Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How to remove grout with a ZIP tool

How to remove grout with a ZIP tool

Dirty old grout ruins the appearance of the tiles in kitchens or bathrooms. In addition, not every owner applies to grout properly, resulting in an imperfect look. Because it is not easy to remove grout, zip tools come in handy. Zip tools are high speed mills that reduce the amount of elbow fat you need to scrape out of the grout.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Lay a plastic sheet on the floor to catch grout flies. Place the correct bit from the zipper tool to remove grout between tiles.

• Plug into the electric zip tool and follow the grout line by pressing down. Keep hands away from the blade as you are removing grout. Having a friend will point you if you are going to remove grout from a ladder. Steady his arm bending against a wall.

• Dust Rag and grout bits with a towel. Press a carbide scraper against any existing grout.

• Remove any remaining piece of grout with a hammer and chisel. Hold the chisel in the nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees and the top of the hammer.

• Spray a rag with household cleaner. Clean the dust on the tile. Make sure the tile is completely dry before applying grout more.

Tips and warnings

  •     Wear protective goggles and a mask when removing grout.