Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ugly bidet?

Ugly bidet?

If from Japan to Italy one appreciates it, his homeland of origin denies it. Appeared in France in the eighteenth century, he was rarely in the odor of sanctity.

GLOGLOW Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use for Personal Hygiene Care
GLOGLOW Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use for Personal Hygiene Care

It's still a shame. France, a country where the bidet was born, which gave it its most intimate secrets - and little by little an official place in bourgeois comfort - now only feels contempt, even condescending to his view. It's all right if the bidet is now used as a footbath for children. And even. His presence is cluttered and disconcerted. It is filled with a jumble of bathroom: newspapers, hair dryer, brushes. As much to evacuate it, estimate the architects. Only a few renowned designers still draw elegant lines. For the bathrooms of the luxury hotels and especially for the export.

Technoïde. The French Bidet has indeed spread throughout the world. Why is this radiation not more celebrated? In the Middle East, it is still appreciated at its fair value, just as in the countries of southern Europe (see opposite), where there are almost as many bidets as WC. Japan, it knows a growing success. There, the bidet became technoid, combining with the toilet bowl in one block, with adjustable thermostat for water as for the breath of air that comes to dry the sitting of its new users.

France did not know how to spare him such a destiny. Roger-Henri Guerrand, historian of intimacy, was deeply saddened. But rather than let the bidet decline in the indifference of his native homeland, this researcher, now gone, made a point of rehabilitating him. Her inquiry (1) covers more than two centuries, inspecting both brothels and royal houses. We learn that the bidet was long named "confidant ladies" or "close friend" because it was unthinkable to pronounce his name in society. It's embarrassing to access honors. And his presence on a multitude of erotic engravings seems to have aggravated his case.

Would there have been a misunderstanding? Born in the age of libertinage (first written mention in 1739), the bidet remains hidden in aristocratic wardrobes, well out of sight. Too bad, because it is often a beautifully crafted object - mahogany, rosewood or porcelain ornate, more or less violin-shaped - with a folder in the eighteenth century, he lost in the nineteenth e. The shameful is its use. Although nothing predestines it more for women than for men, the bidet is quickly suspected of being used as a disastrous contraceptive practice. Straddling her bidet, the light woman would start postcoital ablution and, equipped with syringes filled with vinegar or other astringent lotion, would remove all traces of sin. In fact, men's glutes also benefit: the bidet is a long time part of the equipment of any cavalry officer. But since he seems well established in brothels, his reputation is second to none.

Apogee. We seize moreover to insult. To tell someone that he has "bidet water in his veins" is like treating him as a coward. A "bidet knight" is nothing but a mackerel because he "finds his bread in the bidet". In short, it is the opprobrium, until the twentieth century. With a peak in the nineteenth century, doctors reluctant to extol the merits of personal hygiene for fear of giving bad ideas to girls. Yet nobody has known for a long time that "pubis, perineum and between-fessons" little maintained emit unpleasant odors. But the toilet of "indiscreet jewels", described as "secret" since it cleans the "dirtiest dirty parts", hardly ever appears in hygiene treatises all stamped with prudishness. The bidet is simply denied.

It is a container that reassures at a time when water terrifies people. Everyone thinks twice before immersing their whole body in a bathtub, preferring a local and fragmented toilet. Hence the practice known as "dry cleanliness" that will last until the generalization of running water. A boon for the bidet, which manages to sneak through the ages. Of all the instruments of partial ablutions, note that he is the only one to have reached the twenty-first century.

But it is still too connoted "cocotte" at the threshold of the twentieth. It was only after the Second World War that he gained access to a form of recognition, even of public utility. One ceases then to grasp on one's deeply immoral or simply practical side. Entering the bourgeois lavatories, he remakes a virginity and becomes simply honest. And even social when it is given its place in the bathrooms of low-rent housing in full construction. 1970 marks its peak: 95% of bathrooms in France have a bidet.

Summum of luxury. All in all, the improvement will have been only of very short duration. During the 70s, the bidet decline began in France as the shower is gaining ground and the size of bathrooms is shrinking. Without him, the relationship to the body is no longer the same. To measure such a loss, it is enough to hear the desolation of Portuguese or Italian friends visiting France. We hear them swear through the bathroom door, trying to reach the sink from the buttocks. British citizens, whom the use of the bidet has always exceeded, have recently made a fuss, running the flea markets of our villages to dig up, and writing practical guides about it, like the famous Can We Afford the Bidet? attests (2).

Not so long ago, in Poland as in Czechoslovakia, Party dignitaries did not miss an opportunity to ostentatiously display their bidets. And in the United States, it remains considered the pinnacle of luxury and refinement. So, how is it that everywhere else in France, people do it if not worship, at least a real consideration? Admittedly, the ideas received have a long life here. Perhaps he still evokes in the collective unconscious "the flesh of an old courtesan marinated in a bidet". The historian Roger-Henri Guerrand would have dreamed that the bidet integrates the national heritage, such as the baguette and the beret. Abroad, no one knows that the bidet is a chic French invention. But his homeland is not grateful to him. By misplaced pride?

Why the disappearance of the bidet is an ecological drama

Why the disappearance of the bidet is an ecological drama

He was present in all bathrooms until the sixties. With the arrival of the toilet paper, the bidet fell to oblivion. Today, we do not even remember its usefulness anymore. However, this appliance is more hygienic and much more ecological than paper.

Bidet4me Pb-100 Portable Bidet Include Extended Nozzle
Bidet4me Pb-100 Portable Bidet Include Extended Nozzle

Some think that the bidet is used to wash their feet, clean their clothes or groom their pet. Others use it as a bathtub for the baby bath or more unusual as a cooler to keep beer bottles cool. The uses of the bidet can be multiple.

  •  The intimate toilet or the pink leaves - Louis Léopold Boilly
  • The intimate toilet or the pink leaves - Louis Léopold Boilly - © All rights reserved
  • Invented in the eighteenth century for the aristocratic toilet, the bidet is used to clean the private parts after a toilet. Once the small or large commission is over, this fixture offers a wash with hot water to feel fresh as a rose.

But now, with the massive arrival of toilet paper in the sixties, the bidet has lost its usefulness. Besides, what do you do when you have to renovate an old apartment or an old house? Yes, we turn the bidet! Instead, you usually install a shower, essential sanitary fixture in bathrooms.

In Italy, the bidet is always popular!
If the Belgians sulk the bidet, this is not the case for everyone. "The Mediterranean, the Asians and the Russians still ask us," says Audrey Van den Berg, head of a company that sells sanitary. By the way, if you are going on vacation to Italy, expect to find bidet in the bathroom of the hotel. There, even companies are equipped with bidets. "I always knew a bidet in the bathroom," says Rosalia Carubia. For this Sicilian Boussu, a bathroom without bidet, it is simply inconceivable: "It's a question of hygiene".

  • Toilet paper, a plague for the environment
  •  Toilet paper contributes to deforestation
  • Toilet paper contributes to deforestation - © All rights reserved
  • All is not lost ... The comeback of the bidet, we talk more and more in the United States where the sanitary apparatus has never been part of the local culture. But at a time when we are trying to reduce our environmental impact, the bidet is an essential ally. In addition to being hygienic, it drastically reduces our use of toilet paper.

These squares of paper used several times a day contribute to deforestation. Every year, ten million trees are slaughtered to supply the world's demand for toilet paper - 27,000 trees a day.

In addition to the environmental cost, there is also the financial aspect. Depending on the type of paper purchased, each inhabitant spends on average between 20 and 90 euros a year to leave the toilet with a satisfied air!



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Slopehill The Palm | Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag
Slopehill The Palm | Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag

We are talking about a topic not very glamorous today: toilets and hygiene. Because, like it or not, it occupies a rather large place in our lives and it is a rather important place in terms of ecological footprint. According to the very serious World Toilet Organization, we go on average 2500 times a year to the toilets. It's not nothing!

It is relatively simple to do better at the small corner, and for us, it goes through the bidet seat (or a shower) on our toilet! Quessing that? This is a simple addition that is installed under the toilet seat (the bidet) or on the tank (the shower), transforming the latter into SUPER toilet. All of this, without having to spend a fortune to buy a Japanese toilet that sings, or to barter your system completely for a compost toilet. Even though a composting toilet with a bidet seat, it would be SUMMUM, haha! But let's stay on the simplicity and accessibility as part of this post.

Photo credit: Caroline Parent
Why did we adopt this famous bidet seat? We will list the following for you here:

1. A spic and span rear end, really.
Let's look at the facts. Coming home after a good day's work and a subway trip, what do we do? We wash our hands. We do not just wipe them on a dry towel. And before eating, what do we do? We wash our hands. They are not wiped on a piece of dry paper. One could expect the same thing for the throne, right? Let's not be afraid of words: do we feel cleaner by wiping ourselves with a small piece of dry paper, or using a jet of water? Here, we opt for the foufounesque Bota-Bota style experience. Sincerely, we get bored of the feeling of cleanliness that is second to none when you spend time away from home and there is no bidet. That's to say.

2. A greener alternative to the famous paper-ass
As for what is the greenest, the question arises: a toilet seat or toilet paper? Indeed, the bidet and hand shower require water to work, and they are almost entirely made of plastic, a non-renewable resource and difficult to recycle. The paper comes from trees, a renewable resource, but the cut often overflows the wood of old Canadian forests, including (according to Greenpeace). What is better? We do not have the answer, only facts.

One might say that it's better to use toilet paper. The roll looks harmless like that, but it does not have a very good newsletter. From an environmental point of view, for the production of a single roll of toilet paper, it takes 37 gallons of water. According to National Geographic, 27,000 trees are cut every day so that we have relatively clean buttocks. We flush trees to the toilet to clean our buttocks. Hmm. From an economic point of view, there are literally literal flushes in the sewers. From a health point of view, whitening agents are not without consequences for the body. Bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, could even be in recycled paper.

3. Saving money
One of the advantages of the bidet is that one can replace the traditional paper-ass with washable toilet paper. For numbers 1 and 2. If you make the leap, apart from the initial investment (which can be almost zero if you opt for homemade wipes, with old t-shirts), you'll end up with a recurrent expense less! YEAH! If you're not there yet, know that the use of a bidet seat is still very "paying" on the environment side, because you then greatly reduce the amount of paper needed because you use only the water to wipe you. According to Statistics Canada, each Canadian uses an average of 22 kg per year of toilet paper, while the world average is less than 4 kg per year. We abuse a little, right? It's 120 rolls of toilet paper a year per person, and 480 rolls for a family of 4. That's a lot of rolls, that's it.

4. Menstruation 2.0
To be able to clean the vulva easily after each emptying

5. A dream postpartum
But, the post-delivery war zone? To pee with a small bottle spray to relieve the pain when one tears and that it is really not pleasant, you know? We are a few to know the feeling here, and we swear that the bidet will REVOLUTIONATE your sessions on the toilet during the postpartum period. Imagine a refreshing jet of water, continuously, at the desired strength. ALLELUIA. Be careful to set the jet gently, not to reattach your war zone sensitive.

In concrete terms, how do we live?

"My toilet paper consumption has DRASTICALLY diminished. Really. It now only serves me to mop water, so I use very little each time. I have not yet managed to adopt the washable toilet paper, but that's part of my plans. A small change at a time! I will not do without my seat bidet, the feeling of cleanliness is second to none, and sincerely, I do not understand why it is not the norm on all toilets. Since I understood the deal, I find it rather silly to find it normal to wipe with dry paper. "

"The decision to opt for the bidet was slightly emotional (wooow Japan! A toilet that sings! The heated seat!), But mostly ecological. Despite daily use, ours shows no signs of wear. We take care of it and clean it properly. Obviously, the bidet requires an expense, but if we did the math, I'm sure we would find that we got back quickly in our money. We have reduced our use of toilet paper considerably, and the transition to reusable paper will be much easier. "

"I bought a bidet seat that could connect to hot water (more expensive), because the idea of ​​cleaning me with cold water cooled me a bit (lol), but finally, it's totally useless. Because the time that the hot water arrives at your behind, you have time to wash yourself 5 times, haha! Honestly, you get used really quickly to clean yourself with cold water. It quickly becomes normal and not at all traumatic. Small downside at the practical level, if it was again, personally, I would take a shower. Because cleaning a bidet in a house with cats and two girls with long hair when the toilet is right next to the sink, it's hard. Paper side: I flirt with washable wipes, but only for pee. I have not yet managed to give up the paper completely, but my monthly PQ needs and expenses are now ridiculous. "

Where do we find a bidet?
It can be found at many hardware stores, bathroom equipment stores, or online. Here, Mariane has opted for the brand HelloTushy, Caroline has a Fresh Spa brand Brondell, while Marie has bought a very basic bidet seat, but she plans to get it for his second toilet. Laurence has instead opted for a brand model Biobidet, with a heated seat. There really is a panoply, for all tastes and budgets! You want to test the thing before taking the plunge? There are also simple portable bidets.

Chau al bidet: how it works and how much does the smart toilet that replaces it cost?

Chau al bidet: how it works and how much does the smart toilet that replaces it cost?

In the country a piece that combines the functions of both sanitary ware is commercialized.

With the approval of the new Building Code of the City, the departments that will be built after 2019 will be able to do without bathrooms with a bidet.

Bidet Sprayer - Electric USB Charge Handheld Bidet Toilet Portable Sprayer, Bathroom Handy Travel Kit
Bidet Sprayer - Electric USB Charge Handheld Bidet Toilet Portable Sprayer, Bathroom Handy Travel Kit

The measure aims to save square meters especially in apartments that are increasingly smaller and have a tendency to shrink.

The new legislation also establishes that homes of a minimum of 18 square meters can be designed , with the exception that units of such dimensions can not occupy the entire building but only half of its surface.

In replacement of the bidet you can opt for the classic bidematic , a device that is attached to the toilet and comes in different options, of national and international quality.

But in addition, those people looking for other options of good design and functionality can expect to arrive in the country (and better still, that they occur here) toilets with bidet included .

For the time being, in Argentina the Sensowash toilet can be obtained from the German firm Duravit , who has registered a system that integrates three possibilities in a piece of white ceramic of pure lines.

Functioning. A spout inside the toilet sprays water jets.

This product allows the "general washing" to be carried out, in which the water temperature, the intensity of the jet and the position of the washing spout (which is located in the toilet bowl) are adjusted individually and can be stored under a user profile. The pipe and jets are automatically cleaned before and after each use.

Another Sensowash option is the "comfort wash", in which the wash spout moves back and forth with a continuous movement; and optionally an intermittent water jet can be activated with an alternative setting. The last modality is the "feminine wash" , which provides a cleaning with a special water jet at an anatomically correct angle. As in general and in comfort, in the program designed for women you can select some individual settings.

Product The company offers different alternatives with similar functionalities.

The famous French designer Philippe Starck is the author of this toilet that looks like a jewel for its exclusivity. And also, a little, for its price: in Argentina it ranges between 90 thousand and 100 thousand pesos .

It will not be obligatory to install the bidet in the new houses

It will not be obligatory to install the bidet in the new houses

It is a measure that will be approved in CABA and that will surely be transferred to the rest of the country.

The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is changing the Building Code and, from now on, homes and hotels that are built in the future may not have a bidet, an artifact that is part of the Argentine soul, national pride and the piece that most He misses travel.

Sywtz Hand Held Bidet Bottle Travel Bidet Portable Bidet Sprayer with Convenient Nozzle Storage Travel Bag 400ml
Sywtz Hand Held Bidet Bottle Travel Bidet Portable Bidet Sprayer with Convenient Nozzle Storage Travel Bag 400ml

The new law was sanctioned by the Buenos Aires Legislature and the norm must still go through a public hearing and a second reading, but the ruling says it will be in force before the end of the year. In most provinces it is mandatory to include the bidet in at least one of the bathrooms, or in the only bathroom. If the law is approved, other provinces can be united and, for example, the new hotels will not have the old and beloved Argentine bidet.

This new provision would be in line with what happens in other countries, where it is rare to find bidets, even in the 5-star category. In some they are replaced by elements similar to a shower or by implements that are placed in the toilet. The change, in addition, facilitates the possibility that the future houses are smaller, because the bathrooms may have less space. In fact, the minimum surface area of ​​a single studio was lowered from 29.30 to 21 square meters. The idea of ​​allowing smaller buildings is one of the guidelines of the new Building Code.

In the same way, it will not be obligatory to install bathtubs either. But in this case the explanation comes on the one hand very worthy: accessibility. For the disabled or the elderly, bathtubs can be a problem, especially in hotels. In fact, in many establishments in other countries there are only showers.

Another novelty, if approved this new provision that will surely be transferred to the rest of the provinces, is that the placement of windows in the medians will be allowed. Today, although they abound, they are all illegal.

-> He was born in Europe but grew up here

The bidet was born in Europe in the 18th century and was originally installed in the bedrooms. However, over time it has become an Argentine symbol. Interestingly, today in many European countries it is considered "unhygienic" or a luxury item. And, if it is included, it is with a tap behind and never with the jet below.

Goodbye to a "national pride": it will no longer be mandatory to install bidet in the homes

Goodbye to a "national pride": it will no longer be mandatory to install bidet in the homes

It is one of the novelties of the Building Code that sanctioned the Buenosairean Legislature. Hotels will not have to meet that requirement either. The placement of bathtubs will also be optional.

Portable Bidet, HANGRUI Travel Electric Handheld Bidet Portable 140ml Capacity With Nozzle 180?Adjustment for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing
Portable Bidet, HANGRUI Travel Electric Handheld Bidet Portable 140ml Capacity With Nozzle 180?Adjustment for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing

It's almost an Argentine classic, a national pride . It is also a rarity in several countries, where not even luxury hotels have them. And now they will not even be mandatory in Buenos Aires: housing and hotels that are built in the future in the City may not have a bidet .

This was defined in the new Building Code, which sanctioned the Buenos Aires Legislature. Although the norm must still go through a public hearing and a second reading, the ruling party has the votes to approve it before the end of the year.

Although it sounds strange to many, until now private homes should include the bidet. By law. This was confirmed in the Urban Planning Commission of the Legislature. And this is what is required, for example, when a developer presents the plans to build a building, since there is talk of a complete bathroom: lavatory, toilet, bathtub and bidet. As of the modification of the Code, the installation of the device will be optional .

This may have more relevance in the case of future hotels. And it goes in line with what happens in other countries, where it is rare to find bidets , even in the 5-star category. In some, they are replaced by elements similar to a shower, or by implements that are placed in the toilet.

The bidet was born in Europe in the eighteenth century, and originally installed in the bedrooms . Interestingly, today in many European countries it is considered "unhygienic", or a luxury item.

The change, in addition, facilitates the possibility that the future houses are smaller , because the bathrooms may have less space. In fact, the minimum surface area of ​​a single studio was lowered from 29.30 to 21 square meters. The idea of ​​allowing smaller buildings is one of the guidelines of the new Building Code.

In the same way, it will not be obligatory to install bathtubs either. But in this case the explanation comes on the one hand very worthy: accessibility . For the disabled or the elderly, bathtubs can be a problem, especially in hotels. In fact, in many establishments in other countries there are only showers.

The new Code also comes to regulate situations that have been commonplace for years but were not contemplated in the regulations. For example, it authorizes dry coatings and other construction materials and technologies. In some cases, they are not in the law because they did not even exist: the current Code was sanctioned in 1943 .

Another novelty: the placement of windows in the medians will be allowed. Today, although they abound, they are all illegal.

The bathrooms change: the bidet was already

The bathrooms change: the bidet was already

So expensive to be national, in Europe and the US they are replaced by modern artifacts.

Did you know that in Europe and the United States do not use bidet because they say it is unhygienic? ", Said the Galician and continued:" That's right, but for us Argentines, the bidet is sacred, a symbol of national identity. Now I am going to tell you one thing, badly that I regret, the bidet will disappear, but not because it is going to stop using, but because they are going to replace the toilets ". I smiled and the Galle cut me dry. "Do not laugh, it's going to happen", he threatened and he proposed to explain it to me: "Did you see Jorge organizing trips to Europe? Well, last time a passenger failed at the last minute and he took me to Germany, to the Black Forest itself, the land of the wooden cuckoo bird. There, what did you think? Visit a toilet factory.

SORBO Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer, Handheld Personal Bidet with 180? Adjustable Nozzle for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing White (Without Battery)
SORBO Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer, Handheld Personal Bidet with 180? Adjustable Nozzle for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing White (Without Battery)

The guy came with that the bidet is no longer going, that you have to know the new generation of toilets and, in the end, convinced me. For me, the bidet is essential, and it's not that I do not banque the Spartan rusticity of the latrines, nor the discomfort of the Turkish toilet, but, if I can choose, I choose to have a bidet. "

While the Galician continued with his monologue, I remembered that the bidet was invented in France in the 18th century and that it was used in the bedroom. At some point in history, he went from the bedroom to the bathroom and made a pair with the toilet. And it was true what the Galle said, in places like Spain or Mexico every time they use less. In England they consider it a French thing; in Germany, unhygienic; and in Italy, luxury accessory. Argentina is one of the few places in the world where it is part of the ideal equipment of what we call complete bathroom: toilet, bidet, bathtub and lavatory. A classic of hygienism that fueled urban ideas of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

When I returned to the conversation, the Gallego described the technical marvels of German bathroom accessories. "There were showers that got you wet in 20 different ways and memory taps, incredible things, but the most striking thing was a toilet with thermal board and built-in bidet." Galle raised his eyebrows and took his eyes out of their sockets. The German seller explained the qualities of the gadget avoiding rough images. You saw that talking about these things without falling for the easy joke is not for everyone. The Teuton, a gentleman, Jorge half laughed under his breath. Everything was fine until he slipped into the room had this system in their bathrooms. Then I wanted to go to the next level and the same thing happened to us both, but we became Olympians dolobus.

In the middle of the tour I escaped to the bathrooms and I see Jorge leaving. We greeted each other almost without looking at each other and entered. You do not imagine, a wonder: glossy, aerodynamic, solid, reliable, almost a Mercedes Benz. As soon as you sit down, the table heats up. You imagine what that warmth was for these Patagonian buttocks: a grated pat of the grandmother. But the best thing is bidet mode. The whole device is digitally controlled, you put a finger to a symbol with a trickle of water and from behind a sloping cannon. "The Gallego put his palm up and extended his index finger, retracting the rest.

With the remote control you make the little rod find the right location -the Galician moved his finger from top to bottom at a 45-degree angle. The issue is finding the ideal position, but you also regulate the water temperature and the angle of wetting. But stop: that's not all. When you finish, a warm wind comes out of the same place that dries you ".

The Galle fell silent and I thought I saw his eyes wet. He recomposed himself and finished off with the lost sight on the horizon: "It's a before and an after, for me, the bidet was already".

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Bidets are recommended for 9 health problems

The Bidets are recommended for 9 health problems

Doctors and specialists recommend the use of Bidet to improve and prevent the following diseases.

Anal fissure
Anal fissures can be very uncomfortable and painful. This medical condition occurs as a result of a small cut in the anal tissues that can cause pain, bleeding and even infections in more extreme cases. The most common causes of anal fissures are constipation, very dry or excessively large stools, etc. If you suffer from anal fissures you may feel pain when you relieve yourself, get blood in your stool or feel spasms in the sphincter muscle. Anal fissures can be cured in 4-6 weeks if the affected area is kept clean and the anal tissue is not irritated. The bidet is a great help for people suffering from this problem. Cleaning with paper can be painful and aggravate the problem producing more and more cracks. In addition, the cleaning with toilet paper does not guarantee a complete cleaning which can generate infections product of the bacteria that remains in the affected area. The bidet, with its water jet, is the most effective way to cleanse after making needs. Water also alleviates the discomfort that is felt by having irritated tissues.

Portable Bidet Sprayer and Travel Bidet with Hand Held Bidet Bottle for Personal Cleansing Use - Include Extended Nozzle - Personal Hygiene Care Toilet Bidet Shower/Bathroom Bidet Spray -21.8oz(620ml)
Portable Bidet Sprayer and Travel Bidet with Hand Held Bidet Bottle for Personal Cleansing Use - Include Extended Nozzle - Personal Hygiene Care Toilet Bidet Shower/Bathroom Bidet Spray -21.8oz(620ml)

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus or surrounding area that may be internal or external. It is possible to have several types of hemorrhoids at the same time. The external hemorrhoids come out of the anus and can be seen in plain sight while the internal hemorrhoids, although they can not be seen, feel and generate the same symptoms. Hemorrhoids are not serious for health but they are very common and can generate a lot of pain and discomfort. The causes are numerous. They occur frequently during pregnancy, in people suffering from constipation and / or overweight. Also, when there is excessive pressure on the pelvic veins, this usually leads to hemorrhoids. The bidet can be very beneficial for people suffering from this problem. Cleaning with toilet paper can generate excruciating pain due to the swelling and irritation caused by hemorrhoids. This can cause the person not to clean effectively which does not allow a complete cleaning and exposes the person to infections product of the bacteria that remains in the affected area. The water jet of the bidet refreshes the hemorrhoids and at the same time cleans the anal area completely. The water also eliminates the itching generated when the rectal area is not properly cleaned.

Rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse can be a mild or serious health problem, depending on the individual. Rectal prolapse occurs when the wall of the rectum is displaced. Mild cases of rectal prolapse can occur with just a constipation. In extreme cases, it can even go through the anal canal. In this situation, the wall of the rectum may come out of the anal canal during a bowel movement but over time the tissue may not return to its place. The bidet is the best tool for anal cleansing, completely eliminating unwanted bacteria and fecal matter. For people who suffer from rectal prolapse, if the rectum wall is not completely washed, this can allow bacteria to spread which can lead to an infection of the anus and even the entire digestive tract. The bidet relieves inflamed tissue, minimizes discomfort and completely stops itching. Many people who suffer from this condition pass blood and mucus through the rectum. The bidet removes these fluids without irritating the skin so that it feels fresh and clean!

Anal Fistula
Anal fistulas usually start as anal abscesses, which are cavities in the anal and / or rectal area that become infected and fill with pus. Approximately 50% of people suffering from anal abscesses suffer from anal fistulas. Small glands in the rectal and anal areas become infected, which produces a tunnel under the skin between the abscess and the glands. The fistula can perforate the skin of the buttocks where a tunnel is created that drains pus from the wound. Usually these wounds are treated with surgical procedures and antibiotics to treat the infection that the patient may suffer. Redness, pain, discomfort, swelling and drainage of the wound are common symptoms of anal fistulas. If you have anal fistulas or if you have had an operation as part of the treatment, the bidet can help. In fact, the bidet can help you prevent possible fistulas. Since the main cause of this affliction is infection of the anal and rectal areas, maintaining a high level of cleanliness is absolutely crucial. The bidet uses the power of the water to clean itself after using the toilet and all waste and fecal matter are eliminated. Removing toilet paper for cleaning reduces the risk of unwanted matter clogging the anal glands, which can also cause fistulas. The residual toilet paper can also clog the anal glands which in turn can cause anal abscesses.

Anal Itching
Anal itching, also known as anal pruritis, is a very common problem. If you have suffered from anal itching, you can attest to how uncomfortable it is for the pain and how often it occurs. There are many causes of anal itching and there are several treatments on the market. Some foods, infections in the anus or rectum, wet rectum, skin sensitivity, cancer and several other factors can cause anal itching. Sometimes it may feel itchy if it is not cleaned well after using the bathroom and the stool that remains can irritate and itch. Even diarrhea can itch or make it worse. The bidet can solve the problem of itching in several ways. When the itching is caused by an inflammation of the anal area, water can relieve the inflamed tissue. Some bidets can regulate the water temperature of the jet which allows you to use warm water to relieve the swelling and irritation that the person may feel. Staying clean helps prevent anal itching in several ways, eliminating the need to scratch and worsen any other condition you may have.

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease caused by the immune system itself and produces abnormal reactions to body tissue. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition that can cause pain and discomfort, inflammation in the colon and small ulcers that produce mucus and / or pus. You may need to use the bathroom more often because your colon will want to empty its contents. Ulcerative colitis is one of the most common inflammatory bowel diseases, the other being Crohn's disease. When there is food or bacteria in the colon, the immune system attacks it and responds in the same way when suffering from ulcerative colitis. The white blood cells move to the colon, cover the wall, which generates inflammation and small ulcers. Colitis can cause persistent diarrhea, blood in the stool, and the urge to go to the bathroom can increase dramatically. It also generates dangerous weight loss and loss of appetite. These symptoms appear and disappear without a pattern and you can spend a lot of time like this. Approximately 700,000 Americans suffer from ulcerative colitis. The bidet can be very useful to deal with the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and can make the visit to the bathroom easier and more pleasant. Frequent diarrhea can cause irritation in the rectum which can make it difficult to maintain a high level of hygiene in the anal area. Water is much less irritating than toilet paper and a soft towel can be used to dry after using the bidet. The warm water of the bidet can also help relax the sphincter muscles allowing a more comfortable defecation without the need to strain. Struggle can create other problems such as hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, anal fistulas, anal itching and anal fissures.

Irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome, known by its acronym as IBS, is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract that interferes with its proper functioning and the contractions that occur in defecation. IBS is not considered a disease as such but a set of symptoms, and in the past it is likely to have been diagnosed as spastic bowel, colon irritation, colitis or other conditions. The set of symptoms were named Irritable Bowel Syndrome because the causes can be physical or mental, but the negative impact on the lives of people suffering from IBS is very real. Before being diagnosed with IBS, you should feel abdominal pain, cramps, and discomfort at least 3 times in the 3 most recent months without any other identified disease. The discomfort and other symptoms that may occur usually happen when there is a change in the frequency of bowel movements and it is possible that the defecation generates some relief. There are four subtypes of IBS that depend on the type of bowel movement that is generated. These are:

The acronyms represent the type of stool you have. The bidet can help people suffering from all kinds of IBS. They relieve pain and other problems related to bathroom use. If you suffer from constipation, the water of the bidet can relax and stimulate the sphincter muscles, facilitating bowel evacuation. This can help prevent hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and even rectal prolapse. The residual toilet paper can also clog the anal glands which in turn can cause anal abscesses. Bidet jet water is gentler than paper and leaves it cooler without the irritation that paper can generate.

Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease is one of two types of inflammatory bowel diseases, the other being ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease is not limited to colon tissue such as ulcerative colitis but can affect all layers of the bowel wall. In addition, Crohn's disease can occur in any section of the gastrointestinal tract and not only in the colon. Another difference between Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is that Crohn does not attack the entire intestinal tract giving the impression when analyzing the unaffected parts, that the person enjoys a healthy bowel. Symptoms of Crohn's disease include pain and discomfort, loss of weight and appetite, fever, bleeding in the rectum during bowel movements, and a growing need to go to the bathroom. Other signs that Crohn's disease may be fatigue, night sweats, and in women, an altered menstrual cycle. A bidet can be a great investment if you suffer from Crohn's. Frequent bowel movements, bloody stools, and runny noses can cause irritation and pain in the rectum and anus and constant cleaning with toilet paper can aggravate the situation even more. Also, the skin can crack, causing small tears around the anus which in turn can generate anal fissures. This condition is perfect for an infection that can cause fistulas and anal itching. With the bidet clean properly, protect your skin, minimize pain and discomfort and avoid major complications of Crohn's disease.

An ostomy is an incision created surgically to allow waste to be evacuated. The main function of the ostomy is to create a detour that allows body wastes to drain properly by circumambulating diseased organs or tissues. The stoma is the living tissue that is removed through the incision and that allows the urine or feces to be evacuated from the body and deposited in a bag that collects the waste and then treated with special devices. There are several types of ostomies. The ileostomy is an incision that allows part of the ileum to escape through the skin. The colostomy is an incision that allows the colon to drain effectively. The urostomy is made to allow the urine to deviate from the bladder. One of the biggest problems with ileostomy or colostomy is acid. One of the main functions of the large intestine is to neutralize the acid in the stool. In the ostomy, faeces are evacuated before they pass through the large intestine and, therefore, have high levels of acid that can burn or damage if it comes in contact with the skin. The area around the ostomy can turn red, raw, very painful and a burning sensation is quite common. The bag needs to be changed and replaced frequently, which can aggravate skin irritation. Passing a piece of paper or gauze can be extremely painful because of the damage to the skin. The bidet can be highly effective for people with ostomies. Completely removing drainage to eliminate irritation is crucial but it is necessary to ensure that fibers or other unwanted particles contaminate the incision. The bidet allows a total cleaning of the skin and the bag with water instead of paper or gauze. Any acid residue from the waste is cleaned and there is no risk of contamination from the paper fibers. You can keep your ostomy and skin in the best possible condition by minimizing the risk of infection and you will no longer feel dreaded of going to the bathroom.

What is a bidet?

What is a bidet?

BidetsThe bidet are containers, like toilets, but where nothing else flows water by means of tap to give a deeper intimate hygiene.

lifewinico Travel Bidet Bottle,Portable Bidet Spray with Convenient Nozzle and Largest 450ml Capacity Water Personal Hygiene
lifewinico Travel Bidet Bottle,Portable Bidet Spray with Convenient Nozzle and Largest 450ml Capacity Water Personal Hygiene

The bidet has been evolving with the passage of time, although they still exist where only one opens the keys and the water jet comes out, currently there are new models which, with the help of new technologies, everything is controlled, from the air, water , up to the seat temperature.

These new models have the best technology, because by means of a remote control, one puts in the memory, at what temperature does the seat, water and air want, with what pressure does it want to come out, since they have the best technology, there are those that are only installed in the WC or with the furniture included.

The bidet begins to have a greater boom in residential bathrooms, but can also be found in hotels, giving a touch of sophistication and comfort for the user.

Why the bidet is the best for cleaning your ass

Why the bidet is the best for cleaning your ass

You rub with paper and the street. Seriously?

I do not understand people who have completely forgotten their anal hygiene. They believe that yes, they take it to the day, but they do not give importance to him and it is FULLY incomprehensible. Those people who settle for toilet paper, either triple layer or offer. Or that other group, the people who routinely shit at work and scrape the entire perianal area with that paper that could be sanding because, apparently, some enlightened thought that recycled cellulose and intimate hygiene would make a good match. What a nonsense.

2PCS-Pack Childbirth Cleaner - Puerpera Washing Bottle - Kids Bidet - 350ML Reusable Travel Bidet Bottle with Convenient ON/Off Nozzle - English Maunal
2PCS-Pack Childbirth Cleaner - Puerpera Washing Bottle - Kids Bidet - 350ML Reusable Travel Bidet Bottle with Convenient ON/Off Nozzle - English Maunal

And this is because we have the sublime and sublime sanitary completely forgotten. A demonstration of progress, a work of engineering whose importance is at the height of, I do not know, the antibiotics, the escalators or the hummus of the Mercadona. Yes, I'm talking about the bidet or bidet. A piece of cult of porcelain that little by little has been denoting itself until being relegated to the use of posarrevistas, to soften the hardness when you do the pedicure or for a worthy Czech-Czech when you have the menstruation.
The Japanese toilet is funny even useful, but the bidet does not. Why? Photo via Wikimedia Commons

But friend that you are behind the screen, the amount of benefits that entails soaking your perianal area with cool or warm water - the temperature that your delicate and demanding sphincter demands - to remove stool remains is priceless. I will name them one by one, but all in due time.

Because perhaps the first reaction that comes to your mind is that cleaning yourself with the bidet is disgusting. Something like your hand is going to feel shit in a forbidden place that is not made to be touched if you have it stained. Error, crass error. Unlike. It is an act of accepting and loving yourself because you are aware of what you produce and excreta, and your intelligence and responsibility meets what your anatomy, diet and digestive system have not been able to solve at all.

For example, if you stop to think about the liturgy with toilet paper, all you do is scrub your delicate skin a piece of paper folded against the remains of yesterday's dinner once and again and again. And the hairs, if you have them, that were there to their own, without messing with anyone, suddenly impregnate themselves with "that" until another rubbing returns to "clean" and get tangled forming a smelly pellet called " tarzanillo "because never, ever of the jamases, that area will be totally gleaming with a simple piece of dry cellulose.

If you stain your hand with something extremely disgusting that smells bad, are you satisfied with your hygiene by just passing a clinex on the surface? Exact. What the hell is going on with your ass?

You can tell me that the final solution is wet wipes. Sure, a pleasure that a few years ago was only available to babies now you enjoy inside your buttocks. They are perfumed above and blah, blah, blah.

Having said that, here are the benefits and drawbacks of the bidet (or bidet):


  •     You do not use paper or, in any case, you need very little to take the fat.
  •     Your perianal area is always like fresh out of the shower.
  •     The freshness If ever a curious drop has caressed your anus and caused you between stupor and gustito, with the bidet you will enjoy it.
  •     It is known by the Tibetan monks that who enjoys a complete anal hygiene with a bidet, achieves a totally full spiritual and physical life. Okay, this is not real, but if they knew the bidet, they would meditate giving themselves an agile.
  •     An exercise in courage, to accept what your body expels. This I have already said, but it is that we do not pay attention to ourselves.
  •     Use the house bidet that nobody uses, especially if you're an uncle.


  • They do not appear.

Anyway, as I said at the beginning, I can not understand how people can continue their day to day with the semilimpo eye. Surely these people demand fidelity to their partner, decent work to their bosses and sincerity to their friends. They will not be satisfied with a semi-fidelity, a semi-dignified work and a friend who lies to them, but with the hygiene of their eyes yes. They can go all day without a clean ass. Seriously, my head explodes.

Do you need help with your bidet?

Do you need help with your bidet?

The bidet is that element that often causes confusion, especially if we are designing the remodeling of the bathroom or our first home is it necessary? What happens if I do not place a bidet? Are they all the same?

Although the use of the bidet responds mainly to habits and the culture in which we are immersed, in this opportunity we bring you a mini guide with everything you always wanted to know about the bidet. So before deciding whether or not to put one in your bathroom , do not miss this book of ideas that will surely get you all the doubts.

Portable Travel Cleaning Nozzle Sprayer Handheld Bidet Bottle for Personal Hygiene HG155
Portable Travel Cleaning Nozzle Sprayer Handheld Bidet Bottle for Personal Hygiene HG155

What is it for?

The bidet is a toilet in the shape of an oval bowl with a water outlet and drain that serves to wash the intimate parts, perform sitz baths and is also used for cleaning the feet. When used after the use of the toilet, the bidet is usually located next to it, occupying twice as much space as if you had only the toilet in the bathroom. Although the function is the same as that of toilet paper, many people prefer it because the cleaning performed with the bidet is deeper and more hygienic.

Are there alternatives to the bidet?

If you are used to using the bidet but the space available in the bathroom does not allow installing one, a comfortable option is to install a shower near the toilet, like the one in the picture, this allows you to have the same comfort of the bidet and save space.

Another option is to acquire the toilets that have built-in the bidet and are activated by a command.

How to use a bidet?

Using the bidet is easier than it seems, in the first place the position in which we must sit is the same as the one we use in the toilet, it is important to know how to regulate the temperature and the intensity of the water in order to have the most comfortable way to clean up In case any condition requires, the bidet can also be used for sitz baths, for this the bidet is filled and the medications to be used are placed.

How to choose the best bidet?

When designing the bathroom we must take into account the available space, evaluate if placing a bidet removes a space that we can use otherwise more functional and if possible, see all the possibilities of models since the designs vary and in the last years have been designed in more elongated and compact formats. In case we decide to use the space for some modular or other elements, there is always the possibility of the toilet with built-in bidet, although it has a higher cost is a worthwhile investment.


We can not tell you if it is really necessary or not a bidet at home, the answer will depend on the customs of each one, yes, if you are not using the bidet, the most advisable thing is not to invest in one because it will really be an ornament.

How much?

Like all sanitary ware, the cost of the bidet will depend on the chosen model, the variation is wide and depends on the style and details that we choose, at this cost we should not forget the faucet and the installation, for more information we recommend checking: Picazzo Sanitarios .

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of having a bidet at home runs first on the side of hygiene and practicality, especially if there are older people among the inhabitants of the house, the bidet can be a great alternative for cleaning. One of the great disadvantages has to do with the amount of space that is needed to install one, however this disadvantage is easily resolved as we said before.