Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies Family Size, 180 Gummies, for Children & Adults, with Vitamin C, Zinc & Black Elderberry Extract, Natural Herbal Supplement with Plant Pectin, Immune Support, Great Taste

Folk Medicine

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies Family Size, 180 Gummies, for Children & Adults, with Vitamin C, Zinc & Black Elderberry Extract, Natural Herbal Supplement with Plant Pectin, Immune Support, Great Taste

In ancient times it was not possible to find drugs or doctors in village areas for the treatment of diseases. Taking care of diseases in village settlements was the work of folk physicians known as fracture-dislocators, muskist and midwives. People's physicians and their medications were the source of healing for the patients. Folk medicine is the product of knowledge that has been tested with countless attempts, whose roots are based on shamanism and that have a long history. People's physicians have improved their patients with the treatment methods they have applied, they have trained for the sufferers, are accepted in the eyes of society, are respected people. As a result of the popularity of modern medicine and the deterioration of traditional treatment methods with the labels of backwardness, ignorance, folk remedies have been largely discredited and forgotten in many regions. Today, although folk doctors are not sought as much as in the old times, information and healing methods that have been spoken orally have been going on for generations. In folk medicine, the term disease includes many concepts ranging from infertility to bad effects such as infertility, and disabilities that can be caused by unreal entities such as gin and fairy (Shar, 2005: 1164). Folk medicine is not limited to treating the disease. Diagnosis of the disease, measures to be taken to prevent diseases and fortune-telling are among the works of folk physicians. Along with patient treatments, almost all healer women also perform midwifery.

In addition to visits to the tomb and yachts in Samsun, Havza and Ladik healing waters, hot springs are the places to go for the treatment of various diseases.

Spas: Strabon, an Amasian geographer who lived about 2000 years ago, mentions spas in the region in his work called Geography (Strabon, 2000: 49). Ladik and Havza Spas have been the source of healing for the local people for centuries. People looking for a cure for various complaints such as liver and kidney disorders, rheumatism and joint pain go to the spas. Ladik Spa is especially good for diseases such as rheumatism, calcification, muscle and joint pain.

Visiting Places for Treatment: In the districts and in many villages throughout Samsun province, in order to treat diseases such as warts and temre, tombs and shrines are visited. Women who do not have children and those whose fortune is closed are among the visitors of the shrine.

The soil taken from the vicinity of the Arab Tekke in the Havza district is mixed with water and drunk for healing purposes. A similar practice applies to women who do not have children; women without children go to the tomb and take soil from the cemeteries. He drinks this soil by mixing it in water or swipes a finger into the soil and swallows the rest of his finger and prays that he will have a child with it.

Çomaklı Tomb in Ladik district is a tomb where wart patients go for treatment. It is believed that warts will pass by tearing off a branch from the trees near the tomb. Instead of the grave belonging to the Samail saint between Terme and Wednesday, more nervous patients are taken. It is expected to heal by tying the shoddy to the rosewood here. It is said to lie under a plane tree in the village of Bogren in Vezirköprü. Many patients go to this village to seek healing.
Diseases and Treatment Methods

Aphthae / Mouth Sores: Black mulberry is chewed in the mouth when it is fresh, mouth wounds are treated by keeping it between the lips and teeth. Blackberries may be used in the same manner for treatment.

Pain: When the barley grains are beaten and the porridge is wrapped around the aching area, the pain stops. Almost every pain to cure against the ears of newly opened wheat stems boiled in water to drink.

Bee sting: The needle of the bee is removed and the knife is touched at the sting . Ice is put on the sting bee so that it does not swell. Yogurt, vinegar and garlic are also used against bee stings.

Shallot: One of the methods applied to wash the face with water that the patient will disgust to remove the shallot . Garlic is applied on the shallots are tried to be treated.

Fever: Chamomile tea is used as antipyretic. To reduce the fire 1 teaspoon of black grape molasses, a tea glass of water is diluted with water. A cloth soaked in grape vinegar is placed under the armpits of the patient.

Stickness: If the child cannot walk even when the time comes, the child is thought to have been pressed if his walk is delayed. Printed children are treated by pressing either a border stone or a previously tried stone. For the printed child, fresh meat is taken and washed over the baby. It is treated by washing on a grave.

Hemorrhoids: Bulbs of yellow flowering nettle (nunuk) are treated by leaven on an empty stomach in the morning. Hemorrhoids (L. Ranunculus ficaria) are used externally to treat hemorrhoids. Leek seeds boiled in water obtained from the tea is drunk to the patient. St. John's Wort (Mayasıl grass, L. Centaurium erythraea) is dried and pulverized. A teaspoon of honey mixed with honey in the morning on an empty stomach. A pinch of thyme is thrown into the hot water. The sick person is drunk from this water. Nettle grasses are collected and boiled. The obtained water is drunk on an empty stomach and hemorrhoid is treated.

Headache: A beet leaf is wrapped around the head of the headache . To relieve the headache, lemon or potato wedges are put on the temples of the person with the pain. For headache, yogurt with garlic is applied to the head and covered with cabbage leaves. Against the headache and to relax the nerves of chamomile tea is applied. This is expected until the pain disappears.

Low Back Pain: The black pear obtained from black pine resin is melted by heating over fire. The melted gum is fed into a cloth. The cloth covered with the resin is wrapped around the waist when it is hot. It is kept wrapped until it cools. As the pain persists, this treatment is repeated.

Whooping cough: The cow's jawbone is heated to ashes and it is applied to the child's throat. This application is believed to pass the disease.

Kidney pains: Horseradish radish cooked with milk is fed to those suffering from kidney stones. Tea leaves are brewed with hazelnut leaves. People with kidney stones will drink from this tea. In a container of water 6-7 split grass (L. Cynodon dactylon) root, 4-5 juniper cones are put. After boiling once, the water is filtered and water is added again and allowed to boil once again. After the same process is repeated once more (after the third boil), the water is drunk on a tea cup scale in the morning and evening and the treatment is continued. Kidney pains to boil cherry stems and drink water. The branch of the grape vine is cut. A container is placed under the cut place of the vine. The sap flowing from the vine is collected in this container. Person with kidney stone disease in the morning and evening drink this water on the scale of tablespoons. Gilaburu juice is recommended for kidney pains.

Sprain: Fresh meat or freshly skinned skin is wrapped around the sprained area. To treat the crushed and blood collecting finger, sliced ​​onion pieces are heated and wrapped around the injured finger. In order to remove the swelling caused by sprains and crushes, 4-5 elderberry leaves are withered on fire. When the leaves are warm, put them on the wounded place. This application is repeated once or twice edema is removed. Elderberry leaves are roasted with a tablespoon of wheat flour until soft. This mixture is applied to the swollen place when it is hot. Nettle leaves are boiled in boiling water. The boiled leaves are covered on the injured, sprained ground.

Boil : On the boil, the cabbage leaves covered with fire are covered and covered. Inflammation of the boil flows in the bandage one night. Cover the leaves on the boil and wrapped with a cloth.

Toothache: Toothache is gargled with radish water. Salt is pressed on the aching tooth.

Birth: To facilitate labor, the pregnant woman whose pains are increasing is taken to the back and quickly pressed to the ground. The plant called Fatma main hand, which is not grown in our country, is also used as a medicine during the delivery process for pregnant women. The plant, also called Virgin Mary's hand in Çarşamba region, is kept in water until the flowers open. After opening the flowers in the container water is given to the pregnant woman. Thus, the birth of the pregnant woman is easy.

The woman who wants to bring her child to boil and drink hibiscus grass. The bruising of the baby after birth is called “whisking.. Whipped children are taken to a woman with a stove called “leave için for treatment. The woman washes the baby and scratches it with a razor. The mixture obtained from the quince root mixed with the milk is applied to the baby's body.

The newborn baby is tired of insomnia and forty steps. Shells collected from forty piles are thrown into the water taken from seven springs against forty flushing. The newborn child is washed with water before sunrise. (Santur, 2011).

Women with insufficient breast milk are wrapped with quince cooked with honey. When the mother's milk is insufficient, the woman goes from home to the cattle returning to their stables with a slice of bread. He gives half of the bread to one of the cows. Meanwhile, the cow; "Our milk went to graze, you come from grazing, give my child's milk." she says, and without looking back, she returns home with half a piece of bread. Lohusa to; "Here, girl, I brought your milk." saying gives the bread. Lohusa placed this bread (Santur, 2011).

Pregnant woman who wants to miscarry içer Hibiscus kayn boils and drinks herbs and puts them in the womb. The cleaned roots are boiled in water. This water is drunk on an empty stomach every day.

Filling: Dry the onion inside and heat over the fire. Oil and grated soap are placed in the hollowed place. When the onion is hot, it is wrapped around the finger. This treatment is continued until inflammation flows. The wrapped finger is wrapped with carved tomatoes. Tomatoes are kept wrapped on the finger until the inflammation flows. The ointment obtained by mixing yoghurt with corn flour is wrapped around the finger.

Eczema: Bay leaves are boiled tea in the morning on an empty stomach drink. This treatment is continued until eczema heals.

Hernia: Cornflower is beaten mixed with honey after beating.

Navel drop: Empty glass, cotton is put into the belly after burning and covered. The disease is treated by keeping the cup on the belly for a while. Meanwhile, massage the abdomen.

Diarrhea: Egg whites, lemon juice is dripped and mixed. 1.5 liters of water, boiled by adding half a kilo of cranberry fruit. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of this water for treatment. Medlar leaves are boiled in water. After boiling water is drained to the person in the morning and evening diarrhea. One spoon of wheat flour is mixed with one spoon of yogurt. The person who has diarrhea is given this mixture.

Constipation: The root of the blackberry plant is boiled in water and drunk. The dried quince leaves are boiled in water until their colors turn red. Obtain 1 cup of water on an empty stomach. For the person who is constipated, a bond parsley is boiled in water. Boiling water is drained to the patient after draining. 5-6 lifted / lifted leaves boiled in water is good for constipation.

Crushing of ribs: Unused soap is grated and mixed with finely chopped onions and egg white. The resulting mixture is applied to the sore ribs.

Bleeding: Dried tobacco leaves are printed on bleeding wounds. Open wounds that are at risk of infection are roasted onions in butter. Fresh tobacco leaves are crushed to remove water. This water is applied on the bleeding wound to prevent the wound from catching germs. In order to prevent cuts and scratches from the metal, the wound is etched by the branch of the roasted pellet tree. To treat the wound, thyme leaves are covered over the wound. The bleeding wound is covered with a spider web to stop the bleeding. To stop the bleeding, the wound is depressed.

Cancer: Fresh figs are filled into a cup and heated without adding any water. After being heated well, figs give water. Fig juice accumulated in the container is taken. This water is allowed to boil again. Boil until thoroughly darkened, then add the hammered walnut inside. Mix until it reaches a paste consistency. The cancer patient is eaten on an empty stomach on a tablespoon scale.

Muscle pain: Sheep wool is wrapped around the aching ground. To increase the body resistance, the whole onion is thrown into half a liter of water and allowed to boil. After boiling, the water is allowed to cool to drink for the purpose of healing.

Baldness: Beet plant hair is used as a medicine against hair loss due to its nourishing properties. Pomegranate seeds are crushed in a bowl. Add sunflower oil and apply it to the bald place. Against the ringworm, 8-10 corn grains are heated in a container until their fat is removed. The resulting oil is applied to the ringworm.

Fracture Dislocation Treatment: Sliced ​​onions, black grapes and olives are crushed thoroughly in a bowl into an ointment. This ointment is applied to the place to be treated and wrapped with a cloth.

Fractures are boiled in the wrong place inside the patient, 2-3 roots with the herb, boiled in cow's milk. Mix until it reaches a paste consistency. The ointment obtained is applied on the wrong boiled place and wrapped. The dressed place is sweaty. The dressing thus remains on the patient for one night. The next morning the broken bone is removed.

Infertility: Infertility treatment, such as sitting in the steam, groin withdrawal applications are encountered. Women who do not have children are boiled and drunk with yellow gypsy flowers and hibiscus in Bafra region. Violet stems are boiled, peeled and put into the uterus. In Terme region, this process is called porcine (Santur, 2011). Women without children go for leech therapy in Lake Ladik.

Calcification: Dried lemon balm is boiled in a cup of water. For treatment purposes, this water is drunk on a tea cup scale in the morning and evening.

Ear pain: The root of elderberry plant is boiled. A few drops are dropped from this water into the sore ear. Leek is crushed to remove the water. A few drops are dropped from this water to the aching ear. A clove of garlic heated on the stove is inserted into the aching ear. A few drops of sunflower oil are dripped into the aching ear.

Damask (L. Sedum) plant is crushed thin leaves of the water is removed. This water is dropped into the aching ear. The nettle is crushed to prevent the person whose ear will be pierced. The nettle's water is applied to the earlobe to match the ear.

Vomiting: If the baby vomits too much, put a piece of wool into the baby's own swaddle or garment.

Stomach Pains: Hibiscus leaves are made by boiling tea as a glass of pain is heard. After boiling 3-4 mint leaves, add a teaspoon of sugar. This water is given to the patient with stomach or abdominal pain. Dried cherry kernels are heated by wrapping the cloth for infant gas and abdominal pains. The heated cloth is wrapped around the belly of the aching baby and the pain is tried to be relieved. A pinch of dried chamomile is boiled in water. The person who has abdominal pain is given a cup of tea. Nettle leaves boiled tea brewed, stomach pain is good for.

Nazar: To protect children from evil eye, teeth are hung around their necks. Amulet is written, lead or candle is poured.

Shortness of breath: Apple peels boiled and drink water. 2-3 vessel leaves are boiled in water. The patient is treated by drinking a glass of filtered water. Boil 2-3 carob in water. Drinking 1 cup of water from this boiled water for about 5 minutes is good for shortness of breath. For shortness of breath, 3-4 drops of lemon are squeezed into carob syrup and eaten on an empty stomach.

Cough: Onion is thrown into the water as a whole. Add some sugar to the water and boil. Drink boiling water after a little warm. For the patient who has a sore throat due to cough, the leek leaves are roasted in oil. The leaves are wrapped in the throat while still warm.

Cranberry fruit is boiled with its leaves. The treatment is continued by drinking 1 cup of the obtained water. Fresh or dried quince leaves are boiled in water. Flu, flu and cough for those who complain of this water is given. Tea is made with the flowers of St. John's Wort. This tea is good for patients with influenza and shortness of breath.

The medlar fruit or dried medlar leaves are boiled in water and the tea is used as a cough medicine. Rosehip tea is given to the patient in order to increase the body resistance of influenza patients. Oregano and linden tea brewed together cough and sore throat is good. The centerpiece of the black radish. Instead of hollowed out, put radish, put on a glass. Honey is expected to leak into a glass. The mixture accumulated in the cup is given to the sick person one teaspoon per day.

Rheumatism: Turnip and radish grated and wrapped in places where rheumatic pain is felt. This dressing is waited for two days to relieve the pain. Healing withered cabbage leaves are applied to relieve pain by applying rheumatic places. Nettle leaves are boiled and the leaves are warm and wrapped in rheumatic places.

The rhabetic patients are drunk from the water obtained by boiling the kale leaves. Treatment is continued by drinking the tea obtained from boiling pine leaves on a tea cup scale. Walnut leaves are boiled in water until color. After the water starts to warm, the person who has rheumatism complaints puts his feet into this water. Mallow, boiled with roots for treatment purposes, is eaten with plain or yogurt.

Tea made with dried willow leaves is good for rheumatism and joint pain. Corn tassels are boiled in water. It is filtered after boiling. The sick person is given a cup of tea on a scale. 8-10 elderberry leaves are thoroughly beaten by joining 2 spoons of milk. The mixture is applied to the knees of the person suffering from rheumatic pain and wrapped. The treatment is administered before bedtime and the dressing is held overnight.

Jaundice: Gold is put into the water to be washed so that the child does not have jaundice. Nettle leaves are crushed to remove the juice. The person with jaundice drinks from this water on an empty stomach. Baldırıkara plant is believed to cure jaundice when boiled with red paint and mint in Samsun Ladik. Willow leaves are also used in the treatment of jaundice.

Psoriasis: Prepared for psoriasis patients, the roots of hawthorn are used in medicines (Yaylagül, 2011).

Wart: When the unripe fig fruit is removed, the resulting milk is applied to the wart . The same process can be done with fig leaf. The person who is sick for wart treatment, pluck the fig leaves as many warts and dry these leaves. It is believed that warts will pass until the leaves are dry. The warted finger is wrapped with a leaf of the neurotic. After one night in the dressing, the wart passes. The person with a wart breaks the branch of a willow tree and returns home without looking back. It is rumored that this application removes warts.

Acne: The baby's belly falling after a while is connected to the cradle. Then put into the water to be washed. If the baby is washed with water, the child will not have acne.

Diabetes: A bond is boiled in fennel water. Lemon is squeezed into water. The boiled water is filtered and allowed to cool. In order to lower the sugar, this water is drunk on an empty stomach. If a handful of tafflan fruits are eaten every day, it lowers high blood sugar. To balance blood sugar, a handful of fresh coyote plums are eaten a day. To reduce blood sugar, blackberry root is removed and cleaned. The cleaned roots are boiled in water. After this water is drained, drink a tea cup and continue the treatment.

Blood Pressure: People with high blood pressure are recommended to eat one or two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. To lower blood pressure, fresh nettle leaves are rubbed on the palm as hand washes.

Temre / Temrei: The slices of the apple are applied to the place where the temre is. Sulfur water is squeezed lemon squeezed into wounds. Damselfish (L. Sedum) plant is crushed large leaves of water is removed. This water is applied on the ground.

Insomnia: A pinch of dried oil is made by boiling tea. A person with a sleep disorder drinks this tea every night.

Varicose Veins: Boiled kale leaves are wrapped in varicose veins . This treatment is repeated every day until varicose pains disappear.

Burn: Goat wool, butter and olive oil mixed with chicken wire is burned on the ground. White soap, white candle grated to relieve burn pain and prevent burn marks. Sunflower oil is dropped on them. Stir until it reaches the consistency of ointment and spread to the burned ground. The wax is heated, olive oil is added to it to the burned place. Potato is crushed and burned. Burn treatment is applied to the burning place by applying tomato paste.

Sambucus Elderberry Gummies Family Size, 180 Gummies, for Children & Adults, with Vitamin C, Zinc & Black Elderberry Extract, Natural Herbal Supplement with Plant Pectin, Immune Support, Great Taste