Sunday, February 17, 2019

Probiotic Acidophilus Dietary for Digestive Health with Friendly Bacteria, 3 Bottles (200 Count)


The World Health Organization defines probiotics as live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a benefit on the health of the host. However, substances produced by microorganisms and their constituents can not be considered as probiotics, even though these elements have biologically beneficial effects on the consumer.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics can be part of the composition of different types of products, including foods (functional foods), medicines and dietary supplements.

For a microorganism to be qualified as probiotic, it must meet a series of requirements, among which include:

- Be correctly identified. It is required that the identification be at the level of genus, species and strain, by means of phenotypic and genotypic methods, given that the beneficial effects demonstrated in a specific strain are not extrapolated and attributable to another strain of the same species. It is also required that the strain be deposited in internationally recognized collections.

Probiotic Acidophilus Dietary for Digestive Health with Friendly Bacteria, 3 Bottles (200 Count)
Probiotic Acidophilus Dietary for Digestive Health with Friendly Bacteria, 3 Bottles (200 Count)

- Lack of virulence factors and / or ability to produce undesirable metabolites for the host, a requirement that greatly reduces the candidates to exercise this role. It is true that there are many bacteria that naturally colonize the mucous membranes of the human being and that provide a benefit to the host and therefore could potentially be considered as probiotics; However, it is also true that the vast majority of them are capable of causing infectious processes in certain states. As an example of this, we can mention Escherichia coli , a bacterium that is usually colonizing the colon. There is a strain of this species with proven efficacy as a probiotic; However, there are other strains of this same bacterial species that, if passed to the peritoneal cavity or to the blood, can generate serious infectious processes, and another group of strains of E. coli capable of producing toxins that induce diarrhea, dysenteric processes and whose genes they can be easily transmitted to innocuous strains, so their use as a probiotic would be compromised.

- In practice, the probiotics accredited as such come from the ferments used in the fermentation of food, and are mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, since they do not include pathogenic strains within the species to which they belong. These microorganisms have been recognized as GRAS organisms ( Generally Recognized As Safe ) and QPS ( Qualified Presumption of Safety ) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

It is also cataloged as probiotic Streptococcus thermophilus , microorganism with proven activity in the improvement of lactose digestion in individuals intolerant to this disaccharide.

- Demonstrate scientifically, through clinical trials in humans, the beneficial effects on the health of the host and the safety of the microorganism that produces them, beyond the benefits inherent in basic nutrition. Laboratory studies in vitro or / and in animal models, although they are necessary for obtaining information on the mechanisms of action, identification of target functions and biomarkers, are not considered sufficient evidence of efficacy in human health. A clinical evaluation in humans will always be required through double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled trials.

- Show tolerance to environmental conditions where they exert their action and remain viable and functionally active in the gastrointestinal tract. For this they must be resistant to destruction by gastric secretions and bile, and must have the ability to adhere to the intestinal epithelium, as well as to colonize the gastrointestinal tract, even for short periods of time.

- To be in sufficient quantity to be able to exert the desired effect. This amount is usually very high, in the order of one hundred to one billion colony-forming units (CFU) per dose.

- Incorporated microorganisms must be viable in the products to which they are incorporated. They must be resistant to the conditions of processing, conservation and maintain their viability in sufficient quantity during the useful life of the product in which they are administered.

How do they act?

Scientific endorsement of the mechanism of action of probiotics is essential so that they can be accredited as such. Depending on the selected strain they can act in the host at different levels.

In the intestinal lumen

- Through direct interaction with the intestinal microbiota . Probiotics modulate their composition either by inhibiting pathogenic microorganisms or by favoring the presence and diversity of bacteria considered beneficial within the intestinal ecosystem.

The intestinal microbiota has a great influence on the digestive health and the immune system and, by extension, on the general state of health of the individual; intervenes in a large number of essential functions for the proper development of the person and that is why this ecosystem must self-regulate and stay in balance. The intake of probiotics is able, by reducing the pH of the medium and the production of antibacterial compounds (bacteriocins, hydrogen peroxide), to reduce the adherence, replication and action of the flora potentially pathogenic to the host.

- Exercising direct metabolic effect . The modification of the intestinal flora through the ingestion of probiotics involves the modification of some of the metabolic functions that it exerts, among which we can mention: absorption of certain nutrients, degradation of non-digestible material of the diet, regulation of energy storage, Biotransformation of xenobiotics, synthesis of essential vitamins (vitamin K and some of the B complex) and increased absorption of minerals, among others.

In the mucosa and in the intestinal epithelium

- Improving the intestinal barrier function . It is a defense mechanism that helps maintain the integrity of the intestinal epithelium against the action of external aggressions. The manifestation of disorders such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, enteric infections, some autoimmune diseases, etc., can be the result of the compromise of the integrity of the epithelial barrier, which is why it is very important to influence this point. The ingestion of probiotics contributes to the maintenance of said integrity, as well as to prevent the damages made in the intestinal mucosa by the action of food allergens, pathogenic microorganisms, proinflammatory cytokines, etc., and facilitate their repair; normalize the increased permeability and improve the intestinal inflammatory response. The secretion of mucin, the modulation of protein phosphorylation and the increase in transepithelial resistance are mechanisms directly involved in this function.

- Digestive processes . Involved in the metabolization of lactose (β-galactosidase activity), proteins and lipids, in the synthesis of amino acids and vitamins, fermentation of carbohydrates with the production of short-chain fatty acids and increased absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron by a decrease in intestinal pH, an increase in the number of enterocytes and a reduction in phytic acid content.

- Immune system associated with the mucosa . The intestine is the organ with the most important immune function of the organism and where immune responses are controlled against the proteins of the diet (prevention of food allergies) and against pathogenic microorganisms: viruses (rotavirus, poliovirus), bacteria ( Salmonella , Listeria , Clostridium , etc.), parasites ( Toxoplasma ). The intestinal batteries have a great influence on this function and certain probiotics have the ability to alter this intestinal ecosystem, both by stimulating the mucosal immune mechanisms and by stimulating non-immune mechanisms through antagonism and competition with potential pathogens. Specifically, the immunological benefits could be summarized in the activation of local macrophages to increase the presentation of antigens to B lymphocytes and thus increase the production of local and systemic secretory immunoglobulin A, modulate cytokine profiles and induce hyporesponsiveness to the food antigens.

Other organs, such as the brain and the immune system

- Stimulate the immune system acting on cells involved both in the natural and specific immunity and on macrophages.

- They promote the production of immunoglobulins and increase the number of lymphocytes by activating the immune response.

What are they for?

The benefits provided by the intake of probiotics require their regular use and the suitability of the probiotic chosen for the pathological condition to be treated. The beneficial effects demonstrated for the strain studied are not extrapolated to the species or to another strain of the same species; as well as the demonstration of effectiveness of a strain for a specific indication does not make it valid for other different indications either. The studies carried out correlate a specific strain with a certain pathology.

The benefits provided by the intake of probiotics require their regular use and the suitability of the probiotic chosen for the pathological condition to be treated.

The dosage used in the study is also important, since there is no evidence that similar functional benefits are obtained for lower doses, and finally the vehicle or matrix on which the probiotic is administered is also relevant, since it can determine, among other things, the viability of the microorganism.

The main benefits derived from the administration of probiotics are the following:

- They are useful in the prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea (rotavirus in children) and those due to the consumption of antibiotics: the probiotic microorganism (for example, certain strains of Saccharomyces boulardii , Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus ) invades the mucosal surface that has remained deserted, and attenuates the symptoms of the lack of intestinal flora and facilitates recolonization by autochthonous microorganisms.

- Decrease lactose intolerance: Streptococcus thermophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus contribute to degrade the lactose and thus prevent it from reaching the large intestine without digesting and causing flatulence, abdominal distension, diarrhea, among other symptoms.

- Reduce the symptoms of intestinal inflammation, closely related to damage to the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa. The ability of certain probiotics in their maintenance and restitution (different strains of Streptococcus thermophilus , Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium ) makes their consumption adequate to help alleviate the symptoms of diseases such as ulcerative colitis or pouchitis .

- Decrease cholesterol levels, by decreasing the plasma concentration of LDL and total cholesterol.

- They modulate the immune system: they reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent some allergic processes, asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc., states that are characterized by a hypersensitivity reaction mediated by immunological mechanisms.

The lines of research with probiotics are currently booming and there are numerous potential therapeutic indications of these products. However, and as already mentioned, studies with proven scientific evidence are required in order to attribute certain therapeutic benefits to a strain.

Useful tips for your administration

It is a fact that the use of probiotics is becoming very important both in the daily diet of many consumers and in clinical practice. The scientific evidences that make known the benefits associated with their consumption cause that they are very well accepted products by the prescriber and by the patient / user.

The dispensing of medicines that include probiotics in their composition will require a medical prescription and / or pharmaceutical advice to improve the understanding by the patient of the effects of the preparation and thus ensure its correct use and adherence to treatment.

Regarding the recommendation to include functional foods that contain probiotics (yogurts and fermented milk, fundamentally) in the daily diet to improve the health of the individual and even to prevent certain diseases, it is important that in parallel it is always advisable to lead a lifestyle healthy, a varied and balanced diet, as well as the practice of regular exercise. So in no way the consumption of probiotics or any other functional food should be understood as the replacement of a healthy and balanced diet or that of a pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The consumption of probiotics or any other functional food should not be understood as the replacement of a healthy and balanced diet or as a pharmacological treatment prescribed by the doctor.

The safety profile of this type of product is very high and its administration does not usually cause adverse effects; However, certain population groups (individuals immunosuppressed or in treatments with immunosuppressants, patients with autoimmune diseases, with bloody diarrhea or convalescent cardiac surgery) should avoid its use unless specifically prescribed by the doctor.

A new manual compiles the latest advances in knowledge about probiotics and prebiotics

In order to summarize the latest advances in clinical knowledge in this field, the Spanish Society of Probiotics and Prebiotics (SEPyP) has launched, in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry, the manual Probiotics, Prebiotics and Health: Scientific Evidence.

The publication, composed of 48 chapters, has been written by more than a hundred expert authors in the field and of recognized prestige. Probiotics, prebiotics and health: scientific evidence has been developed with the purpose of offering a wide range of chapters that gather concepts, data and recommendations in a condensed format, with a large selected bibliography, which will allow those interested to deepen the functions and benefits both probiotics and prebiotics.

Magna Vita | High Potency Probiotic plus Prebiotic for Men and Women, for Digestive and Immune Support, 50 Billion CFU per capsule, 12 Proven Strains, 100% Made in the USA - 1 Month supply

The use of probiotics in some gastrointestinal diseases


Probiotics include very different bacteria: some are Gram (+) and others Gram (-); some adhere to the mucosa and others inhabit the lumen. For this reason, their actions are very different and it is not possible to extrapolate the benefit of one particular strain to another. There are multiple probiotics available. However, there are few who have truly demonstrated a clear benefit in human health. This article describes the difficulties and possibilities of studies carried out on the effects of probiotics in various gastrointestinal conditions, analyzing the possibility of indicating these products in them.

Magna Vita | High Potency Probiotic plus Prebiotic for Men and Women, for Digestive and Immune Support, 50 Billion CFU per capsule, 12 Proven Strains, 100% Made in the USA - 1 Month supply
Magna Vita | High Potency Probiotic plus Prebiotic for Men and Women, for Digestive and Immune Support, 50 Billion CFU per capsule, 12 Proven Strains, 100% Made in the USA - 1 Month supply


The World Gastroenterology Organization defines probiotics as live microorganisms that when administered in adequate quantities confer a benefit to the health of the host 1 . Being strict in the application of this definition, most of what is promoted as probiotics is not: many correspond to lysis of bacteria (and not live bacteria), often the microorganisms do not come in adequate amounts, or simply there are no studies scientists who have shown benefit in the health of humans. In general they correspond to bacteria, most often inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract, although fungi such as Sacaromyces boulardii have also been used. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria have been the most used. Its use has increased in recent years. A recent systematic review showed that probiotics have been tested in 68 clinical conditions, although not all of them have shown a benefit 2 .


Actions of probiotics

Probiotics include very different bacteria, some are Gram (+) and others Gram (-). Some adhere to the mucosa and others inhabit the lumen. For this reason, their actions are very different and it is not possible to extrapolate the benefit of one particular strain to another 1 . Multiple effects of these microorganisms have been described (Table 1): bacteria in the colon can produce different amounts and types of gases after their metabolism of carbohydrates. They can also inactivate bile salts by conjugation, decreasing their choleretic effect. Some are capable of producing short chain fatty acids, which stimulate peristalsis and intestinal transit. Bacteria that adhere to the mucosa of the intestine prevent other (potentially deleterious) bacteria from doing so. For example, Sacromyces boulardii can cleave Clostridium difficile toxin. Thus, many probiotics have shown an anti-inflammatory effect in colitis models. Given the various effects, there are strains that are potentially useful in modulating the gas, others in decreasing diarrhea, others in improving constipation.
Probiotics and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Although there are multiple studies carried out, the vast majority are not optimal from the methodological point of view, being the small sample size and the lack of a control group the most frequent problems. The latter is especially important in a disease with a high placebo-type response rate. Thus, for example, Flosh and collaborators only found 8 valid works in a systematic review of 30 years of bibliography 3 .

Of the eight works mentioned, the probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 was used in three. In all the works there was a benefit in the patients with IBS. O'Mahony and colleagues evaluated this probiotic in 75 patients with IBS, comparing it with Lactobacillus salivarius UCC4331 and placebo milk (heat-inactivated bacteria). A significant improvement in the scores of abdominal pain and distension was demonstrated, having a discrete effect on bowel movements. Whorwell and colleagues conducted a multicenter study, with a total of 262 patients with IBS, comparing three different doses of Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 and placebo. A significant decrease in symptom scores was observed, obtaining adequate relief by 60% (versus 40% in placebo), with a number needed to treat (NNT) of 5 5 . Thus, in the technical review of the use of probiotics in IBS published in Am J. Gastroenterology in 2009, it is maintained that " Bifidobacterium infantis 3562 4 has shown efficacy in the improvement of IBS symptoms" 6 ,
stipulating that there is not enough evidence to suggest the use of other probiotics. Unfortunately, this probiotic is not yet available in Chile.

Probiotics and constipation

The use of Lactobacillus casei shirota in constipation has been shown to be beneficial 7 . However, this product is not available in Chile. There are several studies on the use of Bifidobacterium animalis DN 173010 (strain present in a brand of yogurt and dairy products available in Chile), which has shown benefit in the symptom constipation. In 2007, a study was published in 267 patients with constipation-like IBS with the use of this probiotic daily for three weeks. In the overall analysis there was no improvement in digestive symptoms when compared with placebo. However, in the subgroup of patients who had less than three bowel movements per week, Bifidobacterium animalis DN 173010 showed a clear improvement in intestinal transit (increase in the number of stools twice), with decreased abdominal distension and discomfort, without major effect on pain 8 . It seems then that all effects are mediated by an improvement in intestinal transit.


There are multiple probiotics available. However, there are few who have truly demonstrated a clear benefit in human health. Regarding digestive symptoms and diseases, Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 has shown a benefit on the symptoms of IBS, independently of an effect on intestinal transit. Bifidobacterium animalis DN 173010 has shown a benefit in improving intestinal transit (and secondarily other symptoms) among patients with less than three stools per week. It should be noted that adverse effects have been reported with the use of probiotics, but in the context of critical or immunosuppressed patients. Even more information is required in order to increase the indications of these products.

Ancient Nutrition, Ancient Probiotics Ultimate Once Daily, 50 Billion CFU, Healthy Digestive Function, Shelf Stable, 30 Capsules

Bifidobacteria: new discovery and benefits that bring us

A group of international researchers led by the University of Parma (Italy) in which the CSIC has participated has discovered the way of anchoring the bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum in our digestive system. The anchoring system is based on protein appendages by which the bacteria literally anchor themselves to the enterocytes, the epithelial cells of the intestine. The research has been published this week in the journal PNAS .

Ancient Nutrition, Ancient Probiotics Ultimate Once Daily, 50 Billion CFU, Healthy Digestive Function, Shelf Stable, 30 Capsules
Ancient Nutrition, Ancient Probiotics Ultimate Once Daily, 50 Billion CFU, Healthy Digestive Function, Shelf Stable, 30 Capsules

The benefits of bifidobacteria

As you can imagine, this particular bacteria is one of the "good" ones. The group of bifidobacteria is widely recognized for its role as a probiotic. I'm sure you'll hear the name of the yogurt ads and even more if I tell you that the bacteria of the bifidobacteria group were known as Lactobacillus bifidus .

The group of bifidobacteria has about 30 different species and is the main bacterial genus that colonizes the intestine of newborns, constituting an active defense against other pathogenic bacteria. Among the favorable functions in our organism are to maintain the balance or homeostasis of the bacterial flora and, therefore, are part of the food industry. They also keep at bay the pathogens that try to infect the intestine (especially in newborns), participate in the immune response and participate in the formation of vitamins.

An anchorage mechanism based on pili

Many bacteria can present on their surface a series of appendages that perform different functions. The most known are the flagella, being the longer appendages used for displacement or to generate currents that attract nutrients. Another type of appendages are fimbrias or pili . Both structures are shorter and thinner than flagella and generally the term fimbria is used for when its function is adhesion and the term pili is used for structures that are used in bacterial conjugation, a method of exchange of genetic information between bacteria .

What they have discovered is that they are precisely the pili structures that these bacteria use to stay stuck in our intestines and begin colonization. Moreover, the team of researchers has discovered up to 3 different types of pili , each with a specific function and different expression patterns depending on environmental conditions. Although this bacterium is well known for various favorable functions in our flora, very little was known about its anchoring way to colonize us.

The study also highlights that this is one of the few studies that shows that pili are used by some bacteria for functions other than what is known in bacterial conjugation. In this case, the pili also acquire the function of colonization factors, which could favor the search and development of other organisms and probiotic products.

Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules

Probiotic microorganisms and health


Objective: To show the benefits of probiotic microorganisms on health and their acceptance by the consumer, as well as to make a compilation of all the probiotic products available in the pharmaceutical market.

Material and methods: A pharmaceutical market study was carried out in relation to the pharmaceutical forms with existing probiotic microorganisms and their evolution in recent years. The classification of all the probiotic products was carried out according to the pharmaceutical form in which they are presented, each product will be accompanied by the dose of probiotic microorganisms it contains, expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU).
Results: The number of isolated probiotic strains and the benefits shown on the health of man is increasing. We found a great diversity of probiotic products available in pharmacies as a consequence of a growing demand from the consumer; however, it is worth highlighting the fact that many of them lack the necessary information in the container, for example, the dose contained.

Conclusions: The interest on the part of the pharmaceutical industry in lazar new pharmaceutical forms contained in probiotic microorganisms will be increasing and will be linked to the need for a specific regulation for these products. Many of them do not contain the minimum dose required to obtain a beneficial effect on health which is a misleading advertising for the consumer, therefore, should be withdrawn from the market, only advertising those containing a therapeutic dose and whose effects are endorsed by different clinical trials.

Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules
Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules

Key words: Health benefits, Pharmaceutical presentations, Probiotics.


Aims: Show the benefits of the probiotic microorganisms on health and its acceptance by the consumer. As well as collect those probiotic products available in pharmaceutical market.
Materials and methods: A study of the pharmaceutical market in relation to the existing dosage forms with probiotic microorganisms and their evolution in recent years was made. Classifying probiotic products was conducted according to the dosage form in which they are presented; Each product must be accompanied by the dose of probiotic-containing, expressed as Colony Forming Units (CFU).
Results: It is increasing the number of probiotic strains isolated and the benefits that are shown on human health. We found a diversity of probiotic products available in pharmacies as a result of increasing demand by consumers; it is important to note that many of them lack necessary information on packaging, for example, the dose contained.
Conclusions: The interest of the pharmaceutical industry in developing new dosage forms contained in probiotic microorganisms will be related to the need for a specific regulation for these products. Many of them do not contain the required dose to obtain a beneficial effect on health which is misleading advertising to consumers, therefore, they should be removed from the market, advertising only those products which contain a therapeutic dose and whose effects are endorsed by various clinical trials.


Since time immemorial has been attributed to microorganisms a predominant role in the environment of our lives, forming part of all the ecosystems in which we move daily and exercising important work in our body. In 1908, Elia Metchnikoff postulated for the first time the importance of the consumption of fermented milk with the Lactobacillus species in the longevity of the Balkan shepherds, by suppressing the putrefactive bacteria of the intestinal microbiota. Currently, after numerous redefinitions, FAO / WHO (2001) defines probiotic as " living microorganisms that confer a beneficial effect on the health of the host, when administered in an adequate amount ". This amount varies from one country to another according to its legislation; however, generally a probiotic product should contain> 10 6 - 10 8 CFU / g or> 10 8 - 10 10 CFU / dose of viable cells 1 . In addition, probiotics are defined as safe according to the English acronym "GRAS" ("generallyrecognized as safe").

The scientific advances of recent years regarding the correlation between the human microbiota and the health status of the individual support the need for them. There are numerous authors who try to demonstrate the beneficial effects of these microorganisms on different pathologies, such as:

  •     - Diarrhea: infant 2 , diarrhea associated with antibiotics 3 , traveler's diarrhea 4 .
  •     - Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): ulcerative colitis 5 and Crohn's disease 6 .
  •     - Lactose intolerance 7 .
  •     - Gastroduodenal ulcer 8 .
  •     - Respiratory tract infections 9 .
  •     - Reduction of cholesterol levels 10; 11 .
  •     - Effects against obesity 12 and diabetes 13
  •     - Allergies 14; 15 , skin diseases and eczema 16 .
  •     - Cancer 17 .
  •     - Vaginitis and urogenital diseases 18 .

The commonly used probiotic strains belong to the genera Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, E.coli Nissle 1917 and Saccharomyces boulardii. Not all probiotics have the same beneficial properties. In addition, when a beneficial effect is ascribed to a strain, it can not be extrapolated to the remaining strains of the same species. Clinical trials have been conducted using different strains and formulations, obtaining as a final conclusion that not only the specificity of the strain or the location of the target disease must be taken into account; but the dose, route, duration and frequency of administration should also be carefully considered 19 . Thus, to obtain health benefits, a dose of 5 billion colony forming units (CFU) is recommended for at least 5 days (5x10 9 CFU / day) 20 . Since the main route of administration of probiotic microorganisms is the oral route, in order to provide these beneficial effects in the host, the probiotic bacteria must survive throughout the gastrointestinal tract, tolerate acid, bile and enzymes at the same level. gastric and, subsequently, adhere to the intestinal epithelium 21 ; that is why they must be administered in pharmaceutical forms or in foods that give protection against these adverse conditions. These probiotic products must also guarantee the survival of microorganisms in a viable manner during storage until the end of shelf life (> 10 6 CFU / g) 22 . The commercial interest of probiotics is gradually increased, as advances are made in the knowledge about the relationship between them and the intestinal microbiota, their interaction and the unleashing of a series of positive effects on the individual, therefore, they open a very hopeful alternative both in the field of functional nutrition and in the improvement and prophylaxis of certain pathologies.

Therefore, the main objective of this work has been to carry out an exhaustive review of the pharmaceutical forms carrying probiotic bacteria existing in our country, as well as their advantages, disadvantages, doses and effectiveness.

Materials and methods

In the first place, it is intended to analyze the evolution and relevance of probiotic products in the pharmaceutical sector during the last years, as well as the expected demand for future times. To this end, the Web pages PubMed , ScienceDirect and the electronic journal El Probiotic were used as the main sources for the search of the most interesting research papers published on the subject. On the other hand, a market study was carried out, in order to specify all those pharmaceutical modalities that can be found in pharmacy offices available to the consumer. For this, the information provided by the Medication Information Center was essential, contrasted with the data provided by the laboratories involved. The information obtained was carefully analyzed, highlighting the most relevant results regarding the development of new pharmaceutical forms with probiotic microorganisms and their requirements.

Results and Discussion

The growing market interest in promoting health naturally has intensified research in this area. A recent global analysis of the probiotic market estimated an annual growth of 7%, driven mainly by an increase in demand from Asian and European consumers, with a forecast of 48 trillion dollars over the next 5 years (GlobalIndustryAnalysisReport 2012) . Likewise, we can find probiotics under different pharmaceutical modalities such as oral administration pharmaceutical specialties, dietary supplements, oral rehydration solutions, infant formulas and specialties for urogenital use; as well as included in a wide variety of foods. While these foods are related to the maintenance of the normal functioning of the organism or to the reduction of the risks of disease in a large population center, both healthy and not so healthy; Pharmaceutical modalities are considered as a primary therapeutic solution in a specific disease situation 23 .

As we can see, most of the products sold are in the form of capsules or envelopes while the available tablets are minimal. The lack of tablets with probiotics and the overlap with other pharmaceutical forms, mainly capsules, has been detrimental to the dose of bacteria administered by pharmaceutical form, which should be sufficient to generate a satisfactory effect on the health of the patient. Thus, the technological conditions used to obtain capsules are less aggressive, therefore, the survival of the bacteria will be very high and will allow a lower production cost. On the contrary, compression requires high pressures that entail the loss of a large part of the bacteria.

However, there are multiple advantages that tablets give us and not capsules, such as allowing us to achieve a controlled or modified release of the active ingredient. In recent years, research in the design of pharmaceutical forms has focused on the search for systems that allow controlling the time, place and speed of release of the active ingredient after its administration. The reasons, among others, derive from the desire to achieve the prolonged release of highly water soluble compounds, achieve release rates that respond to a given objective, decrease the number of daily administrations and minimize side effects. For this reason, the design and development of probiotic tablets that suppose a great innovation in the sector and that provide a control in the release of the probiotic content is considered as a center of future research.

The availability of probiotic microorganisms in a wide variety of foods, food supplements and pharmaceutical specialties is providing changes for the consumer and health personnel regarding the choice of the optimal product for an adequate application in the indicated person.

The main problem associated with the trade of these products lies in the lack of sufficient information in the labeling of many of them (UFC / uda / g, strains contained, clinical trials conducted to support their effectiveness ...) this being a reason for distrust by the consumer about the health benefits they offer. The interest on the part of the Pharmaceutical Industry in the development of new specialties containing probiotic microorganisms should be linked to the establishment of a regulation for them in order to present that associated information available to the consumer.


Based on the foregoing, it seems clear that the use of probiotic microorganisms as health enhancers is a promising tool in the advancement of various fields such as food or pharmaceutical and thus the need to develop new pharmaceutical specialties and other products carriers of the same. The success of these microorganisms depends on the medium used to administer them, which is why it should be emphasized the importance of pharmaceutical forms in ensuring the protection of these microorganisms at all times allowing the arrival of these in a sufficient number to the place of action. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain positive effects on consumer health, since a dose of at least 5 billion colony-forming units is recommended for at least 5 days (5 x 10 9 CFU / day).

As mentioned above, the demand for these probiotic products is on the rise, which poses a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry, which should select those technological processes and production conditions appropriate to solve the problems associated with the sensitivity of these probiotic microorganisms; finally guaranteeing an optimal dose in each pharmaceutical form. The development of innovative pharmaceutical forms should be considered, which represent an advance in this area, in order to control the release of the contained probiotic load.

However, a specific regulation is needed that establishes safety, dose and labeling parameters. Regulation on nutrition and health issues in Europe is expected to help bring order to product claims, although it should not impede development and innovation in the sector; should eliminate from the market those products that do not comply with the definition or that claim unsubstantiated health benefits, allowing pharmaceutical products to obtain the recognition they deserve, based on research carried out.


We want to express our gratitude to the Pharmacy Josefina Tarifa, La Rábita (Granada) for the help given in the achievement of this work.

Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)


Probiotics are gram positive, microaerophilic microorganisms, fermenters of
carbohydrates, which produce especially lactic acid, which is why they are also considered
"Lactic acid bacteria" being the Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria the most important in the
present; these microorganisms are considered biotherapeutic for the health benefits
such as: facilitate the digestion of lactose, protect against gastrointestinal diseases,
of the urogenital and respiratory tract, balance the immune system, prevent and treat diseases
dermatological and protect against colon cancer. To achieve these long-term benefits, in
the human organism, it is required the consumption of foods with prebiotic ingredients such as
onions, bananas, oats, leeks and artichokes because they are the main source of carbon for these
bacteria The present work collects some bibliographic reviews of research and articles
related to this topic during a period of 26 years, comprised between 1977 and 2003.
Palabras Clave: Probiotics, Prebiotics, Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, Fructooligosaccharides.

Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)
Renew Life Adult Probiotic - Ultimate Flora Extra Care Go Pack, Shelf Stable Probiotic Supplement - 50 Billion - 30 Vegetable Capsules (Packaging May Vary)

The probiotics are positive gram microorganisms, microaerofilic, carbohydrate fermenters, which
are lactic acid producers and there is known as ¨lactic acid bacteria¨. Nowadays, Lactobacilii and
Bifidobacteriae are the most important lactic acid producers.
The before mentioned microorganisms are considered to be biotherapeutic because of their
beneficial effects on human health such as making easy the lactose digestion and protect humans
from gastrointestinal, urogenital and respiratory illnesses; they balance the immune system, prevent
and treat dermatologycal illnesses and protect against colon cancer.
The humans need an intake of foods containing prebiotics, which provide carbon to probiotics, in
order to get the beneficial effects in a long term. Some of prebiotics sources are: onions, bananas,
oats, leeks, and artichokes.

This review aims to highlight the importance
that it has in human health, the consumption of food
ments with prebiotic ingredients and with
probiotic microorganisms by the large variety
of beneficial effects that have been widely
demonstrated by different investigations and es-
tudios, taking into account that the diet is one of
the most important factors to keep this
A good diet should consider the
ingestion of so-called functional foods, which
In addition to nourishing, they have components that
have a positive impact on health, such as
prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics are
carbohydrates present in plant foods
whose main characteristic is that they are not
metabolized by the digestive enzymes of the male
which, when they reach the intestine, are used as
carbon source by microorganisms.

Probiotics are microorganisms that form
bacillary or cocobacillary gram positive, no
sporulated ones that have the property of
blar some carbohydrates to produce
posts of lower molecular weight, such as acid
two lactic, propionic, formic, acetic, CO 2 ,
diacetyl, H 2 0 2 , among others. These products con-
tribuyen to improve digestive processes, combat
the pathogenic intestinal microbiota, maintain the
immunological balance, among others. These
microorganisms are already available in
the market in the form of tablets, capsules,
vo and added to food. However, it can be
isolate foods of animal and vegetable origin
fermented in a natural way.
At present, we Colombians have not
become aware of the importance that it has
include in the diet, this type of food has
take into account that in the country, levels are presented
mortality rates due to malnutrition and can-
cer, there are also multiple cases of imbalance
in the immune system such as allergies,
pneumonias, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
tinal and urogenital among others.


Throughout history it has been reported the
sumo of fermented dairy products with
living microorganisms, especially bacteria
lactic acid, because from ancient times it
evidenced the knowledge of the benefits that
these provided in the people who
they went down However, whoever emphasized them was
the scientist Elié Metchnikoff, who linked the
ingestion of fermented milks, with the longevity
health and health of the inhabitants in a given
region of Bulgaria, which included in their diet
fermented milks and lived on average more than
one hundred years (1) It is now known that the re-
fermentatives were microorganisms
lactic acid producers of the genres
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
In 1965 the term was first used
"Probiotic", a word derived from the Latin "pro" that
means in favor of; and from the Greek "bios" that he wants
say life Initially, this word defined the
microorganisms that promoted growth
of other microorganisms; then applied to ex-
tracts of tissues that stimulate growth
microbial. In recent years, they have been defined
as probiotics, the single crops or mixture
two of living microorganisms that, when ingested
two by humans or animals, improve the balance
population of the intestinal microbiota, avoiding
the adherence of pathogens (2,3). But nevertheless,
these microorganisms are not necessarily
inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract, but
can be found as a natural microbiota in
milk, meat and some vegetables, causing the
natural fermentation of them (4,5).


Probiotic microorganisms are bacteria
lactic acids that belong to the genus
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and traditionally
have been classified based on their properties
morphological growth at different temperatures
tures, glucose fermenting capacity and others
carbohydrates and the configuration of lactic acid
produced. Lactobacillus are gram-positive bacilli
non-sporulated, aerotolerant, acidotole-
rantes, catalase negative, lacking cytochrome;
although exceptions occur when some
species grown in haematin-rich media
or related compounds can synthesize
catalase; they are also strictly fermenting.


producing a great diversity of acids,
The main one is the lactic. The species of the genus
Bifidobacterium are gram-positive coccobacilli,
sporulated, usually strict anaerobes
but they can grow under microaerous conditions
edges when in the presence of CO 2 (4,7,6).


The strains of probiotic microorganisms
they must present and maintain some characteristics
that guarantee their growth and survival in
the food that contains it or to which it is added,
as well as during its transit through
stomach and small intestine, and their ability to
Adhere to the mucous membranes of the large intestine. In-
Among the main characteristics are:
Feasibility during processing and
food storage. The viability
is the capacity of these micro-
organisms to stay alive, both in the
food as in the intestine of the consumer
during a certain time, in order to
achieve the benefits of such foods. The
feasibility is related to the method of
production and with the additional microorganism
swim with the fermented product (8.9). In Colom-
bia, it is required that milk fermented with
Probiotics must present a feasibility in
Colony Training Units (CFU) of
concentrations of not less than 10 6 CFU / g du-
for a minimum period of 21 days (10,11).
Stability against gastric acids and bi
lis These microorganisms must resist
the concentrations of acid and bile salts of
stomach or small intestine of human beings
hands and animals. To check the resistance
To these adverse media there is a test
which is done in vitro at pH = 2 and with the salts
biliary at a concentration of 0.3% w / v; by-
that not all species of genera
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium present this
characteristic, therefore, is an im-
carrier to select a microorganism
probiotic (12)
· Adherence to the intestinal mucosa. The
Probiotic microorganisms have the capacity to
the ability to synthesize a biosurfactant
glycoprotein, which favors the adhesion
tion to the surfaces of M cells and / or
peyer's plates, and in this way compete with
enteropathogenic microorganisms and im-
they ask that they colonize the intestine, which
ultimately leads to stimulating the system
immunological issue, with an increase
to the levels of some immunoglobulins
in the organism (13,14.15,16). This property
It was proven in in vitro studies on the
cell lines Caco-2 and Ht-29 (17,12,18).
Production of antimicrobial substances
bianas When these microorganisms
metabolize carbohydrates, synthesize com-
such as: lactic, formic, acetic acid;
hydrogen peroxide, super oxide anions and
hydroxyl radicals; carbon dioxide,
diacetyl, acetaldehyde and D isomers of
amino acids. You can also synthesize some
substances called bacteriocins like the
reuterin, non-protein with low
molecular weight that exert an action
antimicrobial, by acting on structural structures
of the different microorganisms
that they inhibit. This takes on greater importance
tance when such microorganisms are
pathogens, as is the case of Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas spp., Clostridium perfringens and Cl.
difficile mainly (19,20).

The boom in foods enriched with es-
microorganisms is due to a great variety
of benefits that they provide to the consumer,
which have been evidenced through a series
of investigations. Among the most prominent are
They find the following:
Facilitate the digestibility of lactose.
The probiotic microorganisms, being in the
intestine, release the enzyme β-galactosidase, which
acts on lactose hydrolyzing it until glucose
and galactose, in this way prevents people from
carbohydrate tolerant symptoms
as flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea, when
do they consume milk (21,22)
Page 5
2. 3
Protect against gastro-intestinal diseases
intestinal The intestinal pathology can occur
by a consumption of antibiotics that inhibit or
destroy the natural microbiota and / or colonize
tion by enteropathogenic microorganisms as
Klebsíella oxytoca and Clostridium difficile, which causes
San lesions in the colon (23,24,25). With the consumer
mo of foods with probiotics specifically
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, and Lactobacillus reuteri,
the balance of the intestinal microbiota is recovered
native and prevents the adhesion of some viruses, bacteria
pathogenic substances or parasites that can be agents
causes of gastroenteritis, diarrhea of ​​the via-
jero and intestinal inflammation, the syndrome of
irritable colon (18,26,27,28,29,30) that in the last
Instances may be the cause of colon cancer;
probiotics have shown a favorable effect
in mutation prevention, by deactivating
genotoxic carcinogens, in an in vitro system
Protect against tract infections
urogenital. Vaginitis induced by bacteria and /
or yeast, is a closely related infection
cured with exposure to antibiotics and
spermicides and also depends on the hor
Monal of the woman. With the consumption of mixtures
probiotic, good results have been obtained
in the restoration of the natural microbiota
urogenital, which displaces the cause
of inflammation in the vagina and urethra (16).
Promote the endogenous defense barrier
of the intestine. Although, the gastrointestinal tract
It is normally a natural barrier against
antigens of microbial and food origin, the
presence of probiotics attached to muco-
intestinal, stimulates or potentiates the
mune, which favors the immunomodulation that
manifests itself in an increase in the levels of
immunoglobulins, and an activation of the cells
mononuclear and lymphocytes to protect
to the host of infections. However, the
specific mechanisms are not yet clear
Protect against respiratory infections.
Probiotics increase phagocytic activity
of alveolar macrophages acting on
pathogenic microorganisms present in the pathways
respiratory A study was made of 571 healthy children
we with ages between one and six years divided into
two groups: one of them was included in their
milk diet supplemented with Lactobacillus GG, and
to the other children, milk not supplemented,
With a 19% decrease in
respiratory diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis
tis, bronchitis and pneumonia in those children
mentioned with Lactobacillus GG (35). The above
was corroborated by Rio and collaborators when
supplied Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei
in children to observe the effect on pathologies
of normal airways at this stage of the
life, who concluded that the supply of
lactobacilli prevented pneumonias and decreased
the frequency of bronchitis in normal children and
malnourished. In addition, they observed that the
trition predisposes towards greater severity in
the pathologies and limits the effectiveness of these
microorganisms, possibly by decreasing the
the capacity of the organism in response to the immu-
ne (36).
Alvarez et al 2001 found that the administration
of yogurt with Lactobacillus casei in mice
improved the lung clearances of the pre-
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa inducing a
significant increase in IgA and IgM levels,
detected in the bronchoalveolar lavages and
observed a dose-dependent effect (37).
They prevent eczema The consumption of
probiotics improves allergic or eczemal inflammation
atopic, because it significantly improves the
skin conditions, the concentration of
circulating cytokines and adhesion molecules to
the surfaces of the cells, soluble in serum (38).
This was observed in 27 children with 4.6 months of age
on average, fed with supplementary formula
with Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus GG.
After applying said treatment, it is submitted
they went to a SCORAD test (measures the length
eczema and severity). Another study, was
performed on 159 pregnant women with a history
family of first-degree atopic eczema, a
which were given daily Lactobacillus
GG for 2 to 4 weeks before delivery and at
children during their first two years of life, in
who saw a 50% decrease in
the frequency of atopic eczema (39,40).
Prevent infection in surgical wounds.
Probiotics of the type Lactobacillus fermentum,
prevent the binding of pathogens to surfaces
cells in wounds, through the secretion of
teínas. Currently, the study is under


application on wounds in rat skin, and
found a decrease of 90% in the colo-
nization by Staphylococcus aureus, one
of the most feared pathogens and the largest inci-
dencia in hospital infections; moreover, it
is contemplating the possibility of using the
purified protein instead of the microorganism for
the protection against infections (41,42).
Probiotics to be able to keep all the
favorable effects on the people who consume them
men, it is necessary to supplement them with food
coughs that contain prebiotic ingredients

They are short chain carbohydrates, some
ces recognized as oligosaccharides, indigestible
by the enzymes of the intestinal epithelium or the glands
attached fields due to its chemical structure, and
this way they reach the large intestine where al-
canzan to be available for fermentation
of saccharolytic bacteria, which are especially
lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, giving rise to
compounds that exert functional effects on
the mucosa of the digestive tract (43).
They are considered as such some fructooligosa-
caridos, isomaltooligosaccharides, oligomato,
palatinose, polydextrose, polydextrin, raftiline and
some oligosaccharides from soy and oats. Is it so
in foods such as onions, garlic, bananas,
products, derived from wheat, chicory, asparagus and
artichoke. (44.45). Some of these prebiotics,
when they are incorporated into the diet in quantities
determined, alter the intestinal microbiota dis-
decreasing the counts of coliforms,
teroids and cocci, and increasing bifidobacteria
also in ten times, they also modify the activity
metabolism of the colon achieving a decrease
pH and an increase in the fecal content of
short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid,
propionic and butyric. Butyrate increases the
of the wall of the colon and small intestine, esti-
mucous growth of the colon mucosa and
mint its blood flow, inhibits growth
of epithelial tumor lines of colonic origin,
induces the differentiation of your cells and the
apoptosis, among others (46,43).
In studies done in simulators of the
human tino, using fermented oat products
mentioned, they were found to stimulate growth
of both lactobacilli and bifidobac-
and, in the case of the latter, increased
the production of acetic, propionic and
butyric, which affects the implementation of
probiotics and inhibits the growth of another type
of microorganisms (15,47,48)
Studies have been conducted seeking to evaluate the
effects of a prebiotic such as oligofructose with
and without zinc, in a dietary supplement, on the
prevalence of diarrhea in a child population
where there was a high rate of infections
gastrointestinal; which showed no difference
significant differences between the two formulas. This
led the authors to conclude that a
reasonable dose of the prebiotic to achieve the
expected (49). Infant formulas supplement
with oligosaccharides in the diet of
premature children in a proportion similar to the
of human milk stimulated the growth of
bifidobacteria in the intestine and it was observed that
the stool characteristics were similar to
those of those infants fed with milk
maternal (50).

It is important to stimulate food consumption
probiotic and prebiotic ingredients in the population
Colombia since childhood, because it improves the
assimilation of nutrients and prevents disease
from early stages, such as intolerance,
rancid to lactose, gastrointestinal diseases
including colon cancer, respiratory infections
rations, among others.
In Colombia, research should be encouraged
in this field, focusing on isolating strains
natives with probiotic activity and from them,
elaborate own foods of our region with
high nutritional value and easy access for the
population with high levels of malnutrition.

SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)

Everything you need to know about L. casei. Properties and Benefits of Taking It

Have you heard about L. casei? sure that some announcement on the subject you have heard, but perhaps you do not know what it is. In this post we want to talk about it. Lactobacillus casei is a species of Gram positive anaerobic bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus present in the intestine and the mouth of humans. It is a probiotic bacterium, producer of lactic acid, and as such is used in the production of fermented dairy products. Also note that it complements the growth of L. acidophilus, a producer of the enzyme amylase (digestive enzyme of carbohydrates).

In order for them to act in our intestine, the bacteria must reach it intact, previously resisting transit through the gastrointestinal tract (the action of gastric, biliary and duodenal juices). Well, it has been shown that this bacterium is very resistant to wide ranges of pH and temperature, and that it has a high percentage of survival. This, together with certain benefits that we will see later, is what makes it so attractive for the manufacture of functional foods.

SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)
SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)

Casei in the market

Three products with very popular L. casei that we can easily find in supermarkets are:

  •      Actimel: Of the French Danone. «Help your defenses» Does it sound? Its discussed benefits (read article of the OCU: "Your defenses do not need breakfast Actimel") are attributed to a strain of a bacterium, Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001, developed and patented by the company, whose commercial name in Spain is Casei Imunitass (L. Casei Defensis in Argentina).
  •      DanActive: In the United States or Canada, Actimel is marketed as DanActive.
  •      Yakult: From the Japanese company Yakult Honsha. It is marketed in 33 countries (including Europe and the United States). Contains Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

Benefits and Properties of L. casei

Gastrointestinal diseases and digestion

Some probiotic strains of Lactobacillus casei may be effective for the relief of pathogenic gastrointestinal bacterial diseases. It is also believed that L. casei improves digestion and tolerance to milk. However, the WHO has verified that the benefits associated with probiotics are dependent strains, that is, their effects depend on the strain used and its concentration in the product.

The properties have to be demonstrated in each specific strain to be valid. According to an FAO / WHO report, "... certain strains of Probiotics are safe for human consumption and can provide the consumer with some health benefits, although these benefits can not be extrapolated to other strains without the corresponding experimentation".

    Strengthening the intestinal barrier

Lactobacillus casei prevents altered barrier function in intestinal epithelial cells. «Probiotic, L. casei, prevents dysfunctions of the epithelial barrier induced by cytokines in CEIs». "Our study provided evidence that even non-living probiotic bacteria can prevent the development of severe forms of intestinal inflammation by strengthening the integrity of the intestinal barrier and modulating the intestinal microenvironment."

    Promotes the recovery of diarrhea in children

In many developing countries, diarrheal diseases continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality, especially when associated with malnutrition. Studies suggest that Lactobacillus is a safe and effective treatment for acute and infectious diarrhea because shorter recovery times are evident (clinical trial with the GG variant). «The vast majority of published trials show a statistically significant benefit and moderate clinical benefit of a few well-identified probiotic strains -especially Lactobacillus GG and S. boulardii- in the treatment of acute watery diarrhea and particularly those due to rotavirus. . This beneficial effect leads, on average, to a reduction in the duration of diarrhea of ​​approximately 1 day ».

Likewise, positive conclusions have been drawn from some studies on L. casei and other probiotics with lactobacilli (specifically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus) for the prevention of diarrhea caused by treatment with antibiotics or Clostridium difficile.

Treatment of pancreatic necrosis

If not treated, this disease has a very high mortality rate due to bacterial translocation (bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract pass to extraintestinal sites, such as lymph nodes, pancreas or blood).

This trial in which a multispecies probiotic called Ecologic 641 (probiotic strains: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactococcus lactis, Bifidobacterium Bifidum and Bifidobacterium infantis) is created, concludes that «... it is capable of inhibiting the growth of a wide variety of pathogens isolated from infected pancreatic necrosis. The antimicrobial properties are explained to a large extent by the production of organic acids ». Thus, the addition of probiotic strains reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppresses bacterial overgrowth.

All of the above are proven benefits for the prevention or treatment of specific diseases or pathologies. «Strengthen your defenses» is undoubtedly an effective advertising slogan but a statement about health that is not very precise.

According to some investigations, the consumption of dairy preparations fermented with L. casei does not influence the immune system of healthy individuals. Yes it is true that it modulates the composition and metabolic activity of the intestinal flora, but in the same way as a traditional yoghurt does at a lower price.

In any case, remember that an optimal state of health can not depend solely on a product. Only the sum of a healthy, balanced and varied diet plus healthy lifestyle habits and the regular practice of physical exercise will keep you and your defenses "strong".

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We hope you liked the post. If you want to share any comments with us, we will be happy to read you.

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

How to choose a probiotic

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

To be able to choose well among all types of probiotics that exist in the market before we must define what they are, how they help us and differentiate them from prebiotics. It is easy to confuse the two terms by their grammatical similarity, but in reality they are distinct concepts.

Probiotics are live non-pathogenic microorganisms that, given in an adequate dose, reinforce our health, both at the digestive and immune levels. Each type of probiotic has a different property, so the importance of knowing a little more each of them. These bacteria or yeasts can be consumed through food such as dairy or other fermented products and foods fortified with probiotics, or through pharmaceutical preparations if we are faced with a situation where the needs are higher.

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)
Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

On the other hand, we find the prebiotics . Unlike the above are not living organisms, but nondigestible ingredients of foods, usually fibers, that positively affect the growth of bacteria in the colon and the absorption of certain minerals in adequate doses. (2)

After comparing these two types of functional foods we need to know how to choose the best probiotic for each situation. Probiotics differ according to genus, species and strain. A good quality, healthy and therapeutic probiotic should be able to withstand a hostile environment in our body.

The most used genera belong to lactic acid bacteria (BAL), such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus , but yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and others are also used as probiotics. (3)

Characteristics of probiotics

Before choosing a probiotic supplement we must make sure it is safe and healthy. The following are some keys to guarantee the quality and therapeutic effect of the probiotic . He must:

  •     They must have biological safety, ie be safe and harmless under any circumstances for the human being.
  •     Contain organisms resistant to the degradation of stomach acids, bile and enzymes to survive throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  •     Being able to adhere to the intestinal epithelium.
  •     Be able to colonize and grow in the gastrointestinal tract.
  •     Be able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacterial organisms.
  •     Depending on the probiotic, be stored and transported under refrigeration to protect it from loss of efficacy. (1)

Studies have shown that different strains of probiotics offer distinct benefits to human health. Some have been described to prevent diarrhea linked to the consumption of antibiotics, to treat inflammatory bowel or vaginal diseases, alterations in immunity, even to prevent atopic dermatitis or to treat atopic eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver or to lower the cholesterol. Although in general, the most established clinical evidence in favor of probiotics is related to its use in improving bowel health and boosting immune function. (3)

The intestine is the organ related to the most important immune function of the organism. Probiotics have an effect on intestinal bacteria by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria and decreasing the population of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. At the intestinal level probiotics digest food and compete with nutrient pathogens, modify the environment conditions to create an unfavorable environment for pathogens, increase the function of the intestinal barrier and modify the toxins of pathogenic origin. (3)

Probiotics and Immune System

If what is sought is a support for the immune system will be important to consider some of the following probiotic strains:

  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (HN019) : this strain helps to modulate some aspects of the immune system in adults. (4)
  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bb- 12): Restores intestinal flora in children, relieves and reduces flatulence, diarrhea and constipation. It also increases the immune response in children. (5) A double-blind study has shown that administration to pregnant mothers along with Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) improves fetal development. (6)
  •     Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCFM) : maintains and restores the health of the microflora in the digestive system, the vaginal flora and supports the immune system, inhibiting different pathogenic bacteria. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus reuteri : present in breast milk, this strain protects the host from infections by the immune system.
  •     Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) : decreases the incidence of gastrointestinal, respiratory infections and also diarrhea associated with the consumption of antibiotics. (8) It has also been shown to reduce the incidence in children developing eczema and in children with atopic conditions including rhinitis and food allergy. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus Plantarum (CECT7315 and CECT7316 ): they have an immunostimulatory effect that helps to prevent infections and contribute to a better clinical evolution. (12) In addition, they improve the response to the flu vaccine in the elderly. (13)

Probiotics and digestive system

If you are looking for a support for the digestive system it will be important to consider some of the following probiotic strains:

  •     Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (GG) : has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of acute infectious diarrhea in children. As well as for the prevention of adult and pediatric diarrhea. (7.9) It has also been shown to reduce pain associated with irritable bowel symptoms in children. (10)
  •     Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bl-04 ) and Lactobacillus paracasei (Lpc-37): in a study together with 2 more strains showed that they restored intestinal flora during and after antibiotic treatment. (11)
  •     Lactobacillus casei (DN-114001) : are used in fermented milk along with other probiotics as an adjuvant therapy for the eradication of Pylori . (7)
  •     Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Boulardii) : this is a fungus that inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and also for antibiotic-associated diarrhea in both adults and children. (7)
  •     Lactobacillus Plantarum (299v) : in addition to its antioxidant activity helps to maintain intestinal permeability, ie, the barrier to nutrient absorption. It also helps in the treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, reduces the feeling of bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation and relieves gastrointestinal pain and inflammation. (7)
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis (35624) : may improve pain and relieve some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It also prevents enterocolitis and also belongs to the group of bacteria that produce B vitamins and digestive enzymes. (7)

It is not possible to establish a general dosage for probiotics, the dosage must be individual for each product and will also be taken into account if it is an adult patient or child. The products marketed should indicate a recommended dose, which should be based on the physiological effect.

Therefore, after seeing some of the many probiotics that exist, it is important to emphasize that not all probiotics are the same or offer the same therapeutic action. Your diet should always be recommended by a health professional and always as a supplement to a balanced diet.

Probiotic Synergy 100 Billion | 30 Acid Resistant DRCaps | Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus Plantarum Lp-115, Bifidobacterium Longum Bl-05, HOWARU Bifido HN019 | Free eBook

The role of bifidobacteria in the functioning of the human organism

Role of bifidobacteria in the function of the human body


Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is a probiotic strain that has received considerable attention from the scientific community. It has tolerance to higher temperatures and lower, acidic pH than other bacteria. When administered for 12 months to infants and children together with S. thermophilus this was associated with lower incidences of acute diarrhea. Studies in different countries and with different experimental designs confirmed these results. It was also shown that its administration did not interfere with the growth or normal weight gain of the children. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 was associated with decreases in the fecal excretion of rotavirus during episodes of diarrhea, a fact that represents an epidemiological benefit. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 exerts positive effects on manifestations of atopy / eczema, with decreases of the parameters of inflammation such as CD4 in blood serum and eosinophil protein X in urine. This was associated with changes in the severity and severity of skin lesions. No modifications of the normal growth parameters were observed when Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis CNCM I-3446 was given.

Probiotic Synergy 100 Billion | 30 Acid Resistant DRCaps | Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus Plantarum Lp-115, Bifidobacterium Longum Bl-05, HOWARU Bifido HN019 | Free eBook
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Administration of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is associated with higher levels of fecal sIgA and calprotectin, which are considered parameters of immune responses and ofthe capacity to initiate inflammatory responses. The statements made by some groups that infants under 4 months of age who are not breastfed should not receive probiotics have weak support if it is considered maternal milk contains a large number and variety of strains of bacteria which may be considered the probiotics. These may not only protect from acute diarrhea but also from upper respiratory infections. Although cases of septicemia due to probiotic have been reported these represent an infinitely small proportion of the total numbers of consumers. No outbreaks have been reported that would point to invasive properties in a strain. It is not advisable to administer any living bacteria to individuals in shock or with innate or severe defects of immunity. However, carriers of HIV or AIDS patients benefit from probiotic agents. A study carried out in Chile showed that despite no clinical evidence L. rhamnosus HN001, significantly increased fecal symptoms as a manifestation of improved mucosal defense in the digestive tract.


Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is one of the strains Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is one of the most studied probiotic strains. It has advantages that make it useful for industrial use: tolerance to acid environments and temperatures higher than other probiotics. In a 12-month study Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 was administered for a year associated with S. thermophilus and it was observed that children experienced fewer episodes of acute diarrhea. Studies with follow-up of different duration and design endorsed these results and their administration did not exert negative influences on growth. This bifido-bacterium induced decreases in the excretion of rotavirus during episodes of diarrhea, which reduces the possibility of contagion. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 exerts positive effects on the manifestations of atopy such as eczema with the decrease of markers of inflammation such as CD4 in serum and protein X of eosinophils in urine; and improvements in permeability alterations. Studies with Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis CNCM I-3446 administered with ARA and DHA showed alterations of growth and biochemical parameters in infants and preschoolers in 14 to 119-day follow-ups. Administration of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 together with immunizations was associated with higher levels of sIgA specific anti-poliovirus and calprotectin, the levels of which would be associated with those of this immunoglobulin. It has been argued that there is no justification for administering probiotics to infants less than 4-6 months not breastfed, the fact that breast milk provides them in quantity and variety supports the possible advantages of their administration. Probiotics would protect not only infections of the gastrointestinal tract but also upper respiratory tract infections. There are isolated cases of sepsis in individuals with various conditions, but the proportion of affected is minimal. No outbreaks have been reported that would indicate probiotic strains with invasive capabilities. It is probably not advisable to administer them to subjects in shock or with defects in intestinal barrier function. HIV carriers and AIDS patients experience improvements in receiving probiotics. In a study in Chile it was shown that although without clinically obvious effects , administering L. rhamnosus HN001 produced increases in fecal secretory IgA, which represents an increase in the defenses of the digestive tract.

Key words : Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12; acute diarrhea; secretory immunoglobulin A, immunity, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Of the multiple species of bifidobacteria that colonize the human organism, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis is one of the most studied and one of its strains, the so-called Bb12 has wide use in human nutrition.

Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis is a Gram-positive anaerobic that is frequently found in the intestines of humans. Bifidobacterium animalis and Bifidobacterium lactis were considered separate species but are currently classified as Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies animalis and Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis, of which Bb12 is a strain; the old denominations are still in use in food labeling. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 is able to grow at elevated temperatures for this type of microorganisms (41 ° - 43 ° C) and is more tolerant to acid environments compared to other bacteria of human origin, which favors its use in industrial processes of the production of some foods (1).

A study in France evaluated the efficacy of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 in preventing acute diarrhea in 90 infants less than 8 months of age who attended day care centers or remained in family setting for at least 4 months. Of these, 46 infants received the formula with the probiotic and the other 44 served as controls. Both groups were comparable to admission in terms of their anthropometric characteristics. Of the infants who received the probiotic, 28.3% experienced episodes of diarrhea compared to 38.7% in the control group. The number of days with episode diarrhea was 1.2 ± 2.5 in the group receiving the probiotic, with a daily probability of developing an episode of 0.84 compared to 2.3 ± 4.5 days of duration diarrhea and a daily probability of an episode of 1.6 in the control group (p <0.0002 and 0.0014, respectively). Consumption of the formula with Bb12 decreased the risk of diarrhea by a factor of 1.9 (range 1.33 - 2.60). According to the authors, these results support the hypothesis that Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 added to acidified milk provides protection against acute diarrhea (2).

Other researchers published results that support these initial findings. Saavedra et al. Evaluated the effects of a mixture of Bifidobacterium lactis and S. thermophilus administered for 18 months on healthy infants 3 to 24 months of age when incorporated into the study. Their findings included a decrease in the frequency of colic and irritability (p <0.001) and less need to resort to antibiotics (p <0.001). On the other hand, there were no differences in growth velocity, absenteeism in day-care centers and other health-related variables (3). Another study carried out in day care centers in Israel showed that in comparison to the control group the administration of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 to daycare children was associated with a lower number of febrile episodes and diarrhea, which were of shorter duration (p < 0.001) (4). The absence of both negative and positive repercussions by probiotic on weight and height growth was explored by the same authors in another publication (5).

The effects of Bifidobacterium Bb12 on acute diarrhea have also been explored in other studies. This probiotic, administered in a cereal in association with S. thermophilus, L. acidophilus and zinc decreased the duration of episodes of diarrhea although it is not clear what would have been the effect of each of them alone to effect different combinations; in addition the number of children treated was relatively low (6). In another study, administration of two levels of Bifidobacterium Bb12 (10 8 CFU and 10 9 CFU per gram of powder) was compared in a lactose-free formula which also contained S. thermophilus (5 x 10 7 or 5 x 10 8 CFU per gram of powdered formula) and the duration of diarrhea and rotavirus excretion were evaluated, among other parameters. The higher dose of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis Bb12 was associated with lower fecal excretion of rotavirus, which may be of epidemiological importance because it would contribute to a decrease in the efficiency of virus transmission (9).

The effect of Bifidobacterium lactis was compared with Saccharomyces boulardii in children 5 months to 5 years of age affected by episodes of liquid diarrhea and mild dehydration . Infants who received Bifidobacterium lactis had significantly shorter episodes (4.1 ± 1.3 days) than those who received S. boulardii (6.6 1 ± 1.7 days) or in the control group ( 7.0 ± 1.6 days) (p <0.001 Bifidobacterium lactis vs. S. boulardii or control). These results reinforce the concept that Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 could exert a specific effect on rotavirus diarrhea episodes, comparable to that published for some lactobacilli (8).

Early in the study of probiotics it was evident that these microorganisms exert effects on the quality of immune responses and aroused special interest regarding allergic reactions, especially atopy / eczema. In one study, infants with such pathologies who had never been exposed to milk formulas were weaned with a formula containing extensively hydrolysed whey proteins and Bifidobacterium Bb12 or Lacto-bacillus GG. The initial SCORAD during breastfeeding was 16 and after 2 months significantly decreased (χ 2 = 12.27, p = 0.002): in those receiving Bifidobacterium Bb12 at 0 (range: 0 - 3.8) and in those receiving Lactobacillus GG to 1 (range 0.1-8.7). In contrast, in the control group, not supplemented with probiotics, the median SCORAD was 13.4 (interquartile range 4.5 - 18.2). Along with the decrease in SCORAD, children receiving probiotics experienced decreases in serum soluble CD4 and eosinophil X protein in urine (9). This is a demonstration that specific strains of probiotics are able to modify parameters associated with allergic skin inflammation and produce beneficial effects beyond the digestive tract. One of the mechanisms that can explain this response is the increase of the quality of the intestinal barrier. Stratiki et al. Observed that when administering Bifidobacterium Bb12 (2.7 x 107 CFU / gram of powdered formula) to stabilized preterm infants between 27 and 36 weeks of gestation, increases in fecal excretion of bifidobacteria were observed (p = 0.036 versus control ); these levels remained elevated, although not significantly, at day 30 (p = 0.075). On that day, which marked the end of the study, the lactulose / mannitol ratio in the urine was significantly lower in the group receiving the probiotic than in the control group (p = 0.003), indicating that the intestinal mucosa had become less permeable. In this study in the experimental group the cephalic perimeter increased significantly more (1.1 cm / week vs 0.9 cm / week; p = 0.001) (10). It should be noted that this effect was observed in an interval of only 30 days and it was not possible to determine until such a difference would be maintained over time and if it was truly associated with the administration of the probiotic. On the other hand, it is possible that administration of Bifidobacterium Bb12 induces changes in the resident microbiota, which has been observed in premature infants and is the sum of the action of the bacterium and the changes in the counts of other components of the microbiota resident what truly explains these modifications (11, 12). Unfortunately, there were no long-term controls for anthropometric parameters, measurements that might have shed light on these aspects.

Other studies have shown discordant results regarding bifidobacteria counts in stools, although this may be due to the fact that the trials have been performed in term newborns; in one study, after a considerable increase in fecal bifidobacteria counts during the first 5 days (reaching 65%), there was a gradual decrease, so that at 16 weeks they reached 55% and counts were similar to those observed in the other experimental groups. Administration of GOS / FOS (galactooligosaccharides / fructooligosaccharides in a 90:10 ratio) is associated with changes in fecal pH, which at 10 days is lower in infants receiving Bifidobacterium Bb12 than in those receiving the control formula (13) .

Gibson and colleagues evaluated the effects of an infant formula supplemented with Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis CNCM I-3446 and with the essential fatty acids docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (AA). The choice of the Bifidobacterium strain was based on the results of its use in older infants and preschoolers, whereas the fatty acid concentrations were similar to those detected in the milk of women consuming a varied diet; in addition, these concentrations had been used in other studies. The main objective was to evaluate the weight gain (grams / day) between days 14 and 119 of the follow-up and as secondary objectives we studied the lying body length, cephalic perimeter, BMI, circulating antibody titres, digestive tolerance and possible adverse events; in addition blood samples were obtained to quantify other biochemical parameters. The study included 72 children in the experimental group and 70 in the control group. No differences were detected in the weight gain, although the experimental group consumed a greater formula volume or for the other anthropometric parameters. At 119 days the concentrations of DHA, AA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in erythrocyte membranes were increased in children who consumed the supplemented product. The other biochemical parameters were comparable in both groups as well as responses to immunizations. Children in the experimental group reported fewer intercurrent pathologies during follow-up (upper respiratory, cutaneous, or urinary tract infections). The authors concluded that there was no difference between children who received probiotic and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) in relation to their growth and responses to immunizations (14). These results can be interpreted as that in children who have adequate nutrition and a normal nutritional status probiotics and LC-PUFAs do not increase their parameters above their respective normal ranges. Responses to oral immunizations are potentiated by probiotics because they would stimulate the immune system of the intestinal mucosa, but in this study the immunizations were parenteral.

Total secretory IgA (IgA) and specific IgA production for various agents was evaluated by Holscher et al in a study involving 172 healthy 6-week-old infants who received a partially hydrolyzed formula containing Bifidobacterium Bb12 (10 6 CFU / g of powder), with a control group receiving the same formula but without the probiotic (16). As a parallel group we evaluated a group of breastfed infants who had similar anthropometric parameters. The study began with the collection of basal fecal samples at 2 and 6 weeks. Measurements of specific IgAs in feces were aimed at detecting anti-polio and anti-rotavirus antibodies after the respective oral immunizations. Fecal excretion of calprotectin and lactate was also measured and the presence of Bb12 in the faeces was quantified. The type of birth and anthropometry at birth were comparable in all three groups. The volume of prescribed formula resulted in a consumption of 10 8 CFU / day of Bb12 at 8 weeks and 1.1 x 108 CFU / day from 12 weeks. Bb12 was detected in the faeces of 93% and 88% of participants in the experimental group at 2 and 6 weeks of study, respectively. There were no differences in bacterial DNA counts of bifidobacteria in the feces of children fed formula with Bifidobacterium Bb12 and the group fed with breast milk, but in them the DNA copy number of bifidobacteria was higher than in the control group. Breastfed children had higher levels of fecal IgAs and infants born to vaginal delivery who received the probiotic developed increasing fecal levels of IgAs between birth to 6 months of feeding (between V0 to V2) compared to those fed formula conventional. Levels of fecal anti-poliovirus IgAs tended to increase in children receiving Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, as did calprotectin levels, especially in those born by cesarean section. In contrast, breastfed infants had higher fecal calprotectin levels than the two formula-fed groups. Of infants receiving formula, those receiving Bifidobacterium Bb12 had significantly higher fecal calprotectin levels at 2 weeks of the study than those given the conventional formula. In breastfed infants the fecal pH was lower than in the groups that received formulas and at 2 weeks tended to excrete more lactate in the feces. Some of the potentiation effects observed in vaginally born infants who received Bifidobacterium Bb12 would be explained by the additive effect of the probiotic on the flora they acquired when passing through the birth canal. It is likely that other favorable results observed in this study are the result of the advantages of colonization by a microbiota enriched with bifidobacteria. According to some authors, there would also be a correlation between fecal and calprotectin IgA levels, which would be related to the decrease in the diseases associated with the presence of IgE observed after 2 years of age (16). The addition of Bifidobacterium Bb12 to a milk formula would represent a way of providing an immunomodulatory stimulus to children born by cesarean section or who have not been breastfed.

The effects of B. animalis spp lactis Bb12 in preterm infants were evaluated in a systematic review of randomized and control trials (17). This analysis argues that the administration of Bifidobacterium animalis spp lactis is associated with increases in weight gain, although of low magnitude, whose significance in the long term is unknown. This review also found no higher incidence of sepsis with positive blood cultures for Bifidobacterium animalis spp lactis; however, the administration of this microorganism would have had a positive effect because its administration was associated with decreases in the use of antibiotics. One study postulated that those who received B. lactis would have increased nosocomial infections but the statistical significance of the results was at limit and the density of infections (number of nosocomial infections / total number of patients / day) was not significant in comparison with controls (18, 19). This review also did not find that preterm infants who received Bifidobacterium animalis spp lactis suffered a greater number of adverse effects. The authors postulate that the use of Bifidobacterium animalis spp lactis should be cause for optimism even if the results do not seem entirely convincing. The effect of this bacterium on the prevention and treatment of NEC, its evolution and the medium- and long-term results in terms of mortality and serious sequelae should be investigated.

The effects of Bifidobacterium bifidum associated with S. thermophilus were first explored in a study about the prevention of the intrahospital acquisition of rotavirus and its transmission in infants between 5 and 24 months who had been admitted for the management of chronic conditions. B. bifidum was administered in concentrations of 1.9 x 10 8 CFU / g of powdered formula and S. thermophilus at a rate of 0.14 x 10 8 CFU / g of the formula; the control formula was identical to the above but without the probiotics. The research design was stratified by age (<12 months, ≥ 12 months) and by the proportion of total daily energy provided by the formula (≤50%,> 50%). The study included 47 children (who recorded 57 admissions) and reported information on their nutritional status and episodes of diarrhea if pertinent. During the episodes of diarrhea tests were performed to detect rotavirus, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia and Campylobacter. In addition, regardless of the presence or absence of diarrhea, weekly fecal microbiological controls were performed. There were no differences in the anthropometric parameters or the number of days in which the participants consumed the respective formulas or in the volumes consumed. A significantly lower number of children in the probiotic group experienced episodes of diarrhea and in them the cumulative frequency of days with this pathology was also lower. The presence of rotavirus was detected in seven episodes, five of them in the control group, and no bacterial pathogens were detected. The cumulative incidence of diarrhea was significantly higher in infants in the control group and in the experimental group a decrease in fecal excretion of rotavirus was detected (20).


There is a large literature on probiotics and its effects that is the result of numerous investigations in humans and experimental models, and supports the idea that these microorganisms exert positive actions on human health; fundamentally to the enhancement of the innate and acquired immunities, and the investigations have been oriented mainly to pathologies of the mucous of the digestive tube, the respiratory apparatus, of allergic origin and the feminine genital apparatus. The probiotics most studied belong to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium although other species and strains have also been studied. The most investigated gastrointestinal pathologies have been acute diarrhea, traveler's diarrhea, diarrhea associated with antibiotic treatment, persistent diarrhea associated with malnutrition, nosocomial diarrhea and chronic infectious diarrhea. Another pathology in which probiotics have shown positive effects is necrotizing enterocolitis of preterm infants, regarding which there is currently a broad consensus about the benefits of its use. The relationship between the resident microbiota and probiotics in cadres such as infant colic, irritable bowel syndrome and periodic abdominal pain is being studied; the positive effects of various strains of probiotics in these tables has been substantiated in clinical investigations.

At the respiratory tract level, there is evidence that some probiotics induce shortening of the duration of upper respiratory infections, which require less antibiotics to manage and reduce the need for school and work absences. Another aspect which has been extensively studied relates to the effect of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria as modulators of immunity, especially at the mucosal and skin level. In this sense more studied pathologies are atopia / eczema, in respect of which there is a high level of consensus about its beneficial effects manifested by a lower surface area affected and less pruritus; positive evidence has also been published about respiratory and digestive allergic disorders in relation to the seasonal allergy associated with local pollen of Japanese cedar.

A publication of the Nutrition Committee of the European Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) (21) stated that the administration of these agents does not generate problems related to their safety. He stated that administration to children younger than 4 months of age does not produce consistent clinical effects. However, it is important to take into account that breast milk provides the infant with a complex microbiota with high counts of live bacteria that are probably involved in the stimulation and maturation of the infant's immune system and in the defense of its digestive tract; these microorganisms would act in a manner similar to probiotics. In infants who can not be breastfed, the addition of probiotics to infant formulas seeks to mimic and produce effects similar to the natural process since it stimulates the implantation of a microbiota with recognized harmless agents, which probably have the ability to block and displace potentials pathogens and allergens at the surface of the intestinal mucosa. In addition, some probiotics synthesize molecules with antibiotic properties, as is the case of L. reuteri reuterine .

The use of probiotics in acidified milks or as agents isolated and added to formulas or in oily or aqueous bases is already 100 years old and in the last 20 years its use worldwide has become more widespread. Its use has spread freely to all types of population groups, at different ages and different pathologies. The population performs most of these intakes without medical control and without knowledge of the possible pre-existence of pathologies; however, no alarm signals have emerged so far. In strains where antibiotic resistance plasmids have been discovered, they have been discarded or cured of these factors. Clearly, as with any biological agent or drug, a monitoring of its effects on the population should be maintained. It is also important to clarify whether it is possible to complement the functional capabilities of a probiotic by associating with members of other strains, species or even genera. Probiotics possess a strain-specific ability and within a single species a strain may possess capabilities that are considered to be highly beneficial or, conversely, potentially undesirable or even dangerous, so careful studies are necessary. These potential risks are detected more easily and accurately at present by means of specific methods of cultivation and molecular techniques that allow to know the genome of the bacteria in all its detail.

The ESPGHAN Committee concludes that the use of probiotics is not recommended in infants younger than 4 months, but this statement should be based on sound physiological evidence. In addition, the bacteria present in breast milk belong to species that are recognized as probiotics at present. On the other hand, research on the effects of probiotics may occasionally present particular design problems, even when studies are done by experienced groups as shown in the analysis of the Wanke and Szajewska study, in which some factors have not been analyzed in detail (19).

One of the problems with many probiotic strains, which is not valid for the three that are discussed in this review, is that there are only one or at most two studies with good methodological quality and an adequate number of subjects, explains that the statements of the literature review of ESPGHAN acquires a certain level of uncertainty. A recent publication argues that after a thorough review of the literature there appears to be no increase in the risks associated with the use of probiotics, it is difficult to assess adverse effects, which can be said to exist are very rare, and that the available literature has difficulties in answering in a clear way some of the doubts regarding its innocuousness (22). However, probiotics are employed by such a number of people, healthy or diseased with the most diverse pathologies that any adverse manifestation would have become clinically evident in the last 30 years. In October 2011, the World Organization of Gastroenterology published a practical guide which, in its general guidelines, coincides with that expressed by the publication cited above (23).