Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The importance of grout in swimming pools

The importance of grout in swimming pools

All the swimming pools need a proper maintenance, to enjoy them to the maximum.

A point that should take special care the owner of a pool, is the grout in the Llagueado existing among the gresites that comprise the lining of the vessel.

Grout Cleaner Product

It can be easily observed when between the gresites there are areas without the waterproof white gasket that binds them, seeing black lines, which do not have to be dirt, but the black cement on the back of the vitreous coating.

When we have a pool with lack of grout can appear algae more permanently among the gresites, because they have a place to shelter and become strong, despite giving doses of disinfectant shock or anti algae strong.

It can also be the case that for lack of grout some of the live edges of the gresites can cause cuts to the swimmers, so it is highly recommended that always be in optimal conditions.

antes-despues de lechadaAesthetically it is very nice to see a pool with the grout in perfect condition.

Approximately every 4 or 5 years it is advisable to empty the glass of the pool, to proceed to a thorough cleaning with Hydrocleaner and some disinfectant and descaling product, that helps to lift some of the cement that there are Among the gresites.

In this way when we apply the new grout will take much better, because in areas where there is already grout, the new jump naturally when not having base.

The White gasket must be special for swimming pools, as it will be in contact with water, chemicals and even salt, if in our wastewater treatment plant has a saline chlorinatordisinfection. All without forgetting the effect of the sun.

Antes y despues de lechadaThe material of the gasket must be frost resistant, it should harden when dry, without cracking and it is advisable to be ductile and workable to make your application is the most correct.

Having a grout in condition makes it easier to clean the glass, as well as repel some of the water and help the glass waterproof. This is not to say that the grout is the one that makes a pool stagnant, but if it helps.

This type of work has to be done by companies specialized in swimming pools to guarantee a correct application of a professional product and a longer duration than with other products. They will also give us some guarantees in case it is detached by a problem, shortly after having done so.