Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary


New MP 3.5.0071-13 approved for shopping and entertainment and sports complexes, concert halls, fitness centers, baths, hairdressers, beauty and massage salons (classrooms), catering facilities, hotels and hostels, other public buildings (structures) special appointments (toilets, showers, recreation facilities for transit passengers, etc.). They can also be used by other organizations to optimize corporate systems of disinfection measures, including in order to properly ensure the safety of personnel (including employees involved in the implementation of relevant activities).

In accordance with Art. 24 of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population” [1] (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 52), organizations in the process of operating public premises, buildings and structures should carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures provided for by regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and ensure safe for a person working conditions, life and rest. Organizations are obliged to suspend (or cease) their activities or the work of individual workshops, sites, the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, transport, the performance of certain types of work and the provision of services in cases where their implementation violates sanitary rules, including in terms of the implementation of anti-epidemic (including disinfection) activities.

Let us clarify that, in accordance with MP 3.5.0071-13, disinfection (more precisely, preventive disinfection) as an integral and integral part of anti-epidemic measures is a complex of special measures aimed at preventing contamination by microorganisms of various environmental objects (surfaces of objects, furniture, equipment, inventory instruments, skin of the hands and face, air, water, etc.). The main objects of preventive disinfection in organizations are premises with a massive stay of people (not only staff but also visitors).

The general management of disinfection measures is entrusted to the head of the organization (relevant facility) or another person identified by the employer as responsible for their proper conduct. Direct implementation of disinfection measures is assigned to employees of the organization (other persons involved in the implementation of such activities in accordance with a civil law contract) with the necessary qualifications.

Let's clarify that persons under the age of 18 years and persons who are not allowed to perform the relevant types of work for health reasons (in particular, people with allergic diseases, etc.) are not allowed to work with disinfectants. Workers authorized to handle disinfectants must:

regularly undergo medical examinations [2], training in labor protection [3] (in terms of compliance with safety measures when handling disinfectants);
to be provided in the prescribed manner with personal protective equipment [4], sanitary and domestic, medical and preventive services [5];
to observe when handling with disinfectants the security measures stipulated by MP 3.5.0071-13, other regulatory acts.

The organization should include:

availability of premises for the storage and processing of equipment and inventory for washing and disinfection (disinfection apparatus, containers for preparing working solutions of disinfectants, buckets, rags, brushes, etc.);
the availability of premises (closing cabinets) for the storage of disinfectants and working clothes of personnel performing disinfection work;
availability of first aid kits [6];
the availability of health centers for the provision of primary medical care for acute (chronic) occupational diseases [7] and for emergency conditions resulting from the treatment of disinfectants [8].

For the implementation of disinfection measures in organizations (at the relevant facilities), a stock of disinfectants must be created that are approved for use in the prescribed manner. Disinfectants must have a certificate of state registration, a declaration of conformity, instructions on how to handle them.

1. When preparing working solutions, their contact with skin and eyes should be avoided. All work with disinfectants must be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the used disinfectant in personal protective equipment (gloves, glasses, respirator).

2. Rags (separate for each type of work) moistened with a disinfectant solution, wipe the equipment, remove visible dirt from the walls, and then wash the floors.

3. Cleaning equipment must be clearly marked with indication of premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for its intended purpose and stored separately. After use, cleaning equipment is washed, disinfected, dried and stored in a specially designated room (at the same time, cleaning equipment for bathrooms is stored separately from other cleaning equipment).

4. Processing of objects includes a set of measures consisting of dry and wet cleaning and disinfection, aimed at maximizing the reduction of bacterial and viral contamination of surfaces.

5. All materials and equipment used for cleaning and disinfection must be in good order, spotlessly clean. Do not use brittle mops, old rags, containers with external signs of damage and corrosion.

6. Immediately before disinfection, it is necessary to carry out mechanical cleaning of surfaces.

7. All contaminants, except for biological fluids, must be removed carefully to avoid dispersion of particles in the air. When surfaces are contaminated with biological fluids, such surfaces must be disinfected in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used.

8. When cleaning any electrical equipment, it is necessary to make sure that it is disconnected from the power source.

9. At the end of disinfection (exposure time), the surface - if there are residues of the disinfectant working solution on them - is wiped with a cloth moistened with water, after which the room is ventilated until the odor of the disinfectant is completely removed.

10. For disinfection of used cleaning materials (sponges, napkins, etc.) they should be soaked in disinfectants in accordance with the instructions.

11. Quality control of disinfection is carried out by taking swabs from the surfaces (with the subsequent microbiological studies).

12. While working with disinfectants, personnel are prohibited from drinking, smoking, eating. Wash hands with soap after work.

Storage of disinfectants is organized in suitable premises. Access to disinfectants should be provided to appropriately trained personnel.

Disinfectants used for disinfection measures should have a wide spectrum of action against all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as pathogens of especially dangerous infections in combination with good physicochemical properties (rapid solubility in water), detergent and deodorizing properties. For each disinfectant used by the organization, consumption rates, concentration, exposure time, methods and frequency of treatment should be determined.

In view of the above, preference should be given to those disinfectants that can be used to carry out disinfection using all the main methods with an exposure of not more than 60 minutes during surface treatment using a wipe method for bacterial and viral infections. In particular, disinfectants from the group of cationic surfactants (CPAS), including quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), oxygen-containing agents, tertiary amines, and guanidine derivatives are considered optimal in terms of their performance - they are widely used for disinfecting surfaces in rooms that are hard furniture, equipment according to the regime that ensures the death of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

For the destruction of various types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, preference should be given to chlorine-containing, oxygen-containing, composite preparations. Such disinfection should be carried out in the absence of staff and visitors.

Note. Disinfectants used by organizations should not spoil the materials and structures used for interior decoration of premises, equipment, sports equipment, fix organic contamination on the treated surfaces.

The optimal method of disinfection is determined depending on the characteristics of the objects to be treated, and the properties of the disinfectant used. The main methods of disinfection are wiping, irrigation and immersion (they can be used individually or in combination).

Wiping is used for processing various surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling, doors, furniture, sports equipment), sanitary equipment: rags (you can also use a brush, ruff, and other similar devices) are immersed in the solution, slightly squeezed out, and then wiped with it surface. Usually carried out once or twice.

Irrigation is used to disinfect surfaces of premises, mainly walls, using a hydraulic control (another similar device): the walls of the room are irrigated from above (from left to right horizontally), followed by a gradual downward movement, after which excess moisture is collected from the floor with a cloth.

Immersion is used for disinfecting dishes (it must be laid on the rib and fully immersed in the solution), linen (things are submerged individually), cleaning equipment and rags, medical products, etc.

In the premises of sports facilities and swimming pools it is necessary to carry out systematic cleaning and disinfection of premises, as well as water disinfection measures.

Daily cleaning should be carried out before and after the event, in the intervals between shifts, as well as at the end of the working day; general cleaning followed by disinfection - monthly. The premises of toilets, showers, changing rooms, roundabout paths, benches, as well as door handles and handrails are subject to daily disinfection. In toilets, each sink should be equipped with a holder for detergent and antiseptic agents.

Processing of bathrooms, showers, sanitary inspection rooms, swimming pools is carried out according to the regimes ensuring the death of pathogens of fungal diseases. It is not recommended to use funds based on aldehydes and phenols for their prophylactic disinfection due to the high toxicity of the latter (as a result, a potential hazard to human health).

Disinfection of the pool, carried out after draining the water and mechanical cleaning, is carried out by the method of double irrigation with a disinfectant solution. To improve the reliability of disinfection, it is advisable to combine chemical methods with ultraviolet radiation.

All bath rooms should be aired daily before they are opened, after closing, and also during cleaning. Throughout the working day in the premises of the bath should be maintained clean.

After each change of visitors, the floors are washed, the benches in the locker rooms are wiped, and the floors and hose benches in the soap and steam baths are washed. The premises of showers and baths should be cleaned and disinfected after each visitor.

Every day after the bath closes, all rooms are cleaned (floors, walls, equipment are washed with hot water with a hose), toilets are cleaned using disinfectants. General cleaning (with subsequent disinfection) is carried out in the baths on a monthly basis.

In organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, it is necessary to carry out preventive disinfection, including disinfection of furniture and equipment surfaces, as well as disinfection of air, tools, linen, workwear and other items used in the work. For the treatment of the skin of visitors, skin antiseptics permitted for this purpose should be used.

All manipulations that can cause damage to the skin and mucous membranes are carried out using sterile tools and materials. Products of repeated use after use are subject to disinfection, and before sterilization are subject to presterilizing cleaning.

Wet cleaning of premises (wiping floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors) should be carried out at least twice a day (including after work) using detergents and disinfectants. At least once a week in all rooms should be carried out general cleaning.

After each client, the used laundry is subject to washing, and if necessary, disinfection (with the threat of the spread of infectious and parasitic diseases), and disposable laundry is disposed of.

Combs, brushes, hair clippers are washed under running water after each client, then placed in ultraviolet irradiators or in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen used for fungal diseases. Removable knives of electric razors wipe twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a tampon dipped in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution, in concentrations used in viral hepatitis.

Foot baths, baths for hands, bedcloth oilcloth should be disinfected after each client by means according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

If lice (pediculosis) is found in a visitor during the maintenance process, it is necessary to stop the manipulation and send it to a specialized institution (sanitary inspection) for anti-pediculosis measures and counseling. The tools and underwear used in servicing such a visitor are disinfected with lice (pediculicides) in the form of an emulsion concentrate, hair is collected in a hermetically sealed bag (bag) and also treated with pediculcide, and then removed (discarded).

In public catering organizations, surfaces in premises and equipment (floors, tables, oilcloths, kitchen utensils, dishes, trays, sanitary equipment, garbage cans, cleaning tools) are subject to disinfection. The staff systematically conducts hand disinfection. In the premises daily wet cleaning is carried out with the use of detergents and disinfectants. After each visitor cleaning of the dinner table is obligatory. Used dishes, appliances are washed and disinfected.

General cleaning (with subsequent disinfection) in trade organizations is carried out monthly, and no later than three days before the start of any public events (fairs, exhibitions, etc.) and immediately after their completion (closing).

Disinfection is subject to: commercial equipment, baths for processing equipment, containers, detergents (brushes, washcloths, etc.), garbage cans, toilet rooms and their equipment, cleaning equipment. The staff systematically conducts hand disinfection.

For the transportation of a certain type of food (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products) specialized transport with appropriate labeling should be allocated.

Vehicles used to transport food and food raw materials are cleaned daily with detergents and disinfected at least once a month.

In the dormitories daily disinfection of common areas (showers, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.). The hotels are disinfected daily in common areas, and after each tenant sanitary equipment and dishes in the room are disinfected. In public toilets, indoor surfaces, sanitary equipment, and cleaning equipment are disinfected daily and as they are polluted (in the toilets, each sink should be equipped with a holder for washing, antiseptic handwashing).

Deratization of the premises is carried out monthly and according to epidemic indications, the disinsection of the premises is carried out at least twice a month (if the premises are occupied by arthropods, control examinations are carried out at least four times a month, followed by additional measures, if necessary).

Air conditioning and humidification systems used to create a microclimate are potentially dangerous objects in relation to the spread of infectious diseases, especially legionellosis. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly clean and disinfect such systems.

A microbiological study of air conditioning and air humidification for the presence of a pathogen of legionellosis must be carried out quarterly (the sampling points are the internal unit of the split system and the circuit of the central air conditioning system). If a pathogen is detected in a concentration exceeding the permissible values ​​(104 CFU / l), it is necessary to conduct additional disinfection measures with the use of disinfectants that have a pronounced bactericidal effect and are capable of destroying microbial biofilms.

A microbiological study of hot water systems with a water temperature of less than 60 ºС at the points of analysis (closed PTS systems) and a public Jacuzzi should be carried out on a quarterly basis as planned. If a pathogen is detected in a concentration exceeding the permissible values ​​for hot water supply (103 CFU / l) and a Jacuzzi (10 CFU / l), additional preventive measures are necessary, including physical and / or chemical disinfection, a sharp rise in water temperature (up to 65 ° C and above) and the use of disinfectants with the ability to destroy microbial biofilms.

Note. For non-compliance with mandatory requirements in the field of sanitary and epidemiological safety (including expressed in the failure (inadequate) disinfection measures) organizations, their officials are responsible under the criminal (Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and administrative (Art. 6.3 –6.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) by legislation. In the event of material and moral damage as a result of non-compliance with mandatory requirements, the perpetrators also bear civil liability.

Personnel allowed to handle disinfectants should be able to provide first aid to victims.

When disinfectants enter the stomach, it is necessary to drink several glasses of water with 10–20 tablets of activated charcoal. If you get disinfectants in your eyes, immediately rinse them with running water for 5–10 minutes, then drip 30% sodium sulfacyl solution (albucid). If disinfectants hit the skin, wash the affected area with plenty of water and smear it with softening cream. If signs of irritation of the respiratory system appear, stop working with the disinfectant, go to another room, rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with water. In the event of signs of injury (poisoning) in all these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

WDF 102pcs Gold Disposable Plastic Plates -Lace Design Wedding Party Plastic Plates include 51 Plastic Dinner Plates 10.25inch,51 Salad/Dessert Plates 7.5inch (Gold Lace Plates)

WDF 102pcs Gold Disposable Plastic Plates -Lace Design Wedding Party Plastic Plates include 51 Plastic Dinner Plates 10.25inch,51 Salad/Dessert Plates 7.5inch (Gold Lace Plates)

WDF 102pcs Gold Disposable Plastic Plates -Lace Design Wedding Party Plastic Plates include 51 Plastic Dinner Plates 10.25inch,51 Salad/Dessert Plates 7.5inch (Gold Lace Plates)

The production technology of paper utensils

It seems that paper utensils (cups, plates) in Russia for a long time. Think of ice cream in paper cups... However, as a business direction appeared recently, the last few years. The reason is the emergence of new machines, allowing to make quality products in a non-adhesive way.

So, what could be simpler than a paper cup? Only the technology of its manufacture! A sheet of paper is taken with a pattern printed on it, wrapped around a blank, welded along the seam, removed, then a round bottom is thrown into the cone that is formed. It all wraps up below and also boils - and you have a work of art in your hands! No less complex manufacturing technology and paper plates, boxes, etc. Everything (technology and finished products) is very beautiful (harmony in everything!). As well as hygienic - because of its origin, the paper cup can not be washed and reused. Do not forget, and environmentalists - paper cup, as a natural product, is also naturally recycled.
For law enforcement, paper cups - salvation when used at public events. And as paper dishes like children! But this is not all the couplets of the hymn to the Paper Cup ... There is essentially no market for paper utensils in Russia. A few years ago, in one respected business publication, it was stated, that the manufacturer of paper tableware in Russia is only a branch of the Finnish company Huhtamaki Polarkap enterprise in the Moscow region, and the fire at this enterprise left the country without cups! But the correspondent's fears are in vain - not everything is so sad in our state!

Of course, there are not so many productions yet - taking into account the post-Soviet space, around 20. They are mainly located in Central Russia, the Urals. Some specialize only in some sizes of the produced cups (more often for coffee machines), others try to produce more types, but only have 1 -2 machines. There are also firms that import ready-made cups from Europe (for example, Poland, Italy, Finland, Germany, etc.), the USA, China, Korea and even Vietnam ... The range is also not rich - there are almost no basic sizes of plates make lunch boxes. The cups are presented in sizes per 100 grams (6 - 6.5 ounces by world classification) for coffee (including vending machines), 200 grams (9 ounces) for tea, 300 grams (12 ounces) for drinks, in relatively small quantities glasses for popcorn and ice cream. Equipment for the production of paper cups comes mainly from several countries - USA, Germany and France, South Korea, China. American complexes are focused on high-speed production of large quantities of products, as a rule, from roll paper, therefore they are very expensive - from several hundred thousand to a million dollars. European cars are cheaper, very reliable, highly automated, have sufficient speed, but still the price is very high - several hundred thousand dollars. Very reliable, practical (nothing extra) machines from South Korea. This country is, in fact, a trendsetter in this direction. And the price is significantly lower - about 30 - 50 thousand dollars. Chinese machines are different - made under licenses (or jointly) with South Korea. They are of good quality and the main advantage is the price: about 15-30 thousand dollars (FOB sender), which allows you to quickly pay back investments. However, there are some machines that are made somewhere with all the ensuing consequences. I do not consider machine tools from other countries of Southeast Asia and India, which, as a rule, are copies of Chinese ... The basic productivity of a Korean or Chinese machine is approximately 30-50 pcs. per minute, although high-speed machines with a capacity of about 80 pieces have already been delivered to Russia.

in minutes European machines more speed - from 120 to 250 pcs. in minutes The machines also differ in the use of the welding method - thermal (including hot air) or ultrasonic. The first one is simpler, more reliable, the second one allows to work at high speeds, requires a certain adjustment, gives a better fastening. A machine can produce only one size at a time. To release a different size, you need to reinstall the so-called. moldings (heads) - blanks on which cups are drawn. The replacement process takes some time, it all depends on the experience of the operator. The machine is serviced by one person, although it is possible, with a certain experience, a multichannel. For the manufacture of cups and plates, you may need some other equipment. For example, printed - for drawing pictures. Any kind of printing with this specificity is suitable: operational (on some laser printers), high, offset, flexographic. Cutting machines may also be needed, which cut out blank blanks for paper. For this purpose, suitable crucible machine, flatbed, etc. All this equipment is widely represented in Russia and is used in many firms. Therefore, some enterprises for the production of paper utensils were created on the basis of printing or corrugated industries. The main raw material used is in a special way laminated paper with an approximate density of 120 to 280 g / sq.

Some tableware manufacturers use Finnish-made paper, but Russia also has fairly good paper for making paper cups. Abroad, as a rule, one-sided laminated paper is used to make cups for cold drinks, and double-sided laminated (taking into account thermal conductivity) - for hot, but in our country, this division is not taken into account. Possible use in the manufacture of foil paper. With an average productivity of about 35 pieces per minute, with a single-shift mode of operation and a normal working day, about 300 thousand pieces can be made on one machine per month. This will require approximately 2.5 to 3 tons of paper. A special topic of conversation is the consumption of paper utensils. It would seem that the population of Russia, accustomed to use disposable things repeatedly, is unlikely to accept such dishes. Moreover, the desire of the client to switch to an aesthetically attractive dish, at the same time, with the effect of an unusual advertising medium, sometimes comes up against the manufacturer’s inability to fulfill an order quickly, in relatively small quantities. Underdevelopment of production leaves its mark on the sale. The customer has no choice but to look for a replacement. However, vending companies, fast foods, advertising firms, dairy and confectionery enterprises, transport workers (in particular, railway workers and aviators) have already appreciated the advantages and possibilities of paper dishes. They are supported by sanitary inspections in a number of regions of Russia, which prohibit the use of non-paper utensils of street cafes, while consuming alcoholic beverages, etc. etc. One of the doctors correctly noted: "It is not the paper cup that is for sale, but true hygiene."

Plays an important role and a factor of a certain prestige - many reputable companies use only paper utensils: for example, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, etc. Psychologists note the factor of pleasant tactile sensations (including at a subconscious level) from paper in comparison with other materials. There are frequent cases of the use of cups with company logos at enterprises, in catering (at the catering), at mass sports events (such as at the Seoul Olympics).
In general, it should be noted that, as Gabriel Garcia Marquez said: "A man loves disposable things so much because he himself is disposable." The possibilities of further application are endless - cylindrical glasses (tubes), square-bottom glasses, sealing the glasses with a lid (platinka, “cap”), plates of any shape and great depth, cups and plates with handles, different ways of printing, etc.
Sometimes you can hear objections about the excess price of a paper cup over plastic. But, gentlemen, simple truths - as long as they carry paper cups because of distant lands, while there are only a few dozen manufacturers to our entire huge country, until the market is formed - what’s the point of reducing prices ?! Soon 100 years old paper cup. In 1907, Lawrence Luellen and Hugh Moore in Kansas (USA) made the first glass for their soda machines. Against the background of the struggle with the general circles for drinking as a source of the spread of all diseases cups began their triumphant march around the planet. We do not know when the first instance appeared in our country, but today the growth rates of consumption of cups and plates are very high and therefore, so far we can talk about an extensive development path - the emergence of new productions with virtually no competition. At best, 20 enterprises produce a month (excluding Huhtamaki-Polarkap) a little over 12 million cups for the whole country! And in small South Korea more than 2 billion pieces are used ... When calculating it becomes obvious that even if about a thousand new enterprises appear, the demand will not be satisfied yet! The market is open and waiting for you ...!

Hefty Medium Round Foam Disposable Plates - 200 Count

Hefty Medium Round Foam Disposable Plates - 200 Count

Hefty Medium Round Foam Disposable Plates - 200 Count

Business idea: Paper cups production

The production of paper glasses is a promising production, which does not require a large financial investment at the start and special knowledge.

Disposable utensils are in stable demand, both in megacities and in provincial cities. As the production of disposable paper glasses gathers momentum, plastic products lose their relevance. This is due to the fact that the paper is an environmentally friendly, harmless material that completely disintegrates within 3 years.

Features of the project

The market for paper utensils in Russia is almost non-existent. There are about 20 small enterprises located in the central part of the country and in the Urals, the area of which is the manufacture and sale of cups. More than half of enterprises produce only glasses of paper for coffee. Foreign manufacturers offer buyers a large range of cups of different shapes, sizes, colors. The main suppliers are European companies, as well as Korea, China, Vietnam.

To open a mini production of paper cups in Russia means to organize a promising enterprise, which will eventually start to bring its owner a good profit. This is due to low competition, year-round demand for products and a wide range of consumers. It is only necessary to study the ratio of supply and demand in the region of opening a mini shop and buy special equipment.

Benefits of the paperware business

Making paper cups as a business has a number of undeniable advantages?

- investments fully pay off in six months (sometimes 12 months);
The amount of start-up capital required to purchase equipment and raw materials does not exceed 600,000 rubles;
The production line can run for 24 hours.
- powerful machines are able to produce up to 50 cups per minute;
- The latest technologies used in the manufacture of disposable utensils guarantee high quality products.

Paper glasses are made of special laminated cardboard, the edges of which are fixed with ultrasonic welding.

Enterprise stages

To organize your business, you need to do this by wanting to do this.

Register the company and choose a form of taxation;
Rent a room with an area of at least 50 square meters;
Buy equipment for the production of paper cups;
Buy raw materials
Obtain sES permits, firefighters, relevant local authorities;
Hire staff.

The qualification of employees does not matter, because the manufacture of paper cups on modern equipment is a fully automated process, absolutely safe for humans and the environment.

The business plan for the production of paper cups is based on the information received after studying the market in the region of the opening of the enterprise. Market research will help to find the difference between supply and demand, determine the presence of competitors and occupy an empty niche.

Experts say that the most "walking" are 100-gram cups for coffee, which today are often used in vending trade. Tea glasses for 200 and 300 grams are equally popular. The dishes are used not only for hot drinks, but also for soft drinks.

Manufacturing technology

The process of producing disposable paper cups is very simple and does not require skills. You need to take a sheet of special dense paper or cardboard, with a pre-printed picture or without it. This sheet is wrapped around a special shape, its edges are glued or welded. The product is inserted into the product removed from the dummy.

Equipment selection

The price of the equipment for the production of paper cups depends on the model of the device and the country of the manufacturer. The main suppliers of machinery used in the manufacture of disposable utensils are the United States, European countries, China and Korea. European equipment is not only economical, performance (up to 250 products per minute), power, but also high cost. The price of the machines ranges from 1,000,000 rubles. And above.

Machines for the production of paper glasses from China are relatively inexpensive. The downside of the devices is not very high-quality assembly, which entails frequent breakdowns and repairs, and low performance (30 to 80 glasses per minute). The entrepreneur who chooses the equipment, it is necessary to carefully familiarize himself with the documents attached to the devices, as well as pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer in the market. This will help to choose and buy a quality machine that will last a long time. The average cost of the machine is 600,000 rubles.

Machines vary in the way of adhesions. The ultrasonic method provides reliable fixation and continuous operation at high speeds. Thermal spike is considered a more reliable and simple way of gluing blanks.

The entrepreneur needs to buy interchangeable for the production of products that have different dimensions, as the machines are designed to make dishes of the same size. The production of paper cups with the logo, inscriptions and ornaments will not do without a machine that puts printing on paper. A paper cutting machine will speed up the process of cutting blanks from the paper cloth.


Paper glasses are made of dense laminated paper or cardboard. The material must have a high density of 120 to 280 grams per m2. More recently, finnish paper was the undisputed leader. Currently, the popularity of domestic producers is growing.

The entrepreneur who organizes the production should know that it will take about 5 tons of raw materials to make 400,000 glasses (per month).

The profitability of the company

Since the production of paper cups has not yet become widespread in Russia, it is quite difficult to make accurate calculations. Existing workshops, working in two shifts, producing more than 500,000 products every month, bring their owners quite a large profit. According to experts, the newcomer can count on income reaching 500,000 rubles. a month. The investment will pay off within 2-3 years.

The amount of revenue directly depends on how well organized the sales of finished products. The main buyers are hot food outlets, cafes, vending businesses, fast food restaurants and others. Products can be handed over to wholesale retailers.

Over time, you can expand the business, taking up the manufacture of paper plates and packaging. You can also offer customers advertising on cups.


Amscan 640013.19 Party Supplies, 7-Inch, Gold

Amscan 640013.19 Party Supplies, 7-Inch, Gold

Amscan 640013.19 Party Supplies, 7-Inch, Gold

Disposable paper cups

Business relevance

The demand for disposable paper cups increases every year, because such dishes are very convenient, environmentally friendly and easily disposed of. Now competition in this industry is small, most of the products in Russia are supplied by foreign companies, so domestic entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy their niche in the market and create a successful business with high profitability.
Benefits of paper utensils

Compared to plastic products, paper products have many advantages in terms of the benefits of having a few advantages.

Preserving the aroma and taste of the products.
Impossibility of reuse.
Low thermal conductivity. From paper cups you can safely drink without fear of burning your hands. Such dishes are often given takeaways, customers can take cups for coffee with them, and do not worry that the drink will soon cool down.

Practical utensils are used not only for the sale of beverages and products, but are often used as a promotional medium, through which you can effectively promote various brands, goods or services.

Entrepreneurs use special laminated paper, the density of which is from 120 to 280 g/m2, for the production of products. For hot drinks, one-way lamination dishes are good, and for cold drinks - with two-sided.

The most popular products are considered to be 200 and 150 ml, they are designed for coffee or tea. For lemonade, kvass and other soft drinks are used cups, volume of 300 ml. Large containers (700, 1000 ml) are used to sell popcorn.

As a rule, the production of disposable paper cups is carried out on imported equipment. U.S. devices provide high-speed product production. European technology has a higher cost, it is characterized by reliability, durability and involves full automation of all processes. Chinese equipment has the best value for money, it is a convenient solution for those who want to save money.
Business building stages

In order to successfully implement the project, you need to properly draw up a business plan. It includes the following items as follows.

Registration of the firm, the choice of form for paying taxes and obtaining permits;
Purchase of raw materials, consumables and equipment;
Rent of a shop, an area of 150 m2, which should provide zones for installation of equipment and storage of finished products;
advertising and marketing of goods.

Manufacturing technology

The technology of making paper utensils is very simple, it consists of several stages of it!

A drawing is printed on laminated paper.
the sheet wraps around the chump, is cooked around the edges, and then inserts into it bottom;
The finished product is packaged.

Financial calculations

Before you start a business, you should take care to buy quality equipment for the production of paper cups. Its price is from 1,000,000 rubles. The cost of production includes the cost of raw materials, rent, utilities, taxes and salaries for staff.

If the equipment produces about 35 products per minute, 16,800 cups can be produced per day, provided that the line is continuously functioning for 8 hours. The cost of making one paper product is about 2.30 rubles. If you sell products at a price of 3 rubles apiece, the monthly net profit will be from 353,000 rubles.

Total sa

Start-up capital of 1,000,000 rubles;
Monthly profit from 300,0000 rubles;
Payback period of the project from 3 months.

Necessary documents

To open the enterprise will need permission from various government agencies?

Fire inspection;
Sanitary power stations;
local administration.


Equipment for the production of paper utensils includes,

Ultrasound or thermal machine
The device for the cut-out, with which the blanks are made;
printing equipment.


It is recommended that the staff include about 10 hired workers who will oversee the production process. Installations designed to produce paper utensils are completely safe and fully automated, so their operation does not require high qualifications or any special professional skills.
Advertising and marketing

The level of profitability of the business largely depends on how well organized, the marketing of products. In order to successfully sell paper glasses, it is recommended to establish cooperation with vending firms; Coffee shops; Cafe; fast food outlets and various catering facilities. In addition, you can enter into contracts with wholesale companies and regularly supply them with large volumes of goods.

You can attract potential buyers by advertising products on social networks and on various forums. A convenient solution is to create a website on the Internet, where photos of products with descriptions and prices will be published. You can also post information about various discounts and promotions held by the organization in order to increase the sales of goods.

To increase the profitability of the business, customers can provide additional services, for example, to make custom cups with the company logo or products on which there are advertising labels.
Possible risks

The main drawback of this business is the need to purchase equipment from foreign manufacturers and independently set up the production line. In addition, you will have to deal with a lot of different issues with the health authorities, which have quite strict requirements for the enterprises involved in the production of food utensils.


Glad Round Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 10 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates

Glad Round Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 10 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates

Glad Round Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 10 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates


Disposed-of dishes in bulk from the manufacturer

Today, disposable paper utensils have found widespread use in fast food, cafes, fast food outlets. The key to such demand for paper utensils was a number of its undeniable advantages. What is especially gratifying is that it is effectively used as an advertisement for your company, its brand and, accordingly, its product. Where to buy disposable dishes? Of course, in "Ecopak"! Disposable utensils in bulk from the manufacturer is a profitable solution for the stable operation of your business.

Our products are

- Paper glasses 180 ml
- Two-layer glasses of 250 ml.
- Paper glasses 2 layer with a congressed embossment.
- Paper glasses 250 ml
- Kraft cardboard glass 250 ml.
- Paper glasses 330 ml
- Kraft cardboard glass 330 ml.
- Paper glasses 450 ml
- Kraft cardboard glass 450 ml.
- Paper cups with children's drawing
Covers to glasses
- Cuffs for glasses (holders)
- Plastic glasses of polypropylene

Paper cups with logo

Do you plan a promotion of the company and want your company to be the first and recognizable all over the country? In this case, disposable paper cups with the logo is a great marketing tool and promotion. Any image, logo or slogan can be applied to a paper glass. The use of a paper cup allows you to always achieve the set advertising goals and significantly reduce marketing costs. As an advertising carrier, the paper cup has a number of undeniable advantages. Paper cups are the subject of mass consumption and therefore its use allows to convey the message to a wide audience, without reducing the quality of the advertising itself.

This is because each person, based on natural needs, is automatically a consumer of beverages. As you know, the greatest penetrating effect is unobtrusive communication, based on the natural need of the consumer

A little bit about the paper glass.

Paper glass - true hygiene. The first to evaluate the Paper Glass were vending companies, fast food, advertising firms, dairy and confectionery firms, transport workers (in particular, railway workers and aviators) They are supported by sanitary inspections in a number of regions of Russia, which prohibit In addition, the paper glass has established itself as a unique advertising medium.

First of all, a paper glass can be used for both cold and hot drinks, while polystyrene - only for cold, when preparing drinks at a temperature of more than 60 degrees Celsius, polystyrene glass secretes chlorine, which is very harmful for health, especially since holding a polystyrene glass with a hot drink is a little pleasant.

The use of paper glasses is more hygienic, as the possibility of their reuse is completely excluded, and polystyrene glasses can be used more than once.
Many foreign countries have already abandoned the use of disposable plastic glasses and prefer them harmless and environmentally friendly paper.

Secondly, the full-color printing of the name, logo or motto of your company, cafe or brand will allow to more effectively promote it in the market, will make recognizable among consumers. You can also use our products to organize meals and coffee breaks at seminars, themed conferences, trainings, corporate parties and out-of-town picnics.

The use of paper glasses allows you to hire fewer customer service personnel, will save the cost of washing dishes (water, detergents), paper glasses do not require a special storage space, as there may be placed in a shared warehouse with the rest of the products.
For cafes with enclosed spaces or large halls, the use of paper glasses creates a cozy atmosphere where the ringing of dishes does not disturb the silence and makes food consumption more enjoyable. Also, paper glasses are safe compared to glass glasses, because they do not beat.

If you care about the cleanliness of the environment, you will be interested to know that the recycling of paper glasses does not require a lot of money and is not harmful to the environment, while the destruction of polystyrene glasses is expensive, and the polystyrene itself decomposes in the soil for more than 100 years. Taking paper glasses for a country picnic or an exit banquet, you can easily burn them in the fire without polluting the surrounding area.

If you want to keep up with the times, want to promote your brand or advertise a coffee shop, want to get a product with optimal value for money, advocate for a healthy lifestyle and take care of the environment, paper glasses of our Company is your choice!

For more information on prices and other issues you are interested in, you will receive when contacting our managers.

Disposed-to-go utensils with personalization elements

Digital printing house "RA" offers you to buy disposable dishes in bulk or in small batches. Here you can buy convenient and practical dining accessories from environmentally friendly materials, as well as order branding services. Standard paper utensils with personalization elements will become an effective advertising of your institution, emphasize the corporate style, make the trademark more popular and memorable. As the basis we use the basics of the

Standard and two-layer paper glasses of different volumes;
cups of dense craft cardboard with a congression-embossed;
covers, cuffs, holders and other accessories.

Branded utensils unobtrusively advertise scan touts services, helping to highlight the object of promotion in a tight competitive environment. This is an effective marketing tool, available not only to owners of big business, but also to budding entrepreneurs. We will help you develop a unique design and make original materials for the office, cafes, fast food, catering, mobile coffee shop and other commercial formats.
The operational supply of paper utensils

"RA" printing house is a printing company with a powerful production base. We invite everyone who is interested in the production of disposable utensils in Krasnodar to cooperate effectively. Our prices do not contain commercial duties, the quality of finished materials always remains at a high level, and the timing of orders in each case corresponds to the agreements. They help us to make branded cups in any quantity quickly by helping us with them!

Extensive storage reserve of consumables;
High-tech printing equipment
Using modern personalization techniques
experienced, attentive and responsible staff.


WDF 150 Gold Disposable Plates & Plastic Silverware &Plastic Cups, Lace Dinnerware : 25 Dinner Plates 10.25 inch, 25 Dessert Plates 7.5 inch, 25 Tumblers 10 oZ, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons

WDF 150 Gold Disposable Plates & Plastic Silverware &Plastic Cups, Lace Dinnerware : 25 Dinner Plates 10.25 inch, 25 Dessert Plates 7.5 inch, 25 Tumblers 10 oZ, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons

WDF 150 Gold Disposable Plates & Plastic Silverware &Plastic Cups, Lace Dinnerware : 25 Dinner Plates 10.25 inch, 25 Dessert Plates 7.5 inch, 25 Tumblers 10 oZ, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons

What are the advantages of disposable tableware

Today disposable tableware is an indispensable attribute of the modern world, which brings undeniable convenience and comfort to our lives.

Going to nature? Disposable dishes will help you organize a picnic in the best way and without any problems. Do you have a corporate? Disposable tableware will not only simplify the organization of the holiday, but also using the logo of your company printed on it, will allow to emphasize the image and style. It is also indispensable for vending equipment. It is convenient to store food in it. Buying disposable tableware you need to remember that paper has undeniable advantages relative to plastic. When heated, it does not emit harmful substances. When recycling does not harm the environment. It can be used for microwave.

The company "Ecoprow" specializes in the production of disposable paper utensils for many years. In our assortment there are glasses and plates, as well as related accessories - thermocovers, which perfectly retain the heat of the drink, lids, stirring sticks made of wood, as well as comfortable coasters.

We have glasses, the total volume of which is 110, 185, 250, 340 and 520 ml, as well as plates of different diameters.

Production under the order of ware of the size necessary to you is possible. Our offer includes products with or without printing. We are engaged in advertising printing. For you, if necessary, designers will develop a layout of the picture. Thanks to the use of expensive equipment, the quality of printing is at the highest level.

You can purchase dishes from us in any quantity.


10 Gold Rectangle Trays for Dessert Table Serving Parties 9 x 13 Heavy Duty Disposable Paper Cardboard in Elegant Shape for Platters, Cupcake, Birthday Parties, Dessert, Weddings and More Food Safe

10 Gold Rectangle Trays for Dessert Table Serving Parties 9 x 13 Heavy Duty Disposable Paper Cardboard in Elegant Shape for Platters, Cupcake, Birthday Parties, Dessert, Weddings and More Food Safe

10 Gold Rectangle Trays for Dessert Table Serving Parties 9 x 13 Heavy Duty Disposable Paper Cardboard in Elegant Shape for Platters, Cupcake, Birthday Parties, Dessert, Weddings and More Food Safe

How to calculate the cost of a paper cup

Paper Packaging Benefits

Businessmen appreciated the benefits of paper packaging. This is a light and inexpensive, environmentally friendly material. It is easy to recycle and can be used as recyclable materials.

Paper is used for packaging household appliances and food. She found application in the manufacture of beverage utensils. The cost of a paper cup is quite low, while it compares favorably with plastic containers, because when heated it does not emit harmful substances and foreign odors that can spoil the taste of tea or coffee.

Production and business
Such containers are ideal for small outlets with drinks and food, and for fast food restaurants.

Such a business in our country is quite relevant, constantly evolving and takes a strong position. This is a very popular product. In addition, paper packaging allows you to apply logos and other images that will make the institution or the manufacturer's company recognizable.

The cost of paper cup production is always much lower than the profit from its implementation.

As for the process of manufacturing containers, there are two main technologies - roll and sheet. In the first case, the blanks are laid out on a roll of laminated cardboard, in the second, the cardboard is pre-cut into sheets and only then marked. This is the main difference.

This is followed by the cutting of blanks for the body and the bottom of the cup. Thermal soldering of the body, connecting it to the bottom, rolling the bottom and the top edge. In both cases, the printing of images can occur both before and after cutting blanks. It practically does not affect the calculation of the cost price of a paper cup.

Cost calculation
It is based on the cost of raw materials and packaging of finished products, as well as taking into account the cost of wages, payment for energy (mainly electricity) and rental of premises.

The latter indicator is relevant in relation to localities, since, other things being equal, the cost price of a paper cup in Moscow may differ from this indicator in the provinces. But practice shows that in the production of disposable paper cups of over 400,000 pieces per month, the cost of rent and packaging can practically be ignored.

The main attention should be paid to the type of dishes that make the equipment. That is, will it be a container made of thick cardboard with one-sided kelp or will need a double-sided stamping and an air gap to maintain temperature, etc.

Next, you should ask the manufacturer for the cost of one ton of the required type of cardboard and the weight of one unit of goods. By dividing the cost of a ton of raw material by the weight of one product with an increase of 15 percent, you can get the amount of products from one kg of cardboard. Further, by dividing the price of one kg of raw material by the quantity of the product obtained from it, you can find out the cost price of a paper cup per 250 ml (most common) or another container you need.

Equipment and quality
However, this is a rough formula for approximate calculations. There are many more factors to consider. For example, if you need a container with a lid to preserve the temperature of the drink and ease of transportation, then the cost of a paper cup for coffee “on the road” will be higher than that of a regular coffee.

You should also choose equipment that is optimally suitable for the production of the types of products you need. This will optimize production and reduce its cost.

This can be assisted by specialists from KDI-Trade, which supplies high-quality equipment directly from Chinese factories, and is used for the production of disposable tableware in the CIS countries, which makes adjustments and ongoing post-warranty support.

Also, the company’s website has a convenient calculator for calculating the cost of production (it is located on the main page of the site), taking into account many parameters. A feedback form allows you to directly contact the company managers who are ready to conduct a comprehensive consultation.


WDF-125 Piece Gold Plastic Silverware&Disposable Plastic Plates- Premium Heavyweight Plastic Place Setting include 25 Dinner Plates, 25 Salad Plates, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons (Gold)

WDF-125 Piece Gold Plastic Silverware&Disposable Plastic Plates- Premium Heavyweight Plastic Place Setting include 25 Dinner Plates, 25 Salad Plates, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons (Gold)

WDF-125 Piece Gold Plastic Silverware&Disposable Plastic Plates- Premium Heavyweight Plastic Place Setting include 25 Dinner Plates, 25 Salad Plates, 25 Forks, 25 Knives, 25 Spoons (Gold)

The advantages of paper plates

Disposable tableware is a wonderful invention. She very much helps out on-site events that involve a feast. It is convenient to use it also during office dinners, corporate events, on trips. It is light, does not take up much space and does not require washing - after applying, you just get rid of it.

To buy paper dishes, in particular, plates is easy. You can even do this via the Internet. Go to the portal and place an order. In the assortment of the company you will find white paper plates, as well as products with a bright print. Such plates will be a real decoration of any table.

Why paper dishes are preferable to plastic? It looks better and more durable. Modern paper plates and glasses remarkably retain their shape during use. In addition, they do not even soak from the hot liquid.

The choice in favor of paper utensils will make all those who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. The fact is that for the creation of such products are used cardboard and cellulose. The materials are eco-friendly, they quickly decompose, unlike plastic, and do not harm the environment.

Is it possible to serve the table beautifully using paper dishes? Of course, because it comes in different sizes and shapes. You will easily find plates for the first and second courses, for snacks. It is also possible to use dishes of this type for serving bread, fruit, and sweets. By the way, for such products it is not necessary to look for plates made of laminated cardboard. Even ordinary ones without a protective coating will do. But still, laminated is preferable - they do not soak, do not deform.

Pay attention to the design of paper plates. There are lots of options with thematic prints. So, you can easily find beautiful plates for a children's event or for the New Year.


WDF Gold Plastic Plates with Plastic Forks-6” 100 Square Disposable Dessert Plates with Gold Rim&100 Gold Dessert Forks

WDF Gold Plastic Plates with Plastic Forks-6” 100 Square Disposable Dessert Plates with Gold Rim&100 Gold Dessert Forks

WDF Gold Plastic Plates with Plastic Forks-6” 100 Square Disposable Dessert Plates with Gold Rim&100 Gold Dessert Forks

Cardboard for the production of paper cups

Production of paper cups

If there was a desire to open a promising production, which does not require special knowledge and skills, and will bring a stable income, then a better idea than the manufacture of paper glasses can not be found. Disposed dishes are in demand in megacities and small towns. The growth of the production of paper cups from environmentally friendly raw materials has affected the fact that plastic utensils have almost lost their relevance.
Describing a business idea and its benefits

There are only about 18 companies in Russia that make paper utensils. All of them are located in the central part of the country. Many of the mini-shops are engaged only in the production of cups for coffee, which have different shapes, color and volume. Most of the products come to the Russian market from Vietnam, China and Korea.

The production of disposable paper glasses as a business has a number of advantages;

The investment pays off in 5-10 months.
the amount of start-up investments is about 500 - 800,000. Rub.;
The production line is able to run smoothly for round the day.
Automatic devices produce up to 50 cups per minute;
High quality products due to the use of modern technologies in the manufacturing process;
environmental cleanliness and harmlessness of finished products.

As a material for the manufacture of glasses used laminated or special cardboard, the edges of which are fixed by an ultrasonic device.

Open mini production of cups of paper in Russia is already because the product is the consumable material of all existing hot food outlets, fast food, cafes, cinemas, vending machines. Paper glasses are used to spill hot, cold alcoholic beverages. Through the product is sold popcorn, hot corn and other fast food. The greatest demand is for dishes measuring 350, 180 and 250 ml.

The company, whose business is the manufacture of paper cups, will bring profit in any case, as the market for products in any settlement is guaranteed.

Owners of outlets selling pies, tea, drinks, buy paper products in large batches. Paper utensils make it easy to brand the product with print and branded colors.
How to make a business plan

Deciding to open a business needs to draw up a business plan for the production of paper cups, detailing each of the stages of the organization, taking into account all possible risks and including calculations.

Key points of the business plan are the key points of the business plan.

Documentary design of the company- registration, choice of taxation system, obtaining permits;
Rent or purchase a space
Buying equipment
Purchase of consumables
Production volumes
Finding channels for the sale of finished products;

Choosing a room for a production shop, it should be remembered that its area should not be less than 150 square. This will be enough to install machinery and create warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products.

Opening the enterprise must obtain permission from the sanitary station, firefighters, and the local administration, which these services issue after checking the premises.
Paperware technology

Before you buy equipment for the production of paper cups, you need to study the technology used in the production of products. The process is quite simple and does not require special skills.

Production stages are in the production stages of production

A laminated or special paper is printed.
The blanks are cut with a flat press;
With the help of a special molding machine, the volume of the cup is formed;
The finished product is packaged.

Cardboard, dense lamination (RE lamination) are used in the manufacture of paper utensils. Cold drinks cups are made of paper with bilateral lamination, the density of which varies from 150 to 350 g/m2. Glasses of paper for coffee, tea and other hot drinks are made of one-way paper, which has low thermal conductivity.
Choosing equipment to equip the shop

The price of equipment for the production of paper cups depends on the model, manufacturer, set of functions, power.

There are several types of devices in place, as are there.


Formmachines are the main machines for the production of paper glasses in medium and small enterprises. When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the method used in welding the product.

In cheap models with a simple design, the simplest function of electric heating is used. The machine is perfect for installation in a mini shop, producing cups, volume from 60 to 360 ml, for coffee, water, ice cream, tea.

But the purchase of optional equipment equipped with an ultrasonic seam welding system capable of producing glasses of 60 to 480 ml will require more serious financial costs. But such installations almost exclude marriage, preventing the formation of scratches and other traces on the surface of the product. The equipment is used for the production of all kinds of paper utensils, both hot and cold.

Equipment performance, which is 5 to 7 kW of power, is up to 50 products per minute. Which is great for creating a large production facility.

Making paper cups requires the following devices to be available, such as the following devices.

Special press, for cutting out blanks;
plastic lids.

The production of paper cups with the logo requires the availability of printing equipment. The production line, which includes all the necessary equipment, will cost the entrepreneur about 2-2.5 million. rub. You can save money on buying Chinese-made equipment.
Chinese-made machines are pros and cons

The popularity of Chinese equipment is due to the optimal value for money assemblies. With the help of installations you can make laminated on one side cups for hot and cold drinks, ice cream. Cardboard is used as a raw material.

A drawing or logo is applied to the formed blanks, after which the seams are connected through a special adhesive solution and thermal welding. The Chinese line, equipped with Japanese electrics, is worth about 2 million. rub.

Included in the kit are include

Set-up keys
springs with bolts.

The complete kit allows maintenance of units for 12 months. The line is able to run smoothly for 24 hours. With the help of equipment from dense paper are made glasses which reach a height of 130 mm.

Equipment pros are in the

High power
Ease of service (1 person);
A fault indicator has been installed.

The devices are equipped with software that allows you to set the right parameters for the production of certain products. The line's performance is 200 glasses per minute.
The company's financial plan

To calculate how much income a company can bring, it is necessary to determine the volume of products produced. The line produces approximately 19,200 glasses in 8 hours (shift). The cost of finished products is calculated on the basis of the following indicators.

Electricity costs
Staff salaries;
The quantity and quality of raw materials consumed
taxes and stuff.

According to experts, the cost of one glass is about 3 rubles. The trade overlay is about 30-35%. That is, from one glass - 1 ruble. Daily profit - 19 200 rubles. On average, the amount of monthly income will be 576 thousand. rub. Subject to full sales of products.

The profitability of the company producing paper cups is 76%. Start-up investments to return to the businessman in 12-18 months.

Production of paper cups in Moscow

According to the research of scientists, the average person uses a paper cup for about 10 minutes, during which time he manages to examine it about 5-6 times.
Read also Rolling mill for the production of a profile pipe

Therefore, that a person was pleased to hold such a cup in his hands you need to be colorful. You can put any drawing or logo on it. It is also very convenient to advertise on such cups.

Disposed paper utensils are most often used in modern vending machines, which makes advertising on cups so popular. Anyone who buys coffee, tea or other drink will always pay attention to the colorful cup on which your advertisement can be placed.

The production of paper cups is something we have been doing for many years. We are professionals in our field and know a lot about quality products.

Paper cups are increasingly popular among disposable cups. They accompany us in all fast food establishments, many cafes and restaurants, vending machines, on store shelves and so on. Making paper cups from the manufacturer is a whole process. What it includes and what stages it consists of, let's tell you more.
We offer cups of different kinds

Our cups are 4 kinds, on 110, on 165, on 195, and at 250 ml, each cup inside is covered with a barely noticeable layer of polyethylene, it is very thin, but perfectly protects the cup from leaks. Also, such cups are easy to recycle. Making paper utensils is an art, you can print any drawings and logos that will make your products truly unique.
Paper cups for coffee on sale

See the entire catalogue of paper cups from the manufacturer
Benefits of paper glasses

The main advantages of paper cups are the

Temperature resistance
The ecology of the material and the absence of unnecessary odors;
the ability to complete any kind of covers.

Single-layer and two-layer cups

One or two layers of paper are used to produce glasses, depending on their purpose. Single-layer glasses can be used for both hot and cold drinks. Their litre is between 100 and 500ml. There are a few differences in this one, there are a few differences.

Paper cups for hot drinks are made of their dense cardboard with lamination polyethylene on the inside. For the outside it is not used, so that the outer walls have a lower temperature and do not burn the hands.
Cold cups are made from thinner cardboard, with lamination on both sides. This is to ensure that the glass does not re-inflate from condensation.

Two-layer glasses are always used for hot drinks. The peculiarities of the production are that on top of the main layer of paper "puts" an additional layer. Between them, a small layer of air is stored, so that the liquid cools down more slowly and does not allow the outer layer to heat up. Such models of glasses are indispensable in cafes such as "takeaway."

The production process consists of several stages and is quite extensive. It all starts with the choice of paper, on which the quality of cups depends. It is the characteristics of the paper that affect the strength of the glasses and the appearance of the picture. We use only high quality paper, allowing to apply bright drawings and inscriptions of any complexity.

Putting on paper advertising or any other necessary information. Andthe preparation of white paper glasses does not include this stage.
The cut-out of the blanks.
Making paper cups on special equipment.
The quality control.
Packaging products.

This division of production into stages is conditional. Thus, the application of printed information is also a very voluminous and time-consuming process. Our company uses modern equipment for paper cups and high-quality raw materials. This approach allows us to guarantee the high quality of cups.
Paper glass technology

The technology of glass production is the same for all enterprises, differs only by the equipment used. Our company uses modern models of machines, so cups are reliable, well glued.

The manufacturing process consists of several stages of making it up in a number of steps, as is the process of manufacturing.

1. Choosing paper for production. This stage is one of the most important, as the quality of the paper directly affects the quality of the final product, and the performance of the glass. The paper is purchased in rolls.

2. Then the rolls are rolled out on the printer's track, and the drawings, inscriptions, logos and ornaments are printed.

3. The resulting blanks are cut in the form of future glasses. Sizes will depend on the customer's tasks, on the purpose of the glass (for cold or hot).

4. From an additional roll of paper, the machine cuts the canes. At this time, the blanks are transferred to a special machine with a rotating "carousel." The shape of the glass is formed automatically, turning around the core, and the seam is sealed with a heat gun.

5. When the shape is ready, the bottom is attached to it by easily melting the plastic coating on the inside of the paper. This allows you to secure it, so the bottom will not fall out and not depressurize.

At the end of all stages of production, the products are sorted, the marriage is screened, and the finished products are divided into stacks of 100-200 pieces and sealed with plastic packaging.
Types of printing

Most often, offset printing is used to apply advertising information to paper cups. This way of printing allows you to get high quality images. Offset printing is significantly cheaper than flexography and other methods. An important advantage of offset printing is its affordable cost and a fairly high speed of work.

When choosing the method of printing, paper glass manufacturers take into account the timing of production, the available budget, quality requirements and the size of the batch. We offer a personalized approach that allows you to produce products that fully meet all the requirements of the customer.

Convenience of use. Glasses are slowly heated, they are convenient to hold in the hand, there is no risk of getting burned. A layer of polyethylene (lamination) protects against acidification and leakage.
These cups can be applied to colorful advertising information.
Paper cups when heated do not emit any odor (which is not uncommon for plastic utensils).
Environmental safety. Paper disposable utensils are easily disposable.

The production of paper glasses in our company is carried out in compliance with all applicable requirements and regulations, so the products are of high quality, safe for human health and the environment.

Business relevance

The demand for disposable paper cups increases every year, because such dishes are very convenient, environmentally friendly and easily disposed of. Now competition in this industry is small, most of the products in Russia are supplied by foreign companies, so domestic entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy their niche in the market and create a successful business with high profitability.
Benefits of paper utensils

Compared to plastic products, paper products have many advantages in terms of the benefits of having a few advantages.

Preserving the aroma and taste of the products.
Impossibility of reuse.
Low thermal conductivity. From paper cups you can safely drink without fear of burning your hands. Such dishes are often given takeaways, customers can take cups for coffee with them, and do not worry that the drink will soon cool down.

Practical utensils are used not only for the sale of beverages and products, but are often used as a promotional medium, through which you can effectively promote various brands, goods or services.

Entrepreneurs use special laminated paper, the density of which is from 120 to 280 g/m2, for the production of products. For hot drinks, one-way lamination dishes are good, and for cold drinks - with two-sided.

The most popular products are considered to be 200 and 150 ml, they are designed for coffee or tea. For lemonade, kvass and other soft drinks are used cups, volume of 300 ml. Large containers (700, 1000 ml) are used to sell popcorn.

As a rule, the production of disposable paper cups is carried out on imported equipment. U.S. devices provide high-speed product production.

European technology has a higher cost, it is characterized by reliability, durability and involves full automation of all processes.

Chinese equipment has the best value for money, it is a convenient solution for those who want to save money.
Business building stages

In order to successfully implement the project, you need to properly draw up a business plan. It includes the following items as follows.

Registration of the firm, the choice of form for paying taxes and obtaining permits;
Purchase of raw materials, consumables and equipment;
Rent of a shop, an area of 150 m2, which should provide zones for installation of equipment and storage of finished products;
advertising and marketing of goods.

Manufacturing technology

The technology of making paper utensils is very simple, it consists of several stages of it!

A drawing is printed on laminated paper.
the sheet wraps around the chump, is cooked around the edges, and then inserts into it bottom;
The finished product is packaged.


125-Piece Silver Disposable Plates & Silver Plastic Cutlery - Service for 25 Guests Fancy Plastic Dinner Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons - Elegant Plastic Dinnerware with Wedding Plates & Cutlery

125-Piece Silver Disposable Plates & Silver Plastic Cutlery - Service for 25 Guests Fancy Plastic Dinner Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons - Elegant Plastic Dinnerware with Wedding Plates & Cutlery

125-Piece Silver Disposable Plates & Silver Plastic Cutlery - Service for 25 Guests Fancy Plastic Dinner Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons - Elegant Plastic Dinnerware with Wedding Plates & Cutlery

The advantages of paper cups

Let's consider the question of why paper cups are better than polystyrene cups if they look absolutely the same:
1. Paper does not emit chlorine, unlike polystyrene
Paper cups can be filled with both cold and hot liquids, while it is advisable to pour only cold liquids into polystyrene cups. This is because when filling a glass with a liquid with a temperature above 60 ° C, polystyrene begins to release chlorine, which, together with the beverage, enters the body and causes significant harm to human health. Even holding a hot glass of polystyrene in your hands is not very pleasant.
2. The absence of third-party odors when exposed to hot water
When boiling water is poured, paper cups do not emit any odors at all, while polystyrene glasses often start to smell unpleasantly.
3. Paper cups cannot be reused, as opposed to polystyrene
When using paper cups, you can be sure that they can be used only once, unlike polystyrene, which can be reused, which is unacceptable from the point of view of hygiene.
4. Harmlessness, environmental friendliness and ease of disposal
Many developed countries of the world have already banned glasses made of polystyrene, and use only their paper counterparts. This is due to the ease of disposal and recycling and absolute harmless to the environment.
5. Marketing Tips: Do you have ads on our glasses?
Paper cups are ideal for full color printing. When placing the logo, trademark or slogan of the company on frequently used cups, this can significantly increase the popularity and brand awareness. Paper cups with printed advertisements can ideally be used for catering and coffee breaks during seminars, various conferences, trainings, corporate parties and picnics.
6. Complete set
If desired, the glass can be equipped with a lid. This design is very convenient for cafes, where products are sold to take away. Lightweight and durable paper cups are ideal for those who take food with them and eat along the way.
7. More intensive cooling - to increase turnover
As practice shows, the use of paper cups in fast-food establishments can reduce the time spent on serving one customer, as well as reduce the cooling time of hot liquids, which entails an increase in turnover, and accordingly - profits. Just hot drinks poured into paper cups cool much faster than beverages filled with foamed polystyrene glasses. Accordingly, customers can speed up the process of eating, and quickly free up space in the room. This is especially true during peak hours.
8. Safe storage, without the cost of water and detergents
When using paper cups, the owner may hire fewer people to serve customers. This is due to the fact that time and costs (in particular for water and detergents) for washing dishes are excluded. In addition, paper cups do not have to be stored separately in a special room, they can be safely stored along with other products.
9. Noiseless glasses guard your nervous system
In a cafe with closed rooms, or with large rooms, using paper cups creates such an important thing as a cozy atmosphere. The constant clatter of dishes does not annoy customers, and allows you to make eating much more pleasant. Of particular note is the absolute safety of paper cups, since they can not be broken.
10. Paper utensils are the perfect choice for a picnic.
Caring for the environment is an integral part of every civilized society, so it is worth noting that the disposal of recycling and processing of paper cups does not require significant costs, and they do not harm the environment. And this is completely opposite to the processing of polystyrene glasses, which themselves decompose in the soil for more than 50 years, and the process of their processing is very expensive. Having taken paper cups with you for a picnic in nature, you can simply burn them in a fire after use, without fear of harming the environment.
Summing up the above, it is safe to say that if you want to keep up with the times, make your brand more recognizable and popular, or effectively advertise a cafe, you want to get the best price-quality ratio if you care environment - paper glasses you will surely enjoy!


WDF 40Guest Gold Plates with Disposable Plastic Silverware,Gold Glitter Design Plastic Tableware sets include 40 Dinner Plates,40 Salad Plates,40Forks, 40 Knives, 40 Spoons (Gold Glitter Dinnerware)

WDF 40Guest Gold Plates with Disposable Plastic Silverware,Gold Glitter Design Plastic Tableware sets include 40 Dinner Plates,40 Salad Plates,40Forks, 40 Knives, 40 Spoons (Gold Glitter Dinnerware)

WDF 40Guest Gold Plates with Disposable Plastic Silverware,Gold Glitter Design Plastic Tableware sets include 40 Dinner Plates,40 Salad Plates,40Forks, 40 Knives, 40 Spoons (Gold Glitter Dinnerware)

Benefits of using paper utensils

We are all accustomed to disposable dishes made of plastic. It is familiar, cheap and convenient. However, in recent years the manufacture of disposable tableware from cellulose has become more common. Simply put, from thick paper in different colors. In this article we will explain what are the peculiarities of using dishes made from cellulosic materials and what are its advantages over classic plastic products.

5 reasons to switch from plastic to paper
Caring for the environment. Of course, it is worth starting with this, since this was the main motivation for the invention of these products. Instead of plastic that decomposes in its natural environment for hundreds of years, biodegradable and recyclable paper is used.
Convenient designs and shapes. Due to the greater plasticity of cellulose, manufacturers can achieve various interesting forms and designs of disposable tableware: plates with more aesthetic ribs, paper cups with stands, anti-tipping, etc. You can get acquainted with the assortment and buy products at this link.
More pleasant warm texture, aesthetic design. According to reports, most consumers, holding plastic disposable products in their hands, describe them as “cheap” and “simple”. In turn, paper products cause such epithets as "pleasant" and "interesting." Therefore, if you want to make a more pleasant impression on people, you should use disposable cellulose products.
Resistance to high temperatures. Cellulose fibers even tolerate high temperatures better than polymers used to make plastic products, and therefore they are ideal for making cups and containers for hot products.
The same low weight and convenient stacking. Having all these advantages, the products are only slightly heavier than plastic ones, but they are notable for compactness of bulk packages, therefore even for serving the table for a hundred people you will not need too much of disposable plates.

Switching to paper in the household segment
Note that plastic disposable products are in great demand among the population. People love this dish for its convenience and simplicity. However, in modern conditions and in private consumption, cellulose products are gradually replacing plastic, as people prefer them for aesthetic and functional reasons. Therefore, over time, it can be expected that the unconditional plastic leadership will be significantly revised.
