Monday, August 5, 2019

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Do not say baby poop

ChoiceRefill Compatible with Diaper Genie Pails, 2-Pack, 540 Count

For new mothers, the baby poop is often an obsession. After breastfeeding and restlessness in newborn controls, one of the most frequently asked questions we pediatricians is about baby poop and its properties.


My baby …. Is it normal to do lots of poo?
Is my baby poop normal in green?
My baby doesn't poop all day, is it normal?

3 things to consider when evaluating baby poop

Baby age
Whether breast milk or formula
Whether additional food

Baby poop in early days

For the first few days after birth, your baby will have a black , tar-like excrement. Don't be afraid. The baby's black jet poop is called meconium. This black and sticky baby poop is quite thick. During pregnancy, the baby swallows amniotic fluid, dead cells and mucus. The color and consistency of the poop changes with nutrition. This first transition poop is brownish or greenish, amorphous and soft in consistency.
How often should my baby poop?

The number of baby poop is variable. Some babies poop once a week, while some babies can poop 4-5 times a day. Especially breast-fed infants tend to make stools more frequently than in infants.
What is the poo of the breastfed baby?

After meconium is lost, the baby poop will begin to change from brown-green to mustard or bright yellow. In infants who are breastfed during the newborn period, the poo consistency is quite liquid. Sandy grains and grains can be seen inside. A baby fed with breast milk poops 4-6 times a day on average. The number of stools usually decreases over time. Odorless. Vomiting, etc. If there are no complaints, weight gain is good and if you have a soft and flat belly
Baby poo fed with formula formula

Babies fed with formula formula tend to be thicker and browner than breastfed infants. It also has a stronger odor than breast-fed infants. Infants fed Formula are more likely to have constipation compared to breast-fed infants.
Baby poop in transition to additional food

During the transition to supplementary food, the consistency, color, shape and odor of the baby poo will change. Mothers often consult a doctor in panic because of changes in the color and consistency of their infants. You will see undigested food in your baby's poo, mostly in the first months when you start solid foods. This is normal and occurs less frequently over time. This is because your baby has difficulty digesting these new foods. And now the baby's smell of poop is much worse.

Newborn babies often poo after each feeding, and especially if you are breastfeeding, they have a very soft poo. In addition, if you are taking breast milk, what you eat will also affect your baby's poop. Of course, the poo will vary from time to time depending on what you eat.
Abnormal baby poop consistency

Diarrhea : Very watery and often and sometimes explosive defecation. Viruses are the most common cause of childhood diarrhea. Other than that, food intolerances and food allergies, some foods, excess carbohydrate-weighted nutrition, medications and parasites are among other causes of diarrhea. If your baby is less than 3 months old, cannot take fluids or cannot feed, if there are signs of thirst (collapse of binggildak or eyeballs, dry mouth, lack of tears while crying, low urine count, fever, frequent vomiting, bloody poop, etc.), I recommend that you consult your doctor.

Constipation - Constipation can be defined as a decrease in the number of stools, difficulty in removing stools and painful stools. If your baby's poo is like a ball or too hard, it means he has constipation. Only breast-fed infants are rarely constipated. If constipation is accompanied by blood in the stool, it may indicate anal fissure. If your baby is constipated, you should consult your doctor. In the same way, if you see blood in your baby's poo, consult your doctor.
What color should my baby poop?

I would like to say that all baby poop colors are normal, except black, red or white. Black or red can mean bleeding and should be investigated by your physician. White baby poop can indicate a liver disorder and you should consult your doctor immediately. Green baby poop can be caused only by the baby sucking on the front milk, viruses or food such as peas, spinach, and sometimes iron medications can also color the baby's poop in green.
Types of baby poop that require consultation with a doctor

White poop: Can be seen in liver and gallbladder diseases.
Bloody or black-colored poop: Bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.
If your baby does not resolve constipation, consult a doctor.
If you still have diarrhea, consult your doctor.
If meconium persists on the fourth-fifth postnatal day….

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Diarrhea in infants

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Pail Refill Rings, 2,176 Count

Diarrhea can be defined as an increase in the water content and frequency of feces. Increased bowel movements, decreased intestinal absorption with increased daily stool amount and more watery feces can be explained as deterioration.

Diarrhea occurs more easily and is more severe in newborn and infancy. This can be explained by the fact that children are not yet easily adaptable to nutritional changes, lack of tolerance to fluid loss, and immunity is not fully developed.

The frequency and causes of diarrhea vary according to the health conditions of the society. In our country, infections, diarrhea caused by microbes are more common. Diarrhea; frequent hand washing, attention to hygienic rules when preparing food, the use of clean water, the city infrastructure is working with proper work. It is very important that the hands are washed with plenty of soapy water before preparing the child's food, after leaving the toilet and changing the diaper of the child, just before feeding the child.

Another risk factor for diarrhea is unbalanced nutrition. Usually the first age of flour, starch and sugar-rich nutrition such as carbohydrate-fed infants tend to have a higher tendency to diarrhea.

Breastfeeding is the most effective and best protection that prevents diarrhea in infants. Breast milk increases the immunity of the baby, as well as supporting factors that protect the intestine.

Vomiting associated with diarrhea increases fluid loss from diarrhea. When there is a loss of fluid, it makes it impossible to replace it with oral fluids. Even small diarrhea and vomiting may cause severe fluid and electrolyte losses in young children.

Although everyone thinks that diarrhea is a summer disease, rotavirus-induced diarrhea is more common in winter.

Rotavirus is the most common microorganism that causes serious diarrhea in children all over the world. Until the age of 5, each child has at least one rotavirus infection. Rotavirus causes more severe diarrhea in children between 4 and 36 months. It is the cause of 50% of sudden diarrhea in children aged 0-2 years in developing countries.

Tests that detect antigens of rotavirus are frequently used in the diagnosis of rotavirus in stool samples. These tests have facilitated rapid and accurate diagnosis.

In case of diarrhea, when we learn that it is caused by rotavirus, we can tell the precautions to be taken to the families, the symptoms that may occur and give the exact information about the duration of the disease.

The agent is transmitted by mouth. The presence of microbe contaminated food as well as toys and other surfaces has shown that personal belongings are a mechanism of contamination. Domestic sprawl is frequent and can affect multiple individuals at home at the same time. In addition, contamination can be rapid in nurseries and nurseries.

The child starts to show symptoms 1-2 days after receiving the virus. The most common symptom is diarrhea. Feces are usually green, juicy and bloodless. There may also be vomiting and fever. Abdominal pain may accompany this condition. These symptoms may last for 1 week.

The most feared rotavirus infection is fluid and electrolyte loss. The degree of dehydration, body fluid and electrolyte loss determines how treatment should be. Diarrhea may occur 10 1020 times a day, as well as frequent vomiting. In such serious cases, it would be appropriate to hospitalize and start appropriate fluid treatment. Mild cases may be improved by oral fluid therapy at home. Fever reducers are also used for fever.

It's a hard-to-protect virus. It is easily transmitted and can cause illness many times. This means that once the child has diarrhea due to rotavirus, the child may experience rotavirus infection again. The only good thing here is that the immune system is a little more prepared. Other rotavirus infections after the first rotavirus infection may be a little milder.

Our hope now is in rotavirus vaccines, which are still underway. Although rotavirus vaccine was first introduced in 1998, vaccinations were terminated due to some health problems in the vaccine developed at that time. Good results are obtained from 2 different vaccines currently being studied. In the future, we hope to protect our children with vaccines before they become ill. Thanks to oral vaccinations, we will not see rotavirus-induced diarrhea so often in the future.

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Mighty Clean Baby Disposable Diaper Bags with Light Powder Scent, 200 count

Causes Constipation in Children and Babies

Mighty Clean Baby Disposable Diaper Bags with Light Powder Scent, 200 count

My baby has a solid poop. ”,“ My 2-year-old child can't poop. ”,“ My baby is officially locked and can't poop. Değil There are not a few mothers. If your puppy suffers from constipation, we have told you everything you need to know about constipation in children and babies.
Enemy of constipation in infants: breast milk

It is normal for babies who are breastfed to have a soft poo every 3-4 days. Because breast milk is the ideal food for babies, it is almost completely absorbed by the intestines. Constipation is therefore more common in infants and children fed with food.

"But my milk is scarce." say: Ways to Increase Breast Milk in 8 Steps
What are the symptoms of constipation in children and infants?

It makes round, grain and hard poop like the baby's goat droppings.
Defecation is sparse. But remember; rarity in defecation is not always a sign of constipation. To understand that your baby is constipated, it needs to be hard and grainy. Constipation in children is considered to go to the toilet less than 3 times a week.

Look at this, diagnose your baby from his poop: All 8 Things You Need to Know About Baby Poop

Stress may cause cracks in the anus of the child. It might even make bloody poop.
It causes stomach discomfort and abdominal pain.
The constipated baby is restless.
Contamination of the child's underwear is also a sign of constipation.

Causes constipation in infants and children?

The constipation problem of a 2-year-old child and the 3-month-old baby are the same reasons. In general, the main reason is due to errors in the nutrition program.

Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition (especially not to eat fiber foods),
Less work of the digestive system,
Introducing foods that may cause constipation to the baby during the transition to supplementary foods,
Various diseases,
The change of intestinal flora during teething period ( Everything you wonder about the teething period in infants in 11 questions! ),
Cow's milk allergy,
Calcium height,
Lack of potassium,
Deficiency of vitamin B12,
If the child is constipated and has a hard poo, it hurts, and even the cracks of the anus develop and hold the poo,
Use of iron medicines ( Iron Deficiency in Children and What You Need to Know About Use of Iron Medicines ),
Psychological reasons, such as the child's unwillingness to stop playing, holding his poo for fear of being hurt, the mother's harsh attitude during toilet training,
Constipation in the family is among the causes of constipation in children and infants.

What good is baby constipation?

So, what good is the problem of constipation in children, what should be done for treatment?

Occasional constipation can usually be alleviated by changes in nutrition.
When the baby is constipated, you can get him to lie on his back and have a bicycle flip motion.
The doctor may administer glycerin suppositories 1-2 times a day for 1 to 3 days.
Constipation is good for increasing fluid intake, consumption of vegetables and fruits (other than bananas), enriching the fat content of foods, and feeding the child with fibrous foods.
You can drink 25-50 ml of plum or apple juice to your baby with a bottle, cup or spoon.
You can add a teaspoon of bran flour into hard foods.
If the baby is not very small, you should not give more than three cups of milk per day during constipation.
"How does constipation in babies go?" The answer to the question is of course to change the nutrition. But in warm water for 10-15 minutes sitting bath is good for the child. Because the muscles around the breech relax and this makes it easier to go to the toilet.
Let us say the general rule of constipation treatment: Treatment should be applied twice as long as the duration of constipation. Therefore, it is very important to follow the nutrition program carefully.
If you change your diet, but do not resolve the problem of constipation, always consult a doctor and use medication according to your head.

There are also recipes: What Should Be on the Constipated Kid's List?

Babies gas problem is one of the situations that make mothers difficult. Watch the video and learn how to relax your baby:

What you need to know to protect your child from constipation

When the baby goes to supplementary food, the cereals you put in your meals are not flour; put it whole.
Make sure your baby gets enough fluids.
If the child is old enough to receive toilet training, it is necessary to accustom him to the potty.
In young children, 2 times a day to regulate bowel movements, usually time for toilet after meals should be reserved. But don't push your kid. Because pressure in toilet training, even if not, leads to the problem of constipation.

Toilet training is an important topic, and we explained in detail what you need to know: Step by Step Toilet Training in Children
Nutrition program for constipation in children between 6 months and 1 year

"Babies constipation, what good, give me the name of the food and eat them." Dr. Let's share some suggestions from Gülbin Gökçay's Child Health and Care book in the first 2 years of life:

Nutrition program good for constipation in children older than 1 year

In what circumstances should you consult a doctor?

If the baby is often constipated,
If you've ever joined a caravan of mothers with constipation when you've never had a problem like this before,
If you see blood in your child's poo, you should take the doctor's path immediately.

During the treatment, the doctor checks whether there is a crack in the breech area, the placement of the breech, and whether there is a lack of neural stimulation in the large intestine.

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2,3,4,5,6 months old baby poo how many times a day

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Breast-fed baby's stool is golden yellow. When it comes into contact with the air it turns green, it is not smelly, it smells of sour milk. The baby poops three to six times a day. In the early days, it pokes once in each breastfeeding, two or three times a day for three to six months, then once a day.

Delayed poop problem in infants

I write this article after our weekly festival. Kimilnaz's weekly poop festival.

My mother's two, my mother-in-law's two my one, a total of five children on the experience of raising us in the land of dummar situation consists of a summary. Kımılnaz, who is fed only breast milk, poops twice a week, if the stone is cracked. This baby, who pooped at least 6 times a day for the first two weeks after birth, immediately forgot the poop event after a 2-week medical check-up. In the special calendar hanging on the refrigerator, we follow the days that Kimilnaz pooped. At first, this situation has now accepted and panicked us to panic. Of course, this doesn't stop us from playing and ringing every week when Kimilnaz poops.

From this experience, I learned from doctors and nurses, other mothers and what I read on the Internet:

Some infants fed breast milk were found to have such infrequent pooing.
Doctors do not call this condition “constipation.. Constipation in the pediatrics literature is called hard-ball poop cases. If the pomegranate is a mustard in the form of watery toothpaste and in English there is a small sesame-like particles called edy seedy normal.
The infrequent pooing could be due to the fact that these babies (as I understand it) use breastmilk very efficiently or that their bowel is still developing.
Milk sucking, gaining weight, if there is something wrong with the water in this habit is not a sign of disease or discomfort.
Sparse pooing during this period has not already been a harbinger of future intestinal laziness.

Three months, yes, after three months, we could only accept it. In fact, when he wakes up in the early morning and comes to his mind when he falls asleep, I'm still not completely turning around to see if there's any other reason or solution to this. But at least I stopped calling the doctor and abusing the nurses.

Until I come to this stage of acceptance and leave everything to himself, Kimilnaz's bowels will work and poop:

1. On the advice of the nurse, we diluted a small amount (1 oz.) Of white grape juice each day in one-to-one ratio. (They advised us not to give prune juice - prune juice because it is too small)
2. I have been drinking fennel and chamomile tea all the time.
3. We rubbed her belly with special chamomile and lavender oils.
4. When we were very worried at first, we put glycerin suppositories twice. (About a quarter of the baby suppository) But our doctor suggested not to use continuous suppositories except in cases where we consider it essential.
5. Once we gave one teaspoon of olive oil.
6. We put olive oil on his butt. I wonder if the poop in his butt stiffened, he was plugging the tip of my olive oil with an armpit thermometer.
7. Not to mention the leg and stomach massages.
8. After breastfeeding every morning I held it in my lap as if sitting on the toilet and said, “Come on girl, Enggh. My daughter, let the poop come out, baby. Gaz

We looked at it when it comes to do so when it is still doing, we do everything I wrote above at the same time, even if it is delayed to do poo, poo does not like crazy as it accumulates in 5-day poo, then we agreed and Kımılnaz'ı decided not to beat more We gave. In this case, all the trial plans for the practice I mentioned in my alternative toilet habit to toilet training were shelved. Only one day before pooping and the amount of sleep on the day it will do decreases noticeably. We do whatever it takes to relax his throttle and thrust that day. If I understand that I'm pooping (catch) I'm going to bed, pants and extra pants on the bed, I'm plenty of diapers. I'm afraid he does it too.

My advice - as usual - if your baby has a similar condition, consult your doctor immediately. Because I read some files on the internet in very quick situations. I'm not going to thank anyone here. I want to give, even if it is difficult to accept this situation is very common. You may be battering your baby for nothing. If your doctor approves, let him be scattered.

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Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refill, 36 Bags

Green Stool and Gas

Munchkin Arm and Hammer Diaper Bag Refill, 36 Bags

Question: My son's feces turned green and he has gas. While we were waiting for the result of the stool sample, I fed it with soy-supported ready food. His excrement turned yellow. The test results were negative and I started breastfeeding again. His stool was green again. Am I making her stools green?

Answer: Green feces and gas are usually caused by an imbalance between the first milk and the next milk and are usually seen in infants. The first milk is low-fat milk that is at the beginning of the diet. The next milk is very fatty.

This problem usually occurs when the mother has lots of milk. It also occurs when the baby starts sucking one breast and then sucking one breast after a certain period of time. And the baby cannot absorb milk efficiently. This way, the baby gets more first milk and less later. This causes the baby's stomach pain, gas and green feces. More, the baby who first drinks milk should be breastfed more often. Because the baby is very intense but low-calorie milk is fed. At the same time, your baby's feces are green and painful may result from excessive sugar.

Low-fat foods (usually the first milk) are quickly digested. The baby soon gets hungry again. This stimulates the mother's milk production and causes the formation of excess milk.

To deal with this, allow your baby to release the breast when he is satisfied and hears and breastfeed at any time.

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What is Poop Types and Meanings in Infants

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Poop color guide: As the feces progress in the small intestine, various digestive juices in the intestine progress with bacteria or other chemical formations. Depending on the combination of these factors with feces, feces color and smell occur. The color of the baby's poo may change in relation to the foods it eats. Even if it absorbs its mother beyond the food, the color of the stool varies even depending on the foods the mother consumes. It should be noted that these differences will be normal. In addition, in some exceptional cases the stool color may change. Mothers should be careful about this. Your baby's faeces can tell you a lot. This may be a precursor to the disease. Let's start with the subject of our article from the very beginning of the first stool production following birth.

Babies do their first stool at day 1 or day 2 after birth. The color of the baby's first stool may cause anxiety in mothers. Don't be afraid everything is normal. The first stool after the birth of the baby is dark green or black and sticky. This continues for 5 to 10 days. After this process, it returns to normal over time. The baby's first feces, while in the mother's womb, is formed by the remainder during the formation of the intestine. So it is not a food pulp. Doctors call this baby's first faeces “ meconium ”.

The baby's breast is sucked by the mother, and it is yellow, creamy and loose. After opening the cloth, the poop can turn green because it comes into contact with oxygen. Infants who take breast milk poo less frequently than infants who eat milk. You don't have to worry, neden Why does my baby poop?. In infants fed with food, poop is lighter yellow and darker in consistency. On average, they can poop 2-3 times a day. Another feature of the poop is that it emits a bad smell. Depending on the stiffness of the diet, the color of the poo may vary from dark yellow to brown.

Doctors can ask you about the color of the poo during exams. In this respect, the changes in the baby's faeces are important. If your baby's poop color is dark green and slimy and unrest is added to it, it may mean that your baby is uncomfortable. When we think with the opposite logic, the color of the stool may change in unusual situations such as baby chills, flu, flu, diarrhea and fever. If you think your baby is sick, it is a good idea to go to a pediatrician. To give a few examples on this subject;

In case of diarrhea, it pokes green or dirty green more than 6 times a day. Tissue residues can be seen.
Light gray colored stools (such as calcified water) are most likely due to the absence of bile acids, in other words, indicating the presence of digestive system problems.
Fresh and bright blood in the poo may bleed in the baby's anus or nearby.

The foregoing are only examples. This is not necessarily the case. Please note that the color of your baby's poo may also vary in green, yellow and orange depending on what you eat. For example, if it eats greens, it is normal for dark stools, if it eats carrots, reddish if it eats carrots and black stools if it contains ferrous drugs. Or it is normal to change the color of the poo after the first feeding.

Baby Poop Types and Meanings

Chalk Color (White) Poop

Babies should not have white poo. This color indicates that the baby may be experiencing problems with the gallbladder or liver. Therefore, it is best to go to your doctor immediately.
Tar Black (Black) Poop

After the first three days, the baby's poo should not be tar black . This color poop is called melana and you should see your doctor.
Bright Green Foam Poop

It can be seen in infants who pass to the other breast before the end of the milk in one breast and therefore fed low-fat milk. But other than that, this color can cause a poop in the virus, so if the baby has other symptoms such as fever, weakness, etc., the first option is to see a doctor or a nutrition-based poo color.

Meconium and Black Poop

Your baby's first poo is called meconium . The color of meconium containing bilirubin is between dark green and black. Its consistency is solid and lightly sticky, just like the motor oil used in cars. The amniotic fluid that your baby grows in consists of mucus , dead skin cells. It is not very fragrant. Meconium observed in the diaper is completely normal. Within two to four days, the color of the baby begins to lighten according to the feeding type (breast milk or continuation milk). If your baby is older than 3-4 days, that is, if you have already thrown out meconium and started the normal baby poop I gave below in Articles 2 and 3 and the color of the poop turns dark green or black, consult your doctor urgently.
Breastfed Baby

Breastfed babies are light yellow (mustard) in color and liquid in consistency. Small yellowish particles can sometimes be seen in the poo. These are completely normal and indicate the fat of mother's milk which cannot be digested by the baby. Babies who only feed on breast milk do not smell bad, but have a slightly sour and sweet smell. If the baby's poop is bright green, the mother may be taking too much forearm.

Lactose-rich, low-calorie, low-fat milk forearm ( foremilk ) from the first moment breastfeeding
The milk that follows the forearm is high-fat and high in saturation.
Baby Feeding with Milk (Formula)

Infants fed with continuation milk (formula) are more rigid than infants fed with breast milk. Its color is slightly darker and its consistency is close to humus. The smell of infants who are fed with continuum milk is slightly closer to the smell of normal poop.
Solid Food

When babies move to solid food, the color and consistency of their poop becomes darker. The color slowly changes from greenish brown to brown. However, even if solid food is passed, the consistency of the baby is relatively fluid and viscous as compared to adult poop as long as the baby's feed consists of breast milk or continuum milk. As the variety of solid foods and the weight of the baby increases, the smell of poop approaches the smell of poop that we know and begins to harden.
Undigested Food

Sometimes you can see orange or green pieces in the baby poop. Then you should first think about what food you have given your baby for the last few meals. Especially in the early stages of the transition to solid food, the baby's digestive system is not ready for some foods. When these foods are not digested, they appear as non-digestible particles in the poo. In this case, it is better to postpone the food for a while and continue with the food it can digest. During the transition to solid food, it is necessary to introduce new foods to your baby one at a time and wait at least 1 week to see if the baby's body can tolerate it or not, and if there is an allergic reaction.

Only breast-fed infants have very little constipation. Constipation in infants is mostly seen in infants fed continuation milk or in solid foods. In addition, babies who are not allergic to certain substances in the composition of breastmilk and soy protein in continuation milk, who do not take enough fluids during the day, may be constipated. If your baby's poo is solid and ball-like, he's constipated. If you feed your baby with both breast milk and follow-up milk, you can concentrate only on breast milk for a while to resolve constipation. If constipation is caused by a solid food that has just begun, your baby's digestive system is not yet ready for it. You must postpone the purchase of that food. Consult your doctor if your baby makes 2-3 strokes in a row or cannot come out at all. Occasionally, babies who are constipated try to pull their poop out, but their butt is cracked, and a little bright / light blood may appear on the poop. If there is blood in the baby's poo, first check for a crack in the butt. If plenty of blood and / or dark blood comes with the poop, consult a physician.


Diarrhea may occur if your baby makes very watery poops with no particles in them, and if the poops are carried through the diapers. Diarrhea poops can be yellow, green or brown. Diarrhea can have many causes such as rotavirus, food allergy, cold, antibiotic use, food poisoning. In addition to diarrhea, there may be symptoms such as vomiting and fever. Especially if your baby's skin and lips are dry with diarrhea, sluggish, tears do not come out when you cry, your hands and feet are colorless, pee less than before, and if the pee color is dark, vomiting and fever lasts more than 24 hours, the stomach does not want to eat, and the doctor began to swell. . Continuous diarrhea is a condition that should be solved in infants. Therefore consult a doctor.
Green Poop

Infants receiving iron supplementation may have a dark green poop. In addition, foods such as spinach and pea puree can turn baby's poop green in newborns who are new to solid food. If you are not supplementing your baby with iron, if you haven't recently switched to solid green food, or if your baby has already passed the meconium period (the first few days of the newborn) and the poo is dark green or black, consult a doctor.
Mucus Poop

Mucus poop may be caused by excessive breast milk (excess milk intake), excess baby drooling and swallowing, or different food allergies. If the mucus poop lasts more than 2 days, you should consult your doctor.
Bloody Poop

Sometimes the inability to digest foods like tomatoes can create red-like redness in the poop and stir up families. Therefore, first make sure that the red substance is blood. Blood in the diaper is usually seen when:

Normal infant poop, which contains small amounts of blood, usually refers to excess breast milk or milk protein allergy.
Blood in the diaper may be due to a crack in the baby's butt hole if there is a trace amount of cancer that comes with constipation.
Diarrhea can be a bacterial infection if there is blood with the poop.

However, a large amount and especially dark blood is a condition that should be consulted with a doctor . May be caused by serious disorders of the digestive system.
White Poop

White baby poop White poop can be caused by liver and gallbladder problems. Your baby's poo gets its brown color from the bile produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder . During digestion, this fluid is secreted into the small intestines and helps digestion. If your baby's liver does not produce edema or if it cannot reach the small intestine due to a blockage, the baby's poo will be white. In case of white poop, consult doctor immediately.
Poop Problems You Need to Consult a Doctor

If your baby is not a newborn (if the first 3-4 days have passed), does not take iron supplements, but still has a dark green or black poo
If abundant and / or dark blood comes with the poo
If your baby is pooping in white
If your baby does not have diarrhea
If your baby does not resolve constipation, consult a doctor.

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What are the problems you will encounter in diarrhea baby?

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Soft stools: I wonder if diarrhea?

Newborn babies often make soft stools frequently in the first few months. This is normal, you should be happy. Frequent defecation of your baby is a sign of good nutrition. Not every baby can have the same number of faeces, and your baby may have differences from day to day. If your baby is very juicy (such as water) faeces, stools, stinky or slimy substances in the diarrhea may be. The most important thing to do in a baby with diarrhea is to take enough fluids. Do not give any medication without consulting your doctor. If your baby is breastfed, continue breastfeeding. If the diarrhea lasts more than 36 hours, if you see blood in the stool, if the temperature is more than 38 degrees, if you can not feed enough, dry mouth and less urine consult your doctor.

What to do when the baby is constipated?

Constipation can be defined as decreasing the number of stools and making difficult stools. There may also be abdominal pain, and after the baby feces it passes. If you think your baby is constipated and difficult to make stools, first take an ear cleaning stick and lightly lubricate the cotton portion, then place it in your baby's breech, gently move it to the left and then remove it. Another method is to hold both legs of your baby lying on your back with your hands and move in a pedaling style and massage your belly. If your baby cannot feces, consult your doctor.

How do I prevent rash development?

Rashes are a type of skin disease that is caused by skin irritation, especially in the diaper area of ​​your baby. It is often caused by irritant substances that contact the area. Skin rashes, swelling, itching, sometimes scabbing and peeling may occur in the rash areas. To prevent rashes, your baby's diaper should be changed as soon as it gets wet, regular skin cleansing, skin dry after bathing and nourishing creams applied. If the diaper rash has developed, first change your baby's diaper carefully and allow it to dry outdoors for a while without closing the diaper. Then use diaper rash creams. It may be enough to use warm water for bathing, no soap, and plenty of baby clothes. If the diaper rashes your baby with extreme discomfort or doesn't go away, it is helpful to see your doctor. Rashes exceeding three days increase the possibility of yeast infection. If swelling, redness gradually increases, or if it is hot or if your baby looks sick, it is useful to consult your doctor immediately.

Are skin lesions a symptom of the disease?

Many newborn babies may have rashes, redness and other skin problems. Most of these will go away spontaneously in a few weeks and your baby will have smooth skin. Until then, you can simply bathe your baby properly. Rinse your baby with clear warm water instead of washing it with soap every time. Frequent use of soap and shampoo can cause skin reactions, dryness and dermatitis. It is not right to rub or wipe the problem areas with soap or alcohol, or try to squeeze pimples. If the redness is increasing or growing, you should consult your doctor.

Also in the first months of the baby's sweat glands are not developed enough, excessive sweating as a result of your baby's skin called rash, small, pimples-like redness may be seen. To prevent your baby's rash, you should take frequent baths, don't over-dress, don't increase the room temperature too much, and wear clothes made of hard fabrics.

How should I clean the nose?

Babies can only breathe through their noses. For this reason, it is important that the noses are not clogged and breathe easily, especially when sucking. For nasal cleansing, first use saline (ocean water) drops and remove the internal deposition with the nasal aspirator. You have a mansion, how do I treat it?

Yellow-brown oily flakes that appear on your baby's scalp are called hosts. The host is seen in many infants, there is no harm to the baby, but the appearance is poor. In cases where the skull is sweating, the hosts increase. Similar flaking can be seen on the face and neck. If the host develops, soak your baby's head with warm water. Then apply some almond oil, wait 10-15 minutes and wash your baby's head with shampoo, dry with a dry towel. Do not force to remove hardened areas. Special host shampoos can be used to destroy hard hosts. If this does not go away, if the inflammation begins to come under the host, or if the host starts to blush, you should take your baby to the doctor.

White spots on his mouth, what should I do?

White spots on your baby's mouth and tongue are called thrush. Thrush is a kind of fungus. It is not a serious disease, it can be found on the tongue, gums, cheeks, palate or lips, it looks like milk residue or cheese. These plaques do not cause pain. If you have pain, itching and dryness in your chest and if you are breastfeeding your baby, your breasts may have fungus. In this case, talk to your doctor and get treatment. If you are feeding your baby with a bottle, sterilize the bottles and pacifiers by boiling them thoroughly. Consult your doctor as this may require medication.

My baby would turn yellow, what should I do?

2-5 days after your baby is born, it may yellow the eyes first and then the skin. This jaundice, which occurs in the majority of newborn infants, is called “physiological jaundice” or “normal baby jaundice genellikle and usually passes spontaneously in the first week without any side effects. However, in some cases, the level of jaundice can be much higher than normal baby jaundice. If you see your baby's color yellow, you should contact your nearest health care provider. Maternal and infant blood groups and blood bilirubin levels should be determined in jaundiced infants. If your blood level is above a certain level, your baby should receive light therapy. Light therapy further increases jaundice and reduces the risk of future blood exchange.

My baby cries a lot, I wonder if he could be sick?

Babies are very impatient, and because they depend on everything else to live, they want their wishes to be fulfilled immediately. She may be hungry, sleepy, or dirty. Sometimes babies cry without any apparent reason. If your baby suddenly gets violently cranky, starts crying and cannot be silenced for hours, there is probably gas pains. Gas pains occur in 15-30% of infants. It usually starts after the 2nd week and can last until 3-4 months. It is more frequent at night and the baby's crying is different from normal crying, your baby pulls his legs towards his belly, clenches his fists and his movements increase. Intestinal movements become more frequent and produce gas. As it starts, it can end suddenly, rarely up to 24 hours.

When should I consult a doctor?

First of all, what you need to do is to make your baby as comfortable as possible and to avoid distractions. If your baby is hungry, feed him and make sure he gets enough. Replace if contaminated. If it is cold, put something on it. Change clothing if sweaty. If crying after feeding, remove gas. If you don't have any problem with this, hold him on your lap, sit comfortably and hold firmly. Talk to him calmly, lullaby or sing. It may be useful to have a massage, walk around by car, carry it around on lap, take a bath, turn on the sound of a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. If your baby cries for a longer period of time, crying, coughing, fever, diarrhea, constipation, rash, or whatever you do, you should consult your doctor.

Is there something wrong with my baby?

As a new mother, you may not have a complete idea of ​​what is normal or abnormal in your baby. You may not know when to seek medical advice. It is useful to consult your doctor if you experience any of the following conditions:

• If your baby has difficulty breathing, ribs collapse inwards or lips look purple,

• Vomiting vomiting after each feeding or if the vomit is brown or green,

• If the temperature is more than 38 degrees,

• If the body is yellow,

• It looks strange to you, or is extremely sluggish, drowsy, pale, or wakes up too quickly and cannot be silenced,

• If you see anything that worries you, it is helpful to consult your doctor. No matter how ridiculous the question comes to mind, do not hesitate to ask. Doctors are used to these questions.

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Baby Bottom Cleaning

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Baby Bottom Cleaning

Prepare the materials you will use during all the bottom cleaning so that one hand is close enough to reach the other hand without pulling one hand over the baby.

Place your baby in a place that is not too hot and does not receive airflow and will not fall.

Remove the ratchet straps on the side of the diaper, grasp the two feet of the baby with your left hand, but with the right hand, slide the baby's bottom diaper downwards from the top, and fold it under the baby's butt, Most of the solid faeces will come to the cloth, and while you clean the butt, the old rag will prevent some contamination ...

Most babies, especially male babies, tend to pee with the coolness they feel when the diaper is opened, so you can either loosen the diaper and wait for a while to make the old diaper, or you can put a napkin you will keep in your vicinity, against possible wetting.

Always do the cleaning from front to back, that is, from the top down when the baby is lying, from the abdominal level to the butt, especially for the urinary tract health of girls. For male infants, first clean the area around the anus, then gently lift the bottom of the penis and around the balls, then remove the pipette from the top down.

You can benefit from wet cut wipes suitable for babies 'sensitive skin or ready-cut gauzes, which are used in mothers' nipples, sold in pharmacies, soaked in boiled and cooled water if there is diaper rash. If the diaper rash has reached serious dimensions, please consult with your doctor.

After cleaning the butt between the legs and between the folds formed in the legs with another wipe / cloth gently clean. After doing this cleaning under the baby can take the old cloth and place a new dry cloth.

When you choose a diaper, choose the diapers that are suitable for the weight of the baby rather than the month and where the legs can move freely.

If the ambient temperature and time is available, after cleaning the baby's diaper and keeping it open for a minute before closing the diaper, your baby will like it and you can be sure that the diaper is completely dry.

When closing the diaper, directing the baby's pipette downwards may prevent wetness that may reach the navel level.

Do not squeeze the waist of the diaper too much, but not too loose, for example, if your two fingers can easily enter the baby's diaper between the belly, this tightness is sufficient.

Baby bath

Your baby needs to bathe every day, especially in the newborn period, for its cleanliness and comfort. Water and delicate soap - shampoo is important for the baby's body cleansing: water is both an important moisturizer and an effective cleansing tool for the skin and a relaxing environment for the baby.

If little babies are not cleaned because they sweat from their head regions, hard-white flakes may be seen in the head regions. If the host is formed, apply some pure almond oil at the beginning of your baby in the evening, while the mansions will be softened during the night sleep, the mansions will be cleaned.

It doesn't matter whether it's bath time in the morning or in the evening, so it's enough for both of you to be comfortable. But a baby with a full belly can enjoy more than a bath.

Prepare the baby's bath in a place that is not too hot (22-23 degrees is sufficient) and does not take air flow. To control the water by hand can be misleading, the elbow area is more sensitive to heat. Keep the water and bath bowl near you when you shampoo and soap the baby, and adjust the temperature. The baby's netting in the bathtub will relax you a little bit during the bath.
Make sure your bath supplies are at your fingertips, baby soap , shampoo that doesn't burn eyes , baby oil is one of the must-have; never leave the baby alone - even in the bathtub - during a bath.
Also prepare clean clothes and diapers before bathing.

Remember that the whole bath time should take five minutes to keep the baby from getting cold, but don't panic to wash quickly. Your baby will also feel uneasy. However, the bath: the baby is loosened and you can massage him comfortably in the water.
Peel off your baby and remove any solid feces and creams if the bottom is contaminated.
Extend one hand behind your neck to the other shoulder, hold your butt by passing your other hand between your legs, embrace your feet first in the water, embrace your feet first, the baby may start to start, you talk calmly to your baby, baby nets, especially for the first time, baby bath It will be quite helpful for washers.

If you don't think you've mastered washing your baby, don't fill the bathtub with too much water, so you can grasp the baby more comfortably. The baby may look wet, slippery and tiny, but not as fragile as you fear, hold the baby safely without squeezing it.
Rinse the baby's face with clean water, soak his head.
Take a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand, hair and body shampoo to use products together will make your job easier. turn and foam his back, again lay flat and wash the legs between the butt and then wash the feet. Do not forget to wash the curves of the legs and between the toes. For the first three months baby skin is sensitive, you should not use fibers, you can use soft fibers and natural sponges to wash the body as the baby grows.

When washing the legs between male babies, pull the foreskin back slightly and let some water enter into it and clean it with water; thus, creams or urine residues cannot remain between the foreskin and cause infection. Rinse the baby with clean water and hold one hand from the back of the neck to the back while the other hand grips the butt from the water and wrap it in the towel. When you remove the first towel from the water, wrap it immediately, when you get the first wetness of the folds and head to dry to remove the first towel to dry, then wrap your baby in the second towel and dry the folds in the body. The baby may move restlessly or even cry during the whole bath, but most babies get used to the pleasure of taking a bath in a calm environment, after all they lived in the water before they were born; enjoy bath time by talking to your baby during the whole bath and playing games when you grow a little.
If the umbilical cord has not yet fallen, care as indicated by the nurse, the umbilical will dry out in a short time
In the newborn period, your baby needs pure moisturizers to balance skin moisture after bathing: use baby oil, apply baby oils with a light massage to the whole body of your baby after bathing, put on your body or diaper and put on your diaper and cloth.

Never insert a cotton swab into your ears, as an external cleaning is sufficient for the baby's ear without pressing it gently with a gauze moistened with saline.
Never insert a cotton swab into your nose, nor fold a gauze triangle and leave a residue that prevents the baby from breathing through the nose or using special nose cleaning apparatus.
To clean the eyes, wipe under the eyes from the inner to outer edge of the eye with saline soaked with saline, use separate gauze for each eye.

If you want to comb your hair, use special combs to protect the tip.
From the second week onwards, the baby's nails begin to grow, you can use small combed gloves to prevent them from scratching your face. Try to cut her nails without shaking her too much while she is sleeping, you will succeed this time ...)

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Diarrhea in children

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Although diarrhea is often a common and rarely serious finding, it is important to know in which situations intervention is required. Because, if not treated properly, it may cause fluid loss and disrupt the balance of water and salt in your child's body.

How should my child's normal stool be?

The frequency and consistency of normal stool varies according to the age of your child. It is normal for young babies to have stool with soft-consistency 3-10 times a day (babies who breastfeed may defecate more often than those fed with formula). In the first 3 months, some babies have 2 or more feces a day, while others have soft stools once a week. By the age of two, most children have soft but firm stools at least once a day. In older children, the intestinal habit may be different for each child; some may go to the toilet after each meal, while others go to the toilet every other day. The consistency and color of the stool also varies with age. In particular, the feces of small babies who take breast milk may be yellow, green or brown, and may contain particles.

How do I know if my child has diarrhea?

Diarrhea is defined as defecation of your child, either slurry or watery, or more frequent defecation than usual. It is defined as the frequency of normal defecation in infants doubling, and in older children three or more watery defecations. Although the stool consistency and color of all children are related to nutrition, attention should be paid to watery and slimy stools, and a doctor should be consulted for blood or black-tar stools.

Causes of Diarrhea

• Viruses; It is the most common cause of diarrhea in children. It is mostly seen in winter, causing watery diarrhea, vomiting, mild fever, headache, abdominal cramps, muscle pains and loss of appetite. Diarrhea caused by bacteria is often difficult to distinguish from diarrhea due to viruses, but fever is usually higher, diarrhea may be bloody or slimy. Diarrhea caused by bacteria and parasites is usually seen in areas where drinking water is not clean and sewage cannot be drained properly. The disease may develop by consuming food or beverages contaminated by the causative germ or by bringing hands that have come into contact with the germ to the mouth.

• Antibiotics; Antibiotic diarrhea is usually mild and does not require antibiotics to be discontinued. However, it is necessary to consult a physician in cases that do not improve after the end of the antibiotic, which is severe or leads to bloody diarrhea.

Most diarrhea resolves within 3-7 days. Fifteen days of diarrhea, infections, digestive disorders, genetic diseases, food allergies can be caused by different causes and may require different treatment. Therefore, diarrhea lasting more than ten days should consult a doctor.


Diarrhea can cause fluid loss in the body. Fluid loss is more common in infants and young children. Slight fluid loss, thirst, mild dry mouth, moderate fluid loss in the amount of urine (not to urinate within six hours), the tear when he cries, no-tear, dry mouth and eyes collapse, severe fluid loss, drowsiness, acceleration in the pulse and non-urination.

How should diarrhea children feed?

Children without fluid loss and who can be fed orally should continue to eat normally. It can consume rice, wheat, potatoes, bread, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Infants who are breastfed need to be breastfed frequently. Adequate water and liquid food should be given. Fatty foods, fruit juices, multi-sugar drinks are not recommended because they can increase diarrhea. Medication for diarrhea is usually not necessary and should not be used unless advised by your doctor. In children with moderate to severe fluid loss, you can give oral fluids containing sugar and minerals as directed by your doctor. These sugar and mineral (salt) mixtures are available in ready packages and mixed with the recommended amount of water and drunk within a certain time. Children who cannot be fed orally may need intravenous fluid therapy.

When to consult a doctor?

• Bloody diarrhea

• If she is under 1 year of age and has not eaten or drunk anything within a few hours

• If you have severe abdominal pain

• Very sluggish, continuous drowsiness or mood change

• Signs of fluid loss: dry mouth, no tears when crying or urinating for 4-6 hours in infants and 6-8 hours in older children

• High fever

• If diarrhea lasted longer than 10 days, you should consult your doctor

How to prevent diarrhea?

• Wash hands frequently and appropriately (using soap for 30 seconds).

must be washed, including nails, fingers and wrists)

• Change the diaper carefully and then wash hands.

• Water that is not sure of its cleanliness or whose source is unknown should not be consumed.

• Raw foods should be washed carefully.

• If the child does not go to school until he has recovered from diarrhea,

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What if he makes his baby poop?

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Pregnant women and their families receive a flurry especially when the pregnancy reaches the expected date of birth:
What if the baby poop, swallow?

To explain this topic, you first need to explain a few things
Baby's poo is called MECONIUM. Usually the baby after the day of birth is a dark green sticky poo. 70-80% of meconium water, the rest of their bowel epithelial cells, lanugo hairs, etc. forms. The water that the baby swims in (ie AMNION MAYI) consists of the baby's urine at the highest rate. Even if it is completely empty, it will completely reappear in a few hours. With this fluid, the baby finds an area to move, is protected from external influences and keeps the lungs and stomach open, by drinking and swallowing water.
The reduction of amniotic fluid is called OLIGOHYDRAMNI. For example, as the result of the mother's dehydration, the blood supply to the uterus decreases and amniotic fluid may decrease. It's simple enough to quench your mother's thirst.
BABY SHOULD be said to the public that the baby, the baby does not go to the state as much oxygen. Its medical name is HYPOXY. A baby who is in danger of staying hypoxic directs the incoming blood to vital organs. Because the less oxygen, the brain and heart want to use. It doesn't move as much as possible so the muscles don't waste oxygen. As a result, the blood supply to the kidneys decreases and the amount of urine it produces decreases. This doesn't improve with what your mother does.
Babies perform respiratory movements in the womb and breathe the amniotic fluid into their lungs as they breathe. These movements are reduced with the effect of prostaglandins when birth starts, but continue to be a little. In general, breathing reflex should be activated as a result of the baby's lack of oxygen in order for the baby to breathe during delivery. Babies do not stop or suddenly lack oxygen. Generally, the decrease in movement before, deterioration in NST, etc. findings are given.
The baby may suffer for many reasons and every gestational week. The normal gestation period is 38-42 weeks. On average, a pregnancy lasts from 9 months to 10 days. The day you are 40 + 0 is not the last day that the baby can stay inside, nor is it the last date to be born. How we call birth before 37 weeks premature birth and the baby is likely to experience some troubles, a 42-week-old baby is no longer talking about the risk of MİYAD and increase the likelihood of some problems. However, what is mentioned is “possibility.. As long as everything else is fine, just because the calendar shows a certain date, the baby does not easily get in trouble. Nevertheless, we check the baby frequently after 40 weeks, so that if there is a problem that has started to occur, we will notice it in time.
If the baby's amniotic fluid is transmitted by meconium, the baby becomes green. MECHONIUM MAYII may vary from water to light greenishness until the incoming water is completely similar to lentil soup. The water of one of the 5 babies born is light or dark green with meconium contamination.

We don't know exactly why the baby emptied his bowel before he was born. To explain this, it has been argued that theoretically there may be 3 reasons:
(It should be noted that all of this is theory and cannot be proved in animal experiments.)
1. The digestive system has matured and has started to work. This is the most common cause. 20% of out-of-term babies and 40% of out-of-term babies poop in the womb
2. During birth waves, the baby head is pushed towards the birth path. Pressure on the head of the baby creates some effects on the baby with vagal stimulation. For example, in some babies, this reflex will slow down the heartbeat during birth waves. This is expected and is considered normal unless there are long-term and serious reductions. The same reflex causes the baby's intestines to move (peristalsis). This is a physiological event. Doesn't mean the baby's in trouble. Since the highest pressure is on the baby's head, most of the time, the baby has a freshly made poo on the butt as soon as the baby is born.
3. The baby's lack of oxygen (fetal hypoxia) may theoretically cause the baby to poop by loosening the anal sphincter and increasing bowel movements. Fetal distress does not always occur with meconium, and not every meconium also means infant distress.

According to another theory, the baby constantly poops in the annex. However, because the amniotic fluid is constantly renewed, it becomes invisible soon. When the baby is in trouble, the reason for the water being meconium is that according to this theory, the water circulation decreases when the baby is in trouble. (As I mentioned above, oligohydramni occurs in distressed baby)

Most babies born distressed do not have meconium in their water
Most babies born with meconium are not in trouble.
That is not to say “MECONIUM equals BABY SHOULD”.
If there is a meconium in the baby which is thought to be in distress, this will strengthen the suspicion.

MECONIUM ASPIRATION SYNDROME may occur as a result of meconium going to the lungs in 2-5% of babies with meconium water, except that the baby is a marker of distress. In this case, consistency is more important than the presence of meconium. While a light green water can be easily removed from the lung, a viscous and sticky substance can cause obstructions in the airways. With meconium aspiration syndrome, the baby may have respiratory problems and infections, 3-5% of the baby will therefore die.

The possibility of amniotic fluid of the baby being meconium is 20%, ie 1 in 5 births.
5 babies will have meconium aspiration syndrome in 100 meconium births.
Five of 100 babies with meconium aspiration syndrome will die.

In other words, if the baby is pooped, the probability of loss is 0.06% or 1 in 1667 meconium births.
In addition, meconium is not the only cause of death due to additional problems such as prematurity and hypoxia in most of the babies who have problems with meconium aspiration.

“If the baby poops, swallows and dies”
We hear this sentence from most pregnant women. Pregnant women who have reached the expected date of birth (ie, have completed 40 weeks) cause serious anxiety by their families. It's like 39 + 6 when everything is normal, 40 + 1 baby poop will die and become! When I give a little explanation, I immediately ask the doctor: NO? If not, of course, let's wait!

Yeah, he could die by swallowing his poop before the baby's born. But the likelihood of this happening is one in 5000-6000 births. Nobody can guarantee you it won't happen. Now, if this possibility happens to you, don't you call the doctor, “Why didn't you intervene in time?” Even if it happens in 5000, it is the pregnant woman and her family who should take this risk. The pregnant who does not accept this possibility accepts the risks of starting birth artificially or having cesarean section under the name of guarantee, but she is not aware of it. If the decision is left to the doctor without responsibility, the doctor is obliged to act defensively. In other words, such unwarranted fears cause unnecessary inductions and cesarean sections.

Risks at birth are never zero. Even at the most trouble-free delivery, anything can happen at any moment. But this should not be a reason for us to approach birth with exaggerated fears. At least we can say that birth is as risky as life. On the one hand, it is time to consciously take precautions against these risks, while on the other hand it is time to get rid of unnecessary fears.

And as the moment of birth approaches, it's time to share the responsibilities of families with health professionals.

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Changing your baby's diaper, how your baby's butt

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Cleaning your baby's diaper area

You should change your baby's diaper 7-8 times a day. Very delicate skin can easily become sensitive due to excessive moisture, urine, feces and rubbing. Therefore, each change requires attention. Use useful tips to protect your child's delicate skin in the diaper area!

Prepare what you will need in advance: diapers, cotton, cleaning products, diaper rash conditioner, etc. Prepare everything you will need.
Preferably, shortly after eating, always change diapers whenever your child's diaper area becomes dirty. Newborns require more frequent replacement, producing more urine and feces than older children.
Choose the appropriate diaper size for your child: small diaper irritates, large diaper causes leakage.
When changing the diaper, place your baby on a clean towel and bottom changing cover. open the diaper, wipe the front of the diaper, butt, fold and discard.
Wipe the area of ​​the cloth with a cleaning liquid or wet cleaning wipe that does not require rinsing, taking care of the curves as well. If you prefer, you can also clean it with water with the help of body shampoo.
Butt cleaning should be done from top to bottom: no feces on the front. For a little girl, first wipe the vulva (outer lips and middle) and then the butt. For the boy, first wipe the genitals and the surrounding area, then wipe the butt.
Wipe the folds thoroughly, dry them or leave them exposed.
Open the clean diaper and put your baby in the middle , with the handles facing the baby's belly button . Check that the genitalia is downward for the boy, then close the gland.
Don't expect your baby's butt to turn red: use diaper rash cream as a precaution for every bottom change.
When the butt turns red , leave the baby's butt open and use the appropriate care product.
Finally, do not move away from the table during the changing time, as your baby may fall at any time!

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