water warms. Then drink and make a new party. After 3-4 hours, drink a second part of the tincture and lie down. You can be completely healthy in the mornings or simply become much easier in the morning, after which the method is proven, serving it for one night, drinking it, going to bed, setting the alarm and getting up in the middle of the night, drinking the second part. It is important that you drink a flower source, not after a 12-hour illness.

Consider the method when you cannot find the color of black elderberry. Garlic honey is also quite effective. Grate the garlic and mix with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Take 1/4 teaspoon every hour and drink with plain water. Before bedtime, eat 1 teaspoon of the mixture and drink with herbal tea.

Of course, the flu is not all the means you can easily treat at home. There's a lot of folk medicine. But do not forget about consulting a doctor, After all, not everyone can help with such tools, but tea or tinctures have not done anything to anyone yet.

Complete Daily Gummy Multivitamin for Kids by Feel Great 365 (45 Servings) | Children Multivitamins to Support The Immune System, Fuel Growth & Overall Health ? Kids Supplement ? Gluten Free, Non-GMO

Organic Elderberry Liquid Syrup by Elderberry Queen- Sambucus, Aronia Berry, Pure Natural Certified Organic Immune Support Herbal Supplement (12oz)

Effect of elderberry extract in the treatment of colds

Organic Elderberry Liquid Syrup by Elderberry Queen- Sambucus, Aronia Berry, Pure Natural Certified Organic Immune Support Herbal Supplement (12oz)

Elderberry plant is used as a diaphoretic agent for the relief of joint pains and colds among the people in our country. Some preclinical studies have shown that the black fruits of the plant are effective on influenza virus (influenza A and B). It was determined that the flavonoids found in the fruits of the plant adhere to the influenza H1N1 virus. As you know, the H1N1 virus is one of the most popular subjects of this year, from the same family as swine flu. In a recently published study, the effect of a specially prepared extract from the fruits of the plant on influenza H1N1 virus was tested on humans.

Patients aged between 16-60 years who were admitted to the hospital with flu-like complaints in the last 24 hours and whose headache, fever, muscle pain, cough, sputum and nasal discharge were identified. These volunteers were randomly grouped (computer randomization), and 32 patients were given a slow dissolving lozenge drug prepared with special elderberry extract, and the other 32 patients were given lozenges without the same appearance and flavor as elderberry extract. The lozenges were given 4 times a day for 2 days after meals and before bedtime, and the patients observed the change in the above major influenza complaints (with VAS-visual analog grading).

According to the evaluations, 15 of the patients in the elderberry extract group and 9 of the empty medication group had high fever. Within 24 hours, body fever was significantly decreased in the elderberry group, while the fever was normal in all patients in the elderberry group after 2 days of application, but almost all patients (except 2) in the empty drug group persisted.

Developments related to headache complaints followed the same course. In the first 24 hours, the complaints were significantly reduced in the elderberry group. As a result of 48 hours of treatment, 78 percent of the patients in the group were not complaining of headache, 22 percent of the headache was observed to last a slight way. Headache complaints continued in the empty drug group.

Similarly, nasal congestion complaints were also prevented, and after 48 hours, nasal obstruction was completely resolved in half of the patients and in the empty drug group, except for 2 patients, the complaints were increased. However, it is reported that elderberry is not effective enough on cough complaints. Although there was a decrease in cough complaints compared to empty drug group in elderberry group, this development was not statistically significant.

As a result, this work is undoubtedly a preliminary assessment. More detailed studies with a high number of patients are needed. However, considering that there is not a wide variety of effective and reliable drug options on viruses, it is necessary to examine in detail whether elderberry can be an effective alternative to existing virus treatments.

In the meantime, I would like to draw your attention. In the study I mentioned above, no side effects were observed during the 2-day application period. However, it is a specially prepared elderberry extract used in this study. Elderberry black berries carry cyanogenetic glycosides (sinigrin et al.), And excessive consumption can lead to poisoning, especially in children.

Organic Elderberry Liquid Syrup by Elderberry Queen- Sambucus, Aronia Berry, Pure Natural Certified Organic Immune Support Herbal Supplement (12oz)

Elderberry Syrup - Organic Sambus Black Elderberry, Raw Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar & Propolis - Immune System Booster During Cold Winter Months

Medical facts ancient myths - elderberries

Elderberry Syrup - Organic Sambus Black Elderberry, Raw Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar & Propolis - Immune System Booster During Cold Winter Months

Mirror, medical facts ancient myths - elderberries
Treatment of colds and flu
Gold yellow
Cough mixture
In medicine,

This plant has a strong healing property, as it grows fell into the folklore of almost all countries. One of the many legends about the elderly says that Judas briefly hung on the tree, after betraying Jesus. Yes, usually elderberry bushes are growing, and its branches are not strong enough to bear the weight of a person, but the tree becomes, spreading, and quite large.

In the legends of many peoples told us elderberry lives witches and fairies; Sleeping was considered dangerous because sleep fairies could be enchanted and attributed to a slight narcotic effect because the odor emanated from the leaves of the elderly.

At the same time, in many countries, including Russia, planted near houses to protect themselves from the influence of the dark forces of the elderly. In addition, the smell of elderberry leaves walked away from the flies. Elderberry branches closed the door of the barn, attached to horses in a harness, especially when bouquets are sent on a long journey. It was also believed that elderly prokisaniya maintains milk.

The next bakeries had to grow up with Elder necessarily and if you need to hang wreaths of old branches on the door. Protected from everyone, but the devil himself - believed there, there are many ovens and heat to be liked. At the same time make it became desirable, except for the berries and flowers that have been used for the greatest home medical purposes.

The medicinal properties of elderberry are truly stunning. It helps against constipation and obesity, helps against colds, flu, psoriasis, herpes, various skin diseases, strengthens the immune system; caries are effective - and this is not a complete list of useful properties. For colds it is recommended to drink a decoction or elderberry syrup from her 2-3 times a day. It will be in the interest of even people with HIV - it is recommended to take regular elderberry tincture. When skin diseases, apply elderberry or fruit juice tincture to the affected areas. As always, when dealing with these medicinal plants, they need to be tested in advance, but they are very effective. To do this, apply small liqueur or juice to the elbow Crook. If one day you will be irritated, then everything is in order, you can safely use this tool.

The first sign of cold drink 1-2 cups of tea from the aged flower. As soon as this sweating and antibacterial substance caused by sick leave.

Elderberry can be planted in the garden - not necessarily to repel evil spirits, but only for beauty. It does not require special care, it is an excellent natural protection, in early summer flowers white flowers in autumn covered with clusters of red or black berries. Elderberries take root in any soil; Intense need only watered young plants. Once this is good for taking root, you will only have to trim and cut the stepchildren regularly. The latter is particularly important - if not to get rid of young shoots, elderberry can quickly spread on the lawn, beds and pet beds. In every sense - this is a very powerful plant.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries

Types of Elderly

Sambucus nigra, unlike the red poison elderberry, which is quite poisonous, is a medicinal plant. Features color is the fruit of red elderberry - they are bright red. Elderberry fruit with reddish-purple juicy flesh purple-black. Small and juicy fruit elderberry collected in large clusters and do not smash, even after the leaves fall. The value of black elderberry fruit is that it is rich in vitamin C, potassium, carotene, amino acids, tannin, fructose, glucose and so on.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries

Elderberries in folk medicine

In folk medicine, not only used fruits, but also leaves flowers, bark, black elderberry. Elderberry berries have their healing power both fresh and dried. Fresh elderberries are used successfully in the treatment of hepatitis Hepatitis treatment - a difficult task Hepatit tedavisi - zor bir görev Peptic ulcer disease and their prevention. Also fresh fruit helps neuralgia. Dried fruits are used in the treatment of rare diseases such as malaria. The healing properties of black elderberry are believed to be so high that they can be used as an aid in the fight against stomach cancer and skin cancer. Stomach cancer patient should be given jam made from elderberry fruit, skin cancer prepares to squeeze juice and extract wine.

Essential oils are not considered to be less valuable and black elderberry flowers, which include choline, routine, valerian, coffee and malic acid. From black elderberry flowers are preparing herbal teas and infusions, which have antibacterial properties and workplaces running workers on a fee. That is why they are a good aid, especially for colds, flu, influenza, respiratory diseases. To prepare necessary, take 1 tablespoon of black elderberry flowers and pour a glass of hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes and simmer the mixture. It is used 2-3 times a day in the form of heat, cool, squeeze and then for half a cup before meals. This medication helps arthritis, gout, rheumatism.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries

Leaves, bark and elderberry flowers

Elderberry leaves are getting better. Like flowers, they have antipyretic, diuretic, firming, soothing and sudorific effects. Applying steamed leaves well reduces inflammation, which is why they are used in diaper rash, burns, inflammation of hemorrhoids, boils. Black elderberry has a crone remedy for chronic constipation with young leaves. Young leaves have some laxative and tonic effect. For the treatment of chronic constipation it is necessary to take honey from the young leaves elderberry and boil to take honey.

This plant is less popular in folk medicine and does not bark. It is used for juice that takes diseases of the skin and kidneys. The juice is used for bathing for gout, rheumatism and arthritis. At the same time, the preparation of a soup can be used as a lotion.

Humans cosmetology also uses the healing properties of black elderberry. For example, the flowers can make a lotion applied to the face every morning and evening. To prepare the lotion, take 10 inflorescences and poured them 0, 5 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse one day. It was then filtered and stored in a refrigerator. This lotion tightens the skin and make you younger.

Elderberries have been used for centuries to treat wounds, colds and flu. In many countries, including Germany, elderly flowers have been and remain a traditional remedy for many viral infections. Studies show that the chemicals contained in flowers and elderberry help relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and eliminate nasal congestion. It is estimated that the elderberry may even have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-cancer properties.

Elderberry contains flavonoids - antioxidants Antioxidants: the truth about notorious benefits Antioksidanlar: azılı yararları hakkında gerçeği To avoid damaging the cells in the body. However, the action of an elderly person is not well studied, and its effectiveness is controversial.

There are several types of elderberry, but for medical purposes most commonly, black elderberry is used. This plant is a fairly large shrub up to nine meters. Elderberry prefers sunny places; Although it can now be found in North America, it is common in Europe, Africa and some parts of Asia. Shrub appears large white flowers during flowering; Berry then becomes the first green - red and when ripe, black.

Strawberries and elderberry flowers used as medicines.

Elderberries cough and flu. Elderberries are commonly used to treat colds and to alleviate flu symptoms. It improves the patient's condition, causing sweating and eliminating the nasal airway. Broth elderberry is a very effective remedy for cough. Standard elderberry extract - Sambucol can reduce the duration of influenza disease in about three days. However, it is unknown that part of the team contains other plants and vitamin C and provides such an effect.
Bacterial sinusitis. In one study, subjects with bacterial sinusitis with antibiotics were given elderberry extract. Patients in the control group received antibiotics only. The patients in the first group recovered faster than the others.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries

Using elderberry

Currently many pharmacies extracts, tinctures, syrups and capsules in the largest. Children - elderberry extract Sambucol with a concentration of 38% is designed for adults, at a concentration of 19%. You can also buy or build your own flowers or elderberries. If you decide to choose elderberry bushes that grow away from the roads, factories and large settlements that make themselves from the collection - in places such plants can accumulate toxins, which is better not to get into the human body.

Do not let any product containing elderberry children without consulting a pediatrician.

Adults with colds and flu are recommended to take four tablespoons Sambukola per day for three days. To prepare a decoction of flowers elderberry pour 3-5 grams of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink three glasses of juice a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries


Plants may be a great alternative to some medicines, but I don't think so, but they are perfectly safe. They cause side effects, and can interact with other medicines and herbs. Therefore it is best to use any medicinal plants under the supervision of a doctor.

Do not eat immature elderberries - they can be toxic. Ripe berries and should not be abused.
If used correctly for short periods of time (up to five days), there is almost no side effects.
Pregnant and lactating women, elderly is not recommended for any use.
Arthritis - if you have autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis - a variety of forms and complications Artrit - form ve komplikasyonların çeşitli Before you apply with Elder or lupus, you should consult with your doctor, because the plant has a stimulating effect on the immune system.

Ayna, tıbbi gerçekler antik mitler - elderberries

Drug interactions

Diuretics. Elderberry has a diuretic effect, so it is not recommended to take it simultaneously with the diuretic.
Antidiabetic drugs. Elderberry can lower blood sugar levels Blood sugar - one of the most important indicators of human health Kan şekeri - insan sağlığının en önemli göstergelerinden biri And in combination with antidiabetic drugs, an increased risk of hypoglycemia.
Chemotherapy drugs. Some of the substances contained in the elderly may interact with these drugs. Elderberry Before using, those who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment should consult with your doctor.
Laxatives. Since the elderly acts as a laxative, it cannot be taken simultaneously with other laxatives.
Theophylline. Elderberry can reduce the effectiveness of theophylline - a drug used in asthma and other diseases related to respiratory system studies.
Drugs that suppress the immune system. Since elderberry is capable of stimulating the immune system, it may reduce the effectiveness of drugs used to suppress the immune system. Therefore, elderly people not recently advised people who had patients like an organ transplant in a number of autoimmune diseases.

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Folk Medicine

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies Family Size, 180 Gummies, for Children & Adults, with Vitamin C, Zinc & Black Elderberry Extract, Natural Herbal Supplement with Plant Pectin, Immune Support, Great Taste

In ancient times it was not possible to find drugs or doctors in village areas for the treatment of diseases. Taking care of diseases in village settlements was the work of folk physicians known as fracture-dislocators, muskist and midwives. People's physicians and their medications were the source of healing for the patients. Folk medicine is the product of knowledge that has been tested with countless attempts, whose roots are based on shamanism and that have a long history. People's physicians have improved their patients with the treatment methods they have applied, they have trained for the sufferers, are accepted in the eyes of society, are respected people. As a result of the popularity of modern medicine and the deterioration of traditional treatment methods with the labels of backwardness, ignorance, folk remedies have been largely discredited and forgotten in many regions. Today, although folk doctors are not sought as much as in the old times, information and healing methods that have been spoken orally have been going on for generations. In folk medicine, the term disease includes many concepts ranging from infertility to bad effects such as infertility, and disabilities that can be caused by unreal entities such as gin and fairy (Shar, 2005: 1164). Folk medicine is not limited to treating the disease. Diagnosis of the disease, measures to be taken to prevent diseases and fortune-telling are among the works of folk physicians. Along with patient treatments, almost all healer women also perform midwifery.

In addition to visits to the tomb and yachts in Samsun, Havza and Ladik healing waters, hot springs are the places to go for the treatment of various diseases.

Spas: Strabon, an Amasian geographer who lived about 2000 years ago, mentions spas in the region in his work called Geography (Strabon, 2000: 49). Ladik and Havza Spas have been the source of healing for the local people for centuries. People looking for a cure for various complaints such as liver and kidney disorders, rheumatism and joint pain go to the spas. Ladik Spa is especially good for diseases such as rheumatism, calcification, muscle and joint pain.

Visiting Places for Treatment: In the districts and in many villages throughout Samsun province, in order to treat diseases such as warts and temre, tombs and shrines are visited. Women who do not have children and those whose fortune is closed are among the visitors of the shrine.

The soil taken from the vicinity of the Arab Tekke in the Havza district is mixed with water and drunk for healing purposes. A similar practice applies to women who do not have children; women without children go to the tomb and take soil from the cemeteries. He drinks this soil by mixing it in water or swipes a finger into the soil and swallows the rest of his finger and prays that he will have a child with it.

Çomaklı Tomb in Ladik district is a tomb where wart patients go for treatment. It is believed that warts will pass by tearing off a branch from the trees near the tomb. Instead of the grave belonging to the Samail saint between Terme and Wednesday, more nervous patients are taken. It is expected to heal by tying the shoddy to the rosewood here. It is said to lie under a plane tree in the village of Bogren in Vezirköprü. Many patients go to this village to seek healing.
Diseases and Treatment Methods

Aphthae / Mouth Sores: Black mulberry is chewed in the mouth when it is fresh, mouth wounds are treated by keeping it between the lips and teeth. Blackberries may be used in the same manner for treatment.

Pain: When the barley grains are beaten and the porridge is wrapped around the aching area, the pain stops. Almost every pain to cure against the ears of newly opened wheat stems boiled in water to drink.

Bee sting: The needle of the bee is removed and the knife is touched at the sting . Ice is put on the sting bee so that it does not swell. Yogurt, vinegar and garlic are also used against bee stings.

Shallot: One of the methods applied to wash the face with water that the patient will disgust to remove the shallot . Garlic is applied on the shallots are tried to be treated.

Fever: Chamomile tea is used as antipyretic. To reduce the fire 1 teaspoon of black grape molasses, a tea glass of water is diluted with water. A cloth soaked in grape vinegar is placed under the armpits of the patient.

Stickness: If the child cannot walk even when the time comes, the child is thought to have been pressed if his walk is delayed. Printed children are treated by pressing either a border stone or a previously tried stone. For the printed child, fresh meat is taken and washed over the baby. It is treated by washing on a grave.

Hemorrhoids: Bulbs of yellow flowering nettle (nunuk) are treated by leaven on an empty stomach in the morning. Hemorrhoids (L. Ranunculus ficaria) are used externally to treat hemorrhoids. Leek seeds boiled in water obtained from the tea is drunk to the patient. St. John's Wort (Mayasıl grass, L. Centaurium erythraea) is dried and pulverized. A teaspoon of honey mixed with honey in the morning on an empty stomach. A pinch of thyme is thrown into the hot water. The sick person is drunk from this water. Nettle grasses are collected and boiled. The obtained water is drunk on an empty stomach and hemorrhoid is treated.

Headache: A beet leaf is wrapped around the head of the headache . To relieve the headache, lemon or potato wedges are put on the temples of the person with the pain. For headache, yogurt with garlic is applied to the head and covered with cabbage leaves. Against the headache and to relax the nerves of chamomile tea is applied. This is expected until the pain disappears.

Low Back Pain: The black pear obtained from black pine resin is melted by heating over fire. The melted gum is fed into a cloth. The cloth covered with the resin is wrapped around the waist when it is hot. It is kept wrapped until it cools. As the pain persists, this treatment is repeated.

Whooping cough: The cow's jawbone is heated to ashes and it is applied to the child's throat. This application is believed to pass the disease.

Kidney pains: Horseradish radish cooked with milk is fed to those suffering from kidney stones. Tea leaves are brewed with hazelnut leaves. People with kidney stones will drink from this tea. In a container of water 6-7 split grass (L. Cynodon dactylon) root, 4-5 juniper cones are put. After boiling once, the water is filtered and water is added again and allowed to boil once again. After the same process is repeated once more (after the third boil), the water is drunk on a tea cup scale in the morning and evening and the treatment is continued. Kidney pains to boil cherry stems and drink water. The branch of the grape vine is cut. A container is placed under the cut place of the vine. The sap flowing from the vine is collected in this container. Person with kidney stone disease in the morning and evening drink this water on the scale of tablespoons. Gilaburu juice is recommended for kidney pains.

Sprain: Fresh meat or freshly skinned skin is wrapped around the sprained area. To treat the crushed and blood collecting finger, sliced ​​onion pieces are heated and wrapped around the injured finger. In order to remove the swelling caused by sprains and crushes, 4-5 elderberry leaves are withered on fire. When the leaves are warm, put them on the wounded place. This application is repeated once or twice edema is removed. Elderberry leaves are roasted with a tablespoon of wheat flour until soft. This mixture is applied to the swollen place when it is hot. Nettle leaves are boiled in boiling water. The boiled leaves are covered on the injured, sprained ground.

Boil : On the boil, the cabbage leaves covered with fire are covered and covered. Inflammation of the boil flows in the bandage one night. Cover the leaves on the boil and wrapped with a cloth.

Toothache: Toothache is gargled with radish water. Salt is pressed on the aching tooth.

Birth: To facilitate labor, the pregnant woman whose pains are increasing is taken to the back and quickly pressed to the ground. The plant called Fatma main hand, which is not grown in our country, is also used as a medicine during the delivery process for pregnant women. The plant, also called Virgin Mary's hand in Çarşamba region, is kept in water until the flowers open. After opening the flowers in the container water is given to the pregnant woman. Thus, the birth of the pregnant woman is easy.

The woman who wants to bring her child to boil and drink hibiscus grass. The bruising of the baby after birth is called “whisking.. Whipped children are taken to a woman with a stove called “leave için for treatment. The woman washes the baby and scratches it with a razor. The mixture obtained from the quince root mixed with the milk is applied to the baby's body.

The newborn baby is tired of insomnia and forty steps. Shells collected from forty piles are thrown into the water taken from seven springs against forty flushing. The newborn child is washed with water before sunrise. (Santur, 2011).

Women with insufficient breast milk are wrapped with quince cooked with honey. When the mother's milk is insufficient, the woman goes from home to the cattle returning to their stables with a slice of bread. He gives half of the bread to one of the cows. Meanwhile, the cow; "Our milk went to graze, you come from grazing, give my child's milk." she says, and without looking back, she returns home with half a piece of bread. Lohusa to; "Here, girl, I brought your milk." saying gives the bread. Lohusa placed this bread (Santur, 2011).

Pregnant woman who wants to miscarry içer Hibiscus kayn boils and drinks herbs and puts them in the womb. The cleaned roots are boiled in water. This water is drunk on an empty stomach every day.

Filling: Dry the onion inside and heat over the fire. Oil and grated soap are placed in the hollowed place. When the onion is hot, it is wrapped around the finger. This treatment is continued until inflammation flows. The wrapped finger is wrapped with carved tomatoes. Tomatoes are kept wrapped on the finger until the inflammation flows. The ointment obtained by mixing yoghurt with corn flour is wrapped around the finger.

Eczema: Bay leaves are boiled tea in the morning on an empty stomach drink. This treatment is continued until eczema heals.

Hernia: Cornflower is beaten mixed with honey after beating.

Navel drop: Empty glass, cotton is put into the belly after burning and covered. The disease is treated by keeping the cup on the belly for a while. Meanwhile, massage the abdomen.

Diarrhea: Egg whites, lemon juice is dripped and mixed. 1.5 liters of water, boiled by adding half a kilo of cranberry fruit. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of this water for treatment. Medlar leaves are boiled in water. After boiling water is drained to the person in the morning and evening diarrhea. One spoon of wheat flour is mixed with one spoon of yogurt. The person who has diarrhea is given this mixture.

Constipation: The root of the blackberry plant is boiled in water and drunk. The dried quince leaves are boiled in water until their colors turn red. Obtain 1 cup of water on an empty stomach. For the person who is constipated, a bond parsley is boiled in water. Boiling water is drained to the patient after draining. 5-6 lifted / lifted leaves boiled in water is good for constipation.

Crushing of ribs: Unused soap is grated and mixed with finely chopped onions and egg white. The resulting mixture is applied to the sore ribs.

Bleeding: Dried tobacco leaves are printed on bleeding wounds. Open wounds that are at risk of infection are roasted onions in butter. Fresh tobacco leaves are crushed to remove water. This water is applied on the bleeding wound to prevent the wound from catching germs. In order to prevent cuts and scratches from the metal, the wound is etched by the branch of the roasted pellet tree. To treat the wound, thyme leaves are covered over the wound. The bleeding wound is covered with a spider web to stop the bleeding. To stop the bleeding, the wound is depressed.

Cancer: Fresh figs are filled into a cup and heated without adding any water. After being heated well, figs give water. Fig juice accumulated in the container is taken. This water is allowed to boil again. Boil until thoroughly darkened, then add the hammered walnut inside. Mix until it reaches a paste consistency. The cancer patient is eaten on an empty stomach on a tablespoon scale.

Muscle pain: Sheep wool is wrapped around the aching ground. To increase the body resistance, the whole onion is thrown into half a liter of water and allowed to boil. After boiling, the water is allowed to cool to drink for the purpose of healing.

Baldness: Beet plant hair is used as a medicine against hair loss due to its nourishing properties. Pomegranate seeds are crushed in a bowl. Add sunflower oil and apply it to the bald place. Against the ringworm, 8-10 corn grains are heated in a container until their fat is removed. The resulting oil is applied to the ringworm.

Fracture Dislocation Treatment: Sliced ​​onions, black grapes and olives are crushed thoroughly in a bowl into an ointment. This ointment is applied to the place to be treated and wrapped with a cloth.

Fractures are boiled in the wrong place inside the patient, 2-3 roots with the herb, boiled in cow's milk. Mix until it reaches a paste consistency. The ointment obtained is applied on the wrong boiled place and wrapped. The dressed place is sweaty. The dressing thus remains on the patient for one night. The next morning the broken bone is removed.

Infertility: Infertility treatment, such as sitting in the steam, groin withdrawal applications are encountered. Women who do not have children are boiled and drunk with yellow gypsy flowers and hibiscus in Bafra region. Violet stems are boiled, peeled and put into the uterus. In Terme region, this process is called porcine (Santur, 2011). Women without children go for leech therapy in Lake Ladik.

Calcification: Dried lemon balm is boiled in a cup of water. For treatment purposes, this water is drunk on a tea cup scale in the morning and evening.

Ear pain: The root of elderberry plant is boiled. A few drops are dropped from this water into the sore ear. Leek is crushed to remove the water. A few drops are dropped from this water to the aching ear. A clove of garlic heated on the stove is inserted into the aching ear. A few drops of sunflower oil are dripped into the aching ear.

Damask (L. Sedum) plant is crushed thin leaves of the water is removed. This water is dropped into the aching ear. The nettle is crushed to prevent the person whose ear will be pierced. The nettle's water is applied to the earlobe to match the ear.

Vomiting: If the baby vomits too much, put a piece of wool into the baby's own swaddle or garment.

Stomach Pains: Hibiscus leaves are made by boiling tea as a glass of pain is heard. After boiling 3-4 mint leaves, add a teaspoon of sugar. This water is given to the patient with stomach or abdominal pain. Dried cherry kernels are heated by wrapping the cloth for infant gas and abdominal pains. The heated cloth is wrapped around the belly of the aching baby and the pain is tried to be relieved. A pinch of dried chamomile is boiled in water. The person who has abdominal pain is given a cup of tea. Nettle leaves boiled tea brewed, stomach pain is good for.

Nazar: To protect children from evil eye, teeth are hung around their necks. Amulet is written, lead or candle is poured.

Shortness of breath: Apple peels boiled and drink water. 2-3 vessel leaves are boiled in water. The patient is treated by drinking a glass of filtered water. Boil 2-3 carob in water. Drinking 1 cup of water from this boiled water for about 5 minutes is good for shortness of breath. For shortness of breath, 3-4 drops of lemon are squeezed into carob syrup and eaten on an empty stomach.

Cough: Onion is thrown into the water as a whole. Add some sugar to the water and boil. Drink boiling water after a little warm. For the patient who has a sore throat due to cough, the leek leaves are roasted in oil. The leaves are wrapped in the throat while still warm.

Cranberry fruit is boiled with its leaves. The treatment is continued by drinking 1 cup of the obtained water. Fresh or dried quince leaves are boiled in water. Flu, flu and cough for those who complain of this water is given. Tea is made with the flowers of St. John's Wort. This tea is good for patients with influenza and shortness of breath.

The medlar fruit or dried medlar leaves are boiled in water and the tea is used as a cough medicine. Rosehip tea is given to the patient in order to increase the body resistance of influenza patients. Oregano and linden tea brewed together cough and sore throat is good. The centerpiece of the black radish. Instead of hollowed out, put radish, put on a glass. Honey is expected to leak into a glass. The mixture accumulated in the cup is given to the sick person one teaspoon per day.

Rheumatism: Turnip and radish grated and wrapped in places where rheumatic pain is felt. This dressing is waited for two days to relieve the pain. Healing withered cabbage leaves are applied to relieve pain by applying rheumatic places. Nettle leaves are boiled and the leaves are warm and wrapped in rheumatic places.

The rhabetic patients are drunk from the water obtained by boiling the kale leaves. Treatment is continued by drinking the tea obtained from boiling pine leaves on a tea cup scale. Walnut leaves are boiled in water until color. After the water starts to warm, the person who has rheumatism complaints puts his feet into this water. Mallow, boiled with roots for treatment purposes, is eaten with plain or yogurt.

Tea made with dried willow leaves is good for rheumatism and joint pain. Corn tassels are boiled in water. It is filtered after boiling. The sick person is given a cup of tea on a scale. 8-10 elderberry leaves are thoroughly beaten by joining 2 spoons of milk. The mixture is applied to the knees of the person suffering from rheumatic pain and wrapped. The treatment is administered before bedtime and the dressing is held overnight.

Jaundice: Gold is put into the water to be washed so that the child does not have jaundice. Nettle leaves are crushed to remove the juice. The person with jaundice drinks from this water on an empty stomach. Baldırıkara plant is believed to cure jaundice when boiled with red paint and mint in Samsun Ladik. Willow leaves are also used in the treatment of jaundice.

Psoriasis: Prepared for psoriasis patients, the roots of hawthorn are used in medicines (Yaylagül, 2011).

Wart: When the unripe fig fruit is removed, the resulting milk is applied to the wart . The same process can be done with fig leaf. The person who is sick for wart treatment, pluck the fig leaves as many warts and dry these leaves. It is believed that warts will pass until the leaves are dry. The warted finger is wrapped with a leaf of the neurotic. After one night in the dressing, the wart passes. The person with a wart breaks the branch of a willow tree and returns home without looking back. It is rumored that this application removes warts.

Acne: The baby's belly falling after a while is connected to the cradle. Then put into the water to be washed. If the baby is washed with water, the child will not have acne.

Diabetes: A bond is boiled in fennel water. Lemon is squeezed into water. The boiled water is filtered and allowed to cool. In order to lower the sugar, this water is drunk on an empty stomach. If a handful of tafflan fruits are eaten every day, it lowers high blood sugar. To balance blood sugar, a handful of fresh coyote plums are eaten a day. To reduce blood sugar, blackberry root is removed and cleaned. The cleaned roots are boiled in water. After this water is drained, drink a tea cup and continue the treatment.

Blood Pressure: People with high blood pressure are recommended to eat one or two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. To lower blood pressure, fresh nettle leaves are rubbed on the palm as hand washes.

Temre / Temrei: The slices of the apple are applied to the place where the temre is. Sulfur water is squeezed lemon squeezed into wounds. Damselfish (L. Sedum) plant is crushed large leaves of water is removed. This water is applied on the ground.

Insomnia: A pinch of dried oil is made by boiling tea. A person with a sleep disorder drinks this tea every night.

Varicose Veins: Boiled kale leaves are wrapped in varicose veins . This treatment is repeated every day until varicose pains disappear.

Burn: Goat wool, butter and olive oil mixed with chicken wire is burned on the ground. White soap, white candle grated to relieve burn pain and prevent burn marks. Sunflower oil is dropped on them. Stir until it reaches the consistency of ointment and spread to the burned ground. The wax is heated, olive oil is added to it to the burned place. Potato is crushed and burned. Burn treatment is applied to the burning place by applying tomato paste.

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Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup for Kids, Herbal Supplements, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 4 Ounce (Packaging May Vary)

The Most Effective Plants for Flu Treatment

Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup for Kids, Herbal Supplements, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, 4 Ounce (Packaging May Vary)

Plants are not only a panacea, they are used to prevent influenza and eliminate flu symptoms. Let's see what five plants are effective in treating flu.

There is no real solution for the common flu. However, many forms of herbal treatment are effective in eliminating the symptoms of influenza and slowing the progression of the disease. There are certain plants that have been used in the treatment of influenza for centuries. These plants make it easier to protect from flu and eliminate the symptoms of influenza. Here are the top 5 plants effective in influenza treatment and prevention.

According to archaeological excavations, native Americans actively use echinacea. According to the evidence found in the excavations, echinacea has been used by native Americans for the treatment of infections, snake bites and general diseases for more than 400 years.

Scientific research shows that echinacea helps keep the immune system healthy and strong. So echinacea is also effective in protecting your body from influenza virus. According to research, echinacea is waging war against the enzyme called hyaluronidase. This enzyme damages the body's defense that it protects itself against diseases. In addition, the fight against echinacea influenza viruses and strengthening the immune system, as well as slowing the development of some tumors are among the research results.
Elderberry fruit

This fruit has been used for centuries as a syrup for the treatment of colds, influenza and sinus infections. Elderberry fruit has been drinking as effective tea for centuries. But a new property was recently discovered. Elderberry fruit contains viburnic acids. These acids help the airways and purify the tissues in the body. This means that elderberry fruit reduces fever, cleanses blood and cleanses body cells from germs.

Elderberry tree has been reaching humanity for a long time. Moreover, roots, leaves, fruit and flowers. After all these benefits, it will not be surprising to hear that elderberry fruit is good for the flu. Moreover, this fruit is also suitable for children to use and completely safe.

When the flu symptoms first appear, make a tea from elderberry fruit and put mint into it. Sweat to just before bedtime and then take a comfortable sleep.

Fresh ginger root is a warming medicine that has been used in Asia, India and Arabia since ancient times.

It also works for nausea, stomach pain or digestive problems. Ginger is a herbal treatment that has been used for many years by different races. Ginger has been used for generations in headaches and menstrual pains for signs of common cold and flu-like conditions.

The warming effect of ginger roots allows you to sweat and get rid of germs in this way. Ginger also strengthens the immune system.

If you want to get rid of colds and flu , boil a few sticks of cinnamon and sliced ​​fresh ginger for 20 minutes. Do not be afraid to take excess because this supplement will help you achieve a more powerful immune system.

The origin of this plant, which has a great place in traditional Indian medicine, is India. Traditionally used in the treatment of upper respiratory diseases, sinusitis infections, sore throat, cough and headache is used effectively in the treatment.

It is especially useful in winter to prevent upper respiratory diseases when taken regularly. It is also very effective in reducing the severity and duration of the flu. According to another study, andrographis, placebo dominated the drug and eliminated symptoms of upper respiratory tract disorders.

Boneset English means bone heals. It has a long history in strengthening the immune system. Especially effective in the treatment of influenza and fever. It is also known that Native Americans use boneset to treat pain and fractures in the body.

Thanks to its strong and bitter taste, it helps dry mucus, digest toxins and treat flu. As it can be understood from these aspects, it has a unique Antivirus feature. In addition to influenza treatment , it can be used to treat respiratory allergies, rheumatism, urinary tract infections and jaundice. It is possible to come across 23 kinds of food in this powerful plant. Calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, selenium, Vitamin A , vitamin C and zinc are just some of them. Recommended consumption is warm tea. In bed, drink 4 - 5 cups of tea and sweat. Look, you don't have anything left.

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Black elderberry: useful properties and contraindications, how to use it in the treatment of diseases?

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Elderberry, honeysuckle is the closest relative, a fragrant dark purple or black mulberry berry. Red elderberry is also a poisonous fruit, but not suitable for medicinal or food use. Useful properties of elderberry black have been known since ancient times. According to legend, elderberry is a sacred plant and has a unique feature that bestows longevity. Today, herbalists and herbalists appreciate these shrubs for their powerful healing power and rich vitamin and mineral composition.
Elderly treatment

For treatment use fruits, flowers, flower buds and sometimes the roots of the plant. Elderberry flowers routinely contain glucose and fructose, organic acids, essential oils and fruits contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, vitamin C and P, carotene, tannin and other useful substances.

Flowers and berries of black elderberry are used to treat edema, pancreatitis, stomach problems, and increase lactation in nursing mothers. Phenecarboxylic acids, which are part of the plant, have diuretic effect on the body, which makes it possible to use elderberry to get rid of swelling and to clear the kidneys.

Elderberry, diaphoretic, expectorant and antipyretic are recommended for colds. In the case of diabetes, it is useful to drink the source of elderberry roots, not only to lower blood sugar levels, but also to avoid the complications caused by the disease (nephropathy, furunculosis, gastrointestinal disorders).
Elderberry application

The fusion of all parts of the plant (roots, flowers and leaves) is used to normalize the metabolism. Fresh fruits and tea from the bunch of the plant have a facilitating effect for rheumatism. Infusions of dried fruits are used to increase bile, cleanse the intestines, as a diuretic. Broth of old flowers, bronchitis, sore throat, flu, laryngitis, neuralgia, gout, kidney and bladder is useful in the treatment.

The broth of young elderberry leaflets is considered an effective analgesic and hemostatic, and is also taken for headaches, insomnia, atherosclerosis and stomach diseases. The juice from the fresh fruit of the plant gently cleanses the body, removes extra fluid, and improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Fruits and sap plants act like blueberries - strengthen the retinal vessels, sharpen vision, relieve night blindness and prevent cataract formation. Fruit juice is rich in antitumor and antioxidants with a rejuvenating effect on the body. Elderberry is part of the anticancer accusations, helping to get rid of oncology, fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis.

Elderberry is an excellent supplementing agent, fresh fruit, juice and tea from them and plant outbreaks should be taken during infectious outbreaks and during the cold season to activate the immune system and protect the body from viral infections. Elderberry helps various skin diseases: furunculosis, irritation and especially psoriasis. For the treatment of this disease, infusions and fusions of the flowers and fruits of the plant are used, relief is achieved with regular intake, and the remission period is significantly prolonged (in some cases up to several years).
Medicinal properties

inflorescence . They have anti-inflammatory, anthropatic and antibacterial properties. They are used in sweating and laxative roles. Elderberry flowers are used successfully in the treatment of colds, flu, sore throat and bronchitis. Used for mouthwashing broth. Also black elderberry outbreak infusions help with gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Phytocids, found in inflorescences, "kill" malignant bacteria.
Strawberries They are used only in dried form, fresh fruits are poisonous and have the ability to disappear during cooking and drying. With the help of fruits are treated hepatitis, non-acute stage peptic ulcer, malaria and neuralgia. Perhaps its use in the treatment of oncological diseases. Vitamins that form the fruit promote the growth and reproduction of healthy cells. And biologically active components prevent the development of pathogens. If you eat a few ripe fruits per day, the veins will clear and become more elastic in a few months.
The leaves are used as binders, diuretic and febrifuge. Some use them as sedatives and perspirants. It is recommended to drink a boiling source for general body strengthening. It can be applied to clean, steamed milk, elderberry leaf, burns and rubs, bruises, skin inflammation and even boils.
The shell is used in the combined treatment of various kidney diseases, helps with drops, edema and urethritis. Helps in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases. The broth from the bush peel activates metabolic processes and significantly increases the body's defenses.
With the help of black elderberry increases immunity, hemoglobin and improves blood composition.
infusion of fruits and clusters used prophylactically against colorectal cancer and prostatitis.

Learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of blackberry. Can it be used to treat diseases?

And in this article you can recognize the healing properties of artichokes.

Harm and contraindications

Be careful! Elderberry has contraindications.

Remember the fact that this plant is a bit toxic. Therefore, you should not use drugs unwise. This rule cannot be neglected, in other cases there may be irreversible complications on one's health.

Under no circumstances is it recommended to use elderberry in any way:

women waiting for their baby and breastfeeding mother
patients diagnosed with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcerative colitis,
people with a disease such as diabetes insipidus,
Age up to 12 years. It is strictly prohibited for young children to boil or infuse elderberry.

If you are in doubt about some other diseases, consult your doctor before using elderberry-based medication.

Milk fungus: Useful properties and contraindications in use. Efficacy of folk remedies.

You can read the medical properties of buckwheat in this article.
Methods of use in traditional medicine

Flu diseases . For treatment, you need to prepare the following source of elderberry flowers: Take 1 tbsp raw material. We put them in enamel containers and pour a glass of boiling water on it. Then put in the stove and boil, minimize the fire and cook for 10 - 15 minutes. After the brew has cooled, filter and take ½ cup 3-4 times before each food use.
Treatment of chronic constipation . Take the young leaves of the plant and boil in honey. The medicines taken are taken orally 1 tbsp 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.
Kidney diseases and skin diseases . For the treatment of these diseases you need to make the source of the bush bark. Take a few spoons of chopped elderberry and pour into boiling water. Brew for a few hours. Prepared decoction baths help with rheumatism and arthritis.
From the roots and bark, used to treat powdered weeping ulcers, purulent wounds and burns.
most use leaves of hemorrhoids plant. We take 8 - 10 young leaves, put them on a clean plate and pour a glass of boiling water. Also add 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sage. They insist for an hour. Inside, half a glass is consumed every day for months.
Throat joints A drug can be treated by applying a compress soaked in chamomile and elderberry flowers.
the most severe headaches and insomnia were put a bandage on his head, immersed in the infusion of the roots and flowers of the black elderberry.
most determine the source of menopause flowers.
Brewed leaves and bark at night. laxative
Use black elderberry extract for cancer treatment . Wine extract made from ripe fruits should be taken orally. Good help for skin cancer and jam and jam for stomach cancer.
With avitaminosis, osteochondrosis and weak immunity Prepare the following medicine: take ripe fruits (1kg), put in a clean enamel pot and cover with sugar (1kg). Leave for a day in a cool room. Filter the resulting syrup and store in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Adult patients take 1 teaspoon before meals. Duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.
Like gynecological diseases, cervical erosion, cervicitis and colpitis are treated with such a decoction: take 1 tablespoon of powder from the old husk and boil in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, filter and use for douching. The procedure can be performed until the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared (on critical days, no touch is possible).

Conventional methods and tools are effective only if you do not violate the recommended dose.

Remember, in any case, qualified medical care that treatment cannot be completed and cannot be effective.
Benefits and features of elderberry

Black elderberry berries are distinguished by a complex chemical composition. It consists of the following components:

Organic acids
Semi-solid essential oil,
Ethyl isobutyl,
isoamila amine,

In addition, the useful properties of elderberry originate from the contents of the witness, paraffin-like and mucous membranes.

The fruits of aged black malic acid are largely. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and natural sugars (glucose and fructose).

Only aged fruits are not rich in vitamins and nutrients. The benefits of elderberry and the properties used for treatment are also presented in their leaves, branches and bark. Elderberry is used in leaves contains high amounts of carotene and vitamin C.

Because of this rich composition, the leaves, flowers and black elderberry bark have healing properties:

Soothing (soothing),

Old leaves have tonic and laxative properties. Broth from all over the black elderberry can regulate the body's metabolism. Elderberry dried black berries in the form of many useful properties.

Thanks to the intake of elderberry health benefits, the following results are presented:

1. Improves bile excretion,

2. Diuresis increases,

3. Improves bowel movement.
Elderberry use

For treatment, flowers, fruits and elderberry leaves are often used. Dried in ovens and collected for winter.

It should be noted that the use of black elderberry has remained in the fruit for 6 months and it is not recommended to keep it for longer. However, it can be stored for a long time in the properties of black elderberry. Thus, flowers can be stored for 2-3 years, but can be stored in a well-ventilated dry room. The characteristics of elderberry red in flowers are also considered dangerous because they are not recommended for use in home decoration.

Undoubtedly, blackberry dew has great benefit. Even in ancient times, people gathered young exiles and prepared a salad from them. At the same time, they were careful and could distinguish elderberry from black. Fresh elderberry was used to make drinks. Black elderberry juice is now mixed with lemon juice, flavor and water. This reveals the original healing kvass.

Elderberry berries can be used to make jelly, compote and jam. Honey is recommended for sweetness, not for sugar. Therefore, the benefits of elderberry black will be further protected.

Traditional medicine is actively using the benefits of elderberry black. Fresh and dried aged fruits are used successfully in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

Kidney disease,
Bladder diseases,

Black elderberry berries are dried and used for the treatment of a rare malaria. Dried and fresh black elderberry berries, according to medical research, oncology (stomach cancer and skin cancer) in the treatment complex for which they have a high healing property content. In case of stomach cancer, the patient is given jam from fresh black elderberry fruits. The skin oncology is treated with a special medicine: fresh fruit is squeezed, the wine insists, and the black elderberry extract thus obtained treats the patient.

Black aged flowers are prepared from meat and flower waters and leaves with strong antibacterial and perspiring properties. These funds help with colds (sore throat, flu, bronchitis, ARVI). Take 1 tbsp for infusion healing. l. flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled and boiled for 15-20 minutes at low heat. The broth is then cooled, squeezed and used in the form of 0.5 cup heat before eating. Infusion can also gargle for colds. In addition, this medicine is an excellent aid in the fight against diseases such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

You can alleviate inflammation by applying the steamed black elderberry leaves to the throat spots. This is why this tool is used for the following problems:

Diaper rash
Inflammation of hemorrhoids,

A common folk remedy for constipation is the use of black elderberry from young fresh leaves. The characteristics of elderberry red in the leaves are also toxic, because it is important to distinguish them when the leaves are collected. Therefore, for the treatment of chronic constipation, the healing properties of elderberry are used as follows: boils the leaves in honey and the resulting drug is ingested.

Broth from black elderberry bark helps in various diseases (in and in the form of lotions):

Skin diseases
Kidney disease,

In addition, elderberry use and intonation and rejuvenation properties are widely used in cosmetology. From the flower of the plant, a lotion is prepared and used to wipe the skin of the face and neck. This lotion can also be frozen and applied onto their skin.
Contraindications and harm when using elderberry

Elderberry, like any other medicinal plant, has some contraindications to use.

Therefore, black elderberry is not recommended for use in the following health disorders:

Ulcerative colitis (enterocolitis),
Crohn's disease
Chronic diseases of gastrointestinal system,
Pregnancy (very carefully under the supervision of a doctor).

Most often, doctors warn patients against the use of older black children under 12 years of age.

Unfortunately, people often mix black elderberry and red plants. If you want to use this plant for medicinal purposes, you should be careful and do not make a mistake as red elderberry can be harmful to health.

Elderberry red is poisonous to humans, so you should be particularly careful with this plant. It is not easy to distinguish elderberry from black: red elderberry, of course, differs in the red color of its fruit. But that's only when it comes to ripening. However, in these periods when the leaves and branches of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, it is important to distinguish between red and black elderberry. Otherwise you cannot benefit from poisoning of elderberry red and the body.

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Elderberry is both Poison and Healing

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All you need to know about elderberry

Elderberry has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. However, it should be used with caution as it contains toxic substances.

Today elderberry is in demand as a medicinal plant. It is also widely used in industry and pharmaceutical sector.

Elderberry, which is described as tanımlan healing in poison larda in some sources, is a medicinal plant that is frequently used especially in European countries.

In this article, we will give detailed information about what elderberry is, how it should be used, what its benefits are and its toxicity.

Here is everything you wonder about elderberry
Elderberry is a plant?

Elderberry is a type of tree that varies between 3 and 10 meters in length. Small white flowers bloom. In some genera the color of the flowers may be slightly yellow or pinkish. When the flowers ripen, small fruits are given. Fruits are usually close to black color. Sometimes the color of the fruit may be blue or burgundy depending on the climatic conditions.

Turkey is grown in many parts of the elderberry is accepted in the pharmaceutical category in the world since the time of ancient Rome. Known since the Seljuk period in Anatolia, elderberry has many different uses. However, it should be stated that it is widely used in the treatment of winter diseases. In recent years, research has shown that elderberry is good for many different diseases and has found a wide place in the press and has started to be in great demand from people.

What are the other names of elderberry?

In Anatolia, for elderberry, the names of swallow, telligelin, mindiraç, sultanotu, melesir and sweating tea are used. The reason for giving the name Sultanotu is used as a medicine in the Ottoman palace. The term sweating tea comes from its use in the treatment of influenza and pneumonia.

The British call elderberry the flower of elderberry and elderberry the fruit. These names are now accepted worldwide.

In scientific research, the words “sambucus” and “elder sureau kullanılır are used as the equivalent of elderberry .

What's inside the elderberry?

They are the most important substances that make the mushroom an effective medicinal plant. These substances are brought together in such a sensitive ratio that it acts as a miraculous drug.

The content of elderberry contains the following substances:

Tannin, vitamin C, alkaloid, resin, valerian acid, sticky plant liquid, essential oil, samburgin and natural dye pigments…

In addition, in recent studies, it has been found that elderberry has vitamin P which is very beneficial for the body and is easily soluble in water. Vitamin P is one of the most recently discovered vitamins. It is usually found in foods with vitamin C. When P and C vitamins come together, they act very quickly and very strongly and have positive effects on the immune system.

Some interesting places where elderberry is used

Elderberry is not only used as a medicinal plant. This plant is utilized in many different areas.

Rolls are made from the trunk of elderberry tree. These spools are used as “thread spools .. The least faulty and longest reels are made of elderberry tree.

It shows a natural dye property. It is used for coloring wines. Elderberry wines are quite expensive and famous. However, there is no alcohol in the elderberry. Elderberry is used only as a colorant in drinks. In addition, although the elderberry tastes bad, it gives the drinks a different taste. With these features elderberry has become an indispensable plant for the beverage industry.

Elderberry is also used as an active ingredient in many drugs. Elderberry is a species of wood that grows wild, but it is also grown in some countries because of its importance in the pharmaceutical sector.
What are the benefits of elderberry?

According to the findings of the great physician elderberry provides useful results in the following subjects:

Strengthens the immune system. It prevents the person from getting the disease. It allows patients to heal faster.
Elderberry gives the body vitality. It prevents the person from feeling tired and helps to maintain an active life.
It is a diuretic and ensures the passage of urinary tract infections. It is especially effective in preventing urinary tract infections in women.
It is good for stomach ailments. It was found to be beneficial for ulcers and reflux. It provides relief from nausea. However, when it is consumed excessively, it starts to damage the stomach and intestines.
Expectorant. Allows the body to relax. Ensures the opening of the airway, helps to clean the lungs.
Ensures regular operation of the intestines, resolves the problem of constipation.
It helps the body burn fat faster and helps to lose weight.
Pain relief. It is especially useful for muscle and joint pain. It also helps relieve rheumatic pains.
It provides comfortable sleep for people with sleep problems. It also allows people who often wake up from sleep to maintain an uninterrupted sleep.
Breastfeeding women have the ability to increase breast milk. It allows the hormone levels that are deteriorated after birth to be reordered in a short time.
The antiperspirant with sweating gives beneficial results in the treatment of influenza and pneumonia.
It causes the appetite of people who are forced to eat due to illness.
Provides faster healing of skin benefits & eliminates skin blemishes Elderberry should be taken from trusted places when used as a skin cream. Because elderberry creams that are not made in the proper manner can cause some serious negative side effects.

In addition to these expressed benefits, elderberry has a soothing effect on a person's psychology and is used as a supportive food for relief from anxiety.

Need to know how elderberry is consumed

Elderberry is a plant that should not be consumed fresh. Because when consumed as fresh, some compounds that are harmful to the body appear and affect the person negatively.

Elderberry must be boiled to minimize the effect of harmful substances contained in it. However, the toxic properties of elderberry do not disappear completely even if boiling is performed. Therefore, it is important to be careful not to overdose.

Elderberry is mostly used as tea or syrup. However, it is usually prepared together with honey since the taste is not very suitable for direct drinking.

It is also possible to use elderberry tea in bath water or as skin cream. However, when used for these two purposes, the most important thing to do is to use as few doses as possible.

Is it true that elderberry leaves are poisonous?

There are different types of cyanide in elderberry. As it is known, cyanide is a very effective poison. Undesirable results may occur when taken over a certain dose of this poison.

Because the elderberry exhibits toxic properties, it is necessary to use this medicinal plant in as little doses as possible. The general measure stated by experts is that at most one cup elderberry tea is drunk per day.

Who are the people who should not drink elderberry tea?

People with kidney problems, stomach complaints, blood thinners, blood pressure patients, blood pressure patients, those who have diabetes and cancer treatment should never drink elderberry tea.

People who do not have the aforementioned diseases should exchange ideas with their physician before using elderberry.

Young children should not drink elderberry tea in any way. Because the structure of the children are not available to use elderberry tea. Although it is used to get rid of the flu in Anatolia, this is a wrong behavior. Doctors have certain warnings that children should not be given elderberry tea.

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