Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How to clean ass when diarrhea

How to clean ass when diarrhea

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC) recommends that disposable gloves be worn when cleaning diarrhea or other body fluids. You can use reusable rubber gloves if you wash and disinfect them after each use. If you do not have gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when you are finished.

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Portable Handheld Bidets with USB Charge Function, Mini Sprayer Toilet Kit Accessory for Travel Outdoor(Blue)

To clean diarrhea from the skin , such as a person's backside:

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Use damp paper towels to clean up the stool, and place the used paper towels in a plastic trash bag.
  •     Gently wash the area with warm water and a soft cloth. Rinse well and dry completely.
  •         Do not use any soap, unless the area is very dirty. If you need soap, use only mild soap, such as Cetaphil.
  •         If there is a rash on the skin, do not clean the skin with wet wipes that contain alcohol or propylene glycol. These wipes can make the skin burn.
  •     Remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.

To clean diarrhea from bedding or dirty clothing :

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Clean away any remaining stools with paper towels. Put the used paper towels in a plastic garbage bag. Small amounts of easy-to-clean feces can be cleaned with toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.
  •     Wash clothes in the washing machine, preferably with hot water, using laundry detergent. You can add bleach to the wash cycle, if desired.
  •     After finishing handling dirty clothes, remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.
  •     Dry clothes in a hot dryer. Note: There is no need to disinfect the inside of the washer or dryer after completing an entire cycle.

To clean diarrhea from hard surfaces , such as the toilet seat or bathroom floor:

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Clean stool with paper towels. Put the used paper towels in a plastic garbage bag. Rinse the surfaces with water.
  •     Disinfect hard surfaces with diluted bleach or disinfectants purchased in the store. To dilute the bleach, follow the instructions on the label.
  •         If you mix your own diluted bleach, wear glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from splashing.
  •         Keep in mind that diluted bleach can remove the color of some hard surfaces.
  •     Remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.

How disgusting it is not being able to wash your ass after shitting

How disgusting it is not being able to wash your ass after shitting

The inevitable question that assails us when the toilet paper is finished.

You are at that festival that is held every summer in your city. The sun shines and a reggae band gently rocks the crowd with its melody while you return to buy a round of beers in plastic cups for all your friends. Nothing could spoil this wonderful moment ... But then your guts start to roar ostensibly.

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It seems that the combination of beef tacos, fried sweet potato with guacamole sauce and hazelnut latte that you bought at the food stand three hours ago wants to go out. You stand for four minutes lining up next to the portable toilets and, as soon as you get into one and close the door, you sit down and unload. You enjoy a brief moment of relief before you realize, horrified, that there is no toilet paper. Oh shit! Also, really.

You have no choice but to put your shorts back on and go back to your friends, with the embarrassment of knowing that you have not completed one of the basic points of the protocol they taught you at four years of age.

How bad is it not to cleanse?

A gram of faeces can contain about 10 million viruses, a million different bacteria, a thousand cysts of parasites and a hundred worm eggs, according to the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations . So now you go around, walking with all those possible threats attached to the ass and separated from the outside world only by a thin layer of denim and another cotton.

Sometimes, and imperceptibly, particles of faecal matter from the clothing or body can end up in the hands, the environment and even back to your own body - the transfer of germs from your hands to your mouth is very common of acts such as eating or drinking.

"In terms of hygiene, it's absolutely unacceptable" not to cleanse yourself, says Aaron Glatt, a professor of medicine at South Nassau Communities Hospital and a spokesman for the American Society for Infectious Diseases. "Find something to clean yourself with," he implores. "Use water or plant leaves, whatever."

The risk is greater for women. In your case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and cause an infection

The situation could get worse depending on the type of poop, adds Phlip M. Tierno, a professor of Microbiology and Pathology at the NYU School of Medicine. "If you go loose, the particles can be dispersed even more," says Tierno. And it is that the liquid feces would remain impregnated in the clothes and would cross the barrier of the pants and the underwear with much more facility.

The risk is greater for women. In your case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and produce a urinary tract infection.

That is one of the reasons why Tierno recommends that, when we foresee the possibility of having to go to a toilet in worse conditions than usual, take at least one package of tissues and an alcohol-based disinfectant. Come on, we have to be cautious if we go to a festival, a place in the middle of nature or a rest area on the highway in the middle of nowhere.

What do feces contain?

Stools are waste expelled by the body, so all infectious diseases and bacteria that we could carry in our body are "packaged" in them before expelling them. Bacteria such as E. coli , enterococcus , or parasites that cause diarrhea or other germs whose effects can range from annoying to deadly spread through droppings . Norovirus , which in countries like the USA is one of the main causes of diseases and outbreaks due to eating bad food, is also lodged in our intestines.

Perhaps it will be a comfort to know that you can consider yourself lucky if in the near future you have access to a hole to bend over and a shower.

"Four out of ten people in the world do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box, nothing."

In her 2008 book, The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters , the journalist Rose George mentions statistical data from the UN, according to which 2.6 million people in the world do not have access to a system of sanitation. "And I'm not saying they do not have a washbasin at home and they have to use a public one, or a separate one from the house or even a ramshackle hut with a primitive drain," he says.

What George means is that "four out of ten people do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box. Nothing. Instead, they are forced to defecate next to the tracks of the train or in the forest, in plastic bags that they throw in an alley ".

Public health problems resulting from a lack of a sanitation and waste disposal system can be truly alarming. Lack of hygiene and water contamination by faeces are responsible for one out of every ten diseases in the world, according to WHO researchers who Georges cites.

Although the poop presents very serious risks, in areas with more advanced sewerage and sanitation facilities, our immune systems fight a constant battle against a flood of lower-level germs scattered by fecal particles and, in general, emerge victorious.

So, although you do well to worry when you run out of toilet paper, fortunately, and thanks to the way our body fights fecal germs, it ends up being more of an inconvenience than a real risk factor, according to Tierno.

How extended are the fecal particles?

"As a society, we swim in faeces," says Tierno. "People do not wash their hands well, even when they have access to a sink, so they end up spreading the fecal particles to other areas of the body."

A simple Google search reveals that it is quite common to find faecal remains on objects such as yoga mats , coffee cups or kitchen faucets . As it was once said in an old book, everyone defecates, creating a degree of bacterial nuisance that societies and individuals are able to fight with more or less success.

This means that going for several hours without having cleaned your ass is just a level of discomfort over the fact of holding the fecal load that is hidden in your hands and on the surfaces that you touch on a daily basis.

A small portion of stool attached to the body simply intensifies that fight, but the guarantees of success are probably present in any way

"Obviously, that person will be irritated," says Tierno. However, it is a "mild" discomfort in terms of public health. In the developed world, our body is constantly fighting germs and microorganisms with relative success. A small portion of stool attached to the body simply intensifies that struggle, but the guarantees of success are probably present anyway.

On the other hand, the chances of contracting E. coli or norovirus by contact with fecal matter in a public event are even lower, because "people who are sick have stayed at home," says Tierno.

Therefore, although it is not exactly good to spend a couple of hours dirty at the bottom, the safest thing is that nothing happens to you either. As soon as you have the chance, clean yourself well and ready.

The keys to good anal health

The keys to good anal health

The practice that makes HIV transmission more likely is to receive unprotected anal sex. But the taboo hinders the dissemination of information to enjoy it in a healthy and hygienic way.

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There is little talk of anal sex. It is, at least, what scientists and activists think about health and the pleasures of the place where the digestive system ends. They argue that the taboo that surrounds this practice makes it difficult for those who enjoy it to be well informed and do so in the most healthy and hygienic way.

For this reason, one of the sessions of the 22nd International AIDS Conference, held at the end of July in Amsterdam , was dedicated to the topic. Top-down anal sex, beliefs, behaviors and policies for better health was the title of the round table around which a dozen researchers and activists of the LGTBIQ collective sat.

What makes a talk like that in a congress like this? Although their own organizers were suspicious of associating AIDS and anal sex, they did not want to miss the opportunity to bring up the subject. Not in vain, it is the sexual practice that most likely makes the transmission of HIV: only a blood transfusion, which causes an almost safe infection (more than 92%), generates more risk of receiving the virus of a person who carries it who receives anal sex without protection. This is so, as dermatologist Henry de Vries explained, because the layer of cells that form this cavity is very thin, so it is easier to break it allowing the virus to enter the body.

The probabilities of transmission (see the graph below) may vary depending on the proliferation of the virus in the body. If a person with HIV gets their viral load undetectable, which is usually achieved when the antiretroviral treatment is taken correctly, the possibility of contagion is zero. A new study presented in Amsterdam made this evidence even stronger; In the experiment, with more than 70,000 serodiscordant couples, not a single contagion occurred.

This reality and drugs like PreP, a prophylactic drug that prevents transmission if taken before and after sexual contact, are tools that the AIDS community considers crucial to stop the epidemic . A movement is emerging in the community of men who have sex with men who are even abandoning the condom. "For years I have lived with fear and I have undermined my pleasure using condoms, not for years," said Kenyan activist Mutisya Leonard. "If we recognize that sex without a condom is more pleasant, perhaps we would change the way of research so that there are other types of products that people can use," he argued.

Although little has been studied about anal sex and health, most studies are focused on men, while more and more women are practicing it.

The scientists, however, insist that PreP should not be presented - which is not even available in many countries yet - as an alternative to condoms. Abandoning the prophylactic is the opposite of what doctors recommend, since not only prevent HIV infection, but also other sexually transmitted diseases. However, it is a reality to which researchers do not turn their backs. Several groups are studying the action of topical microbicides that are applied to the anus before or after having sex and avoid infection. According to a study presented by Alex Carballo-Dieguez , almost nine out of ten men who have sex with men have used anal showers (enemas) before having sex. "Getting a substance that is diluted in water and can be part of that shower would be a great advantage," he says. This interior cleaning, until now, has only proven an improvement in hygiene, but does not bring any added health benefits.

Substances that are also widely used in anal intercourse are lubricants. In the talk Introduction to anal health , De Vries, explained the pros and cons of each of them. Thus, while those based on water are safe in combination with prophylactics, being more aggressive for the mucosa, without them they can increase the risk of HIV transmission. Compounds with oils are not safe with condoms, but without them they have the advantage of lasting longer. Finally, those that rely on silicone, can be used with condoms safely, but are not compatible with toys of the same material, because they "create a dirty and sticky feeling."
Most likely, the condom

The condom is still the safest and recommended method to prevent HIV and other venereal diseases that are also transmitted in anal sex, with even more likely in many cases because of the fragility of this cavity. Syphilis, hepatitis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum or herpes simplex also often enter through the exit door of the human body. Some have better treatment than others. One of the biggest problems of global health is that of bacteria resistant to antibiotics , which can cause 2050 more deaths than cancer. There is already a supergonorrhea that does not respond to any of the drugs that exist, something that can become a major threat to public health.

Although alternative methods to prevent HIV transmission are advancing, condoms are still recommended for protection against other diseases

The human papilloma virus is another microorganism that is transmitted through sexual contact. Although it may not even give symptoms, it increases the risk of cancer in the places of contact: penis, mouth, vagina (cervix) and anus. As it is a disease that is very associated with age, a few years ago it was not very present among the seropositive, who used to die before. But since the turn of the century, HIV has gone from causing a deadly disease to a chronic disease. More and more people age with the virus and anal cancer is growing among them (although, in any case, it is still very unlikely). "We need to do more research to learn more about epidemiology," said De Vries.

"There is still a lot we do not know about health and anal sex," according to Jose Bauermeister, of the Center for AIDS Studies at Harvard University. Studies are scarce and focused on homosexual men, while the practice is also growing in other groups. A 2010 survey in the United States revealed that it increased among women: one in four aged 20 to 29 had practiced it, a portion that was decreasing at older ages.

Kimberley Vance, director of the organization ARC International, which fights for the rights of the LGTB community, claimed that it is a practice that they can also enjoy: "They do it with a great lack of information because of the taboo that it supposes. Traditionally it has been used as an alternative to pregnancy, so it is more common that precautions are not taken and health is put at risk, "he says. This reality is also evident in countries where homosexuality is prohibited and punished. In them, according to the Kenyan Leonard, besides not being present in the conversation, any anal disease is hidden for fear of reprisals. The activists are challenged to put the issue on the table. In the words of Paraguayan Sergio López, from Somosgay, "the revolution starts in the ass".

Complete guide for perfect anal cleansing

Complete guide for perfect anal cleansing

To which I am going, that this weekend I have had a sensational guide that explains in detail how to do a good anal, or rectal ... or colon wash ... Enough! How to clean your ass, pussy.

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That nobody (except the very slutty) likes to stumble or pull it out like a ColaJet at best or like an ice cream crocanti at worst. Not to mention the shame of being the one who blemishes.

So, friends ... to the subject!

Thanks to blindjaw for this fantastic illustrated guide to do a bass cleaning. The texts are in English (promises a translation soon), but the drawings are explanatory enough not to get lost. Anyway, I will comment one by one.


1. There are 2 types of washing: the fast, for a powder within the next couple of hours, and it will take you 10 to 30 minutes; and the full one, an intensive 30 minutes to two hours! Inidcado for long sessions, monstrous cocks, fisting or gigantic dildos.

First you have to choose the instruments to use: the shower (with its adapter, sold in Amazon or Aliexpress if you do not want to spend a kidney in the sexshop of the neighborhood), the knob, the commercial enemas or the hot water bag (see the description in the drawing, you share).

For emergencies, Hermione the Hemorrhoid recommends a bottle of mineral water bought in the Chinese corner or the hotel's vending machine.

2. First, enjoy a good shit. No hurry and without cleaning, we do not want an irritated eye. The guide is based on the use of rubber shower as a cleaning element, being the one that the author recommends, but the same concepts work for the other utensils.

The tap has to be at half pressure, no savages that you granallen the anus. The temperature, warm / lukewarm, nor freeze (which constricts everything) nor scald. We remove the drain cover. Yes, you're going to throw everything in the shower, not the toilet. Do not be me fagot! They are pipes and in the end they all go to the same place, what is the difference?

That the vertical trickle is about 10-12 cm high, enough. Direct it to the hole, let the water pressure do all the work. No need to push the beast, no lubricant will irritate your anus.

3. To fill out! Quick cleaning: Calculate 5 seconds to fill the rectum and remove the hose. Do not pass, if the water passes the sigmoid flexure and reaches the colon ... you've screwed up. The water will remove ugly things and we will have to go through the complete cleaning, or surprises may arise that are not very pleasant while they fuck you.

An enema knob is enough.

Complete cleaning: Count up to 30, you have to fill the ascending and transverse colon. If you can not, stop, relax, give it a few seconds and keep counting. It is important to do everything or if it will not take you long. In terms of knobs they are from 6 to 10.

And now comes the part with foundation ...

4. Let it go!

To shit, come on. Point to the sink and do not worry about the dirt you're riding. It can take several pushes.
Use the water pressure to force the shit through the sink.
If the poop is very solid, plug the hose in and dismantle it. Or squash it with your big toe like it was a bug.

It is a disgusting process, but inside what fits what comes out comes from you, better to mount a candle in the shower than in bed.

5. Clarify and repeat.
In the fast wash, repeat a minimum of 5 times the process. It can take you up to a dozen, relax, do not get impatient. If the water comes out with some color or smell, repeat it. If the water does not come out clear after several times, you may have gone to the colon and now you have two options: go to complete cleaning or stop and tell who you are going to fuck with this time there will only be oral sex or what will you do active. If the water comes out clean ... congratulations, that's it, a little soap, rinse and dry.

In the complete wash, the water stays in the colon, some comes out but another stays there, there is a lot to evacuate. Usually it takes about 5 complete evacuations or so get rid of it until it comes out clean, but it depends on the day, the person, everything. You will have to provorte several cramps to remove it all.

6. On this page you have several postures that help to release all the water: yoga posturitas, bailongueros movements, shake the potbellied, soap, play with your fingers in your anus, get one ... When the trips come it will be really disgusting, but it is expected. You have to repeat the process until everything comes out clean.

7. How do you know everything is already clean?
  • If you get out of the shower and have intestinal noises ... come back.
  • If the water smells bad, something stays inside.
  • If it comes out with mucous, it means that you have already cleaned everything.
  • Sometimes the process ends with a fart. That means it's already there, but if it smells of lightning ... it mistrusts.
  • There is usually a feeling of emptiness when it is over. It is a skill that is improved with practice.
  • If after a long time only a stream of clean water comes out ... perfect!

Hermione the Hemorrhoid gives us some last advice:

  • Use a digital scale to weigh before and after and so know if you have water inside (I see this a VERY inaccurate bullshit).
  • Eat fiber Help.
  • Using a jet of cold water at the end of the process feels like lightning, but it can accelerate things.
  • And finally remember that each body is different and that this guide must be adapted to each person, who may need more, less water ... with practice you learn.

And that's it. Fuck safe, have fun and, for God's sake, sip a little soap and clear up after everything is over.

You can find this fantastic guide HERE , and if it's translated, I'll put it in full.

Continuing with the implementation of the trans-orthopedic and trans-heteroscedastic cispatriarchal agenda, this is an issue that affects all men who practice sexual exchanges with individuals of our same sex ... good gender ... well .. aaaaghhhh! what a fill of political correctness LGBTQRIRQTR, pussy.

It's worth for liabilities, it's worth for versatile, it's worth for assets (you're no less fag because you do not wash your ass well, fuck) and, so that they do not call me a misogynist ... it's also good for women!

Monday, January 14, 2019

The right way to clean your ass after going to the bathroom

The right way to clean your ass after going to the bathroom

Many of us do not touch hygiene issues either because of grief or why they are simply taboo, but the reality is that we all go to the bathroom , and many times we have problems after having bad hygiene at the time of cleaning . Although it does not look like it, the anus is an area of ​​the body that is just as sensitive, which can contract bacteria and pass them to other parts of the body, so it is important that you know the correct way to clean it.

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Did you know that from the moment you dry your bottom, or the wet ones, you can be committing hygiene mistakes? You can be irritated or you can cause a bad smell. It seems like a silly question, since you 've probably been cleaning your ass more than you could write your own name. But if we all do it the right way, why are brands in underwear a common problem?

Dr. Joel Krachman, MD, Chief of Gastroenterology at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center says there are no rules as such when it comes to cleaning, except you should not do it quickly or very loudly, top to bottom or bottom, or fold the paper , all methods have the same effectiveness. However, many people who do so forcefully or quickly irritate the anal area, which can cause painful anal hemorrhoids or abscesses.

When that happens, it is advisable to use wet wipes instead of paper. In fact, many people have chosen to use paper towels to avoid these types of problems and have a much greater feeling of cleanliness, but are wet wipes really better?

Ryan Meegan, one of the creators of Dude Wipes, uses this analogy to explain it: "If you had chocolate in your arm or hand, you would not just use a dry paper towel, right? " he says. "You would use a wet paper towel or a wet wipe to make sure you remove all the substance." It also says that there is no need to buy brands of expensive wipes, it should not be a big investment since they have the same effectiveness and it is much better to avoid the aromatic wipes.

Another effective way to clean your bottom and economical is to apply to the toilet paper 3 drops of antibacterial liquid so that there is less "movement of bacteria".

On the other hand, it is not only good to clean your ass when you go to the bathroom, in the shower is also a great place to clean yourself perfectly and not only soaking your bottoms in water. The best strategy is to use a hand shower for direct cleaning. I recommend buying a bar of soap specifically for your butt because like the vagina, it is an especially sensitive area. Look for a soap that is soft for the skin and neutral, that will be more than enough.

10 tips you should know before re-entering a public bathroom

We know you have to be very careful when going to a public restroom, and many people have certain opinions about what is hygienic and what is not, but here are 10 things that you should apply before going back to enter a bathroom. Public bathroom and that will save you from many so many hygiene problems. Take note.

1. First of all, look for the cleanest bathroom.

This means that the bathroom you enter does not have splashes of water, there is no paper thrown on the floor, there is only clean water inside the toilet and there are no stains in a cup. If you notice it a bit dirty, look for another one that gives you more confidence, your instinct is wise.

2. Always check for toilet paper.
The toilet paper is essential for you to have a less unpleasant experience. Not only should you check if there are so you can clean your private parts, but also serve to protect you from several things that I comment below.

3. Wrap the paper cup if there are no toilet covers.
Many people say that it is a tremendous waste of paper, but the truth is that you will be protecting your intimate area from any bacteria found in the toilet.

4. Fan a ball of toilet paper in the toilet to keep it from splashing.
If you normally feel "aguilita" and splash all over when you pee, I promise you that it is worse than you think because the water in the toilet is NOT clean either. If you throw a small ball of paper into the toilet, it will prevent the water from splashing.

5. Sit down, do not play "aguilita".
Many say that you do pee squatting, but complementing the previous point, there are more bacteria inside the cup than on the surface and it is much more dangerous for water to splash on you. If you feel there is a much higher chance that you will not get vaginal infections.

6. Never leave the toilet with your hands.
Use your feet or cover your fingers with toilet paper because the squeegee is one of the dirtiest parts of the toilet, even if you do not believe it.

7. Lower the lid before pulling the toilet.
This will prevent water from splashing and the next person will suffer the consequences.

8. Take more care of the floor than of the toilet.
If you are worried about the cup, the ground is really alarming. Believe it or not, this is the area where there are more bacteria so if you plan to stop the floor, leave your bag there or let your clothes touch it when you go to the bathroom you will be committing a mortal sin.

9. Do not forget to take wet wipes in your bag.
If you do not carry wipes in your bag, you will not be able to touch many things in the bathroom. They will be super useful even to open the sink key and to close it without touching bacteria again.

10. Do not open the door with your hands when you leave.
Always push it with your body, and if you have to use your hands, do not forget to use the wet wipe.

7 Secrets for a good anal cleansing

7 Secrets for a good anal cleansing

Obviously we are going to talk about practices that you can not do minutes before going into action with your boy. But they are very efficient if you know that there will be fun that night, especially so that you do not screw up. And I say it, literally.

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LOSKDMMJIO Faucet-Brass Matte Black Toilet Portable Bidet Shower Set with Hot and Cold Water Bidet Mixer Handheld Bidet Faucet [Energy Class A++]

For many children, it ends up being a hell, a time of pleasure, because of the fear of possible surprises, that is, to dirty or dirty your sexual partner. But we're going to give you some basic tips so you can always have your ass clean and edible. And this goes for everyone, but particularly for the passive and versatile (many believe they do not need it) and to avoid living a moment of shame in front of that boy they like so much. First, you must choose according to your needs and comfort, among the many options you can use for effective anal cleansing :

Enema: is a bag made of synthetic rubber, able to withstand high temperatures, connected to a rubber hose, and a plastic nozzle. The enema, being a tool that is not connected to the shower, can be hung at the top of the shower to help the water flow.

Enema pumps: these are usually the cheapest in the market, however they are able to store little liquid, which means carrying out the process several times to achieve optimal cleaning.

Tubes of injection of shower: it is a tube or nozzle of plastic, steel or aluminum, that is connected to the hose of the shower (removing first the normal head of the shower) and that allows to regulate the temperature and the flow of water with the tap. Nowadays, tubes come in different sizes and shapes to make your cleaning experience a pleasant and fun moment.

It is also important to remember that this type of cleaning is always done inside the bathroom, preferably in the shower and of course follow the following tips:

  1.     Check the water temperature: if you are using the shower bag or enema, take the bag with enough hot water (but not very hot). For rest use always warm water. It is important that you do not use liquid soap with water, because commonly the chemical with which the soap is made can be harmful to those internal parts of the rectum. If on the other hand you are using the shower injection tube, place the water flow smoothly, the idea is only to fill the internal part of the anus with water, it is not a pressure cleaning.
  2.     Lubricate your anus: place lubricant around the no and inside it, as when you will have a penetration. This will help the mouthpiece entrance of any of the utensils you use.
  3.     Cleaning time: carefully insert the head or tube into the anus, until it reaches a little beyond the hole. The idea is to fill the inner part of the ass with water.
  4.     When you are full, stop and take out the head: you will feel full inside, as with a pressure or desire to defecate. Gently remove the hose from the entrance of the anus. The important thing is that you have filled the rectum with enough water so that all the dirt comes out easily.
  5.     Now to wait: before releasing the water that you have inside, get upright and massage your abdomen a little to move the intestines, in order to move the solid waste that may be.
  6.     Expel the water: squeeze your buttocks and sit as you normally do in the toilet. And without force, let the water fall. You can squeeze a little later to ensure that all the water has been expelled. Get rid of the dirty toilet, so that when you repeat the procedure you can see if the water is coming out clean or not.
  7.     Repeat the procedure: the recommendation is to repeat steps 3 to 6, until the water comes out completely clean. However, it is important that you do not fill the rectum with a lot of water in the repetitions, because it can get stuck in areas of the colon and leave when you do some movement, at an unexpected moment.

At the end, and after the respective shower, you are ready to calmly and safely enjoy the anal penetration with your sexual partner. Remember that fecal matter is usually composed of microbes, bacteria and other organisms that can easily transmit STIs , so we recommend always having the habit of anal cleansing and using condoms and lubricants in all your sexual practices, to avoid that you swallow it. .

How to fight irritation in the anus with 3 cleansing remedies

How to fight irritation in the anus with 3 cleansing remedies

Three cleaning tips to avoid irritation in the anus

A correct anal cleansing, after going to the bathroom, is one of the essential factors for our and to avoid irritation in the anus. Anal cleansing influences two reasons:

3 Pack- Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet, Teal Color: bluegreen teal Model:
3 Pack- Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet, Teal Color: bluegreen teal Model:

    A cleaning with inappropriate products or techniques can irritate the anal area. For example, too vigorous cleaning using toilet paper.

    If the cleaning is insufficient, the remains of feces contribute to increase the irritation in the anus

That is why we should never underestimate the importance of correct anus cleaning after going to the bathroom. Before you start thinking about ointments or other remedies for itchy anus, this should come first! Otherwise, with an incorrect anal cleaning, nothing will work! Now, how do we not irritate the anus with the cleaning, but at the same time leave it well cleaned so that the remains of feces do not irritate it? Keep reading 🙂

Tip number 1: Avoid toilet paper and wet wipes!

Yes, I know ... This advice can be difficult to follow when we are not at home . Obviously, if we are in the office, in a restaurant, or any other place away from the comfort of our home sweet home, we will have no choice but to use toilet paper. The other tips below address these cases. But for now let's focus on the ideal case, which is when you're at home.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the toilet paper irritates the anus a lot . Wet wipes are also not recommended, since moisture is precisely one of the causes of irritation in the anus . It does not matter that they are dermatologically tested, everything that leaves us wet year should be avoided!

The best cleaning is with a jet of water, do not use soap or sponge. If you have a bidet in the bathroom, use it right after the bowel movement to clean yourself. Do not even touch the toilet paper. Just water.

If you have a bidet, use it!

If you do not have a bidet, use the handle of the shower. This is great because the water pressure will clean you perfectly . Sit on the edge of the bathtub and with the handle you clean well.

If your shower does not have a handle (it is one of those embedded in the wall) then it will be a little more uncomfortable and you will have to strip to get in the shower and help your hand to "pump" the water to the anus. But believe me, it will be worth it ! What is a bit of discomfort, in exchange for being much better the rest of the day?

Another important thing: cleaning must be outside the anus, not inside. Do not try to open the anus and put water to clean it "inside", since that can irritate it more. Clean it well, but always on the outside.

When you are going to dry , try not to rub with the towel . When drying the part around the anus, do it by exerting a light pressure with the towel, but do not drag it on the skin . That would irritate the area of ​​the anus.

Tip number 2: If you have to use toilet paper, try at least not to rub

If you have no choice but to use toilet paper, because you are out of the house, try to rub as little as possible . Clean yourself by lightly touching the skin with the paper, and throw it away: do not drag it on the skin. Think as if you wanted to clean an ink stain on a table, using a paper napkin, without messing the table. You would not put it on top and drag it on the table, since that would scatter the ink. But you would put the napkin on top, you would let it absorb a little, you would separate it from the skin and pull it.

Tip number 3: If you have to use toilet paper, clean yourself before getting out of the cup

Another fundamental thing: clean yourself while sitting in the cup , before getting up from it !. When we get up from the cup, our buttocks press around the anus, because of the upright position we adopt. This spreads the dirt around the anus, which we have not yet cleaned, through the perianal area, which ends up stained. From then on, the cleaning we do will not be as good as if we cleaned before getting out of the cup, when the dirt is concentrated in the anus and not in all its outline. Getting up before cleaning will promote irritation in the anus because we will need to rub more (and for longer) with toilet paper, which will cause more irritation.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Does your bathroom have a bidet? Learn to take care of it!

Does your bathroom have a bidet? Learn to take care of it!

Beloved in some countries and unknown in others, the bidet is the ideal toilet companion in any bathroom. If you want to always be free of bacteria and tartar, do not miss these tips.

LUCKSTAR Mini Bidets Sprayer Nozzle 180? Rotatable Portable Fresh Water Spray Electric Self Cleaning Bidets Sprayer for Baby Gravida Women
LUCKSTAR Mini Bidets Sprayer Nozzle 180? Rotatable Portable Fresh Water Spray Electric Self Cleaning Bidets Sprayer for Baby Gravida Women

The curious bidet

What for some may be the most normal, for others it may be the strangest. Is that the bidet is not used in all parts of the world, so it belongs to the set of curious things of certain cultures.

For me, the bidet is common, and I'm surprised to see bathrooms that do not have one, but the reality is that it is only used regularly in Argentina, Uruguay, the Middle East, certain countries in Asia, such as Japan and Thailand, in the world Arabic, in Greece, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain and Italy, which does not mean that if you are of another nationality you can have one in your home.

tips to optimize bathroom lighting 4

The use of the bidet

For those who do not know, the bidet is an earthenware device that goes in the bathroom, usually next to the toilet, which serves to clean your bottom with water, without the need to use toilet paper. For many this seems unpleasant or strange, but for those who use it, it is a solution to the problem of intimate hygiene every day, especially for the elderly, with obesity or some physical difficulty. It can also be used for a quick foot cleaning, refreshing intimate areas or as a comfortable cat rest (they love to sleep on the bidet).

The cleaning of the bidet

As you know, the bidet is in regular contact with fecal matter and urine, therefore, like the toilet, it needs a deep and periodic cleaning to make it a healthy place and does not represent risks for your family.

For this case, the best as always is bleach or bleach, with which you can get rid of germs with just one pass a day. If you want to do a deep cleaning, you must cover the drain with the corresponding lid, fill it with water, place some bleach or bleach and brush the entire surface. Then uncover and let water run to rinse.

Tartar is another frequent bidet problem, but it is solved quickly as it is done with other parts of the toilet. This article will help you: How to clean the scale of the toilet.

Having a healthy bidet is possible, but like everything, it needs some commitment and frequency of cleaning. And you, do you have a bidet ? Tell us how you take care of it!

How to clean the bidet?

How to clean the bidet?

The cleaning of the bathroom is ALWAYS very important. It is constantly close to getting dirty. Therefore, it is necessary to know the methods to keep it clean. Each sector, each object of the bathroom, has its way of washing. Next we will tell you how to clean the bidet .

Soda or Water Bottle Fitting Pocket Lota Bidet and Screw on Soda Water Bottle Bidet
Soda or Water Bottle Fitting Pocket Lota Bidet and Screw on Soda Water Bottle Bidet

What do we need?

  •     Cream cleaner
  •     Sponge
  •     Scented cleaner
  •     Cloth

Steps to follow:

    Step 1:
    We loaded the water bidet by plugging the drain and opening the tap. If it is with hot water, better. Then we download it.
    Step 2:
    We remove the dirt that remained after the first step.
    Step 3:
    With the sponge, we apply the cream cleanser. We apply it in all the bidét. We give special importance to the drain that is where there is always waste. Then, we let the product take effect for a few minutes.
    Step 4:
    Rinse as in the first step.
    Step 5:
    With the cloth, we apply the product with aroma, so the bidet remains with a nice smell and gives a sample of its cleanliness.

I hope you have served them and get a shiny bath. Until next time!

The bidet - By Jorge Sosa

The bidet - By Jorge Sosa

It is an artifact of massive use but no one has dedicated a miserable literary essay. I'm going to redeem him.

Fdit Portable Handheld Personal Bidet, On-The-Go, Travel Bidet with 620ML Water Capacity for Personal Cleansing Use
Fdit Portable Handheld Personal Bidet, On-The-Go, Travel Bidet with 620ML Water Capacity for Personal Cleansing Use

I want to do, in this solemn moment, a tribute, according to my highly deserved criterion, to a device of massive and frequent use that never of the jamases, still never forever, has deserved a novel of some outstanding writer, not even a miserable literary essay that highlights its virtues: the bidet. Oh, noble gadget where daily we put our buttocks fleetingly! How little men have said about you! I'm going to redeem you.

Not in all countries the bidet is used, in some a chirurgical attachment is used attached to the toilet that acts as a. But as an apparatus it exists in very few countries. It is also used in some European countries (few) and in Japan, which gets to install this type of artifacts in public bathrooms. In other countries they do not know how to use it and many put it on the roof because they think that as it has a jet it should work as a shower.

Some time ago I wrote a poetry that in one of its parts said:

The bidet leaves you anus ... swum,

Because you know that inside a criminal

Stay in ambush

Every day it happens to you that he assaults you

That jet from the snowy artifact.

If we had to compare it with an animal we would do it with the whale, which usually emit aerial jets from its back. However, the bidet is related to the horse. The word bidet comes from the French and means "caballito", in allusion to the posture that is used to use it. We assemble it, daily.

It is a kind of modest fountain, a low basin-type bowl with running water and drainage. Running water comes in clean and comes out ... well, you know. It is manufactured, in its most common ways, with porcelain or earthenware. It has a certain similarity with the toilet, it is your permanent companion, and the bidet is destined to finish the task that one executes in the toilet, because it is delineated to clean the perineal area and the anus, although it can also be used to wash the feet or the face when one arrives at the house with the body overflowing with fernet.

Some refuse to go to a public toilet because they do not have a bidet. They prefer to walk constipated than to submit to the groping of hygienol or an old sheet of newspaper. Or new, according to the rush. They puke until they reach the bathroom of their house.

The most important thing about the bidet is its jet. It has to be a determined jet, with force, well ejected from its holes, not a weak one that does not reach its destination. A bidet with a weak jet is a frustration, one has to fit well inside the device, force its anatomy to go well down in order to achieve its purpose. Nor does the jet have to be so powerful that one ends up stamped on the ceiling.

Usually it is aggressive when the winter, in those cold days that invade us, as it has happened in the last winter, and the jet is frozen. Then it happens as a temperature shock throughout the body and one tends to dodge the bulge or hole, to be more precise.

On the other hand, in the summer, your liquid caress is pleasant and you tend to stay longer, not to clean yourself but to comfort yourself. So much pleasure causes that many people start reading about the bidet while the water takes care of their private parts.

At night, when the bathroom is unoccupied, in the dark, when the medicine cabinet closes its eye because it does not have to reflect, the bidet makes fun of the toilet paper: "You are a clean buttocks of paper. There is nothing softer than water, gilún. "

Someone could say that the bidet is going for the poto, however he has fun with the cards, he is the only artifact in the house who can play dirty ass, the only one to whom one gives his private parts and who submits to that small ascending alluvium of the Mendoza River.

Luckily in the country it is a settled custom. Next to the Argentine toilet, the Argentine bidet, with its huge open mouth, gives us the peace of mind that this domestic fountain will have to point us and will surely hit the target, in reality in the black.

The bidet well deserves a farewell poem:

Ico, ico, white horse

No reins, no message,

Ico, ico, take me riding

Through the white pampa of the tiles

With your watery impulse

Until I feel that my old fret,

Blasting, blasting

Your advice followed

And it is immaculate.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the Bidet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the Bidet.

Distended post of the series " species in danger of extinction " (those objects or customs that for one reason or another are going out of use). Today is the Bidet's turn. Cultural issue, or costumbrista, the bidet (bidet in French) is a low container with running water and drainage , generally made of porcelain or earthenware, designed to cleanse the intimate parts (clearer in wikipedia: designed to cleanse the genitals and anus). Depending on the country in which we are, the bidet is an essential container or a useless object in the bathroom. The use of the bidet generates heated debates on the web. For this, I have summarized the positions on two sides, those who are in favor and against:

Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable Travel Bidet, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag Mom Washer
Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable Travel Bidet, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag Mom Washer

Reasons to be in favor of the use of the Bidet:

  • . It is more hygienic than paper.
  • . By not using paper, there is less erosion (no scraping).
  • . It gives a greater feeling of cleanliness.
  • . It has more glamor (what the paper?).
  • . He is surprised when he is not there.
  • . Not using it is like washing a car without water.
  • . It is more ecological because paper is saved.
  • . Spend less water than a shower.
  • . It keeps the melon cold when there is no room in the fridge (this one is not very convincing.)
  • . Cleaning with paper is in poor taste.
  • . It is a complement to the daily shower.

Reasons to be against the use of the bidet:

  • . It is useless and occupies place.
  • . It is an old article and it belongs to the past.
  • . Its little use ends up transforming it into lavapiés, nail cutter or magazine rack.
  • . It does not replace paper.
  • . It is more ecological because it saves water.
  • . It is used to avoid the daily shower.
  • . When using paper only there is no hands-kk contact.

Where it is used a lot: France (60 percent of the people), Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal (with horizontal jet), Argentina and Uruguay (90 percent and vertical jet, is the element that most miss an Argentine- Uruguayan who travels the world.) and in some parts of Asia.

Other methods used for personal hygiene:
Tunisia or Brazil, there is no bidet there. They replace it with a kind of hose through which pressurized water comes out. There is also a rumor (which I find funny) without scientific support that the Chinese do not use paper to clean themselves, and that if they used it, the forests in the world would end (?).

In short, those who do not have it do not miss it and those who have it can not be without it.

For those who do not know and want new experiences, a link to how to install a bidet in the bathroom.