Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary

Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon & Lime Blossom, 320ct (4X80ct),Packaging May Vary


New MP 3.5.0071-13 approved for shopping and entertainment and sports complexes, concert halls, fitness centers, baths, hairdressers, beauty and massage salons (classrooms), catering facilities, hotels and hostels, other public buildings (structures) special appointments (toilets, showers, recreation facilities for transit passengers, etc.). They can also be used by other organizations to optimize corporate systems of disinfection measures, including in order to properly ensure the safety of personnel (including employees involved in the implementation of relevant activities).

In accordance with Art. 24 of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary-Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population” [1] (hereinafter - Federal Law No. 52), organizations in the process of operating public premises, buildings and structures should carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures provided for by regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and ensure safe for a person working conditions, life and rest. Organizations are obliged to suspend (or cease) their activities or the work of individual workshops, sites, the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, transport, the performance of certain types of work and the provision of services in cases where their implementation violates sanitary rules, including in terms of the implementation of anti-epidemic (including disinfection) activities.

Let us clarify that, in accordance with MP 3.5.0071-13, disinfection (more precisely, preventive disinfection) as an integral and integral part of anti-epidemic measures is a complex of special measures aimed at preventing contamination by microorganisms of various environmental objects (surfaces of objects, furniture, equipment, inventory instruments, skin of the hands and face, air, water, etc.). The main objects of preventive disinfection in organizations are premises with a massive stay of people (not only staff but also visitors).

The general management of disinfection measures is entrusted to the head of the organization (relevant facility) or another person identified by the employer as responsible for their proper conduct. Direct implementation of disinfection measures is assigned to employees of the organization (other persons involved in the implementation of such activities in accordance with a civil law contract) with the necessary qualifications.

Let's clarify that persons under the age of 18 years and persons who are not allowed to perform the relevant types of work for health reasons (in particular, people with allergic diseases, etc.) are not allowed to work with disinfectants. Workers authorized to handle disinfectants must:

regularly undergo medical examinations [2], training in labor protection [3] (in terms of compliance with safety measures when handling disinfectants);
to be provided in the prescribed manner with personal protective equipment [4], sanitary and domestic, medical and preventive services [5];
to observe when handling with disinfectants the security measures stipulated by MP 3.5.0071-13, other regulatory acts.

The organization should include:

availability of premises for the storage and processing of equipment and inventory for washing and disinfection (disinfection apparatus, containers for preparing working solutions of disinfectants, buckets, rags, brushes, etc.);
the availability of premises (closing cabinets) for the storage of disinfectants and working clothes of personnel performing disinfection work;
availability of first aid kits [6];
the availability of health centers for the provision of primary medical care for acute (chronic) occupational diseases [7] and for emergency conditions resulting from the treatment of disinfectants [8].

For the implementation of disinfection measures in organizations (at the relevant facilities), a stock of disinfectants must be created that are approved for use in the prescribed manner. Disinfectants must have a certificate of state registration, a declaration of conformity, instructions on how to handle them.

1. When preparing working solutions, their contact with skin and eyes should be avoided. All work with disinfectants must be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the used disinfectant in personal protective equipment (gloves, glasses, respirator).

2. Rags (separate for each type of work) moistened with a disinfectant solution, wipe the equipment, remove visible dirt from the walls, and then wash the floors.

3. Cleaning equipment must be clearly marked with indication of premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for its intended purpose and stored separately. After use, cleaning equipment is washed, disinfected, dried and stored in a specially designated room (at the same time, cleaning equipment for bathrooms is stored separately from other cleaning equipment).

4. Processing of objects includes a set of measures consisting of dry and wet cleaning and disinfection, aimed at maximizing the reduction of bacterial and viral contamination of surfaces.

5. All materials and equipment used for cleaning and disinfection must be in good order, spotlessly clean. Do not use brittle mops, old rags, containers with external signs of damage and corrosion.

6. Immediately before disinfection, it is necessary to carry out mechanical cleaning of surfaces.

7. All contaminants, except for biological fluids, must be removed carefully to avoid dispersion of particles in the air. When surfaces are contaminated with biological fluids, such surfaces must be disinfected in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used.

8. When cleaning any electrical equipment, it is necessary to make sure that it is disconnected from the power source.

9. At the end of disinfection (exposure time), the surface - if there are residues of the disinfectant working solution on them - is wiped with a cloth moistened with water, after which the room is ventilated until the odor of the disinfectant is completely removed.

10. For disinfection of used cleaning materials (sponges, napkins, etc.) they should be soaked in disinfectants in accordance with the instructions.

11. Quality control of disinfection is carried out by taking swabs from the surfaces (with the subsequent microbiological studies).

12. While working with disinfectants, personnel are prohibited from drinking, smoking, eating. Wash hands with soap after work.

Storage of disinfectants is organized in suitable premises. Access to disinfectants should be provided to appropriately trained personnel.

Disinfectants used for disinfection measures should have a wide spectrum of action against all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well as pathogens of especially dangerous infections in combination with good physicochemical properties (rapid solubility in water), detergent and deodorizing properties. For each disinfectant used by the organization, consumption rates, concentration, exposure time, methods and frequency of treatment should be determined.

In view of the above, preference should be given to those disinfectants that can be used to carry out disinfection using all the main methods with an exposure of not more than 60 minutes during surface treatment using a wipe method for bacterial and viral infections. In particular, disinfectants from the group of cationic surfactants (CPAS), including quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), oxygen-containing agents, tertiary amines, and guanidine derivatives are considered optimal in terms of their performance - they are widely used for disinfecting surfaces in rooms that are hard furniture, equipment according to the regime that ensures the death of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

For the destruction of various types of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, preference should be given to chlorine-containing, oxygen-containing, composite preparations. Such disinfection should be carried out in the absence of staff and visitors.

Note. Disinfectants used by organizations should not spoil the materials and structures used for interior decoration of premises, equipment, sports equipment, fix organic contamination on the treated surfaces.

The optimal method of disinfection is determined depending on the characteristics of the objects to be treated, and the properties of the disinfectant used. The main methods of disinfection are wiping, irrigation and immersion (they can be used individually or in combination).

Wiping is used for processing various surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling, doors, furniture, sports equipment), sanitary equipment: rags (you can also use a brush, ruff, and other similar devices) are immersed in the solution, slightly squeezed out, and then wiped with it surface. Usually carried out once or twice.

Irrigation is used to disinfect surfaces of premises, mainly walls, using a hydraulic control (another similar device): the walls of the room are irrigated from above (from left to right horizontally), followed by a gradual downward movement, after which excess moisture is collected from the floor with a cloth.

Immersion is used for disinfecting dishes (it must be laid on the rib and fully immersed in the solution), linen (things are submerged individually), cleaning equipment and rags, medical products, etc.

In the premises of sports facilities and swimming pools it is necessary to carry out systematic cleaning and disinfection of premises, as well as water disinfection measures.

Daily cleaning should be carried out before and after the event, in the intervals between shifts, as well as at the end of the working day; general cleaning followed by disinfection - monthly. The premises of toilets, showers, changing rooms, roundabout paths, benches, as well as door handles and handrails are subject to daily disinfection. In toilets, each sink should be equipped with a holder for detergent and antiseptic agents.

Processing of bathrooms, showers, sanitary inspection rooms, swimming pools is carried out according to the regimes ensuring the death of pathogens of fungal diseases. It is not recommended to use funds based on aldehydes and phenols for their prophylactic disinfection due to the high toxicity of the latter (as a result, a potential hazard to human health).

Disinfection of the pool, carried out after draining the water and mechanical cleaning, is carried out by the method of double irrigation with a disinfectant solution. To improve the reliability of disinfection, it is advisable to combine chemical methods with ultraviolet radiation.

All bath rooms should be aired daily before they are opened, after closing, and also during cleaning. Throughout the working day in the premises of the bath should be maintained clean.

After each change of visitors, the floors are washed, the benches in the locker rooms are wiped, and the floors and hose benches in the soap and steam baths are washed. The premises of showers and baths should be cleaned and disinfected after each visitor.

Every day after the bath closes, all rooms are cleaned (floors, walls, equipment are washed with hot water with a hose), toilets are cleaned using disinfectants. General cleaning (with subsequent disinfection) is carried out in the baths on a monthly basis.

In organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, it is necessary to carry out preventive disinfection, including disinfection of furniture and equipment surfaces, as well as disinfection of air, tools, linen, workwear and other items used in the work. For the treatment of the skin of visitors, skin antiseptics permitted for this purpose should be used.

All manipulations that can cause damage to the skin and mucous membranes are carried out using sterile tools and materials. Products of repeated use after use are subject to disinfection, and before sterilization are subject to presterilizing cleaning.

Wet cleaning of premises (wiping floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors) should be carried out at least twice a day (including after work) using detergents and disinfectants. At least once a week in all rooms should be carried out general cleaning.

After each client, the used laundry is subject to washing, and if necessary, disinfection (with the threat of the spread of infectious and parasitic diseases), and disposable laundry is disposed of.

Combs, brushes, hair clippers are washed under running water after each client, then placed in ultraviolet irradiators or in disinfectant solutions according to the regimen used for fungal diseases. Removable knives of electric razors wipe twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a tampon dipped in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution, in concentrations used in viral hepatitis.

Foot baths, baths for hands, bedcloth oilcloth should be disinfected after each client by means according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

If lice (pediculosis) is found in a visitor during the maintenance process, it is necessary to stop the manipulation and send it to a specialized institution (sanitary inspection) for anti-pediculosis measures and counseling. The tools and underwear used in servicing such a visitor are disinfected with lice (pediculicides) in the form of an emulsion concentrate, hair is collected in a hermetically sealed bag (bag) and also treated with pediculcide, and then removed (discarded).

In public catering organizations, surfaces in premises and equipment (floors, tables, oilcloths, kitchen utensils, dishes, trays, sanitary equipment, garbage cans, cleaning tools) are subject to disinfection. The staff systematically conducts hand disinfection. In the premises daily wet cleaning is carried out with the use of detergents and disinfectants. After each visitor cleaning of the dinner table is obligatory. Used dishes, appliances are washed and disinfected.

General cleaning (with subsequent disinfection) in trade organizations is carried out monthly, and no later than three days before the start of any public events (fairs, exhibitions, etc.) and immediately after their completion (closing).

Disinfection is subject to: commercial equipment, baths for processing equipment, containers, detergents (brushes, washcloths, etc.), garbage cans, toilet rooms and their equipment, cleaning equipment. The staff systematically conducts hand disinfection.

For the transportation of a certain type of food (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products) specialized transport with appropriate labeling should be allocated.

Vehicles used to transport food and food raw materials are cleaned daily with detergents and disinfected at least once a month.

In the dormitories daily disinfection of common areas (showers, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, etc.). The hotels are disinfected daily in common areas, and after each tenant sanitary equipment and dishes in the room are disinfected. In public toilets, indoor surfaces, sanitary equipment, and cleaning equipment are disinfected daily and as they are polluted (in the toilets, each sink should be equipped with a holder for washing, antiseptic handwashing).

Deratization of the premises is carried out monthly and according to epidemic indications, the disinsection of the premises is carried out at least twice a month (if the premises are occupied by arthropods, control examinations are carried out at least four times a month, followed by additional measures, if necessary).

Air conditioning and humidification systems used to create a microclimate are potentially dangerous objects in relation to the spread of infectious diseases, especially legionellosis. In this regard, it is necessary to regularly clean and disinfect such systems.

A microbiological study of air conditioning and air humidification for the presence of a pathogen of legionellosis must be carried out quarterly (the sampling points are the internal unit of the split system and the circuit of the central air conditioning system). If a pathogen is detected in a concentration exceeding the permissible values ​​(104 CFU / l), it is necessary to conduct additional disinfection measures with the use of disinfectants that have a pronounced bactericidal effect and are capable of destroying microbial biofilms.

A microbiological study of hot water systems with a water temperature of less than 60 ºС at the points of analysis (closed PTS systems) and a public Jacuzzi should be carried out on a quarterly basis as planned. If a pathogen is detected in a concentration exceeding the permissible values ​​for hot water supply (103 CFU / l) and a Jacuzzi (10 CFU / l), additional preventive measures are necessary, including physical and / or chemical disinfection, a sharp rise in water temperature (up to 65 ° C and above) and the use of disinfectants with the ability to destroy microbial biofilms.

Note. For non-compliance with mandatory requirements in the field of sanitary and epidemiological safety (including expressed in the failure (inadequate) disinfection measures) organizations, their officials are responsible under the criminal (Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and administrative (Art. 6.3 –6.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) by legislation. In the event of material and moral damage as a result of non-compliance with mandatory requirements, the perpetrators also bear civil liability.

Personnel allowed to handle disinfectants should be able to provide first aid to victims.

When disinfectants enter the stomach, it is necessary to drink several glasses of water with 10–20 tablets of activated charcoal. If you get disinfectants in your eyes, immediately rinse them with running water for 5–10 minutes, then drip 30% sodium sulfacyl solution (albucid). If disinfectants hit the skin, wash the affected area with plenty of water and smear it with softening cream. If signs of irritation of the respiratory system appear, stop working with the disinfectant, go to another room, rinse the mouth and nasopharynx with water. In the event of signs of injury (poisoning) in all these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.
