Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Caza Trail Coffee, Dark Roast, 100 Single Serve Cups

The real benefits of caffeine to lose weight and take care of weight

Is it true that caffeine is used to lose weight?

Moderately drunk coffee is healthy and doctors do not advise against it. However, several studies question whether taking caffeine can make you lose weight. Let's see what is true and how coffee affects our metabolism.

Caza Trail Coffee, Dark Roast, 100 Single Serve Cups
Caza Trail Coffee, Dark Roast, 100 Single Serve Cups

Caffeine affects our metabolism. It accelerates the rhythm in which our body works , since it has an influence on our nervous system. That can increase your calorie intake .

That has been the factor that some diets recommend or use the contribution of caffeine as an element to lose weight .

the real effects of caffeine

" There are studios for all tastes. Some corroborate that it increases the metabolism, but they are small jobs with a very small percentage of the population ", warns the pharmacist and nutritionist Elisa Escorihuela .

In addition, these studies indicate that cortisone levels increase , which converts proteins into carbohydrates, and causes us anxiety and desire to eat foods of poorer quality , unhealthy.

    There are studies both for and against using caffeine in the diet

Other studies say that it does serve to lose weight since it increases the metabolism up to 6% , but this in itself does not suppose a clear change of weight if it is not done together with a balanced diet and exercise. In the end you do not know if the participants in the study were losing weight just because of the diet or also the caffeine had intervened.


A new study, somewhat broader, has ruined another of the possible effects: that you eat less for the consumption of caffeine.

The University of Buffalo, in the United States, did the test and found that people who drank caffeine at breakfast were satisfied before and ate ten percent less in that meal.

However, all recovered that lack of nutrients in the following meals of the day and at the end of the study the weight was the same as that of people who had not taken caffeine.


"Every time we are more aware that there is no single basic element that helps us lose weight," says Escorihuela. " Coffee itself is neither better nor worse ingredient than others and can contribute to a certain point but within a set of balanced diet ."

    Coffee by itself will have no effect on weight if it is not accompanied by diet and exercise

  •     Coffee causes irritation and nervousness in people especially sensitive to this component.
  •     Likewise, it can also create discomfort and insomnia problems . Sleeping little and badly has been proven scientifically that can promote obesity, in addition to causing other health problems.


Do not forget that the dose is important. To achieve its effects you can not take more than 3 or 4 cups a day. Overcoming them is already very much and the adverse effects can be worse than the possible benefit.

  •     eware of caffeine sources , because it is not only in the coffee cup. There are many hidden sources . For example, drinks with cola and some energy drinks that have caffeine doses even higher than coffee.
  •     You also have to include tea . In this tea we talk about another name, the theina , but it is the same molecule as caffeine although its effects are milder (it depends on the amount of tea you consume).

    The tea is the same molecule as caffeine

    Then there are drinks and foods that add taurine, another exciting that adds to the total of products that can alter our body.

All this without counting that most drinks that have caffeine also have a lot of sugar , so if we lose weight we would be going in the opposite direction.


Of the most common varieties, arabica coffee , in all its variants, is softer and contains less caffeine than the robust coffee variety.

We should also take into consideration the type of preparation.

  •     It is preferable to roast at low temperatures (natural roast ) and that which is made without sugar, since the formation of toxic substances is reduced. It is distinguished because the grains are more claritos.
  •     The one that is toasted with sugar and at high temperatures (roasted coffee) , which in fact is the most popular in Spain and Italy, releases other toxic products, which are also not healthy.

Regarding the way to prepare it , if you drink espresso coffee, in a filter or in a traditional coffee maker, the differences in the amount of caffeine are few . The espresso may have more, but the amount that is ingested is lower. The filter is usually for a large cup of American coffee which compensates, in addition, the water is longer in contact with coffee and in the end absorbs more caffeine.


These data are always in generic. But it is important to point out that all the effects will depend in a clear way also on the person.

If you are a woman or a man, you do not assimilate, men tend to be more sensitive and affect them more.

  •     Men are more affected by caffeine than women

Also the corpulence is fundamental. The consumption of someone with 50 kilos is not the same as another with 80.

  •     The particular characteristics. Not all of us assimilate the active principles of nutrients in the same way . Caffeine to some hardly takes away the sleep and others the minimum amount already reveals them.

the positive of caffeine

However, as we indicated at the beginning, there are also many studies that support the consumption of caffeine. Among other benefits, it helps us wake up, concentrate and gives us more resistance in sports, which makes us more active, one of the basic elements of a healthy life.

" The line between benefits and prejudices is very thin, " recalls nutritionist Escarihuela. Moderation and not be dazzled by a study that points to the wonderful or inadvisable of a food are the best criteria for consumption.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

Caffeine: Properties and benefits

Caffeine is one of those substances that has as many defenders as detractors. The truth is that it is found naturally in many plants and seeds.

And there are many people who can not spend the day without their daily dose of caffeine.

So much is the popularity of this substance, that you can not only get it in many drinks in a natural or added way as in cola or energy drinks. But now it is also possible to get it in the form of a supplement.

Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers
Amazon Brand - 100 Ct. Solimo Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, Kona Blend, Compatible with 2.0 K-Cup Brewers

If you are a person who can not start the day without drinking a cup of coffee or tea, no doubt that this post is for you.

You can know everything about caffeine, its properties, benefits, supplements and how to use it.

And it is that even though it has been demonized by many, caffeine is very helpful.

Of course as long as it is taken in moderation.

The problems with caffeine come when you take it in excess or if you have any condition that prevents you from consuming it regularly.

What are the properties of caffeine?
Properties and benefits of caffeine Caffeine enters the organism goes directly to the adenosine receptors (1) that are in the brain and there begins its action in the body.

There are many functions that meet in the body and there are many reasons why you consume it daily.

Activates the central nervous system
Caffeine when entering the body the first thing it does is activate the Central Nervous System (CNS) is why you feel an injection of energy once you consume it.

Caffeine has a small laxative effect (2) in the body when taken regularly, but without causing diarrhea, unless it is taken in excess.

It is thermogenic
Caffeine increases body temperature. It does not matter if it is ingested hot, cold or in the form of a supplement, it begins to burn fat and accelerates the metabolism immediately.

A study conducted in humans found that when people consumed 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg of caffeine per day they had a higher energy expenditure.

The vast majority of the effects of caffeine tend to disappear very quickly. In many cases, it does not exceed one hour.

What are the benefits of caffeine?

Thanks to the different properties that caffeine has when it is consumed, it generates many benefits that we are going to tell you next:

It keeps you awake

When you ingest caffeine in any of its forms you leave aside your sleepy state and begin to activate yourself.

This is because there is better blood flow in your body. The cerebral oxygenation increases and that is why you feel awake.

Therefore, after a short time of drinking your cup of coffee in the morning or when you need to study at night, it keeps you awake. The same happens with the energy drink, which contains a high concentration of this substance.

Activate your organism

As we mentioned before, when entering the body caffeine goes to the adenosine receptors that are in the brain. Besides activating your CNS, it also increases the segregation of dopamine, which is the substance of pleasure.

You have noticed that when you drink a cup of coffee or drink a soda you feel better. It is precisely because there is an increase in dopamine in your body.

Fight fatigue
Caffeine to be a vasodilator and activate your nervous system will allow you to feel always very energetic.

Even when you drink after your exercise routine. That injection of energy that you feel will allow you to feel better and leave fatigue behind.

It allows you to lose weight
Caffeine helps you lose weight in three different ways:

For its diuretic effect:

Caffeine will make you urinate more than necessary and with it you will fight the retention of liquids and through urination you can eliminate a good amount of fat.

Because it accelerates the metabolism:

By having a thermogenic effect (3) caffeine accelerates the metabolism on a large scale and with it the burning of fat (4) is much greater.

If you are trying to lose weight , drink a cup of coffee during the fast can help you lose a few kilos if accompanied with a good diet and a daily workout.

Because it reduces appetite:

When you take caffeine in the form of a supplement it will allow you to lose weight, since the feeling of satiety will come much faster when you eat and also helps you manage anxiety, as well as reduce appetite.

Thanks to this you can consume fewer calories than you need and you will lose weight.

Fat Burner
Because it speeds up your metabolism, caffeine is able to burn the stored fat you have in your body.

That is why many fat burners have caffeine since it further enhances its effect.

A study (4) conducted in humans randomly determined that the consumption of caffeinated beverages allowed a greater fat burning in people.

Another study went further, since it determined that in the case of young women (5) there is greater fat burning than in adults.

Increase physical performance
Many dietary supplements contain caffeine due to the energy injection that you have.

Especially the fat burners .

Thanks to this you can improve your physical performance, because you can do much longer sessions.

In this area is where there are many detractors with caffeine. Especially for the dehydrating effect that can have, being a diuretic.

However, taking caffeine one hour before your workout or even a half hour will allow you to have a much more intense session.

When taken in the form of pills their absorption is much faster and you will feel the effects much faster.

This was demonstrated by a study (6) in which 22 men who did strength and resistance exercises were monitored. After several weeks, the individuals who participated in the study were able to lift much more weight and increase the number of repetitions by 10%.

What are the most caffeine-rich drinks?

Caffeine is found in many varieties of coffee seeds and also herbs, that is why it is found in different types of teas.

  • Even in the cocoa bean and chocolate it also has it, especially the dark one.
  • These are the ones that contain it most (7) :
  • Coffee: Coffee is one of the drinks that has the most caffeine in its composition.
  • Express: 50 mg of caffeine
  • Coffee with milk and cappuccino: 75 mg

The amount of caffeine will vary according to the origin of the seeds and the whole roasting process they go through.

It is best to go for the grain and grind it at home.

50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…

Caffeine Diet: Weight Loss Booster?

Caffeine has been used in diet pills and supplements for the purposes of as a weight loss aid.

Until recently caffeine was used because of it's metabolism boosting properties. If dieters consumed more caffeine they would have more energy to burn more calories. Some research has shown that caffeine may aid in weight loss because of another factor.

50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…
50 Nespresso OriginalLine: Ristretto, 1 Package (50 Capsules) - NOT compatible with VERTUOLINE…

  • First, let's look at the caffeine levels in some popular weight loss supplements.
  • Common Diet Pills Containing Caffeine
  • Product     Caffeine content per serving
  • Energi-Zing Shake
  • by Nutrisystem     200mg
  • Celsius Energy Drink     200mg
  • Leptiburn     <1 mg (serving)
  • Body Choice Hoodia High Fiber     75mg
  • RhinoRush Weightloss     100 mg / tablet (also includes additional stimulants)
  • Dexatrim Max complex 7     50mg
  • Dexatrim Natural Green Tea     50mg
  • Dexatrim Natural Extra Energy     100mg
  • Dexatrim Daytime     200mg
  • Hydroxycut     250mg
  • Xenadrine     200mg
  • Twin Lab Diet Fuel     200mg
  • Estrin D     300mg (caffeine and caffeine-like stim.)
  • Natrol     100mg
  • Stacker 2     200mg
  • Green Coffee Pills     ≤25mg (varies by brand)
  • Caffeine Diet Study

Researchers at Kawasaki University discovered that caffeine also prevents the accumulation of fat in cells both in a Petri dish and in rodents . They believe that this is due to the caffeine inhibiting enzymes and genes responsible for lipid synthesis.

The results were the same using natural caffeine from coffee or yerba mate and using synthetic caffeine which is found in many supplements or energy drinks. src .

Although all caffeine prevented the accumulation of fat in cells, it is important to note that synthetic caffeine found in energy drinks and diets would not have the same antioxidant benefits as caffeine from natural sources such as coffee, green tea, and yerba mate.

Calorie Restriction is Still Key

Overall, there should be evidence of the effective use of caffeine as a dietary aide and weight loss, however, other studies would show that the greatest health benefit from caffeine would be found by consuming it in natural products and not through the use of supplements.

Calorie restriction is still the key to weight loss . A caffeine enhanced weight loss will not take a thing if the dieter is not first, cutting calories and using more calories daily than the are taking in.

Caffeine is not a miracle substance and it can not magically displace calories consumed . Its greatest quality is to help people feel more energetic, which should help them have greater stamina during fitness programs. Thus, burning more calories.

There is also the caution to not go overboard with caffeine as the woman from New Zealand did during her Red Bull Diet . Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and sometimes it does not mix well with intense exercise.

Two Rivers Flavored Coffee Pods, Compatible with 2.0 Keurig K-Cup Brewers, Variety Pack, 40 Count

Caffeine, Athletic Performance, and Weight Training

Does caffeine enhance athletic performance?

After all it is one of the primary ingredients in most of the 100's of pre-workout supplements that entice athletes with extraordinary claims of increased stamina and gains.

But does caffeine really make that much difference and is it safe to use large doses of caffeine during strenuous exercise?

Two Rivers Flavored Coffee Pods, Compatible with 2.0 Keurig K-Cup Brewers, Variety Pack, 40 Count
Two Rivers Flavored Coffee Pods, Compatible with 2.0 Keurig K-Cup Brewers, Variety Pack, 40 Count

Let's take a look at what the research says as well as try to establish some safety guidelines to follow for those wishing to use caffeine to boost athletic performance.

Research on Athletic Performance and Caffeine

1. According to Journal of Applied Physiology and, athletes that consumed caffeine and carbs after strenuous exercise had 66% more glycogen in their muscles than athletes who just ingested carbs alone post workout.

Glycogen is important because it is the fuel muscles use to function. Therefore, increasing glycogen levels after a hard workout will help athletes recover faster and perform better during the following day's workout if they are running, have thousands, lifting weights, or simply working out in therapeutic pools.

Note: These results were found when consuming caffeine along with carbs after exercise. src .

2. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research conducted a systematic review of 29 studies related to caffeine and athletic performance. They were trying to establish if caffeine prior to exercise acted as a performance aid. Here's what the scientists concluded:

  •     11 out of 17 studies showed caffeine ingestion yielded significant improvements in exercise performance.
  •     6 out of 11 studies revealed benefits of caffeine use during resistance training.
  •     Some studies showed decreased performance when multiple workouts were completed one after the other. src .

3. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that caffeine increased oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory response in long distance runners after completing a 15k run. In this case caffeine was ingested prior to the run. src .

4. Another study published in The FASEB Journal showed that caffeine does not seem to help with post workout muscle protein synthesis. Basically, this means that caffeine does not help increase muscle mass. Note that this study was performed on rats, not humans . src.

5. A July 2014 study published in the Journal of Muscle and Nerve found that caffeine did increase muscle torque and activity during strength training exercise. One group of participants was given 6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of their body weight and they significantly out-performed the placebo group. Src .

6. An October 2014 study published in The Journal of Applied Physiology found that caffeine increased the level of enjoyment from exercise and caused the test subjects to burn more calories and consumed less calories after exercise. Src .

7. A study published in May 2017 showed that even athletes habituated to caffeine still experienced enhanced performance benefits from a caffeine dose of 400 mg prior to cycling. 40 endurance-trained cyclists participated in the study and despite their differences in daily use of caffeine, their performance was better with the caffeine supplement than with the placebo. Src .
Safety of Large Caffeine Amounts During Exercise
workout supplement caffeine safety

Some workout products contain large doses of caffeine, sometimes over 400mg per serving. This could be a potentially dangerous combination for some people.

Since exercise raises blood pressure and so caffeine , some people may have dangerously high blood pressure levels due to the caffeine and exercise combined.
Steps to ensure safety when using caffeine to enhance athletic performance.

  •     Be aware of how much caffeine the product contains and your total caffeine for the day. No more than 400mg is generally considered safe .
  •     Know your heart health status including blood pressure and any heart rhythm problems prior to using workout supplements.
  •     Understand your tolerance to caffeine . Athletes would be wise to start with a 1/2 serving of a particular supplement and assess how his / her body reacts.
  •     Heed the product warning label and consume no more than the recommended daily serving.

Note: Some workout supplements have multiple stimulants in them such as yohimbe . This can further amplify the potential negative side effects of the product.

While there is some evidence that caffeine may aid in increasing athletic performance in some sports, caution should be used by athletes who wish to use caffeine while exercising.

Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

Caffeine Safe Limits: Calculate Your Safe Daily Dose

A safe caffeine limit is the amount of caffeine a person can consume without experiencing any negative caffeine overdose symptoms .

It's difficult to assign an exact amount for everyone because people have different sensitivities or reactions to caffeine based on age, medical history, and tolerance.

However, there is enough research available to make a recommendation based on an individual's weight.

Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count
Starbucks Pike Place Roast Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

Caffeine Amounts for Healthy Adults

For healthy adults with no medical issues, it is generally agreed upon that 300 mg - 400 mg of caffeine can be consumed daily without any adverse effects.¹ The research behind this number actually bases this on a person's body weight. So if you weigh more than the average human, you can safely consume a little more but if you weigh less than the average human you should consume a little less. Our safe dose calculator above reflects this .

This is equivalent to about:

  •     5.2 Shots of espresso
  •     Two 5 Hour Energy Shots
  •     1 Starbucks Venti brewed coffee
  •     2.5 16 fl oz Monster Energy Drinks
  •     5 8 fl oz Red Bulls
  •     11.7 12 fl oz Cokes

A large review by European Food Safety Authority that a daily safe dose of 400 mg is safe for adults and single doses of 200 mg at one time are fine for those engaging in exercise directly after the dose.
Based on the average human body weight 7 , research concludes that 6 mg / kg (of weight) is appropriate for those with normal sensitivity to the caffeine molecule. Calculate your daily maximum for any drink here .

Safe Caffeine Limits for Children

Because children's brains are continuing to develop and their bodies are still growing, limited caffeine is recommended.

A recent study from The University Children's Hospital in Zurich showed the importance of sleep for a child's developing brain. Caffeine can interfere with sleep, therefore, possibly hindering proper brain development.

Ages 12 and Under

Caffeine is not recommended for children under 12 . Occasionally, some doctors may recommend caffeine for children with ADHD, but generally, there is no reason for children under 12 to consume caffeine.

For children 4 or older an occasional caffeinated soda or chocolate treat will likely pose no concern and around 45 mg per day ¹ is recognized as a safe amount, but caffeine should not be a daily part of a child's diet.

Ages 13-18

While greatly limiting caffeine to this age group would be ideal, because of the increased demands placed on teenagers in regards to school, sports, and even work; caffeine is becoming more common with this age group.

Developing teens should have no more than 100 mg of caffeine daily ² due to the importance of sleep, brain development, inexperience with caffeine, and possibly unknown medical conditions.

This is equivalent to about:

  •     1.3 Shots of espresso
  •     1.25 8 fl oz Red Bulls
  •     . 5 of a 5 Hour Energy Shot
  •     .6 of a 16 fl oz can of Monster Energy Drink
  •     .2 of a Starbucks Venti brewed coffee
  •     3 12 fl oz Cokes

The European Food Safety Authority also stated in their draft report that for children ages 3-18; 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight seems safe. ie at 20kg child could safely consume 60mg of caffeine 6 .

Caffeine Amount for Those with Health Concerns

Adults, as well as children, with either diagnosed or undiagnosed medical conditions, can have adverse health implications with even small amounts of caffeine. For those with certain health conditions, giving up caffeine may be recommended.

Heart Conditions

Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases heart rate as well as blood pressure. Therefore, those with heart arrhythmias³, murmurs, and hypertension should limit their caffeine intake.

It's important to note that caffeine has not been proven to cause arrhythmia, heart disease or other heart-related problems.

Those with pre-existing arrhythmias, murmurs, and hypertension should limit caffeine to no more than 200 mg daily and are advised to consult their physician before consuming caffeine.

Type 2 Diabetes

The majority of the research shows that caffeine does not increase the risk of someone developing type 2 diabetes, but actually decreases risk.¹

However, those already diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should limit caffeine because they can impair glucose metabolism in diabetics. 4

Those with type 2 diabetes should restrict their patients to 200 mg daily or follow their doctor's instructions concerning caffeine intake.

Pregnant or Nursing Women

We have covered pregnancy and caffeine extensively in our article located here .

In summary, most experts agree that consuming 200 mg or less of caffeine a day equates to very little risk for the developing fetus and / or nursing infant.

200 mg of caffeine is equivalent to about:

  •     2.6 shots of espresso
  •     2.5 8 fl oz Red Bulls
  •     One 5 Hour Energy Shot
  •     .5 of a Starbucks Venti Brewed Coffee
  •     1.25 16 fl oz Monster energy drinks
  •     6 12 fl oz Cokes

Those Ultra-Sensitive to Caffeine

For those ultra-sensitive to caffeine , it is hard to determine an exact caffeine safe limit. Some people can have a cup of coffee (100 mg-120 mg) in the morning and still fail to get to sleep that evening. This is well after the caffeine's effects should have worn off such as it is for "normal" caffeine metabolizers.

If the ultra-sensitive choose to consume caffeine they should do so in small amounts until they find the amount that works but does not cause unwanted side-effects.

We suggest that these people start with 50 mg of caffeine daily and then slightly increase or decrease their level from there.

This is equivalent to about:

  •     1.5 12 fl oz Cokes
  •     1 4 fl oz brewed coffee. (not Starbucks)
  •     1 8 fl oz strong black tea

Need help with caffeine levels? Check out our huge list of caffeine amounts .
A General Guide to Caffeine Consumption Only

Our caffeine safe limit recommendations listed above are based on what the latest research tells us and should be used as a general guide, not "gospel".

There are just too many variations in the human population to determine a safe limit for caffeine use in ALL people.

Caffeine should be treated like any other drug and used with caution until a person understands how the substance interacts with his / her particular genetic make-up and health profile.

It's also important to understand that a person's safe limit of caffeine can change over time as a person's health evolves over his / her lifetime.

How Much Caffeine Are Americans Consuming?

The Department of Nutritional Sciences from The Pennsylvania State University recently conducted a survey and found that on average, those ages 50-64 consume the most caffeine daily.

The most shocking part of their data is the fact that 2 to 5-year-olds consume on average 24 mg of caffeine daily . This means that many would consume much more.

Eight O'Clock Coffee The Original, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72

Caffeine: Facts, Usage, and Side Effects

Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance on the planet. Here's an in-depth look at this drug and how it interacts with the human body.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring compound found in plant species predominantly growing in the Tropic or Sub-Tropic regions of the world. Plants use caffeine as a natural pesticide since it is toxic to insects and other pests.

Eight O'Clock Coffee The Original, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72
Eight O'Clock Coffee The Original, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72

However, caffeine in small quantities has therapeutic benefits in some mammals. Early human civilizations discovered that consuming plants containing caffeine offered stimulating effects and these plants were considered sacred in some cases.

Human exploration and trade of tea and coffee soon cause caffeine use to be spread throughout the world and today greater than 80% of the world's population uses caffeine in some form or another.

28 Plants that Contain Caffeine

  1. Coffee
  2. Coffea arabica     Coffee
  3. Coffea canephora Robusta     Coffee
  4. Coffea liberica     Coffee
  5. Coffea canephora Guarini
  6. Coffee
  7. Coffea dewevrei     Coffee
  8. Coffea eugenioides     Coffee
  9. Coffea salvatrix     Coffee
  10. Coffea racemosa
  11. Coffee
  12. Coffea kianjavatensis     Nitide tail     Cola acuminate     Huito Jagua
  13. Cocoa
  14. Theobroma cacao     Cocoa
  15. Camellia ptilophylla     Cocoa
  16. Camellia irrawadiensis     Torch
  17. Camellia sinensis
  18. Kucha
  19. Camellia assamica     Camellia taliensis     Camelia kissi     Yerba Mate
  20. Yaupon
  21. Cassina     Guayusa     Guarana
  22. Paulliania cupana     I co
  23. Paulliniayoco
  24. Tea or 'maté     Species of lemon trees
  25. (flowers)     Species of orange trees
  26. (flowers)     Species of grapefruit trees
  27. (flowers)

Although it is often stated that 60 to 100 plant species contain caffeine in nature it is a bit difficult to find specific plants mentioned or researched other than what is in the table above.

Botanists are likely counting many more of the subspecies and variations of the plants listed above.

Chemical Structure

Caffeine is an alkaloid , which means that it contains mostly nitrogen atoms. Morphine and nicotine are also common alkaloids.

Chemically it looks like this.
caffeine molecule

Pure caffeine is also known as trimethylxanthine and is highly water soluble. It has a melting point of 238 ° C (460 ° F) and caffeine has not odor but tastes very bitter. 4
Caffeine's Interaction with The Human Body

Caffeine is metabolized by the liver and broken down into theophylline, theobromine, and paraxanthine. A 200 mg dose of caffeine would take about 40 hours to be completely metabolized based on the average caffeine half-life of 5-6 hours.

However, the greatest effects of the caffeine are experienced during the first 4-6 hours after the event.

Factors that Influence Metabolism

  •     Caffeine sensitivity : This is based on your genes, which affect how well you can break down and process caffeine.
  •     Caffeine Tolerance: This develops over time as your body adapts to better process and deal with the drug.
  •     Drug interactions: Certain drugs and foods can hinder caffeine metabolism such as nicotine 5 and large amounts of grapefruit juice 6 .

The Positive Effects of Caffeine

While being metabolized by the body caffeine has several well-documented positive effects on the body and its processes. Here are some of the major effects.

  •     Alertness / Wakefulness
  •     This is achieved by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine signals the brain that it's time for the body to slow down and sleep.
  •     Pain relief
  •     Caffeine reduces inflammation and helps to block the perception of pain in the brain. 7
  •     Endurance
  •     Caffeine is believed to influence the way muscles use glycogen allowing them to function longer before fatigue sets in. 8
  •     Motivation / Productivity
  •     Caffeine causes dopamine levels to increase, which produces a positive state of mind. 9
  •     Neurological conditions
  •     Caffeine is believed to help prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease , and Parkinson's Disease 10 as well as treat some types of hyperactivity disorders . eleven

The Negative Effects

While caffeine can offer a person benefits, it also comes with its share of negative effects, which vary by dose and by a person's tolerance and sensitivity level.

  •     insomnia
  •     Consuming caffeine too late in the day can interfere with getting to sleep and staying asleep that evening.
  •     Jitters
  •     In some people, caffeine causes moderate to severe shaking of the hands.
  •     Addiction
  •     Caffeine is moderately addictive and some may have trouble consuming it in moderation.
  •     Withdrawal headaches
  •     Habitual caffeine users must consume close to the same amount of the drug each day or to a painful withdrawal headache could result.
  •     Increased blood pressure
  •     Caffeine metabolism causes stress hormones to be released which elevate a person's blood pressure. 12
  •     Risk of overdose
  •     Doses greater than 400 mg per day can elicit mild to severe caffeine overdose symptoms in adults. This can occur with much smaller doses in children or those with underlying heart conditions.
  •     Anxiety
  •     Caffeine can increase anxiety especially in those diagnosed with anxiety or stress disorders. 13
  •     Exacerbates Heart Conditions
  •     Since caffeine increases heart rate as well as the force in which the heart contracts, it can be dangerous for those with underlying heart conditions. However, it does not appear to cause heart abnormalities.

People who are experiencing the negative side effects of caffeine are advised to quit or cut back on theirs.

Caffeine in products
Caffeine in Food and Beverages

Originally caffeine was only ingested through the plant parts that naturally contain caffeine, but food scientists began to synthesize caffeine as an additive for all kinds of beverages and foods.

According to our databases , there are over 800 products that contain some level of caffeine and there are many more to be added from all around the world.

Generally, caffeine is found in coffee and tea based beverages and products, chocolate based beverages and products, sodas, energy drinks, energy shots, and a wide range of supplements including pain relievers as well as workout supplements .

Most food governing agencies like the FDA do not require that foods containing natural ingredients like coffee or tea label that the product contains caffeine , but any added caffeine has to be identified on the product's label.

However, most food regulatory agencies do not require the amount of coffee to be disclosed on the product's label . Many companies have begun voluntarily disclosing how much caffeine their products contain on labels and we expect this trend to continue.

See our extensive database for the caffeine content of beverages here and the amount in foods here .

How Much is Safe?

Because caffeine is a stimulant, it should be respected and kept within safe levels for daily consumption. While the safe amount of caffeine can vary based on a person's tolerance, sensitivity, weight, age and health history there are some established guidelines recognized by health authorities. 14

  •     Healthy Adults: 300-400 mg a day
  •     Children (13-18): 100 mg per day
  •     Children (under twelve): None, but not more than 3 mg per Kilogram of their body weight.
  •     Pregnant Women : No more than 100-200 mg per day.

For a more in-depth look at daily caffeine safety amounts as well as visual representations of each amount see this article .

The Addictive Nature of Caffeine

One of the most prominent issues surrounding the use of caffeine is its addictive nature.

While caffeine still has not been included in The National Institute of Drug Abuse's Commonly Abused Drugs List it certainly does cause some level of addiction.

Recently both caffeine overdose and caffeine withdrawal were both added to the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), but caffeine addiction has not been added to a diagnosable condition.

However, those who use caffeine and have tried to attest that caffeine causes some degree of both psychological and physiological addiction.

Caffeine addiction can be seen from the mild to severe and most of the time is an addiction most people can live a healthy life with. This is not the case when dangerous amounts of caffeine are being consumed daily or if caffeine is consumed through sugary beverages, which are linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. fifteen

Use our Caffeine Addiction Diagnosis Tool to assess your level of addiction to caffeine.

Cutting back on caffeine would be recommended for anyone who begins to consume amounts exceeding what is recommended as safe or if getting enough caffeine interferes with work or daily functioning.

Human Deaths and Caffeine Consumption

Since caffeine is a toxic substance that can cause severe overdose reactions and even death if too much is consumed at one time or over a short period of time. On average the LD50 or lethal dose of caffeine for humans is 150 mg per kilogram of a person's body weight per day. 16 Our Death By Caffeine App is based on this formula.

However, the lethal amount can be much less depending on a person's unique genetic make-up and health history. There have been several well-documented deaths associated with caffeine and in most of the cases less than the LD50 was consumed.

Deaths related to caffeine, because they have caused several consumer groups (as well as politicians) to call for the ban of dangerous caffeinated products. These groups are pressing for tighter restrictions on how kids can access caffeine.

The Industry

Despite the problems associated with caffeine use, do not expect humans to quit using it anytime soon. According to the International Coffee Organization coffee alone is a 60 billion dollar industry worldwide and the energy drink / energy shot industry is worth over 13 billion in the USA alone.

There is huge money in keeping people caffeinated and consumer demand has never been greater since China is now turning on to espresso based coffee.

All of this money means that the industry has a huge influence on lawmakers and food policy, if any new regulations involving caffeinated products will likely be small. However, expect stricter caffeine labeling regulations to be issued soon most likely including caffeine amounts and safety warnings. 17

Education is Paramount

Educating consumers about caffeine is the single most important factor in helping people safely use caffeine. If consumers gain knowledge about the amount of caffeine in the products they consume as well as the dangers associated with consuming too much, then consumers will be able to make educated and responsible decisions regarding caffeine for themselves and any minors under their care.

Schools should also build caffeine safety education in their health curriculum, so that caffeine awareness and safety can be ingrained into our culture from an early age.

Nespresso OriginalLine Espresso Capsules Variety Pack, 100Count pods

Caffeine's Effects on Fertility

Does caffeine make it harder for women to get pregnant as well as lower sperm count in men?

Let's take a look at what the research reveals about how caffeine affects human fertility.
Caffeine and Infertility in Women

It looks like women who regularly consume coffee and / or energy drinks reduces their chances of getting pregnant.

However, do not ditch the birth control just yet for Rockstar Pink . It only reduces to woman's chance of getting pregnant by about 27 percent.

Nespresso OriginalLine Espresso Capsules Variety Pack, 100Count pods
Nespresso OriginalLine Espresso Capsules Variety Pack, 100Count pods

A study conducted at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in Reno showed that caffeine interfered with the muscular contractions of the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are responsible for moving the egg from the ovary to the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes where conception takes place. Therefore, if the smooth muscle contractions are reduced, the egg will not be in the optimal area for conception.

This study was conducted on mice, but daughters more insight into how the fallopian tubes work in humans and could lead to certain types of infertility.

The researchers recommend that women who are trying to get pregnant should quit consuming caffeine.

And if you think you can drink caffeine for added birth control, I would not count on it as nature usually finds a way.

Caffeine and Lower Sperm Count

Researchers at the University Department of Growth and Reproduction at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. The results of the study were investigated, whether or not they were high caffeine effects sperm count.

Some of the participants are consumed mainly Cola as apart of their 800mg daily caffeineca while others consumed mainly coffee and tea as their primary source of caffeine. The results showed that the group that consumed mainly Cola based soft drinks had 30% lower sperm count. The men who primarily consumed coffee and tea had no change in their sperm count.

The researchers believe that there is some ingredient in the cola flavored soda that is causing this, but they are not sure what it is as further research would have to done to determine the culprit.

A more recent study showed that caffeine did not effect semen quality or sperm count. Src .

However, research out of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston found that men who consumed 265 mg of caffeine or more had the lowest chance of becoming a father through IVF. Why this happened is not understood since caffeine did not affect the number or quality of the sperm. Src .

The good news is that male caffeine addicts can still reproduce like rabbits, the bad news is that if this mystery ingredient is also in energy drinks then many men could have a problem.

Caffeine consumed in natural products like coffee and tea is usually best.

Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)

Caffeine During Pregnancy: How Much is Safe?

Consuming caffeine during pregnancy has been debated by medical professionals about the risks it imposes on the developing fetus.

Caffeine is a drug and it has real physiological effects on those that consume it and these effects are passed on to the unborn child through the placenta.

However, the question that exists is to what extent does caffeine consume during pregnancy become harmful?

Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)
Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)

There are several hypotheses related to the possible dangers caffeine may have on the fetus. Let's take a look at those and the research that either supports the danger or refutes it.

Caffeine During Pregnancy Causes Miscarriage

Many OBGYNs tell mothers to abstain from all caffeine during pregnancy because it increases their risk of miscarriage.

There are several studies that have shown evidence for increased risk of miscarriage or early stillbirth delivery among pregnant women who consumed more than moderate amounts of caffeine.

  •     A 2002 study showed that women who drank 8 or more coffees (> 800mg) were at greater risk for early stillbirth. src .
  •     Another study showed that expectant mothers consuming 600mg of caffeine or more had a greater risk of miscarriage. src .
  •     A California study showed that pregnant women consuming greater than 300mg of caffeine daily had a greater risk of miscarriage during the first trimester. src .
  •     A 2008 study showed that those consuming 200mg of caffeine or more daily doubled their risk of miscarriage. src .
  •     A 2016 study showed that both women and men consume at least at least two caffeinated beverages daily in the weeks prior to conception at a greater risk for potential miscarriage. src .

Caffeine Restricts the Growth of the Fetus

There is also a belief that caffeine stunts the growth of children and unborn babies. While there is no evidence that it is the growth of children, there are some studies that support this notion for developing fetuses.

  •     A 2008 study showed that women who consumed 100 mg or more of caffeine had increased risk of fetal growth restriction. src .
  •     2013 research showed that women who consumed caffeine had increased risk of delivering babies with lower birth weight. src .
  •     A 2018 study of over 900 Irish mothers showed an association between caffeine intake (both coffee and tea) and adverse birth outcomes such as lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. src .

Caffeine During Pregnancy Produces Hyperactive Children

Some doctors may tell expectant mothers that caffeine during pregnancy leads to ADHD or hyperactivity disorder. However, the research conducted with this hypothesis does not support this belief. Children who were exposed to caffeine in the womb were at no greater risk of developing ADHD or hyperactivity than children who were not. src .
Caffeine Causes Early Delivery

Some people believe that mothers who drink caffeine while pregnant will increase their chances of having a preterm delivery.

  •     A 2012 Norwegian study showed no link between caffeine and early preterm birth. src .
  •     A 2010 American Society for Nutrition analysis of published research found no evidence that caffeine leads to preterm delivery. src .

Coffee Linked to Childhood Leukemia

A recent study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed evidence of increased risk of childhood leukemia in infants whose mothers drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

They found that pregnant women who drank ...

  •     Some coffee resulted in a 20% increased risk for their child.
  •     More than 2 cups of coffee (about 300mg of caffeine) resulted in a 60% increased risk for their child.
  •     4 or more cups (about 600mg of caffeine) resulted in a 72% increased risk of leukemia.

It is believed that caffeine alters the fetal DNA making the baby more prone to developing leukemia.

Caffeine, Pregnancy, and Childhood Obesity

A recent study linked caffeine by pregnant mothers with an increased risk of childhood obesity.

The 15-year long research study published in The International Journal of Obesity found that children born to mothers who did not give up their caffeine during pregnancy were 89% more likely to become obese compared with children who were not exposed to caffeine in-utero .

The results were also dose-dependent, in that the more caffeine the expectant mother consumed the greater the risk of her child becoming obese.

The researchers believe this occurs because ...

    Brain functions have been shown to have an important role in regulating appetite and other metabolic processes. Caffeine, a neural stimulant, can alter fetal brain development impacting normal neural transmission vital to normal brain function, thus metabolic processes.

Another study conducted in Norway also found that pregnant women who consumed caffeine greater than 50 mg per day had an association with a higher risk of having a child with excess growth and obesity during the first 8 years of their child's life. This study is published in the British Medical Journal .
How Much Caffeine While Pregnant is Safe?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that 200mg or less a day is probably safe for the developing fetus and the World Health Organization recommends that expectant mothers consume no more than 300mg per day.

The European Food Safety Authority recently released their research regarding caffeine safety. They said that there is not enough evidence that 200 mg of caffeine or less poses any risk to the unborn child.

Also, recent research from Nationwide Children's Hospital also found that there was no evidence that moderate caffeine during pregnancy had any negative implications for the baby's long-term cognitive and behavioral development. In the study , they analyzed the caffeine levels of blood samples taken from pregnant mothers between 1959 and 1974 and then compared the data to the children's IQ and behavioral records.

While most of the research is associated with caffeine greater than 200-300mg, there is some studies that show some risk with even lower daily amounts of caffeine.

When it comes to women consuming caffeine while pregnant, it may be wise to err on the side of caution and abstain from most or all caffeine. However, the occasional serving of dark chocolate, ice tea, or even coffee likely poses no significant risk to the health of the unborn child.

Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

Caffeine Could Cause Incontinence in Women

caffeine and bladder leakage In other words, too much caffeine can cause some women to feel the urgency more and more frequently and to be unable to hold it causing a condition known as leaky bladder .

That's what researchers at the University of Alabama are saying. Women who consume a lot of caffeine are 70% more likely to develop incontinence.

While this is great for companies like Depend, it's not that great for the women who accidentally pee their pants in public. Incontinence can be extremely stressful and embarrassing for those that suffer with the condition.

Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count
Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

The Caffeine and Leaky Bladder Study

Dr. Jon Gleason who conducted the study found that women who consume more than 329mg of caffeine daily are the most likely to develop incontinence. While this disorder can be caused by many factors, women who are high caffeine consumers might want to consider cutting back a bit if they want to avoid this potentially embarrassing situation in the future.

The research did not indicate if the caffeine will stop incontinence or if the caffeine just aggravates a condition some women are prone to develop. Moderate caffeine intake of around 182mg a day did not show any correlation to bladder leakage , so for women who love their daily cup of coffee, tea, or energy drink they need not fear as long as they do not increase their daily consumption.

Caffeine's Diuretic Effect

It is a fact that caffeine acts as a mild diuretic . This causes the kidneys to release more water from the bloodstream, which causes the bladder to fill up more quickly.

However, when caffeine is consumed in beverages that contain a lot of water, there is not a dehydrating effect. But, it is not hydrating either . If the body is already in a dehydrated state , drinking a caffeinated beverage will not remedy this.

As most who drink coffee can attest, during the period of coffee and urination increases drastically in both women and men.

I personally know that I need to have a bathroom during my morning work, which is when I'm drinking my coffee.

So, for those women and men alike who feel that they are running to the bathroom when they drink coffee, this is pretty normal. Just remember to drink plenty of water also because coffee is not providing the hydration your body needs.

For women with incontinence issues, cutting back on caffeine may effective managing the disorder more effectively.

Does Caffeine Affect Women Differently Than Men?

Caffeine may indeed effect the bodies of women differently than it does men.

It is not mystery that a woman's body has different chemistry to that of a man's body. This is primarily the result of the differing hormone levels in each sex.

These hormone differences may just influence how the caffeine molecule works while metabolizing in a woman or a man's body .

Below are some research studies that have looked for differences in caffeine's effects when comparing the results recorded by both men and women.

Caffeine May Help Women Better During Stressful Situations

Stress and caffeine

It appears that women in stressful situations are benefited by caffeine while men under the same amounts of stress are actually hindered by the caffeine.

Researchers at Bristol University, UK put male and female subjects in stressful situations where they had to solve complex problems and present their findings to their peers. Some were given decaf coffee while others were given regular coffee.

The females that consumed the caffeine performed much better than the females without caffeine, while the evils that consumed caffeine actually performed worse than the drinking drinking decaf.

  • Caffeine and Women and Men's Blood Pressure
  • caffeine blood pressure men and women

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that caffeine elevated blood pressure of both men and women similarly. But, the reason this happened was different.

  •     In men caffeine caused increased vascular resistance.
  •     In women caffeine caused increased cardiac output.

Women Show Higher Post Meal Cortisol Levels After Caffeine

caffeine and cortisol
A study published in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior looked at how caffeine influences cortisol levels, stress, exercise, and meals.

  •     During stressful situations caffeinated men released more cortisol than caffeinated women.
  •     During exercise caffeine elevated both men and women's cortisol levels.
  •     After a meal, caffeine elevated to woman's cortisol level greater than it elevated to man's.

Researchers said that cortisol is elevated in men as the result of caffeine's effect on the central nervous system, while in women this occurs from caffeine interacting with peripheral metabolic mechanisms.

Caffeine and Pain Tolerance

caffeine and pain relief
Caffeine has long been touted for its pain relieving properties , but this may be different for men and women.

A study published in Psychophysiology looked at caffeine's pain relieving effects in both men and women. They said that caffeine did increase pain threshold, but this effect was greater in men than it was in women.

Perhaps Excedrin may work better on men than it does on woman?

What About Teen Boys and Girls?

A recent study from the University of Buffalo looked at how caffeine affects teen boys and girls and found some differences.

They found that they have a greater response to caffeine, but a girl's response changes depending on which stage of her menstrual cycle she is in.

This was indicated by heart rate and blood pressure changes. Src.

In any event, men and women may not be equal to the effects of caffeine, but the differences are pretty subtle according to the research we have to date.

Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)

Caffeine in the Breast Milk of Breastfeeding Mothers

Caffeine in breast milk can vary depending on how much caffeine the mother consumes.

The amount of 1 mg of caffeine per 3.4 floz or 100 ml of breast milk is the estimated amount present after a breastfeeding woman consumes 16 floz Large brewed coffee from Starbucks (330 mg of caffeine).

Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)
Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)

Breast Milk Caffeine Formula

Researchers found that women who consume 100 mg of caffeine usually transfer about 2-4 micrograms of caffeine per 1 ml of breast milk with peak concentration being 1-2 hours after consuming the caffeine.

  •     We took the average amount which is 3 micrograms / ml.
  •     3 micrograms = .003 milligrams.
  •     .003 x 100 ml = .3 mg / 100 ml of breast milk.
  •     A 16 floz Starbucks delivers 330 mg of caffeine so we have to multiply .3 by 3.3 to arrive at .99 mg or rounded up to 1 mg of caffeine per 10 ml of breast milk.

Breastfeeding and Safe Caffeine Amount

The European Food Safety Authority recently released the findings of their research on caffeine safety and included data on lactating / breastfeeding women.

They stated that single doses of about 200 mg pose no risk to the nursing child, but breastfeeding women should consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day in total.

However, other research shows that up to 3 months old, a baby's body does not do a good job of processing caffeine. Therefore, it can build up in the baby's system over time. A review of all research conducted by the University of Warwick found that there is no positive or negative association with small amounts of caffeine in breastmilk as it relates to the health of the baby.

Breastfeeding mothers should keep this in mind when consuming anything caffeine, however, after 3 months it is probably safe for mothers to have moderate caffeine amounts of 200 mg per day.

It is worth noting that caffeine, when given to premature babies or babies with low birthweight, stimulates their breathing and prevents sleep apnea and possibly sudden infant death syndrome . Recent research concluded that this treatment is safe and poses no risk to the baby's cardiovascular system.

However, only medical professionals should administer caffeine to at-risk newborns infants since accurate dosing is paramount.
Research has just been released that shows that almost all of the samples of breastmilk tested from an online breastmilk marketplace contained levels of caffeine. Women should use caution when using such resources. The researchers also found bacteria and unsafe levels of other drugs in the samples obtained.

Caffeine Causes Breast Shrinkage

A strange side effect of caffeine is that it could possibly cause breast tissue to shrink.

Although there are numerous studies that report that women have moderate cups of coffee a day have less risk of cancer, stroke , and heart disease, caffeine does come with it's share of negatives as well.

So this negative could possibly be that despite the fact that coffee consumed daily may be healthy , it has been shown by one study to shrink breast size slightly.
The Caffeine and Breast Shrinkage Study

This study comes out of Sweden whose people are known for their love for massive amounts of coffee.

The study found that women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day had some remarkable breast tissue shrinkage.

    Helena Jernstroem, of Lund University explained that although some shrinkage was noted, the breasts would not eventually disappear, but only shrink slightly. Also, it only shrinks the breasts of women with a certain gene.

What This Means

Not much of anything. The decreased size was barely noticeable and would only be possible in certain women. There would also be a lot more research involved to fully understand how this is happening.

It looks like this finding was part of a larger study of the researcher conducted on breast cancer .

Women do not really need to worry about this, but it is interesting to note that there is so much we do not understand about caffeine and all the ways this drug interacts with various parts of the bodies of both women and men alike .

McCafé Premium Roast Decaf Coffee K-Cup Pods, 84 Count

Caffeine May Cause Gout

caffeine could cause gout Arthritis experts recently met to discuss recent studies about gout. Some of the studies showed that caffeine can increase a person's risk for contracting gout .

Gout is an inflammatory disease similar to arthritis, where uric acid builds up in the joints and tendons causing swelling and pain.

Since 1984 reported gout attacks have increased 45% and 8 million Americans were diagnosed with gout in 2008 alone.

McCafé Premium Roast Decaf Coffee K-Cup Pods, 84 Count
McCaf? Premium Roast Decaf Coffee K-Cup Pods, 84 Count

But, is caffeine really to blame?

Gout and Caffeine Studies

Since gout is on the increase there have been many studies which seek to identify the cause (s) for this dramatic increase.

Below are just a few of the studies that have looked at caffeine, coffee, tea and their influence on a person developing gout.

  •     A study sponsored by the American College of Rheumatology found that men who are coffee drinkers actually decrease their risk of experiencing gout. src .
  •     A study from the American Society for Nutrition showed that women who drink coffee also had less risk of developing gout. src .
  •     Another study showed that people who are on caffeine are more likely to have a gout attack. This means that people who usually have little caffeine daily but occasionally have a lot of caffeine in one day are at risk.
  •     A related study looked at the lifestyles of 79,000 women who were at least one sugary beverage daily were twice as likely to suffer with gout than women who very rarely drank sugary beverages. This study did not list caffeine as a factor, but just the sugar content of the beverage. src .

What Can We learn From This?

  •     It looks like if you want to reduce your chances of getting gout, caffeine should be consumed at a consistent amount of time instead of binging.
  •     Also, choose sugar-free energy drinks or unsweetened coffee and tea as a way to get your caffeine fix without increasing your risk of a painful gout attack.
  •     Daily coffee may decrease risk of gout since it lowers the uric acid concentrations in the bloodstream. src .
  •     Your dominate drink should be water, especially if you have a history of gout.

It seems like most of the studies show that caffeine consumed in the form of coffee actually decreases gout risk.

It is most likely that sugary drinks are the most dangerous as far as gout risk is concerned, which is independent of caffeine content. Gout treatment includes many dietary restrictions but so moderate caffeine seems to be ok.