Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Floor Care. Folk Natural Means For Cleaning Floors.

Since we all have to maintain cleanliness in our habitats , clean windows in a timely manner, wash curtains and clean , one of the most important moments is the maintenance of the floor we walk. Floors, as is known, can be of different materials, in accordance with their functional purpose: linoleum, wood, stone and marble , as well as floors covered with carpet . Therefore, the rules for caring for the floor are significantly different from each other.

How to wash the floors

Caring for linoleum. Glitter without divorce
Linoleum is quite common in everyday life and is affordable. First you need to sweep the floor to clean it from dust and debris. Linoleum is unpretentious in care, it can be washed with normal warm water with the addition of soapy water, but it should be wiped dry. Oddly enough, linoleum washes well with water from under boiled potatoes.
To preserve the elasticity of linoleum, there is a recipe for the oil mixture from the people's piggy bank. Mix proportionally 1: 1 vinegar and raw linseed oil, rub into the surface of clean dry linoleum. If there are scratches on the linoleum, before performing this procedure, clean them with fine emery paper, sweep away the dust and then rub the oil-vinegar mixture.
To linoleum less dirty , process it with home floor mastic. Prepare a soap solution (2 tablespoons of grated soap on a bucket of water), wash the linoleum, using a stiff brush to remove dirt. Mix 2 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of liquid floor wax and wipe it off. The resulting protective film will not allow the floor to quickly become dirty , the linoleum will be without streaks , however, this procedure should be repeated at least twice a month. This method is well suited for maintaining the cleanliness of linoleum in the kitchen, where, as a rule, grease stains from cooking accumulate.
To linoleum shine , use natural polish from an equal mixture of water and milk. First, remove the stubborn dirt and stains with a metal kitchen scourer moistened with turpentine, then apply the mixture on the floor and polish with a soft flannel cloth.
Delicate wooden floor care
How to wash wooden floors? How to wash the laminate? First of all, these coatings are practical and need minimal care. It is enough to sweep and wipe them with a damp cloth. With an excess of moisture, wood floors can swell and lose shape, so do not allow water to accumulate on them.
Parquet floors need special care, but there is nothing difficult in it, folk remedies will help to properly care for parquet at home without significant investments.
Clean heavily soiled parquet along the fibers with a rag moistened with turpentine, or with gasoline for lighters, then rub it with your home polish using the recipe below. The same method is used to remove fresh greasy stains. If small gaps have formed in the floorboards, before rubbing, put ordinary talc in them.
Varnished flooring is not recommended. Sweep the floor and rub your home polish with a dry cloth or paper towel.
Homemade polish recipe
To prepare homemade polish, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of furniture polish to a bucket of water (5 liters). Mix the mixture well, its remains can be stored in a tightly closed bottle or jar.
Many, seeking comfort in their own family nest , choose carpet for the floor. Soft floor is a favorite place for children's games, therefore, you need to especially carefully monitor its cleanliness and use natural safe means for cleaning , without any chemicals.

Floor cleaning methods

How to easily clean the carpet
Any carpet need to be vacuumed regularly. Even in the absence of obvious contamination, dust gets into the carpet every day, so it should be done at least once a week (in the nursery it is advisable to vacuum it every other day).
It is advisable to wash the stains on the carpet immediately before they are absorbed with a wet sponge. If it still happened, you will help the popular recipe for removing stains . In 1 liter of hot water, rub the floor of a bar of ordinary soap, mix and pour 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the composition to the spots, carefully brush (the stiffness of the bristles, depending on the thickness of the coating).
To freshen up the color of the carpet resort to homely unpretentious methods, resorting to proven natural remedies. You will need fine sawdust, 1 tablespoon of ammonia solution and a liter of water. All components are mixed, sawdust should absorb water. Place the mixture on the carpet, rub out any problem areas (spots) with a brush, let it dry and vacuum.
To clean the carpet, use a gentle, self-made shampoo. The use of natural components to clean the carpet is important for families with small children. It is for people who value environmental safety that there is a time-tested and previous generation, simple recipe for carpet care shampoo.
Shampoo for carpet. Homemade recipe
Depending on the square of the carpet, make a mixture of potato starch and grated on a fine grater of ordinary soap. On 1 glass of starch - 1 spoon of soap flakes. Stir the mixture, sprinkle the carpet with it and brush with a stiff brush. Leave the mixture for an hour, until it is completely dry, and vacuum it.
Care for marble, stone and granite floor
To clean the marble, stone or granite floor , it is enough to wet it with a soapy water solution; if it is very dirty, leave it for a few minutes, and then wash it off and wipe it with a dry or well wrung out cloth. If the marble floor has especially soiled places, wipe them with a cleaning paste according to this recipe: per 1 square meter. meter marble floor, take 3 tablespoons of non-abrasive scouring powder and drip lemon juice. Carefully rub the mixture into a dirty place, wait a minute, rinse with water, wipe dry.
Old stains on marble are removed using ordinary garden lime, of course, you need to protect your skin with protective rubber gloves.
How to save money on mopping

Regular care will keep your floor in pristine beauty and purity, and with the use of natural folk remedies the family budget will not suffer. By the way, many men welcome the vector direction of their women to the natural sources of cleanliness in housekeeping.

A good housewife and a reasonable modern woman always seeks to save family money in order to use it as efficiently as possible. It is desirable to improve your appearance and pleasure! After all, it is much easier to use proven methods of applying folk remedies around the house , and instead of buying a heap of expensive cleaning and cleaning products for floor care, you can safely spend money with your loved one to indulge in romance and visit the Spa!
