Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Specialist In Floor Installation: How To Clean Ceramic Floor

Specialist In Floor Installation: How To Clean Ceramic Floor

 To clean ceramic floor can be a frustrating task due to the difference of matter that the tile is made and the unglazed grout. Ceramic floors add value to the house, usually found in bathrooms, hallways and kitchens. It is the same as all plants, require cleaning periodically and cleaning a ceramic floor is not the same as cleaning of a vinyl or wooden floor. What makes it difficult is that the tile is glass, but the grout is made of cement mortar between the tiles, not glazed that is stained or dirty much easier than the tile. Although Grout may have an insulator applied, it is still not as durable and resistant to stains and dirt as ceramic tile. If the nozzle is dirty the whole floor looks dirty.

Grout Cleaner Product

Then, How to clean it?

There are many household cleaning products available to do the job, however none of them do a much better job than white vinegar and warm water.

Vinegar is A mild blend of tartanic amd citric acids. A large cleaning solvent is made when mixed with lukewarm water. For cleaning the grout, mix 50% water, 50% White vinegar and apply to the grout with a sponge. Let me act for a few minutes and scrub the grout with a toothbrush. A second application may be necessary if the grout is heavily stained. Use the sponge to absorb debris and clean the floor with a mild detergent.

The same vinegar and water solution can be used to clean the stains on the ceramic tile. Use a sponge to clean the entire floor and another sponge to dry. Because vinegar is an acid that removes any grout sealant it will have to re-seal the grout with a small brush. Apply two sealant applications, leave completely dry between applications. Grout Sealant is available at most home supply centers or a tile store for your convenience.

To protect your hands I recommend that you wear rubber gloves for handling vinegar solution and apply grout sealant. It is not necessary to use an electrical machine to or polish the ceramic floors. Excessive use of this machine can remove the enamel from the tiles leaving it with a matte finish. I do not recommend using Clorox to clean the ceramic floors, as it tends to yellow the mosaic and erode the grout.

The importance of grout in swimming pools

The importance of grout in swimming pools

All the swimming pools need a proper maintenance, to enjoy them to the maximum.

A point that should take special care the owner of a pool, is the grout in the Llagueado existing among the gresites that comprise the lining of the vessel.

Grout Cleaner Product

It can be easily observed when between the gresites there are areas without the waterproof white gasket that binds them, seeing black lines, which do not have to be dirt, but the black cement on the back of the vitreous coating.

When we have a pool with lack of grout can appear algae more permanently among the gresites, because they have a place to shelter and become strong, despite giving doses of disinfectant shock or anti algae strong.

It can also be the case that for lack of grout some of the live edges of the gresites can cause cuts to the swimmers, so it is highly recommended that always be in optimal conditions.

antes-despues de lechadaAesthetically it is very nice to see a pool with the grout in perfect condition.

Approximately every 4 or 5 years it is advisable to empty the glass of the pool, to proceed to a thorough cleaning with Hydrocleaner and some disinfectant and descaling product, that helps to lift some of the cement that there are Among the gresites.

In this way when we apply the new grout will take much better, because in areas where there is already grout, the new jump naturally when not having base.

The White gasket must be special for swimming pools, as it will be in contact with water, chemicals and even salt, if in our wastewater treatment plant has a saline chlorinatordisinfection. All without forgetting the effect of the sun.

Antes y despues de lechadaThe material of the gasket must be frost resistant, it should harden when dry, without cracking and it is advisable to be ductile and workable to make your application is the most correct.

Having a grout in condition makes it easier to clean the glass, as well as repel some of the water and help the glass waterproof. This is not to say that the grout is the one that makes a pool stagnant, but if it helps.

This type of work has to be done by companies specialized in swimming pools to guarantee a correct application of a professional product and a longer duration than with other products. They will also give us some guarantees in case it is detached by a problem, shortly after having done so.



Many times we want to remove the joints from the tiles, either because the gasket is old or dirty and we want to change it or because we want to change all the tiles.
As we know, there is no miraculous product that eliminates the joints without work or soften to eliminate them effortlessly. The only way is to eliminate them Rascándolas patiently until the board is completely eliminated.

Grout Cleaner Product

Until today most of the time the elimination of the joints has been done manually, using Cúters, scrapers, etc. or sometimes with power tools which have not finished ever working perfectly, as they were not very Effective and often damaged tile.
Innovation in electric gasket scrapers...

Now, RUBI® has designed the perfect power tool for removing all kinds of joints, the RUBISCRAPER, electric scraper with frontal oscillation for perfect removal of the gasket without damaging the tile.

With this tool we put an end to the manual removal of joints, because with the new RUBI gasket scraper We avoid investing unnecessary effort and time. This new RUBI tool will allow us to work in a faster , more efficient and clean way.


The new professional Electric gasket scraper RUBISCRAPER-250, offers an effective solution to the costly removal/emptying of cementosas joints between tiles.
Rubiscraper-250, offers a great number of very important advantages:

  •     Minimizes the risk of damaging tile or tiles during the process of removing cement-based placement joints.
  •     Front oscillation of the tool. Thanks to this way of working we get more precision and control.
  •     Thanks to the design of its blade, we get a greater adaptation to the cement board. As a result you can remove more material from a single pass.
  •     Unlike friction tools, Rubiscraper 250 does not generate dust. Larger particles are generated, reducing the risk of inhaling small dust particles.

Nuestra ferreteria profesional online
Your RUBI work tools in our professional online hardware store

Other features of the Rubiscraper are:

  •     Easy and intuitive use.
  •     The design of the RUBISCRAPER-250 ensures perfect ergonomics during use, since it is not necessary to turn the tool, allowing the user to always work in the same position.
  •     Fast tool lock/unlock system. Easy to assemble the blade.
  •     Tool teeth are resharpenable tungsten carbide. Offer higher performance.
  •     By means of the different blades we can adjust according to the width of the joints.
  •     The front tooth steers as the back tooth starts the material. The front tooth is used to start the joints of the corners and encounters.
  •     Adjustableworking speed. 3 Positions (V1:6000/V2:8000/V3:9500 I.P.M.)
  •     Light (1.3 kg) and resistant. Maximum Reliability.
  •     Double insulation. Increased engine protection.

How to remove excessive grout from ceramic tile

How to remove excessive grout from ceramic tile

Masonry of a ceramic tile floor is a dirty job. After you have completely filled the grout, there will be plenty of grout left on top of the tiles. This excess grouting early in the cleaning process will save you from the strenuous cleaning work of the dry slurry.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Tilt the rubber float for an angle of 45 degrees. Pass the float on the ground at this angle. It always works diagonally through the tiles as removing excess grout. The grout excess replace the mixed slurry cube.

• Wait for the grout to harden for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. This allows the grout to heal a little before you clean with the grout sponge.

• Fill a bucket with water. Place the grout sponge in the water and then the ring out of the sponge until it is slightly moist. You don't want to introduce a lot of extra water into the grout at this curing stage or they may weaken.

• Wipe the top of the tiles with the grout sponge. Once again, be careful not to remove grout from the tiling joints as it is removed from the top of the tiles. Rinse the sponge in the water bucket frequently.

• Wait for Grout to harden completely, approximately 24 hours. When the cement has hardened there will still be a slight mist of grout at the top of the tiles. Use a dry cloth to "polish" the top of the tiles and remove the opacity.

How to remove grout from a shower floor

How to remove grout from a shower floor

It is the cement-like substance found between the tiles on the shower floor and other areas. It is usually the first part of the tile area to need repair or replacement, as it may break or corrode over time. If you want to go back to your grout shower floor, existing grout has to come in the first place, which can be a difficult and time-consuming job. Tools are available but dramatically increase the chances of damaging the tiles. You are better off with a grout saw, which is a square, carbide tipped blade on a handle.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Get the floor very dry. Let stand at least 48 hours.

• Scrape saw your grout along the grout line which is the most damaged or corroded and comes out in the easiest way. Remove by pushing and pulling the blade over the surface while applying firm pressure downward. Like surface material breaks, work the blade down along with the tiles and grout.

• Pump away dirt with the hand vac.

• Work the way along the other grout lines with the grout saw, scraping and digging in the same manner. Be careful not to scratch the tiles. It will stop after every few tiles to the emptiness until the ruin.

• Remove all grout that needs to be removed. Return to the lines with a razor to remove any pieces that do not come with the grout saw.

Tips and warnings

  •     Shower floors with grout removed are very vulnerable to damage. Any direct moisture at all, or even the indirect moisture of a wet bath, can work its way into exposed parts of the tiles and cause it to loosen. Be ready to return the grout to the floor quickly after the grout is removed and do not shower it until it.
  •     Wear eye protection at all times while removing grout.

How to remove grout drying ceramic tile?

How to remove grout drying ceramic tile?

Grout is a mudlike product used to fill the spaces between tiles. While wet, it is malleable and easy to work, and spills are a children's game to clean. However, expert remodeling house Tim Carter points out that many people do not realize the grout is made in part of Portland cement--and dry cement is a challenge to remove from any surface. Clean grout spills as soon as possible to prevent a difficult cleaning project after the product has dried.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Mist unwanted grout with water from a spray bottle. Keep it moist while working for easier removal.

• Scrape large pieces of grout with a plastic scraper. Work carefully to avoid scratching the tile surface.

• Sweep or vacuum clean scrapes like you. Wet grout may adhere to a new tile section, causing the same portions of grout to be removed again and again.

• Wipe tiles with a sponge and clean water after removing all larger bits by scraping.

• Scrub the rest of the grout with fine steel wool or warm water and scrub pad. Clean the dry surface with a clean cloth while working so you can clearly see any remaining grout. Apply light pressure while scrubbing and working slowly to avoid scraping or damaging your ceramic.

• Wipe the tiles with clean water and a sponge. Dry with a clean, soft cloth.

Tips and warnings

  •     Avoid the need to clean excessive grout in your next tile project by treating your tiles with a grout-product version. A release grouting agent is applied after the tile is placed and the lines are filled before grouting. The release forms a temporary seal on the tile and prevents grout from adhering. It is washed with water during the normal grout cleaning process.
  •     Remove tile opacity just installed by polishing with a towel or chamois cloth.
  •     Sand grout is typically used in tiles and especially rough on the hands. Use domestic rubber gloves clean grout with sand.
  •     Grout-Commercial removal of products are available at most hardware stores; However, these products contain acid that may stain the tile or affect its color. If you want to use a grout removal product, try first in a discreet corner to see how it affects your tile.

How to remove grout and tile sealant

How to remove grout and tile sealant

The tile is a durable and attractive addition for any home. Over time, however, grout lines can be stained or dirty, causing old and worn tile. Removing the grout and tile sealant will allow you to return to the tiling of the tile and start over. The right information will help you get started.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Clean the tiles with water and a clean cloth.

• Break apart from grout with a saw carbide tipped nozzle. Be careful with grout see how the surrounding tiles can be easily damaged. Scrape all grout between tiles. If the grout saw is not doing a good job, use a flathead screwdriver and hammer to undercut the grout.

• Zone bomb. Tile must be clean and free of any dust or grout residue.

• Apply acetone to a small sponge. Carefully check the acetone on a tile that is at an imperceptible point to check for a possible reaction to the surface of the tile. If there is no reaction, apply the acetone to the top of the tiles to remove the tile sealant.

• Rinse the tiles with water.

• Mix the grout as indicated by the manufacturer. Apply to grout joints with a rubber trowel. Squeeze grout into grout joints so they are fully filled. Clean the extra nozzle with a large sponge that has rounded corners. Allow Grout 24 to 48 hours to dry.

How to remove dry grout on tile surface

How to remove dry grout on tile surface

It is a bonding agent between tiles to keep them together during installation. Most grout contains Portland cement, which takes several days to fully establish. Although it is recommended that grout be applied carefully so that it is not on the tile, it will inevitably happen. Grout that is not cleaned off will immediately dry more difficult as time passes. Carefully washing the tile as soon as possible with metal tools is not an effective method of eliminating excessive grouting and storing the chip.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Purchase wood grout sticks or use oak wood pieces that are approximately 1/4 inch thick by 1 inch wide by 6 inches long. Oak is preferred as it will hold a more edge of softwoods. Make sure the edge is square-cut and not rounded.

• Insert a small amount of water over the grout excess and scrape it with the wooden stick to remove large lumps. Clean grout particles from tiles with water and a soft towel.

Add water to the clean tile and rub the area with a nylon scouring pad. Add water to the area to prevent drying while scrubbing. Rinse the tile to remove residue and dry with a soft towel to see progress.

• Continue scrubbing the area with a wet nylon acidification pad until desired results are achieved.

• Mix one gallon of water with a cup of sugar and apply in areas where opacity does not disappear. Soak the area and let it harden for two hours. Rub with a pad after two hours of nylon and rinse with water. Repeat this step if necessary to remove grout. Dry the tile to check the amount of grout remaining.

Repair the grout line between the tiles by dipping a little. Use sandpaper around the corner of one of the chopsticks and use to push and pull back and forth over the existing grout line. Use water as a lubricant to work the grout in the desired appearance.

Tips and warnings

  •     Do not use metallic tools or metal base scouring pads to scrape grout as this may damage the tile and natural finish.
  •     Hold a piece of replacement tile next to the tile cleaned to check for grout Haze still present.

How to remove grout with a ZIP tool

How to remove grout with a ZIP tool

Dirty old grout ruins the appearance of the tiles in kitchens or bathrooms. In addition, not every owner applies to grout properly, resulting in an imperfect look. Because it is not easy to remove grout, zip tools come in handy. Zip tools are high speed mills that reduce the amount of elbow fat you need to scrape out of the grout.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Lay a plastic sheet on the floor to catch grout flies. Place the correct bit from the zipper tool to remove grout between tiles.

• Plug into the electric zip tool and follow the grout line by pressing down. Keep hands away from the blade as you are removing grout. Having a friend will point you if you are going to remove grout from a ladder. Steady his arm bending against a wall.

• Dust Rag and grout bits with a towel. Press a carbide scraper against any existing grout.

• Remove any remaining piece of grout with a hammer and chisel. Hold the chisel in the nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees and the top of the hammer.

• Spray a rag with household cleaner. Clean the dust on the tile. Make sure the tile is completely dry before applying grout more.

Tips and warnings

  •     Wear protective goggles and a mask when removing grout.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What tool is used to remove grout?

What tool is used to remove grout?

Eliminating Grout is a special, small-scale demolition project that requires specialized tools. Because tiles should remain in place during grout removal, a slip can only break a tile or break its enamel. To avoid damaging the surrounding surfaces during grout removal, grout strip professionals with power tools and manual specific task tools. Grout removal equipment is available in the average home improvement store and, with the right set of tools, you can replace your grout without sacrificing your tile.

Grout Cleaner Product

Chisel and Mallet

Almost any chisel will cut the grout as long the tip fits into the grout line. However, using sharp chisels to remove grout, such as wood chisels, will simply ruin the chisel edge. Chisel of a narrow mason and a hammer effectively pulls grout from a tiled surface. On the other hand, many builders use a flat head screwdriver to remove the grout in a pinch. Although a hammer may be replaced by a hammer, metal-headed hammers tend to chisel butts to warp and break screwdriver handles.

Carbide Grout Remover, brushes

The carbide-tipped grout remover, also called a grout removal tool, is similar to a knife with an offset, protruding blade. Unlike the half-blade, the grout removal Tool has grit-carbide-coated abrasives. To use a grout removal tool, you simply rub the tool's abrasive sheet along a grout line. The blade scrapes, pulls and removes grout. Grout removal tools are often used in conjunction with hard bristle brushes. While the grout removal tool removes most of the grout, the wire brush eliminates residual bits and grout bits.

Manual Rotary Tools

Portable rotary tools are similar sized power tools in shape to a dentist's drill. Hand rotating tools rotate a variety of attachment cutting, drilling and grinding, including attachments remove specially designed grout. Grout Removal Tool fits directly into the thin space between adjacent tiles and quickly turns to grind the grout away without damaging the tiles. Portable rotary tools offer an effective method of eliminating grout from thin grout lines, in corners and areas that are difficult to access.

Grinders and circular saws

For large projects involving thick grout lines, tile workers often use angular grinders or circular saws to remove grout. Equipped with masonry knives, standard angle grinders and circular saws are able to remove grout from grout lines. Sets the depth of the cutting tool to a grouting dimension without damaging the tiled surface substrate and running the tool blade that rotates through the grout line.

How to remove grout and adhesive from tiles

How to remove grout and adhesive from tiles

Balance the joints between stained tiles will certainly clean an unsightly surface tile, but it is a long process. If strong dilutions of Lye won't do the trick, however, you will have to resort to scraping the grout or glue between joints and balance. If you are going to remove the tile altogether and want to remove the adhesive and grout from each tile, you need a sharp razor and a little patience.

Grout Cleaner Product


Joint balancing

• Scrape in the areas between the tiles with a grout to remove the tool with a tungsten-tipped blade. Wear gloves and safety goggles to avoid injury to the tool or to fly loose debris. Do not use excessive force; You can scratch the mosaic you're trying to rejuvenate.

• Clean the bits of grout, adhesive and dust from your work area with a clean, dry brush. If a large area is arranged, make sure it is well ventilated to remove dust and use a mask to protect against fine particulate inhalation.

• Remove any mold from stains with a 10 percent bleach solution before joint balancing. Wear rubber gloves when handling bleach.

Remove Tiles

• Weaken from tiles with a hammer and chisel so that the tile will wiggle slightly. Insert a thick, sticky knife under the tile and move back and forth to loosen grout. Use the knife to lift the first shingle as if it were a lever. If it doesn't look seethe, try to scrape and ripple more behind the shingle, but don't force the tile away too hard; The knife could bend or break.

• Work methodically through the tiled surface, with the edges freed from the removal of the first tile as a starting point.

• Scrape grout and adhesive from sides and back of tiles with a scalpel or sharp knife tool. Always scrape away from your body to avoid injury when the razor suddenly gives as a piece of grout or adhesive comes loose.

• Apply Muriatic acid to the back of the tiles to loosen grout or glue. Wear gloves and goggles and apply only to the stubborn grout piece with a rag dampened with muriatic acid to be pulled, as the acid will inevitably eat the rag. Cover nearby surfaces with thick plastic. Allow the acid to work in the grout for about 20 minutes and then scrape with the razor. Rinse thoroughly with water and then with a base solution--one part sodium bicarbonate by four parts water works well--to avoid long-term damage to acid tiles.