Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Powerfully Chelated with Added Vitamin B6 for Rapid Absorption - for Calm, Sleep, Muscle, Bone Relaxation Revitalization & Recovery – Vegetarian Capsule, 100% Daily Value

Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Powerfully Chelated with Added Vitamin B6 for Rapid Absorption - for Calm, Sleep, Muscle, Bone Relaxation Revitalization & Recovery – Vegetarian Capsule, 100% Daily Value
Magnesium Glycinate Complex - Powerfully Chelated with Added Vitamin B6 for Rapid Absorption - for Calm, Sleep, Muscle, Bone Relaxation Revitalization & Recovery – Vegetarian Capsule, 100% Daily Value

Health Facts. Potassium and magnesium - without which our body cannot

The human body is so complex mechanism that each cell plays a role. We often talk about how to improve the functioning of internal organs, the importance of exercise or sleep, but very rarely we recall vitamins and minerals.

Such carelessness is very expensive, because one mineral usually corrects the work of many organs of our body.

For example, take 2 macronutrients: potassium and magnesium. This duet is especially loved by cardiologists. Numerous studies have proven potassium regulates the heart rhythm, relaxes blood vessels, and significantly helps normalize blood pressure.

It is often attributed to a pair of magnesium, because the latter also has the ability to reduce blood viscosity, and this significantly reduces the risk of thrombus formation.

Knowing that cardiovascular diseases take the greatest number of lives in the world, these properties would already be enough. But that's not all they can do.

Let's start with potassium. It is located absolutely in every cell of the human body and, together with sodium, controls the electrolyte balance. This means that the macro has the ability to carry tiny electrical discharges that, through nerve cells, cause our muscles to contract. The heart as well. Marriage of potassium is most often manifested in the general feeling of fatigue: muscles hurt, spasms bother, legs swell.

There is evidence that a lack of mineral can even provoke such serious diseases as insulin-dependent diabetes, osteoporosis and deposits of kidney stone.

The track record of magnesium is no less striking. It is simply indispensable for physically active people, because it is responsible for the growth and strength of muscles.

Secondly, half of the total magnesium is in the bones, so along with calcium, it is responsible for their strength. In addition, the mineral is attributed to people with increased aggressiveness and depressive states.

Magnesium can affect the hormones of happiness and sleep, and at the same time block the release of the stress hormone.

Experts have calculated: magnesium is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes that occur every second in our body. However, only a third of the population can boast a sufficient content of the macro element.

It should be remembered and the interdependence of two minerals. After all, potassium is absorbed by the body only with the proper amount of magnesium, so it is better to replenish these two macroelements simultaneously.
