Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

We hate washing the floor! How can i do?

To wash all the floors in the apartment or to postpone for a week? The dilemma that many of us solve almost every weekend. Yes, dirty floor is unpleasant. But to wash it so long and dreary (and still disgusting!) That we are ready to postpone until we can. Together with the Kärcher brand, Medusa gathered the main reasons for the hatred of cleaning floors. And in this text we will talk about the new method of wet cleaning.

Where to start - from the kitchen or room? Or maybe from the balcony?
It seems impossible to start from the kitchen and the bathroom: in the process you still need them. Then maybe from the bedroom? But there, for sure, some family member is resting or the cat is sleeping! How about a balcony ?! Aaaa! Maybe another time?

Maybe just vacuuming is enough? No matter how
It seems that you can save time - and just vacuum. But it was not there. Yes, it has become cleaner, but the stains on the floor scream about how cruelly you were wrong. We still have to take a rag in your hands! And it begins: ideally vacuuming is impossible, so the insidious dust lurks at every corner and sticks to the wet floor. You have to fight with her with bare (and wet!) Hands.

Need to bend all the time
Put a full bucket of water on the floor, dip a rag in it, attach it to a mop (or wash it with your hands!), Then dip the rag again. And again. And again. Sometimes a floor washing session resembles an interval training session, but we are not in the gym! And even if you use a mop, you still have to strain yourself - to deal with the most persistent stains. Sometimes you even need to take a rag in your hands, get down on your knees and rub it properly. Too heavy!

The FC 3 Cordless cordless wet cleaning machine handles all stains on its own - no need to bend down. The manufacturer conducted tests and found that the device allows you to wash the floors 20% more efficient compared to conventional mops. It works like this: you pour clean water into a special container, and from there it is continuously fed to the rotating roller, which saves the floor from both ordinary dirt and more stubborn stains.
Dirty water bucket - ugly
Muddy-gray water, in which hair floats, clots of dust and other debris of unknown origin - what could be worse? Is that the smell that comes from the bucket. And in this unpleasant muck you have to dip your hands, but not once. And even if you change the water often, it instantly becomes dirty. And still cold! Br-rr.

If you have a FC 3 Cordless machine for wet cleaning, do not lower your hands into dirty water. It is going to a special tank, so at the end of cleaning it is enough to pour water from the tank and rinse it with water. At the same time, your hands remain clean, as if you have been reading a book or watching a favorite TV show all this time.
Gloves don't help much
Yes, part of the problem is solved if you use household gloves. But they also have questions! From the first time it is difficult to guess the size (yes, gloves come in different sizes), and they also slip and tear - then dirty water will flow in them, that is, your hands will get wet and dirty anyway. Taking off gloves is also unpleasant - the skin beneath them is sweating and covered with unpleasant folds. For what?!

You have to see terrible things.
Floor cleaning makes you look into the most secret corners of the apartment, and, of course, you will not find anything pleasant there. Dried stain of jam under the fridge, a lump of hair under the leg of the table, a dead fly behind the floor mirror. And this is not the worst possible finds!

Another "Karcher" produces apparatus for wet cleaning the floor called FC 3 Cordless Premium . Included with it is a nozzle for the floor with a flexible swivel, which helps to clean even the most difficult corners. FC 3 Cordless rollers are suitable for all types of flooring: parquet, laminate, stone, linoleum and PVC. And also for parquet, covered with oil or wax.
Memories of school duty, get out!
The process of washing floors can cause the worst memories of school years. It’s as if you were again on the day when your classmates ran for a walk after class, but today you are on duty, so the fun is not for you. Now it is even worse: it’s impossible to tinker (this is your apartment!), It’s impossible to escape or pretend to be sick. And even throwing cloths with a partner in misfortune at each other is not your option.

Divorces still remain
Wash the floor without staining water - a great art. On the Internet you can find whole forums dedicated to various secret techniques, folk remedies and features of each type of gender. If you do not possess this secret knowledge, there are two ways: to spend hours of research or still reconcile with divorces. And of course, I do not want to do either one or the other.

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are washing the floor so that you can walk on it immediately after washing. And you do not need to think about special techniques that help not to leave divorces: they just do not stay, that's all.
It's just a very long time.
Floor cleaning is also a long time, especially if you do everything conscientiously. Ideally, each room should be washed twice - first with the product and then with clean water. And even in a small apartment, the process takes at least an hour. And this is like a whole episode of the show to watch! What can we say, if the apartment is large - the epic may take two and all three hours. And when it's over, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

Someone must inherit!
There is one positive point in floor cleaning: when it's done, you feel like a real hero (or heroine). But for a long time to enjoy this feeling will not work - be sure to have someone on the line! Probably, even you yourself will be this someone - one transition from the room to the kitchen, and now the surface is not as perfectly clean as it was, and on the floor there is a sticky stain from soda. Awful

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are charged from the mains, but they are wireless devices, so you will not be tied to a power source while washing floors. And the battery level is shown on the display. The device can penetrate into the space under the surfaces (for example, under the sofa), and the design of the rollers allows you to handle the floor in close proximity to the edges of the furniture - so that dirt does not linger anywhere. The water on the roller is supplied in the right quantity, so the floor dries quickly, and after two minutes you can walk on it.
