Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Garden of Life mykind Organics Elderberry Immune Syrup 6.59 fl oz (195 mL) for Kids & Adults - Sambucus, Echinacea, Zinc & Vitamin C, 0g Sugar, Organic Non-GMO Vegan & Gluten Free Herbal Supplements

Black elderberry: useful properties and contraindications, how to use it in the treatment of diseases?

Garden of Life mykind Organics Elderberry Immune Syrup 6.59 fl oz (195 mL) for Kids & Adults - Sambucus, Echinacea, Zinc & Vitamin C, 0g Sugar, Organic Non-GMO Vegan & Gluten Free Herbal Supplements

Elderberry, honeysuckle is the closest relative, a fragrant dark purple or black mulberry berry. Red elderberry is also a poisonous fruit, but not suitable for medicinal or food use. Useful properties of elderberry black have been known since ancient times. According to legend, elderberry is a sacred plant and has a unique feature that bestows longevity. Today, herbalists and herbalists appreciate these shrubs for their powerful healing power and rich vitamin and mineral composition.
Elderly treatment

For treatment use fruits, flowers, flower buds and sometimes the roots of the plant. Elderberry flowers routinely contain glucose and fructose, organic acids, essential oils and fruits contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, vitamin C and P, carotene, tannin and other useful substances.

Flowers and berries of black elderberry are used to treat edema, pancreatitis, stomach problems, and increase lactation in nursing mothers. Phenecarboxylic acids, which are part of the plant, have diuretic effect on the body, which makes it possible to use elderberry to get rid of swelling and to clear the kidneys.

Elderberry, diaphoretic, expectorant and antipyretic are recommended for colds. In the case of diabetes, it is useful to drink the source of elderberry roots, not only to lower blood sugar levels, but also to avoid the complications caused by the disease (nephropathy, furunculosis, gastrointestinal disorders).
Elderberry application

The fusion of all parts of the plant (roots, flowers and leaves) is used to normalize the metabolism. Fresh fruits and tea from the bunch of the plant have a facilitating effect for rheumatism. Infusions of dried fruits are used to increase bile, cleanse the intestines, as a diuretic. Broth of old flowers, bronchitis, sore throat, flu, laryngitis, neuralgia, gout, kidney and bladder is useful in the treatment.

The broth of young elderberry leaflets is considered an effective analgesic and hemostatic, and is also taken for headaches, insomnia, atherosclerosis and stomach diseases. The juice from the fresh fruit of the plant gently cleanses the body, removes extra fluid, and improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Fruits and sap plants act like blueberries - strengthen the retinal vessels, sharpen vision, relieve night blindness and prevent cataract formation. Fruit juice is rich in antitumor and antioxidants with a rejuvenating effect on the body. Elderberry is part of the anticancer accusations, helping to get rid of oncology, fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis.

Elderberry is an excellent supplementing agent, fresh fruit, juice and tea from them and plant outbreaks should be taken during infectious outbreaks and during the cold season to activate the immune system and protect the body from viral infections. Elderberry helps various skin diseases: furunculosis, irritation and especially psoriasis. For the treatment of this disease, infusions and fusions of the flowers and fruits of the plant are used, relief is achieved with regular intake, and the remission period is significantly prolonged (in some cases up to several years).
Medicinal properties

inflorescence . They have anti-inflammatory, anthropatic and antibacterial properties. They are used in sweating and laxative roles. Elderberry flowers are used successfully in the treatment of colds, flu, sore throat and bronchitis. Used for mouthwashing broth. Also black elderberry outbreak infusions help with gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Phytocids, found in inflorescences, "kill" malignant bacteria.
Strawberries They are used only in dried form, fresh fruits are poisonous and have the ability to disappear during cooking and drying. With the help of fruits are treated hepatitis, non-acute stage peptic ulcer, malaria and neuralgia. Perhaps its use in the treatment of oncological diseases. Vitamins that form the fruit promote the growth and reproduction of healthy cells. And biologically active components prevent the development of pathogens. If you eat a few ripe fruits per day, the veins will clear and become more elastic in a few months.
The leaves are used as binders, diuretic and febrifuge. Some use them as sedatives and perspirants. It is recommended to drink a boiling source for general body strengthening. It can be applied to clean, steamed milk, elderberry leaf, burns and rubs, bruises, skin inflammation and even boils.
The shell is used in the combined treatment of various kidney diseases, helps with drops, edema and urethritis. Helps in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases. The broth from the bush peel activates metabolic processes and significantly increases the body's defenses.
With the help of black elderberry increases immunity, hemoglobin and improves blood composition.
infusion of fruits and clusters used prophylactically against colorectal cancer and prostatitis.

Learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of blackberry. Can it be used to treat diseases?

And in this article you can recognize the healing properties of artichokes.

Harm and contraindications

Be careful! Elderberry has contraindications.

Remember the fact that this plant is a bit toxic. Therefore, you should not use drugs unwise. This rule cannot be neglected, in other cases there may be irreversible complications on one's health.

Under no circumstances is it recommended to use elderberry in any way:

women waiting for their baby and breastfeeding mother
patients diagnosed with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcerative colitis,
people with a disease such as diabetes insipidus,
Age up to 12 years. It is strictly prohibited for young children to boil or infuse elderberry.

If you are in doubt about some other diseases, consult your doctor before using elderberry-based medication.

Milk fungus: Useful properties and contraindications in use. Efficacy of folk remedies.

You can read the medical properties of buckwheat in this article.
Methods of use in traditional medicine

Flu diseases . For treatment, you need to prepare the following source of elderberry flowers: Take 1 tbsp raw material. We put them in enamel containers and pour a glass of boiling water on it. Then put in the stove and boil, minimize the fire and cook for 10 - 15 minutes. After the brew has cooled, filter and take ½ cup 3-4 times before each food use.
Treatment of chronic constipation . Take the young leaves of the plant and boil in honey. The medicines taken are taken orally 1 tbsp 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.
Kidney diseases and skin diseases . For the treatment of these diseases you need to make the source of the bush bark. Take a few spoons of chopped elderberry and pour into boiling water. Brew for a few hours. Prepared decoction baths help with rheumatism and arthritis.
From the roots and bark, used to treat powdered weeping ulcers, purulent wounds and burns.
most use leaves of hemorrhoids plant. We take 8 - 10 young leaves, put them on a clean plate and pour a glass of boiling water. Also add 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sage. They insist for an hour. Inside, half a glass is consumed every day for months.
Throat joints A drug can be treated by applying a compress soaked in chamomile and elderberry flowers.
the most severe headaches and insomnia were put a bandage on his head, immersed in the infusion of the roots and flowers of the black elderberry.
most determine the source of menopause flowers.
Brewed leaves and bark at night. laxative
Use black elderberry extract for cancer treatment . Wine extract made from ripe fruits should be taken orally. Good help for skin cancer and jam and jam for stomach cancer.
With avitaminosis, osteochondrosis and weak immunity Prepare the following medicine: take ripe fruits (1kg), put in a clean enamel pot and cover with sugar (1kg). Leave for a day in a cool room. Filter the resulting syrup and store in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Adult patients take 1 teaspoon before meals. Duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.
Like gynecological diseases, cervical erosion, cervicitis and colpitis are treated with such a decoction: take 1 tablespoon of powder from the old husk and boil in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, filter and use for douching. The procedure can be performed until the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared (on critical days, no touch is possible).

Conventional methods and tools are effective only if you do not violate the recommended dose.

Remember, in any case, qualified medical care that treatment cannot be completed and cannot be effective.
Benefits and features of elderberry

Black elderberry berries are distinguished by a complex chemical composition. It consists of the following components:

Organic acids
Semi-solid essential oil,
Ethyl isobutyl,
isoamila amine,

In addition, the useful properties of elderberry originate from the contents of the witness, paraffin-like and mucous membranes.

The fruits of aged black malic acid are largely. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and natural sugars (glucose and fructose).

Only aged fruits are not rich in vitamins and nutrients. The benefits of elderberry and the properties used for treatment are also presented in their leaves, branches and bark. Elderberry is used in leaves contains high amounts of carotene and vitamin C.

Because of this rich composition, the leaves, flowers and black elderberry bark have healing properties:

Soothing (soothing),

Old leaves have tonic and laxative properties. Broth from all over the black elderberry can regulate the body's metabolism. Elderberry dried black berries in the form of many useful properties.

Thanks to the intake of elderberry health benefits, the following results are presented:

1. Improves bile excretion,

2. Diuresis increases,

3. Improves bowel movement.
Elderberry use

For treatment, flowers, fruits and elderberry leaves are often used. Dried in ovens and collected for winter.

It should be noted that the use of black elderberry has remained in the fruit for 6 months and it is not recommended to keep it for longer. However, it can be stored for a long time in the properties of black elderberry. Thus, flowers can be stored for 2-3 years, but can be stored in a well-ventilated dry room. The characteristics of elderberry red in flowers are also considered dangerous because they are not recommended for use in home decoration.

Undoubtedly, blackberry dew has great benefit. Even in ancient times, people gathered young exiles and prepared a salad from them. At the same time, they were careful and could distinguish elderberry from black. Fresh elderberry was used to make drinks. Black elderberry juice is now mixed with lemon juice, flavor and water. This reveals the original healing kvass.

Elderberry berries can be used to make jelly, compote and jam. Honey is recommended for sweetness, not for sugar. Therefore, the benefits of elderberry black will be further protected.

Traditional medicine is actively using the benefits of elderberry black. Fresh and dried aged fruits are used successfully in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

Kidney disease,
Bladder diseases,

Black elderberry berries are dried and used for the treatment of a rare malaria. Dried and fresh black elderberry berries, according to medical research, oncology (stomach cancer and skin cancer) in the treatment complex for which they have a high healing property content. In case of stomach cancer, the patient is given jam from fresh black elderberry fruits. The skin oncology is treated with a special medicine: fresh fruit is squeezed, the wine insists, and the black elderberry extract thus obtained treats the patient.

Black aged flowers are prepared from meat and flower waters and leaves with strong antibacterial and perspiring properties. These funds help with colds (sore throat, flu, bronchitis, ARVI). Take 1 tbsp for infusion healing. l. flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled and boiled for 15-20 minutes at low heat. The broth is then cooled, squeezed and used in the form of 0.5 cup heat before eating. Infusion can also gargle for colds. In addition, this medicine is an excellent aid in the fight against diseases such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism.

You can alleviate inflammation by applying the steamed black elderberry leaves to the throat spots. This is why this tool is used for the following problems:

Diaper rash
Inflammation of hemorrhoids,

A common folk remedy for constipation is the use of black elderberry from young fresh leaves. The characteristics of elderberry red in the leaves are also toxic, because it is important to distinguish them when the leaves are collected. Therefore, for the treatment of chronic constipation, the healing properties of elderberry are used as follows: boils the leaves in honey and the resulting drug is ingested.

Broth from black elderberry bark helps in various diseases (in and in the form of lotions):

Skin diseases
Kidney disease,

In addition, elderberry use and intonation and rejuvenation properties are widely used in cosmetology. From the flower of the plant, a lotion is prepared and used to wipe the skin of the face and neck. This lotion can also be frozen and applied onto their skin.
Contraindications and harm when using elderberry

Elderberry, like any other medicinal plant, has some contraindications to use.

Therefore, black elderberry is not recommended for use in the following health disorders:

Ulcerative colitis (enterocolitis),
Crohn's disease
Chronic diseases of gastrointestinal system,
Pregnancy (very carefully under the supervision of a doctor).

Most often, doctors warn patients against the use of older black children under 12 years of age.

Unfortunately, people often mix black elderberry and red plants. If you want to use this plant for medicinal purposes, you should be careful and do not make a mistake as red elderberry can be harmful to health.

Elderberry red is poisonous to humans, so you should be particularly careful with this plant. It is not easy to distinguish elderberry from black: red elderberry, of course, differs in the red color of its fruit. But that's only when it comes to ripening. However, in these periods when the leaves and branches of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, it is important to distinguish between red and black elderberry. Otherwise you cannot benefit from poisoning of elderberry red and the body.

Garden of Life mykind Organics Elderberry Immune Syrup 6.59 fl oz (195 mL) for Kids & Adults - Sambucus, Echinacea, Zinc & Vitamin C, 0g Sugar, Organic Non-GMO Vegan & Gluten Free Herbal Supplements