Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bruce Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleanr - 64oz Refill - 2 Pack

Bruce Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleanr - 64oz Refill - 2 Pack

Bruce Hardwood & Laminate Floor Cleanr - 64oz Refill - 2 Pack

The clerk herself will clean the emergency hospital, where she advised to "wash the floor"

Acting first deputy governor of the Vladimir region, Marina Chekunova, who advised the staff of the emergency hospital in the city of Strunino to "wash the floors" and "hang the curtains", will do a general cleaning in the institution. She reported about it TASS. Volunteers, depot health officials and hospital staff will take part in the cleaning.

The press service of the administration of the Vladimir region reported that Chekunov was the initiator of the action, and the staff of the regional health department and the staff of the polyclinic would be responsible for organizing the cleaning.

Earlier on Saturday, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region, Vyacheslav Kartuhin, said that when approving the candidacy of an official for the post of first deputy head of the region, deputies would take into account her incorrect advice to doctors.

The clerk advised Strunino emergency hospital staff to clean the floors and hang curtains
Recall, on June 7, 2018, residents of Strunin on the Straight Line with the President of Russia complained about the quality of medical care in the city, after which the head of state ordered to overhaul the buildings of the Aleksandrovsky Central District Hospital in Strunin, as well as a children's clinic. Responsibility for the execution of the assignment was assigned to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and the report on the repair until December 31, 2018 was entrusted to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova and then Governor Svetlana Orlova. However, at the end of December, the new Vladimir Governor Vladimir Sipagin asked the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to postpone the execution of instructions to December 2019.

Recently, the Deputy Governor of the Vladimir Region, Marina Chekunova, advised the staff of the emergency hospital in the city of Strunino to "wash the floors" and "hang the curtains." She also said: "I, as if a goldfish, should do everything."

Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner, Lemon Ginger, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner, Lemon Ginger, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hard Floor Cleaner, Lemon Ginger, 25 Ounce

How to clean the floor in the bathroom

Is there an ideal concept for how to clean the bathroom floor? Of course! To make it truly clean, you will need to go through several stages, and not just walk with a wet rag in the center of the bathroom! The portal FurnishHome decided to find out how professionals advise cleaning the bathroom floor.

Step 1: Sweep or Vacuum

First you need to vacuum the floor in the bathroom. Of course, special attention should be paid to mats. Then you need to remove all the rugs and all things from the floor, put them, for example, in the bathroom, shower or just take out the hallway.

Step 2: my special tool

Mix vinegar, soap and warm water in a bucket. Then use this composition to clean the bathroom floor. For a more simplified version, use liquid soap. But the best thing is to add vinegar as a disinfectant anyway.

Step 3: dry

Using a dedicated towel to clean the floor in the bathroom, you need to wipe the entire floor dry. Only then can the mats be put back. Make sure that the wooden elements in the bathroom, for example, the door or the fronts of the furniture, are completely dry!


Rejuvenate Professional Wood Floor Restorer

Rejuvenate Professional Wood Floor Restorer

Rejuvenate Professional Wood Floor Restorer

How to clean the floors

Surprisingly, even in such an ordinary case as wiping the floors, there are some nuances and secrets. In this article we will tell you how to clean the floors in the apartment, what approach to use for different types of flooring, as well as consider the effective folk recipes of detergents.

 Cleanly washed floors are the basis of order in every home.

General recommendations
Starting to clean, familiarize yourself with the general rules of floor cleaning, which will help you to clean any type of flooring quickly, efficiently and without extra effort. Practice shows that these tips really work:
before you wash the floor, remove everything that is unnecessary from it (roll the carpet into a roll, lift chairs and stools so that nothing will disturb you);
Before washing, the floors must be swept or vacuumed. Do not forget to look under the sofas, chairs, beds, wardrobes and other furniture - in these places accumulate dust and small debris that will fly out from the draft and spoil the induced order;
start cleaning the floors from the far corner (as viewed from the front door). Wash near the walls and baseboards, move to the center of the room and finish near the threshold;
To avoid any stains on the floor, wipe the surface with a well-wrung cloth or mop. If necessary, do not be lazy to wash the floors several times;
Be sure to wear gloves to save manicure and skin.

Floor type
An important criterion in choosing a detergent and a method for cleaning floors is the type of coating. Linoleum, tile flooring, parquet, cork, wood and marble are cleaned in different ways. Let's find out how to clean the floors depending on the type of flooring.

Parquet does not like moisture, so it can not be very wet. To remove dust, it is enough to vacuum or sweep the parquet with a soft brush, and then wipe it with a damp, well-wrung mop. This procedure can be carried out several times a week.
 Parquet is the most environmentally friendly and durable type of flooring. He does not like moisture, so it can not be abundantly moisten
It is recommended to resort to more thorough cleaning no more than 1-2 times a year so as not to damage the coating. For such cleaning, use cool water and special waterproof and polishing products.
 Parquet cracked from the water (there was a big pot with a flower in this place; the owners did not immediately notice that the floor was suffering from over-irrigation)

Laminate, like parquet, does not like water. And although today there are moisture-resistant types of laminate, they also can not be poured plenty of water. Properly wash the floor from the laminate to a well-wrung cloth. During the general cleaning, you can use a special tool for this coating or liquid soap.
 Remember: excess water is absorbed into the flooring and leads to swelling and deformation of laminate boards. Wipe laminate only with a damp cloth.
Laminate, unlike parquet, is much easier to keep clean - it does not need to be polished or rubbed with mastic.
The following video will tell you how to clean the laminate:

Linoleum - one of the most picky types of coverage. It can be washed with warm water using ordinary detergents. It is recommended to clean the linoleum once a week with a solution of soap. The most important thing is not to use ammonia.
 Well washes dirt from linoleum with a warm solution of soap and soda.
If you want to give a shine to the floor and remove stains, wipe it with a soft cloth dampened with milk. Once every 3-4 months, linoleum can be treated with linseed oil and polished with a rag - thanks to this care, the floor will always look like new.

Tile and marble
Tile (tiled floor) - unpretentious type of flooring. She is not afraid of water and detergents. The tile can be cleaned with a soap solution or alcohol, vinegar and chlorine-containing agents can be added to the water.
 To make the tile sparkle, add lemon juice to the floor washing water (1-2 tablespoons of juice for 3 liters of water)
Marble floor is best washed with an alkaline solution - it easily removes dirt and does not damage the surface. Another effective cleaning solution is a mixture of water, hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.
Granite and marble flooring can be spoiled by using acid-containing products.
 Use a stiff brush and an alkaline solution to clean a very dirty marble floor.

Painted floor
Painted floor is unpretentious in the care, but requires regular washing. It is recommended to wipe it daily, especially in rooms where dirt is quickly accumulated (entrance hall, kitchen). Properly washing the floors with a rag dipped in a weak solution of ammonia or vinegar will make the paint shine. Just dissolve 1 tbsp. l selected means in 1 liter of warm water.
 To make the floor shine, after drying, coat it with a thin layer of linseed oil.
If in some places the paint has worn off, use a suitable shade mastic for parquet.
Grease stains on the painted floor should be moistened with soapy water and left for the night - in the morning, the contaminations can be easily washed off with warm water.
We offer to watch a video of where one of the units of the company "Kercher" easily handles the washing of a wooden terrace:

Unpainted floor
For washing unpainted floors use hot water and a stiff brush. Wooden boards can be rubbed and bleached.
Properly clean the floors of this type, preferably with soap and alkali: moisten the floor with a solution and rub with a stiff brush. You can add a little turpentine to the water.
 If you save unpainted wooden floor (walk on it in slippers, not in dirty shoes), then one wet cleaning per week will be enough
Cork floor
Properly clean floors of this type should be a soft damp cloth, without the use of chemicals and abrasive detergents.
 Cork, like parquet, can not be wetted abundantly
Do not use metal brushes; pollution is better to remove with a sponge or sandpaper.
If the cork floor is covered with a vinyl surface, it must be periodically lubricated with special mastic, after cleaning the old layer with a solvent.

How to clean the floors after repair
It is most difficult to clean the floor after repairs: traces of whitewash, stains, stubborn stains and various debris remain on it. It is recommended to wash floors in 3 stages:
First, clean the floor with clean, warm water to remove contamination and identify any stains to be wiped off;
remove stains after painting, wash away traces of whitewash, putty and glue;

Wipe the floors with a damp cloth, removing any remaining dirt.
 There are various ways to clean the floor from stains after repairs. For each coverage, you need to choose the appropriate methods and tools.
Starting to repair, do not be lazy to cover the floor with film or paper - this will save you from the time-consuming process of cleaning floors and help save time and money.
Previously, when cleaning the floor after repair, the hostess added kerosene to the water, and completed the cleaning with water and vinegar. Today, you can use acetone, white spirit and other solvents - they wash latex and nitro-paints well. Aqueous emulsion paint and whitewash can be cleaned with water or soapy water: it is enough to wash the floors several times, carefully rubbing the polluted areas.
Ordinary table salt will help to get rid of whitening traces. Wash the floors with clean water to remove the main dirt, and then add salt (1 tbsp. To 1 liter of water) to the bucket. Finally wipe the floors with a weak vinegar solution.
Wash whitewash can be potassium permanganate. Simply dissolve a few crystals in a bucket of water and wipe the floors.
Hardened lime should be carefully removed with a spatula, and then rinsed the floor with hot water with 100 ml of vegetable oil (in a bucket of water). After cleaning, wipe the floor with water and vinegar.

Folk cleaners
Today, there are many different products for cleaning floors of one type or another. But if you are allergic to household chemicals or you are simply an opponent of such means, there are quite a few popular recipes that are equally effective and safer.
The easiest recipe is to add water to a bucket in a cup of soap shavings (or liquid soap) and table vinegar. This tool cleans and disinfects the floors.

 Oil stains are first sprinkled with adsorbents (salt, soda or starch), and then cleaned with water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
Boil several spruce branches in 2 liters of water. Strain the broth, add 3-4 tbsp. l salt, soda and soap chips. Stir and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Add the cooled mixture to the water for mopping at the rate of 6-7 tbsp. l 10 liters of water.
To clear the floor of dirt and grease stains, prepare the following remedy: mix 1 cup of water, 0.5 cups of vinegar and 0.5 cups of vodka (or diluted alcohol). For flavor add 0.5 tsp. essential oils, such as orange. This blend removes dirt, bacteria and mold.
Scrub off the floor brilliant green will help nail polish remover (if the floor is not varnished).

How to mop the floor properly
Each hostess independently decides how to clean the floors. However, it is worth noting that with the help of a mop, this process is much faster and more efficient than hand washing.
 For a comfortable cleaning of the floors, it is preferable to have a good spinning mop.
 Mops are different in shape and method of extraction. You have to choose the right one by trial and error

Here are some guidelines on how to properly mop floors with a mop:
Before washing, thoroughly moisten the mop, slightly squeeze and evenly distribute the cleaning solution over the surface. Complete cleaning with a well-wrung mop;
in places of severe contamination rub the floor strongly with pressure;
wash narrow rooms (such as a corridor) starting from baseboards and side parts, and only then go to the central part;
when washing a textured floor (for example, a rough tile), mop up such movements as if you were drawing a figure eight. This will help to thoroughly clean the dirt from the surface;
hardwood floors with polyurethane coating wipe smoothly in the direction of the wood fibers;

After cleaning, rinse the mop thoroughly in clean water, squeeze and set to dry upside down.
Once every 2-3 months it is recommended to wash the mop head in a typewriter at a high temperature; change it every six months (or as wear).
Finishing the cleaning, wait until the surface of the floor is completely dry, and only after that arrange the chairs, lay carpets, etc.
We offer a video that will tell you how to choose the right mop and care for it.


Bona Free & Simple Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 oz

Bona Free & Simple Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 oz

Bona Free & Simple Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 oz

Can pregnant women clean floors - safety fundamentals

Whether it is possible to wash floors for pregnant women - the basics of safety will prevent undesirable and dangerous consequences that may occur after active physical exertion. To protect yourself and the unborn child from the syndrome of "nesting", you must carefully monitor the work that falls on the shoulders of a woman. Video

What can be done during pregnancy?
A wonderful time, which brings joy and unusual surprises. Many women note that the most "fun" moments are those that start in the third trimester. But with each month as the belly grows, surprises emerge that prevent you from performing feats in the form of simple cleaning. Women are advised to do some household chores, given the situation. It is imperative to attract a husband and relatives to help, especially at 8-9 months. Permitted during this period:

Floor washing during pregnancy should be done exclusively with a mop. It is impossible to rub floors with a cloth - a large load falls on the muscle part of the abdominal area. At the same time, the lateral muscles and the muscles of the lower abdomen work. This is comparable to the physical exercise "lifting the legs from a prone position." The uterus contracts, and early bleeding can open and a contraction of the uterine site in the later stages can occur.

With a broom you can wipe dust only where it is very small. It is better to give large “secret” places of dirt accumulation to be torn apart by the spouse. Sometimes women can have a lung spasm when inhaling dust, varnishes or paint. Smells also have a negative effect on health, can cause dizziness. Falling down on a wet floor or slipping during cleaning is not the best solution.

It is believed that it is necessary to hang up the laundry so that the hands are at a minimum raised to the top. This is due to the blood circulation, which is slow during pregnancy, and if the normal circulation of blood is obstructed, the fetus will experience hypoxia.

Handwash only
Everything is clear with machine wash, but is it possible to wash it manually? Of course, there is nothing terrible in the constant cleaning of products, wiping shoes, but rubbing the surface of the fabric diligently is undesirable. This is due to the same muscle group.

You can sweep from side to side, small amplitude. If the whole house has revenge, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner.
Ironing, washing dishes and other household chores can be performed as usual. However, all things related to home improvement for the baby, it is better to leave for her husband. Collecting the crib, mounting the pendulums and installing a baby changing table should rest on the men's shoulders. But the question is still open, is it possible to wash floors during pregnancy?

How can I wash?
How to wash the floors during pregnancy, so as not to cause consequences for carrying a fetus? Detailed instructions will help you quickly cope with household chores. It is important to remember that the maximum allowed weight threshold that can be raised is 5 kg! Moving furniture and carrying buckets of water around the house is prohibited on any month of pregnancy.


Black Diamond Stoneworks Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. 1-quart

Black Diamond Stoneworks Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. 1-quart

Black Diamond Stoneworks Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. 1-quart

How to clean the floor with a mop and cloth

How to clean the floor with a mop and cloth

How to mop different floor surfaces
Today the market offers us various options for flooring - maple wood, pine wood, granite, marble, glazed tile and unglazed tile. And each of these coatings requires individual care, to keep the surface in perfect cleanliness. Floor care methods provide standard and exclusive solutions.
Before wet cleaning, it is necessary to remove dust from crevices, corners and other hidden places with a wet broom.

For wet cleaning, a large floor cloth and water and a mop are usually used. If there is a desire, you can dissolve the floor cleaning detergent with a pleasant aroma in water. The main thing is to change the water to fresh when it dims noticeably.
But if after the usual wet cleaning the traces remain on the floor, use strong cleaning products. And do not forget to thoroughly rinse the floor after that.
The materials that make up the floor, require an individual and, often, a creative approach.

How to wash a wooden floor
Wooden painted floor can be washed daily. In particular, you should pay attention to the kitchen and hallway, which are polluted faster than other rooms.
If the wooden floor is not painted, it is recommended to wash it no more than once a week, using hot water and soap.
If this cleaning did not give a positive result, dilute apple cider vinegar in warm water. Or, with one liter of boiling water pour a couple of tea bags. And after the cleaning procedures, do not forget to wipe the wooden floors dry.
Old dirt can be removed from the wooden floor with sandpaper. But before that, it is better not to bring your own floors, as some sections of wood are removed along with the dirt.
If your floor is ancient and varnished, you need to wax it or impregnate it with polyurethane (if the area is wiped noticeably). To update the floors with cycling, you must first remove them from the old coating.
If the wooden floor has a lacquer coating, apply on its surface liquid wax, which contains solvent. Next, polish the floor with a clean cloth. Try to never apply a water-soluble self-polishing varnish.
Persistent black stripes from rubber heels can be removed from the surface of a wooden floor with a regular office eraser. If, however, traces remain, moisten a rag with white spirit.

How to wash the vinyl floor
Vinyl floor washed with a damp cloth. If you notice that the dirt is removed poorly, add regular table vinegar to the water. If this does not help, dilute borax in water. Now you can wipe the floor with a clean cloth.

The main thing, both during cleansing and rinsing, to use as little moisture as possible. Otherwise the vinyl floor will come off soon. From time to time, to make the floor shine, apply a thin layer of paste-like wax on its surface, which contains organic solvent.
However, a vinyl floor does not need to be waxed and polished if it has a polyurethane coating. Remember that from time to time such a floor must be refreshed to make it shine. Therefore, strictly follow the advice of the manufacturer of the selected sealant or polish.
To eliminate scratches, you need to purchase a special pencil from the manufacturer, which will seal all floor gaps. You just have to choose the right color. But if the floor is noticeably damaged, call a professional at home. You may have to replace several plates.

Wash polyurethane floor
To clean the floor, covered with polyurethane, a small amount of furniture oil (without wax) is applied to the rags, with which the floor is rubbed to a shine. It should be borne in mind that if you are wasteful in using oil, the floor will become dirty very quickly (particles of dust and dirt will adhere), and very slippery.

How to wash a stone floor
Stone floor, preferably cleaned with fresh wooden filings. They are scattered over the entire surface of the floor and vigorously treated floor with a stiff brush. And only after that, they are armed with a dustpan and a broom. And in order for the floor to be perfectly cleaned, it should be vacuumed.

Marble floor
Marble floor is better to handle non-aggressive cleaning agent. You can, for example, dilute a soft dishwashing liquid in warm water. If this does not help, it is worth contacting the company that laid the floor for you, and ask about the method of cleaning the floor. And in order that the beautiful and smooth marble does not become rough, do not add to the water for cleaning floors, soda and vinegar.

How to wash the ceramic floor
If your floor is covered with ceramic tiles, just sweep it up and wash it with a damp floor cloth.
If the joints between the tiles are dirty, you must add alcohol or vinegar to the water. You can use a special effective detergent purchased from a household chemicals store. If this does not help, use an old toothbrush, or an ordinary stiff brush.
But, if you tried everything, but there was no proper result, put on rubber gloves and dilute the chlorine bleach in water. This should help. And 20 minutes after the operation, thoroughly rinse the floor and dry it with a soft cloth. To eliminate contamination in the seams, treat them with silicone sealant.

Laminated floor
Laminated floors (like wood) should not be poured with excess water. It is noteworthy that it is strictly prohibited to use any solvents, abrasives, universal cleaning agents, as well as any kind of polish and wax for cleaning this floor.
Therefore, it is best to buy cleaning products, for laminate floors, from the manufacturer. But, if you are limited in financial resources, pour 3 parts of water, 1 part of vinegar and 1 part of any dishwashing liquid into the spray bottle. Spray the floor with this compound, and mop it. The result will please you.


Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

How to clean the floors

Floor cleaning in the apartment is one of the most important stages of cleaning. There are many popular and industrial tools that will help in this. When choosing, both the type of stains and the flooring material are taken into account.

How often do you need to wash the floors
Regular cleaning with a damp cloth compared with a vacuum cleaner will reduce the amount of dust. It is especially important to frequently clean the surfaces in apartments where allergy sufferers, asthmatics, and children live.

According to the established sanitary standards, in schools, hospitals and polyclinics, surfaces should be washed every day. But such norms are designed for premises where tens and hundreds of people are per day.

It’s not necessary to wash the floors in an apartment where 1-2 people live — 2-3 times a week is enough. But, if the family has pets, children, it is better to do wet cleaning every other day.

How to wash the floors
The choice of detergents for cleaning floors is quite extensive.

Professional tools
The most effective means include the following:

"Sarma". When applying it you need to work in rubber gloves. Washes, disinfects, kills unpleasant odors. 40 ml of the product are mixed with 5 l of water, 60 ml are taken for disinfection.
Liquid product "Grass Arena" with a polishing effect. Suitable for all types of flooring, especially for laminate and parquet. As part of no chlorine, the tool does not leave stains.
Composition "Ecover" with linseed oil. The product is safe, non-toxic due to the absence of chlorine. Can be used to clean all coatings.
"Glorix". It is characterized by a safe composition, is inexpensive, suitable for any coating.
Gel "Vaily". As part of no chlorine, the tool cleans even old pollution.
How and how to clean the floors
Folk cleaners
Folk remedies will help to cope with various types of pollution. But before using it is important to check them in an inconspicuous area in order to avoid damage to the coating.

Vinegar disinfects, copes with various contaminants. On its basis, you can make different compositions for mopping:

Polish for laminate and linoleum. To prepare it, 5 liters of water is diluted 5-6 tbsp. vinegar.
Means for cleansing the floor. They mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1, rub the floor, which will remove the smell and strong pollution.
Laundry soap
For washing the floor they take a bucket of water, add a little rubbed soap, wash the product with a coating. In the end you need to walk on the surface with a cloth moistened with clean water to avoid the appearance of stains. Such a composition will remove odors, give gloss to the coatings and disinfect the floor.

Inventory: which rag, mop is better to choose
To simplify the process of washing the floor, you need a special inventory:

Mops. The most common - mop with a nozzle MOP, thanks to which it is easy to rinse the premises of a large area. The only drawback is that it is difficult to remove corners. For such sites it is better to choose a rope mop. Choosing a product, you should pay attention to the length of the handle - it should reach the armpits.
Rag. Allows you to clean the corners, baseboards, areas around the legs of furniture. It is better to choose a rag made of polyamide: the fabric absorbs moisture, is resistant to mildew. You can take an old terry towel, cut it, put a rag on a mop: it washes off easily, leaves no damage to the surface.
Brush. To remove stubborn stains and marks need a brush with stiff bristles. Such tools should not be used for linoleum or parquet, so as not to leave scratches.
Many people buy steam cleaners for cleaning floors. They are expensive, but have many advantages. Equipment effectively removes dirt, destroys microbes. Suitable for any flooring except parquet.

How and how to clean the floors
How to clean different floors
Before washing, you need to vacuum or sweep the surface - this will remove some of the dirt, which means that wet cleaning the floor will be more efficient and less time consuming.

It is important to learn how to mop the floor properly, thus avoiding streaks and dirt in the room. To do this, moisten with cloth moving from the corners of the room to the center, and not vice versa.

It is a reliable flooring, but it is afraid of moisture and scratches. Secrets of cleaning surfaces:

For wet cleaning it is better to use a microfiber cloth. It is important to prevent the laminate from getting too wet, which can cause it to swell.
To avoid any stains on the surface, you can add 1 tsp to the water. vinegar.
To wash the laminate it is recommended to use professional products that do not cause the floor covering to get wet, create a thin protective film on the surface. Simply dilute the composition in water according to the instructions, wash the laminate with a damp cloth.

This is a practical floor covering. For linoleum need to take care carefully, because this finishing material is afraid of high temperature, chemical abrasives. Before washing, it is recommended to vacuum the linoleum to avoid damage by grains of sand or small pebbles. Also, uncleaned, dry dirt on contact with water can cause streaks.

After painting it is recommended to wash wooden floors with vinegar and ammonia. The solution prepared on their basis will remove impurities and unpleasant odors.

To remove heavy dirt, moisten the sawdust with turpentine, rub the mixture into the stain, leave for an hour and remove the residue with a soft pile brush.

There are several recommendations for washing the floorboard:

For cleaning it is best to use a telescopic mop with a microfiber attachment. It should not be too wet, so as not to spoil the coating.
Before cleaning the floor, it must be thoroughly vacuumed to get rid of small abrasive debris that can damage the flooring.
You can not use a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner - such equipment will lead to bloating parquet. You can also clean the floor using professional tools such as “Pronto” or “Denkmit”. As part of the funds there is a wax that will protect the surface from wear and exposure to UV rays.

How and how to clean the floors
In small rooms, the tile can be washed without using a rag or mop. Algorithm of actions:

Prepare the cleaning solution.
Pour into a container with a spray.
Spray the mixture on the tile and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Clean rag tiled floor.
In the end process the surface with a dry microfiber cloth, thus avoiding streaks on the surface.
To clean the surfaces, just add a little dishwashing gel to the water, mix, rinse the coating. It is important to properly clean the floor of the tile without using too much detergent - after drying it can leave a sticky film on the surface.

To wash heavily soiled, it is recommended to use the following method:

In 10 l bucket of water add 5 drops of ammonia.
Moisten a mop, wipe a floor covering.
Wash again with clean water to avoid streaks.
If you have to wash a ceramic tile with a rough surface, it is better to choose a store product, for example, Cif, Oranit, HG or Passionflower. It is undesirable to use abrasive powders in order not to leave scratches.

Self-leveling floor
To clean the leveling floor you need to choose gentle detergents - any abrasive powders, brushes with hard bristles are prohibited. They may scratch the surface.

How to wash complex dirt
Complicated dirt is more difficult to clean up - they often remain on the floor after cleaning. The disposal method depends on the type of stains:

Glue. To remove traces of the substance, you first need to put a damp warm towel on the stain, leave for 3-5 minutes, remove the rest of the composition with a scraper and rinse the floor again.
Black stripes from shoes. To get rid of the traces, the soda will help: powder is poured onto a damp sponge, rubbing it with dirt, washing the floor.
Iodine, brilliant green. To remove them, you can take alcohol or vodka: moisten the cloth with liquid, wipe the contaminated area, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Rust. A mixture of soda and vinegar will help against such contamination: the stain is wiped with a sponge moistened with vinegar, covered with soda. When the components react, wipe the dirt again with the hard side of the sponge, then with a dry cloth.
If the house was repaired, after it may remain contaminated. To remove whitewash water is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1, the resulting liquid wipe stains. Then the surface is treated with acetic solution, wash off the remnants of contamination with clean water.

Before cleaning the floor after painting, make sure that the composition is completely dry. In the future, follow the simple instructions:

Warm water is poured into the container.
Add 1-2 tablespoons. vinegar.
Wash surfaces with a clean cloth, repeating the procedure if necessary.
How and how to clean the floors
How to wash the floor in a house with children
As part of household chemicals are often present substances that can cause the development of allergies. For young children, who spend most of their time on the floor, this can lead to unpleasant consequences related to health. Therefore, when cleaning the cover in the apartment where the children live, it is more correct to use folk remedies.

Safer soap and vinegar-based solution are considered safe. On sale you can find some household chemicals that are safe because they contain no fragrances, no harmful components. Among them:

"Our mother";
"Baby Swimmer".
Regardless of the means chosen, after its application a plaque may remain on the floor, which is still dangerous for the child. Therefore, it is recommended after each washing the surface to wipe the floor with clean water.

How and how to clean the floors
If there are pets in the house
Living at home dogs or cats can affect the cleanliness of the apartment. To remove accumulations of wool, you must adhere to the following rules:

when cleaning, attention is paid to corners and hard-to-reach areas where dirt accumulates the most;
It is best to remove wool using a special nozzle-roller for a vacuum cleaner;
if there are many pets and there is no time for daily cleaning, you can buy the cheapest washing robot vacuum cleaner.
If your pet periodically marks the apartment, you should not wash the puddle with plain water - this will only increase the unpleasant smell, increase the contaminated area. The following products will help to clean the floors:

Potassium permanganate 5 crystals are dissolved in 200 ml of water - the liquid should turn out light pink in color. Sponge moistened with a tool, wipe the stain, the floor is washed with clean water and wipe dry.
"White". The composition is diluted in water at a ratio of 1:10, treated with a contaminated area, washed with clean water and wiped with a dry cloth.
Washing powder. If there is a strong smell of urine in the room, in 1-2 liters of water dissolve 1-2 tablespoons. powder, washed with the whole floor. To consolidate the result, you can wipe the coating with diluted water with medical alcohol.
On the floor from the claws of pets often scratches. You can cope with them using the following tools:

damage on the wooden floor to wipe the heart of a walnut;
To remove scratches, prepare a mixture of vegetable oil with vinegar, rub it into the surface and leave to dry for 2 hours;
to remove damage from the surface of natural oak or mahogany, you need to dissolve 5 drops of iodine in 200 ml of warm water, wipe the floor with liquid.
Recommended before using any means to check its effect on an inconspicuous area.


Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

My kitchen floor: tips and tricks

Washing the kitchen floors: tips and tricks

As a child I loved to wash the kitchen floors - it was so much fun! All you had to do was pour a bucket of water on the floor and drive it with a rag back and forth until you get bored. Then I saw a series of "Tom and Jerry", where they wash the floor, riding on brushes, and began to try hard to portray something similar. In general, when angry neighbors rang at our door, whose ceiling had leaked - it became a revelation to me. So I learned that the floors should be washed a little differently, and indeed, it turns out, this is a very boring and monotonous exercise ...

But you still need to wash them, and in our today's article we will tell you how to clean the kitchen floor to shine with a minimum of losses - both financial and moral.

Before you go to the water procedures, the floor should be swept. Oddly enough, they still have not invented anything better than the usual broom for this purpose: get to all the nooks of the kitchen quickly, simply and easily. Broom should be slightly moistened with water so as not to pick up dust from the floor. Of course, you can buy a more elegant broom, however, it is likely that you slightly mark the center of the kitchen with it, and then you will still crawl in the corners with a broom. Well, if you just terribly like to stand and wave a broom, presenting yourself as Cinderella - then, of course, you should buy it. After a light cleaning, you can proceed to direct washing the floor, armed with the necessary fixtures. What - it depends on the flooring in your kitchen.


Laminate and parquet
Tile and tile

1. Linoleum

It is one of the most popular and most unpretentious flooring. If you regularly wash the floors, then problems with old stains should not be. To wash the linoleum will be enough ordinary water with soapy water and a soft cloth. Just do not use hot water: it is undoubtedly more pleasant to wash it, however, from such a coating can go cracks. Also, make sure that the water does not fall under the cover itself - this will cause it to swell up and your kitchen will turn into an improvised mountain range. Once a month, the linoleum coating can be rubbed with a flannel cloth in order to give it extra shine. For this you can use special "shaggy" slippers rags.

Yes Yes. Somehow you can realize the fun of his childhood.
2. Laminate and parquet

Laminate and parquet are much more demanding in the care, so they do not need to wash, but just wipe with a damp cloth. Since it is difficult to understand when a wet cloth is wet and when it is no longer difficult, a special mop with a soft nozzle is used to clean these floors.

Detergents should also be very careful, laminate and parquet do not tolerate any external aggression, so only mild detergents, and in the case of parquet, it is generally better to use glycerin liquid soap. Both coatings can also be rubbed to a shine, driving around them in fluffy slippers for cleaning, however, you should additionally use mastic.
3. Tile and tile

Such coatings are not afraid of excess moisture, so here you can finally splash. Just do not forget about my sad story, told at the beginning of the article, so even here pour water moderately. A good solution would be a rope mop - it easily gets into the most inaccessible corners, and also absorbs excess water.

However, if you have bright tiles in the kitchen ... I congratulate you, I have the same. Her pleasant beige-peach color warms her with one look, but to wash it with sheer agony. The point is not even that all the spots are visible on it, but that they do not disappear even after thorough, violent washing with the help of all the available devices. No, the floor, of course, becomes cleaner, but ... perfectionists will clearly be unhappy. Therefore, if you have a bright tile in the kitchen, wash it as often as possible and best of all with products that do not leave stains. If you are constantly cooking and stains on the tile are unavoidable, wash it with a cloth or a brush, not a mop: otherwise you will have to rub it for a very, very long time. And best of all, initially choose a darker tile for the kitchen floor.

The process of washing floors should begin in the farthest corner of the kitchen, from where you will gradually move towards the door. It is also better to wash from the corners to the middle: this way you will not tread on the already washed part. Do not feel sorry for yourself during the cleaning, rub as you should! After all, floor washing is an excellent physical exercise, so you will simultaneously kill two birds with one stone.


Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Floor Care. Folk Natural Means For Cleaning Floors.

Since we all have to maintain cleanliness in our habitats , clean windows in a timely manner, wash curtains and clean , one of the most important moments is the maintenance of the floor we walk. Floors, as is known, can be of different materials, in accordance with their functional purpose: linoleum, wood, stone and marble , as well as floors covered with carpet . Therefore, the rules for caring for the floor are significantly different from each other.

How to wash the floors

Caring for linoleum. Glitter without divorce
Linoleum is quite common in everyday life and is affordable. First you need to sweep the floor to clean it from dust and debris. Linoleum is unpretentious in care, it can be washed with normal warm water with the addition of soapy water, but it should be wiped dry. Oddly enough, linoleum washes well with water from under boiled potatoes.
To preserve the elasticity of linoleum, there is a recipe for the oil mixture from the people's piggy bank. Mix proportionally 1: 1 vinegar and raw linseed oil, rub into the surface of clean dry linoleum. If there are scratches on the linoleum, before performing this procedure, clean them with fine emery paper, sweep away the dust and then rub the oil-vinegar mixture.
To linoleum less dirty , process it with home floor mastic. Prepare a soap solution (2 tablespoons of grated soap on a bucket of water), wash the linoleum, using a stiff brush to remove dirt. Mix 2 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of liquid floor wax and wipe it off. The resulting protective film will not allow the floor to quickly become dirty , the linoleum will be without streaks , however, this procedure should be repeated at least twice a month. This method is well suited for maintaining the cleanliness of linoleum in the kitchen, where, as a rule, grease stains from cooking accumulate.
To linoleum shine , use natural polish from an equal mixture of water and milk. First, remove the stubborn dirt and stains with a metal kitchen scourer moistened with turpentine, then apply the mixture on the floor and polish with a soft flannel cloth.
Delicate wooden floor care
How to wash wooden floors? How to wash the laminate? First of all, these coatings are practical and need minimal care. It is enough to sweep and wipe them with a damp cloth. With an excess of moisture, wood floors can swell and lose shape, so do not allow water to accumulate on them.
Parquet floors need special care, but there is nothing difficult in it, folk remedies will help to properly care for parquet at home without significant investments.
Clean heavily soiled parquet along the fibers with a rag moistened with turpentine, or with gasoline for lighters, then rub it with your home polish using the recipe below. The same method is used to remove fresh greasy stains. If small gaps have formed in the floorboards, before rubbing, put ordinary talc in them.
Varnished flooring is not recommended. Sweep the floor and rub your home polish with a dry cloth or paper towel.
Homemade polish recipe
To prepare homemade polish, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of furniture polish to a bucket of water (5 liters). Mix the mixture well, its remains can be stored in a tightly closed bottle or jar.
Many, seeking comfort in their own family nest , choose carpet for the floor. Soft floor is a favorite place for children's games, therefore, you need to especially carefully monitor its cleanliness and use natural safe means for cleaning , without any chemicals.

Floor cleaning methods

How to easily clean the carpet
Any carpet need to be vacuumed regularly. Even in the absence of obvious contamination, dust gets into the carpet every day, so it should be done at least once a week (in the nursery it is advisable to vacuum it every other day).
It is advisable to wash the stains on the carpet immediately before they are absorbed with a wet sponge. If it still happened, you will help the popular recipe for removing stains . In 1 liter of hot water, rub the floor of a bar of ordinary soap, mix and pour 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the composition to the spots, carefully brush (the stiffness of the bristles, depending on the thickness of the coating).
To freshen up the color of the carpet resort to homely unpretentious methods, resorting to proven natural remedies. You will need fine sawdust, 1 tablespoon of ammonia solution and a liter of water. All components are mixed, sawdust should absorb water. Place the mixture on the carpet, rub out any problem areas (spots) with a brush, let it dry and vacuum.
To clean the carpet, use a gentle, self-made shampoo. The use of natural components to clean the carpet is important for families with small children. It is for people who value environmental safety that there is a time-tested and previous generation, simple recipe for carpet care shampoo.
Shampoo for carpet. Homemade recipe
Depending on the square of the carpet, make a mixture of potato starch and grated on a fine grater of ordinary soap. On 1 glass of starch - 1 spoon of soap flakes. Stir the mixture, sprinkle the carpet with it and brush with a stiff brush. Leave the mixture for an hour, until it is completely dry, and vacuum it.
Care for marble, stone and granite floor
To clean the marble, stone or granite floor , it is enough to wet it with a soapy water solution; if it is very dirty, leave it for a few minutes, and then wash it off and wipe it with a dry or well wrung out cloth. If the marble floor has especially soiled places, wipe them with a cleaning paste according to this recipe: per 1 square meter. meter marble floor, take 3 tablespoons of non-abrasive scouring powder and drip lemon juice. Carefully rub the mixture into a dirty place, wait a minute, rinse with water, wipe dry.
Old stains on marble are removed using ordinary garden lime, of course, you need to protect your skin with protective rubber gloves.
How to save money on mopping

Regular care will keep your floor in pristine beauty and purity, and with the use of natural folk remedies the family budget will not suffer. By the way, many men welcome the vector direction of their women to the natural sources of cleanliness in housekeeping.

A good housewife and a reasonable modern woman always seeks to save family money in order to use it as efficiently as possible. It is desirable to improve your appearance and pleasure! After all, it is much easier to use proven methods of applying folk remedies around the house , and instead of buying a heap of expensive cleaning and cleaning products for floor care, you can safely spend money with your loved one to indulge in romance and visit the Spa!


Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

How to clean laminate floors, cleaning without streaks

Laminate flooring provides us with an attractive flooring, which is characterized by low maintenance and cleaning needs. To maintain the excellent appearance of laminate floors, manufacturers recommend wet floor cleaning at least once a week.

How to clean laminate floors without streaks
Remove loose dirt from the surface of the laminate floor with a laminate vacuum cleaner and a suitable attachment for hard and varnished floors. In its work, our cleaning company uses vacuum cleaners for the delicate care of laminate models of eco machine HYLA, Dyson, vacuum cleaner Thomas Parkett Master XT, Vax 7151, Karcher SE 4001. Try to avoid using a vacuum cleaner without a suitable nozzle for laminate, as it can leave scratches.

Fill the bucket with enough water so that you can wet the mop and proceed with the wet cleaning of the floor. Press the mop well before cleaning. Do not use wet cloths or detergents, as they can remove the surface finish and make the laminate look dull.
As a rule, laminated floors should not be waxed, polished or sanded. Difficult stains, such as nail polish, a marker, tar, or cigarette burns, can be removed with acetone or nail polish remover, but do not abuse it so as not to damage the finishing layer of laminated wood.


Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

We hate washing the floor! How can i do?

To wash all the floors in the apartment or to postpone for a week? The dilemma that many of us solve almost every weekend. Yes, dirty floor is unpleasant. But to wash it so long and dreary (and still disgusting!) That we are ready to postpone until we can. Together with the Kärcher brand, Medusa gathered the main reasons for the hatred of cleaning floors. And in this text we will talk about the new method of wet cleaning.

Where to start - from the kitchen or room? Or maybe from the balcony?
It seems impossible to start from the kitchen and the bathroom: in the process you still need them. Then maybe from the bedroom? But there, for sure, some family member is resting or the cat is sleeping! How about a balcony ?! Aaaa! Maybe another time?

Maybe just vacuuming is enough? No matter how
It seems that you can save time - and just vacuum. But it was not there. Yes, it has become cleaner, but the stains on the floor scream about how cruelly you were wrong. We still have to take a rag in your hands! And it begins: ideally vacuuming is impossible, so the insidious dust lurks at every corner and sticks to the wet floor. You have to fight with her with bare (and wet!) Hands.

Need to bend all the time
Put a full bucket of water on the floor, dip a rag in it, attach it to a mop (or wash it with your hands!), Then dip the rag again. And again. And again. Sometimes a floor washing session resembles an interval training session, but we are not in the gym! And even if you use a mop, you still have to strain yourself - to deal with the most persistent stains. Sometimes you even need to take a rag in your hands, get down on your knees and rub it properly. Too heavy!

The FC 3 Cordless cordless wet cleaning machine handles all stains on its own - no need to bend down. The manufacturer conducted tests and found that the device allows you to wash the floors 20% more efficient compared to conventional mops. It works like this: you pour clean water into a special container, and from there it is continuously fed to the rotating roller, which saves the floor from both ordinary dirt and more stubborn stains.
Dirty water bucket - ugly
Muddy-gray water, in which hair floats, clots of dust and other debris of unknown origin - what could be worse? Is that the smell that comes from the bucket. And in this unpleasant muck you have to dip your hands, but not once. And even if you change the water often, it instantly becomes dirty. And still cold! Br-rr.

If you have a FC 3 Cordless machine for wet cleaning, do not lower your hands into dirty water. It is going to a special tank, so at the end of cleaning it is enough to pour water from the tank and rinse it with water. At the same time, your hands remain clean, as if you have been reading a book or watching a favorite TV show all this time.
Gloves don't help much
Yes, part of the problem is solved if you use household gloves. But they also have questions! From the first time it is difficult to guess the size (yes, gloves come in different sizes), and they also slip and tear - then dirty water will flow in them, that is, your hands will get wet and dirty anyway. Taking off gloves is also unpleasant - the skin beneath them is sweating and covered with unpleasant folds. For what?!

You have to see terrible things.
Floor cleaning makes you look into the most secret corners of the apartment, and, of course, you will not find anything pleasant there. Dried stain of jam under the fridge, a lump of hair under the leg of the table, a dead fly behind the floor mirror. And this is not the worst possible finds!

Another "Karcher" produces apparatus for wet cleaning the floor called FC 3 Cordless Premium . Included with it is a nozzle for the floor with a flexible swivel, which helps to clean even the most difficult corners. FC 3 Cordless rollers are suitable for all types of flooring: parquet, laminate, stone, linoleum and PVC. And also for parquet, covered with oil or wax.
Memories of school duty, get out!
The process of washing floors can cause the worst memories of school years. It’s as if you were again on the day when your classmates ran for a walk after class, but today you are on duty, so the fun is not for you. Now it is even worse: it’s impossible to tinker (this is your apartment!), It’s impossible to escape or pretend to be sick. And even throwing cloths with a partner in misfortune at each other is not your option.

Divorces still remain
Wash the floor without staining water - a great art. On the Internet you can find whole forums dedicated to various secret techniques, folk remedies and features of each type of gender. If you do not possess this secret knowledge, there are two ways: to spend hours of research or still reconcile with divorces. And of course, I do not want to do either one or the other.

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are washing the floor so that you can walk on it immediately after washing. And you do not need to think about special techniques that help not to leave divorces: they just do not stay, that's all.
It's just a very long time.
Floor cleaning is also a long time, especially if you do everything conscientiously. Ideally, each room should be washed twice - first with the product and then with clean water. And even in a small apartment, the process takes at least an hour. And this is like a whole episode of the show to watch! What can we say, if the apartment is large - the epic may take two and all three hours. And when it's over, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

Someone must inherit!
There is one positive point in floor cleaning: when it's done, you feel like a real hero (or heroine). But for a long time to enjoy this feeling will not work - be sure to have someone on the line! Probably, even you yourself will be this someone - one transition from the room to the kitchen, and now the surface is not as perfectly clean as it was, and on the floor there is a sticky stain from soda. Awful

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are charged from the mains, but they are wireless devices, so you will not be tied to a power source while washing floors. And the battery level is shown on the display. The device can penetrate into the space under the surfaces (for example, under the sofa), and the design of the rollers allows you to handle the floor in close proximity to the edges of the furniture - so that dirt does not linger anywhere. The water on the roller is supplied in the right quantity, so the floor dries quickly, and after two minutes you can walk on it.


HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

Wash floors interpretation dream interpretation

Often dreams are reflections of real events and life situations. Fantastic characters replaced by people, and flying on a broomstick - a mop and bucket. Each hostess, and the representative of a strong and strong-willed floor, had to clean the house more than once. Therefore, an event such as washing floors in a dream does not always cause the desired interest.

But still, such a dream is not easy to reflect what you do on weekends, and foreshadows the events that await you in the near future. That is why the right decision will be to go to the dream book and find out exactly what dreams of washing floors during sleep.

The dream of doing a wet cleaning, not forgetting about the floor, promises to move up the career ladder. True, things in the service will be successful only if you learn to find a common language with management.

Another such vision often falls on the eve of an important, fateful event. Want to know the details of what: what dreams of mopping? Carefully read the following most interesting comments from the most popular dream books.

All changeable
to wash floors with a rag in a dream

Have you noticed in a dream that someone else is kicking the floor? Alas, the dream book warns: a more nimble colleague can take a lucrative vacancy you dreamed of.

Sometimes washing parquet or other material that people walk around in a house is seen in night dreams by people on the eve of rapid changes in their personal lives. And if the dreamer had to wash the floor in an unfamiliar room, he, making important decisions, will have the opportunity to influence the fate of many people.

In the nightly dreams rubbed flooring of excellent quality, stable and massive? Then, according to Miller, and in reality you have solid ground under your feet - you are confident in the future. But the wobbling, half-rotten sexual plates in a dream is a sign of betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

About the dangers of excessive cleanliness
In the night it happened that you diligently, conscientiously wash the floor? Unfortunately, such a vision, according to Family Dream, is one of the signs that misfortune, even death, can happen in the house of the sleeper. And if the boards of the planted flooring were old, decayed with patches and holes, then such a dream predicts trouble, loss, loss.

girl washes the floors

In a dream, decided to put in order a terribly dirty floor? Well, the vision anticipates a favorable, happy period full of positive change. Why dream of washing floors that seem to be clean? To the fact that the sleeper in reality will have a series of adversities, misfortunes. In addition, health problems are likely.

Freud interprets the dream of washing floors in a very original way. He believes that the one to whom such a vision has fallen, in reality, wants to speak frankly with a sexual partner. The dreamer is tired of the routine and predictability in intimate relationships, wants to discuss this problem. Most likely, he will achieve his goal and experience new emotions and sensations in reality.

Guests or gossip?
Sleep, but you do your chores namyvaya floors? Then, according to the version of the Spring collection of predictions, in reality you have to leave home. However, in the Summer Dream Book, this is a sign that predicts the visit of guests, and in Autumn, a precise sign that vile gossip is being spread behind the back of the sleeper.
Sometimes such a plot may reflect the thoughts of a sleeping person, who is dissatisfied with neither social nor financial situation. The dreamer is sure to deserve more. But most others do not share his point of view.

to wash the floors at work

Well, if the cleaning in the dream happens in the workplace. Such a dream suggests that the authorities appreciate the sleeper, considering him an experienced, talented specialist.

Terrible secrets
Why dream of washing the floors of a woman? If the dreamer was wielding a rag in her home, then she worries about quarrels, quarrels that often happen in her family. There is only one way out for the dream book: urgently exchanging something in the established schedule, in order to feel comfort and peace of mind, to restore warm relations with the spouse.

The nightmare that you are trying to blur the spot spread on the floor, perhaps bloody, is confirmation that you actually have skeletons in the closet, and even in a dream you are thinking about how to hide your secrets from others.

However, according to the old truth: the secret always becomes clear, remember this!

Wash the floors in a dream
man washing floors

The dream, in which the floors were washed out, is interpreted as a successful career, taking into account the fact that you will not disagree with your employer and defend your opinion. Or what you see symbolizes the upcoming events for which you are diligently preparing. If you removed the other person, then you risk losing your position to a more successful employee.

To dream about washing your floors
He interprets the dream book to wash floors, as the emergence of changes in his personal life.

Clean up in an unknown room means a tremendous impact on others, at the expense of their own decisions and deliberate actions.
Rub hard, reliable floor says about the available strong support.
Unstable and precarious sex - the betrayal of a loved one.
Dream interpretation also focuses attention on the dirty floor that you are trying to wash. Such a dream spells a pleasant change in life.
If you see a clean floor, but still wash it, then in reality you are in trouble and sickness. According to Freud's dream book, such actions mean confusion in your relationship with a partner. You are likely to feel tired of the monotony, and feel the urgent need for new emotions. Dream predicts the imminent emergence of such opportunities.
For a married woman to wash floors in a dream
washed floors in a strange house

For a married woman, the dream in which she washed the floors of the house is a symbol of an unhappy family life. There is a possibility that it is time for you to change it in order to feel comfort and coziness next to your spouse.

The laundering of blood or other dark spots is interpreted as embellishment of events of personal life for friends. You diligently try to appear better, although the obvious facts will sooner or later reveal the true essence.

How to determine a prophetic dream
After the interpretation of sleep, we think when dreams come true . Will sleep come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed of and what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what phase of the moon today and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.
