Monday, January 14, 2019

How to fight irritation in the anus with 3 cleansing remedies

How to fight irritation in the anus with 3 cleansing remedies

Three cleaning tips to avoid irritation in the anus

A correct anal cleansing, after going to the bathroom, is one of the essential factors for our and to avoid irritation in the anus. Anal cleansing influences two reasons:

3 Pack- Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet, Teal Color: bluegreen teal Model:
3 Pack- Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet, Teal Color: bluegreen teal Model:

    A cleaning with inappropriate products or techniques can irritate the anal area. For example, too vigorous cleaning using toilet paper.

    If the cleaning is insufficient, the remains of feces contribute to increase the irritation in the anus

That is why we should never underestimate the importance of correct anus cleaning after going to the bathroom. Before you start thinking about ointments or other remedies for itchy anus, this should come first! Otherwise, with an incorrect anal cleaning, nothing will work! Now, how do we not irritate the anus with the cleaning, but at the same time leave it well cleaned so that the remains of feces do not irritate it? Keep reading 🙂

Tip number 1: Avoid toilet paper and wet wipes!

Yes, I know ... This advice can be difficult to follow when we are not at home . Obviously, if we are in the office, in a restaurant, or any other place away from the comfort of our home sweet home, we will have no choice but to use toilet paper. The other tips below address these cases. But for now let's focus on the ideal case, which is when you're at home.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the toilet paper irritates the anus a lot . Wet wipes are also not recommended, since moisture is precisely one of the causes of irritation in the anus . It does not matter that they are dermatologically tested, everything that leaves us wet year should be avoided!

The best cleaning is with a jet of water, do not use soap or sponge. If you have a bidet in the bathroom, use it right after the bowel movement to clean yourself. Do not even touch the toilet paper. Just water.

If you have a bidet, use it!

If you do not have a bidet, use the handle of the shower. This is great because the water pressure will clean you perfectly . Sit on the edge of the bathtub and with the handle you clean well.

If your shower does not have a handle (it is one of those embedded in the wall) then it will be a little more uncomfortable and you will have to strip to get in the shower and help your hand to "pump" the water to the anus. But believe me, it will be worth it ! What is a bit of discomfort, in exchange for being much better the rest of the day?

Another important thing: cleaning must be outside the anus, not inside. Do not try to open the anus and put water to clean it "inside", since that can irritate it more. Clean it well, but always on the outside.

When you are going to dry , try not to rub with the towel . When drying the part around the anus, do it by exerting a light pressure with the towel, but do not drag it on the skin . That would irritate the area of ​​the anus.

Tip number 2: If you have to use toilet paper, try at least not to rub

If you have no choice but to use toilet paper, because you are out of the house, try to rub as little as possible . Clean yourself by lightly touching the skin with the paper, and throw it away: do not drag it on the skin. Think as if you wanted to clean an ink stain on a table, using a paper napkin, without messing the table. You would not put it on top and drag it on the table, since that would scatter the ink. But you would put the napkin on top, you would let it absorb a little, you would separate it from the skin and pull it.

Tip number 3: If you have to use toilet paper, clean yourself before getting out of the cup

Another fundamental thing: clean yourself while sitting in the cup , before getting up from it !. When we get up from the cup, our buttocks press around the anus, because of the upright position we adopt. This spreads the dirt around the anus, which we have not yet cleaned, through the perianal area, which ends up stained. From then on, the cleaning we do will not be as good as if we cleaned before getting out of the cup, when the dirt is concentrated in the anus and not in all its outline. Getting up before cleaning will promote irritation in the anus because we will need to rub more (and for longer) with toilet paper, which will cause more irritation.