Monday, January 28, 2019

Move Free Advanced Plus MSM and Vitamin D3, 80 tablets - Joint Health Supplement with Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Knowledge about Osteoarthritis and Treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the oldest and most common diseases among humans. When a person has osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joints wears, which can cause pain and stiffness in the joints. OA is also known by many other names, such as degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis or hypertrophic arthritis. (Attention: Osteoarthritis is not the same disease as osteoporosis , which weakens the bones due to a loss of bone mass, which can result in rounded shoulders, loss of height and even painful fractures). There are many conditions and ailments that can cause OA: excess weight, injury to a joint; muscular weakness; damage to the nerves that supply the area of ​​the joints; synovial disease and even hereditary factors.

Move Free Advanced Plus MSM and Vitamin D3, 80 tablets - Joint Health Supplement with Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Move Free Advanced Plus MSM and Vitamin D3, 80 tablets - Joint Health Supplement with Glucosamine and  Chondroitin

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint, but it occurs more often in the small joints of the hands and in the joint at the base of the big toe (the "bunion joint"). It also usually affects the hips, knees and spine. Rarely affects the wrists, elbows or ankles, except as a result of injury or excessive exertion.

Researchers have shown that there are several factors that increase the risk of developing OA. These factors include heredity, obesity, joint injuries, repeated excessive use of certain joints, muscle weakness and nerve damage. These factors are analyzed below.

In some families, osteoarthritis can result from a hereditary defect in one of the genes responsible for collagen, one of the main protein components of cartilage. This results in defective cartilage that deteriorates faster. It is possible that during the youth such problems do not pose any difficulty, but with the passage of time the joints may wear away. Women who are predisposed to this condition due to hereditary factors, could develop bony nodules in the joints of the fingers.

People born with minor defects that prevent the joints from fitting and moving properly, such as bowed legs or a hip with congenital abnormalities, may be more likely to develop OA. Being born with too flexible joints also increases the tendency to develop osteoarthritis.

Studies indicate that obesity increases the risk of OA in the knee. The researchers found that body weight during the middle and late years seems to be the most important factor in the risk of a person developing osteoarthritis of the knee, especially during the period of eight to 12 years before the symptoms appear. . Therefore, avoiding excessive weight gain as the years go by or losing weight may help prevent osteoarthritis of the knee.

Muscular weakness
Studies have shown that individuals with weak quadriceps (upper thigh muscles) may be more likely to develop OA of the knee than those who do not suffer from muscle weakness. Also, OA of the knee is more likely to progress if the quadriceps are weak.

Injury or excessive use (occupational)
Some people develop osteoarthritis in certain joints due to injuries or excessive uses of specific type. A history of significant knee or hip injuries increases the risk of developing OA in those joints. For example, football or football players who injure their knee may have higher risks. Avoiding trauma or joint injuries can help prevent osteoarthritis.

Joints that are used repeatedly in certain tasks may develop osteoarthritis. The tasks that require bending the knees multiple times seem to increase the risk of OA of the knees. There are studies that indicate, for example, that miners or shipyard or port workers have higher OA rates of the knees. Fortunately, there are methods to modify these tasks in order to prevent damage to the joints due to excessive use.

The frequency of OA increases with age, and is more common in people over 65. OA affects men and women. Up to 50 years old, OA is more common in men. After this age, it is more common in women.


Doctors believe that some people can reduce their risk of developing OA or delay its onset. Some of the same techniques that are used to treat OA can also be used in their prevention. Controlling weight is very important in helping to prevent OA of the knee, staying physically active, taking care and avoiding certain occupational injuries and adapting the jobs that require loading and flexing the knees also helps prevent OA.

Although the incidence of OA reaches its peak around 45 years, more and more young people are developing the disease. In certain cases, OA results from childhood sports injuries that manifest approximately a decade later. Children with congenital disorders may also present OA prematurely. Research shows that young people who work in the military may also be more prone to the disease.

In general, the affected joint or joints hurt more after using them in excess or after periods of inactivity. You may find it difficult to move the affected joint easily, but it should not become completely stiff.

If you do not move and exercise the affected joint, the muscles around it will weaken and sometimes even shrink. In turn, weak muscles may not be able to fully support the joint. This could cause more pain in the joint. You may also notice negative changes in both coordination and posture.

What happens when you have osteoarthritis?
In normal joints, a firm, elastic substance called cartilage covers the end of each bone. The cartilage provides a smooth and slippery surface that facilitates the movement of the joints and acts as a cushion between the bones. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage between the joints wears out and causes symptoms such as pain and swelling, as well as problems using the joint.

Cartilage wear in osteoarthritis occurs in several stages:

1. The structure of the cartilage begins to change over the years. When this happens, the cartilage loses its elasticity and is more prone to damage due to injury or excessive use. The timing of these changes, as well as the extent of these changes, depends on factors such as inheritance, traumas suffered by the articulation and others.

2. Over time, the synovium (the lining of the joints) becomes inflamed as a result of cartilage wear. The inflammation produces cytosine (inflammatory proteins) and enzymes that could cause greater damage to the cartilage.

3. As the cartilage wears, the underlying bone is exposed and the joint can lose its natural shape. The ends of the bones become denser, forming bony shoots, or spurs.

4. Cysts full of fluid may form in the bone next to the joint. Pieces of bone or cartilage may float loose in the space of the joint, causing further inflammation of the synovium.

In addition to cartilage wear, the fluid found in the joint may play a role in the disease process. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint and is necessary for it to function properly. Joint fluid is mainly made up of a substance called a hyaluronic acid substitute. In osteoarthritis, there may be more hyaluronan than normal, but it may be diluted. It is also possible that there is a change in the quality of the hyaluronan found in the joint fluid, which could diminish its protective function.

Affected joints

OA joints usually hurt more after using them in excess or after periods of inactivity. It is likely that it will be difficult for you to move the affected joint after getting up in the morning, or after using the joint more than usual.

If you do not move and exercise, the muscles around the affected joint will weaken and sometimes even shrink in size. Weak muscles may not be able to fully support the joint. This could cause more pain in the joint . It is also possible to observe negative changes, both in coordination, posture and walking.

Trochanteric bursitis is often confused with arthritis of the hip. Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of the bursa, a small pocket full of fluid that is located between the bone and the muscle. The trochanteric bursa is on the promising bone on the side of the hip. Although you may have hip arthritis and trochanteric bursitis, bursitis is more common.


If OA affects your hip, you may feel pain in your groin, inside your thigh, or on the outside of your hip. Some people feel pain reflected in the knee or on the sides of the thigh (that is, they feel pain in an area that has not really been affected). Pain may cause him to limp when walking.


You may feel pain moving your knee. You may also feel a "rough" or "grab" feeling in the knee when you move it. Climbing or descending stairs or getting up from a chair can be painful. If pain prevents you from moving or exercising your leg, the large muscles that surround the area will weaken.


OA in the joints of the fingers can cause pain, swelling and, over time, the formation of bony shoots (spurs) in these joints. If the spurs are formed in the joints of the end of the fingers, they are called Heberden nodules. If they appear in the joints of the center of the fingers, they are called Bouchard's nodules. You may notice redness, swelling, tenderness, and pain in the affected joint, especially during the initial stage of OA when these nodules are forming. These nodules can cause pain in the joints of the fingers and make them look thicker. Activities that require fine movements of your fingers, such as pinching, can be difficult.


If OA affects your feet, you may feel pain and tenderness in the large joint at the base of the big toe. Wearing tight shoes or high heels can make the pain worse.


Chronic disc dislocation of the spine and the bony outbreak that this entails can cause stiffness and pain in the neck and lower back. In addition, it could exert additional pressure on the nerves of the spine. This is commonly known as contracture. You may feel pain in your neck, shoulder, arm, lower back, or even your legs . When OA affects the nerves of the spine, it may manifest as weakness or numbness in the arms or legs.

Differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Some confuse osteoarthritis with rheumatoid arthritis . As you will see below, these are very different diseases. Some people may have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis at the same time.

It is also possible that some confuse osteoarthritis with osteoporosis. Both diseases focus on problems with the bones (literally, osteo means bone), but they are not the same. Osteoporosis causes bones to lose mass and become brittle, which can lead to painful fractures.


• Usually begins after 40 years.

• It affects approximately 27 million adults in this country.

• It usually develops slowly over many years.

• It affects some joints and can occur on both sides of the body.

• Redness, warmth and swelling are usually minimal. Morning stiffness is frequent and may be severe, but brief (less than 30 minutes).

• Normally affects only certain joints, such as those of the hands, hips, knees and spine. Rarely affects the wrists, elbows or ankles, except as a result of an injury.

• Does not cause a generalized feeling of illness.

Rheumatoid arthritis

• Usually begins between 30 and 60 years.

• It affects approximately 1.5 million adults in this country.

• It can develop suddenly, in weeks or months.

• It usually affects many joints, but it often starts in the small joints on both sides of the body.

• Causes redness, heat, swelling and morning stiffness in the joints (which often lasts for hours).

• Affects many joints, such as wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles.

• It usually causes a general feeling of illness and fatigue, as well as weight loss.

Your doctor usually diagnoses osteoarthritis based on your medical history and a physical examination. However, your doctor may also recommend additional procedures, such as x-rays , that will help confirm the diagnosis, eliminate other causes of pain, and determine the extent of damage to the joints. Joint aspiration, a procedure through which the fluid is removed from the affected joints for examination, could also be used to rule out other diseases.

A good treatment program can help reduce joint pain and stiffness, improve joint movement, and increase your ability to carry out daily activities. A plan will be designed exclusively for you, which should include a combination of physical and / or occupational therapy , gentle aerobic exercise , weight management , patient education and medication. If these measures do not produce results, consideration could be given to the surgical intervention .

Your treatment program will depend on the severity of your illness, the affected joints, the type of symptoms and other medical problems. Your age, occupation and daily activities will also be taken into account. You will work in collaboration with your doctor and other health professionals, such as physical and occupational therapists, in order to ensure that the program meets your needs.

The role of physical activity

One of the best things you can do for your OA is to simply move. It may seem contradictory, especially when your body hurts, but moving is truly the best medicine for pain. Unlike other diseases, exercise is considered part of the treatment for OA, perhaps the most effective part of the treatment, and not just a way to deal with the disease. The American College of Rheumatology recommends exercise, particularly aquatic exercise , in its guidelines for treating OA of the knee and hip.

In fact, research shows that exercise can really affect the course of OA. After reviewing several studies of knee OA was found associated with a greater amount of cartilage in the knee and fewer cartilage defects. Another study found an increase in anti-inflammatory activity in the knee joint in women with knee OA immediately after performing intense strengthening exercises of the thighs.

Of course, you should talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. This will give you recommendations on what is best for you and design an easy-to-follow plan for you. You should try to do three types of physical activity regularly:

Slow, gentle stretching can help prevent joint stiffness and make it easier to start moving in the morning. Yoga and tai chi may be helpful for individuals with arthritis. These types of exercises can improve flexibility, increase muscle strength and help you relax. Talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program.

If you do not think you are ready for a stretching class, such as yoga or tai chi, your doctor or physiotherapist can teach you some gentle stretches to do at home.

Aerobic activity 
Performing physical activities on a regular basis is extremely important if you want to be successful in controlling OA. Doing exercises provides many benefits, such as decreasing pain. Aquatic aerobic exercises, walking and stationary bicycle exercises cause less stress on the joints and are good for your general physical condition.

Exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the affected joints are also important. Ask the members of your medical team to help you design a program that suits your specific needs.

Strengthening exercises 

Also important are exercises that strengthen and / or increase the resistance of the muscles that surround the affected joints. When the muscles surrounding an articulation weaken, the joint loses its ability to function properly. Ask the members of your medical team to help you design a personalized program.

Flexibility and balance exercises
To help prevent falls, try to do soft elasticity or flexibility exercises daily. When you perform muscle strengthening exercises, you must add some stretches; Always stretch the muscles when they are hot to minimize injuries. Finally, add exercises to improve balance, thus reducing your risk of falls. Tai chi or yoga are good options, walking back or standing on one foot serve to practice balance.


Staying at your recommended weight or losing weight if it is excessive brings many benefits, such as living a longer life and helping to prevent OA of the knees. This will reduce pain by reducing stress on the joints that carry the weight (hips, knees, back and feet). It will also help you look and feel better.

The rule for weight loss is to eat fewer calories and increase physical activity. Research has shown that for every extra pound, an additional 4 pounds of pressure is exerted on your knee. Losing just a few pounds, if you are overweight, can have a positive impact.

There is also no diet for OA, but in general you must follow a balanced diet, based on foods of plant origin, as indicated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). About two-thirds of your diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, in addition to whole grains and the rest include lean protein.

Assistive devices

Assistive devices often help those who have pain or whose instability limits their physical activity and are not eligible to undergo an operation, or wish to postpone it. These assistive devices can help reduce pain and improve your ability to move.

Assistive devices often help those who have pain or whose instability limits their physical activity and are not eligible to undergo an operation, or wish to postpone it. These assistive devices can help reduce pain and improve your ability to move.

Supports, splints, splints and braces are examples of artifacts that provide external support to help stabilize the joints, give them better support, correct their alignment or prevent the joint from deforming further. Some, such as elastic or neoprene kneepads, can be purchased without prescription from pharmacies and medical supply stores. Your doctor can recommend other assistive devices, such as knee braces, splints, and orthopedic shoes that are made to order by a physical, occupational, or orthopedic therapist. They can be made of many types of plastic, metal, leather or moldable foam.

Canes and walkers are assistive devices designed to help you support your joints and / or allow the joint to rest while performing your daily tasks. They work by allowing you to eliminate some of the weight of the affected joint, or unload the joint, while walking, stopping or completing functional activities that require you to stand or walk. Check with your medical team before using them to ensure their proper use and that they fit properly.

The patellar tape, applied correctly by the physiotherapist, has been shown to decrease pain and stabilize the knee in those with patellofemoral OA.

Remember to avoid using assistive devices for extended periods, unless instructed by your doctor or therapist. This can weaken the joints that are inactive. Stop using them for some time and always use them according to the indications.

Physical and occupational therapy

You may find that OA limits certain activities , such as walking, bathing, dressing, climbing stairs, and doing housework. Physical and occupational therapists can help you improve your ability to perform such daily activities by:

• improve the range of motion of the joints, their strength and muscle strength;

• provide assistive devices such as canes, crutches, walkers, orthotics or insoles for shoes;

• teach you how to use heat and cold therapy correctly; Y

• teach the principles of proper use of joints and energy conservation.

The benefits of physical and occupational therapy include: less pain, easier to perform daily activities and less stress on the joints.


Controlling pain is the most complex part of managing OA. Pain creates a vicious cycle of inactivity, which leads to more pain, and therefore to greater inactivity. The unpredictable nature of the pain and fatigue that accompanies it, along with the impact on your ability to perform daily tasks, can lead to depression. However, studies show that most people control their OA symptoms through physical activity, physical or occupational therapy or any of the aforementioned techniques.

However, your doctor may recommend medications that help relieve pain. These can decrease the pain enough to start an exercise program. Some medications are taken daily, others are not. Your doctor will decide what is the best medication and dosage for you.

Here we talk about the most common OA medications. There is a range of other medications that are being researched for possible future use.


Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain. Acetaminophen ( Tylenol ) is a non-narcotic analgesic that is often used to relieve pain. It does not reduce the inflammation or swelling that sometimes accompany OA, but it is useful when the main problem is pain and is less harmful than NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for most people (see the next section). Although the number of potential side effects due to acetaminophen is small, there is a risk of damage or liver failure when high doses are taken. Do not take more than 4,000 milligrams in total per day. Carefully read the labels of all the medicines you consume, since acetaminophen is an ingredient that is added to many over-the-counter or prescription medications. This causes some people to take daily doses greater than necessary. Do not drink alcohol when you are under the medication.

Tramadol (Ultram ) is a narcotic- type drug that is prescribed by prescription that can provide greater pain relief than acetaminophen. Narcotic analgesics are occasionally used for moderate or severe pain. They can result in drug dependence and tolerance if they are used for a long time, which means that each time the dose must be increased to obtain relief. Narcotic analgesics include codeine and oxicodein. The adverse effects of narcotic analgesics are dizziness, nausea and constipation. Individuals with problems of addiction to certain drugs or alcohol should not consume them.

Always inform your doctor about the possible side effects of any medication, whether over-the-counter or by prescription you are taking.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help reduce pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints. In addition to aspirin, ibuprofen ( Advil ), naproxen ( Aleve ) and ketoprofen, whose sale is not restricted, there are many types of NSAIDs available with a prescription to treat OA.

The ingestion of NSAIDs could also lead to more serious problems, such as ulcers or gastrointestinal bleeding. If you experience any of these side effects, your doctor may prescribe another type of medication that does not cause these effects. Your doctor may recommend taking medications with food to avoid symptoms related to stomach problems.

Almost all NSAIDs generally have similar anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. You should not take aspirin (except the baby dose) while you are under NSAIDs or mix different NSAIDs, unless advised by your doctor.

The COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib ( Celebrex ), is a subcategory of NSAIDs, which has been shown to be less harmful to the stomach. However, it carries a risk of heart attack and stroke in doses higher than 200 mg per day. All NSAIDs, including COX-2 inhibitors, have the risk of causing a fall in kidney function.

It is essential to talk with your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of the medication, and work with your doctor while you are taking it to monitor how it works. Notify your doctor of any negative interaction you have while under this drug regimen.


The steroids most commonly used in the treatment of OA are corticosteroids . They are related to cortisone, a natural hormone of the body. They can be injected into the joint after joint aspiration in order to relieve the pain and swelling that are associated with OA. Corticosteroid injections in the same joints are generally limited to three or less per year, because repeated injections in weight bearing joints, such as the hips or knees, can result in cartilage damage.


Topical pain relievers come in the form of creams, gels, patches, ointments or sprays that are applied to the skin covering a painful joint. They contain combinations of salicylates, skin irritants and local anesthetics to relieve pain. Salicylates, such as methylsalicylate, work by stimulating blood flow. Irritants stimulate the nerve endings of the skin to produce a sensation of cold or heat, which distract attention from the pain itself.

Topical pain relievers containing capsaicin work by reducing the amount of substance P, which sends pain signals to the brain. You should not use topical analgesics with heat therapies. Using them at the same time can cause burns and serious damage.

Nutritional supplements

Some nutritional supplements , such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate , are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Both are natural substances found in cartilage. Some researchers believe that these substances could help repair and maintain cartilage. Some studies have shown that these supplements provide the same pain relief as NSAIDs in certain cases of OA pain; others have mixed results. Although in the country supplements are not recognized as treatment, British doctors use them as a second option in the treatment of knee OA. Tell your doctor if you are taking any supplements.

Therapy with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid therapy involves injecting the knee joint with hyaluronate, a substance found naturally in the joint fluid that helps lubricate and cushion it. In people suffering from OA of the knee, inflammation causes the hyaluronan to wear out.

Sodium hyaluronan ( Hyalgan, Supartz ) and hlan GF 20 ( Synvisc ) are two types of therapy with hyaluronic acid approved by the FDA for the treatment of OA of the knee. Hyaluronan injections are applied directly to the knee joint once a week for a period of three to five weeks, depending on the product used. Side effects may include pain at the injection site. Tell your doctor if you have any allergies to food, dyes, preservatives or animals before you get the injection. There is no convincing evidence yet of whether this therapy changes the natural course of OA or represents a benefit in terms of pain.


The majority of those who have OA will never need to undergo an operation. However, surgery could be useful if there are large joint damage, persistent pain in the joints and disability due to limited joint movement.

Arthroscopy allows direct examination of the interior of the joint to determine the extent to which the cartilage is damaged. In addition, arthroscopy can also be used to remove pieces of damaged cartilage in the early stages of arthritis or to smooth the surface of the cartilage. These procedures can help decrease pain and improve the functions of those with OA of the knee.

Cartilage transplants have been performed in people with localized defects in the cartilage, usually caused by an injury. These have not been approved for use in OA, where wear and loss of cartilage is much more extensive.

The osteotomy corrects the deformity of the bones when cutting and replacing the bone in a better position. The osteotomy of the tibia (shin) is done in order to change the position of the leg that carries more weight so that the weight falls on the healthy cartilage and knee pain is reduced. This intervention has become much less common since the emergence of joint replacement surgery.

Total joint arthroplasty involves resurfacing the surface of the joint that has been destroyed by arthritis. Surgeons can replace or repair damaged joints with artificial joints of metal, plastic or ceramic.

Total joint replacement has been done extensively for many years, and the results are excellent, especially on the hips and knees. Other joints, such as shoulders, elbows and knuckles can also be replaced. With new materials, better surgical methods and a broader understanding of the replacement joint , this type of operation has caused many people who were seriously disabled to become active again. However, implants do not last forever. Talk with your doctor about the best time to consider this option.

Non-pharmacological treatments

In addition to staying active and losing weight , you can fight the pain of arthritis with some proven remedies, such as the following:

Treatments of heat and cold . In general they are applied directly on the painful part, heat can be more useful for chronic pain and cold for acute pain. You can use bags of frozen chopped vegetables, which mold very well to the body or fomentations of hot water.

Relaxation techniques. Train the muscles to relax and decelerate the thoughts with deep breathing techniques, guided images and visualization , among others.

Massages Research shows that massage can help relieve arthritis pain, improve joint function and reduce stress and anxiety.

Acupuncture. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine needles into the body on special points called "meridians" to relieve pain.

Positive attitude. Several studies have shown that a positive disposition can strengthen the immune system and increase the ability to manage pain.

Some 27 million people in the United States have osteoarthritis. The tendency to develop osteoarthritis increases with age and affects both men and women. Up to 45 years old, OA is more common among men; after that age, it becomes more common among women.

Although OA affects millions of people, only a small percentage of them have obvious symptoms because of it. Osteoarthritis is a serious condition but it can be controlled; Most people improve thanks to the treatment. It is important to get the correct diagnosis and work with your doctor in order to design an appropriate treatment plan.


One in four adults will develop symptoms of hip OA upon reaching age 85.

One in two adults will present manifestations of knee OA during their life.

One in every 12 adults aged 60 or older has OA by the hand.

More than 80% of people over 55 will show signs of OA on x-rays.

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Treatment of pain in osteoarthritis

Review of osteoarthritis, the most common joint disease in the world.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease in the world. It is the result of mechanical changes and biological events that destabilize the balance between degradation and normal synthesis of articular cartilage, extracellular matrix and subchondral bone (Photo 1). It is said that OA is primary when there is no association with any underlying disease, and it is secondary when it is related to another condition . The most affected joints in primary OA are: cervical and lumbar spine, proximal and distal interphalangeal of hands, hips, knees, first metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal of feet .

Schiff Glucosamine 2000mg with Hyaluronic Acid, 150 tablets - Joint Supplement (Pack of 2)
Schiff Glucosamine 2000mg with Hyaluronic Acid, 150 tablets - Joint Supplement (Pack of 2)

The predominant symptom in OA is pain, which can be localized in the joint or referred, as in the case of hip OA, where there may be pain in the knee. Pain in OA is associated with joint movement and weight burden and decreases with rest. At the beginning it is usually intermittent and of mild to moderate intensity; later (usually years) it can be constant and of severe and disabling intensity. Other symptoms and signs are shown in Table 2. Radiographs are the most accessible imaging method in clinical practice for the diagnosis, staging of severity and evaluation of the progression of OA. However, patients with radiographic changes typical of OA do not always have symptoms. In a study conducted in the United Kingdom, a 17% prevalence of OA in the knee was detected among women aged 45-65 years, of whom only 2.3% had symptoms.

So far there are no treatments that have clinically proven to regenerate cartilage, so the main objective of currently available therapies is to improve the symptoms related to OA (pain specifically). Pain in OA is usually nociceptive and, as in all pain, treatment should be directed not only to intervene in the somatic components of the pain, but also to influence the cognitive components (beliefs, moods and behaviors). The treatment of pain in OA can be divided into non-pharmacological, pharmacological and surgical.

Non-pharmacological measures

Patient education programs are cost-effective. The most effective education plan is one that seeks to modify the behavior of the individual, help him to understand his illness, to make decisions about his therapy by means of the adequate information and to have adherence to the treatment plan. Patients with OA benefit from exercise, either directed to the affected joints and / or with aerobic conditioning exercises in general. Several studies have shown that pain decreases thanks to exercises carried out under supervision or with programs to be carried out at home.

It is necessary that obese people with knee or hip OA reduce their weight. Obesity is a risk factor associated with OA of the knee and hip. When losing weight, symptomatic patients with knee OA, even in a modest percentage, have less pain. The use of mechanical supports has been useful in controlled studies. Using a cane with the hand contralateral to the affected joint, either knee or hip, serves to reduce overload up to 60% in the case of the hip, which significantly relieves pain. The use of side heels, knee pads and patellar bands helps in specific situations, such as medial knee pain, instability or chondromalacia, respectively.

The use of cold-heat in different modalities (electrostimulation, acupuncture) is a recommended therapy to reduce pain in OA, although there are no controlled studies to prove its effectiveness.


Non-opioid analgesics Paracetamol at a dose of 1 g four times a day is useful to reduce pain in a large percentage of patients with OA. It has considerable pharmacological safety and is well tolerated. It is the medication of choice recommended by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) for the treatment of OA. The use of topical capsaicin (red chile component, substance P depletor) has been shown to reduce pain in controlled studies against placebo.

Opioid analgesics There are studies on the use of tramadol vs. Naproxen in which the decrease in the use of the latter and the combination of tramadol with paracetamol has been detected, which enhances the analgesic effect. The use of opioid analgesics in non-oncological pain is controversial due to possible dependence and its side effects (nausea, sedation, dizziness, constipation), so it is only recommended in patients in whom another type of analgesia has failed.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) . They are indicated in people who have not responded favorably to paracetamol. Some studies have concluded that NSAIDs are as effective as acetaminophen and others are superior to it. All the investigations available to date have been performed in the short term (less than six months), hence it is recommended to use them for short periods, assessing their potential unwanted side effects, particularly the risk of bleeding and others (lack of control of arterial hypertension). , heart and kidney failure). The use of misoprostol or proton pump inhibitors reduces the risk of gastrointestinal complications.

Symptomatic slow-acting drugs in OA (SYSADOA, symptomatic slow action drugs osteoarthritis).

The SYSADOA are a group of drugs that have proven their usefulness in OA by reducing pain and improving other symptoms. As the name implies, they have their clinical effect after months of use. Theoretically, they could modify the disease, but there are still no conclusive clinical studies.

Glucosamine It is a glycoprotein component of the articular cartilage matrix. Certain studies conducted with glucosamine sulfate have proven effective in reducing pain and improving joint function in mild to moderate knee OA. The necessary dose is 1,500 mg / day; its effects begin to be noticeable until three months after the start of treatment. There are studies in which glucosamine has been used for up to three years with good pharmacological safety.

Coindritin sulfate . It is a normal component proteoglycan of articular cartilage. Like glucosamine, it has proven to be effective in reducing pain in knee OA. The recommended dose is 1,200 mg / day. Currently, it is found mainly in presentations in combination with glucosamine.

Diacerein . It is a drug that blocks IL-1, so it has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it increases the production of the growth factor. This medication decreases symptoms and improves joint function in OA of the knee and hip. The recommended dose is 100 mg / day.

Unsaponified soybean / avocado oils . Initial research comes from France, where several controlled studies give it inhibitory properties, significantly reducing the progression of hip loss, compared to placebo. These oils improve symptoms and joint function in OA of the knee and hip, 6 since they inhibit IL-1 and metalloproteinases and increase aggrecan concentrations. The suggested dose is 300 mg / day for an indefinite period.

Intra-articular therapy

Intra-articular steroids The guidelines for the treatment of EULAR and ACR in knee OA accept that the application of intraarticular steroids are useful to relieve short-term pain in knees with joint effusion. It is believed that steroids have therapeutic effects for short periods (weeks) and that they could damage the articular cartilage, although there is a study that contradicts this. Still can not establish a consensus on this.

Hyaluronic acid . This is a normal component of synovial fluid and an important glycoprotein in joint homeostasis. Theoretically, the intra-articular application of this acid in the knee restores the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid in the OA and promotes the endogenous synthesis of the hyaluronic acid of high molecular weight. Through some studies it has been shown that hyaluronic acid decreases pain in the knee at 3-5 weeks of its application; this effect persists for 3-6 months. However, other investigations do not consider it superior to placebo. At present, repetitive intra-articular injections are only administered if there was a favorable response in the first course of applications.

Surgical treatment in OA . When non-pharmacological and pharmacological measures do not offer adequate control of pain and related symptoms, the required treatment is surgical. Joint washing and debridement may improve symptoms in some cases. Osteotomy in the recent OA of the knee can relieve symptoms and slow progression. A last resort is arthrodesis, which usually controls pain in some joints (carpus, spine, foot). Arthroplasty is necessary in severe OA (whose pain is disabling), removes pain and offers functional articulation for approximately 20 years.


OA is the most prevalent joint disease in the world. Pain is the most important symptom of this condition. The management of pain in OA should consider the cognitive and somatic aspects of it. No drugs are yet available that regenerate the articular cartilage, so relieving pain is one of the main objectives in the treatment of OA, with the subsequent improvement in quality of life. Nowadays there are non-pharmacological, pharmacological and surgical measures for the adequate treatment of this entity, which should be used according to the characteristics of each patient.

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Osteoarthritis - Diagnosis and treatment


During the physical examination, the doctor will carefully examine the affected joint, check for pain with palpation, swelling or redness, and test the range of motion of the joint. The doctor can also recommend imaging diagnostics and laboratory tests.

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Glucosamine with Chondroitin Turmeric MSM Boswellia - Joint Pain Relief Supplement - Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Pills by Vimerson Health for your Back, Knees, Hands - Natural & Non-Gmo - 90 Caps

Tests by images

Images of the affected joint can be obtained by imaging tests. For example:

  •     X-rays Cartilage can not be seen on x-rays, but cartilage loss is identified by narrowing the space between the bones of the joint. On an x-ray, you can also see osteophytes around a joint. Some people can get evidence of osteoarthritis by x-ray before presenting symptoms.
  •     Magnetic resonance (MR). MRI uses radio waves and a powerful magnetic field to produce detailed images of bones and soft tissues, including cartilage. MRI is usually not needed to diagnose osteoarthritis, but it may help provide more information in complex cases.

Laboratory analysis

Analyzing your blood or joint fluid can help confirm the diagnosis.

  •     Blood test. While there is no blood test for osteoarthritis, certain tests can help rule out other causes for joint pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  •     Analysis of joint fluid. The doctor may use a needle to remove fluid from the affected joint. Examining and analyzing the joint fluid can determine whether there is inflammation and whether the pain is caused by gout or an infection.


Currently, the hidden process of osteoarthritis can not be reversed but, in general, the symptoms can be effectively treated through changes in lifestyle, physiotherapy and other types of therapy, as well as medications and surgery. In general, exercising and having a healthy weight are the most important ways to treat osteoarthritis. The doctor may also recommend the following:

The symptoms of osteoarthritis, especially pain, can be improved with certain medications, such as the following:

  •     Paracetamol. Paracetamol (Tylenol, others) has been shown to be effective in people with osteoarthritis and with mild to moderate pain. Taking a higher than the recommended dose of paracetamol can cause liver damage.
  •     Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over-the-counter NSAIDs, including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB and others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve and others), taken at the recommended doses, usually relieve the pain of osteoarthritis. The most potent NSAIDs, available by prescription, can also reduce inflammation slightly along with pain relief.
  •     NSAIDs can cause upset stomach, cardiovascular problems, bleeding problems and damage to the liver and kidneys. Topical NSAIDs have fewer side effects and can relieve pain just as well.
  •     Duloxetine (Cymbalta). This medication is usually used as an antidepressant, but it is also approved to treat chronic pain, including the pain of osteoarthritis.


  •     Physiotherapy. A physiotherapist can work with you to create an individualized exercise program that will strengthen the muscles around the joints, increase range of motion and reduce pain. Gentle exercises that you do regularly on your own, such as swimming or walking, can be equally effective.
  •     Occupational therapy An occupational therapist can help you discover ways to do everyday tasks or do your job without adding extra effort to the already painful joint. For example, if you have osteoarthritis, a toothbrush with a large handle can make you brush your teeth more easily. If you have arthrosis in your knees, a bench under the shower could relieve the pain associated with standing.
  •     Taichi and yoga. These movement therapies include stretching and gentle exercises combined with deep breathing. Many people use these therapies to reduce stress in their lives, and research suggests that tai chi and yoga can reduce the pain of osteoarthritis and improve movement. If the instructor in charge has the corresponding knowledge, these therapies are safe. Avoid movements that cause joint pain.

Surgery and other procedures

  •     Illustration of knee osteotomy
  •     Knee osteotomy
  •     Illustration of a hip affected by osteoarthritis before and after hip replacement
  •     Artificial hip
  •     Images of a knee before and after replacement surgery
  •     Knee comparisons

If conservative treatments do not help you, you can consider procedures such as the following:

  •     Cortisone injections Injections of corticosteroid medications can relieve pain in the joint. During this procedure, the doctor numbs the area around the joint, places a needle in the space inside the joint, and injects the medication. The number of cortisone injections you can receive per year is usually limited to three or four injections, because the medication can worsen the damage to the joint over time.
  •     Injections for lubrication. Hyaluronic acid injections can relieve pain by providing some cushioning in the knee, although, in some investigations, it is suggested that these injections do not relieve pain more than a placebo. Hyaluronic acid is similar to a component that is normally found in the fluid of the joint.
  •     Realignment of bones. If osteoarthritis has damaged one side of the knee more than the other, an osteotomy may be helpful. In a knee osteotomy, the surgeon cuts the bone above or below the knee and removes or adds a piece of bone. In this way, the body weight of the worn part of the knee is transferred to the other part.
  •     Joint replacement In joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty), the surgeon removes damaged articular surfaces and replaces them with plastic and metal parts. Surgical risks include infections and blood clots. Artificial joints can wear or loosen, so they may need to be replaced over time.

Lifestyle and home remedies

Changes in lifestyle can make a considerable difference in the symptoms of osteoarthritis. There are other home treatments that can help. Here are some steps you can try:

  •     Do exercise. Exercise can increase the strength and strength of the muscles that surround the joint, improving the stability of the joint. Try walking, biking or swimming. If you feel a new pain in the joint, suspend physical activity.
  •     If you feel a new pain for several hours after exercising, it is likely that you have demanded too much, but it does not mean that you have damaged yourself in an important way or that you should stop exercising. Simply resume physical activity one or two days later with a somewhat lower intensity level.
  •     Lose weight Obesity or even a little overweight increases the tension in the joints that support weight, for example, in the knees and hips. Even lowering a few pounds can relieve some of the pressure and reduce pain.
  •     Talk to a dietitian about healthy ways to lose weight. Most people combine changes in their diet with a greater amount of physical activity.
  •     It uses heat and cold to treat pain. Both heat and cold can relieve joint pain. In addition, heat relieves stiffness, and cold can relieve muscle spasms and pain.
  •     Capsaicin Using capsaicin (an active component of hot peppers) topically in a joint with arthritis may be an alternative for people who can not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is possible that, to notice the benefits, it must be applied constantly between three and four times a day for several weeks. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after applying capsaicin cream.
  •     Apply over-the-counter pain relievers. The creams and gels that can be bought in pharmacies offer temporary relief from the pain of osteoarthritis. Some creams anesthetize pain by creating a sensation of heat or cold.
  •     Other creams contain medicines, for example, compounds similar to aspirin, which absorbs the skin. Analgesic creams offer better results if they are applied to joints near the surface of the skin, such as the knees and fingers.
  •     Immobilization devices and orthopedic insoles. The doctor may recommend orthotics and other devices that can help reduce pain when you're standing or walking. These devices can immobilize or hold the joint to help reduce the pressure on it.
  •     Knee bandage Elastic adhesive tape helps relieve the pain of knee osteoarthritis. Ask a doctor or physiotherapist to tell you what is the best way to attach the adhesive tape.
  •     Use assist devices. Assistive devices can ease your movements without putting too much stress on the aching joint. A cane could reduce the weight on one knee or hips when you walk. Take the cane in the opposite hand to the aching leg.
  •     Clamping and gripping tools can make work in the kitchen easier if you have arthrosis in your fingers. The doctor or occupational therapist can give you advice on what types of assistive devices can help you. You can also search for ideas in catalogs and pharmacies.

Alternative medicine

Various treatments of complementary and alternative medicine can help relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. The treatments that have shown promise for osteoarthritis include:

  •     Acupuncture. Some studies indicate that acupuncture can relieve pain and improve function in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. During an acupuncture session, needles as thin as a hair are inserted into precise points of the body.
  •     Glucosamine and chondroitin. The results of the studies have been disparate with regard to these nutritional supplements. In a few studies, benefits were found for people with osteoarthritis, while the majority indicate that these supplements do not work better than a placebo.
  •     Do not use glucosamine if you are allergic to shellfish. Glucosamine and chondroitin can interact with anticoagulants, such as warfarin, and cause bleeding problems.
  •     Unsaponifiable lipids of avocado and soy. This nutritional supplement, a blend of avocado and soybean oils, is widely used in Europe to treat osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, and as proven in some studies, can delay or even prevent damage to the joints.

Coping strategies and support

Changes in lifestyle and certain treatments are key to treating pain and disability, but another important component of treatment is your own perspective on life. Your ability to deal with problems despite the pain and disability caused by osteoarthritis often determines how much the disease will affect your daily life. Talk to your doctor if you feel frustrated, since he can give you ideas to deal with problems or refer you to someone who can help you.

Preparation for the consultation

While you may initially see your GP, he may refer you to a doctor who specializes in joint disorders (rheumatology) or orthopedic surgeries.

What can you do

You may want to write a list that includes:

  •     Detailed descriptions of your symptoms
  •     Information about health problems that you have had
  •     Information about the health problems of your parents or siblings
  •     All over-the-counter and prescription medications and dietary supplements you are taking, and doses
  •     Questions you want to ask the doctor

What to expect from the doctor

The doctor can ask you some of the following questions:

  •     When did your joint pain start?
  •     Is the pain continuous, or does it appear and disappear?
  •     Does any particular activity improve or worsen the pain?
  •     Have you ever injured this joint?

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Joint pain and what to take to avoid its effects

Arthritis and osteoarthritis are the two diseases that most affect the joints, especially when a certain age is reached. However, many people often confuse these two concepts, which are different from each other. First of all, it should be said that osteoarthritis, according to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology, is caused by lesions in the cartilage of the joints that give rise to pain and lack of mobility. Also, arthritis causes swelling and stiffness in these areas and, although it is known that these symptoms are due to the attack of the immune system to the cartridges, it is unknown what causes it.

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Glucosamine Chondroitin Turmeric MSM Boswellia - Joint Support Supplement for Relief 180 Tablets - Arazo Nutrition

Natural remedies for joint pain

Nature offers magnificent solutions to alleviate the symptoms associated with both arthritis and osteoarthritis. Although they do not have the capacity to heal the problem, the reality is that they are capable of slowing down their progress. For example, turmeric, when combined with pepper, exerts a potent anti-inflammatory effect on the affected joint. The same happens with ginger, a root so powerful that it has nothing to envy to many chemical medicines.

On the other hand, the harpagofito, the root of a plant of the same name, thanks to its special active principles, besides relieving the swelling, also calms the pain. Also, omega 3 and, specifically, the EPA, is very effective in this regard, so that people suffering from arthritis or arthritis should include in their diet foods containing it in large quantities. Finally, there is only mention of honey with cinnamon, a natural remedy that, since time immemorial, is used to treat these problems and that has its origin in oriental medicine.

Other supplements to treat arthritis and osteoarthritis
There are many other healthy substances for the body that can help improve the symptoms of these diseases.

The most outstanding are:

  • - Hyaluronic acid : Since it is part of the synovial fluid and cartilage, it helps to improve the mobility of the joints.
  • - Collagen . Collagen is the main component of cartilage and, therefore, its consumption helps delay its degeneration.
  • - Glucosamine . Another component of cartilage is very important. Taking this substance helps improve the process of tissue recovery and decreases pain. Currently, it is sold in many stores as a food supplement. Glucosamine HSNstore is an excellent example of this.
  • - Silicon . Another component of the cartilage whose consumption is recommended with preventive character.
  • - Chondroitin This compound should be combined with hyaluronic acid to be more effective. Ideal to reduce inflammation and pain.

In short, arthritis and osteoarthritis are serious problems that seriously affect the quality of life of people who suffer from them. However, thanks to these substances, which can be taken through food supplements, it is possible to delay their progress and ostensibly reduce the associated symptoms.

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Treatment and care for Arthritis

Treatment of arthritis depends on its particular cause, where the joints are affected, their severity, and how the disease affects their daily activities. Your age and profession will also be taken into account when the doctor works with you to create a treatment plan.

If possible, the treatment will focus on eliminating the underlying cause of the arthritis. However, the cause can NOT necessarily be cured, as is the case with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment, therefore, aims to reduce pain and discomfort and prevent further disability.

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Joint Support - Salve Ointment - MSM, Glucosamine and Chondroitin (2 oz, ZIN: 512856) - 3 Pack

It is possible to vastly improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis and other long-term types of arthritis without medication. In fact, making lifestyle changes without medication is preferable for osteoarthritis and other forms of joint inflammation. If necessary, medications should be used in addition to lifestyle changes.

Exercise for arthritis is necessary to maintain joint health, relieve stiffness, reduce pain and fatigue, and improve muscle and bone strength. Your exercise program should adapt to you as an individual. Work with a physiotherapist to design an individualized program, which should include:

  •     Low impact aerobic activity (also called resistance exercises)
  •     Mobility exercises for flexibility
  •     Resistance training for muscle tone

A physiotherapist can apply heat and cold as needed and measure braces or devices of orthosis (straightening) to support and align the joints. This may be particularly necessary for rheumatoid arthritis. Your physical therapist may also consider water therapy, ice massage, or transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS).

Rest is as important as exercise. Sleeping 8 to 10 hours at night and taking naps during the day can help you recover from an outbreak more quickly and may even help prevent exacerbations. Should also:

  •     Avoid holding a position for too long.
  •     Avoid positions or movements that exert additional stress on the affected joints.
  •     Modify your home to make activities easier. For example, have support bars in the shower, tub, and near the toilet.
  •     Reduce stress, which can aggravate the symptoms. Try meditation or guided visualization. And check with your physical therapist about yoga or tai chi.

Other measures may include:

  •     Apply capsaicin cream (derived from chili) on the skin over the joints that hurt. You can feel improvement after applying the cream for 3-7 days.
  •     Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially antioxidants such as vitamin E. They are found in fruits and vegetables. The selenium sources of brewer's yeast, wheat germ, garlic, whole grains, sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts. Obtain omega-3 fatty acids from cold-water fish (such as salmon, mackerel and herring), flax seed, rapeseed (canola), oil, soy, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds and nuts.
  •     Take glucosamine and chondroitin - these form the building blocks of cartilage, the substance that lines the joints. These supplements are available in health food stores or supermarkets. While some studies show that these supplements can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis, others show no benefit. However, since these products are considered safe, they are reasonable to try and many patients find that their symptoms improve.


Your doctor will choose from a variety of medications when necessary. In general, the first drugs that are tested are available without a prescription. These include:

  •     Acetaminophen (Tylenol) - recommended by the American College of Rheumatology and the American Geriatrics Association as a first-line treatment for osteoarthritis. Take up to 4 grams a day (two Tylenol for Arthritis every 8 hours). This can provide significant relief from arthritis pain without many of the side effects of prescription medications. Do not exceed the recommended dose of acetaminophen or take the drug in combination with large amounts of alcohol. These actions can damage the liver.
  •     Aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen - these nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often effective in the fight against arthritis pain. However, they have many potential risks, especially if used for a long time. They should not be taken in any amount without consulting your doctor. Possible side effects include myocardial infarction, stroke, stomach ulcers, bleeding from the digestive tract and kidney damage. In 2005, the US Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) asked NSAID drug manufacturers to include a warning label on their product that alerts users of an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and gastrointestinal bleeding. If you have kidney or liver disease, or a history of gastrointestinal bleeding, you should not take these medications unless your doctor recommends it.

Prescribed medications include:

  •     Biological These are the most recent advances for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Such medications, including etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira), are given by injection and can greatly improve your quality of life. Most recent biologics include Orencia (abatacept) and Rituxan (rituximab).
  •     Corticosteroids ("steroids") - These are medications that suppress the immune system and the symptoms of inflammation. It is often injected into joint pain with osteoarthritis. Steroids are used to treat autoimmune forms of arthritis, but should be avoided in infectious arthritis. Steroids have multiple side effects, including upset stomach and gastrointestinal bleeding, high blood pressure, thinning bones, cataracts and increased infections. The risks are more pronounced when steroids are taken for long periods of time or in high doses. Close supervision of a doctor is essential.
  •     The inhibitors of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) . These drugs block an inflammation-promoting enzyme called COX-2. This class of medicines Initially it was believed that they worked the same as the traditional ones, but with less stomach problems. However, numerous reports of heart attacks and strokes have led the FDA to reassess the risks and benefits of COX-2. Celecoxib (Celebrex) is still available, but with strong warning labels and a recommendation that it be prescribed at the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible time. Talk to your doctor about whether COX-2 is recommended for you.
  •     Disease modifiers antirheumatic drugs - these have traditionally been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune causes of arthritis. These medications include gold salts, penicillamine, sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine. More recently, methotrexate has been shown to decrease the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and improve their quality of life. Methotrexate itself can be highly toxic and requires frequent blood tests for patients on medication.

Immunosuppressants These medications, such as azathioprine or cyclophosphamide, are used for severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis when other medications have failed.

It is very important that you take your medications as directed by your doctor. If you are having difficulty doing so (for example, due to intolerable side effects), you should talk to your doctor.


In some cases, surgery to rebuild the joint (arthroplasty) or replace the joint (such as a total joint knee replacement) can help maintain a more normal lifestyle. The decision to perform joint replacement surgery is usually made when other alternatives, such as lifestyle changes and medications, are no longer effective.

Normal joints contain a lubricant called synovial fluid. In joints with arthritis, this fluid is not produced in adequate amounts. In some cases, the doctor may inject the arthritic joint with an artificial version of the joint fluid. Synthetic fluid may postpone the need for surgery, at least temporarily, and improve the quality of life of people with arthritis.

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Glucosamine - Uses and properties

Glucosamine is a substance that is found naturally in the body can be found in the fluid that surrounds and protects the joints. It can be found in the form of Glucosamine Sulfate in nutritional supplements that aim to improve the joints together with other components such as type II collagen or hyaluronic acid .

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Lindberg Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate - Premium Joint Support (240 Capsules)

Although glucosamine can be found in seafood shells, its presentation in sulphate format is produced in pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as other variations such as its hydrochloride or acetylated form.

It is also found in some of the everyday foods, for example in dishes that include healthy cartilage of animals such as sausages which contain ear or pork snout.

In addition to improving the functioning of the joints, glucosamine sulfate is present in remedies to treat osteoarthritis , arthritis and osteoarthritis, and can be found in capsules or creams.

Glucosamine - Remedy for osteoarthritis

Degenerative joint injuries caused by advancing age or poorly performed exercises compromising movement, are factors by which the joints may be fragile and susceptible to pain, so it is important to protect them to delay the degenerative process.

In order to relieve pain and slow down the degradation of joint fluid, glucosamine sulfate is often used to fight osteoarthritis, especially if the affected area is the knee. Its effect is not immediate, but in the same way, its benefits extend over time.

We can find it combined with chondroitin, a very poluar formula that we can find in different compositions since its benefits have direct improvement on the liquid that surrounds the joints.

  • Glucosamine and chondroitin are two substances in the joints whose function is to nourish and maintain healthy joints.
  • How glucosamine works
  • Glucosamine sulfate

Glucosamine is produced in the human body and is essential for the synthesis of collagen regeneration of the same avoiding the degradation of cartilage , hence its importance in the joints.

When there is damage to the cartilaginous area that protects the joints, collagen ceases to be as effective, which can lead to greater problems of elasticity or sharp pains in everyday movements such as flexing the knees or lifting the arm.

This is where when glucosamine sulfate works by stimulating the production of the cells responsible for creating and regenerating the cartilage, thus preventing its wear through a natural process.

Some studies show that it may have an effect in reducing pain and increasing joint mobility in cases of previously diagnosed osteoarthritis .

Properties of Glucosamine Sulfate

  •     Its action and functionality allows to keep the joints healthy and healthy , so it is recommended for people who exercise.
  •     It also allows to prevent joint injuries or aggravation of them contributing to the reduction of pain in cases of arthritis or osteoarthritis.
  •     Stimulates the formation and repair of articular cartilage : glucosamine sulfate is essential to maintain the cartilage of your knees, hands and ankles in good condition.
  •     It provides elasticity to the cartilage and, therefore, prevents the wear of the joints.
  •     It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for arthritis and for osteoarthritis. It is therefore effective against joint pain.
  •     Glucosamine is especially interesting for cases of steoarthritis in the knees and elbows.
  •     It also helps by acting on the inflammation of the varicose veins in the legs.

For whom is glucosamine recommended?

  •     For people whose wear due to age is high. They do not necessarily have to suffer a pain diagnosed as osteoarthritis or arthritis.
  •     For athletes whose physical activity involves the joints during prolonged sessions of time, such as runners in the background, speed athletes, marathoners, soccer, cycling, lifting weights, etc.

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Diet against arthritis

What is it?

Arthritis is the general medical term that designates inflammation in the joints or a disorder characterized by such inflammation. Dietary therapies for osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) -the two most common forms of arthritis-fall into three main categories:

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The conventional treatment strategy focuses on weight reduction and a balanced diet to relieve the tension of damaged joints and slow down the progression of arthritis.
Some dietary supplements analyzed in clinical trials have been shown to be beneficial for some patients.
Approaches to alternative medicine are supported by dietary adjustments (including elimination diets) and / or traditional plant remedies to treat arthritis.

The role of diet and nutrition in the types of arthritis OA and AR has been studied since the 1930s, but despite this, there is little consensus on the details of adequate dietary therapy for these disorders. What has been clear, after decades of studies, is the importance acquired by the reduction or maintenance of weight for the treatment of patients with arthritis OA. Another of the agreed findings for both types of arthritis is the need to consume a nutritionally balanced diet and follow healthy eating patterns.

What benefits does it provide?


  •     The reduction of weight in overweight people and with OA can lead to a remarkable relief of their discomfort and an improvement in the mobility of the affected joints.
  •     The benefits of dietary supplement intake vary from one patient to another, depending on the joints specifically affected and the degree of erosion of the cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis

  •     The benefits of introducing dietary adjustments, or the intake of dietary supplements to alleviate the effects of RA, vary considerably from one patient to another.
  •     Maintaining a balanced diet is important in preventing the nutritional deficiencies that sometimes occur in patients with RA due to the side effects caused by the medication.
  •     It has been possible to associate a deficiency of vitamin B6 with the development of RA, and supplements of vitamin B6 can reduce the levels of inflammation.

What risks do you pose and what precautions should be taken?

  • Before starting any type of diet or supplement regimen it is important to consult with the doctor.
  • Before starting any kind of dietary treatment for joint pain, consult a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the type of arthritis that causes the pain. If there is a suspicion of AR arthritis, it is essential to follow a systemic treatment as soon as possible to minimize potential long-term health damage.
  • Check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplement, as it may interact with certain medications (with prescription and without it). Chondroitin sulfate, for example, may prolong the bleeding time in some people, especially if taken with aspirin.
  • Buy dietary supplements only from trusted brands that can support the quality of their products.
  • Do not stop taking any medication prescribed by your doctor without your consent.
  • If you follow a diet fundamentally vegetarian, do not forget that iron deficiency can develop.
  • In the case of patients with RA with a healthy weight, it is not recommended to lose weight. Excessive weight loss, especially caused by stopping many foods or following fast diets, can worsen the symptoms of AR arthritis.

Dietary supplements

  •     People with diabetes should check their blood sugar levels more often if they take glucosamine, since it is an aminosaccharide.
  •     Those who take blood thinning medications should periodically check their blood clotting time if they take chondroitin sulfate.
  •     In some people, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate cause intestinal gas or mild diarrhea. In some people, the unsaponifiables of avocado and soy (ISA), cause nausea and skin rashes.
  •     In some people, vegetable oils that contain gamma linolenic acid (FFA) can cause intestinal gas, bloating, diarrhea and nausea. In addition, these oils may interact with other medications, especially blood thinners.
  •     Some preparations of borage oil contain ingredients called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (AP); These can damage the liver or worsen liver diseases. Only borage oil should be used with certification that proves to be free of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
  •     Evening primrose oil can interact with a group of tranquilizers used in the treatment of schizophrenia, known as phenothiazines. This group of medicines includes chlorpromazine and prochlorperazine.
  •     In some people, fish oil can affect the rate of blood clotting and cause nausea or fishy odor on the breath.
  •     Fish oils with high levels of vitamin A can cause vitamin A toxicity in some people.
  •     People who take fish oil supplements should normally take them for several months to notice their beneficial effects.

How does it work?


Weight reduction

  •     The best dietary recommendation that conventional medicine approves for patients with OA is to maintain a healthy weight. A few extra pounds can increase the pressure on damaged joints.
  •     Although some doctors recommend trying a vegetarian or vegan diet as a safe way to lose weight for patients with OA, most of them consider appropriate any low calorie and nutritionally adequate diet that goes well with the particular patient.

Alterations in the diet

  •     Some people believe that elimination diets can help reduce the symptoms of OA, although there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of any of these diets.
  •     Dong's diet requires the patient to eliminate all fruits, red meat, alcohol, dairy products, herbs and all foods containing additives or preservatives from their diet.
  •     The belladonna elimination diet requires eliminating all forms of belladonna from the diet, including various herbs, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and aubergines.
  •     There is no clinical evidence that people with OA benefit from the elimination of these foods, and vegetables with belladonna may even help reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Dietary supplements

To treat the discomfort caused by OA and / or to slow the rate of cartilage deterioration, the intake of some dietary supplements is usually recommended:

  •     Chondroitin sulfate is a compound that is naturally present in a protein in the body that provides elasticity to cartilage. The supplement form is a derivative of animal or shark cartilage.
  •     Glucosamine is a form of aminosaccharide which is thought to contribute to the formation and repair of cartilage. It can be obtained from the shell of crab, shrimp or lobster.
  •     Some naturopaths recommend the ingestion of extracts of cassava, devil's claw, hawthorn berry, cranberry and cherry. It is believed that these extracts reduce inflammation in the joints and promote the formation of cartilage.
  •     Some doctors recommend increasing the daily intake of vitamins C, E, A and B6, necessary to preserve the cartilaginous structure.
  •     The unsaponifiables of avocado and soy (IAS) are a compound obtained from fractions of avocado oil and soybean oil left over after the soap making process. They contain one part of avocado oil and two of soybean oil.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Dietary treatment of RA mainly accompanies pharmaceutical treatment, since the disease can not be treated by applying only nutritional changes.

Alterations in the diet

  •     A well-balanced and healthy diet can help prevent nutritional deficiencies generated by certain medications.
  •     There are indications that patients with RA may benefit from reduced consumption of red meat or switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet.
  •     Another adjustment in the diet that seems to benefit some people with RA is to stop cooking with oils with a high content of omega 6 fatty acids (which increase inflammation) and replace them with oils with a high content of omega 3 fatty acids (which reduce inflammation). ). The recommended oils are olive oil, rapeseed oil and flaxseed oil.

Dietary supplements

Among the dietary supplements most commonly recommended for patients with RA include:

  •     Fish oils Cold-water fish oils appear to reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain in some patients with RA. The recommended daily dose is 1 to 2 teaspoons. Eating fatty fish (such as salmon, trout and sardines) may also help reduce the risk of heart disease, which is higher in people with arthritis.
  •     Vegetable oils. Different studies suggest that vegetable oils with a high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) reduce inflammation of the joints. These vegetable oils include evening primrose oil, borage oil and black currant oil. The recommended daily dose is usually 200 to 300 mg (0.2 to 0.3 g).
  •     Green Tea. It is believed that the intake of four glasses of green tea a day can benefit people with RA, thanks to the effect it produces in reducing the inflammation of the joints.

What is a typical meal?

  • In general, foods to fight arthritis consist of a variety of healthy foods, including different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, semi-skimmed dairy products and lean meats. A healthy meal could include, for example:
  • A turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato on wholemeal bread
  • Carrot sticks
  • Apple
  • Water or skimmed milk

What do the experts think?

  •     Doctors recommend weight loss as a positive way to decrease joint pain and improve the overall health of people with OA.
  •     There are no clinical studies demonstrating that OA patients can benefit from an elimination diet.
  •     Regarding dietary supplements, the results are varied. A comprehensive study of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements, the GAIT study (Glucosamine / Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial), showed that the combination of these two supplements seemed to benefit a small subgroup of patients with OA with moderate pain to severe. In people with mild discomfort only, the glucosamine / chondroitin supplement did not produce pain relief other than a simple placebo effect.
  •     After reviewing 35 studies on medicinal herbs used to treat OA, it was concluded that, although the IAS are possibly beneficial, it is necessary to carry out a more exhaustive study that can determine what those benefits are.

Rheumatoid arthritis

  •     Few quality studies have been published regarding dietary treatments to treat RA in people.
  •     Some studies indicate that patients with RA can benefit from a vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diet.
  •     It is possible that fish oil supplements are encouraging, however, it is necessary to conduct more studies in this regard. Fish oils appear to reduce the risk of heart attacks in patients with RA, and relieve joint pain and inflammation.
  •     It has been discovered that green tea and turmeric help reduce inflammation of the joints in animals, although there are no scientific studies on the subject in humans.

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What to try and what not even treat for arthritis

If you are one of the more than 30 million Americans with osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, you have probably considered treatments in addition to medications to relieve pain . Approximately 40% of people who have arthritis have tried complementary or alternative therapy such as acupuncture or yoga, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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"When conventional medicine fails for the relief of arthritis pain , many people suffering from this disease look for alternative methods," says Dr. Marvin M. Lipman, MD, chief medical advisor at Consumer Reports. "Not only is there little evidence to support many of these treatments, but some are not even regulated."

Medications that affect your senses

Is there any that is useful? "These do not have a radical effect," says Dr. Richard Panush, MD, a professor at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. " Some at most may have small effects in some circumstances for some people."

3 that could help

Massage. A review of the studies published in the scientific journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that massage therapy can relieve the pain and stiffness of OA of the knee. Researchers in one study recommended a weekly 60-minute session with a certified massage therapist. (Look for one at .)

Tai Chi. The Chinese exercise with its slow and rhythmic movements demonstrated in a review of 54 studies of 2015 that it slightly reduces the pain of arthritis. But it was less effective than aerobic and strengthening exercises. (Get more information on .)

Yoga. A review of 17 studies published in the journal Musculoskeletal Care found that yoga reduced the pain of OA. Our experts recommend avoiding Bikram (hot yoga) if you have joint problems. The heat can make you feel like you can stretch more than you should, which could further damage your joints.

Acupuncture. Research suggests that this traditional Chinese therapy, which includes inserting thin needles into the body at specific points, reduces the discomfort of OA for some people. One theory is that it can trigger the release of hormones that inhibit pain, called endorphins. Or maybe it could provide a placebo effect, helping you to feel better without a medical reason. Make sure you receive the treatment with a certified professional. (Look for one in )

And 3 therapies that you should avoid

Chiropractic manipulation. Some research suggests that the "realignment" of the spine by a chiropractor can relieve some of the general pain in the back and neck. But a 2012 review, published in the journal Rheumatology, found no evidence that therapy effectively reduces the pain of OA.

Dietary supplements. Some people use supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin (often together) or fish oil for joint pain. So far, studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin are not more effective than a placebo.

High doses of fish oil can relieve joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition. But its effect on OA is not clear. In addition, fish oil supplements can cause side effects such as diarrhea and stomach pain. And dietary supplements are not well regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you can not be sure that the one you're taking contains what the label says.

Homeopathy. The principle behind homeopathy is that some highly diluted substances can cure the disease. For example, rhus toxicodendron , made from poison ivy, has been touted as a treatment for OA. But Lipman says there is no good evidence to support the use of homeopathic remedies for arthritis or for any other condition.

Low-fat diets, do they really work?

3 smart strategies

Lose weight if you need it. Work to lose extra pounds. Excess weight puts extra pressure on the ankles, hips and knees, which can severely increase the pain of arthritis.

Do the right type of exercise. Activities that strengthen muscles, improve your range of motion and increase your cardiovascular activity can help. In addition to tai chi and possibly yoga, consider a regular walking or swimming program. Learn more about the right exercises for arthritis at living-with-arthritis / exercise.

Talk with your doctor. If you decide to try an alternative therapy, it is advisable to inform your doctor in advance that you can refer you to a trusted professional in the area. Your doctor can also tell you about any potential danger or if there could be interactions with your regular medication.

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Arthritis of the shoulder

In 2011, more than 50 million people in the United States reported that they had been diagnosed with some form of arthritis, according to the National Health Interview Survey. Defined in simple terms, arthritis is the inflammation of one or more of your joints. In a diseased shoulder, inflammation causes pain and stiffness.

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Although there is no cure for shoulder arthritis, there are many treatment options available. Using these options, most people can manage pain and remain active.


Your shoulder is made up of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the shoulder bone (shoulder blade), and the neck bone (clavicle).

The head of the arm bone fits into the rounded cavity of the shoulder blade. This is called the glenoid cavity. A combination of muscles and tendons keeps the bone in your arm centered in the shoulder cavity. These tissues are called the rotator cuff.

There are two joints in the shoulder and both can be affected by arthritis. An articulation is located where the clavicle meets the tip of the scapula (acromion). This is called acromioclavicular joint (AC joint).

The place where the head of the humerus fits into the shoulder blade is called the glenohumeral joint.

  • To indicate an effective treatment, your doctor will need to determine which joint is affected and what type of arthritis you have.
  • Los huesos y las articulaciones del hombro.
  • The bones and joints of the shoulder.
  • Reproduced with the permission of J Bernstein, ed: Musculoskeletal Medicine. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2003.


Five main types of arthritis typically affect the shoulder.


Also known as "wear and tear arthritis", osteoarthritis is a condition that destroys the smooth outer covering (articular cartilage) of the bone. As the cartilage wears out, it deteriorates and becomes rough, and the space of protection between the bones decreases. During movement, the bones of the joint rub against each other, causing pain.

Osteoarthritis usually affects people older than 50 years and is more common in the acromioclavicular joint than in the shoulder glenohumeral joint.
( Left ) An illustration of damaged cartilage in the glenohumeral joint. ( Right ) This X-ray image of the shoulder shows osteoarthritis and reduced joint space ( arrow ).
Illustration on the left reproduced with the permission of JF Sarwark, ed: Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, ed 4. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2010.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease that attacks multiple joints throughout the body. It is symmetrical, which means that it generally affects the same joint on both sides of the body.

The joints of your body are covered with a membrane, called the synovium, which lubricates the joint and facilitates movement. Rheumatoid arthritis causes the membrane to swell, which causes pain and stiffness in the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease caused by autoimmunity. This means that the immune system attacks its own tissues. In RA, the defenses that protect the body from infection are those that damage normal tissue (such as cartilage and ligaments) and weaken the bone.

Rheumatoid arthritis is equally common in both shoulder joints.

Post-traumatic arthritis

Post-traumatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that develops after an injury, such as a fracture or dislocation of the shoulder.

Rotator cuff tear arthropathy

Arthritis can also develop after a large and prolonged tear of the rotator cuff tendon. The torn rotator cuff can no longer support the head of the humerus in the glenoid, and the humerus can move up and rub against the acromion. This can damage the surfaces of the bones, causing the development of arthritis.
Artropatía del manguito rotador.

Rotator cuff arthropathy.

The combination of a large tear of the rotator cuff and advanced arthritis can lead to severe pain and weakness, and the patient may not be able to raise the arm.
Avascular necrosis

Avascular necrosis of the shoulder (AVN) is a painful condition that occurs when the blood supply to the head of the humerus is altered. Bone cells die without blood supply, so AVN can eventually lead to destruction of the shoulder joint and arthritis.

Avascular necrosis develops in stages. As it progresses, the dead head gradually collapses, damaging the articular cartilage that covers the bone and leads to arthritis. Initially, the AVN affects only the head of the humerus, but as the AVN progresses, the collapsed head of the humerus can damage the glenoid cavity.

The causes of AVN include the use of high doses of steroids, excessive alcohol consumption, sickle cell anemia and traumatic injuries, such as shoulder fractures. In some cases, a cause can not be identified, this is called idiopathic AVN.

Pain. It is the most common symptom of arthritis of the shoulder, aggravates with activity and progressively worsens.

  •     If the shoulder glenohumeral joint is affected, the pain is centered in the back of the shoulder and may intensify with changes in weather. Patients complain of deep pain in the joint.
  •     Arthritis pain in the acromioclavicular joint (AC) is concentrated in the upper part of the shoulder. This pain can sometimes radiate or travel to the side of the neck.
  •     A person with rheumatoid arthritis may have pain around the shoulder if both joints, the glenohumeral and the AC joint, are affected.

Limited range of movement. Limited movement is another common symptom. You may find it more difficult to raise your arm to comb your hair or reach a shelf. You may hear squeaks, clicks, or cracks (joint crepitus) when moving the shoulder.

As the disease progresses, any movement of the shoulder causes pain. Night pain is common and sleeping can be difficult.

Medical exam
Medical history and physical examination

After discussing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor will examine your shoulder.

During the physical examination, your doctor will look for:

  •     Weakness (atrophy) of muscles
  •     Pain on palpation
  •     Amplitude of the range of passive (assisted) and active (self-directed) movement
  •     Any sign of injury to the muscles, tendons and ligaments that surround the joint
  •     Signs of previous injuries
  •     Involvement of other joints (an indication of rheumatoid arthritis)
  •     Joint crepitus (sensation of noises and irritation within the joint) with movement
  •     Pain when pressure is applied to the joint


X-rays are tests with the use of images that create detailed figures of dense structures such as bone. They can help distinguish between various forms of arthritis.

The X-rays of an arthritic shoulder will show a narrowing in the joint space, changes in the bone and the formation of bone spurs (osteophytes).
Estos rayos X muestran osteoartritis severa de la articulación glenohumeral.
These X-rays show severe osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint.
Reproduced with the permission of Crosby LA (ed): Total Shoulder Arthoplasty. Rosemont, IL, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2000, p. 18.

To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may inject a local anesthetic into the joint. If it temporarily relieves pain, it supports the diagnosis of arthritis.

Non-surgical treatment

As with other arthritic conditions, the initial treatment of arthritis of the shoulder is non-surgical. Your doctor may recommend the following treatment options:

  •     Rest or a change in activities to avoid causing pain. You may need to change the way your arm moves to do things.
  •     Physical therapy exercises that could improve the range of motion in your shoulder.
  •     Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, may reduce inflammation and pain. These medications can irritate the lining of the stomach and cause internal bleeding. They should be taken with food. Consult your doctor before taking over-the-counter NSAIDs if you have a history of ulcers or are taking blood-thinning medications.
  •     Injections of corticosteroids in the shoulder can drastically reduce inflammation and pain. However, the effect is often temporary.
  •     Humid heat.
  •     Application of ice on the shoulder for 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a day to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  •     If you have rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor may prescribe a medication that modifies the disease, such as methotrexate.
  •     Dietary supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate can help relieve pain. (Note: there is little scientific evidence to support the use of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate to treat arthritis, and the Food and Drug Administration does not control dietary supplements, which could cause negative interactions with other medications. to your doctor before taking dietary supplements).

Surgical treatment

Your doctor may consider surgery if the pain causes you disability and you have no relief with the non-surgical options.

Arthroscopy Cases of mild glenohumeral arthritis could be treated with arthroscopy. During arthroscopy, the surgeon inserts a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the shoulder joint. The camera obtains images that are displayed on a television screen and the surgeon uses these images to guide miniature-sized surgical instruments.

Because the arthroscope and surgical instruments are thin, the surgeon can use very small incisions (cuts) instead of the larger incision needed for standard open surgery.

During the procedure, your surgeon can debride (clean) the inside of the joint. Although the procedure relieves pain, it will not eliminate arthritis from the joint. If arthritis progresses, another surgery may be needed in the future.

Replacement of the shoulder joint (arthroplasty). Advanced arthritis of the glenohumeral joint can be treated with shoulder replacement surgery, in which the damaged parts of the shoulder are removed and replaced with artificial components, called prostheses.

( Left ) A conventional total shoulder replacement ( arthroplasty ) mimics the normal anatomy of the shoulder. ( Right ) In a total inverse shoulder replacement, the plastic capsule is inserted into the humerus and the screws of the hemispherical metal component into the shoulder cavity

Surgical replacement options include:

  •     Hemiarthroplasty. Only the head of the humerus is replaced with an artificial component.
  •     Total shoulder arthroplasty. The head of the humerus and the glenoid cavity are replaced. A plastic cavity ("cup") fits into the glenoid cavity and a metal hemisphere attaches to the upper part of the humerus.
  •     Total reverse arthroplasty of the shoulder. In a total inverse shoulder replacement, the cavity and the metal hemisphere are opposite to a conventional total shoulder arthroplasty. The metal hemisphere is fixed to the glenoid cavity, and the plastic cavity (cup) is attached to the upper end of the humerus. A total reverse shoulder replacement works best for people with arthropathy due to a tear in the cuff because it is supported by different muscles - not the rotator cuff - to move the arm.

Resection arthroplasty. The most common surgical procedure used to treat arthritis of the acromioclavicular joint is a resection arthroplasty. Your surgeon may choose to perform this surgery arthroscopically.

In this procedure, a small amount of bone is removed from the end of the clavicle, leaving a space that gradually fills with scar tissue.

Recovery. The surgical treatment of shoulder arthritis is usually very effective in reducing pain and restoring movement. Recovery time and rehabilitation plans depend on the type of surgery performed

Complications As with all surgeries, there are some risks and possible complications. Potential problems after shoulder surgery include infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, and damage to blood vessels or nerves.

Your surgeon will discuss possible complications with you before your operation.

Future developments

Research is being done on arthritis of the shoulder and its treatment.

  •     In many cases, it is not known why some people develop arthritis and others do not. Research is being done to discover the causes of shoulder arthritis.
  •     Joint lubricants, which are currently being used for the treatment of knee arthritis, are also being studied in the shoulder.
  •     New drugs are being investigated to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  •     Much research is being done on shoulder joint replacement surgery, including the development of different prosthetic designs for joints.
  •     The use of biological materials for the resurfacing of an arthritic shoulder is also being studied. Biological materials are tissue grafts that promote the growth of new tissues in the body and stimulate healing.

Source: Department of Research & Scientific Affairs, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Rosemont, IL: AAOS; January 2013. Based on data from the National Health Interview Survey, 2008-2011; US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; National Center for Medical Statistics.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

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Medications, injections and supplements for arthritis

The pain, swelling and stiffness of arthritis can limit your movement. Medications can help you manage your symptoms so you can continue to lead an active life. Talk to your health care provider about medications that are right for you.

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Over-the-counter pain killers
Over-the-counter pain relievers can help with your arthritis symptoms. "Over-the-counter" means that you can buy these medications without a prescription.

Most doctors recommend paracetamol (such as Tylenol) first. It has fewer side effects than other drugs. DO NOT take more than 3 grams (3,000 mg) per day. If you have liver problems, talk to your doctor first about how much paracetamol is right for you.

If the pain continues, the doctor may suggest non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Types of NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

Taking paracetamol or another analgesic before exercise is OK. But DO NOT exercise excessively because you have taken the medication.

Both NSAIDs and acetaminophen in high doses, or taken for a long time, can cause serious side effects. If you are taking painkillers on most days, tell your provider. You may need to be monitored for side effects. Your provider can monitor you with certain blood tests.

Capsaicin (Zostrix) is a skin cream that can help relieve pain. You may experience a feeling of warmth and itching when you apply the cream for the first time. This sensation disappears after a few days of use. Pain relief usually begins in 1 to 2 weeks.

NSAIDs that come in the form of a skin cream are available over the counter or with a prescription. Ask your provider if these may be appropriate for you.

Steroid injections for arthritis
Medications called corticosteroids can be injected into the joint to help with swelling and pain. The relief can last several months. More than 2 or 3 injections a year can be harmful. These injections are usually applied in the doctor's office.

When the pain seems to disappear after these injections, it may be tempting to return to activities that may have caused pain. When you receive these injections, ask the doctor or physiotherapist for exercises and stretches that decrease the likelihood that the pain will return.

Other injections for arthritis of the knee
Hyaluronic acid is a substance already present in the fluid of the knee. It helps to lubricate the joint. When you have arthritis, the hyaluronic acid in your joint becomes thinner and less effective.

The doctor can inject a form of hyaluronic acid into your joint to help lubricate and protect it. This is sometimes called artificial joint fluid or viscosupplementation.

These injections can not work for all people. When they are effective, relief can last from 3 to 6 months. The use of hyaluronic acid is approved only for knee arthritis.

The body produces glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate naturally. They are important to have healthy cartilage in your joints. Both substances come in the form of a supplement and can be purchased without a prescription.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements can help control pain; however, they do not seem to help the joint develop new cartilage or prevent arthritis from getting worse. Some doctors recommend a 3-month trial period to see if glucosamine and chondroitin help.

The s-adenosilmethionine (SAMe for its acronym in English and pronounced as "Sammy") is an artificial form of a natural chemical in the body. The claims that s-adenosylmethionine can help arthritis are not well proven.

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Scientifically proven remedies to relieve arthritis pain

1. Sips of ginger tea

Numerous studies have found that ginger can mimic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, first-line drugs for the relief of arthritis pain. They act practically the same as medicines, but without the side effects. Use ginger powder, fresh, raw or a little cooked in food. Make your own tea: place slices of ginger for 15 minutes in a couple of cups of boiling water, or buy tea bags at the supermarket.

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2. Eat foods that fight inflammation

Forget about fast food, scrap, fried foods or processed foods. A Swedish study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis found that those who changed their style of eating to a more Mediterranean concept (with more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, nuts, garlic, onions and herbs) had less inflammation and regained some physical abilities and mobility .

3. Smell fragrant spices

Pleasant scents such as lavender can alter the perception of pain, as some studies reveal. Japanese researchers found that lavender reduces levels of the stress hormone (cortisol), which will make you feel relaxed and less aware of pain .

Korean researchers found that patients with arthritis experienced less pain and felt less depressed when exposed to a variety of spice flavors you can find in the kitchen, including marjoram, rosemary and mint.

For a soothing aromatherapy treatment, add a teaspoon of one of these dried herbs to a quarter cup of vegetable oil and occasionally inhale its fragrance several times.

4. Wash the dishes by hand

It sounds contradictory, but if you have pain in your hands, this simple task can relieve the pain of arthritis . First, submerging your hands in hot water can help relax muscles and joints and relieve stiffness at the same time. Second, exercise will help you keep your hands and fingers moving.

5. Make your own heat pad

Fill a cotton sock with any type of raw rice and seal it. Put it in the microwave at maximum power for about 2-3 minutes. When it cools a little, but it is still warm, place it in a rigid joint in which you have pain to relieve it. It should stay warm for about half an hour. You will love the way the rice molds your body and provides a soft heat . If you have lavender or other aromatic herbs on hand, put a few drops in the sock to get some relaxing aromatherapy.

6. Make your own capsaicin cream

This home remedy reduces the levels of a compound called substance P, which transmits pain signals to the brain. You can do a little mixing a bit of ground cayenne with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply gauze on clean skin to painful joints several times a day. The first dose will cause a mild burning sensation, but you will get used to it after about a week . Just keep it away from the mouth, eyes and other mucous membranes.

7. Apply a patch of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is an anti-inflammatory that can help relieve arthritis pain . Prepare a strong infusion with four bags of chamomile tea in a cup (or less) of hot water. Let it stand, covered, for 20 minutes, then squeeze and extract the tea bags. Soak a clean cloth in the liquid and apply it to the sore joint.

8. Give a cold-heat treatment to your joints

You need two containers. Fill one with cold water and ice cubes and the other with hot water at a temperature that you can tolerate to the touch. Submerge the joint with pain in the cold water, for a minute, then change to the hot water container and submerge for 30 seconds. Then change the affected joint from cold to warm for about 15 minutes, leaving it in each for about 30 seconds. When finished, leave it submerged in cold water for one minute.

9. Go swimming

Swimming has been recommended for a long time as a good exercise for people with arthritis; the weightlessness of water reduces the impact on the joints . One study found that Taiwanese who rehabilitate themselves in the water significantly improve flexibility in the knees and hips, as well as strength and aerobic capacity.

Another Australian study found that such programs also resulted in decreased pain and better joint function in general. Ask your health center, hospital, or local pool if there are classes designed specifically for people with arthritis.

10. Take 4 cups of green tea a day

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University supplied a group of mice with the equivalent of four cups of green tea a day. They then gave the mice a substance that would normally produce rheumatoid arthritis. Mice that drank green tea were much less likely to develop arthritis than mice that drank only water. Other research found that the antioxidant polyphenols in green tea are anti-inflammatory, improve the immune response related to arthritis and significantly reduce cartilage damage.

11. Add turmeric to your food

It contains a powerful compound called curcumin, which inhibits enzymes and proteins that promote inflammation. Several studies have found that it reduces pain and inflammation in patients with arthritis . In a study of people with osteoarthritis of the knee, those who ate only 2 grams a day (less than a teaspoon) had pain relief and increased mobility equal to those who took 800 milligrams of ibuprofen.

Sprinkle ½ teaspoon of turmeric in your rice or vegetables daily. Another option is to bring some mustard packs in your pocket to add them to your food; they are the perfect dose.

12. Make sure you get enough vitamin C

Vitamin C not only helps produce collagen, a major component of the joints, it also spreads through the body avoiding the damage of destructive free radicals, which are harmful to the joints. One of the most well-known studies looking at the relationship between vitamin C and arthritis, found that people whose diets usually included large amounts of vitamin C, significantly decreased the risk that their arthritis progressed .

Extend consumption throughout the day, because your body does not store vitamin C; Rather, it takes what it needs from the blood at a given moment and eliminates the rest. So a mega-dose in the morning, actually does not do as much good as you might think . It is advisable to enjoy citrus drinks or eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries or melon, broccoli or sweet peppers throughout the day.

13. Add cloves to your diet

The cloves contain eugenol, a popular anti-inflammatory chemical that interferes with the body process that causes arthritis . A study done with animals, showed that it prevents the release of COX-2, a protein that stimulates inflammation (the same protein in which inhibitory drugs such as Celebrex).

Cloves also contain antioxidants, which are important in delaying cartilage and bone damage caused by arthritis. It is advisable to consume ½ to 1 teaspoon a day .

14. Recharge yourself from omega-3

It is excellent for relieving inflammation and joints. Some fish such as salmon and tuna are some of the best sources of this fatty acid. However, your body may need more omega-3 than you get from consuming only fish, so talk to your doctor about prescribing an omega-3 supplement. And when cooking, always prefer canola oil before corn . Canola contains omega-3, while corn oil contains omega-6, which can actually make the inflammation and pain of arthritis worse.

15. Eat less allergenic foods

Food allergies can play an important role in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway found that people with autoimmune diseases had higher levels of antibodies to cow's milk, eggs, cod and pork compared to people who did not have the disease.

In one study, people with rheumatoid arthritis followed a diet where they eliminated the common foods associated with allergies, such as grains (especially products containing wheat gluten), nuts, milk and eggs, after a lapse of 10 to 18 days had a significant improvement in symptoms. When they started eating these foods again, they felt worse. Other studies have found that corn, wheat, oranges, oats, rye, eggs, beef, and coffee can also be problematic foods, because many of these foods help produce arachidonic acid, a chemical in our body linked to inflammation.

16. Make yourself a paste of ginger

Applying crushed ginger to a joint with pain can deplete the body's stores of substance P , a brain chemical that carries pain signals to the central nervous system. A study of 56 people found that ginger relieved the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis by 55% and 74% in people with rheumatoid arthritis .

To make a paste, peel and finely chop a medium piece of fresh ginger. Mix with enough olive oil to form a paste, then apply it to the aching joint. Depending on where the pain is, you may have to wrap the joint with the plaster, using gauze or bandage. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes.

17. Increase the volume

Listening to your favorite music can relieve pain (usually because it raises hormone levels that reduce your sensitivity to pain). In a Cleveland Clinic Foundation study of people with persistent pain in the back, neck or joints, one group was assigned a playlist of soothing melodies, while a second group chose their own soundtrack, and a third was not prescribed with any music. The two groups that listened to music had lower rates of arthritis pain, depression and disability compared to the group without music, which experienced an increase in pain. The study also indicated that the type of music you listen to does not matter, as long as you like it . People who chose their own melodies experienced greater reduction in pain, depression and disability than those who listened to generic relaxing music.

18. Goodbye to shoes

Walking naturally reduces the load on the knee joints, which minimizes the pain and disability caused by osteoarthritis by 12% compared to when walking with shoes on, according to a study by Rush University Medical Center. to 75 people with osteoarthritis. When you have to wear shoes, look for those who intend to imitate the natural contour of the heel and arch and avoid the heels, because they only generate more pressure on the joints. Orthopedic shoes can also be another good option.

19. Opt for spicy food

Spices such as cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric contain compounds that reduce inflammation and block brain chemicals that transmit pain signals . Eat some Mexican, Indian and Thai recipes (or always keep a bottle of hot sauce on the table!)

20. Increase your calcium intake

Taking too little calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis, a disease in which the bones become brittle, and which accelerates if you have rheumatoid arthritis. All women should consume about 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day after 50 years of age. Dairy is the most famous source of calcium, but cooked milk-based foods can be a very good source as well (a large cookie can contain up to 12% of the recommended daily intake of calcium). Calcium is also found in vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli and turnip. These foods have less calcium than dairy products, but they contain it in a way that the body can absorb it much more easily.

21. Sunbathe

Many people with arthritis have a deficiency of vitamin D, which plays an important role in the production of collagen in the joints. Studies have found that generating more vitamin D can protect the joints from the damage of osteoarthritis. To increase your vitamin D levels, just take the sun for 10 to 15 minutes, two or three times a week. That's all your body needs to raise the vitamin D it needs. Dairy products are also a great source of this vitamin.

22. Get a massage with spices from your pantry

Add a little pepper, rosemary or thyme to ½ cup of olive or vegetable oil and use it for a relaxing massage. It will be very healing, since all these herbs have soothing properties.

23. Take these supplements into account

Ask your doctor if any of these supplements may be right for you.

Ginger extract twice a day . Researchers from the University of Miami found that ginger significantly reduced knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis , and that it contributed significantly to improving mobility since ginger has anti-inflammatory effects, which work in the body such as ibuprofen.

Fish oil capsules. A British study found that 86% of people with arthritis who took cod liver oil had far fewer harmful cartilage enzymes, compared to those who only received a placebo. In addition to that, there was also a decrease in the enzymes that cause pain . Cod liver oil is an oil of natural origin, so its use as a supplement does very well.

Vitamin E with pure alpha-tocopherols. A German study found that taking 1,500 IU of vitamin E daily, significantly reduces stiffness and pain and improves grip strength in people with rheumatoid arthritis, as do some prescription medications.

Glucosamine / chondroitin . This combination of supplements can provide long-term pain relief and delay cartilage degeneration . (Tends to help some patients and others do not, if it works for you, you should experience relief within two to three months, but if you do not see a benefit by then, it's probably not going to work for you.). It has also been found that glucosamine and chondroitin, can actually repair damaged cartilage.