Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

What is separate garbage collection and how to achieve this in your home

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 80 Count


What is happening with garbage today?


And what about the rest of the waste?


How is garbage disposed of in other countries?


Why are we different?


What to do?


How can I start a separate collection of garbage?


Will this help improve the situation?

It is not easy to change the situation, but you can start small - from yourself.
What is happening with garbage today?

Just over 90% of the waste that we put in the trash can is dumped. Что делать с мусором в РоссииWhat to do with garbage in Russia on landfills. According to the rules Технология захоронения ТБОMSW disposal technology , garbage should be tamped on specially equipped sites with bulldozers. Each layer is two meters thick and needs to be poured with primer, and in summer it should be moistened with water so that there are no fires.

In fact, it often happens otherwise. Most Russian landfills dispose of all waste indiscriminately (including batteries , mercury lamps, combustible building materials, and so on). Garbage is not tamped as needed and not poured insulating layers. This leads to environmental disasters.

The poisonous landfill gas is formed, which can seriously harm the health of people living near the landfill.

There are fires at landfills, including at great depths. They can not be put out for years. A toxic liquid, the filtrate, seeps from the landfill into groundwater, rivers and lakes.
And what about the rest of the waste?

Approximately 2% of garbage in Russia is burned, and 4% of waste is recycled. Что делать с мусором в РоссииWhat to do with garbage in Russia . Recycling falls on the sorting line, where from it choose what can be used again. These are different types of plastic, paper, glass, metal.

Disposal of garbage in Russia. nofollow">Досьеnofollow">Dossier Today, from 40 to 50% of the total volume of garbage is not processed in Russia: there are no documents regulating this process. Organics are sent to the landfill.

What to do with garbage in Russia? calculated that if the situation does not change, by 2026 the total area of ​​landfills in Russia will reach 8 million hectares. It is like two Azov seas.
How is garbage disposed of in other countries?

Abroad, organic waste is composted (fertilizer), converted into biogas, which can be used to produce electricity, heat, and also as a fuel for cars.

In some European countries, up to 50% of waste is burned - this is carefully sorted garbage that cannot be recycled.

But in early 2017, the Council of Europe recommended Европейская комиссия рекомендует воздержаться от строительства мусоросжигательных заводовEuropean Commission recommends to refrain from building waste incinerators countries to refrain from building new waste incinerators and develop the processing industry.

There are examples of effective reduction in the formation of garbage in the world. For example, in the Japanese city of Kamikattsu, 80% of household waste is recycled. Residents divide them into 34 species. The local authorities have set a goal to reduce the amount of disposed waste to zero by 2020.

This is how residents of the sleeping area of ​​Tokyo collect waste.

In 76 countries of the world, the use of disposable plastic packaging, which amounts to 70% of the total waste, is legally restricted.
Why are we different?

Abroad, rely on separate garbage collection. In Russia, for the sorting of mixed waste in enterprises. The difference is significant.

Sorting mixed waste according to its efficiency is inferior to their separation before entering the waste bin. A large amount of potential recyclables simply becomes unsuitable or unprofitable for recycling. This leads to the fact that the "tails" sent for incineration or burial increase. Also, industrial sorting of mixed waste eliminates the participation of people in solving the problem. Therefore, they, in fact, do not think about how to reduce their education.
Maria Malorossiyanova, ECA Movement Project Coordinator

This is a global problem: in Russia, the processing industry is not supported, the infrastructure for separate waste collection is not created. The priority today is given to burning. So, in the Moscow region approved Строительство мусоросжигательных заводов в Подмосковье начнется в ближайшее времяConstruction of incinerators in the Moscow region will begin soon construction of four powerful incineration plants. But this is the most expensive, inefficient and environmentally unsafe way to handle waste.

This confirms the example of Sweden. It built several powerful incinerators. This hinders the development of the processing industry. Swedes are forced to buy garbage in other countries, enduring environmental risks, as incinerators produce large amounts of carbon dioxide.
What to do?

There are technologies in Russia that allow us not to bury or incinerate, but to recycle glass, metal, plastic, paper, rubber, textiles, which constitute a significant part of the waste. Only in the Moscow region there are 432 processing plants. But their capacities are underutilized on average by 30–40%.

Processing industries have low profitability due to the quality of recycled materials. For example, PET bottles arriving from landfills are highly contaminated, they need expensive cleaning. Therefore, it is important to correctly organize the separate collection of garbage. It is more profitable to process recycled resources collected by the residents and stored in containers for separate collection.
How can I start a separate collection of garbage?
1. Get some containers at home

Collect wet food waste separately. They accumulate the fastest, so you will throw them more often. Rinse all plastic containers - bottles , jars of yogurt and so on - and rinse them in a separate bag. So it will be easier to recycle.
Romualdo Yanushkevicius, Director for Development of the Center for Ecological Technologies

For paper - newspapers, magazines, advertising mailings, written sheets - you can have a separate box. Once a month you can pack it and put it in a trash container or take it to a collection point.

Also collect aluminum cans and glass containers separately. These simple actions will help to recycle more waste than if you put everything in one package.
2. Install containers for separate collection of garbage in your yard

Convene a general meeting of the tenants of the house, at which you need to make a decision on the introduction of separate waste collection in the local area. Give arguments: separate garbage collection is beneficial, as in a regular container for mixed garbage a lot of bulk waste that weigh little (for example, paper and plastic). If you recycle it in a separate tank, you can save: you will need much less containers.
Contact this management company and ask them to install containers for separate collection.
Suggest a company that takes garbage out of your yard to organize separate waste collection, or sign a contract with another such company.

Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to organize separate collection of waste in your home, published here .
3. Hand over the waste collected separately.

The site Greenpeace has a map where you can find the nearest point of delivery of waste: paper, glass, plastic, batteries, tetrapacks, light bulbs, household appliances, and so on. However, while such items are not in all cities.
Will this help improve the situation?

Yes. From waste that is destroyed, you can make new things. For example, 400 aluminum cans are a new children's bicycle, 25 plastic bottles — a fleece jacket, a kilogram of newspapers — 10 rolls of toilet paper.

Experts have calculated What to do with garbage in Russia that recycling will allow by 2030 to reduce the amount of disposed trash in our country by 75-80%. This means that the number of landfills will decrease. The new sphere will give new jobs, and the incineration plants that poison the atmosphere will build less.

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Moonlight Breeze - 100 Count

Narrow frames: how to sort waste in a small kitchen

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Moonlight Breeze - 100 Count

More and more people are joining the culture of separate waste collection. But sometimes circumstances in the form of a small apartment or just a tiny kitchen can from the very beginning discourage the desire to collect recyclables at home. But you can always find a way out: City + found 6 ways to conveniently place waste paper, glass and plastic on one square meter.


Often, bulk packaging from under the juice, wafer cake or lemonade can be reduced several times - that is, flatten.

For tetra-pack there is even a special instruction on how to make a flat package from a “brick”. You just need to bend the "ears" and release the air out of the box. Now, in place of a single juice bag, you can place about three such packages.


If you cannot get recycled every month to stocks or to points of reception, and it accumulates a lot, you can move packages with separately collected waste to the balcony. Dream up over the design of cisterns or ordinary boxes, and they will occupy a worthy place on the balcony.


It is not necessary to start containers for each type of waste. Sometimes it is enough just to separate recyclable and non-recyclable garbage. For this, for example, fit two small rectangular cisterns. Also, recycled materials can be folded in a large paper bag or plastic bag " big - bag ".


Packaging tetra-pack and plastic is light enough so that you can store them directly on the wall. Hang a small container in the kitchen or in the room, and it can be a harmonious addition to your interior.


In some houses several apartments unite a common corridor, which is separated from other apartments on the floor by a door. Usually, in such corridors there are bicycles and carriages, but there it is possible to place neat cisterns for separately collected waste. Clean packaging will not have an unpleasant smell, so this should not cause inconvenience to neighbors. It is possible that they will happily start putting their waste paper and plastic bottles in your tanks.


The simplest, but at the same time the most difficult solution to a garbage problem is reducing consumption. Try to buy only what you really need. It is worth paying attention to the packaging: sometimes the product can be wrapped in several layers of paper and plastic. Think about how much interest in the purchased product is a useful product, and how much - its packaging. Choose goods that can be folded into your container.

The container for storing waste may be an unnecessary box, an empty box in a cupboard in the kitchen or just a regular bag. It all depends on your imagination and desire to join the culture of separate collection. Several of our readers who have experience in the separation of household waste in small apartments shared their ideas with the City +.



Last spring, Julia and Dmitry began experiments with separate waste collection and immediately ran into the problem of garbage in the kitchen. Everywhere it all interfered, it was uncomfortable. Then Dmitry - a furniture maker by profession - invented and made a cabinet for a refrigerator for storing recyclables. He designed it taking into account the load, strengthened the walls, put metal legs. Since the refrigerator has an average height, you can still reach the upper shelves without a stool. The invention turned out to be so convenient that now Dmitry makes such pedestals to order.

Darya Kosheleva


Daria experimented with separate waste collection for two months with her neighbors. They installed a branded large box of the Post of Russia under the sink and stored secondary raw materials in it. At a certain point, Daria realized that the box was taking up too much space in the kitchen and transformed it into a more convenient “system” for collecting recyclables.



Olga's kitchen has a size of 4.5 m 2 : there, rather, you are thinking about how to be placed yourself in a modest area, a couple of waste bins are out of the question. But Olga found a convenient option for herself: she hung two bags on the back of the chair: one for the paper, the second - a “package of bags”. Another trash, says Olga, is practically not formed.

“ By and large, there is generally no plastic. I do not buy anything in it. Only if, for example, bought a flash drive, of course, it is in the package. But this is an isolated case and a rarity. As for regular purchases (products), I do not buy anything either in plastic, or in tetra-packs, or in doy-packs, or in cans, or in glass. Groats in bags, vegetables in bulk. I buy sour cream in half-liter cups, they all go afterwards as pots for planting.

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Moonlight Breeze - 100 Count

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean (Packaging May Vary)

Waste collection in modern kitchen

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean (Packaging May Vary)

A trash bin under the sink can cause a lot of inconvenience besides the main problem - who will carry it all the same? And, on the contrary, do not remind yourself if garbage collection is well organized. What is the secret of the correct collection?

Let's start with the simplest rules. A bucket should be available. If this is not the case, and you have a classic stationary trash bin under the sink, you have to bend over and look for a target. If you throw away, for example, peeling potatoes - you soil the table around and leave stains around the bucket itself. As an option, you have to lift the bucket to the sink, which is also inconvenient.
Our solution: retractable integrated trash can


you are not drawn to it, but a bucket comes to you with the help of a special mechanism on the guides;
risk of missing a bucket or getting dirty is minimized.

Tip! A trash bin should eliminate the problem of unpleasant odor. Ideally, it is necessary to part with garbage every day, but if you often cook, for example, fish dishes, the smell is inevitable. Use the cap! But not removable, but with fastening to a bucket and a folding mechanism of 180 degrees. This ensures that both the bucket and the lid are clean during use.
Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean (Packaging May Vary)

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Mediterranean Lavender - 80 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Choosing a trash can in the kitchen: which one is better?

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Mediterranean Lavender - 80 Count (Packaging May Vary)

According to research by environmentalists who deal with the problem of waste disposal, during the year one person produces between 310 and 450 kilograms of garbage. That is why the trash bin to the kitchen is one of the most essential household items.

The most common kitchen bucket that is in every kitchen

Once this interior detail was simple and unpretentious, but the rapid development of modern technology has not bypassed it: a bucket for trash in the kitchen of the XXI century may have compartments for various types of waste, an infrared sensor to automatically lift the lid, and some models even learned how to compress garbage in briquettes. But whatever marketers and production design experts come up with, there are things that have not changed for many years.
What is in each quality bucket for the kitchen?

Built-in trash can

A modern trash can in the kitchen cannot be imagined without one of three components:

Garbage collection container. Most often it is made of plastic, because this material is almost eternal, and once bought a bucket will serve you for many years. But recently, manufacturers have increasingly begun to give preference to metals, creating beautiful designer models that will easily fit into the interior of even the most cutting-edge high-tech kitchen.
Covers. Not included with all trash cans. You can do without it, but only if you do not use a bucket for organic. Here are just in the kitchen without this: the packaging for frozen food, vegetable peeling, food debris are sent there. After some time, an unpleasant odor appears in the open container, so the lid, tight to the bowl, should have each garbage pail in the kitchen.
Garbage bags. Anyone who was cleaning the kitchen garbage bin after using it without a bag knows that this is not the most pleasant procedure, especially if the garbage has been in the bucket for a long time. Ambra and waste streams are far from the things that can please, so garbage bags are now in any home. But not so long ago we had to do without them. A properly selected garbage bag must be larger than the container itself, and its edge must be wrapped around the top of the bin for at least several centimeters. This will prevent waste from entering between the container wall and the bag.

Thousands of garbage buckets are on the market, so the consumer has plenty to choose from.
We buy a trash can: what to look for

Metal trash can with lid

Bucket shape. The most widespread buckets of the classic round shape, but if you plan to put it in a corner, you can look at the triangular or square version.
Material. Metal buckets are more durable, withstand shocks and falls, but plastic ones are cheaper and come in a variety of colors.
Design. Food cooked with soul is always tastier, so the kitchen is increasingly becoming a place whose design has been given special attention. It is pleasant to cook indoors, each element of the interior of which is chosen to suit your taste, and together they create a special home comfort and warm atmosphere. Modern designer trash cans can become such elements.
The size. Another important parameter, because the amount of garbage in the kitchen can be very, very different. The more family members in the house - the larger the size of the bucket is needed, because rarely anyone in our time takes out the garbage every day. This is especially important for kitchen garbage sorting systems: garbage divided by types of waste from large containers can often be taken out only 1-2 times a week.
Functional. Someone will be satisfied with the simplest trash can for the kitchen, but even an inexpensive bucket with a pedal lifting the lid is much more convenient in everyday life.

What kind of buckets prepared for us manufacturers?

Bucket with a lid compactor

Kinds of bins: from simple to complex

Dustbin. Most often used in offices for broken pencils, crumpled caricatures of the chief and other dry waste. It does not have a lid, is not suitable for organic garbage, and therefore in the kitchen can only serve as an additional container.
Classic bucket with a lid. The most common option, such buckets are cheap, sold in any household goods store and quite practical.
A bucket with a pedal. The second most popular type of container. A tight-fitting lid keeps unpleasant smells inside, and a convenient mechanism for lifting it allows you not to touch the bucket with your hands. Such bins are often made of metal, although there are plastic models. Metal containers have a more durable mechanism, which over time does not warp, unlike the design of plastic counterparts.
Built-in bucket. Such models are mounted on special guides in under the sink. As soon as you open the door, the bucket automatically moves forward. At the same time, the lid automatically rises or stays in place, and the bucket moves forward without it. This is very convenient, but this design is not suitable for every kitchen. Its simpler version is attached directly to the door.
Bucket press. If you prefer to take out waste as little as possible, then this model is perfect for you. Such a trash bin in the kitchen is made of steel, and the press mechanism can be either electrically operated or operated by pressing the pedal. The garbage is reduced in volume and packed in briquettes wrapped in plastic.
Touch bucket. It has not been without new technologies: such a bucket automatically lifts the lid, one has only to bring garbage to it. This function works thanks to a special infrared sensor on the front surface. Some models are even able to determine the size of the garbage, opening the lid in accordance with its dimensions, as well as signaling its fullness. Scientists have only to teach the "smart" buckets to independently take out the garbage, and they will definitely become a hit among the bachelors!
Garbage sorting systems. Increasingly, in the shops you can see the trash bin in the kitchen, divided into several compartments. Each of them is designed for different types of garbage: glass, paper, plastic and food waste. Separate garbage collection is planned to be introduced in all large and medium-sized cities of Russia, because it allows to simplify its processing and improve the environmental situation of megacities. In order that sorting began already in kitchen, and these systems were thought up.

Another garbage bin built into the headset
Why sort waste?

In modern society, the level of consumption has reached unprecedented heights, and the amount of garbage “produced” by a person is growing almost exponentially. There are more and more landfills, the areas allocated for them are growing and this threatens our planet with an environmental catastrophe. Unsorted waste occupies a useful place and is not used at all.

We can change the situation and leave the flourishing Earth to children and grandchildren, because we can not only reduce mountains of garbage, but also get useful raw materials (paper, glass, fabrics, metal) using recycling technologies. This will significantly save natural resources, as well as the energy required for production. For example, 750 kilograms of plastic trash are sufficient to save a whole ton of oil.

Sorting garbage in the kitchen - the first stage of the transition to a separate waste collection

Sorting garbage in the kitchen is the first stage of the widespread transition to separate waste collection, because everyone can begin with themselves. What waste is preferably disposed of separately?

Metal and paper. According to environmental calculations, by recycling 680 aluminum cans, you can make a brand new bicycle. Paper fiber is also amenable to recycling, because it can be used up to 7 times, and a ton of waste paper can save 15 large trees.
Tara glass. Even Europeans who receive a decent salary consider it quite normal to donate bottles for little money, because the main motivation for them is concern for the environment. Often, a special symbol is placed on glass bottles, which means that when returning a container its value is returned to the buyer. An interesting feature of glass is the endless recycling cycle.
Plastic. Under it establish separate capacities. The main problem of plastic waste is that they decompose in nature for an incredibly long time - up to 1000 years. The ecosystem does not have effective mechanisms for dealing with plastic, but the industry is able to quickly and efficiently process it. Polyethylene packaging is an excellent raw material for plants.
Organic Many residents of private houses and owners of summer cottages know that organic waste is an excellent plant food and fertilizer. To do this, they must be specially prepared. This can be done using not the usual garbage container in the kitchen, but a special compost bucket in which the waste will be efficiently processed with the help of microorganisms. Such fermented fertilizer can be used both for cultivation of beautiful indoor flowers, and for cultivation of environmentally friendly vegetables on the site.

Separate waste collection

Separate containers are sometimes set for batteries: batteries and batteries. Recycling them is not as beneficial as other types of garbage, so this is dictated solely by concern for nature: in the process of decay, batteries pollute the soil with heavy metal salts and other harmful chemical elements. These elements with rain are spread over a long distance, enter agricultural lands, rivers, reservoirs, and then with food and water into the organism of animals and humans.
Further development of waste sorting systems

Today, manufacturers are competing in who will offer the most elegant, comfortable and functional solution. The built-in trash can in the kitchen, besides a few containers for different types of waste, often has additional trays for vegetables that do not require special temperature conditions. In order to make the best use of the usable space, some manufacturers make compartments in two "floors".

Integrated waste collection system

Designers have found a new use even for ... bucket lids! When you open the door, the container moves out in sync with it. The lid remaining in place is used as a convenient shelf to accommodate sponges, detergents and cleaning products. After closing the door, the container fits tightly against it, reliably isolating the kitchen space from unpleasant odors.

A wide variety of models allows you to ideally choose a built-in garbage pail in the kitchen to the internal dimensions of your headset, saving space in the room, so these systems are becoming more popular.

The bucket can also be an electronic gadget that attracts the attention of guests, and an interior decoration. But no matter what container you buy, even if it is “fancy”, even the simplest, the main thing is to remember to take out the garbage in time!

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Febreze Mediterranean Lavender - 80 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

Order in the kitchen: aesthetic storage of waste

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

For each of us, order in the house and especially in the kitchen is important. Getting rid of empty packages and unnecessary correspondence is a completely natural and simple process for most people, at least in our country. You just need to dump all the waste in a container, and then they will deal with utilities. However, many citizens think more ambitiously and completely voluntarily undertake the troublesome, but very important duty of garbage sorting.

The conscious part of humanity has long known that waste can be recycled and turned into a mass of useful and necessary things. To sort waste in cramped conditions is quite difficult. Without innovative solutions is not enough. Anyway, if the process of separate garbage collection is organized in your region for its further processing, you simply must make your own contribution to protecting the environment. So, are you ready to get new sample containers?

Or maybe you have long planned to spend money on the purchase of smart embedded modules? Then be sure to read this article. According to a survey conducted by the Institute of Architects in the United States, currently about 40% of homeowners allocate additional space in the kitchen for sorting household waste. Many American citizens take part in Earth Day (Earth Day) and Tree Day (Arbor Day).

We welcome the desire to maintain good traditions and the desire to increase the number of green spaces on the planet, the craving for actions that make the world around us more beautiful. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to the containers shown in the photo below.

We strongly advise you to purchase these useful tools. They are successfully hiding behind the doors under the sink. With their help, paper, glass, plastic waste and aluminum cans can be stored separately from each other. The thoughtful location and easy access to the drawers is the ideal solution to a current problem.

Another option that we offer is also very interesting. These are spacious galvanized buckets, decorated with extremely clear labels with inscriptions "plastic", "paper", "glass". Such devices are perfect for a small family.

The following photo shows a special trolley for waste disposal. Its price is $ 139. The design is made of wire rolling. Due to the presence of several compartments with its help it is easy to store and transport glass, plastic and paper.

If you are faced with the problem of lack of space for containers, then bulky containers should be sent to the garage. But compact appliances for the kitchen can be conveniently located in a drawer in the side of the table. This module contains built-in compartments for waste, which will always be at hand. With them the kitchen will become more spacious and free.

Another sample of a miniature waste sorting center. Price $ 49.99. It is intended for use in the nook of the kitchen. The tanks, designed in the form of a three-tier block of multi-colored containers, will be a bright accent in the kitchen interior. It is very easy to use them, and if necessary they are closed with covers.

The boxes are equipped with handles on the sides, which greatly facilitates their movement. In tone to the colored compartments you can pick up interesting furniture accessories to diversify the design of the room.

If you are unable to find suitable prefabricated containers, ask for help with your own ingenuity and ingenuity. Approaching the question creatively, you can always find in the house 2-3 cardboard boxes that will fit perfectly for use in relevant purposes. There is also a sense to make the necessary packaging from corrugated plastic. You will spend no more than $ 25 on this. In this case, you can adjust the size of the boxes to the volume of niches in the pantry or cabinet.

We recommend discarding bulky containers for disposal. It is very convenient when the house has a separate waste storage system. Such an installation greatly simplifies the process. The disadvantage of it is that the sorting is not done in the kitchen. It should be carried out in the back room of the first floor.

If you like DIY projects, you’ll love the idea of ​​making a small wooden box for old newspapers and magazines. For its design, you can use the wheels, stencils and paint. It turns out a simple and unique device at the same time.

Alternatively, we propose to evaluate the idea of ​​using a drawer with 3-4 equal-sized containers of an unusual triangular shape installed in it. It is important that they differ in color. Such a decision will help save space. The disadvantage is that the built-in drawers are usually too small. This leads to an increase in the frequency of walking to the street for garbage disposal.

You might like more cute and inexpensive bags. Their price is only $ 14.

With them, the process of sorting waste will not be for you to work. Caring for your bags is very simple. If necessary, they can be machine washed. Special labels facilitate the process of separating waste by type, and pens ensure ease of carrying even with maximum filling. Bags are convenient to use for recycling newspapers, and you can place them in any free space.

No less interesting is the idea of ​​using a special container consisting of three chambers. Paper, plastic, glass and aluminum waste will be stored separately from each other. This is a great solution for the kitchen. Each section is equipped with a separate color pedal, which facilitates the differentiation of materials.

It will be easy to take out the garbage, since each compartment is equipped with its own plastic liner with a handle for quick capture. Volume adaptations ─ 45 l. The container is made of stainless steel, and the covers are made of black plastic. Price ─ $ 103.93.

There have come times when each of us must learn to live by the rules of a civilized society. Therefore, a thousand times every person is right, storing food waste separately from plastic, paper and metal. To do this, just need to select a separate container.

We present to your attention one more version of the device for sorting food residues. These are two drawers built into the kitchen table. In a small compartment, located above the large containers, a miniature waste tray is mounted. Conveniently, it is always at hand and does not occupy space on the floor.

Undoubtedly, you will like this device. It is designed to collect and store aluminum and plastic waste. Its volume is 100 liters. Price ─ $ 279.99. There are all its advantages: neat appearance, excellent capacity, an impressive ability to take a huge number of bottles and cans.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 200 Count

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 120 Count

10 unusual containers for sorting garbage at home

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 120 Count

Garbage sorting starts at home. We found out how convenient, practical and functional there are containers for separate collection of garbage.

Hailo's Trento oko trash can contains three separate buckets: green, brown and yellow, each with 11 liters. The case with an ergonomic wide pedal is made of stainless steel. Such a design is more suitable for office than for home.

The company of elite garbage cans Hailo was founded in Germany in 1947 by Rudolf Loh and is represented in more than 60 countries around the world. On the manufacturer's website, the container can be ordered for € 79.90 and choose any color you like.

New order in the kitchen from Bottcher-Henssler
The Berlin Municipal Company Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) is responsible for collecting and disposing of garbage , as well as cleaning the streets in the city. The CREATE BERLIN initiative unites all entrepreneurs working in the creative economy. Together, the two organizations decided to change the concept of home waste separation. They announced a competition to develop a system to facilitate the sorting of garbage at home. He was called "In Search of Separate Furniture" and had to destroy the stereotype "uncomfortable, ugly, a lot of buckets." First place in the competition was taken by the design company Bottcher-Henssler , which developed four bright bags of various sizes New Order. Bags are attached to the wall, consist of textiles and 100% recyclable. You can arrange them on the wall in any order. A designer set that has received prestigious awards can be ordered for 117 euros, as well as separately each bag from 50, 5 € on the company's website .

Recycle bag set
The budget recycling set consists of three bags of different colors: for paper, plastic and glass. The material from which the bags are made is also recyclable. A set of bags can be purchased at prices ranging from 3 to 10 € on the site .

Cheerful decision from the Swedes
Designers of the Swedish studio Muungano have developed a set of containers for trash Husmus, which consists of several multi-colored boxes, interconnected by plastic nails. Plastic used for the manufacture of containers, is itself a product of processing. Containers are available in different sizes for easy placement in the kitchen. They can be used to sort garbage into four categories: glass, plastic, paper and food waste. You can order on the website of the company.

Designer container from England
Designer London company Person Lloyd (Pearson Lloyd) has developed an innovative model dumpster Totem. The container takes up as much space in the kitchen as a regular trash can, but is more functional and provides maximum flexibility in the separation and recycling of garbage. It took three years to design, develop and test a new container, as a result a clear and practical waste separation unit was created. Totem 50 and Totem 60 are filled with 36 liters of garbage. Inside there are trash bags that can be easily removed. For Totema developed special bags, but you can also use the standard universal. Innovation in the Totem is an integrated multi-purpose box, located below, which can be used in different ways: either place two bags for sorting different types of garbage and recycling, or waste recycled. It can also be used as a food waste bin or for storing household items. The totem also includes a versatile caddy container . It is specifically designed for recycling organic waste. However, it is stylish enough to be outside the "container", for example, on the surface of the desktop. Totem contains an odor filter that is designed to eliminate unpleasant odors. The cost of the container on the official website : 229 €.

A beautiful decision from the Italians
Users of the Drop-Front Recycle Bin baskets say that the Italian design solution is perfect for small families. They can be mounted on the wall, divided and placed in different rooms: they fit perfectly into the interior. And one of the baskets can be adapted for toys in the nursery. Baskets can be ordered separately in the online store for as low as 40 €.

Futuristic basket from Italian designers
Ovetto (translated from Italian - egg) - the work of the Italian designer Gianluca Soldi. It consists of three compartments for plastic, paper and food waste. The upper part contains a press to compress empty plastic bottles. The work was presented at the design festival in London. The cost of such a basket is 106 pounds.

Three Functional Trash Bin
The Tri3 garbage bin by French designer Constance Guissé was designed with the participation of Gregory Cid. It consists of three cylindrical compartments, each of which opens when you press a certain pedal. "Trifunctionality" is enclosed in appearance and is reflected in the name Tri3. According to the designer, it is based on three key aspects - movement, lightness and amazement. The container is quite tall. The left pedal opens first with common trash. The pedal in the middle is responsible for the bucket for plastic and packaging. The third compartment is for glass. Thanks to the mechanical system, all three buckets can be opened simultaneously.

Code separation
Barcode Recycle Station designer Woo Seok Park is a novelty for the most advanced. As you know, not all garbage is recyclable. The corresponding container will open automatically when the code is read on the packaging to be processed. Thus, special markers indicate what can be recycled and what is not.

Disposable waste sorting basket
Studio Akarchitectes developed The waste-folder (in translation - "junk folder"). This is a disposable trash can with six containers. When folded, it looks like a folder for documents, which fits compactly in a bag. The basket is made of paper and cardboard and is recyclable.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 120 Count

simplehuman code E Custom Fit Drawstring Trash Bags, 20 L / 5.3 Gallon, 1 Refill Pack (20 Count)

Organization of waste disposal: trash can in the kitchen

simplehuman code E Custom Fit Drawstring Trash Bags, 20 L / 5.3 Gallon, 1 Refill Pack (20 Count)

An important part of kitchen equipment is a trash can. The process of cooking inevitably causes a large amount of waste to be removed from the premises in time. To properly dispose of such waste intended bucket for garbage.

Bucket selection options

The greater the number of family members, the greater the volume of the garbage bucket should be chosen for furnishing the kitchen . It is necessary to choose a bucket so that it is completely filled in half a day, it does not make sense to choose a smaller or larger size.
The form

Modern industry allows you to make a choice in favor of any design that meets your requirements. If earlier it was a classic version of a regular bucket with a handle, now the choice is very wide - the design can be angular, mounted or separated into a separate closed garbage bin.

Manufacturing material

You can choose both inexpensive plastic containers suitable for any kitchen interior, as well as solid chrome metal constructions that look expensive and stylish and perfectly combined with modern styles of kitchen design.

There are many varieties of buckets: with a press, a filling indicator, with a lid that opens without hands or a touch mechanism .

The container for garbage collection should be selected in strict accordance with the design and color scheme of the kitchen interior, as well as taking into account the individual needs of your family and the requirements for functionality. Consider what types of trash cans and other new items gadgets for the kitchen can be identified .
Trash can

It is intended for filling with a large amount of waste and has volumetric forms . Hiding such a container in the kitchen or somehow decorating it is very difficult, so the designers attach defiantly bright colors and ergonomic shapes to the trash cans, advantageously complementing the kitchen's interior. They are equipped with a silent mechanism for opening the lid, which is touch (reacts to movement), rotary (opens with a small push) and pedal (requires pressing the foot on the pedal).

Tanks are made of metal alloys, painted in the desired color, or other materials.
Particular attention is paid to the reliability of the kitchen device opening mechanism, as it is under the greatest load.
Special non-slip suckers for the floor are also used to increase tank stability.
Wall-mounted tanks attached to roof rails are very popular, which allows saving a useful kitchen area.

There is also a special function of absorption of unpleasant odors, which is very valuable for very sensitive people.

Litter box

Such a device for storing garbage should have a tight-fitting lid. There are two types of trash storage boxes :

mounted on the wall of the cabinet (usually under the sink);
retractable (moving out with a special system on a special plastic tray when the door is opened).

Other systems for waste management and storage

The need for rational storage of garbage poses the task of kitchen designers to place storage tanks in the most efficient and effective way.

Systems for storing garbage are increasingly replacing traditional bins in favor of new, progressive types of containers. As a rule, such a system consists of several containers and can sort garbage into its various types.

Where to place
Under the sink

Placement under the sink of artificial stone is a classic version used for both standard buckets and metal containers.

The convenience of such an arrangement has been tested over the years, as it favorably uses the free space under the sink of different sizes .

Among the shortcomings can only be called the inconvenience of opening the locker for throwing garbage, compared with separately placed tanks.

On the cabinet door

Fastening on the door behind the wooden facades of the kitchen allows you to save kitchen space and effectively collect waste.

Stand alone tank

A beautifully designed tank, equipped with a pedal or touch-sensitive opening system, fits well into the overall interior of the kitchen. To throw garbage, you only need to press the pedal or even just walk up to it.

The disadvantage is that the tank occupies part of the kitchen's living space and is too visible.


Trash cans that are built right into the MDF worktop are very functional, you only need to remove the lid to dispose of the garbage . The disadvantages include the irrational use of the working surface.

Separate kitchen drawer

The use of such a box allows you to collect garbage in one place and does not require special efforts for pushing - this is done automatically.

The disadvantage is a fully closed container for garbage, eliminating ventilation, and the possible occurrence of unpleasant odors inside the kitchen.

How to sort garbage correctly

To efficiently organize garbage in your kitchen, stack organic garbage, glass and plastic parts, and hazardous substances, such as broken thermometers, and separate containers and packages.

The problem of sorting garbage and its subsequent disposal by type is a big problem in Russia because of the unwillingness of the population to sort garbage and the lack of separate garbage cans for different types of waste.


For efficient operation and longer life, it is necessary to properly care for the garbage can.

First, you need to regularly take out the garbage every day and in no case leave it at night to prevent unpleasant odors in the kitchen from stagnation and the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

At least once a week, you need to clean the tank, rinsing it with warm water with a cleaning agent, if we are talking about a regular container, or special napkins when it comes to chrome or plastic parts of the garbage storage system.

To eliminate unpleasant odors, it is necessary not only to regularly take out the garbage, but also to use special carbon filters that absorb unpleasant odors.


simplehuman code E Custom Fit Drawstring Trash Bags, 20 L / 5.3 Gallon, 1 Refill Pack (20 Count)

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Original with Febreze Freshness - 100 Count (Packaging May Vary)

How to organize a place to collect garbage in the kitchen?

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Original with Febreze Freshness - 100 Count (Packaging May Vary)

The internal filling of the kitchen is crucial for ergonomic space. Equipping modern storage systems ensures the clarity and coherence of all movements, thereby minimizing the time spent on cooking.

But with the cleaning is not always the case so smoothly! Perhaps everyone knows the situation when, holding the garbage in your hands, trying to open the door of the locker with the trash, while trying not to dirty anything? The outcome is always the same: rubbish overturned on the floor and a dirty kitchen facade.
Innovative solution for collecting kitchen waste

The best solution, combining convenience and comfort, will be to buy a kitchen to order, made on an individual project. Order the kitchen of any complexity, equipping it with modern functional fittings and mechanisms, you can in the online store "FurnitureOk". We use advanced technologies and the latest achievements of European manufacturers.

Servo-Drive for floor waste systems is an innovative development by Blum, which perfectly solves all the problems associated with the collection and storage of kitchen waste. The unique system provides automatic opening of the drawer door without the help of hands, by gently pressing the thigh, elbow, knee or any other part of the body. This mechanism is easy to use and reliable, like all products of this manufacturer.

Servo-Drive has many advantages:

provides quick access to the garbage bin without using hands;
garbage falls into the bucket;
facades remain clean;
possesses protection against accidental nomination.

This mechanism can be used to equip both floor and hanging boxes. Its installation is quick and easy, including for retrofitting an already used kitchen.
Separate waste sorting - everyone’s contribution to environmental improvement

Household waste is a global environmental problem of our time. Environmental experts from different countries offer many programs for comprehensive utilization. The feasible contribution of each individual family, avoiding environmental catastrophe, will be sorting garbage in the kitchen.

Separate waste collection containers

Separating systems for kitchen drawers provide for the availability of various containers for glass, plastic, paper and food waste.

Waste sorting complex

There are a variety of designs in size and number of containers, as well as the method of embedding. Containers can be stand-alone (stationary) or built-in kitchen cupboard.

Compact size and ergonomic forms of stationary models allow them to easily find a place in any kitchen.
Stationary trash bin
Stationary container with multiple compartments

The easiest and most common way of embedding is to fasten the container to the hinged door of the locker, the opening of which provides access to the trash can. It is very convenient to place the container for the collection of food waste directly under the sliding cutting board with a hole.

Garbage bin built into the facade Bucket under the sliding board with a notch

The container can be installed on a sliding grid, located vertically behind the cabinet door.

Tanks for garbage collection on sliding pallets

Multi-sectional structures with a swivel mechanism are distinguished by their high compactness.

Multisection systems

The most popular retractable systems, compactly located directly in the closet. High-quality mechanisms ensure a smooth and silent running.

Trash compartment with extension system

Proper organization of garbage collection, including sorting, is not only convenience and ergonomics of your home, but also concern for the ecology of the entire planet!

1A-------------------------------xx Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon White Trash Bag, Gain Original with Febreze Freshness - 100 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nature Made Magnesium 250 mg Softgels 90 Ct

Nature Made Magnesium 250 mg Softgels 90 Ct
Nature Made Magnesium 250 mg Softgels 90 Ct

Great post about Magnesium

Oddly enough, but magnesium (Mg) is one of the most scarce and difficult to digest elements for humans. Even with perfect nutrition. Why? First of all, because magnesium in the form in which it is contained in food is absorbed by a person extremely poorly - either special drinking water is needed, or artificial introduction of magnesium from the outside. Therefore, most people suffer from a pronounced deficiency of this element. What is the risk of magnesium deficiency?

- Magnesium eliminates excess lipids - both cholesterol and triglycerides.
- Magnesium is absolutely necessary for normal myocardial contraction.
- It is clearly established that magnesium deficiency is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease - coronary heart disease.
- Filling a magnesium deficiency can correct hypokalemia - potassium deficiency. Moreover, this replenishment is especially important for those who take medicines like diuretics or the so-called “proton pump inhibitors”, which deplete the reserves of both potassium and magnesium in the body.
- Magnesium reduces both ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias.
- Magnesium is an antagonist of calcium, and therefore reduces the sympathetic (due to an excess of catecholamines) component of CVD (cardiovascular diseases), and it does this naturally, without the terrible side effects caused by the so-called “calcium channel blockers”.
- Magnesium is a vasodilator for the coronary arteries, as well as for the peripheral systemic arteries.
- Magnesium lowers catecholamine secretion, i.e. the sympathetic component of vasoconstriction.
- Magnesium inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces platelet deposition and the formation of microthrombus.
- Magnesium reduces the synthesis and release of thromboxane A2 (a by-product of cyclooxygenase), as well as 12-NETE (a product of lipoxygenase), both of which are major risk factors for CVD.
- Magnesium increases prostacyclin synthesis, i.e. is an anti-inflammatory agent.
- Magnesium increases your high density lipoprotein levels (HDL).

Why is it not suitable that the mass order is sold to the public? Because in a relatively free sale, magnesium is found in the form of asparginate (bioavailability <20%), sulfate (bioavailability <25%), citrate (bioavailability <50%), and very rarely ascorbate, and this is all worthless. (with)

With a normal diet, we often get less than 300 mg of magnesium per day. And in order to be healthy, we sometimes need 600 mg or more per day of this microcell. (c) Too little and too rarely we eat foods containing magnesium, moreover, during industrial processing even foods rich in this mineral lose it.

* This is one of the reasons why * I do not eat grain that cannot grow, i.e. already processed thermally - like fried buckwheat - or mechanically. look at the table, how much magnesium goes overboard with bran when flour is made, for this reason I eat whole wheat, germinating it:

Magnesium is in full, unrefined grains, which means in cereals, flour from unrefined grains, etc. You can repeat once again that industrial cleaning of products deprives them of their valuable and necessary part.
In agriculture, we still use artificial fertilizers, in which there are too many potassium salts, and under these conditions, the plants absorb magnesium salts worse. In quickly boiled vegetables, for example, spinach, beet-leaf tops, kohlrabi, there is also a lot of magnesium, but if you boil them for a long time and in a large amount of water, the magnesium is washed out intensively.

Our body requires approximately half as much magnesium as calcium. If there is too much calcium in relation to magnesium, we feel a lack of magnesium. Conversely, if there is too much magnesium in relation to calcium, then a lack of calcium is felt. Calcium and magnesium not absorbed by the body are excreted in the urine. If the body needs more calcium, it is necessary to take calcium powder or tablets along with magnesium in a certain proportion, for example, dolomite tablets. Below is a table of magnesium content in food (s)

Calcium absorption is adversely affected by excess phosphorus and magnesium. In these cases, the formation of absorbable forms of calcium is limited, and the resulting unassimilated forms are eliminated from the body. Optimal calcium absorption occurs
when the ratio of Ca: P as 1: 1.5 and Ca: Mg as 1: 0.7. (with)

The physiological significance and biological role of magnesium is not well understood, but its role in transmitting nervous excitement and normalizing the excitability of the nervous system is well known. Magnesium has antispastic and vasodilating properties, as well as properties to stimulate intestinal motility and increase bile secretion. There is evidence of a decrease in cholesterol levels with a “magnesium” diet. With a lack of magnesium in the kidneys develop degenerative changes with nephrotic phenomena. (with)

The attentive reader will notice that the data in the tables above diverge significantly. Unfortunately, we do not know how the calculation was carried out in the Wlododar table - for the content of the pure element or its salts, for example, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). The data given in the work of Vlodaroj are 3–4 times higher than the corresponding data for Schigiel, but the magnesium content in buckwheat is almost 3 times lower.
Of course, determining the content of different substances in food is incredibly difficult, and you should always reckon with possible errors in the analyzes, if only because the determination methods are different and the products are also (different soil, different climate, different varieties, etc. P.). That is why many medical practitioners treat this kind of tabular data as indicative. (with)

Clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency in the body

Cardiovascular: angiospasm, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, tachycardia, arrhythmias, prolongation of the QT interval, tendency to thrombosis, development of atherosclerosis, pathological gestation (toxicosis and gestosis).

Neurological: chronic fatigue syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, loss of attention, depression, fear, anxiety, dizziness, migraine, sleep disorders, paresthesia, tetany.

Visceral (except cardiovascular): bronchospasm, laryngism, hyperkinetic diarrhea, spastic constipation, pylorospasm, nausea, vomiting, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, diffuse abdominal pain, the formation of kidney stones.

Muscle: skeletal muscle cramps. Also, magnesium deficiency adversely affects the course of pregnancy, provoking preterm labor and increasing uterine contractility.

To assess the content of magnesium in the body using various techniques:
- determination of the intracellular magnesium content in erythrocytes and mononuclear cells;
- study of the level of magnesium in the hair;
- determination of magnesium excretion with urine - load test;
- assessment of magnesium concentration in blood plasma, norm - 0.8–1.1 mmol / l. (with)

Mg ++ homeostasis is also very dependent on age - the elderly are prone to hypokalemia, and in young people the average daily need is 150 mg more - and the state of intestinal absorption: for example, magnesium levels are drastically reduced with malabsorption syndrome and diarrhea, which mainly occurs in the duodenum and proximal jejunum. Iron, calcium, phosphorus, oxalic acid, phytates and tannin, contained in strong tea, reduce the absorption of magnesium. Up to 30% of the magnesium produced from food is excreted through the kidneys. Magnesium excretion increases significantly with increasing levels of catecholamines and glucocorticosteroids. Under conditions of magnesium deficiency, its excretion through the kidneys is significantly reduced. Also significant loss of magnesium can occur with increased perspiration. (with)


COUNTRY LIFE Chelated Magnesium Tablet, 180 Tablets

COUNTRY LIFE Chelated Magnesium Tablet, 180 Tablets
COUNTRY LIFE Chelated Magnesium Tablet, 180 Tablets

Why do you need Magnesia?

Magnesium is a mineral that every cell in your body needs.
Magnesium is the mineral that every cell in your body needs. About half of the magnesium reserves in the cells of tissues and organs, the other half, along with calcium and phosphorus - in the bones. And only one percent of magnesium is found in the blood. Your body comes to work hard to maintain the optimal composition of blood for normal functioning.
Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. This mineral ensures the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, uniform heartbeat, bone strength. Magnesium is also involved in the process of energy metabolism and protein synthesis.

What food is rich in magnesium?
Green vegetables, such as spinach, are rich in magnesium because the chlorophyll molecule contains magnesium. Nuts, seeds and some whole grains are also a source of magnesium.
Although magnesium is present in many products, its share is relatively small. As well as nutrients, the daily requirement of magnesium is not enough in the food we eat. Eating a variety of foods, including taking five daily meals of fruits and vegetables and whole grains, will help provide your body with enough magnesium.
The magnesium content in refined foods is usually very low. Wheat whole grain bread contains two times more magnesium than white bread, since the rich in magnesium bran and ovary are removed during the processing of the flour. There are many dietary sources of magnesium.
Water is also a source of magnesium, but the amount of magnesium corresponds to the composition of water. Hard water contains more magnesium than soft water. It should be noted that when calculating the diet does not take into account the amount of magnesium present in the water, which can lead to an incorrect assessment of the total magnesium content in your body and its sources.

What is the recommended dietary magnesium content in the body?
The recommended dietary content (RDS) of magnesium is the average daily dietary level of magnesium in the body, which is necessary for 97-98% of individuals in each age and sex category. The table below shows the RDS 1999 for adults (in mg):

The results of two national studies conducted in the United States: a study of the health of the nation and nutrition (1988–91) and a study of human intakes (1994) show that the nutrition of most adult men and women does not contain the recommended amount of magnesium. Studies have also shown that adults 70 and above take less magnesium in their diet than younger people, and blacks consume less magnesium than white-skinned and Hispanic people.

When can magnesium deficiency occur?
Although studies show that many Americans do not consume the recommended amount of magnesium, magnesium deficiency is not so common in the United States in adults. When there is still a shortage of magnesium in the body, it is the result of excessive excretion of magnesium in the urine, problems with gastroenteritis, due to loss of magnesium, either due to a limited amount of magnesium intake, or due to a constantly low amount of magnesium intake.
Treatment with diuretics, antibiotics, and certain cancer drugs, such as Cisplatin, can increase the excretion of magnesium in the urine. A poorly controlled sugar disease also increases magnesium loss, which can lead to a depletion of magnesium reserves. Alcohol also leads to magnesium excretion, and excessive alcohol consumption inevitably leads to magnesium deficiency.
Problems with gastroenteritis, such as poor absorption, can cause magnesium depletion, preventing the body from taking magnesium from food. Chronic, excessive vomiting or diarrhea can also cause magnesium depletion.

Who may need additional intake of magnesium?
Healthy adults who eat a variety of foods usually do not need additional magnesium intake. Magnesium supplementation is usually prescribed if there are any health problems or when there are heavy loads that lead to excessive loss of magnesium or reduce magnesium absorption.

What health risks may be too high in magnesium?
Magnesium supplementation does not pose a health risk, however, overdosing of magnesium intake can cause a negative effect, such as diarrhea. Magnesium intoxication is most often associated with renal insufficiency, when the kidneys lose the ability to remove excess magnesium. Very large doses of laxatives can also lead to magnesium intoxication, even during normal kidney function. With age, the risk of intoxication with magnesium increases, as the proper functioning of the kidneys decreases with age, and the use of magnesium-containing laxatives and acid-neutralizing agents increases.
Signs of excess magnesium are similar to signs of its deficiency and include mental disorders, diarrhea, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat.
The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences has set a limit of 350 mg daily consumption of magnesium for adolescents and adults. Exceeding the limit can have an adverse effect on the body.


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Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Powerfully Chelated with Added Vitamin B6 for Rapid Absorption - for Calm, Sleep, Muscle, Bone Relaxation Revitalization & Recovery – Vegetarian Capsule, 100% Daily Value
Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Powerfully Chelated with Added Vitamin B6 for Rapid Absorption - for Calm, Sleep, Muscle, Bone Relaxation Revitalization & Recovery – Vegetarian Capsule, 100% Daily Value

Health Facts. Potassium and magnesium - without which our body cannot

The human body is so complex mechanism that each cell plays a role. We often talk about how to improve the functioning of internal organs, the importance of exercise or sleep, but very rarely we recall vitamins and minerals.

Such carelessness is very expensive, because one mineral usually corrects the work of many organs of our body.

For example, take 2 macronutrients: potassium and magnesium. This duet is especially loved by cardiologists. Numerous studies have proven potassium regulates the heart rhythm, relaxes blood vessels, and significantly helps normalize blood pressure.

It is often attributed to a pair of magnesium, because the latter also has the ability to reduce blood viscosity, and this significantly reduces the risk of thrombus formation.

Knowing that cardiovascular diseases take the greatest number of lives in the world, these properties would already be enough. But that's not all they can do.

Let's start with potassium. It is located absolutely in every cell of the human body and, together with sodium, controls the electrolyte balance. This means that the macro has the ability to carry tiny electrical discharges that, through nerve cells, cause our muscles to contract. The heart as well. Marriage of potassium is most often manifested in the general feeling of fatigue: muscles hurt, spasms bother, legs swell.

There is evidence that a lack of mineral can even provoke such serious diseases as insulin-dependent diabetes, osteoporosis and deposits of kidney stone.

The track record of magnesium is no less striking. It is simply indispensable for physically active people, because it is responsible for the growth and strength of muscles.

Secondly, half of the total magnesium is in the bones, so along with calcium, it is responsible for their strength. In addition, the mineral is attributed to people with increased aggressiveness and depressive states.

Magnesium can affect the hormones of happiness and sleep, and at the same time block the release of the stress hormone.

Experts have calculated: magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes that occur every second in our body. However, only a third of the population can boast a sufficient content of the macro element.

It should be remembered and the interdependence of two minerals. After all, potassium is absorbed by the body only with the proper amount of magnesium, so it is better to replenish these two macroelements simultaneously.
